OverviewNAME: Giscard the Sigiled AbilitiesRSL_AoE_IncreaseAttack_50% Obtain fromAncient Shard Blessings RecommendationCruelty (Debuffer) |
Grinding★★★★★ Campaign Dungeons★★★★★ Minotaur Potion★★★★★ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★★★ Floors |
Giscard the Sigiled Skills
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of placing a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 1 turn.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 6: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Damage Multiplier: 3.65 DEF
Lion’s Roar (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. Also places a [Shield] buff on this champion equal to 25% of their MAX HP for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +15%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 3.6 DEF
Field of Strength (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff and a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on all allies for 2 turns.
Level 2: Cooldown -1
Level 3: Cooldown -1
Egotist (Passive)
Fills this champion’s Turn Meter by 15% whenever they are attacked by an enemy under [Provoke] or [Increase ATK] debuffs.
Increases Ally DEF in Faction Crypts by 27%.
Giscard the Sigiled Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Bloodthirst, Lifesteal |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityDEF Nuker & Debuffer: DEF%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC |
Giscard the Sigiled Mastery Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Doom Tower, Dungeons, Faction Wars
Giscard the Sigiled Updates
Giscard the Sigiled Videos
Raid Shadow Legends Giscard the Sigiled Champion Guide by StewGaming (Before Nerf)
Raid Shadow Legends Giscard the Sigiled Champion Guide by Skratch (Before Nerf)
(Translated virusss) “Hahaha, this hero is a blast and super useful. Put a relentless set on him, full speed and accuracy, whether in the arena as the attack and defense buffer at the same time, he provokes everyone which gives you more survival, what more do you want XD. Besides that in the doom tower or anywhere with that combination he is always provoking and giving you defense and attack, sometimes he even takes 3 turns in a row by himself XD, it’s really fun and very useful.”
Put His Gears Stats too,
@jarekj: I have updated Giscard’s Lion’s Roar skill to match with the latest changes. I think it’s 3 turn skill cooldown once it is fully booked. Before the nerf, it was 2 turns kill cooldown. I have reduced his rating by 1 tier down since he couldn’t rotate as quickly as he used to lockdown the enemies and the provoke isn’t a 100%.
The champion was nerfed and his Lion’s Roar skill have now cooldown 4 turns when fully booked. The description above still contains the info before the nerf. Is he is still S tier then?
@Gary @John @Chris Tomlinson: Apologies for the incorrect stat recommendation. I have corrected Giscard the Sigiled stats from ATK to DEF. Thanks for highlighting the issue!
Please, can you answer the questions about his gear build?
Why are you showing ATK and ATK% in his artifact setup as the primary priority? Since his skills damage is based on defense, shouldn’t it be DEF and DEF%???
I am trying to build my Giscard to use in my main team but do not want to waste silver on bad advice.
I agree with Chris’s question. How can the Artifact setup indicate all ATK when the Skills are based on DEF? This doesn’t make any sense.
Gauntlets (ATK% / C.RATE / C.DMG)
Chestplate (ATK% / ACC)
Boots (SPD / ATK%)
Ring (ATK)
Amulet (ATK / C.DMG)
Banner (ATK / ACC)
Why are all of his suggested equipment for attack , when he is a defense champion
Thanks for all of the info setting up champions. Much appreciated
jajaja este héroe es un vacilon y super útil, pónganle un set de relentes, full speed y acc, ya sea en arena como el buffer de atk y def al mismo tiempo, tira provocar a todos lo cual te da ya mas supervivencia, que mas quieres XD, aparte de eso en doom tower o en cualquier lado con esa combinación siempre esta provocando y dándote def y attk hasta algunas veces agarra 3 turnos seguidos el solo XD, en verda es divertido y muy util
Never mind what this guy used to be like, it is what he is like now that is important. What he is now is awesome. I have him maxed at everything and he has been wearing Lifesteal and Accuracy. In fact I have just upgraded his Accuracy to Perception to tweak his speed a bit more. I am quite happy to still see him in S tier as he sits there very comfortably. He is like a rock in whatever team he is in and helps to comfortably push his team through.
Well he’s not as good as he was before the nerf he is still quite good pairing him with a vizier and using Master Hector will alleviate the one turn on his attack down not to mention he has plenty of other places in the game make sure to look at your account before assuming a champ is bad as unless you’re a whale most people find a place for almost every champ. Aoe provoke attack and defense up attack down and TM increase constantly on him . Most people will find somewhere he fits
While he was better he is still a great epic . The earlier you pull him the better he is till late mid game early end game . While his A1 is only one turn using master hexer can help or running with a vizier to extend the debuff. Having a vizier brings his viability back up slot for CB . But he is no where near as good as a stag knight . For most content . But don’t write him off unless you have other champs or are pretty progressed in the game look at his kit and I’m sure you can find a few places he could help whether provoke aoe attack and defense buffs or attack down not to mention his passive making him go more . Remember champs are rarely bad unless youre a whale and have the best most can be useful in certain places if not all champs
This guy is SUPER underrated. Got lucky enough to get high early game and I tell you he still finds a place in most of my teams.
@Kodseer, Agree.75%of chance applying big decrease ATT. with big increase ATT and DEF. You can potentially save a slot for your clan boss if you are building a counter attach team.
The champ text of Egoist reads as follows:
“Fills this champion’s Turn Meter by 15% whenever they are attacked by an enemy under [Provoke] debuff or [Increase ATK] BUFF.”
So [Provoke] and [Increase ATK].
The way you describe his passive is missleading :
“Egotist [Passive]
Fills this champion’s Turn Meter by 15% whenever they are attacked by an enemy under [Provoke] or [Increase ATK] DEBUFFS.”
Is it considering champs under decrease atk debuff or increase atk buff ?
Thanks man !
He shouldn’t be 5 star for clan boss, because his def down on A1 is only for 1 turn and it’s only 75% chance. Even with CA team getting resist or not doing his A1 will mean instant death.
Agree – no longer S-Tier, more like a B
@nerf – His A2 I believe had 1 turn less on its cooldown in the test server.
What nerf being done on him? This guy is good as Stag Knight. Stag can do decrease ATK DEF and decrease SPD as additional cool skill. He can do increase ATK DEF and got AOE provoke as additional cool trick, speed is workable.
These ratings seem based on this champion BEFORE the nerf, as i don’t think he is S-tier anymore. Can we get this updated? thanks.
Nerfed? Put him in with a pain keeper, problem solved.
?the nerf is that Lion’s Roar was bookable down to a two turn cooldown – now it’s only 3. So no more soloing Ice Golem. He’s proabably still useful.
The nerf is that
Fist I want to thank you for all your hard work. This site is an awesome resource for new players like myself. I realize that this champion has been changed. Do the ratings above reflect the change or are they from prior to the change? I am curious if I should continue to develop this champion since his ratings are very high in a lot of categories or are they different since the change. Thanks again for all your effort.
Is Giscard still s-tier after the nerf?
don’t know what to do with guy since being nerfed.