Raid Promo Codes 2024 | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Promo Codes are a mixture of numbers and letters that make up a specific code. This code is entered into the Promo Code section within the game to gain in-game resources such as Energy, Arena Tokens, and Gems. It’s a marketing strategy that offers players another reason to play the game! If you are looking for Call of the Arbiter (COTA) code chase answers, click on the link to get them!

3 types of Raid Promo Codes

  • New Player Promo Codes that can be used when you start a new account and within a specific level or number of days played.
  • Time-Limited Promo Codes that can be used within a start and end date and after which the code no longer works.
  • Event Promo Codes that can be used when you start a new account and within a specific level or number of days played.

Additional Information

  • Once you’ve redeemed rewards from a promo code, please allow 24 hours before redeeming another. Additionally, refrain from excessive attempts in the promo code textbox, as this may result in a temporary lockout for a few hours. This measure is in place to deter bots attempting to brute-force the system for valid codes.
  • Time-Limited Promo Codes are special codes designed to be utilized within a specified timeframe. These codes are often part of partnerships with other companies or game content creators to promote Raid Shadow Legends.
  • Account Progression Promo Codes, also known as New Player Codes, are unique codes tailored to specific account levels. They are intended to assist early to mid-game players as they begin their journey in the game.

New Player Registration Reward

Looking to kickstart your Raid Shadow Legends journey with a bang? Well, buckle up and hit that registration link like your in-game life depends on it! By signing up through this magical portal, you’ll unlock the dynamic duo of Vergis and Fayne, our resident champions extraordinaire for the year 2024! By registering via the link above, you’ll instantly add Vergis to your roster. Plus, once your account hits Level 25, Fayne joins the party! It’s a win-win deal you don’t want to miss out on!
Raid Shadow Legends Guide

How to Redeem Raid Shadow Legends Promo Codes?

Step 1: Login to your game account. Click the left menu bar to display the menu options. Next, click “Promo Codes” to view the Promo Code window.
How to Access Promo Code | Raid Shadow Legends

Step 2: Enter the Promo Code into the text field and click Confirm. The rewards are sent to your mailbox. Collect them before they expire! There will be 24 hours waiting period before you can redeem the reward of a different Promo Code!
How to Redeem Reward from Promo Code | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Promo Codes Accessible Anytime

Call of the Arbiter Promo Codes

New Player Code

Only 1 of this promo code can be used by new player to receive the rewards, so choose wisely!

  • MonkeyKing: Sun Wukong, 15x Spirit XP Brews, 300,000 Silver, 15x Greater Spirit Potions
  • MyTurn: Alure, 20x Magic XP Brews, and 200k Silver
  • GetOboro: Oboro, 10x Void XP Brews, 5x Greater Arcane Potions, and 300k Silver
  • FreeFrog: Toragi The Frog, 20 Magic XP Brews, and 200k Silver.
  • BeCursed: Cormac the Highpeak, 15x Magic XP Brews, 3 Days XP Boost, and 3 Energy Refills
  • GodSpeed: Apothecary, 5x Magic XP Brews, 5x Greater Arcane potion, and 100k Silver
  • Luria: Luria, 5x Spirit Brews, 5x Greater Arcane Potions, and 100k Silver
  • Daspiel2024Liebe: Chonoru, 300k Silver, and 1 3-Star Chicken
  • 2Gt24Knight: Knight-Errant, and 100k Silver
  • stonecold

Raid Promo Codes 2024

Active Promo Codes 2024

  • snowraid: 50 Multi-Battles, 15 XP Brews, 500K Silver, 200 Energy (20th Dec 2024)
  • xmas24: 1 Energy Refill, 10 XP Brews, 10K Silver (5th Dec 2024)
  • only4midgamesubs: 10 XP Brews, 3-star chicken, 200K Silver
  • PP500: 400K Silver, 50 Multi-Battles, 200 Energy
  • Spooky17: 5-star chicken, 3 hours free gear removal, 100 Energy, 500K Silver (24 October 2024)
  • 1mgift: 1 Energy Refill, 2 Rare Skill tome, 300K Silver, 3-star Chicken
  • YearlyGift: 150 Multi-Battle, 4 -star Chicken, 10 XP Brews, 500K Silver, 100 Energy
  • FloralBoost2GT: 100 Energy, 100K Silver, 50 Multi-Battle
  • gameleap: 1 Energy Refill, 10 XP Brews, 300K Silver
  • raidrewards: 1 Energy Refill, 10 XP Brews, 300K Silver
  • Freebie2024: 100K Silver, 10XP Brews, 1 Energy Refill

Expired Promo Codes 2024

  • moregifts: 20 XP Brews, 50 Multi-Battles, 200K Silver
  • SummerTavern: 10 XP Brews, 1 Energy Refill, 100K Silver
  • RAIDMMORPG2024: 1 XP 3 days, 15 XP Brews, 150 Multi-Battle, 200 Energy, 300K Silver
  • AshHasYourback: 20 XP Brews, 1 Energy Refill, 300K Silver
  • youtube24midgamesub: 200K Silver, 20 XP Brew, 100 Multi-Battle
  • AshCelebrates: 1 Energy Refill, 200K Silver, 3-star Chicken, 10 XP Brews
  • RaidingReddit200K: 200 Multi-Battle, 200 Energy, 200K Silver
  • RaidCommunity: 1 Legendary Skill Tome, 500K Silver, 10 Arcane Potions, 1 XP Day, 10 XP Brews
  • ClaimNow: 200 Energy, 200K Silver, 2 Rare Skill Tome, 1 XP Day
  • SpringHunt24: 100 Energy, 100K Silver, 10 XP Brews
  • RaidVPlay: 5-Star chicken, 500 Energy, 250 Multi-Battle
  • NinjaReturns: Free Ninja for players who does not have him in the account (18th July – 20th August 2024)
  • amberfall2gt: 10 XP Brews, 5-star Chicken, 50 Energy
  • raidxotk: 1 Energy Refill, 100K Silver, 10 XP Brews
  • WeFinallyPlayedIt: 1 Energy Refill, 100K Silver, 10 XP Brews
  • dr24: 300K Silver, 1 Energy Refill, 3 days XP, 15 XP Brews

