Bad-el-Kazar | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Skill Mastery Equip Guide


NAME: Bad-el-Kazar
FACTION: Undead Hordes
RARITY: Legendary
ROLE: Support
USABILITY: Dungeon Solo Farmer
TOMES: 7 (A2)



Obtain from

Ancient Shard
Sacred Shard
Primal Shard

Blessings Recommendation

Brimstone (Late Game)
Iron Will (Ice Golem)


★★★★★ Campaign
★★★★★ Arena Defense
★★★★★ Arena Offense
★★★★★ Clan Boss
★★★★★ Hydra
★★★★★ Faction Wars


★★★★★ Minotaur
★★★★★ Spider
★★★★✰ Fire Knight
★★★★★ Dragon
★★★★★ Ice Golem
★★★★✰ Iron Twins
★★✰✰✰ Sand Devil
★★★★✰ Phantom Shogun


★★★★★ Arcane Keep
★★★★★ Void Keep
★★★★★ Force Keep
★★★★✰ Spirit Keep
★★★★★ Magic Keep

Doom Tower

★★★★★ Floors
★★★★★ Magma Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Nether Spider
★★★★★ Frost Spider
★★★★★ Scarab King
★★★★★ Celestial Griffin
★★★★★ Eternal Dragon
★★★★★ Dreadhorn
★★★★✰ Dark Fae

Bad-el-Kazar Review

Bad-el-Kazar is a Legendary Support Force affinity champion from Undead Hordes faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Bad-el-Kazar is one of the top tier champion since 2019! Bad-el-Kazar is renowned for his healing and debuff cleansing skill, which makes him one of the best utility support champion in all areas of the game.

Bad-el-Kazar can heal all his allies whenever he attacks enemies using his default skill “Dark Sphere” as well as casting his A2 skill “Malice” to apply Continuous Heal buff to heal allies while inflicting Poison debuff on enemies to reduce their HP (Health Points) simultaneously! Bad-el-Kazar also has a unique passive skill “Prey Upon” that allows his allies to deal extra damage on enemies who has Poison debuff. However, this does not increases the damage from Warmaster or Giant Slayer. In addition, you can utilize Bad-el-Kazar for solo farming dungeons to level up fodders while farming for artifacts, which utilizes your energy much more efficiently! All of these can be achieved based on your needs and gear him to perform that role optimally.

Overall, this makes Bad-el-Kazar one of the formidable support champion who can help you progress you account immensely from early game to late game in Raid Shadow Legends. Also, checkout the Call of the Arbiter Series in Episode 9 where Bad-el-Kazar was highlighted as one of the main antagonist!

Bad-el-Kazar Skills

Dark Sphere
Attacks all enemies. Heals this Champion and all allies by 20% of the damage inflicted.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Heal +10%
Level 5: Damage +10%
Level 6: Heal +10%
Damage Multiplier: 2.8 ATK

Malice (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Removes all debuffs from all allies. Places two 15% [Continuous Heal] buffs on all allies for 2 turns. Places two 5% [Poison] debuffs on all enemies for 2 turns.
Level 2: Cooldown -1
Level 3: Cooldown -1

Prey Upon (Passive)
All allies inflict 20% more damage against targets under [Poison] debuffs.

Increases Ally Critical Rate in all Battles by 25%

Bad-el-Kazar Build Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

PvE: Impulse, Reflex, Relentless
PvP: Immunity, Protection, Stoneskin, Untouchable
PvE & PvP: Accuracy, Divine Speed, Fortitude, Immortal, Perception, Regeneration, Resistance, Righteous, Speed, Supersonic

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (HP% / DEF%)
Chestplate (ACC / RES / HP% / DEF%)
Boots (SPD / HP% / DEF%)
Ring (HP / DEF)
Amulet (HP / DEF)
Banner (ACC / RES / HP / DEF)

Stats Priority

Buffer & Debuffer: ACC, RES, SPD, HP%, DEF%
Debuffer Soloist: ACC, RES, SPD, HP%, DEF%

