Passive Skill Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Passive Skill is a skill that activates when it meets certain condition. There are 2 effect types in a passive skill, which are Active Effect and Passive Effect. Active Effect will have a skill cooldown whereas Passive Effect does not have any skill cooldown. Passive skill gives an advantage to the team regardless being able to go first or last as the effect is activated the moment the battle begins. Partner Skill is a passive skill that is unlocks powerful skills for both champions (male & female) when they are assigned in the same team. The partner skill system is introduced on February 14 2019 (Valentine’s Day).

Passive Champions (167)

Passive (Partner)



  1. Belanor (HE-LAV)
  2. Cardiel (SO-LSV)
  3. Countess Lix (DS-LAM)
  4. Cupidus (SO-LAS)
  5. Kaja the Wry (BL-LSS)
  6. Konstantin The Dayborn (SO-LAV)
  7. Minaya (BL-LSF)
  8. Rotos the Lost Groom (UH-LAM)
  9. Sicia Flametongue (DS-LAF)
  10. Siphi the Lost Bride (UH-LSV)
  11. Timit the Fool (BL-LHF)
  12. Venus (SO-LSV)
  13. Vlad the Nightborn (UH-LAV)
  14. Zavia (DE-LAF)


  1. Alika (BA-EAF)
  2. Atur (BA-EHM)
  3. Fenax (SO-EAS)
  4. Kallia (BA-EAF)
  5. Sikara (BA-ESM)
  6. Skullcrown (KR-EAV)
  7. Tallia (SO-EAM)
  8. Towering Titan (OT-EHV)


  1. Harrier (SO-RAV)
  2. Hellfang (DS-RAS)
  3. Hospitaller (SO-RSM)
  4. Hound Spawn (DS-RAF)
  5. Seducer (UH-RDV)
  6. Temptress (UH-RAM)



Passive (Self)


  1. Alaz the Sunbearer (BA-MDF)
  2. Androc the Glorious (BL-MDS)
  3. Aphidus the Hivelord (DE-MAM)
  4. Frolni the Mechanist (DW-MHM)
  5. Galleus Bloodcrest (SW-MAF)
  6. Gharol Bloodmaul (OR-MHS)
  7. Hierophant Lazarius (LZ-MSM)
  8. Karnage the Anarch (DS-MAS)
  9. Komidus Darksmile (DS-MSM)
  10. Mezomel Luperfang (SW-MAS)
  11. Nais the Shadowthief (SY-MAM)
  12. Night Queen Krixia (KR-MSS)
  13. Siegfrund the Nephilim (SO-MAM)
  14. Starsage Galathir (HE-MSF)
  15. The Calamitus (UH-MAS)
  16. Toshiro the Bloody (SK-MAM)