Raid Promo Codes 2023

  • midgame24subscribe 1 Energy Refill, 1 Rare Skill Tome, 10 Magic XP Brews, 200K Silver
  • sintranos2023: Giscard the Sigiled, 4 Guardian Set Artifacts, 300K Silver

Raid Promo Codes 2022

New Raid Player Promo Codes

  • monkeyking – Account receives Sun Wukong
  • PowerStarter – Account receives Tallia, Energy and Silver (Accounts that are less than 72 hours old)
  • LuckyRaid – Account receives Chonoru, 300K Silver, Chicken
  • PCRaid2022 – Account receives 3 Day XP Boost, 500 Energy, 1 Clan Boss Key, 1 Arena Token Refill

Event Promo Codes

Condition: Only for new accounts that started at least May 23rd 2022

  • MyDeliana – 50 XP Brews, 375K Silver
  • GetDeliana22 – 50 XP Brews, 375K Silver
  • QueenDeliana – 50 XP Brews, 375K Silver

Time-Limited Promo Codes

Active Codes

  • SubscribeMidGame: 2 Energy Refill, 1 XP-3 Days, 1 Rare Skill Tome, 3 Star Chicken, 50 x2 Multi-Battles, 200K Silver (9 Jun 2023)

Inactive Codes

  • DKRises: ???
  • DKSekeltonCrew: 1x Common Deathknight, 3x 3 Star Chickens, 2x 2 Star Chickens, 40x Magic Affinity Brews, 300,000 Silver
  • Return – 1 XP 3 Days, 50 Multi-Battles, 999 Energy
  • 13YearsPlarium – 150 Multi Battles, 100 Energy, 30 Brews, 3 Days XP Boost
  • TGASALE – Accounts received Energy Refills, XP and other rewards (Promotion for The Game Awards Event)
  • S1mple – Accounts received 350k Silver, 4 Energy Refills, 3-Day XP Boost and XP Brews (Promotion for S1mple Chase Event)
  • realhell – Accounts received 500 Energy, 1 million silver, 2 Epic books and 3x 50 Multi-battle tokens (Promotion for Hydra Clan Boss Release)
  • SPOOKY13 – Accounts received energy Refills, EXP (Promotion for Halloween)
  • gift1 – Accounts received Energy Refills, Clan Boss Key, Arena Tokens
  • NINJA – Accounts received 500k Silver, 6 Energy Refills 3x 50 Multi-battle tokens and a 3 day XP boost (Promotion for Ninja Chase Event)
  • PLARIUMPLAY – Accounts Received 5 Energy Refills, 50 Multi-Battle tokens, 500k Silver, 1 Ancient shard and a 1 day XP Boost

Raid Promo Codes 2021

Promo Code – S1mple

Status: December 1st 2021 to January 28th 2022 (Expired)
Rewards: 4 Energy Refills, 1 3-Days 100% XP Boost, 20 Magic XP Brews, 350K Silver
Note: Time-Limited Promo Code released in conjunction with Aleksandr the Sharpshooter (HE-LAM) being introduced into the game!

Promo Code – TGASALE

Status: December 10th 2021 (Expired in 24 hours)
Rewards: 60 Gems, 1 Fayne (Epic Champion), 1 Epic Skill Tome, 15 Arcane Potions, 10 Greater Spirit Potion, 200K Silver

Promo Code – realhell

Status: November 12th 2021 to November 19th 2021 (Expired)
Rewards: 2 Epic Skill Tome, 3 x 50 Auto-Battles, 500 Energy, 1M Silver

Promo Code – Spooky13

Status: October 25th 2021 to October 31st 2021 (Expired)
Rewards: 3 Energy Refills, 1 XP-1 day, 1 Epic Skill Tome, 2 x 50 Multi-Battle
Description: Halloween Promo Code in Raid Shadow Legends. Expires after October 31st 2021!

Promo Code – gift1

Status: October 6th 2021 to October 9th 2021 (Expired)
Rewards: 5 Arena Token Refill, 1 XP-3days, 500 Energy, 1 Clan Boss Key

Promo Code – ESLPRO

Status: August 14th 2021 (Expired)
Rewards: 3 Rare Skill Tomes, 3 Energy Refill
Note: Works only for brand-new account.

Promo Code – ninja

Status: July 16th 2021 to October 15th 2021 (Expired)
Rewards: 3X 50 Multi Battle, 1X 100% XP Boost for 3 Days, 5 Energy Refill, 500K Silver
Note: Time-Limited Promo Code released in conjunction with Ninja (SK-LAM) being introduced into the game!

Expired New Player Promo Code

  • Click4Gameplay: Mordecai, Multibattles, 10x Force XP Brews, and 200k Silver
  • SuperPowers: Deacon Armstrong, 1 Epic Book, 200k Silver, and 24 Magic XP Brews.
  • 2GtNewbie: Kellan the Shrike, 2x Energy refill, and 200k Silver
  • PowerStarter: Tallia, Energy, Multibattles, and Silver
  • MidGame2023Seducer: Seducer, and 200k Silver
  • FrostBringer: FrostBringer, 15x Magic XP Brews, and 300k Silver

RAID Promo Code Frequently Asked Questions

How do I redeem Promo Codes in RAID: Shadow Legends?

You can redeem RAID: Shadow Legends Promo Codes either via this site, or inside RAID: Shadow Legends itself if you are playing via an Android device or on Plarium Play.

Where can I enter Promo Codes in RAID: Shadow Legends?

To redeem RAID: Shadow Legends Promo Codes, tap on the tab on the left-hand side of the screen when in the Bastion, and then select the “Promo Codes” option.

How do I use Promo Codes in RAID: Shadow Legends?

Once in the Promo Codes window, type in your RAID: Shadow Legends Promo Code and hit “Confirm”. You will receive confirmation if your entry was successful, and you can then claim your rewards from your Inbox in the Bastion. Promo Codes are limited to one use per person, and you must wait 24 hours after entering a Promo Code before entering another.