Bad-el-Kazar Masteries Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Skill Mastery Equip Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Heart of Glory
  4. Single Out
  5. Bring it Down
  6. Wrath of the Slain
  7. Methodical
  8. Warmaster


  1. Pinpoint Accuracy
  2. Exalt in Death
  3. Rapid Response
  4. Arcane Celerity
  5. Lore of Steel
  6. Cycle of Magic
  7. Lasting Gifts
  8. Master Hexer

Clan Boss (Counterattack Setup)

Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Skill Mastery Equip Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Single Out
  4. Life Drinker
  5. Bring it Down
  6. Methodical
  7. Warmaster


  1. Tough Skin
  2. Blastproof
  3. Rejuvenation
  4. Resurgent
  5. Delay Death
  6. Solidarity
  7. Retribution
  8. Deterrence

Bad-el-Kazar Reference

Bad-el-Kazar Dungeon 20 & 25 Farming Build

The artifacts equipped on Bad-el-Kazar are optimised for Campaign, Dungeons, Faction Wars and Doom Tower content. Frenzy Set is used to enable Bad-el-Kazar to gain Turn Meter whenever he gets hit by enemies, so he can take his turn much faster to heal and cleanse himself from any debuffs, while Perception Set is used to provide additional Accuracy stats to be able to inflict the Poison debuff successfully on enemies with high resist stat! Frenzy Set is much better than Relentless Set and Reflex Set as it does not depend on RNG and works well against enemies who deals high amount of damage. The selected masteries for Bad-el-Kazar provides him additional speed, improve his healing efficiency as well as dealing more damage to bosses. Having this setup allows him to solo farm Nightmare Campaign, Minotaur’s Labyrinth Stage 15 as well as solo farm Dungeon Stage 20 (e.g. Dragon’s Lair) while leveling up fodder champions to utilize the energy much more efficiently. In addition, this setup can also be used for end-game content Dungeon Stage 25 (e.g. Ice Golem’s Peak, Dragon’s Lair) by pairing him with a champion such as Aox the Rememberer to apply Decrease Attack debuff and Healing.
Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Artifact and Stats Reference Guide for Dungeons Farming

Bad-el-Kazar Dungeon 20 Solo Build

Below is a reference of artifacts equipped on Bad-el-Kazar optimized for solo-farming Dragon’s Lair and Ice Golem’s Peak with 4 fodders (levelling champions for ranking up). These artifacts have high SPD, RESIST, ACC, HP and DEF stats! You will need to achieve at least 260+ Speed to enable Bad-el-Kazar to go multiple turns of a single Dragon’s turn. In addition, you need a balance of Resist and Accuracy stats. Resist stat is to prevent Bad-el-Kazar from receiving debuffs from enemies such as Decrease Defense and Weaken debuff that can substantially reduce his survivability. Accuracy is required to enable Bad-el-Kazar to apply his Poison debuff on the enemies. It’s not required to build Bad-el-Kazar with a high amount of ATK%, Critical Rate and Critical Damage as his main damage output is from Poison debuff as it deals damage based on ENEMY MAX HP! Bad-el-Kazar will also need a decent amount of HP and DEF stats to tank Hellrazor’s (Dragon’s Lair Boss) “Scorch” skill as the boss’s Scorch damage increases each time he uses this skill! (Bad-el-Kazar build from Chofly Dragon Solo Video)
Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Artifact and Stats Reference Guide for Dragon Solo Farming

Bad-el-Kazar Champion Lore

The great city-state of lreth has existed for nearly all recorded history, and for most of its existence, it has been known for its legendary mage academy. But that lreth is long gone. In its place is a nightmare filled with monsters and madmen. The city’s walls overflow with blood and violence, with the decay of corruption seeping into its very foundations. The blame for this transformation has been laid at the feet of the legendary Grandmaster of the mage academy: the powerful necromancer Bad-el-Kazar.

