Grythion the Celestial Griffin is the new boss for Doom Tower Rotation 2 and 3 in Raid Shadow Legends, where she has a unique passive skill that allows her to mirror your champion’s ability to gain their effects! Celestial Griffin will gain additional Turn Meter whenever your champions perform Increase Turn Meter skills. This same applies when your champions performed Decrease Turn Meter on the boss, she will also be able to inflict those effect on your champions too. In addition, she can strip away your buffs and transfer the debuffs you place on her to your champions! Check out the guide below to learn more of her game mechanics!
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Grythion the Celestial Griffin Skills
- Shockwave [ATK] Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 100% chance of placing a [Fear] debuff for 1 turn. (Damage Multiplier: 3 ATK)
- Rock Smash [ATK] (Cooldown: 3 turns) Transfers all debuffs from [Grythion] to each enemy, then attacks all enemies. Fills [Grythion]’s Turn Meter by 5% for each debuff transferred. (Damage Multiplier: 3 ATK)
- Death Gust (Cooldown: 3 turns) Removes all buffs from all enemies, then attacks all enemies. The buff removal cannot be resisted. Damage increases by 10% for each buff removed. (Damage Multiplier: 3 ATK + 0.1 ATK * Total Buff Removed)
- Divine Strike [Passive] Attacks an enemy whenever their HP drops below 50%. This attack places a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 2 turns.
- Celestial Bond [Passive] Adds one [Sky Bond] buff to [Grythion] at the start of each turn. Also adds one [Sky Bond] buff to [Grythion] whenever an enemy’s HP drops below 50%. Each [Sky Bond] buff increases [Grythion]’s ATK by 5%; C.RATE by 3%; C.DMG by 5%; SPD by 2.5. Will ignore [Shield], [Block Damage], and [Unkillable] buffs when [Grythion] has 10 or more [Sky Bond] buffs. Can stack up to 20 [Sky Bond] buffs. [Sky Bond buffs cannot be blocked or removed.
- Fair Wind [Passive] Whenever [Grythion]’s Turn Meter is decreased, the Turn Meters of all enemies will be decreased by the same amount. Places a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn on enemies with fully depleted Turn Meters. Whenever an enemy’s Turn Meter is filled, [Grythion]’s Turn Meter will be filled by the same amount. Turn Meter increases are traked and counted individually for each enemy.
- Almighty Immunity [Passive] Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Fear] and [True Fear] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects.
- Almighty Tolerance [Passive] Decreases the damage taken from poison debuffs by 90%.
- Almighty Strength [Passive] Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the Boss’ MAX HP when attacking the Boss.
- Almighty Persistence [Passive] All Turn Meter reduction effects are decreased by 50% when used against the boss.
Grythion the Celestial Griffin Stats
Stats of Grythion the Celestial Griffin based on Doom Tower floors and difficulty.
Tower Rotation 2 (Spirit): Floors 10, 50, 90
Tower Rotation 3 (Magic): Floors 30, 70, 110
How to beat Grythion the Celestial Griffin Boss?
- Recommended Champion Skill: Ally Join Attack, Heal, Decrease Defense, Weaken, HP Burn
- Recommended Champion Artifact: Lifesteal Set, Relentless Set, Resist Set, Accuracy Set, Perception Set
- MVP Damage Dealer: Rotos the Lost Groom, Drexthar Bloodtwin, Trunda Giltmallet, Turvold
- MVP Ally Join Attack: Kreela Witch-Arm, Longbeard, Fahrakin the Fat, Cardiel
- MVP Healer: Doompriest, Scyl of the Drake, Vrask
- MVP Debuffer: Lydia the Deathsiren, Dracomorph
Grythion the Celestial Griffin Videos
StewGaming: FULL AUTO 3 MAN Griffin DT HARD 90
StewGaming: F2P Griffin DT 90 HARD 4 x RARES + Scyl the Drakes
BGE: My Full AUTO Hard Floor 90 Team Celestial Griffin Grythion
MurderInc: Grythion The Celestial Griffin Doom Tower Guide
MtgJedi: F2P How to Beat Grythion the Celestial Griffin!
