OverviewNAME: Mordecai AbilitiesRSL_AllBattles_AccuracyAura Obtain fromAncient Shard Blessings RecommendationCruelty (Debuffer) |
Grinding★★✰✰✰ Campaign Dungeons★★★★★ Minotaur Potion★★★★✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★★✰ Floors |
Mordecai Skills
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of decreasing the target’s Turn Meter by 10%. Has a 60% chance instead if the target is under a [HP Burn] debuff.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 6: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Damage Multiplier: 3.8 ATK
Time’s Undoing (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Has a 75% chance of decreasing the Turn Meters of all enemies by 15%. Fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 15%.
Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Heavenly Flames (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Has a 75% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns. Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on all allies for 3 turns.
Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Increases Ally ACC in all Battles by 40.
Mordecai Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Impulse, Reflex, Relentless |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityDebuffer: ACC, SPD, HP%, DEF% |
Mordecai Mastery Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Doom Tower, Dungeons, Faction Wars
Mordecai Strategy Guide
- Spider 25 Bandit, Paragon, Visix, Mordecai, Lich | Raid Shadow Legends Guide
- Spider 25 Paragon, Renegade, Coldheart, Mordecai | Raid Shadow Legends Guide
Mordecai Champion Lore
For those members of the Sacred Order who dare defy its strictures, there are several means of exculpation. The most common is trial by combat. The accused must face a champion chosen by the Order, with ‘Lumaya’s blessing’ determining the victor. Many in the Order, however, find this to be an unsatisfactory method of punishment. They regard another method as more certain in regards to guilt and innocence.
The trial known as Lumaya’s Flame consists of the accused being chained in place, slathered in boiling pitch and set alight. As they burn, they are made to recite the Five Canticles of Devotion. Those who complete the recitation, as their body is engulfed in flames, are forgiven their sins and the fires are doused. That the accused rarely survive is a small price to pay to be certain of their innocence, or so the Order claims.
Those who survive the trial are forever marked by it; not just in body, but often in mind. Such scalding pain can break even the strongest will. In the centuries since the trial was first enacted, only one man has come out the other side of it with sanity intact. That man is Mordecai, the most infamous of the Bearers of the Flame, those servants of the Order who are chosen to administer the trial.
Mordecai was once a humble Preacher. His duties were minimal, largely confined to moral instruction and the collection of tithes from the local congregations. But Mordecai was also impious and greedy. He had joined the Order solely to escape the hangman’s noose, and though he claimed to have mended his ways, in truth he had merely found new means of disguising his chicanery. He skimmed the tithes he collected and used his position to bully others so that none dared speak against him.
But Mordecai was eventually undone by his own greed, when his superiors discovered that he was selling merciful sentences. That a Preacher had engaged in such flagrant and foolish corruption was regarded as intolerable, and Mordecai was immediately arrested. His request for a trial by combat was then denied when it was learned he’d attempted to bribe his accusers into letting him win. Instead, Mordecai was sentenced to face Lumaya’s Flame.
Mordecai was chained and set alight even as he protested his innocence. But in the moment that the first spark caught, and the first tongue of flame licked across his flesh, something changed in him. Mordecai recited the Canticles hesitantly at first, for he only barely knew them, then with more confidence. The words filled his head and tumbled from his lips. As he spoke, the pain began to fade and it was as if someone spoke through him, a presence more powerful than any he’d felt. It filled him, driving out all thought of the flames. The hotter the fire grew, the more serene he felt… as if it were eating away at his myriad sins.
Later, some would insist that Mordecai had simply gone mad from pain. Others swore that Lumaya herself had bestowed her grace upon the burning man, showing that even the most sinful of her children could be redeemed through flame. All agreed however that when Mordecai finished his recitation, the fire was snuffed as if by magic.
Not even his accusers could deny that Mordecai was a changed man thereafter. Now, swathed in bandages and rendered mute by his agonies, he acts as a Bearer of the Flame, and offers others the same chance at redemption he was given.
Mordecai Updates
- (2023-12-12) Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes V8.00
- (2021-04-12) Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes V4.10
Mordecai Videos
Raid Shadow Legends Mordecai Champion Guide by Skratch
Raid Shadow Legends Mordecai Champion Guide by Cold Brew Gaming
@Kurtis Fox: Thanks for your input. I have updated Mordecai’s rating for Hydra to 4 instead of 5.