Kazar was not always an evil soul, but he was always ambitious and highly skilled. Little is known of his early life, beyond that his name was once Valkanen and that he eventually fell to the dark temptations of Siroth. Whether his fall was before or after he fled lreth following a bloody incident in which dozens of mages and scholars were slain, few know, but when Kazar returned to the city he was a changed man in mind and body. He swiftly took control, letting none stand in his way, even those he once counted as friends, though his victories were always political and peaceful, won with cunning. It seems he desired to keep his allegiance to Siroth to himself, though archived accounts tell of his skin growing more pallid, his veins darker, and his eyes more hollow, with each passing month.

A handful of more charitable scholars who have studied lreth’s history dare suggest that Bad-el-Kazar’s motives were not purely evil. They posit that they were – and may still be — partially rooted in desperation, in a desire to restore life to those slain in the disaster he fled the city after years earlier. Such claims have never been verified. Initially, Kazar’s rule was, by most reports, highly successful. The numbers learning in the academy grew, the city’s population rose, and each day new discoveries were made… until Kazar led a fateful expedition. Driven by visions supported by his research of archaic texts, Kazar orchestrated a grand voyage from lreth to the Winterlands in the far north. His goal was to find a site of ancient power, rumored to predate even the Gray Age. Kazar set sail with a fleet, promising to return by the following winter.

Six years passed, and all were assumed lost. Ireth’s interim Grandmaster was fully inducted into the role. Funerals were held. Life moved on. And then Kazar’s flagship appeared on the horizon, alone. As the vessel drew close, the onlookers gasped: the crew were little more than bone and rotting flesh. Undead. The most arresting sight of all was Bad-el-Kazar himself, standing at the prow, cloaked in tattered raiment, his flesh gray and dying. He had revealed himself as a necromancer.

When Kazar disembarked his vessel, the crowd parted, and the new Grandmaster approached him with trepidation. Would Bad-el-Kazar choose to punish the hubris of those who had doubted his return? If he did, would any be able to stop him? But Kazar was magnanimous in his victory. He accepted the Grandmaster’s apology, reassumed the mantle of Grandmaster himself, and presented the mage academy with the fruits of his expedition: the cargo hold of his ship was filled with bottle after bottle of a mysterious liquid. It resembled water, but even the least magically sensitive person could sense the power radiating from it. Kazar called it the Water of Life, and claimed it would change the world. None argued. It certainly changed lreth.

Kazar maintained strict control over the substance, portioning it out carefully to the most powerful mages in the city. They experimented with it, creating potions of incredible power. Consuming these granted the imbiber unbelievable abilities, and hugely amplified their strengths. They called the process Ascension, but it had a dark side. It exaggerated personalities. The cautious became paranoid. The ambitious became obsessive. The agitated became furious. The proud became vain. Psychopathy ran rampant, and the mages’ experiments took ever-darker turns. More and more of the academy’s leading members undertook Ascension, and so there were fewer and fewer voices speaking out against the escalations. Test subjects were seized in their beds. Monsters were left to wander the streets. City guards were replaced with twisted mannequins, and the gates were barred to prevent the population from escaping. Madness gripped the city, and that grip has never loosened.

None know precisely what became of those trapped within the city’s walls. Those few who escaped spoke of a nightmarish hellscape, as the city twisted itself to serve the mad designs of Ascended archmagi. Among it all was Bad-el-Kazar. Even as his city went mad around him, his subjects remained loyal. He was the undisputed Grandmaster of lreth. That was centuries ago. Since then, Bad-el-Kazar has been sighted beyond the city’s walls, wandering the backroads of Teleria. What his goals are, none know.