IvyLeeGaming: Grythion the Celestial Griffin – My Auto Team
Grythion Celestial Griffin Champion Tier List
Champion by Rarity: Legendary | Epic | Rare | Uncommon | Common
Mythical Champions Ranking
5★ Celestial Griffin | Mythical Champion
4★ Celestial Griffin | Mythical Champion
- Androc the Glorious (BL-MDS)
- Galleus Bloodcrest (SW-MAF)
- Komidus Darksmile (DS-MSM)
- Lady Mikage (SK-MSF)
- Nais the Shadowthief (SY-MAM)
- Nell Blackteeth (SY-MSM)
- Night Queen Krixia (KR-MSS)
- Siegfrund the Nephilim (SO-MAM)
- The Calamitus (UH-MAS)
3★ Celestial Griffin | Mythical Champion
- Alaz the Sunbearer (BA-MDF)
- Aphidus the Hivelord (DE-MAM)
- Arbais the Stonethorn (SY-MSF)
- Gharol Bloodmaul (OR-MHS)
- Gizmak the Terrible (OT-MSM)
- Karnage the Anarch (DS-MAS)
- Starsage Galathir (HE-MSF)
- Toshiro the Bloody (SK-MAM)
2★ Celestial Griffin | Mythical Champion
1★ Celestial Griffin | Mythical Champion
Legendary Champions Ranking
5★ Celestial Griffin | Legendary Champion
- Altan (BA-LDM)
- Bad-el-Kazar (UH-LSF)
- Cardiel (SO-LSV)
- Dracomorph (LZ-LAM)
- Drexthar Bloodtwin (DS-LDF)
- Graazur Irongut (OT-LDV)
- Kreela Witch-Arm (OR-LSM)
- Kyoku (SK-LDS)
- Leorius the Proud (SW-LAV)
- Longbeard (SW-LAM)
- Lydia the Deathsiren (DE-LSV)
- Mithrala Lifebane (DE-LSV)
- Nekhret the Great (UH-LDV)
- Ninja (SK-LAM)
- Pythion (LZ-LSF)
- R. Nergigante Archer (BA-LDS)
- Rae (DE-LAM)
- Riho Bonespear (SK-LSV)
- Rotos the Lost Groom (UH-LAM)
- Royal Huntsman (HE-LAS)
- Scyl of the Drakes (BA-LDM)
- Septimus (BL-LAS)
- Sir Nicholas (SO-LHV)
- Tuhanarak (BA-LSV)
- Turvold (BA-LAV)
- Venus (SO-LSV)
- Warlord (OR-LSV)
- Zavia (DE-LAF)
4★ Celestial Griffin | Legendary Champion
- Abbess (SO-LAF)
- Acelin the Stalwart (BL-LDS)
- Alatreon Blademaster (KR-LSS)
- Alsgor Crimsonhorn (BA-LHF)
- Artak (OR-LHM)
- Astralon (SO-LAM)
- Big Un (OT-LAM)
- Black Knight (BL-LHF)
- Boragar the Elder (DW-LHF)
- Brakus the Shifter (SW-LAF)
- Chaagur (LZ-LAV)
- Cleopterix (SW-LAS)
- Cruetraxa (DS-LAV)
- Crypt-King Graal (UH-LSM)
- Cupidus (SO-LAS)
- Drokgul the Gaunt (OT-LSS)
- Duchess Lilitu (DS-LSS)
- Elva Autumnborn (SY-LSM)
- Firrol the Barkhorn (SY-LDS)
- Foli (DE-LAM)
- Fu-Shan (LZ-LAF)
- Ghostborn (DE-LSS)
- Gnut (DW-LDS)
- Gwyndolin The Silent (SW-LAF)
- Helicath (DS-LDS)
- Helior (BL-LDF)
- Highmother Maud (SO-LSF)
- Kaja the Wry (BL-LSS)
- King Gallcobar (SY-LSM)
- Korugar Death-Bell (OT-LHF)
- Krisk the Ageless (LZ-LDV)
- Lady Kimi (SK-LSM)
- Lanakis the Chosen (DE-LSM)
- Little Miss Annie (UH-LAV)
- Lord Champfort (BL-LHM)
- Marichka the Unbreakable (BL-LSV)
- Martyr (SO-LDS)
- Michinaki (SK-LDM)
- Quintus the Triumphant (BL-LAV)
- Ragash (SW-LDS)
- Ramantu Drakesblood (LZ-LAV)
- Rhazin Scarhide (LZ-LDF)
- Saito (UH-LAM)
- Sethallia (BL-LSM)
- Shemnath (KR-LAM)
- Sniktraak (SW-LHS)
- Suzerain Katonn (UH-LAS)
- Taras the Fierce (BL-LHV)
- Tatura Rimehide (HE-LDS)
- Teodor the Savant (KR-LSS)
- Tribune Herakletes (UH-LDS)
- Truath (DE-LHM)
- Ultimate Deathknight (UH-LDF)
- Underpriest Brogni (DW-LSM)
- Urost the Soulcage (UH-LHV)
- Ursuga Warcaller (BA-LHV)
- Vasal of the Seal (DS-LHF)
- Vlad the Nightborn (UH-LAV)
- Vulkanos Fumor (DS-LDF)
- Wurlim Frostking (KR-LDV)
- Yncensa Grail-bearer (SY-LSV)
3★ Celestial Griffin | Legendary Champion
- Acrizia (DW-LAV)
- Aleksandr the Sharpshooter (HE-LAM)
- Alice the Wanderer (SO-LAM)
- Angar (OR-LHV)
- Archbishop Pinthroy (SO-LSS)
- Arnorn the Shining (DW-LAV)
- Ba Satha (LZ-LHM)
- Baron (BL-LAV)
- Belanor (HE-LAV)
- Belletar Mage Slayer (OT-LHV)
- Bivald of the Thorn (SO-LHS)
- Blind Seer (DE-LSV)
- Bloodgorged (UH-LAF)
- Brewguard Jeroboam (OT-LDF)
- Candraphon (DS-LAF)
- Caoilte the Asharrow (SY-LAM)