What kind of rewards are available through Promo Codes in RAID: Shadow Legends?

RAID: Shadow Legends Promo Codes can grant players a whole host of rewards, including in-game resources like Silver or Energy, consumable items like Skill Tomes, XP Brews and Rank-Up Chickens, Artifacts that can be equipped to Champions, and even Champions for players to add to their Collection.

What types of Promo Codes are available for RAID: Shadow Legends?

RAID: Shadow Legends Promo Codes come in two main types. There are time-limited Promo Codes that are valid for everyone but are only active for a set period, and new player codes, which are only valid for new RAID: Shadow Legends players.

My Promo Code does not work. What should I do?

Your RAID: Shadow Legends Promo Code may have expired or already been used. For additional assistance on specific issues, please contact our Support Team.

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339 thoughts on “Raid Promo Codes 2024 | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Gnome

    Can you use Wanderer along with MonkeyKing? or since Wanderer is a new player only promo code will it disable MonkeyKing?

  2. Lux

    Das ist doch keine Hilfe wenn alle Codes abgelaufen sind und man nie welche bekommt..

    Dann brauche ich meine Zeit nicht verschwenden auf Eure Seite. Bekomme nie ein Eingelöst.

    Nur Geld ausgeben im Spiel und nichts mal umsonst bekommen ,,

    Wünsche Euch weiterhin viel Erfolg mit Euern ungültigen Promo Codes.

    Schönen Start in die Woche.

    Netten Gruß Lux

  3. Pyklet

    Wanderer seems to be for new/newer players only.

  4. Tom

    promo Wanderer

  5. russ

    snowraid doesnt work as of dec 28, ive tried it as “snowraid” “SNOWRAID” and “Snowraid”.. nothing works

  6. Thunder

    snowraid Looks like it had expired before I got to use it

  7. iamma

    snowraid is expired, so short lifetime!

  8. emin707

    It’s not only for PC

  9. Ayumilove Post author

    Thanks @11Bravo30! I have added snowraid to the promo code list!

  10. 11Bravo30

    New PC: snowraid

  11. Mars

    Get oboro dosent seem to work anymore.
    Please check.

  12. Omega

    Sppoky17 is expired

  13. Lisa

    Most of these are expired an university me some that work

  14. Lisa

    Most of these are expired

  15. Caelan

    Don’t know if this has been commented already but pp500 gives 500 plarium points, 200 energy, 50 autobattle and I think 10 mixed brews.

  16. Worthy Redeemed

    I’m not ‘getting my promo codes are no working as a new player?

  17. SinBad

    new promo code “only4midgamesubs”

  18. 11Bravo30

    New PC: only4midgamesubs

  19. Garret White

    and 500 Plarium points

  20. Garret White

    = 50 multi battle
    = 400K Silver
    = 200 Energy

  21. Slappy

    PP500 – 400K Silver, 50 Multi-Battles, 200 Energy

  22. Tom

    FYI: PP500 can only be used if you are on a PC (won’t work on mobile)

  23. spamme

    New promo code: XMAS24

  24. Ayumilove Post author

    @11Bravo30: I have added xmas24 to the 2024 Promo Code list. Thanks!

  25. 11Bravo30

    New PC: XMAS24

  26. RyanT

    I used your Registration Link and received Vergis and Fayne. Then when I hit level 50 I received another Fayne and a whole bunch of goodies to help level and ascend her. THEN at level 51 I received ANOTHER Fayne and a bunch of goodies.

    I empowered Fayne and now she is +2, wearing Lifesteal and Perception, 5 star ascended, 2 star Blessing with Phantom Touch and leveled to 60 with all masteries. Wow does she ever smack hard on Clan Boss! She’s my biggest damage dealer and the more damage she does, the more she heals herself back up. I’m day 57 and doing millions to Hard Clan Boss.

    Thank-you for the Registration Link!

  27. Berni

    I tried all the current code’s none of the worked reply all expired.

  28. adonnis

    get oboro does not work
    can any of you help it says it is expired but you guys say you check these codes Daly

  29. Gnutharder

    I can’t get anything to work and I’m not getting expired ot invalid!!!! It says processing then nothing happens

  30. 11Bravo30

    New PC: PP500

  31. Baconcrisp

    Yearly gift worked for me yesterday 11/6/24 on new player

  32. Thomas Paterson

    YearllyGift is still valid. You get Invalid Code if you have already used it

  33. Cristian

    Below codes are invalid too:

    YearlyGift: 150 Multi-Battle, 4 -star Chicken, 10 XP Brews, 500K Silver, 100 Energy
    FloralBoost2GT: 100 Energy, 100K Silver, 50 Multi-Battle

  34. Porter

    amberfallgt is still working for me October 30, 2024

  35. AG

    moregifts came up expired on 10/27/24

    gameleap worked 10/27/24

  36. Ayumilove Post author

    @AG: Thanks for the info. I’ll update the promo 2024 list so it’s accurate.

  37. AG

    spooky17 worked 10/25/24
    1mgift worked 10/26/24

    All others on the list down through RAIDMMORPG2024, including RAIDMMORPG2024 came up as expired. I haven’t tried the last 5 on the list yet.

  38. Cristian

    Below Promo Codes for 2024 are expired.

    Active Promo Codes 2024
    SummerTavern: 10 XP Brews, 1 Energy Refill, 100K Silver
    AshHasYourback: 20 XP Brews, 1 Energy Refill, 300K Silver
    youtube24midgamesub: 200K Silver, 20 XP Brew, 100 Multi-Battle
    AshCelebrates: 1 Energy Refill, 200K Silver, 3-star Chicken, 10 XP Brews
    RaidingReddit200K: 200 Multi-Battle, 200 Energy, 200K Silver
    RaidCommunity: 1 Legendary Skill Tome, 500K Silver, 10 Arcane Potions, 1 XP Day, 10 XP Brews
    ClaimNow: 200 Energy, 200K Silver, 2 Rare Skill Tome, 1 XP Day
    SpringHunt24: 100 Energy, 100K Silver, 10 XP Brews

    Or it’s just me?