I dig the AoE Hp Burn, but several others have it. Why 5* On Hydra if Hydra is immune to his A1 and A2? Only thing you get from his A1 and A2 is a little ally 15% TM bump. Seems more 3*, 4 at the most
A perfect example of this is Ultimate Galek – also ranked B tier and ‘situational’ but who is basically only good in clan boss and whose kit entirely depends on having a +ATK buff which you need to get from another champ.
Without that buff he turns into a complete potato.
Nah, my man Mordy isn’t going to blow anyone’s socks off with his kit but you can put him in basically any team in any game mode and he’ll be useful. Call me crazy but to me that’s not ‘situational’ 😉
Always laugh when I see a champ ranked as B tier and tagged ‘situational’ then see they’re 5* ranked in half of all the dungeons and DT bosses in the game, plus FW and Hydra
I think the ranking in cases like this ends up being more of a comparison of him to other options rather than a standalone rating based on his own overall utility
Thinking of putting him in Curse gear so that his AOE HP Burn will also throw up Hex and do even more damage.
Alien1363, I have my Mord Sith trained in the commanding blessing. If he is lead, this will give him more accuracy. If he is not lead, then he increases the auro of the team. Finally leveled him up and can far spider 25.
Morde is definitely worth 5 stars for Spider. He is so good, I have Artak shelved until he is ready for end game content…
Thx, did not realize that
Timbo mordecai places Hp burn there is no hit. If it was a hit that does damage then it can weak hit
Why no chance to land weak hit?
What blessing does he need for spider?
Yes in my opinion it is worth to 5star, Mordecai for the spider dungeon.
I’m a Free to Play account. No Coldheart yet. Is it worth 6 starring Mordecai for Spiders or just to 50 and surround him with defense and healers?
Wow wow wowwwww…..I pulled this bish weeks ago and didn’t know what I was sitting on lol. Started leveling him pu with a few others out of sheer boredom and found put quickly that he is Incredible and I mean a freaking power house against the spider queen. I now love him! Go morty! Go morty! Go morty! LOL
(Woops my dyslexia was showing there!) Wamp wammmmp
Mordecai can nearly kill Spider 25 by himself. I would consider giving him 5 stars
The in game ratings are useless. I would check some of the content creator reviews to get a better evaluation of champs. Make sure you see how old some reviews are, recent changes have moved several old vault keepers viable.
FW and Spiders he is an absolute boss. Paired with Visix or Bellower in stun gear…
Works very well in standard Doom levels. I think he should be 4* in Arena as his turn meter manipulation every 3 turns makes a significant impact.
I built my Mordecai to level 60 right away with a lot of accuracy and was able to complete spider 20 through 25 thanks to him. I haven’t unlocked any of his masteries yet as other champs have been a priority – is there a significant difference with masteries in terms of running spider?
@ Eslamatory ??? Every champion needs enough accuracy to apply debuffs. Mordecai’s AoE HP Burn is 100% when booked without any chance to weak hit. I used mine in Spider 20 at lvl 40, no masteries and he worked out great.
his aoe hp burn is very bad even booked he need alot of accuracy
Rule of thumb is 10 per level, so shoot for at least 250-260 accuracy for spider 25.
when building him out for spider 25 how much accuracy is required to land the hp burn?
Would there be any point in adding crypt king Graal to pair up with aw and Mordecai for freezer burn team in spider?
The champion is godlike along with Achak the Wendarin… He can replace Drexthar Bloodtwin on SPIDER stage. But Drexthar Bloodtwin is suitable on more occasions.
Can confirm. Mordecai is god tier for Spider.
aoe mass poison?
He is one of very few Champs that have AoE HP burn. Most people are going to need him. There really is no other way to beat Spider 21-25 other than AoE HP Burn.
People are complaining about his TM? He places AOE burn on all everything in Spider and the placing means he has no weak affinity matchup. His burn and TM reduction both seem to be 100% when booked.
you need sniper, his burn isnt 100%.
Mordecai 5-star for Nether Spider? I would think he’s horrible with the TM reductions he’s got.
Seen Mordecai’s in-game ratings? They are awful.