- Cheshire Cat (DS-LAS)
- Chronicler Adelyn (BL-LSF)
- Cillian the Lucky (BL-LAM)
- Claidna (SY-LHV)
- Corvis the Corruptor (SO-LDM)
- Countess Lix (DS-LAM)
- Crohnam (BA-LAM)
- Deliana (HE-LHF)
- Diamant Coppercoin (OT-LSV)
- Eostrid Dreamsong (SY-LSF)
- Falmond Mournsword (SO-LAS)
- Freyja Fateweaver (BA-LDF)
- Fyna Blade of Aravia (HE-LSM)
- Giath the Truthshield (KR-LDM)
- Ginro the Stork (SK-LDV)
- Glaicad of the Meltwater (SY-LSF)
- Gliseah Soulguide (SO-LDF)
- Goffred Brassclad (DW-LDM)
- Gomlok Skyhide (OR-LSF)
- Grand Oak Padraig (SY-LSS)
- Gretel Hagbane (SO-LAF)
- Hansel Witchhunter (SO-LAM)
- He-Man (SO-LAM)
- High Keeper Prysma (HE-LSS)
- Holsring (SO-LAM)
- Inithwe Bloodtwin (DS-LAV)
- Jagg Bonesaw (OR-LAS)
- Jetni the Giant (BA-LAS)
- Jingwon (SK-LHV)
- Jintoro (SK-LAM)
- Kalvalax (KR-LAS)
- Kantra the Cyclone (BA-LDF)
- Keeyra the Watcher (DW-LDS)
- Knave of Hearts (UH-LHF)
- KrokMar the Devourer (LZ-LHS)
- Lady Noelle (SO-LSV)
- Lady of Ireth (SY-LSS)
- Legate Teox (LZ-LAS)
- Lonatharil (HE-LSF)
- Lugan the Steadfast (BL-LHS)
- MaShalled (UH-LAS)
- Mad Hatter (KR-LSF)
- Marius the Gallant (SW-LDV)
- Mighty Ukko (SW-LSF)
- Minaya (BL-LSF)
- Nari the Lucky (DW-LDF)
- Narma the Returned (KR-LSM)
- Nethril (UH-LAS)
- Noct the Paralyzer (DE-LHM)
- Norog (SW-LDM)
- Odin Faefather (BA-LSV)
- Onryo Ieyasu (SK-LAV)
- Pheidi Tealcrest (LZ-LSV)
- Prince Kymar (DS-LSM)
- Queen of Hearts (KR-LSV)
- Rakka Viletide (OR-LSV)
- Rathalos Blademaster (BL-LAF)
- Razelvarg (SW-LAM)
- Robar (OR-LAF)
- Roric Wyrmbane (BA-LAS)
- Roshcard the Tower (SO-LHM)
- Roxam (LZ-LAM)
- Sicia Flametongue (DS-LAF)
- Sigmund the Highshield (BL-LDM)
- Skorid the Halfspawn (DS-LAM)
- Soulless (KR-LDV)
- Stokk the Broken (OT-LSS)
- Sulfuryion (LZ-LSV)
- Sun Wukong (SW-LAS)
- Supreme Kael (DE-LAV)
- Tatsu (SK-LAF)
- Teumesia (SW-LAV)
- Thor Faehammer (BA-LAM)
- Timit the Fool (BL-LHF)
- Tomb Lord (KR-LSS)
- Tramaria (DE-LSV)
- Trunda Giltmallet (DW-LAM)
- Tyrant Ixlimor (DS-LHM)
- Ugir the Wyrmeater (OT-LHS)
- Valkyrie (BA-LDS)
- Varl the Destroyer (OR-LAS)
- Vault Keeper Wixwell (SO-LDF)
- Vizug the Noxious (OT-LHM)
- Wallmaster Othorion (HE-LAM)
- Wight Queen Ankora (KR-LSM)
- Wythir the Crowned (DS-LSF)
- Xena Warrior Princess (BA-LAF)
- Yumeko (SK-LSV)
- Zinogre Blademaster (SK-LAM)
2★ Celestial Griffin | Legendary Champion
- Aragaz Wyldking (OR-LHF)
- Astralith (DE-LAS)
- Authoratrix Lamasu (DS-LSV)
- Bambus Fourleaf (SW-LSM)
- Blizaar the Howler (OT-LDS)
- Bolint Freewalker (SW-LHF)
- Craklin the Blackened (OT-LSF)
- Cromax Moonblood (DE-LDF)
- Danag Skullreap (OR-LAM)
- Dune Lord Greggor (BA-LDF)
- Elder Skarg (BA-LAF)
- Elegaius (UH-LSM)
- Elenaril (HE-LAM)
- Emic Trunkheart (SY-LHV)
- Errol (SO-LAF)
- Fatalis Blademaster (DE-LHV)
- Georgid the Breaker (KR-LAV)
- Gronjarr (DW-LHF)
- Gurgoh the Augur (OT-LAV)
- Guurda Bogbrew (OT-LSF)
- Hakkorhn Smashlord (SW-LHM)
- Hegemon (KR-LAV)
- Hephraak (DS-LAM)
- Hurndig (DW-LAM)
- Ignatius (OT-LDM)
- Iron Brago (OR-LDS)
- Ithos (HE-LAV)
- Karilon the Ringer (KR-LSV)
- Loki the Deceiver (BA-LSS)
- Losan KLeth (KR-LDF)
- Maranix (DE-LAF)
- Mathias Blackflail (SO-LHF)
- Matriarch Zarguna (OR-LHF)
- Morrigaine (UH-LSM)
- Oella (SY-LSM)
- Opardin Clanfather (BA-LHM)
- Packmaster Shyek (OR-LHF)
- Queen Eva (DE-LAS)
- Richtoff the Bold (BL-LAS)
- Ronda (BL-LAM)
- Ruel the Huntmaster (DE-LAS)
- Searsha the Charred (SY-LSF)
- Senna Amberheart (DW-LSV)
- Shamrock (OT-LSS)
- Shu-Zhen the Valorous (SK-LSV)
- Skeletor (KR-LSS)
- Strategos Islin (HE-LDM)
- Supreme Elhain (HE-LAV)
- Teela Goremane (OR-LSM)
- The Incarnate (HE-LDF)
- Togron the Conjoined (OT-LSV)
- Tormin the Cold (DW-LDV)
- Ultan of the Shell (DE-LAS)
