Raid Shadow Legends Decrease Turn Meter is a skill that decreases the Turn Meter of one or multiple enemy Champion’s, to prevent them from taking their turn first before your Champions. This is essential in performing burst attack in Arena or Dungeon Boss minions. Decrease Turn Meter skill is best combined with Speed Aura, Increase Speed Skill and Decrease Speed Skill so your team will always be able to take 2 or more turns before an enemy can perform their action. This increases your Champion’s survivability in battle particularly at later stages in-game where adversaries are tougher and hits like a truck. There is a skill called Steal Turn Meter Skill that allows a Champion to decrease an enemy’s turn meter and filling up his/her turn meter based on the amount of turn meter the enemy has lost.
Decrease Turn Meter Champions (129)
Decrease Turn Meter (AoE)
- Hierophant Lazarius (LZ-MSM)
- Lady Mikage (SK-MSF)
- Nell Blackteeth (SY-MSM)
- Night Queen Krixia (KR-MSS)
- Starsage Galathir (HE-MSF)
- Alice the Wanderer (SO-LAM)
- Basileus Roanas (HE-LAF)
- Big Un (OT-LAM)
- Blizaar the Howler (OT-LDS)
- Countess Lix (DS-LAM)
- Elegaius (UH-LSM)
- Eostrid Dreamsong (SY-LSF)
- Foli (DE-LAM)
- Georgid the Breaker (KR-LAV)
- Gomlok Skyhide (OR-LSF)
- Gretel Hagbane (SO-LAF)
- Harvest Jack (UH-LHS)
- Karilon the Ringer (KR-LSV)
- Khoronar (SW-LHV)
- Lady Kimi (SK-LSM)
- Lyssandra (HE-LSS)
- Morrigaine (UH-LSM)
- Nethril (UH-LAS)
- Nobel (SK-LAF)
- Queen Eva (DE-LAS)
- R. Nergigante Archer (BA-LDS)
- Rhazin Scarhide (LZ-LDF)
- Sethallia (BL-LSM)
- Shamrock (OT-LSS)
- Shu-Zhen the Valorous (SK-LSV)
- Skeletor (KR-LSS)
- Tomb Lord (KR-LSS)
- Tramaria (DE-LSV)
- Valkyrie (BA-LDS)
- Vlad the Nightborn (UH-LAV)
- Warlord (OR-LSV)
- Aox the Rememberer (LZ-ESF)
- Archmage Hellmut (BL-ESM)
- Armina (BA-EAM)
- Deacon Armstrong (SO-ESS)
- Golden Reaper (KR-ESV)
- High Khatun (BA-ESS)
- Hoskarul (BA-EDS)
- Jinglehunter (HE-EAS)
- Mordecai (SO-ESF)
- Oathbound (BL-EDF)
- Psylar (DE-ESV)
- Shatterbones (OT-EAF)
- Ashwalker (KR-RAV)
- Diabolist (DS-RSM)
- Executioner (KR-RDM)
- Interceptor (HE-RDV)
- Redcloak Taneko (SK-RDM)
- Siegebreaker (OT-RAS)
Decrease Turn Meter (Random)
Decrease Turn Meter (Self)
Decrease Turn Meter (Target)
- Gnut (DW-LDS)
- Guurda Bogbrew (OT-LSF)
- Hurndig (DW-LAM)
- Lady Kimi (SK-LSM)
- Lady Noelle (SO-LSV)
- Little Miss Annie (UH-LAV)
- Lyssandra (HE-LSS)
- Opardin Clanfather (BA-LHM)
- Roric Wyrmbane (BA-LAS)
- Scyl of the Drakes (BA-LDM)
- Staltus Dragonbane (BL-LDF)
- Visix the Unbowed (DE-LDV)
- Achak the Wendarin (DS-ESF)
- Alaric the Hooded (BL-EAF)
- Alure (DS-EAM)
- Baroth the Bloodsoaked (BA-EHF)
- Bloodfeather (OR-EAF)
- Excruciator (DS-EAM)
- Fenshi (SK-EAF)
- Fylja (DW-EAM)
- Geomancer (DW-EAF)
- Kellan the Shrike (SY-EAM)
- Kinagashi (SK-ESS)
- Lich (UH-EDF)
- Lightsworn (SO-EDV)
- Lordly Legionary (BL-EAM)
- Lorn the Cutter (OT-EAM)
- Lua (DE-EAV)
- Masked Fearmonger (BL-EAS)
- Missionary (SO-EHF)
- Old Ghrukkus (OT-ESF)
- Siegehulk (OT-EAM)
- Skimfos the Consumed (DS-EAV)
- Tayrel (HE-EDM)
- Ultimate Galek (OR-EAM)
- Ursala the Mourner (BL-ESV)
- Ursine Ironhide (SW-EDF)
- Visionary (DE-ESS)
- Acolyte (KR-RSF)
- Adjudicator (HE-RAM)
- Bloodmask (SK-RHF)
- Boughsmith Flannan (SY-RDF)
- Coldheart (DE-RAV)
- Confessor (SO-RAV)
- Crimson Slayer (KR-RAS)
- Dagger (BL-RAV)
- Dunestrider (BA-RAM)
- Flailer (DW-RDM)
- Flesheater (OT-RSS)
- Hollow (UH-RAV)
- Judicator (SO-RAS)
- Lifetaker (SK-RAM)
- Panthera (SW-RAV)
- Paragon (DE-RDV)
- Prosecutor (HE-RAS)
- Redcloak Taneko (SK-RDM)
- Retainer (DE-RDV)
