Raid Shadow Legends Tier List | Champion Ranking

Raid Shadow Legends Champion Tier List uses a ranking system to categorized champions based on their usefulness. The champions are grouped in 5 Rarities (Legendary, Epic, Rare, Uncommon, and Common) and sub-categorized based on ranking aka tier list. The Raid Shadow Legends champion tier list is sorted in alphabetical order to ease searching by champion name.

How to use this tier list?

There are 5 rankings shown in this tier list (S, A, B, C, and F) and each champion is grouped in a specific ranking based on their overall performance in the game! The highest tier (S Rank) indicates that they are useful in many areas whereas the lowest tier (F Rank) means they have a very niche use case, useable in very few parts of the game. This tier list is not to deter players from not experimenting with the champions who ended up in the low ranking. However, it acts as a quick guide to identify champions that are worth your time to invest resources in leveling them! Always check out the champion links to learn more about them as they might be helpful to you in the areas you are struggling with!


It’s not possible to create the perfect ranking list since each champion can be useful in a certain situation, with the right team composition and excellent equipment set with godly stats. The champions in this tier list are ranked by comparing the champions of the same rarity based on their utility. In addition, they are tiered according to how they synergize with other champions in terms of buffing allies and debuffing enemies so everyone can win the battle more efficiently. It also takes into consideration how well they performed in multiple scenarios such as Arena Offense, Arena Defense, Faction Wars, Campaign, Clan Boss, and Dungeons (Spider’s Den, Fire Knight, Ice Golem, Minotaur).

Abbreviations (Faction-Rarity-Role-Affinity)
Example: BL-LAF refers to Banner Lord, Legendary, Attack, Force Champion


BL : Banner Lords
HE : High Elves
SO : The Sacred Order
BA : Barbarians
OT : Ogryn Tribes
LZ : Lizardmen
SW : Skinwalkers
OR : Orcs
DS : Demonspawn
UH : Undead Hordes
DE : Dark Elves
KR : Knight Revenant
DW : Dwarves
SK : Shadowkin
SY : Sylvan Watchers


M : Mythical
L : Legendary
E : Epic
R : Rare
U : Uncommon
C : Common


A : Attack
D : Defense
H : HP
S : Support


F : Force
M : Magic
S : Spirit
V : Void

Champion Tier List by Usability

Champion by Rarity: Legendary | Epic | Rare | Uncommon | Common

Mythical Champion Ranking (20)

S Rank | Mythical Champion

A Rank | Mythical Champion

B Rank | Mythical Champion

C Rank | Mythical Champion

F Rank | Mythical Champion

Legendary Champion Ranking (280)

S Rank | Legendary Champion

A Rank | Legendary Champion

B Rank | Legendary Champion

C Rank | Legendary Champion

F Rank | Legendary Champion

Epic Champion Ranking (278)

S Rank | Epic Champion

A Rank | Epic Champion

B Rank | Epic Champion

C Rank | Epic Champion

F Rank | Epic Champion

Rare Champion Ranking (218)

S Rank | Rare Champion

A Rank | Rare Champion

B Rank | Rare Champion

C Rank | Rare Champion

F Rank | Rare Champion

Uncommon Champion Ranking (72)

S Rank | Uncommon Champion

A Rank | Uncommon Champion

B Rank | Uncommon Champion

C Rank | Uncommon Champion

F Rank | Uncommon Champion

Common Champion Ranking (19)

S Rank | Common Champion

A Rank | Common Champion

B Rank | Common Champion

C Rank | Common Champion

F Rank | Common Champion

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35 thoughts on “Raid Shadow Legends Tier List | Champion Ranking

  1. Ken Weller

    @Ayumilove Can you please update Grand oak padraig masteries, as you are missing one for clan boss. Many thanks. And on your over page you have Dervish down as a spirit in 1*/2* to keep, when she is magic.

  2. Ayumilove Post author

    @Stefano Nava: You can check from the patch notes where I list the new champions there.

  3. Stefano Nava

    is there an ‘INSERT DATE’ for the champions?

    How I can know which champs are new in the list?


  4. Wrangler Mcwilliams

    I would really like to contact the website or whomever can email me an entire champion character list of all rarities, ranks, factions, stats at max level, and each champion characters ideal artifacts and accessories info summary.

  5. Kevin Roberts

    There is a similar comment already made but didn’t really see a reply here. Previous comment question was concerning if there was a rarity tier ranking level that has a parallel classification to another rarity tier; i.e. a Tier A Epic is equivalent to a Tier S Rare.
    Although my take-away on list is that it focused on the strength to weaker usefulness of each champion rarity; I also am struggling though strength of champion in each rarity classification.
    There seem to be Rare Champions much stronger than most Epic and even Legendary champions. Are there Uncommon and Common champions we are trashing without understanding they are actually an extremely strong/useful option?

