Multiple Attack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Multiple Attack Skill is a Champion’s primary skill (aka 1st ability or default attack) that attacks an enemy multiple times! This is particularly useful against Fire Knight’s Dungeon (FK) where the boss has a high amount of shield count which can only be broken by a lot of hits from multiple champions.

1Hit Basic Attack Champions (1)

1Hit Basic Attack (Target)





  1. Stout Axeman (DW-RHM)



2Hits Basic Attack Champions (210)

2Hits Basic Attack (Random)



  1. Grohak the Bloodied (OR-LAM)
  2. Hegemon (KR-LAV)
  3. Holsring (SO-LAM)
  4. Mithrala Lifebane (DE-LSV)
  5. Thea the Tomb Angel (KR-LAF)


  1. Frostbringer (SO-ESM)
  2. Pestilus (KR-ESS)
  3. Tainix Hateflower (DS-ESF)


  1. Grappler (SW-RDS)


  1. Brute (OT-UAM)
  2. Dervish (BA-UAM)


2Hits Basic Attack (Target)


  1. Alaz the Sunbearer (BA-MDF)
  2. Ashnar Dragonsoul (OR-MHF)
  3. Frolni the Mechanist (DW-MHM)
  4. Hierophant Lazarius (LZ-MSM)
  5. Karnage the Anarch (DS-MAS)
  6. Komidus Darksmile (DS-MSM)
  7. Night Queen Krixia (KR-MSS)
  8. Siegfrund the Nephilim (SO-MAM)
  9. The Calamitus (UH-MAS)


  1. Angar (OR-LHV)
  2. Arbiter (HE-LSV)
  3. Arnorn the Shining (DW-LAV)
  4. Astralon (SO-LAM)
  5. Bloodgorged (UH-LAF)
  6. Bolint Freewalker (SW-LHF)
  7. Brewguard Jeroboam (OT-LDF)
  8. Cillian the Lucky (BL-LAM)
  9. Countess Lix (DS-LAM)
  10. Crohnam (BA-LAM)
  11. Danag Skullreap (OR-LAM)
  12. Duchess Lilitu (DS-LSS)
  13. Gaius the Gleeful (KR-LAF)
  14. Gamuran (SK-LSS)
  15. Georgid the Breaker (KR-LAV)
  16. Glaicad of the Meltwater (SY-LSF)
  17. Goffred Brassclad (DW-LDM)
  18. Greathoof Loriaca (SW-LSS)
  19. Gronjarr (DW-LHF)
  20. Gurgoh the Augur (OT-LAV)
  21. Gurptuk Moss-Beard (OT-LSF)
  22. Helicath (DS-LDS)
  23. Jetni the Giant (BA-LAS)
  24. Kantra the Cyclone (BA-LDF)
  25. King Garog (OR-LAF)
  26. Leorius the Proud (SW-LAV)
  27. Maranix (DE-LAF)
  28. Matriarch Zarguna (OR-LHF)
  29. Onryo Ieyasu (SK-LAV)
  30. Opardin Clanfather (BA-LHM)
  31. Pheidi Tealcrest (LZ-LSV)
  32. Pythion (LZ-LSF)
  33. Ragash (SW-LDS)
  34. Roric Wyrmbane (BA-LAS)
  35. Saito (UH-LAM)
  36. Samson the Masher (SW-LHS)
  37. Shamrock (OT-LSS)
  38. Shemnath (KR-LAM)
  39. Skeletor (KR-LSS)
  40. Skull Lord Var-Gall (LZ-LDF)
  41. Staltus Dragonbane (BL-LDF)
  42. Stokk the Broken (OT-LSS)
  43. Strategos Islin (HE-LDM)
  44. Supreme Elhain (HE-LAV)
  45. Supreme Galek (OR-LAV)
  46. Taras the Fierce (BL-LHV)
  47. Tatsu (SK-LAF)
  48. The Incarnate (HE-LDF)
  49. Thor Faehammer (BA-LAM)
  50. Timit the Fool (BL-LHF)
  51. Trunda Giltmallet (DW-LAM)
  52. Turvold (BA-LAV)
  53. Ultan of the Shell (DE-LAS)
  54. Valkyrie (BA-LDS)
  55. Venus (SO-LSV)
  56. Visix the Unbowed (DE-LDV)
  57. Vitrius the Anointed (SO-LAV)
  58. Walking Tomb Dreng (KR-LHS)
  59. War Mother (OT-LAM)
  60. Xena Warrior Princess (BA-LAF)
  61. Yakarl the Scourge (BA-LAV)
  62. Yannica (HE-LAS)
  63. Yumeko (SK-LSV)