  39. Tom

    YearlyGift still works

  40. Malific

    New Halloween Code Just dropped


  41. Malific

    New Promo Code just dropped on X
    100 Energy
    500K Silver
    1 Rank 5 Chicken
    1 3 Hr Free gear Removal

  42. 11Bravo30

    New PC: spooky17

  43. Ray

    RaidVPlay seems to be expired

  44. Ayumilove Post author

    @Don: Check the promo codes listed under the Promo 2024 section.

  45. Don

    Are any of these working anymore?

  46. Wade

    Ya the new code u say is new is expired so that’s kinda not new then

  47. Heomz

    All 2024 codes expired.

  48. Ayumilove Post author

    @11Bravo30.,@SinBad, @Norbert Exner: I have added RaidVPlay to the Promo Code 2024 list. Thanks!

  49. Norbert Exner

    neuer Promocode


    5tg ab 27.9.24

  50. SinBad

    new promo code “raidvplay” for plarium play only

  51. 11Bravo30

    New PC: RaidVPlay

  52. Jonny

    This was very helpful 🙂

  53. EliAlexander

    lol oops guess I should have read the thread – sorry for the dupe

  54. EliAlexander

    new promo code amberfall2gt

  55. caureja

    promo code amberfall2gt

  56. Ayumilove Post author

    Thanks @11Bravo30 and @Norbert Exner for the promo code. I have added the amberfall2gt to the 2024 promo code list!

  57. Norbert Exner

    neuer Promo Code….amberfall2gt

  58. 11Bravo30

    New PC: Amberfall2gt

  59. Shawn

    I went thru ur link but didn’t get Fayne. also, the PC for Chonoru said expired. ow well… guess I’m going in naked. must’a done something wrong

  60. KSI Kirito SAO

    @Krebs There’s A Free Bundle In The Store Called Ninja Returns And Non-New Accounts/Accounts That Ised A Different New Player Code(YOU USED MonkeyKing) It Migjt Be Gone As Of This Reply. I Can’t Check Because I Already Got Mine That Way 2WKS TO 2 AND A HALF WEEKS. Hopefully This Helps.

  61. Krebs

    NinjaReturns is limited like the other new player codes. You can only do either it or the other new player codes. I did MonkeyKing on a new account and can’t get Ninja now 🙁

  62. ..Stoned..

    raidxotk new promo code

  63. Ayumilove Post author

    Thanks @SinBad and @11Bravo30: I have added “raidxotk” promo code to the list!

  64. SinBad

    new promo code “raidxotk”

  65. 11Bravo30

    New PC: raidxotk

  66. randomHelperMan

    Hi Ayumilove,
    I have a list of promo codes that are expired and should be removed.

    The following promo codes are expired:


    Thanks, AyumiLove.

    Until next time, yours sincerely, randomHelperMan


    This promo code is legit I just used it. Thanks Eli Alexander for the heads up 💪

  68. Eli Alexander

    New Promo Code wefinallyplayedit

  69. randomHelperMan

    Here are some more promo codes that I tried and are expired.
    Please remove them. Thanks.


  70. randomHelperMan

    Hi, again.

    These promo codes are also expired and should be removed.


  71. ..Stoned..

    Thanks for sharing the promo codes, it means a lot to non-cashing players ☺

  72. Zimciak

    I got in game error that this code is only for new players.
    I u are older player u can get in by event check-in/log-in reward

  73. bryan

    Ninjareturns is a code only for newplayers

  74. 11Bravo30

    … or older players that didn’t get Ninja originally … not only new!

  75. 11Bravo30

    New PC: WeFinallyPlayEdit

  76. MZ Ahmed


  77. Zimciak

    NinjaReturns: Free Ninja for players who does not have him in the account (18th July – 20th August 2024)
    It is only for new players ;(

  78. Ayumilove Post author

    @rush: Ah I see, I guess its rotating the champions to make it random/unique there. Thanks for sharing your findings with us!

  79. Ayumilove Post author

    @randomHelperMan: I have moved the expired new player promo code to a new section to keep track what has expired. Thanks a bunch!

  80. randomHelperMan

    Hi Ayumilove,
    Thank you for all that you do for the Raid community. It is much appreciated.
    I wanted to let you know of some promo codes that are now expired and should be removed.

    On a side note, there seems to be a new “New Player Code”, which is: stonecold

    The following promo codes are expired:


    Again, thank you Ayumilove.

    Until next time, yours sincerely, randomHelperMan

  81. GinjaNinja

    @11Bravo30 – Yes, I completely missed the part of the ad where it shows THYLESSIA as the champion that promo code gives to new players. I just saw the same thing with a friend of mine and it confused me. I’m sorry for the incorrect info on the reward for using the code, but glad to see it does work regardless. Thank you for helping correct my blunder on this.

  82. 11Bravo30

    I entered MONKEYKING on a new account and I actually got Sun Wukong! That is a great start together with Vergis

  83. 11Bravo30

    @GinjaNinja: I finally got it to work, but with the code STONECOLD I didn’t get Mythrala, I got Thylessia (Epic)…. Is that what you meant?

  84. 11Bravo30

    I tried to enter StoneCold on a new account on the Redeem RAID Promo Codes Site and it told me it is only for new accounts. I created the account on iPhone without Promo Code button, so I tried it on the site… no luck!

  85. GinjaNinja

    New player promo code: STONECOLD – Receive Mithrala Lifebane (Legendary)
    I’m not sure if you get anything else on top of the champion but the code works.

  86. rush

    @Ayumilove out of curiosity, I created another account and was presented with Vergis this time. Looks like Plarium introduced some randomness here.

  87. Ayumilove Post author

    @rush: Thanks for your confirmation on the Anax and Lightsworn epic champions via the registration link! Seems that Plarium has changed them after some time.

  88. Ayumilove Post author

    @11Bravo30: I have added the new promo code “dr24” into the promo code 2024 list!

  89. rush

    I can now confirm the registration link offers Anax at level 25.