  1. Alatreon Blademaster (KR-LSS)
  2. Angar (OR-LHV)
  3. Archbishop Pinthroy (SO-LSS)
  4. Arix (KR-LHM)
  5. Armanz the Magnificent (BA-LSM)
  6. Artak (OR-LHM)
  7. Astralith (DE-LAS)
  8. Authoratrix Lamasu (DS-LSV)
  9. Black Knight (BL-LHF)
  10. Brakus the Shifter (SW-LAF)
  11. Candraphon (DS-LAF)
  12. Chaagur (LZ-LAV)
  13. Cillian the Lucky (BL-LAM)
  14. Claidna (SY-LHV)
  15. Cleopterix (SW-LAS)
  16. Countess Lix (DS-LAM)
  17. Cruetraxa (DS-LAV)
  18. Diamant Coppercoin (OT-LSV)
  19. Drexthar Bloodtwin (DS-LDF)
  20. Elder Skarg (BA-LAF)
  21. Elegaius (UH-LSM)
  22. Falmond Mournsword (SO-LAS)
  23. Foli (DE-LAM)
  24. Freyja Fateweaver (BA-LDF)
  25. Gomlok Skyhide (OR-LSF)
  26. Graazur Irongut (OT-LDV)
  27. Greathoof Loriaca (SW-LSS)
  28. Gwyndolin The Silent (SW-LAF)
  29. Harima (SK-LDF)
  30. Harvest Jack (UH-LHS)
  31. Holsring (SO-LAM)
  32. Inithwe Bloodtwin (DS-LAV)
  33. Jagg Bonesaw (OR-LAS)
  34. Kalvalax (KR-LAS)
  35. Kantra the Cyclone (BA-LDF)
  36. King Garog (OR-LAF)
  37. Korugar Death-Bell (OT-LHF)
  38. Little Miss Annie (UH-LAV)
  39. Lord Champfort (BL-LHM)
  40. Lydia the Deathsiren (DE-LSV)
  41. Marius the Gallant (SW-LDV)
  42. Mathias Blackflail (SO-LHF)
  43. Minaya (BL-LSF)
  44. Mortu-Macaab (DS-LHS)
  45. Ninja (SK-LAM)
  46. Nogdar the Headhunter (OR-LAS)
  47. Norog (SW-LDM)
  48. Quintus the Triumphant (BL-LAV)
  49. Ramantu Drakesblood (LZ-LAV)
  50. Rathalos Blademaster (BL-LAF)
  51. Razelvarg (SW-LAM)
  52. Rotos the Lost Groom (UH-LAM)
  53. Searsha the Charred (SY-LSF)
  54. Shemnath (KR-LAM)
  55. Shu-Zhen the Valorous (SK-LSV)
  56. Sicia Flametongue (DS-LAF)
  57. Skorid the Halfspawn (DS-LAM)
  58. Sun Wukong (SW-LAS)
  59. Supreme Galek (OR-LAV)
  60. Tatura Rimehide (HE-LDS)
  61. The Incarnate (HE-LDF)
  62. Thor Faehammer (BA-LAM)
  63. Timit the Fool (BL-LHF)
  64. Togron the Conjoined (OT-LSV)
  65. Ultan of the Shell (DE-LAS)
  66. Urost the Soulcage (UH-LHV)
  67. Valkyrie (BA-LDS)
  68. Varl the Destroyer (OR-LAS)
  69. Vasal of the Seal (DS-LHF)
  70. Vergumkaar (LZ-LSS)
  71. Vitrius the Anointed (SO-LAV)
  72. Vizier Ovelis (DE-LAF)
  73. Walking Tomb Dreng (KR-LHS)
  74. Wallmaster Othorion (HE-LAM)
  75. Warchief (SW-LDF)
  76. Xena Warrior Princess (BA-LAF)
  77. Yakarl the Scourge (BA-LAV)
  78. Yncensa Grail-bearer (SY-LSV)
  79. Yumeko (SK-LSV)
  80. Zinogre Blademaster (SK-LAM)


  1. Andryssia (HE-EDV)
  2. Archmage Hellmut (BL-ESM)
  3. Arwydd Quivergrass (SY-EAF)
  4. Atur (BA-EHM)
  5. Burangiri (SK-EDF)
  6. Chani (SK-EAM)
  7. Criodan the Blue (SY-ESM)
  8. Dark Elhain (UH-EAM)
  9. Dyana Gloompiercer (SY-EAV)
  10. Enda Moonbeam (SY-EAS)
  11. Ethlen the Golden (HE-EAV)
  12. Fahrakin the Fat (BA-EAS)
  13. Fyr-gun Isbeil (DW-EAF)
  14. Geomancer (DW-EAF)
  15. Giscard the Sigiled (BL-EDS)
  16. Hotatsu (SK-EDM)
  17. Ilysinya (HE-EHF)
  18. Locwain (SY-EAM)
  19. Madame Serris (DE-ESV)
  20. Merouka (OR-EDM)
  21. Myciliac Priest Orn (SY-EHS)
  22. Neldor Rimeblade (HE-EAF)
  23. Occult Brawler (OT-EHS)
  24. Pharsalas Gravedirt (KR-EDM)
  25. Prundar (OT-EDV)
  26. Scabrius (SW-EAM)
  27. Scion (DS-EAM)
  28. Seeker (UH-EDM)
  29. Skimfos the Consumed (DS-EAV)
  30. Skullcrown (KR-EAV)
  31. Skullcrusher (OT-EDF)
  32. Slixus Stripehide (LZ-EAV)
  33. Snorting Thug (SW-EHF)
  34. Tarshon (DS-EDS)
  35. Tuhak the Wanderer (OR-EAV)
  36. Ultimate Galek (OR-EAM)
  37. Vergis (HE-EDS)
  38. Weregren Suncursed (SW-EAV)