- Skirmisher (BA-RAV)
- Slitherbrute (LZ-RAM)
- Soulbond Bowyer (BA-RAS)
- Stitched Beast (UH-RAV)
- Wagonbane (OT-RSM)
- Wanderer (DE-RAS)
- Wyvernbane (OR-RAS)
- Armiger (SO-UDS)
- Battle Sister (SO-UAM)
- Elfguard (HE-UAS)
- Frostskin (OT-USM)
- Head Taker (BA-UAM)
- Pilgrim (SO-USF)
- Pit Fighter (BA-UHF)
Immune Decrease Turn Meter Champions (3)
Immune Decrease Turn Meter (Self)
Passive Decrease Turn Meter Champions (3)
Passive Decrease Turn Meter (AoE)
Steal Turn Meter Champions (28)
Steal Turn Meter (AoE)
Steal Turn Meter (Target)
- Acrizia (DW-LAV)
- Cillian the Lucky (BL-LAM)
- Gomlok Skyhide (OR-LSF)
- Grohak the Bloodied (OR-LAM)
- Jagg Bonesaw (OR-LAS)
- Jintoro (SK-LAM)
- Loki the Deceiver (BA-LSS)
- Shu-Zhen the Valorous (SK-LSV)
- Yakarl the Scourge (BA-LAV)
- Yumeko (SK-LSV)
- Azure (BL-EHV)
- Ceez (OT-EAF)
- Excruciator (DS-EAM)
- Fayne (SW-EAS)
- Maneater (OT-EHV)
- Ruella (SY-EAS)
- Skeuramis (HE-EHM)
- Skimfos the Consumed (DS-EAV)
- Tuhak the Wanderer (OR-EAV)
Nobel is in the wrong section.
He steals 50% turn meter on an AOE, allowing him to go twice in a row. Then his A2 resets his A3, meaning the turn meter staal is on a two turn cool down.
The enemies never get to take a turn.
Amazing champ for those considering investing in him, absolutely go for it, you’ll love him.
Thank you so much for the information. Great stuff
@Loveayumi: I have added Satyr to the Decrease Turn Meter champion list!
@Calaise: Ronda is also immune to Decrease Turn Meter effects but at a specific condition.
@PowerQuee, @SmutjeFischkopf: Fylja is now listed in the Decrease Turn Meter champion list!
@Sarah A Simoneau: Roric Wyrmbane is now available in the Decrease Turn Meter champion list!
Legendary Roric also has decreased turn meter (target).
Rarity: L-egendaty, E-pic, R-are, U-ncommon, C-ommon
Role: A-ttack, D-efense, H-P, S-upport
Affinity: F-orce, S-pirit, M-agic, V-oid
LAF = Legendary Attack Force
Hey guys anyone know what the last 3 letters after the champions name is i know the first grouping of letters is the faction… but whats the second?
For example Basileus Roanas is (HE- LAF)
HE for High Elves but what is LAF?? If anyone knows would be awesome to find out !!! Haha thanks for your time if u read this ✌🏻😎
A2 Crushing Eternity [5 turn]
Attack 1 enemy. Has a 75% chance of fully depleting the targets turn Meter.
L2 buff/debuff +10
L3 buff/debuff +15
L4 cooldown
Valkyries passive decreases tm when receiving buffs.
Fylja is missing from the single target decrease tm epics.
It happend in arena 2 times in a row …i was first at turn and tried to use 3rd skill of Arbiter. When i used 3rd skill to raise my ATK and turn meters something happend and my turn meters was depleted. i wand to say that no other hero used skills..pls can you tell me what happend?? Is there some artifact or a passive that can do this??…anyway i lost the fights because of “this”
i fought against Deacon Armstrong, Big’Un, Valkyrie and Basher
Are there any other champs besides Helmut that immune to TM control?
Heyo Ayumi! Thank you for all the great things you do for the community.
Satyr could also be featured on this list. He can do up to 60% tm decrease
as an uncommon which is just huuuuge!
@ShadowkinSoldier: Debuff and negative instant effects such as Decrease Turn Meter will not take effect if the champion (e.g. Fenshi – Force Affinity) performed a weak hit on a strong affinity champion (e.g. Fire Knight – Spirit Affinity)
@rossarius: Siegehulk is added to the Decrease Turn Meter skill list!
just a quick question
does Decrease Turn Meter work on Weak Hits?