  90. 11Bravo30

    New PC: DR24

  91. rush

    Registration link offers Lightsworn, not Vergis. At level 25 will probably offer Anax instead of Fayne.

  92. SinBad

    new promo code “summertavern”

  93. Ayumilove Post author

    The promo code “SummerTavern” for June 2024 has been added to the list!

  94. Stephen Knapp

    New Promo Code AshHasYourback yields 20 Brews, 1 Energy Refill, 300K Silver

  95. Ayumilove Post author

    The promo code “youtube24midgamesub” for June 2024 has been added to the list!

  96. 11Bravo30

    yeap, that happened to me in the past… posted new code refresh and nothing… wait 30 minutes refresh… no change! Reposted…next day 2 posts with the same content… a si es la vida!

  97. SinBad

    i make it a point to refresh 3 times before posting a promo code and still it doesnrt show up until i post mine … i dont know why …

  98. badgrammar2099

    @bu sorry did i hurt your feelings? did i make you cry? i did it twice because i didnt refresh the page. wow why so touchy, it just a game to waste time

  99. bu

    I am sure you do not need to delete comments, @admin.
    @badgrammar2099. do not spam pls and do not post the same codes only because you somebody did it before you

  100. bu

    I think @badgrammar2099 it’s enough if somebody says a code once. you do not need to write it again. we are not blind

  101. badgrammar2099

    promo code only good for 6 more days
    code: ashcelebrates

  102. SinBad

    new promo code: ashcelebrates

  103. badgrammar2099

    Stan if you are playing on pc, it might be because either messaging too much and there system see’s your messages as spam. or someone you chatted with tried to remove you off messenger and press block instead

  104. Ayumilove Post author

    Thanks @badgrammar2099 and @SinBad for the promo code! I have added to the promo 2024 above!

  105. SinBad

    new promo code: raidcommunity

  106. badgrammar2099

    promocode raidingreddit200k
    promocode raidcommunity lego book

  107. Ayumilove Post author

    @11Bravo30: I have added the new code to the list above. Thanks!

  108. Ayumilove Post author

    @Stan: Do you mean you got banned in-game when you are messaging players about the promo code? I’m not too sure about this, does it contain any sensitive words in the message?

  109. Stan

    Why are people named in chat?
    I was telling people about promo codes an got banned for it. Any reason this would get me banned?
    Banned. I meant banned. Not named.
    Sorry for double posting

  110. bu

    ty, 11Bravo30

  111. 11Bravo30

    New PC: claimnow

    Will only work on PC/Mac or any Browser (Mobile/PC/Mac) on Raid Coupon Redeem Homepage!

  112. 11Bravo30

    New PC: claimnow

  113. J Sharp

    small typo in the springhunt24 code currently.

  114. bu

    any other sources of codes but ASH from YouTube?
    all last codes on this page came from him.

  115. Ayumilove Post author

    Thanks @11Bravo30! I have added to the Promo Code 2024 list!

  116. 11Bravo30

    New PC: springhunt24

  117. Ayumilove Post author

    Thanks @SinBad and 11Bravo30 for the new promo code “YearlyGift”. I have added to the page above!

  118. SinBad

    new promo code: “yearlygift”

  119. 11Bravo30

    New PC: yearlygift

  120. EliAlexander

    Will you be sharing the quiz answers here?

  121. Ayumilove Post author

    @badgrammar2099: I have added the new promo code “1mgift”. Thanks!

  122. badgrammar2099

    new promocode: 1mgift

  123. 11Bravo30

    New PC: 1mgift

  124. Ripkaste

    Checked 21.03.2024:
    was working:

    to check:
    ILOVERAID still probably works.
    and other ones

  125. badgrammar2099

    sorry i saw freebie after i posted it. i thought it would be at the top

  126. SinBad

    new promo: freebie2024

  127. badgrammar2099


  128. EliAlexander

    Call of the Arbiter Promo Codes -are expired apparently

  129. RikChik

    Why is Brimstone Path Dungeon no longer on the Dungeon guide?

  130. bubka

    guys thank you all for the codes

  131. ioannis

    Havent work for me either !!!

  132. Lemmy

    It says not available on your region on the new player promo.

  133. GGaming

    I did notice that once when I clicked the link it cane up with an error. Something along the öines the adress might have moved or some such. But it worked the second time i tried.

    Either way, as i understand it, I now have to find a new laptop or phone to make a new account for referal to work since I have installed the game now.

    Or are maybe that doesnt matter with these sort of referat? Ive seen this mentioned in posts and videos.

  134. Ayumilove Post author

    @GGaming: I’ll need to check with the Plarium staff or their agent on this to check on their end about this issue. When you register using the link, your in-game inbox account at Level 1 should get 1 copy of Vergis champion, XP Boost (1 Day), 1 Energy Refill, 1 Epic skill tome, and 200K Silver. The reward is titled “Referral Program Reward”. And upon reaching Level 25, you will get Fayne (2nd free Epic champion).

  135. GGaming

    The ref link does not work as mentioned earlier. Tried it, no champion. I got an axe and a shield i think. And in 7 days i will get an epic champion.

    Tried again for my son, on his laptop. And it did not work then either.

    Link takes me to playstore, where i installed the game. For my son, i clicked link which sänds me ro playstore, then xlosed it, went back here And clicked link again. Started the game. Still same result

  136. Ayumilove Post author

    @SinBad: I have added the promo code “RaidMmorpg2024” to the page. Thanks!

  137. Ayumilove Post author

    @faynepls: You need to create a new fresh account to get Vergis instantly, and then reach Level 25 to get Fayne.

  138. faynepls

    hi, is ref link still working? i registered but didn’t get Vergis instantly (which i assume means account lvl1?)

  139. SinBad

    new promo code: raidmmorpg2024

  140. Havan IronOak

    New Promo code: raidmmorpg2024 150x multibattles 15 brew 3d xp boost 300k silver 200 energy

  141. rtpnick

    Another “new player” code: FESTIVAL5

  142. Ayumilove Post author

    @SinBad: I have added FloralBoost2GT to the list! Thanks 🙂

  143. SinBad

    new promo floralboost2gt

  144. Ayumilove Post author

    @11Bravo30: I have added gameleap promo code to the list above. Thanks!