  1. Castigator (SO-RHM)
  2. Daywalker (KR-RHV)
  3. Heiress (HE-RAF)
  4. Justiciar (SO-RDV)
  5. Loneblade Riab (SY-RAF)
  6. Longsword Torrux (KR-RDS)
  7. Ripperfist (OR-RAV)
  8. Scrapper (BA-RAV)
  9. Sentinel (BA-RHF)
  10. Skullsworn (LZ-RAF)


  1. Shieldguard (BA-UDS)


  1. Deathknight (UH-CHM)

Ally Passive Champions (66)

Ally Passive (AoE)


  1. Androc the Glorious (BL-MDS)
  2. Arbais the Stonethorn (SY-MSF)
  3. Ashnar Dragonsoul (OR-MHF)
  4. Gharol Bloodmaul (OR-MHS)


  1. Acelin the Stalwart (BL-LDS)
  2. Bad-el-Kazar (UH-LSF)
  3. Belletar Mage Slayer (OT-LHV)
  4. Bivald of the Thorn (SO-LHS)
  5. Bolint Freewalker (SW-LHF)
  6. Cardiel (SO-LSV)
  7. Chronicler Adelyn (BL-LSF)
  8. Drokgul the Gaunt (OT-LSS)
  9. Duchess Lilitu (DS-LSS)
  10. Emic Trunkheart (SY-LHV)
  11. Firrol the Barkhorn (SY-LDS)
  12. Fyna Blade of Aravia (HE-LSM)
  13. Glaicad of the Meltwater (SY-LSF)
  14. Graazur Irongut (OT-LDV)
  15. Grand Oak Padraig (SY-LSS)
  16. Gurptuk Moss-Beard (OT-LSF)
  17. Helior (BL-LDF)
  18. Iron Brago (OR-LDS)
  19. Karilon the Ringer (KR-LSV)
  20. Korugar Death-Bell (OT-LHF)
  21. Krisk the Ageless (LZ-LDV)
  22. Minaya (BL-LSF)
  23. Norog (SW-LDM)
  24. R. Nergigante Archer (BA-LDS)
  25. Scyl of the Drakes (BA-LDM)
  26. Sicia Flametongue (DS-LAF)
  27. Siphi the Lost Bride (UH-LSV)
  28. Strategos Islin (HE-LDM)
  29. Togron the Conjoined (OT-LSV)
  30. Tuhanarak (BA-LSV)
  31. Ursuga Warcaller (BA-LHV)
  32. Vizug the Noxious (OT-LHM)


  1. Achak the Wendarin (DS-ESF)
  2. Aeila Lifebraid (SY-ESV)
  3. Bergoth the Malformed (KR-EHS)
  4. Bowf the Rancid (SW-EHS)
  5. Doompriest (KR-ESF)
  6. Godseeker Aniri (SO-EDV)
  7. Grunch Killjoy (OT-ESF)
  8. Jareg (LZ-EHM)
  9. Khafru the Deathkeeper (UH-EDV)
  10. Klodd Beastfeeder (OT-EHM)
  11. Seeker (UH-EDM)
  12. Tainix Hateflower (DS-ESF)
  13. Vogoth (UH-EHS)
  14. Vrask (OR-EHS)
  15. Wuzgar (OT-EHS)


  1. Bogwalker (LZ-RDF)
  2. Meatcarver Tolog (SW-RHF)
  3. Mycolus (OT-RSV)
  4. Pounder (OT-RDM)
  5. Shadowbow Tirlac (SY-RDS)



Ally Passive (Target)


  1. Lady Mikage (SK-MSF)


  1. Altan (BA-LDM)
  2. Greenwarden Ruarc (SY-LDF)
  3. Lady of Ireth (SY-LSS)
  4. Opardin Clanfather (BA-LHM)
  5. Skull Lord Var-Gall (LZ-LDF)


  1. Bovos Sharphorn (SW-ESS)
  2. Reinbeast (SW-EDF)
  3. Stag Knight (BL-ESS)


  1. Bloodhorn (SW-RHV)



Enemy Passive Champions (66)

Enemy Passive (AoE)


  1. Alaz the Sunbearer (BA-MDF)
  2. Gizmak the Terrible (OT-MSM)


  1. Gaius the Gleeful (KR-LAF)
  2. Kantra the Cyclone (BA-LDF)
  3. Ruel the Huntmaster (DE-LAS)
  4. Supreme Kael (DE-LAV)
  5. Thea the Tomb Angel (KR-LAF)
  6. Timit the Fool (BL-LHF)
  7. Tyrant Ixlimor (DS-LHM)
  8. Valkyrie (BA-LDS)