- Vizier Ovelis (DE-LAF)
- Walking Tomb Dreng (KR-LHS)
- War Mother (OT-LAM)
- Wight King Narses (KR-LHV)
- Yakarl the Scourge (BA-LAV)
- Yannica (HE-LAS)
- Yoshi the Drunkard (SK-LSF)
1★ Celestial Griffin | Legendary Champion
- Ailil (SY-LAV)
- Arbiter (HE-LSV)
- Arix (KR-LHM)
- Armanz the Magnificent (BA-LSM)
- Basileus Roanas (HE-LAF)
- Bystophus (KR-LAF)
- Fortus (KR-LDV)
- Gaius the Gleeful (KR-LAF)
- Gamuran (SK-LSS)
- Genzin (SK-LAS)
- Gnishak Verminlord (SW-LAF)
- Greathoof Loriaca (SW-LSS)
- Greenwarden Ruarc (SY-LDF)
- Grohak the Bloodied (OR-LAM)
- Gurptuk Moss-Beard (OT-LSF)
- Harima (SK-LDF)
- Harvest Jack (UH-LHS)
- Karato Foxhunter (SK-LAS)
- Khoronar (SW-LHV)
- King Garog (OR-LAF)
- Konstantin The Dayborn (SO-LAV)
- Lord Shazar (DS-LAS)
- Lyssandra (HE-LSS)
- Maulie Tankard (DW-LSS)
- Mortu-Macaab (DS-LHS)
- Mother Cybele (KR-LSF)
- Mountain King (DW-LAF)
- Nekmo Thaar (LZ-LSS)
- Nobel (SK-LAF)
- Nogdar the Headhunter (OR-LAS)
- Pyxniel (HE-LSM)
- Raf-Matab (BA-LHS)
- Raglin (BL-LSV)
- Samar Gemcursed (DW-LHS)
- Samson the Masher (SW-LHS)
- Shirimani (HE-LSF)
- Siphi the Lost Bride (UH-LSV)
- Skartorsis (UH-LSF)
- Skull Lord Var-Gall (LZ-LDF)
- Staltus Dragonbane (BL-LDF)
- Supreme Athel (SO-LAV)
- Supreme Galek (OR-LAV)
- Thea the Tomb Angel (KR-LAF)
- Valkanen (UH-LAV)
- Vergumkaar (LZ-LSS)
- Versulf the Grim (KR-LHF)
- Visix the Unbowed (DE-LDV)
- Vitrius the Anointed (SO-LAV)
- Warchief (SW-LDF)
Epic Champions Ranking
5★ Celestial Griffin | Epic Champion
4★ Celestial Griffin | Epic Champion
- Armina (BA-EAM)
- Bergoth the Malformed (KR-EHS)
- Catacomb Councilor (UH-EAM)
- Demytha (DW-ESV)
- Dhukk the Pierced (OR-EDM)
- Doompriest (KR-ESF)
- Giscard the Sigiled (BL-EDS)
- Godseeker Aniri (SO-EDV)
- Gwynneth (DE-EAM)
- High Khatun (BA-ESS)
- Mausoleum Mage (UH-ESF)
- Melga Steelgirdle (DW-EHS)
- Peydma (DS-EDV)
- Psylar (DE-ESV)
- Rian the Conjurer (DE-ESF)
- Rugnor Goldgleam (DW-EAV)
- Runekeeper Dazdurk (DW-ESV)
- Sandlashed Survivor (OR-EDS)
- Seer (OR-ESV)
- Sepulcher Sentinel (KR-EDF)
- Skullcrusher (OT-EDF)
- Tayrel (HE-EDM)
- Vrask (OR-EHS)
- Whisper (KR-EAV)
3★ Celestial Griffin | Epic Champion
- Aeila Lifebraid (SY-ESV)
- Aina (BA-EAM)
- Akemtum (SW-EAV)
- Akoth the Seared (DS-EDM)
- Alure (DS-EAM)
- Ambassador Lethelin (HE-ESF)
- Anax (UH-EAS)
- Anchorite (SO-ESS)
- Aothar (SO-EAF)
- Aox the Rememberer (LZ-ESF)
- Basher (SW-EAV)
- Battlesage (HE-ESV)
- Bovos Sharphorn (SW-ESS)
- Bowf the Rancid (SW-EHS)
- Broadmaw (LZ-ESV)
- Cardinal (SO-ESV)
- Carlinia (SO-ESS)
- Ceez (OT-EAF)
- Chancellor Yasmin (BL-ESF)
- Dark Kael (DE-EAM)
- Dawncaller Sabitha (KR-ESV)
- Deacon Armstrong (SO-ESS)
- Dirandil (DE-EAF)
- Djamarsa (BA-ESF)
- Duhr the Hungerer (DS-ESS)
- Dyana Gloompiercer (SY-EAV)
- Eolfrig (BL-ESS)
- Faceless (KR-EAV)
- Fayne (SW-EAS)
- Fenshi (SK-EAF)
- Frostbringer (SO-ESM)
- Galkut (OT-EAS)
- Genbo the Dishonored (SK-EAV)
- Ghrush the Mangler (OT-EDS)
- Golden Reaper (KR-ESV)
- Gorgorab (UH-ESM)
- Hexia (UH-EAF)
- Hoforees the Tusked (SW-ESF)
- Hope (SO-EHM)
- Husk (UH-EHF)
- Jarang (LZ-EAM)
- Kaiden (DE-EDM)
- Khafru the Deathkeeper (UH-EDV)
- Kunoichi (SK-EDF)
- Lightsworn (SO-EDV)
- Lodric Falconheart (SO-EHS)
- Lua (DE-EAV)
- Luria (DE-EAS)
- Madame Serris (DE-ESV)
- Malkith Bloodflock (KR-ESS)
- Maneater (OT-EHV)
- Mordecai (SO-ESF)
- Necrohunter (KR-EAM)
- Nogoryo (SK-EAM)
- Old Hermit Jorrg (OR-ESM)
- Pestilus (KR-ESS)
- Rearguard Sergeant (DW-EDF)
- Romero (SO-EDF)
- Sanguinia (SO-ESM)
- Seeker (UH-EDM)
- Shatterbones (OT-EAF)
- Sir Artimage (BL-EAF)
- Skathix (LZ-ESV)
- Skeuramis (HE-EHM)
- Skullcrown (KR-EAV)
- Skytouched Shaman (BA-ESV)
- Spider (DE-ESF)
- Steelskull (SW-ESS)
