Increase Attack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Increase Attack is a skill that applies Increase Attack Buff on self or allies to boost their Attack Stat. Increase Attack buff allows Attack role champions to inflict greater amount of damage against their enemies to achieve a 1 hit kill. There are 2 versions of Increase Attack buff (25% and 50%). The first Increase Attack buff multiplies the Champion’s total attack by 25% while the second Increase Attack buff multiplies the Champion’s total attack by 50%. The total attack is the combined stats of the Champion’s base attack, equipment attack (value/percentage) and mastery attack (value/percentage).

Raid Shadow Legends Increase Attack 25%

Increase Attack 25%

Increases the Champion’s Total ATK by 25%

Raid Shadow Legends Increase Attack 50%

Increase Attack 50%

Increases the Champion’s Total ATK by 50%

25% Increase Attack Champions (32)

25% Increase Attack (AoE)




  1. Shatterbones (OT-EAF)


  1. Abyssal (DS-RSS)
  2. Arcanist (KR-RSF)
  3. Bloodpainter (SW-RAF)
  4. Gator (LZ-RSM)
  5. Ironclad (OR-RHF)
  6. Master Butcher (DW-RSS)
  7. Rotting Mage (UH-RSS)
  8. Theurgist (KR-RSM)
  9. Vagabond (SK-RSS)
  10. Valerie (BL-RSM)
  11. Warpriest (SO-RSS)


  1. Intercessor (SO-USF)
  2. Spiritwalker (BA-USF)
  3. Vulpine (UH-UAF)


25% Increase Attack (Passive)





  1. Ripperfist (OR-RAV)



25% Increase Attack (Self)




  1. Basilisk (LZ-EAF)
  2. Catacomb Councilor (UH-EAM)
  3. Defiled Sinner (UH-EAF)
  4. Tallia (SO-EAM)


  1. Athel (SO-RAM)
  2. Candleguard (DW-RAM)
  3. Cudgeler (DW-RAM)
  4. Fleshmonger (SW-RAM)
  5. Misericord (BL-RAM)
  6. Ripperfist (OR-RAV)
  7. Trugorr (BA-RAM)


  1. Drillmaster (SO-UAM)
  2. Heartpiercer (DE-UAF)
  3. Redeemer (DE-UAF)


25% Increase Attack (Target)





  1. Hill Nomad (BA-RSM)
  2. Magister (HE-RSF)
  3. Paragon (DE-RDV)



50% Increase Attack Champions (104)

50% Increase Attack (AoE)


  1. Aphidus the Hivelord (DE-MAM)
  2. Arbais the Stonethorn (SY-MSF)
  3. Hierophant Lazarius (LZ-MSM)
  4. Lady Mikage (SK-MSF)


  1. Arbiter (HE-LSV)
  2. Bambus Fourleaf (SW-LSM)
  3. Belletar Mage Slayer (OT-LHV)
  4. Brakus the Shifter (SW-LAF)
  5. Drokgul the Gaunt (OT-LSS)
  6. Duchess Lilitu (DS-LSS)
  7. Dune Lord Greggor (BA-LDF)
  8. Eostrid Dreamsong (SY-LSF)
  9. Fyna Blade of Aravia (HE-LSM)
  10. Ghostborn (DE-LSS)
  11. Glaicad of the Meltwater (SY-LSF)
  12. Grand Oak Padraig (SY-LSS)
  13. Kreela Witch-Arm (OR-LSM)
  14. Lanakis the Chosen (DE-LSM)
  15. Loki the Deceiver (BA-LSS)
  16. Mithrala Lifebane (DE-LSV)
  17. Rakka Viletide (OR-LSV)
  18. Skartorsis (UH-LSF)
  19. Ugir the Wyrmeater (OT-LHS)
  20. Underpriest Brogni (DW-LSM)
  21. Yoshi the Drunkard (SK-LSF)