  145. 11Bravo30

    New PC: gameleap

  146. Ayumilove Post author

    @11Bravo30: Thanks! I have added the promo code “raidrewards” into the page!

  147. 11Bravo30

    New PC: raidrewards

  148. 11Bravo30

    Thanx Ayumilove!

  149. Ayumilove Post author

    @11Bravo30: I have added “moregifts” to the Promo Code 2024 section. Thanks!

  150. 11Bravo30

    New PC: moregifts

  151. caureja

    any new promo ? 🙂

  152. Ayumilove Post author

    @Adjodiebernal: I’ll add it to the promo code above. Thanks for sharing with us!

  153. Adjodiebernal

    Why is code: monkeyking for Sun Wukong not mentioned anywhere? Free legendary for new players

  154. 11Bravo30

    Thanx SinBad for the Codes!

  155. SinBad

    new promo code “raidxmas” not much though

  156. SinBad

    new promo code “sintranos2023”

  157. SinBad

    new promo code “midgame24subscribe”

  158. SinBad

    promo code “midgame24subscribe”

  159. SinBad

    thx Bravo … all good codes

  160. 11Bravo30

    New PC: raid4all

  161. 11Bravo30

    New PC: mid12game

  162. 11Bravo30

    New PC: iloveraid

  163. bibasabas

    any new promo code?

  164. 11Bravo30

    New PC: Spooky23

  165. Gwauk

    Halloween Promo: UndeadTreat

  166. 11Bravo30

    New PC: undeadtreat

  167. 11Bravo30


    (forgot the “s” at the end!)

  168. 11Bravo30

    New PC: ilovegamegeekstrick

  169. 11Bravo30

    @CBrown: Scroll below to post of May 10th.

  170. CBrown

    Has anyone found a way to use the codes on an iPhone? They moved (or removed) the location – found it by accident once during the first or second week of Call of the Arbiter and haven’t found it since.

  171. tom

    promo code: UDKBDAY – not much in this one

  172. Nickolas Gruendler

    new code UDKBday

  173. Mr Cumberland

    codes are welcome

  174. SinBad

    Episode 10: UNITED

  175. SinBad

    Episode 9: AMBITION

  176. SinBad

    code 8 – revenge

  177. 11Bravo30


  178. 11Bravo30


  179. Dreadlocke69

    Cota code5 destiny
    Code6 infested
    Code7 artifact

  180. SinBad

    CODE episode 6 JIZOH


  181. TurtleTime

    COTA episode 5

  182. SinBad

    NEW promo code … “subscribemidgame”

  183. 11Bravo30

    COTA Episode Promo Codes:


    Updates as they are released!

  184. Wendy

    Is there any updates for this whole site soon? There are new champions that dont have armor suggestions yet. This site is like super helpful and i refer to it often. Thanks

  185. 11Bravo30

    Plarium posted on the PC/Mac Application that they have removed the Promo-Codes from the IOS/IPadOS Apps. They offer this link for those players (actually everyone can use it) to redeem your Promo-Codes:

    This is not a trick, check your device (iPhone/iPad), you won’t find the Promo-Codes menu.

  186. Mandrago


  187. heyharold


  188. Mandrago


  189. 11Bravo30

    new pc: dragonegg

  190. Dichotomas

    new promocode: getraidy

  191. Dichotomas

    new code “paypalraid2023”

  192. Mandrago I

    Hello! New Promocode:


  193. Gordon Knowles

    new code “demolish”

  194. heyharold

    New promo: DEMOLISH

  195. Baukey

    Promocode: 4YEARSRAID

    4x Leg. Books
    400x Energy
    4x Energy Refill
    400kx Silver

  196. Lutz Hennemann

    Promo Code: 4YEARSRAID

  197. Baukey

    Promocode: 4YEARSRAID

    4x Energy Refills, 400x Energy, 4x Legendary Books, 400k x Silver

  198. UIM Hyp

    4YEARSRAID – 400 Energy, 4 Full Energy and 4 Legendary tome

  199. Bin Feng

    New Promo Code: gamegeeksspring

  200. Ged


  201. J

    New time-limited promo code 2023

    Caribberaid – All players

    MIDGAME23Executioner – New Players

    GameGeeksTricks23Mother – New Players

    SUPERPOWERS – New Players

    DASPIEL23Chonoru – New Players

    MIDGAME23Giscard – New Players

  202. Gordon Knowles

    new promo code for February Caribberaid

  203. Matt

    Thanks for everything you did for me

  204. Gwauk

    NEW PROMO CODE: BestHero

  205. Matthew Borcherding

    MIDGAME23WIN isn’t a new code. It’s an old one. User Dichotomas listed it below on Dec 23, 2022. I got an invalid code error when I tried to use it — probably because I’ve used it previously. But supposedly it still works on accounts that haven’t used it before.

    Discussion of this on Reddit here:

  206. Havan IronOak

    New (albeit minor) Promocode besthero yields 1×100% XP banner, 1 Energy refill, 20 auto battles, 100k silver

  207. Jaap

    New promocode”

    XP Boost

  208. Claudia



    100 Multi-battle attempts
    2x Full energy
    Silver x200K

  209. Just Me



    100 Multi-battle attempts
    2x Full energy
    Silver x200K

  210. Matthew Borcherding

    Amazon Prime Gaming just dropped a new promo code for Raid:

    500 Energy
    1,000,000 Silver
    200 Multi-Battle Attempts
    3 day 100% XP Boost

    You’ll need an Amazon Prime account to have access to this. This is supposed to run 1/4/23 to 2/2/23. I’m assuming the codes are unique per user.

    You’ll see a button for for this in-game on the left pop-up menu under the “Promo Codes” link. See the “Prime Gaming Drops” button.

    Next one will arrive on 2/3/23 and run to 3/2/23. You’ll get a free void epic champion Genbo the Dishonored (plus maybe other goodies).