- Tagoar (OR-ESM)
- Tarshon (DS-EDS)
- Taurus (SW-EAM)
- Thenasil (HE-ESF)
- Thylessia (KR-EAF)
- Tomoe (SK-ESF)
- Trumborr (OR-EDS)
- Urogrim (OT-ESV)
- Ursine Ironhide (SW-EDF)
- Urticata (DS-EAS)
- Uugo (OT-ESM)
- Vogoth (UH-EHS)
- White Dryad Nia (SY-EDV)
- Woad-Painted (BA-EHS)
- Wyrennon the Silken (SY-ESS)
- Wysteri Vineguard (SY-EAV)
2★ Celestial Griffin | Epic Champion
- Aeshma (KR-EAM)
- Alika (BA-EAF)
- Andryssia (HE-EDV)
- Arndulf (BL-EDM)
- Azure (BL-EHV)
- Balthus Drauglord (UH-EDS)
- Basilisk (LZ-EAF)
- Bloodfeather (OR-EAF)
- Bonekeeper (OR-EAF)
- Broodlord (LZ-EDF)
- Cagebreaker (OT-EAS)
- Captain Temila (DE-EHM)
- Chonoru (SK-EAS)
- Cormac the Highpeak (SY-EAM)
- Corpse Collector (UH-ESF)
- Criodan the Blue (SY-ESM)
- Dark Athel (UH-EAM)
- Dark Elhain (UH-EAM)
- Delaaja (LZ-EHS)
- Delver (DE-EAS)
- Duedan the Runic (SY-EHF)
- Endalia (HE-EHM)
- Erinyes (DS-EAF)
- Excruciator (DS-EAM)
- Exemplar (HE-EAV)
- Fang Cleric (DE-ESS)
- Fenax (SO-EAS)
- Frenzi the Cackler (SW-EDV)
- Fylja (DW-EAM)
- Gala Longbraids (DW-EAV)
- Geomancer (DW-EAF)
- Gerhard the Stone (BL-EAM)
- Grizzled Jarl (DW-EDM)
- Hellgazer (DS-EAS)
- Hotatsu (SK-EDM)
- Ilysinya (HE-EHF)
- Inquisitor Shamael (SO-EAV)
- Jinglehunter (HE-EAS)
- Jurojin (SK-EHS)
- Klodd Beastfeeder (OT-EHM)
- Krakarth (DE-EHF)
- Kytis (KR-EAS)
- Lady Annabelle (BL-ESS)
- Lady Eresh (KR-EAF)
- Lady Quilen (BL-EAF)
- Liburga (OR-ESV)
- Lich (UH-EDF)
- Magnarr (DS-EHS)
- Masamoto (SK-EDS)
- Merouka (OR-EDM)
- Miscreated Monster (KR-EHM)
- Missionary (SO-EHF)
- Mistress of Hymns (SO-ESS)
- Neldor Rimeblade (HE-EAF)
- Oathbound (BL-EDF)
- Oboro (SK-EAV)
- Old Ghrukkus (OT-ESF)
- Ostrox Boneglaive (UH-ESV)
- Pann the Bowhorn (SY-EAF)
- Pharsalas Gravedirt (KR-EDM)
- Phranox (KR-EAS)
- Quargan the Crowned (LZ-ESS)
- Rector Drath (KR-ESF)
- Royal Guard (HE-EAM)
- Scabrius (SW-EAM)
- Shaman (OR-ESF)
- Siegehulk (OT-EAM)
- Signy of Highshield (BL-EHM)
- Sinesha (KR-ESF)
- Skimfos the Consumed (DS-EAV)
- Skraank (OT-EAV)
- Slixus Stripehide (LZ-EAV)
- Snorting Thug (SW-EHF)
- Suwai Firstborn (BA-EAV)
- Tainix Hateflower (DS-ESF)
- Taya (SK-EAV)
- Tuhak the Wanderer (OR-EAV)
- Ultimate Galek (OR-EAM)
- Ursala the Mourner (BL-ESV)
- Valla (BA-EDS)
- Venomage (LZ-ESM)
- Visionary (DE-ESS)
- Weregren Suncursed (SW-EAV)
- Wuji (SK-EAF)
- Wuzgar (OT-EHS)
- Zargala (OR-EAF)
- Zelotah (UH-ESS)
1★ Celestial Griffin | Epic Champion
- Achak the Wendarin (DS-ESF)
- Adriel (SO-ESM)
- Alaric the Hooded (BL-EAF)
- Archmage Hellmut (BL-ESM)
- Arwydd Quivergrass (SY-EAF)
- Atur (BA-EHM)
- Baerdal Fellhammer (DW-EAV)
- Baroth the Bloodsoaked (BA-EHF)
- Burangiri (SK-EDF)
- Bushi (SO-EAS)
- Canoness (SO-EDM)
- Chani (SK-EAM)
- Conellia (DW-ESM)
- Crimson Helm (DE-EDS)
- Crypt Witch (KR-EAM)
- Deathless (KR-EDS)
- Defiled Sinner (UH-EAF)
- Drake (LZ-EAS)
- Enda Moonbeam (SY-EAS)
- Ethlen the Golden (HE-EAV)
- Flesh-Tearer (SW-ESM)
- Fodbor the Bard (DW-EAS)
- Fyr-gun Isbeil (DW-EAF)
- Gorlos Hellmaw (DS-EAS)
- Gory (SK-EAS)
- Grimskin (OT-EDM)
- Grunch Killjoy (OT-ESF)
- Haarken Greatblade (BA-EAV)
- Hordin (BL-EAM)
- Hoskarul (BA-EDS)
- Infernal Baroness (DS-EDF)
- Jizoh (LZ-EDS)
- Jotun (BA-EHM)
- Juliana (SO-EAM)
- Kallia (BA-EAF)
- Karam (UH-EAF)
- Kellan the Shrike (SY-EAM)
- Kinagashi (SK-ESS)
- Knight-Errant (BL-EAS)
- Lady Etessa (SO-EAF)
- Locwain (SY-EAM)
- Lordly Legionary (BL-EAM)
- Lorn the Cutter (OT-EAM)
- Luthiea (HE-EAF)
- Maeve (BA-EAF)
- Marksman (HE-EAS)
- Masked Fearmonger (BL-EAS)
- Mistrider Daithi (SY-EAF)
- Morag Bronzelock (DW-EDS)
- Myciliac Priest Orn (SY-EHS)
- Nazana (DS-EHF)
- Occult Brawler (OT-EHS)
- Pitiless One (KR-EAM)
- Prundar (OT-EDV)