  1. Battlesage (HE-ESV)
  2. Doompriest (KR-ESF)
  3. Eolfrig (BL-ESS)
  4. Frostbringer (SO-ESM)
  5. Giscard the Sigiled (BL-EDS)
  6. Gorgorab (UH-ESM)
  7. Hoforees the Tusked (SW-ESF)
  8. Lady Quilen (BL-EAF)
  9. Liburga (OR-ESV)
  10. Mordecai (SO-ESF)
  11. Old Hermit Jorrg (OR-ESM)
  12. Quargan the Crowned (LZ-ESS)
  13. Runekeeper Dazdurk (DW-ESV)
  14. Sachi (SK-ESF)
  15. Seeker (UH-EDM)
  16. Ursala the Mourner (BL-ESV)


  1. Fanatic (SK-RSV)
  2. Flesheater (OT-RSS)
  3. Grinner (UH-RSF)
  4. Spirithost (DE-RSS)



50% Increase Attack (Highest Atk)



  1. Highmother Maud (SO-LSF)





50% Increase Attack (Passive)



  1. Cillian the Lucky (BL-LAM)
  2. King Garog (OR-LAF)


  1. Skimfos the Consumed (DS-EAV)




50% Increase Attack (Random)




  1. Canoness (SO-EDM)




50% Increase Attack (Self)


  1. Hierophant Lazarius (LZ-MSM)
  2. Mezomel Luperfang (SW-MAS)


  1. Candraphon (DS-LAF)
  2. Cillian the Lucky (BL-LAM)
  3. Cupidus (SO-LAS)
  4. Hephraak (DS-LAM)
  5. King Garog (OR-LAF)
  6. Legate Teox (LZ-LAS)
  7. Little Miss Annie (UH-LAV)
  8. Lord Shazar (DS-LAS)
  9. Quintus the Triumphant (BL-LAV)
  10. Royal Huntsman (HE-LAS)
  11. Saito (UH-LAM)
  12. Skorid the Halfspawn (DS-LAM)
  13. Supreme Athel (SO-LAV)
  14. Supreme Galek (OR-LAV)
  15. Tatsu (SK-LAF)
  16. Thor Faehammer (BA-LAM)
  17. Turvold (BA-LAV)
  18. Wallmaster Othorion (HE-LAM)
  19. Xena Warrior Princess (BA-LAF)
  20. Zinogre Blademaster (SK-LAM)


  1. Anax (UH-EAS)
  2. Ceez (OT-EAF)
  3. Chani (SK-EAM)
  4. Dark Elhain (UH-EAM)
  5. Delver (DE-EAS)
  6. Fylja (DW-EAM)
  7. Gory (SK-EAS)
  8. Hellgazer (DS-EAS)
  9. Hexia (UH-EAF)
  10. Hordin (BL-EAM)
  11. Kytis (KR-EAS)
  12. Lady Eresh (KR-EAF)
  13. Mistrider Daithi (SY-EAF)
  14. Nogoryo (SK-EAM)
  15. Pann the Bowhorn (SY-EAF)
  16. Relickeeper (SO-EAF)
  17. Rugnor Goldgleam (DW-EAV)
  18. Scabrius (SW-EAM)
  19. Scion (DS-EAM)
  20. Siegehulk (OT-EAM)
  21. Sir Artimage (BL-EAF)
  22. Skimfos the Consumed (DS-EAV)
  23. Skraank (OT-EAV)
  24. Suwai Firstborn (BA-EAV)
  25. Teshada (BA-EDF)
  26. Ultimate Galek (OR-EAM)
  27. Whisper (KR-EAV)
  28. Yelagirna (OR-EAS)
  29. Zii Ixchi (LZ-EAF)


  1. Huntress (OR-RAV)
  2. Spikehead (OR-RAM)
  3. Temptress (UH-RAM)
  4. Warmaiden (BA-RAF)



50% Increase Attack (Target)



  1. Elva Autumnborn (SY-LSM)
  2. Shu-Zhen the Valorous (SK-LSV)
  3. Siphi the Lost Bride (UH-LSV)





Passive Increase Attack Champions (3)

Passive Increase Attack (Self)



  1. Ninja (SK-LAM)


  1. Nogoryo (SK-EAM)
  2. Skraank (OT-EAV)




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23 thoughts on “Increase Attack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Ayumilove Post author

    @paulo: I have added Mithrala Lifebane to the Increase Attack champion list! Thanks 🙂

  2. paulo

    voce esqueceu da MITHRALA LIFEBANE, e falta informação sobre os novos artefatos obtidos da hydra
    you forgot the MITHRALA LIFEBANE, and there is no information about the new artifacts obtained from the hydra

  3. Lleizar

    Possibly you forgot “Medium” of the Dark Elves in your list of 50% Atk AOE?