Bad-el-Kazar Storyline

Tales of a powerful necromancer known as Bad-el-Kazar have long been whispered across Teleria. He is a shadowy figure, a mastermind who prefers to act through pawns and unwitting servants rather than engage his foes in person. Even when forced to take to the field directly, he stays behind the lines of his “allies” and brings the power of terrible magic to bear. Bad-el-Kazar’s origins are shrouded in mystery and much had been lost due to his own efforts. The necromancer prefers it that way, for the less his foes know, the easier it is to baffle and mislead them. But there is reason enough to believe that he had once been a White Mage, serving Lumaya and the Sacred Order. Over the years, the lure of forbidden knowledge had driven Kazar further and further down a dark path, and his thirst for power proved to be his undoing. Surely enough, when Kazar sought to unravel the mysteries of life and death, it was the vile art of Necromancy that he turned to. He collected a wealth of dark artifacts in secret, learning from them until his soul was as twisted and withered as the pages of his spellbooks. Alas, his intellect and power remained as keen as ever, and the Dark Lord Siroth did not waste an opportunity to gain such a powerful follower. His minions whispered into Kazar’s dreams, guiding him towards ever greater depths of damnation. In the end, Bad-el-Kazar disappeared, wiping out as many traces of his past life as he could. Guided by visions, he travelled to the Brimstone Path where a great portal had laid forgotten for centuries. It would be part of Kazar’s grand role to ensure the portal would be reopened to allow the dread armies of Demonspawn into Teleria. In exchange, he would be granted life eternal and power beyond his dreams. Kazar accepted the terms of the deal and set out into the mortal kingdoms, a herald of Siroth’s evil. But who can tell if the necromancer is truly a puppet of powers far beyond his reckoning, or if his cunning and ambition are directed at bringing his own nefarious schemes to fruition…

Bad-el-Kazar Videos

Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Champion Guide by ASH

Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Champion Guide by Ayumilove

Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Champion Guide by StewGaming

Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Champion Guide by Chofly

Raid Shadow Legends Bad-el-Kazar Solo Dragon Guide by Chofly

Champion Name Reference

  • English: Bad-el-Kazar
  • French: Bad-el-Kazar
  • Deutsch: Bad-el-Kazar
  • Italian:
  • Spanish:
  • Chinese:
  • Korean:
  • Japanese:
  • Ukranian:
  • Russian:
  • Turkish:
  • Portuguese:

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47 thoughts on “Bad-el-Kazar | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. WarToad

    I put him in Reflex and that A2 Malice pops so often it’s not unusual to have 6 heals/6 poisons up. I’ve played with other gear, I keep coming back to Reflex.

  2. Greg

    Why do all recommended artifact stats show DEF% to be prioritized but actual character builds all use HP%? Very conflicting – which is it?

  3. Chris

    Put him in your best Stalwart Set. He is 9/10 times in a place that deals only AoE. -30% AoE damage is really OP especially with his healing.

  4. Mr Glass

    i just got this guy i was thinking of putting him on a stun set please advise

  5. protz

    @Dominic Williams because aoe attacks make the spiderlings heal the boss, so any champion with aoe A1 is automatically 1star in nether spider

  6. Anotherplayer

    His kit is similar to urogrim, who i use for soloing nm campaign and in a few other areas. Works well in frenzy + speed. Also has helped in some hard doom tower waves.

  7. Dominic Williams

    I don’t understand why you have BadEl so poorly rated against Nether Spider. He is a cleanser, poisoner and hearler – all the things you say are needed to win against this boss. His is MVP.

  8. Tom Chapman Barros-Wing

    Awesome–I tried the Bad-el / Aox combination on Dragon 25, and that’s now my team. It works great! (I used to use Scyl / Taurus / Stag Knight)

    I have Bad-el in Relentless, but I’ve never tried him (or anyone) in Frenzy. Is that still recommended? I don’t see it in your list of recommended sets above your write-up.

  9. Fabio Cid Gomes

    This is still happening with BEK?
    What about this set plus the 3 revenge accessory ?
    Can you update this using the 3 new revenge?

  10. Johnny

    Holy cow, watch BEK reflex build videos on youtube! I always thought reflex was utter garbage. Sold every single piece of it. Yesterday I pulled BEK and finally there is a use for reflex and BEK is freaking BROKEN on reflex if you watch the video

  11. Robert Bellock

    I use him for nether spider in a Reflex build, constantly clears the poisons away. He’s a huge help for getting passed him.

  12. PokoPika

    what about building him with some att (instead of hp or def in chest or glove) so he heals more on his A1? this way he would be hitting harder and, at the same time improving (or not losing) survivability.

