Raid Shadow Legends Veil Skill applies Veil buff on self or allies to avoid being targeted by enemies. However, champions that have Veil or Perfect Veil buff will still be able to get hit by AoE (Area of Effect) attacks from enemies. There are 2 versions of Veil (Veil and Perfect Veil). The difference between Veil and Perfect Veil buff is that Veil will be removed whenever the champion who has this buff inflicts damage to its target while Perfect Veil will get to remain hidden from targeted after performing an attack on its target. The Veil effect will remain even though you cast a Debuff on enemies without any damage on top of it. Veiled champions can still be hit by counter attack.
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VeilAny Champion with this buff remains hidden from being targeted but will be revealed after damaging an enemy. It can be targeted if it’s the only remaining champion in the team or if all champions in the team has Veil buff. Decreases incoming damage from AoE skills by 7.5%. |
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Perfect VeilAny Champion with this buff remains hidden from being targeted even after damaging an enemy. It can be targeted if it’s the only remaining champion in the team or if all champions in the team has Veil buff. Decreases incoming damage from AoE skills by 15%. |
Imperfect Veil Champions (11)
Imperfect Veil (AoE)
Imperfect Veil (Self)
Imperfect Veil (Target)
Perfect Veil Champions (42)
Perfect Veil (AoE)
- Duchess Lilitu (DS-LSS)
- Firrol the Barkhorn (SY-LDS)
- Glaicad of the Meltwater (SY-LSF)
- Pheidi Tealcrest (LZ-LSV)
- Tatura Rimehide (HE-LDS)
- Truath (DE-LHM)
Perfect Veil (Lowest Hp)
Perfect Veil (Random)
Perfect Veil (Self)
- Belanor (HE-LAV)
- Candraphon (DS-LAF)
- Cleopterix (SW-LAS)
- Little Miss Annie (UH-LAV)
- Loki the Deceiver (BA-LSS)
- Ninja (SK-LAM)
- Roxam (LZ-LAM)
- Ruel the Huntmaster (DE-LAS)
- Thea the Tomb Angel (KR-LAF)
- Vizier Ovelis (DE-LAF)
- Vlad the Nightborn (UH-LAV)
- Yannica (HE-LAS)
- Yumeko (SK-LSV)
- Ceez (OT-EAF)
- Dirandil (DE-EAF)
- Kellan the Shrike (SY-EAM)
- Lady Eresh (KR-EAF)
- Necrohunter (KR-EAM)
- Oboro (SK-EAV)
- Umetogi (SK-EAM)
- Wuji (SK-EAF)
@dorst622, @MadLemur, @Jazz Slayer: Tatura Rimehide is now available in the Veil champion list!
@TomPP: Umetogi is now available in the Veil champion list!
@GrimmNast: Shadowbow Tirlac is now available in the Viel champion list!
Shadowbow Tirlac (SY-RDS) places a Veil buff on all allies except himself for 1 turn.
Tatura Rimehiden is missing from this list.
Hi, you need Umetogi on this list
Yo you need tatura on this list
Tatura Rimehide
Hello Ayumi! If you have the time, do you think you could add a list of champions dependant on veil for bonus on attacks/passives? (You did something like this on the poison and hp burn pages). Thank you and have a great holiday season!
@courageouslio: If all champions have Perfect Veil or Veil buff, then enemies can target any of the enemies alive in the battlefield!
what if all champs have active veil?
What if “Retribution” talent (counter attack) trigger on [Veil]ed champion? Will that remove the [Veil] from him?
@JVweed: Yes, Perfect Veil and Veil can have their buff duration extended by champions who have Increase Buff Duration skill!
can perfect veil buff be extended?
@SSD: I have included Ninja into the Veil Skill champion list. Thanks!
Time to add Ninja
@stinkydeuce: Necrohunter is now available in the Veil champion skill list!
@RadSpin: Lifetaker has been added to the Veil champion skill list!
New Lifetaker champion in the Shadowkin faction has the ability to veil herself, just letting you know
Necrohunter’s a3 has 75% to put Veil on self if attack is critical.
@Devnee: Old Hermit Jorrg has been added into the Perfect Veil list!
@BorisBaddenov: I have updated Veil buff description from reducing damage by 15% to 7.5%. Thanks!
@Davina: Quargan the Crowned has been added to the Perfect Veil list above!
Quargan the Crowned has Perfect Veil as part of Attunement lvl3
@AyumiLove – I think that Veil only reduces AOE damage by 7.5% While P. Veil reduces it by 15%. That’s what I see when looking at other Raid web-sites.
Add Old Hermit Jorrg. He casts it on 2 targets after ressing them.
ADD Rector Drath
Useless ability.
The opponent can still attack you if there is no other target. The game mechanics doesn’t allow their turn to be skipped even if they shouldn’t be able to target you otherwise.
@Shallow: I have added that info to the Veil and Perfect. Thanks for your input!
Doesn’t Perfect Veil decrease incoming AoE damage by 15% or something like that?
i find this skill mostly useless ( on Wurlim ) it does really nothing to blick attack or the effects of it.
A perfect veil rather, if the a1 freeze debuff is landed
Wurlim Frostking has a veil if the freeze buff is landed on a1
Wurlim Frostking is missing here.
@DrAnzelm: Corpse Collector has been added into the champion list above!
@Nick: Thanks for your input! I have added into the Veil description above!
Might be worth mentioning that veiled allies can still be hit by counter attack. Which is a shame.
Corpse Collector is missing in Veil Champions => Epic (Noxious Escape – Places a [Veil] buff on this Champion for 1 turn)
Love the site!! I’ve always wanted to be able to sort champs by skill. With 200+ champs I can’t remember who has what skill. Thanks to you now when I know what skill a team is weak in, I can look up what champ to put in to compensate. Thank you!!
Kimiko57 in Raid