Let’s say i’ll use Fenshi (Force) against Fire Knight (Spirit)
Debuff won’t land, obviously, because Fenshi is weak Affinity. But what about Turn Meter Reduction? It sure needs ACC as well but it isn’t a Debuff, so will it work?
add Siegehulk
@aindrill: I have added Visix the Unbowed to the Decrease Turn Meter champion list!
@Uh Clem: It’s a little bit different. If Hollow’s skill were described as Steal Turn Meter, then the A2 skill will not work against bosses that are immune to Decrease Turn Meter effects, which means Hollow will not gain Turn Meter. However, the current mechanics on Hollow is much beneficial since it will increase his Turn Meter regardless the Enemy Turn Meter is immune/non-immune to Decrease Turn Meter effects.
Shouldn’t Hollow be under Steal Turn Meter? Its second attack says, “Each hit decreases the target’s Turn Meter and fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 5%.”
Visix the Unbowed missing here
@thevoyager: Tuhak the Wanderer has been added to the Steal Turn Meter skill list.
I think Tuhak is missing from the Steal turn meter list.
I was actually aware of the existence of the Steal Turn Meter section, I really don’t know why I wrote “needs to create” instead of “has created” a distinct classification.
I hope it did not rub you the wrong way, and thanks for your effort (one more :D)
@DynamoDucky: I have already created a Steal Turn Meter page but I guess not many people are aware of it. Hence, I have combined both of these pages together to make it easier for everyone to refer.
@Polpov: Diabolist has been added into the list. Thanks!
Her skill is more a steal than a decrease all things considered (although you’re not wrong, but the author needs to create a proper classification).
I hope you haven’t invested too much in Crimson Slayer, she unfortunately does not use her A2 on auto (or at least not in Fire Knight’s dungeon).
Is Crimson Slayer missing from this list?
I believe Diabolist is missing from the AOE section
Her A3 Positive Charge ”Fills the Turn Meter of all allies by 15%. Decreases the Turn Meter of all enemies by 15%.”
Love your website, keep up the good work!
@Blackwall: Sniper mastery only affects debuff.
can sniper mastery affect decrease turn meter ability?
@ashvoyager: Cillian the Lucky is categorized under Steal Turn Meter Skill in
I have also migrated Maneater from this page to the Steal Turn Meter page to represent his skill kit more accurately.
@all: I have updated the Decrease Turn Meter skill champion list into 3 unique sections (AoE, Target and Random).
@WileyMan: I have added Jinglehunter into the list above.
Jinglehunter is missing. He has Decrease Turn Meter on his A3 with a Critical Hit.
@Myriad: It would be from Masteries. If you are seeing “Decrease”, then it is “Evil Eye” on Support Tree. There are other Masteries that increase turn meter as well.
Often I see a decrease turn meter happen after a succesfull hit with champs that don’t have this skill (Arbiter, Wurlim). Does anyone know what is the mechanics behind this?
Is it a bonus that comes with critical hits or something?
Sethallia has an AOE enemy decrease turn meter on her A3.
To add to this list: Sethallia (A3 skill) and Cillian the Lucky (A1 skill)
Cillian the Lucky has decrease turn meter
@Murderwolf: I have moved Frostskin from Rare to Uncommon Champion list above!
Frostkin is in the section with the rares.
Sorry, 140, not 104.
I don’t know if it has ever been documented, but I just pulled a Coldhearted and ran her straight up from level 3-1 to 6-59 using only void potions. Had 344, now 104.
@Demoluc14n: Thanks for highlighting Grohak the Bloodied skills. I have added him into the list above!
@DonutOverlord: I have rechecked Prince Kymar skills in-game and he has no Turn Meter reduction. It could probably be Evil Eye selected for this Champion’s mastery.
Prince Kymar also does Turn Meter Reduction
I came across this recently been playing for roughly 3 months of and on completely F2P while searching your champion database I notices a legendary is missing from this list……… Grohak the Bloodied with his A3 “Lord of War” attacks 1 enemy and steals the target turn meter …….. I own this legendary and as he is not high on anyone list I understand how he could be overlooked but this skill works wonders dungeon bosses
downside is this skill is on a 5 turn CD and can be brought down to 4 even on a 5 turn CD I a using it once every 3 boss turns since his A1 applies a 30% slow
@Jacomus: Thanks for highlighting the missing champion! I have added Coldheart into the Decrease Turn Meter Champion list! I have also included other missing champions such as Excruciator, Frostskin and Retainer.
Also only one of the most used rares, Coldheart!
@Xeomort: Thanks for pointing out! I have added Alure into the Decrease Turn Meter Epic list above.
You forgot Alure that, i think, is the best champion to decrease the turn meter.