- Reinbeast (SW-EDF)
- Relickeeper (SO-EAF)
- Ripper (SW-EAF)
- Rock Breaker (DW-EDS)
- Rowan (BL-EAV)
- Ruella (SY-EAS)
- Sachi (SK-ESF)
- Scion (DS-EAM)
- Seneschal (BL-EDF)
- Sikara (BA-ESM)
- Souldrinker (DS-EAF)
- Suiren (SK-EAF)
- Tallia (SO-EAM)
- Terrorbeast (OR-EHS)
- Teshada (BA-EDF)
- Theresc (DE-EAF)
- Tolf the Maimed (OR-EHV)
- Torturehelm (OR-EHF)
- Towering Titan (OT-EHV)
- Umbral Enchantress (DS-EDV)
- Umetogi (SK-EAM)
- Ursine Icecrusher (SW-EDF)
- Vergis (HE-EDS)
- Vildrax (DS-ESM)
- Warcaster (BL-ESV)
- Warden (DE-EDS)
- Yaga the Insatiable (SW-EAF)
- Yelagirna (OR-EAS)
- Zii Ixchi (LZ-EAF)
Rare Champions Ranking
5★ Celestial Griffin | Rare Champion
4★ Celestial Griffin | Rare Champion
3★ Celestial Griffin | Rare Champion
- Athel (SO-RAM)
- Bellower (OT-RSV)
- Bogwalker (LZ-RDF)
- Bulwark (DW-RDV)
- Coffin Smasher (KR-RHM)
- Dagger (BL-RAV)
- Diabolist (DS-RSM)
- Doomscreech (UH-RHV)
- Draconis (SO-RHV)
- Elhain (HE-RAM)
- Fellhound (DS-RDV)
- Furystoker (OT-RSS)
- Geargrinder (OT-RHV)
- Grinner (UH-RSF)
- Hyria (HE-RAS)
- Ironclad (OR-RHF)
- Kael (DE-RAM)
- Marked (BA-RSM)
- Mother Superior (SO-RSS)
- Reliquary Tender (HE-RSV)
- Renegade (KR-RSV)
- Seducer (UH-RDV)
- Selinia Nightcloak (HE-RAV)
- Soulbond Bowyer (BA-RAS)
- Spirithost (DE-RSS)
- Templar (SO-RDS)
- Valerie (BL-RSM)
2★ Celestial Griffin | Rare Champion
- Abyssal (DS-RSS)
- Avir the Alchemage (DW-RSM)
- Cagebound (LZ-RDV)
- Chaplain (SO-RSF)
- Confessor (SO-RAV)
- Corpulent Cadaver (UH-RHS)
- Crimson Slayer (KR-RAS)
- Denid the Tusk Knight (BL-RDV)
- Executioner (KR-RDM)
- Galek (OR-RAM)
- Grappler (SW-RDS)
- Gravechill Killer (UH-RAM)
- Graybeard (SW-RDM)
- Halberdier (BL-RAS)
- Haruspex (LZ-RSV)
- Hellfreak (DS-RAS)
- Itinerant (SK-RAF)
- Judge (DE-RAM)
- Loneblade Riab (SY-RAF)
- Medicus (HE-RSS)
- Metalshaper (LZ-RSS)
- Myrmidon (BL-RDM)
- Pain Keeper (DE-RHV)
- Purgator (SO-RAM)
- Retainer (DE-RDV)
- Warmaiden (BA-RAF)
- Warpriest (SO-RSS)
1★ Celestial Griffin | Rare Champion
- Acolyte (KR-RSF)
- Adjudicator (HE-RAM)
- Amarantine Skeleton (UH-RDV)
- Anointed (BA-RSF)
- Arbalester (UH-RAV)
- Arcanist (KR-RSF)
- Ashwalker (KR-RAV)
- Assassin (SK-RAM)
- Avenger (HE-RAM)
- Banshee (UH-RSM)
- Beast Wrestler (DW-RAF)
- Berserker (BA-RAS)
- Bloodbraid (BA-RHS)
- Bloodhorn (SW-RHV)
- Bloodmask (SK-RHF)
- Bloodpainter (SW-RAF)
- Boltsmith (DW-RAF)
- Bombardier (BL-RAF)
- Bone Knight (UH-RAS)
- Boughsmith Flannan (SY-RDF)
- Branch-Arm Lasair (SY-RHV)
- Candleguard (DW-RAM)
- Cataphract (BL-RHS)
- Centurion (KR-RDV)
- Channeler (SW-RSS)
- Chevalier (BL-RDV)
- Chopper (OR-RAM)
- Coldheart (DE-RAV)
- Conquerer (BL-RAS)
- Courtier (BL-RAF)
- Crossbowman (BL-RAM)
- Cudgeler (DW-RAM)
- Daywalker (KR-RHV)
- Deathchanter (OR-RHM)
- Dolor Lorekeeper (DW-RSF)
- Drowned Bloatwraith (UH-RAV)
- Dunestrider (BA-RAM)
- Elder (BA-RDM)
- Eviscerator (DE-RAV)
- Fanatic (SK-RSV)
- Fencer (HE-RAF)
- Flailer (DW-RDM)
- Flesheater (OT-RSS)
- Fleshmonger (SW-RAM)
- Flinger (LZ-RAS)
- Fortress Goon (OT-RDM)
- Frozen Banshee (UH-RAM)
- Gator (LZ-RSM)
- Ghoulish Ranger (UH-RAS)
- Gladiator (KR-RAF)
- Gloril Brutebane (DW-RAS)
- Gnarlhorn (SW-RHS)
- Goremask (OR-RAF)
- Grandmaster (BL-RHM)
- Grumbler (DW-RHM)
- Guardian (KR-RHS)
- Harrier (SO-RAV)
- Harvester (DE-RAV)
- Hatchet Slinger (DW-RAS)
- Headsman (SO-RAS)
- Heiress (HE-RAF)
- Hellborn Sprite (DS-RSS)
- Hellfang (DS-RAS)
- Hexweaver (DE-RSS)
- Hill Nomad (BA-RSM)
- Hollow (UH-RAV)
- Honor Guard (DW-RDF)
- Hospitaller (SO-RSM)
- Hound Spawn (DS-RAF)
- Huntress (OR-RAV)
- Hurler (LZ-RAF)
- Ifrit (DS-RHV)
- Ingid Twyst-staff (SY-RSS)
- Interceptor (HE-RDV)
- Judicator (SO-RAS)
- Justiciar (SO-RDV)
- Lamellar (SO-RHF)
