Raid Shadow Legends Block Debuff is a skill that applies Block Debuff buff on self or allies to prevent receiving any debuff inflicted by enemy attacks. This skill is commonly found on Support Champions to aid the survivability in battle. However, Block Buff Skill can be countered with Remove Buff skill.
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Block DebuffThe Champion is immune to all debuffs with duration except for debuff without duration such as Decrease Turn Meter is not blocked. |
Block Debuffs Champions (57)
Block Debuffs (AoE)
- Hierophant Lazarius (LZ-MSM)
- Night Queen Krixia (KR-MSS)
- Siegfrund the Nephilim (SO-MAM)
- Starsage Galathir (HE-MSF)
- Alatreon Blademaster (KR-LSS)
- Blind Seer (DE-LSV)
- Cardiel (SO-LSV)
- Claidna (SY-LHV)
- Duchess Lilitu (DS-LSS)
- Elva Autumnborn (SY-LSM)
- Freyja Fateweaver (BA-LDF)
- Gliseah Soulguide (SO-LDF)
- Greathoof Loriaca (SW-LSS)
- Gwyndolin The Silent (SW-LAF)
- Hakkorhn Smashlord (SW-LHM)
- Kaja the Wry (BL-LSS)
- Minaya (BL-LSF)
- Opardin Clanfather (BA-LHM)
- Pythion (LZ-LSF)
- Rakka Viletide (OR-LSV)
- Riho Bonespear (SK-LSV)
- Siphi the Lost Bride (UH-LSV)
- Tatura Rimehide (HE-LDS)
- Underpriest Brogni (DW-LSM)
- Warlord (OR-LSV)
- Achak the Wendarin (DS-ESF)
- Aeila Lifebraid (SY-ESV)
- Grizzled Jarl (DW-EDM)
- Madame Serris (DE-ESV)
- Maneater (OT-EHV)
- Mausoleum Mage (UH-ESF)
- Quargan the Crowned (LZ-ESS)
- Sanguinia (SO-ESM)
- Sepulcher Sentinel (KR-EDF)
- Skathix (LZ-ESV)
- Skytouched Shaman (BA-ESV)
- Dolor Lorekeeper (DW-RSF)
- Marked (BA-RSM)
- Odachi (SK-RDF)
- Seducer (UH-RDV)
- Spirithost (DE-RSS)
- Witness (SO-RSM)
Block Debuffs (Self)
- Cataphract (BL-RHS)
- Daywalker (KR-RHV)
- Guardian (KR-RHS)
- Painsmith (DW-RAV)
- Penitent (SO-RDS)
- Tigersoul (BA-RAS)
Hey, I believe Wallmaster Othorion places block buffs not block debuffs.
@Tim: I have confirmed in-game that Pythion is applying Block Debuffs to all allies instead of Block Buffs on enemies.
Pythyon is block buffs. Not DEBUFF
@Fiham Ahmed: Elva Autumnborn is now in the Block Debuffs champion list!
Elva Autumnborn – Legendary AOE Block Debuff champ
@vikrant, @jazzanovac: I have added Tatura Rimehide and Gliseah Soulguide to the Block Debuff champion list. Thanks!
@Ayumilove Can you add Tatura Rimehide to the list as well?
hey, add tatura rimehide there too
@Bar Gop: I have added Dolor Lorekeeper to the list above. Thanks for highlighting it!
Hello, Dolor Lorekeeper has a Block Debuffs skill on a target ally on his A3. Shouldn’t this handsome dwarf man be on the list? I don’t see him. And very useful website!!! Thank you!!!
@Anders: Yes, you can counter Madame Serris or any debuffer champions by stacking up a high amount of Resist stat on your champion such as Duchess Lilitu to prevent them from stripping the Block Debuff from your champion. However, her allies will not be able to prevent the removal of Block Debuff unless they also have high amount of resistance compared to the debuffer champion’s accuracy stats.
@TymeStopper: I have added Cardiel to the AoE Block Debuff list. Thanks!
Great site BTW but I think your missing Cardiel on this list, he has an AOE Block Debuffs on his A2
Hi ayumi, i have a question.
I have the champion Dutchess Lilitu, and she can cast the “Block debuff” skill on All allies in the arena..
But in case Im fighting another team with madame serris Who has the “remove debuff” skill.
Can i counter that with higher resistance? And does Dutchess higher resistance then make the allies “Block debuff” stronger agains madame serris as well? Kind regards a fan 😁
@Dennis: If a champion has Block Debuff buff, it will block all debuff including un-resistible buff such as Freeze from Sir Nicholas A1 skill.
If i have block debuff, can Sir Nicholas place freeze on me by his A1?
As it mention that the freeze can’t be resisted.
@Ben Hlavaty: Block Debuff will prevent any debuff inflicted by the enemy including Poison debuff. Ensure that the Block Debuff buff is still active on the champion, or else it will be applied to your champion.
sanguinia debuff may be broken or do debuff block work on poision ….?
Ok thanks, I didn’t think so. Hmm I just need a stronger team then!
@Astartes 87: Block Debuff does not block instant negative effects from occurring such as HP Exchange, Decrease Max HP, Put Skill on Cooldown and Decrease Turn Meter.
Can block debuffs prevent a FW boss from HP exchange?
Antony Ramirez – No, you cannot resist/block the CB stun.
I tried but it didn’t work and wondering if I am missing something. Cant I use block debuffs against Clan Boss stun?
The Block/remove debuff is a pain as I’ve never even seen one of these characters pop up. Somebody told me Thrasher could do it and I got him early in the game and got rid of him.
@Geo: It would be difficult to maintain such a list when there are more champions added into the game. I have updated the Block Debuff skill list into 3 categories (AoE, Self and Target).
1 round or 2 rounds/ also single target or all allies. If you could separate the heroes into these categories it would be helpful. Nice website!