  1. Akemtum (SW-EAV)
  2. Pharsalas Gravedirt (KR-EDM)
  3. Souldrinker (DS-EAF)
  4. Thylessia (KR-EAF)
  5. Toragi the Frog (SK-EHM)
  6. Venomage (LZ-ESM)


  1. Ironclad (OR-RHF)



Enemy Passive (Target)


  1. Aphidus the Hivelord (DE-MAM)
  2. Arbais the Stonethorn (SY-MSF)
  3. Frolni the Mechanist (DW-MHM)
  4. Gharol Bloodmaul (OR-MHS)
  5. Komidus Darksmile (DS-MSM)
  6. Lady Mikage (SK-MSF)
  7. Nais the Shadowthief (SY-MAM)
  8. Starsage Galathir (HE-MSF)


  1. Alsgor Crimsonhorn (BA-LHF)
  2. Angar (OR-LHV)
  3. Armanz the Magnificent (BA-LSM)
  4. Blizaar the Howler (OT-LDS)
  5. Cromax Moonblood (DE-LDF)
  6. Drexthar Bloodtwin (DS-LDF)
  7. Dune Lord Greggor (BA-LDF)
  8. Elder Skarg (BA-LAF)
  9. Giath the Truthshield (KR-LDM)
  10. Gurgoh the Augur (OT-LAV)
  11. Guurda Bogbrew (OT-LSF)
  12. Harima (SK-LDF)
  13. Harvest Jack (UH-LHS)
  14. Kantra the Cyclone (BA-LDF)
  15. Krisk the Ageless (LZ-LDV)
  16. KrokMar the Devourer (LZ-LHS)
  17. Lord Champfort (BL-LHM)
  18. Mathias Blackflail (SO-LHF)
  19. Morrigaine (UH-LSM)
  20. Packmaster Shyek (OR-LHF)
  21. Saito (UH-LAM)
  22. Searsha the Charred (SY-LSF)
  23. Septimus (BL-LAS)
  24. Sigmund the Highshield (BL-LDM)
  25. Skull Lord Var-Gall (LZ-LDF)
  26. Sniktraak (SW-LHS)
  27. Ugir the Wyrmeater (OT-LHS)
  28. Urost the Soulcage (UH-LHV)
  29. Versulf the Grim (KR-LHF)
  30. Warchief (SW-LDF)
  31. Yumeko (SK-LSV)


  1. Akoth the Seared (DS-EDM)
  2. Geomancer (DW-EAF)
  3. Gory (SK-EAS)
  4. Madame Serris (DE-ESV)
  5. Miscreated Monster (KR-EHM)
  6. Occult Brawler (OT-EHS)
  7. Ostrox Boneglaive (UH-ESV)
  8. Pharsalas Gravedirt (KR-EDM)
  9. Thylessia (KR-EAF)
  10. Toragi the Frog (SK-EHM)
  11. Urticata (DS-EAS)
  12. Vogoth (UH-EHS)


  1. Templar (SO-RDS)
  2. Vanguard (BL-RDV)



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36 thoughts on “Passive Skill Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. kikkass

    Please add Balthus Drauglord’s Enchanted Shield to the list.

  2. Andy

    Hey Ayumilove,

    Do you know if Partner Skills work after one of the partners die?

    I am specifically looking at the Cronam-Djmarsa partner skills for Chronam. When Djmarsa is dead, will the passive effect of Chronam’s Passive activate every 10 or 5 times? The skill just reads ‘on th same team’, it does not specificy alive.

    Please find below the workding for Chronam Partners skill: Every 10 times Active Skills are used in battle by either enemy or allied Champions, this Champion instantly activates the Beserker’s Delight skill. This happens every 5 times Active Skills are used if Djamarsa is on the same team.

  3. Ayumilove Post author

    @Asasseen: Souldrinker has been added to the Passive champion list!

  4. Ayumilove Post author

    @henlo, @Jenifer Adams: Pounder is now available in the Passive champion list!

  5. Ayumilove Post author

    @gds7u: Yumeko is now available in the Passive Champion list!

  6. Jenifer Adams

    Pounder passive missing

  7. gds7u

    addd yumeko

  8. henlo


  9. Christomir

    Does a passive skill (related to the champ being hit by an attacker) still proc even while the champ is stunned?