  6. Kent Nowak

    Great question! I was thinking the same. Thanks for asking

  7. Jared

    What does the comparison across rarities and tiers look like? For example, is a B-tier epic the equivalent of an A-tier rare? Is an S-tier uncommon as good as a B-tier rare?
    I’d just like to start eliminating heroes I don’t need, and it would be helpful to know what cutoffs to use (e.g., no epic hero below C tier, no rare below B, no uncommon below A, etc.).

    Thank you!!

  8. John

    Hi. Great list. One comment. I base who I keep/use on your list. Not sure if I missed it it I think it would be helpful (mainly for new players like me) to put something that really stands out as a warning not to dispose of poorly ranked champions that can be used for fusion summons. When the warning was coming up in game I assumed I was being warned that the champions could be levelled up. Now I know what fusions are I’ve used a lot for feeding. Maybe just me being dumb but I completely missed the fusion summons in game until very recently and now I get why I was being warned on some awful champions before I used them as fodder!

  9. JohnnieLee

    Great site!!!

  10. Ayumilove Post author

    @Smoke: I have updated the page again, it should list Giscard in A rank.

  11. Smoke

    On the page for Giscard the Sigiled, his rank is S. However, in this list, his rank is A

  12. Smoke

    I’m a noob to this game, but I’m curious either way as to what would qualify a Mythical champion as S tier.

  13. Ayumilove Post author

    @PNdaWatr: His fullname is Meatcarver Tolog. You could use the search function in this website to find him too!

  14. PNdaWatr

    In addition, Tolog is a Rare Skinwalker champion

  15. PNdaWatr

    I scanned over this list in the “T’s” several times until my eyes are sore. Am i missing it, or is Tolog not on this list?

  16. Robert Bonner

    Your missing a rear champion from your list Tribuck Colwyn

  17. Kent E Nowak

    No I haven’t done anything with regards to Longsword Tprrux. Just a “new” player tryin to figure things out

  18. PurpleMartin

    Have you rated “Longsword Torrux”?
    Knights Revenant, Rare, Defense.

  19. moth

    I use this guide literally every time I play! AMAZING resource. Eagerly waiting for the newest champions to be added so I know whether they’re worth using or not. Lots of love!

  20. Kent Nowak

    Longsword Torrux is not listed

  21. Tony

    any thoughts on mythical characters?

  22. Sgt Cutter

    I did not see Tirlac -Sylvan Watchers on your list…This is an OUTSTANDING resource!! Happy one of my clan members referred the site. Thank you for your hard work and dedication

  23. K. Mann

    Hey guys, where’s the info on Fyr-Gun Isbeil? I know she’s relatively new, but UDK and others have been available same day. No worries as I know there’s a lot to do managing this site, was just asking 🙂

  24. Allaer, Pieter

    Thank you so much Ayumilove for the fast update and overall great content.

  25. Ayumilove Post author

    @Thewookie @Phaedrasin: I have updated the Tier list to include all of the Patch 7.30 champions, which are: Gnut, Loneblade Riab, Treeshield Knott, Ethlen the Golden, and Ambassador Lethelin!

  26. Phaedrasin

    Hi there. Can’t find Riab or loneblade Riab on list, including Ctrl f search. And also thanks for the list. Appreciate work that went in to it.

  27. Thewookie

    Loneblade Riab is missing. Any idea when he will be added?

  28. Lynn Moorhead

    This is incredibly useful.

    Thank you,

  29. FreebooterFox

    @Gordon Knowles – Ogryn Jailer is on the list, under C Rank Rare Champions.

    @Kim – Sandlashed Survivor is on the list, under B Rank Epic Champions.

    The game’s index doesn’t always put the champion’s full title in the list for each faction. You’ll want to look at the champion itself to get the complete name.

    For example, if you click on “Index,” then click on the banner for the “Sylvan Watchers” faction, at the top you’ll see “Searsha.” If you click on Searsha’s portrait to view that individual champion, however, her full title, “Searsha the Charred” will be listed at the top.

    It would be helpful to use Ctrl + F and search the page for an entry before commenting that it’s missing. That will show you partial matches, so searching for “Jailer” will point you to the “Ogryn Jailer” listing, and so on.

  30. FuhFuhFresh

    Any ideas for Artak yet?

  31. DannySnosrap

    Is there a reason some champions have certain rankings missing? For example a few are missing arcane keep.just wondering

  32. Kim

    The Epic Champion Survivor is not on the Tier List. Thank you for doing this! I only wish I had found it earlier.

  33. Gordon Knowles

    No rating for rare champ Jailer

  34. Ayumilove Post author

    @Bennett Benson: I have fixed the Big Un broken link!

  35. Bennett Benson

    The link to Big ‘Un is broken. The broken link has the apostrophe in it but the working link does not.