  4. Ayumilove Post author

    @Chris: Increase Attack buff increases the damage output of champions whose skills are based on ATK (attack) damage multiplier, whereas Increase Defense buff increases the damage output of champions whose skills are based on DEF (defense) damage multiplier.

  5. Chris

    Because of the way this reads, I assume the answer is no, but just to check, do champions whose attack are based on their defense see a damage increase? If no, does that mean that an increase defense buff would increase their attack?

  6. Ayumilove Post author

    @Nanfort: Drokgul the Gaunt has been added into the Increase Attack skill list!

  7. Nanfort

    Drokgul needs to be added to the Aoe 50%atk list

  8. Ayumilove Post author

    @hugey: I have moved Siphi the Lost Bride from Increase Attack 50% (Self) to Increase Attack 50% (Target)!

  9. Ayumilove Post author

    @Cragun: I have added Kreela Witch-Arm to the Increase Attack 50% list above!

  10. Cragun

    Kreela needs to be added to the list, her A3 is an AOE that attack that also places a 50% increase attack buff and a 30% increase crit rate buff on all allies for 3 turns.

  11. hugey

    Siphi’s +50% ATK is target, not self

  12. 4catsarmy

    Ultimate Galek should not be in this list as he does not have an increase atk skill. The increase attack for him is a trigger point, it has to be cast by another champion on him to have the HP burn proc.

  13. Ayumilove Post author

    @Maur: Buff and debuff applies to total stats. Aura and Mastery applies to the base stats. If a champion has 4000 total attack stats (masteries and equipment), then a 50% Increase Attack buff will increase that value to 6000 (4000 + 2000)

  14. Maur

    Is the attack increase buff being applied to the total attack stats or to the individual attack number?(I.e. Champion has 1500 attack but thanks to items and masteries it gets up to 4000. Is the 50% increase attack applying to the 1500 number or to the 4000 number?)

  15. shaun Mock

    missing teshada

  16. Keyar

    @Matt No, you can only have one of the same type of buff, applies to all buffs and debuffs that have different versions.
    Also, a stronger version of the buff or debuff will always replace a weaker one but a weaker one will never replace a stronger.

  17. Matt

    Do attack boosts stack? ie if I use a 50% and a 25%, do they stack?

  18. Ayumilove Post author

    @Mad Mare: I have divided the list of champions by buff rarity (Increase Attack 50% vs 25%) and sub-divided by target type (AoE, Target, Self) to make it easier to search the champions based on these criteria.

  19. Mad Mare

    Is there any way this list could have champs with AOE atk up in a section?

  20. Rizzo

    Yes, a defense boost helps defense champions do more damage.

  21. MeagorTheCreul

    Here is a question., so if Atk boat only helps the Atk Base champions. Then does The 60% Defense boost help boost up the Def.Based champions Damage output?? If not then there needs to be some kinda boost to help Def.base and HP base champs to do more damage like Atk boost does for Atk champions

  22. Ayumilove Post author

    @Tim Quitzau: Defense role champions that relies on Defense stats for their skill damage will not get any increase damage from Increase Attack Buff. It also does not affect HP stats since the buff is meant to boost Attack stats.

  23. Tim Quitzau

    Ok… Havent been able to get a useful response so im trying here…
    So if i use inc atk will it have any affect when using a champion with def based attacks? And if not how do you affect the attacks of a champ with like hp or def based attacks.
    I dont see how it works since a champ with thise kind of damage based attacks would not have much in the atk stats