  13. sirrosso

    what about reliantless set

  14. Ayumilove Post author

    @rich: Bad-el-Kazar passive “Prey Upon” has been updated from 15% to 20% (more damage against targets under Poison debuffs).

  15. rich

    @Ayumilove Passive should be 20% more damage

  16. Uncle Nodir

    you have to fully book him and he has to go right after he slams with his stun, I have him in stalwart gear and he lives in NM CB more than 30 rounds, good stun cleanser and very good healer, AND he helps to add even more damage with his passiv)))

  17. jr

    how can use with with clan boss someone advice e plz

  18. tirilo

    Was there an upgrade of him some time? My prey upon skill says even 20% more damage under poison debuffs..

  19. Rad

    Imagine this guy with a nuker such as elhain… scawy

  20. FiercePrinceOfTheEast

    Gladly he’s my first Legendary Champion i got from 5x Undead Champion Chances event

  21. Thegoodman

    Valance Miller, why bother with additional 2.5% poisons? He is already casting 2x 5% poisons.

    Speed would serve you better to get more poisons up more often than a Poison set would. A poison set is almost never worth it, unless you happen to have some already amazing poison gear.

  22. Valance Miller

    why would you not think about a poison set for him?

  23. Grodizzz

    They buffed his passive to 20% more damage against targets under [Poison] debuffs

    Thx for an amazing site.

  24. Ritualdevice

    @Ashante I have been running Bad El Kazar in Stalwart gear since mid-game. He does very well in that set. He doesn’t die until the CB can do his entire HP pool in 1 slam.

  25. Ashante Sana Santana

    @Ayumilove I have several ppl in clan recommending stalwart + speed or stalwart + def sets for UN CB. Mine is currently running lifesteal+speed but the team I’m running ain’t viable for UN. I haven’t experimented too much with various kits since Im f2p. How does he do with heal set or stalwart sets for CB?

  26. Ted At

    Please dont use “Rapid Response” and “Arcane Celerity” if you are running speedtuned CA team!

  27. eviloce

    Prey Upon [Passive]
    All allies inflict 15% more damage against targets under [Poison] debuffs.

    Its 20% now with recent update

  28. Sillak

    I think ironclad does proc his passive with bad-el-Kazar’s a1. So if bad-el-Kazar does 10000 damage to 5 enemies he should heal 20% of the damage done which would be 20% 50000 which would be 10000 heal, and ironclad procs with halving the heal so that would be 5000 damage to all enemies per ironclad you have if bad-el-Kazar did 10000 damage per enemy.

  29. Ayumilove Post author

    @all: I have added a new Clan Boss mastery build for Bad-el-Kazar, which is specifically tuned for Counter Attack team.

  30. Dave Astle

    @James Clifton: I like Ayumi’s recommendations more than Chosen’s, though you might consider taking Charged Focus over Heart of Glory if you need more accuracy. Whirlwind of Death, Cycle of Violence, and Kill Streak are all arguably better in campaign, but they are absolutely useless against the Clan Boss, so if you plan on using him there, you want to go with Ayumi’s suggestions. One other thing: if you’re speed tuning him (which you’ll typically do with a counter attack team), you *don’t* want to take Rapid Response or Arcane Celerity; you’ll need to take Swarm Smiter instead.

  31. James Clifton

    Do i go with CHosen’s masteries or this guides masteries? (I want a CB and dungeon boi)

  32. Paul

    So I just have a question about his A1skil: when fully booked it adds 20% on heal:
    Does that mean it now heals by 40%of damage inflicted or does it mean that the 20% of the damage inflicted will be increased by 20%, -I mean the difference is huge because it the first case its 40% in the second case it’s like 24% (-_-‘).. ???

  33. Alex

    Do his A1 heals synergise with warmaster in CB? I just got WM on my BeK and it doesn’t seem to be the case… 🙁

  34. Elmo

    Does his passive affect Warmaster and Giant Slayer damage for Clan Boss?