  211. Stephen K

    Apparently they’ve released two NEW PLAYER promo codes
    1) MORDECAI Guess which epic you get with that code
    2) SUPERPOWERS which gives you Deacon Armstrong
    and a few other extras tomes energy refills et. al. are thrown in as well
    Only one of those codes will work so you have to choose
    Also Ronda is still on her 7 day freebie period as well
    NOW might be time to start another newbie account.

  212. Just Me

    New code: MIDGAME23WIN

  213. Dichotomas

    new promocode: midgame23win

  214. Partikel

    Promocode: Raidholiday

  215. Sky/Master

    new promocode: raidholiday

  216. heyharold

    New promo: Raidholiday

  217. Jason Darulo

    raidronda still works!!!

  218. Stephen K

    Promocode Raid Ronda yields 3×50 multi-battles, 1 3 day 100% XP Boost, 5 full energy refills, & 500k Silver

  219. Sam

    New Code: RAIDRONDA
    2x x50 multi battle
    3 day XP boost
    500k silver

  220. ゴン太


  221. Fendonel

    New promo code: raidronda

  222. Freakshausen

    Gibst auch noch Codes für mobile Zocker?

  223. Dichotomas

    REPLAY already expired

  224. Sky/Master

    REPLAY already expired 🙁

  225. Fendonel

    New promo code: replay
    500 energy
    100 multi battles
    500k silver
    3 days xp boost

  226. Maya

    Infelizmente tava expirado

  227. ybo

    lookbehindyou expired

  228. Matthew Borcherding

    skeletoncrewforever is now expired.

  229. Sam

    new code: lookbehindyou

  230. IO

    New promo lookbehindyou

  231. Jk

    New code skeletoncrewforever, tried and tested to be working for now

  232. IO

    @Fendonel, sorry for the duplicate,…..

  233. IO

    New Promo, skeletoncrewforever, enjoy.

  234. Fendonel

    New code: SkeletonCrewForever

  235. Havan IronOak

    Just a comment to keep updated. It seems like a new Promocode should be coming any day now.

  236. Dichotomas

    Both plariumplay3 and brewmaiden are expired

  237. habi3x7

    new Promocode 🙂


  238. anonymous elbow

    whelp, I was only permitted one “type” of new player code according to the popup message when I entered LuckyRaid on Day 2 after entering PowerStarter on Day 1. And, PCRaid2022 showed expired.

  239. Elf_Archer



    ENJOY 🙂

  240. Toba84

    Active Promo Code – PlariumPlay3

  241. Sammy

    Hey there’s the promo code BREWMAIDEN

  242. WarToad

    New code – brewmaiden

  243. heyharold

    New promo code Sep 22: “Brewmaiden”

  244. Bro-J

    I have tried almost all. but unfortunately, all is expired 18.09.2022. 🙁

  245. Kush

    dkskeletoncrew is inactive now 😔

  246. anonymous elbow

    Well, DKSkeletonCrew must be a new player code because I just entered it and told it was expired.

  247. Mokk

    DKSkeletonCrew works as of now
    Be aware typo DKSkeletonCrew
    Not DKSekeltonCrew

  248. Borna

    Great game🥰

  249. Ayumilove Post author

    @Kevin, @asdf: I have moved the “Return” promo code to the Inactive section. Thanks for your input!

  250. Kevin

    Return is an expired code as of 9/15/22

  251. keith

    why is it saying for me all the codes i put in is expired EVENT PROMO CODES
    Condition: Only for new accounts that started at least May 23rd 2022

    MyDeliana – 50 XP Brews, 375K Silver
    GetDeliana22 – 50 XP Brews, 375K Silver
    QueenDeliana – 50 XP Brews, 375K Silver
    Active Codes
    DKSekeltonCrew: 1x Common Deathknight, 3x 3 Star Chickens, 2x 2 Star Chickens, 40x Magic Affinity Brews, 300,000 Silver

  252. anonymous elbow

    Are there any current codes? Somebody told me about this website but I’ve been playing for 5-6 days now so I missed the 72 hour ones I believe. Thanks.

  253. Claudia Nance

    Thanks for all the info.

  254. asdf

    limited time “active” — RETURN is now inactive

  255. ryova

    DKSkeletonCrew- promo code activ from 26 aug

  256. nobody


  257. Woon_h88

    Next Promo Code: DKSKELETONCREW

  258. SamMcCoy

    Tyvm, much appreciated

  259. botchornes

    best comments
    i never lose a code thanks to you guys thanks

  260. Punty

    New code : DKRISES

  261. ryova

    New promo code DKRISES

  262. Toba84

    DKRISES Active

  263. Shizukuishi

    There is a new code related to the rise of the death knight that is now active. Please update.

  264. Steven

    Please send raid info

  265. Isarma

    PCRaid2022 Is expired as of August 23rd 2022

  266. Angel

    Looking for new promo codes

  267. SamMcCoy

    Wohl wahr, wenn nix drinsteht dann wird auch nichts neues im Umlauf sein, diese Site ist sowas von up to date, da könnte man glauben direkt an der Quelle zu sein, ohne schleimen zu wollen, to Site!

  268. Alan L Scott

    Thanks for the help!!

  269. Xyzot

    Do you ppl even read? I swear, most if not all the questions y’all ask are right there! Plus, if there’s not listed “new” codes. One can only deduce that…..?

  270. Bramldarl

    comment to keep updated

  271. Alba

    New codes?


    Both Expired Too


    Both Promos Expired Too


    Both Promos Expired

  275. Bulenged

    just want to park here for next promo code.. thanks so much for all of the info u put here..

  276. ryova

    tnx 🙂

  277. JuggalotusJoe1

    new promo code DREAMTEAM

  278. Xotai

    New Code available:


    Note: apparently it’s only available for 6 days from August 1st, 2022. Get it NOW!

  279. Dagento

    August 2022: RAIDSUMMERGIFT

  280. PuhErh

    Neuer Promocode: raidsummergift

  281. Richard Lee

    I love this site

  282. Ayumilove Post author

    @Christo: Some promo codes have expiry dates, so you will need to be quick to redeem them on your account!