  10. BCMamma

    I’m confused. There are like 24 champs that I counted that I have that aren’t on the list but they have a passive?? Did you just never finish updating it?

  11. Asasseen

    Souldrinker enemy aoe

  12. Sgt.N.Hale

    Countess lix also has a passive only available when teamed with astralon, you might wanna add her to that part 🙂

  13. Ayumilove Post author

    @courageouslio: I have included Tainix Hateflower to the Passive AoE Ally list. Thanks!

  14. courageouslio

    your missing Tainix Hateflower’s Unbreakable

  15. Ayumilove Post author

    @kikkass: I have added Iron Brago, Master Butcher and Occult Brawler to the passive skill list above!

  16. kikkass

    hi, Ayumilove, please add Iron Brago for increase DEF on all allies and Occult Brawler for posions on (self and) enemy.
    also Master Butcher’s two passives – AoE heals on damage taken and random revive upon his death. thanks!

  17. Ayumilove Post author

    @MadCowCrazy: I have included Ironclad to the Passive AoE Enemy. Thanks!

  18. gladengul

    sorry do not know how to put my avatar:)

  19. gladengul

    thank you for all you do to make raid a super game and you are the oracle of wisdom:)

  20. MadCowCrazy

    Shouldn’t Ironclad be under PASSIVE SKILL (AOE ENEMY)

    Blood Burst [Passive] (Cooldown: 1 turns)
    When healed, will attack all enemies inflicting damage proportional to any surplus heal. Damage inflicted is equal to 50% of any surplus heal.

  21. Ayumilove Post author

    @Haliax77: Thanks for mentioning Jareg! I have added him to the passive champion skill list!

  22. Haliax77

    Jareg should be on this list as well in the passive (target ally) section.

  23. Ayumilove Post author

    @korn: Dark Elhain has been added to the Passive Skill champion list!

  24. korn

    Where Dark Elhain in this list? She got 2 passive skill

  25. Ayumilove Post author

    @Grilka: Skullcrusher has been added to the Passive Skill Champion List under the Passive (Self) section!

  26. Grilka

    I don’t see skullcrusher

    Unshakeable [Passive]
    Decreases the duration of all debuffs on this Champion by 1 turn. Occurs once per turn.

  27. Ayumilove Post author

    @Mark Pruitt: I have completed scanning all the Legendary champions but haven’t done yet for Epic, Rare, Uncommons and Common champions. They will be updated soon 🙂

  28. Mark Pruitt

    You missed Vrask’s healing passive, it’s an AOE Ally ability.

  29. DioTobs

    @JPL54 In faction war, in the crypt of Lyzardmen Champions, I used a champion with secret skills without knowing it. I still don’t know who it is meither what kind of skill it is. But for sure there was written “secret skill unlocked”.
    I used the following Champions: Jizoh, Balisisk, Gator, Skullsworn and Muckstalker.

  30. Ayumilove Post author

    @Bama: Open the Champions window and select the champion that you would like to rank up. Then visit the Tavern to rank up your selected champion. Select the champion with blue swirl that you wish to sacrifice, then it will pop-up a warning message asking if you wish to sacrifice that champion, click OK to confirm it. Then once you have placed the required amount of champions to be sacrificed, click the “Upgrade” button.

  31. Ayumilove Post author

    @JPL54: Jizoh does not have any hidden skill.

  32. JPL54

    Jizoh does this hidden skill unlocked in faction wars as do several of the enemies there

  33. Shakespeare

    I have not seen anything here regarding Warpriest’s hidden skill in dragon’s den. Would that not increase her star rating for that dungeon?

  34. Bama

    How to unlock the “fuson” the lite blue swirl in the center bottom Of the champ screen, so I can feed the champions of my choice, I have over twenty low level champs That have this lock. I don’t need 9 vampira’s

  35. Ayumilove Post author

    @LoadDiscrepancy: The skills you’ve commented here are Partner skills, which have been listed in this page!

  36. LoadDiscrepancy

    – Hound Spawn & Hellfang – Shattering Strike & Chilling Howl (Respectively)
    The Sacred Order
    – Rare – Harrier & Hospitalier – Skillful Partner & Merciful Partner (Respectively)
    – Epic – Romero & Juliana – Stalwart Partner & Lethal Partner (Respectively)