- Lamibur (SW-RSS)
- Lifetaker (SK-RAM)
- Longsword Torrux (KR-RDS)
- Lumberer (OT-RAF)
- Madman (DW-RAS)
- Magister (HE-RSF)
- Magmablood (OT-RAF)
- Magus (KR-RAM)
- Maiden (SO-RAS)
- Malbranche (DS-RAV)
- Marauder (SK-RHS)
- Margrave Greenhawk (SY-RHF)
- Marquis (DS-RDV)
- Master Butcher (DW-RSS)
- Meatcarver Tolog (SW-RHF)
- Misericord (BL-RAM)
- Muckstalker (LZ-RHM)
- Mycolus (OT-RSV)
- Mystic Hand (DE-RSF)
- Odachi (SK-RDF)
- Ogryn Jailer (OT-RAF)
- Ordinator (DE-RAF)
- Ox (BA-RAV)
- Painsmith (DW-RAV)
- Panthera (SW-RAV)
- Paragon (DE-RDV)
- Pathfinder Cait (SY-RAM)
- Penitent (SO-RDS)
- Perforator (DW-RAF)
- Petrifya Rockroot (DS-RAM)
- Pigsticker (OR-RAM)
- Pounder (OT-RDM)
- Preserver (BL-RDF)
- Prosecutor (HE-RAS)
- Quaestor (BL-RAF)
- Ragemonger (BA-RAV)
- Raider (OR-RAS)
- Redcloak Taneko (SK-RDM)
- Renouncer (SO-RAF)
- Ripperfist (OR-RAV)
- Riscarm (BL-RDS)
- Rockbeast (OT-RHV)
- Rocktooth (OT-RAM)
- Rotting Mage (UH-RSS)
- Ruffstone (OT-RAF)
- Runic Warder (DW-RHM)
- Sanctum Protector (SO-RDS)
- Scrapper (BA-RAV)
- Sentinel (BA-RHF)
- Shadowbow Tirlac (SY-RDS)
- Siegebreaker (OT-RAS)
- Skink (LZ-RAM)
- Skirmisher (BA-RAV)
- Skullsworn (LZ-RAF)
- Slasher (LZ-RAS)
- Slayer (BA-RAF)
- Slitherbrute (LZ-RAM)
- Solaris (SO-RAF)
- Sorceress (UH-RAF)
- Spikehead (OR-RAM)
- Spymaster (BL-RHF)
- Steadfast Marshal (BL-RHV)
- Steel Bowyer (DE-RAF)
- Stitched Beast (UH-RAV)
- Stout Axeman (DW-RHM)
- Temptress (UH-RAM)
- Teryx the Restless (LZ-RDV)
- Theurgist (KR-RSM)
- Tigersoul (BA-RAS)
- Tormentor (DS-RAM)
- Totem (OR-RSS)
- Treefeller (OR-RAF)
- Treeshield Knott (SY-RSV)
- Tribuck Colwyn (SY-RDM)
- Trugorr (BA-RAM)
- Twinclaw Disciple (OR-RAF)
- Vagabond (SK-RSS)
- Vanguard (BL-RDV)
- Veteran (OR-RDV)
- Wagonbane (OT-RSM)
- Wanderer (DE-RAS)
- Witness (SO-RSM)
- Wretch (UH-RAF)
- Wyvernbane (OR-RAS)
Uncommon Champions Ranking
5★ Celestial Griffin | Uncommon Champion
4★ Celestial Griffin | Uncommon Champion
3★ Celestial Griffin | Uncommon Champion
2★ Celestial Griffin | Uncommon Champion
- Armiger (SO-UDS)
- Conscript (SK-UAS)
- Crusher (BA-UDS)
- Outrider (BA-UAS)
- Shieldguard (BA-UDS)
- Spiritwalker (BA-USF)
- Word Bearer (BL-USM)
1★ Celestial Griffin | Uncommon Champion
- Admonitor (KR-UHF)
- Archer (BL-UAM)
- Aristocrat (HE-UAM)
- Battle Sister (SO-UAM)
- Branchweaver (SY-USS)
- Brute (OT-UAM)
- Chemist (DW-UAM)
- Commander (BL-USF)
- Crusader (SO-UAF)
- Cultist (KR-UAF)
- Dead Crusader (UH-UDF)
- Dhampir (UH-UAS)
- Drillmaster (SO-UAM)
- Duelist (BL-UAF)
- Elfguard (HE-UAS)
- Frontline Warrior (BL-UDS)
- Frostskin (OT-USM)
- Glenspear (SY-UAM)
- Hardscale (LZ-UDM)
- Head Taker (BA-UAM)
- Heartpiercer (DE-UAF)
- Herald (KR-USS)
- Hungerer (OT-UHF)
- Icebound Prospector (DW-UAF)
- Incubus (DS-UAF)
- Infiltrator (SK-UAF)
- Intercessor (SO-USF)
- Jaeger (HE-UAS)
- Lemure (DS-UHM)
- Line Infantry (DW-UDF)
- Militia (SO-UAS)
- Oldbeard (OT-UDF)
- Outlander (BA-UAS)
- Outlaw Monk (SO-UAF)
- Pilgrim (SO-USF)
- Pit Cur (DS-UHF)
- Pit Fighter (BA-UHF)
- Pitspawn (DS-UDS)
- Redeemer (DE-UAF)
- Ritualist (BA-UAM)
- Sandbow (BA-UAS)
- Satyr (SW-UHS)
- Saurus (LZ-UAS)
- Sergeant (SO-UAF)
- Skellag (UH-UDF)
- Skinner (LZ-UAM)
- Slicer (DW-UAS)
- Sniper (DE-UAM)
- Squire (BL-UDF)
- Stalker (LZ-UHM)
- Stalwart (BL-UHM)
- Suntribe (OR-USM)
- Thrasher (OT-UAS)
- Throatcutter (OR-UAS)
- Tracker (OR-UAF)
- Tunnel Steward (DW-UAS)
- Vigilante (SO-UHS)
- Vilespawn (DS-USS)
- Vulpine (UH-UAF)
- Warchanter (OR-UHM)
- Windtalker (SW-USM)
- Zephyr Sniper (BA-UDS)
Common Champions Ranking
5★ Celestial Griffin | Common Champion
4★ Celestial Griffin | Common Champion
3★ Celestial Griffin | Common Champion
2★ Celestial Griffin | Common Champion