  283. Christo

    Some of the promo codes expire before i get them. Can you help?

  284. LJPW

    Return doesnt work on my account

  285. Xyzot

    Honestly, if I were you. Sign up for Ayumi’s webmail by creating an account. He gets the information on promo codes quickly. He’s a respected content creator. I’ve signed up for his “newsletter” for lack of a better term. I get an email as soon as he posts. Plus he has a list of promo codes, on his site.

  286. Iris Crain

    “Return” is expired.

  287. piekid

    Link to Talia[sic] in the PowerStarter code is incorrect, and also the name is spelled wrong. How exactly do we find out when new codes are active? Does Plarium have an official place to share them?

  288. Predator

    PowerStarter – Account receives Talia, Energy and Silver (Accounts that are less than 72 hours old)
    LuckyRaid – Account receives Chonoru, 300K Silver, Chicken
    PCRaid2022 – Account receives 3 Day XP Boost, 500 Energy, 1 Clan Boss Key, 1 Arena Token Refill

    Doesn’t work.

  289. Ayumilove Post author

    @Grace Daniel Ruiter, @Mathhias, @Alexander Whittle: Thanks for the promo code! I have added to the list above 🙂

  290. Grace Daniel Ruiter

    Another recent Promocode is: RETURN

    It gives: 1 x 50 multibattle, 999 energy and an XP Boost or something like that (not sure about the XP Boost but there is definitely a 3rd item)

  291. Matthias

    Neuer Promocode : RETURN

  292. Alexander Whittle

    New code – RETURN

  293. Snarke

    13YEARSPLARIUM is still working

  294. Kit

    13YEARSPLARIUM is working as of June 3rd, 2022.

  295. Hydro!peter

    Hallo neuer Promocode – 13yearsplarium

  296. Steve

    Hi, 13YEARSPLARIUM is now a working code

  297. Sixxste


  298. Zahngril


  299. BrightL

    The promos dont work for me

  300. sven komoß

    ich braure neue code

  301. DRACULA

    codes 3YARESRAID

  302. Ayumilove Post author

    @Mandrago: Thanks for your comment! I’ll be putting it into this page for others to see it too 🙂

  303. Mandrago

    Hi, the new anniversary promo code is >> 3yearsraid <<

  304. Jacob Lane

    I’m sort of newish at “Raid Shadow Legends”. Everything I needed to know and was searching for as of character Bio’s debuff’s exc. But I was also wandering about any new promo Codes where and when and how do I get access to them I spend a lot on this game it’s becoming me and my wife’s new addiction since around this time last year.,…. So thanks for the time and effort you all put into this fantastic Game……….. Jacob .C Lane Sr. Aka NdNsavageFamily

  305. Jacob


  306. Jacob

    If you ever have any promo codes would.surely like to have one for February

  307. Jacob lew

    If you ever have any promo codes would.surely like to have one for February

  308. tarsil

    Xyzot – yes it says that if you read. but thanks for the heads up . Great work ayumilove a lot of work that is sometimes not appreciated.

  309. Xyzot

    S1MPLE is expired FYI

  310. Ayum follower

    I want to apologize for the greedy and dumb people who have left such horrible comments. I appreciate all of the work you put into this forum.

  311. Frukot


  312. Gary

    Big Thank you for have Riad shadow of legends made Excellent game it amazing to in joy a fun game thank you all again Riads shadow of the

  313. Gary

    I like Road shadow of legends wonderful game

  314. kaitlyn king

    More please

  315. grateful twit

    @Fucc u stop being so ungrateful. you’re not paying a single cent for this service ayumilove is providing.

  316. Thomas Lyman

    This helps me

  317. Fucc u

    All those codes are ass. Why even keep the expired ones?

  318. Kevin Vo

    Please notify me if there any new prompt codes. Thanks so much


    Promocode ist durch kommen im Dezember noch welche wäre schön kann man immer gebrauchen etwas :: Extrafutter ::

  320. Bobby

    Please can you add this PROMO code: RAIDXMAS21

    Is a promo for Christmas, I just tested and it works with a new account and has to be 1 month old or less.


  321. Spunkymanker

    Does S1MPLE have any prerequisites? I have a new secondary account and it won’t work on it. Says it’s invalid

  322. Bobby

    Please you can add this PROMO code: RAID4U

    Is a promo from Raid in Reddit, I just tested and it works with a new account.


    Someone says that “TGA2021” was working December 17 for new account, I can verify and it’s not working anymore.

  323. chris

    looking for promo codes

  324. Arthur M Mulkey

    There is one that you are missing – TGA2021 – For new accounts – this has worked for me as of December 17th – Hope this is helpful to any new players out there..

  325. David Ryan Jennings

    All codes are expired at this point except s1mple

  326. Ayumilove Post author

    @Bobby: Thanks for the news! I have updated the Promo code page.

  327. Bobby

    I just create a brand-new account and ESLPRO and GIFT1 are showing as expired, please update them to EXPIRED.


  328. Beny

    TGASALE was nice i got fayne shes epic

  329. BlueV

    what with this TGASALE already expired?

  330. Darth Nino

    TGASALE says expired for me. Was there a time limit?

  331. Kevin W Dutton


  332. St@rKIller

    Love the Website, been using it for year or so now, prolly longer… But i really recommend that you put “24 hr cooldown on promo codes” in BOLD, LARGE TEXT at the top of the promo code page. I def would have looked them over, before just spamming one into the redeem tab.

  333. Ayumilove Post author

    @everyone: New Promo Code “S1mple” is now available to be used to get some decent rewards!
    Rewards: 4 Energy Refills, 1 3-Days 100% XP Boost, 20 Magic XP Brews, 350K Silver

  334. Geert Denuwelaere

    Great rewards, please inform me, great work, it’s a good push in the back for non-credit players!!!

  335. Antonio Ponce


  336. William Waggle

    Thank you for the info but as a player of Raid shadow legends for over 2 years now it’s very hard to know when they are putting out a new promo code is there a way you could alert us at the clan willysback of any news or new promo code we’d really appreciate it thank you for the info

  337. Alx

    Thank you.