  35. Ayumilove Post author

    @Praetor: Bad-el-Kazar A1 synergizes with Ironclad passive skill. However, it only works one time before going into 1 turn cooldown. This cooldown will be reset when Ironclad get his turn. If Bad-el-Kazar A1 heal is little, the damage produced from Ironclad is also very little. It’s best paired with a healer that can heal over 50% MAX HP.

  36. Praetor

    Does his A1 synergise with Ironclad?
    That would be cool if it does.

  37. Ayumilove Post author

    @arudresa: All debuffer champions requires Accuracy to inflict a debuff on its target, unless the skill description says its unresistable. There are 2 calculations involve when inflicting a debuff. The first one is the skill success rate of applying the debuff. For Bad-el-Kazar (BEK), he has a 100% success rate of applying the Poison debuff. Then the second one is the chance of the debuff to be resisted by the enemy. If the enemy has higher resist than BEK’s Accuracy stat, he will then be able to avoid getting those debuff. This makes it quite fair for the opposing team to have some control over the battle instead of having 1-sided advantage battle if the opponent’s champion starts his round first. The minimum percentage to resist a debuff is 5%, it cannot go lower than that. Therefore, if you have over 100 more Accuracy than the opponent, you can only reduces his chances of resisting the debuff up to 5%. Plarium Dev implemented this mechanism to add a little RNG (randomness) to the battle to give a little unexpectedness that it does not always go the way it should be.

  38. arudresa

    so why does he need accuracy, looks like theres no chance to hit on his poison skills, does that imply that it always land?

  39. Keyar

    @Figgyi You could however definitely switch out Heart of Glory for Charged Focus if you feel like your acc isn’t enough.

  40. Figgyi

    @ Raelrak I wish that was the case. Once you pick the first skill in the skill tree, you are limited to the skill right at the bottom of it and the skills nest to that one. For example, if you choose “Charged Focus”, you will be able to follow up with “Arcane Celerity” and “Swarm Smiter”. Think of it like trying to branch down, it can’t branch too far from where it started

  41. Raelrak

    @Figgyi But if I select Arcane Celerity, wouldn’t that give me the option to choose Rapid Response? I am new on the game so I don’t get all the mechanics yet.

  42. Figgyi

    @Raelrak I’m assuming is it’s because of the still tree path. If you took Charged focus over Exalt on Death, you’ll be giving up Rapid response which is not a better trade-off in my opinion.

  43. Raelrak

    Why do you put on the support mastery tree the Exalt on Death?
    Wouldn’t it be better to put Charged Focus since the only skill that he has that has a cooldown is the one for poisons and healing. Wouldn’t those extra ACC help land the debuffs? He recovers from hits and he spends 2 turns out of 3 with the continous healing so I think the 10% after an enemy dies is rather inefficient for Clan Boss, Dungeons Bosses and Campaign (most of it). Would only see it somewhat viable in arena.

  44. Dave Astle

    @Utterly Sputter: Survivability. BEK is support, not attack, so his base attack is rather low. Only his a1 ability benefits from attack, and the damage from it is probably relatively minor. The reasons BEK are so good are his other abilities, none of which benefit from ATK, so the main things are getting him as fast as possible, accuracy for Malice to hit, and DEF% and HP% to stay alive.

    Btw, as far as I can tell, Ayumi doesn’t list stats in priority order – it’s just a list of the main stats that will help the champion.

  45. Ayumilove Post author

    @Dante Wolfe: Currently, Bad-el-Kazar passive does not stack. Previously, the passive stack and this has enabled players to inflict a lot of damage by having 3 Bad-el-Kazar in a Clan Boss Team Setup. The Plarium RAID Shadow Legends developers noted about this gap, and they fixed the passive skill to prevent players from taking advantage of this game mechanic.

  46. Dante Wolfe

    I happen to have 2 BeK and was wondering if anyone knows if the passives stack?

  47. Utterly Sputter

    I’m sorry I’m new to this game, but why do you have defense much higher than attack? His damage is based off attack I think, but you put def% as the first stat priority. Is that strictly for survivability purposes? Or am I missing something else?