1★ Celestial Griffin | Common Champion
- Axeman (BL-CHF)
- Bully (BA-CDS)
- Death Hound (UH-CAM)
- Deathknight (UH-CHM)
- Hellhound (UH-CAS)
- Knecht (SO-CDS)
- Lurker (DE-CAM)
- Magekiller (DE-CAS)
- Novitiate (SO-CAS)
- Pikeman (BL-CDM)
- Preacher (SO-CHF)
- Ranger (DE-CAF)
- Sister Militant (SO-CAF)
- Thrall (KR-CAM)
- Troglodyte (LZ-CDS)
- Warboy (OR-CDM)
- Yeoman (SO-CAM)
Drexthar is an mpv free champ you can use even on hard.
i run him as a sole dps whiles using Duchess, Jareg, Doompriestand Scyl to slowly burn the Griffin out.
Lore accurate not being immune to burns..
Its consistent on all Griffin hard floors on auto
Immunity to [Black Passive Skills] is missing from the boss’s passive list. I thought for a moment I could bring my shiny new Rhonda on my new FTP accout and get a win on early Doom Tower. No such luck. :p
The set REGENERATION (and perhaps continuous heal buffs/passive to boost the regeneratio) is a MUST and you won’t even need legendary champions.
I beat the boss with DELIANA, SCYL, ATHEL, TALLIA AND PARAGON and they aren’t even level 50
the REGENERATION (and perharps continuous heal buffs/passive) SET is a MUST and you don’t need premium top champions.
“No Thought” Budget Team for Stg10 Lvl 95
Keal (lead) lvl 60
Scyl lvl 50
Nethril lvl 50
Apothacary lvl 50
Dark Elhain lvl 50
None of the toons are fully booked nor maxed…
@Tired It’s literally a free S-tier lego where all you have to do is open the game’s app. You don’t have to play, do Doom Tower, buy anything, just open the app. That’s as budget as it gets, my guy.
It’s hilarious how the only way to beat this stupid boss after a certain point if you didn’t get lucky with your drops is to play for 6 months uninterrupted.
Seriously, stop recommending Scyl as a “budget” anything. It’s far more expensive logging in for 180 days uninterrupted than it is actually spending money.
Level 90 celestial Griffin Team
Roshard the Tower (leader + has shield 3 turns)
Scyl of Drakes (damage + revive)
Ninja – great Damage
Drexthar – Fire does good damage
Mega Steelgirdle (revive plus other buffs)
Couldn’t find Rector Drath on the list? Where does she rank
Any chance of getting the stats for each floor like you have for other bosses? This guy is kicking my a$$ on floor 110.
Melga Steelgirdle is not listed on this page, but on the character’s page she is listed as 5* on Celestial Griffin.
Since the rebalance made him so much better, does Crypt King Graal and his hp burn extension now have a place on grythion teams?
Everyone seems to use Scyl; who I won’t have before this rotation is over 🙁 I’ve been stuck on hard 40 for 3 weeks
I’ve tried every combination of champions I could think of (that I own, obviously). The cheese resist strat I had used for the normal version doesn’t work, because his accuracy is too high.
Put them in Regeneration and Jareg and Scyl solo the Griffin.
Budget Team level 280
Dark Elhain
Apothecary (Heals only, dont use speed)
Mega Steelgirdle (gotta time the heals right with Death Gust 3turn delay)
My Eco team was:
Lead: Jareg
Royal Guard for damage
Scyl for healing
Kael for damage
Apotheracy for health control
Budget team for normal 90:
Reliquary – save her cleanse for nasty stuff/rez
Scyl – less acc to avoid a1 TM proc
Tayrel leader – use def down only after boss transfer buffs, no tm reduction
Kael – poisons
Apo – speed only after boss debuff you
@AlBundy: Thanks for highlighting it! I have removed Poison from the recommended skill for Celestial Griffin.
Why is “poison” a recommended skill for this boss? His passive states “Decreases the damage taken from poison debuffs by 90%.”
How to beat Grythion video in Portuguese language