  1. Aeshma (KR-EAM)
  2. Aina (BA-EAM)
  3. Anax (UH-EAS)
  4. Aothar (SO-EAF)
  5. Aox the Rememberer (LZ-ESF)
  6. Azure (BL-EHV)
  7. Baerdal Fellhammer (DW-EAV)
  8. Baroth the Bloodsoaked (BA-EHF)
  9. Bowf the Rancid (SW-EHS)
  10. Broodlord (LZ-EDF)
  11. Dark Athel (UH-EAM)
  12. Deacon Armstrong (SO-ESS)
  13. Delaaja (LZ-EHS)
  14. Demytha (DW-ESV)
  15. Dhukk the Pierced (OR-EDM)
  16. Dirandil (DE-EAF)
  17. Dyana Gloompiercer (SY-EAV)
  18. Exemplar (HE-EAV)
  19. Fayne (SW-EAS)
  20. Fylja (DW-EAM)
  21. Gala Longbraids (DW-EAV)
  22. Galkut (OT-EAS)
  23. Genbo the Dishonored (SK-EAV)
  24. Gorlos Hellmaw (DS-EAS)
  25. Gory (SK-EAS)
  26. Hoforees the Tusked (SW-ESF)
  27. Hordin (BL-EAM)
  28. Husk (UH-EHF)
  29. Jinglehunter (HE-EAS)
  30. Jizoh (LZ-EDS)
  31. Juliana (SO-EAM)
  32. Kinagashi (SK-ESS)
  33. Lady Annabelle (BL-ESS)
  34. Lady Eresh (KR-EAF)
  35. Lordly Legionary (BL-EAM)
  36. Masamoto (SK-EDS)
  37. Masked Fearmonger (BL-EAS)
  38. Merouka (OR-EDM)
  39. Miscreated Monster (KR-EHM)
  40. Morag Bronzelock (DW-EDS)
  41. Myciliac Priest Orn (SY-EHS)
  42. Necrohunter (KR-EAM)
  43. Nogoryo (SK-EAM)
  44. Pann the Bowhorn (SY-EAF)
  45. Peydma (DS-EDV)
  46. Pitiless One (KR-EAM)
  47. Sandlashed Survivor (OR-EDS)
  48. Seeker (UH-EDM)
  49. Signy of Highshield (BL-EHM)
  50. Sir Artimage (BL-EAF)
  51. Skimfos the Consumed (DS-EAV)
  52. Slixus Stripehide (LZ-EAV)
  53. Snorting Thug (SW-EHF)
  54. Stag Knight (BL-ESS)
  55. Steelskull (SW-ESS)
  56. Suiren (SK-EAF)
  57. Tagoar (OR-ESM)
  58. Tayrel (HE-EDM)
  59. Theresc (DE-EAF)
  60. Tolf the Maimed (OR-EHV)
  61. Trumborr (OR-EDS)
  62. Tuhak the Wanderer (OR-EAV)
  63. Umetogi (SK-EAM)
  64. Urogrim (OT-ESV)
  65. Urticata (DS-EAS)
  66. Valla (BA-EDS)
  67. Venomage (LZ-ESM)
  68. Vildrax (DS-ESM)
  69. Weregren Suncursed (SW-EAV)
  70. Woad-Painted (BA-EHS)
  71. Yelagirna (OR-EAS)


  1. Beast Wrestler (DW-RAF)
  2. Bloodpainter (SW-RAF)
  3. Boltsmith (DW-RAF)
  4. Bone Knight (UH-RAS)
  5. Boughsmith Flannan (SY-RDF)
  6. Bulwark (DW-RDV)
  7. Chevalier (BL-RDV)
  8. Conquerer (BL-RAS)
  9. Cudgeler (DW-RAM)
  10. Dagger (BL-RAV)
  11. Doomscreech (UH-RHV)
  12. Eviscerator (DE-RAV)
  13. Fencer (HE-RAF)
  14. Frozen Banshee (UH-RAM)
  15. Galek (OR-RAM)
  16. Gladiator (KR-RAF)
  17. Gloril Brutebane (DW-RAS)
  18. Goremask (OR-RAF)
  19. Haruspex (LZ-RSV)
  20. Harvester (DE-RAV)
  21. Hatchet Slinger (DW-RAS)
  22. Headsman (SO-RAS)
  23. Hellfreak (DS-RAS)
  24. Huntress (OR-RAV)
  25. Hurler (LZ-RAF)
  26. Ingid Twyst-staff (SY-RSS)
  27. Lamibur (SW-RSS)
  28. Lifetaker (SK-RAM)
  29. Loneblade Riab (SY-RAF)
  30. Meatcarver Tolog (SW-RHF)
  31. Medicus (HE-RSS)
  32. Misericord (BL-RAM)
  33. Petrifya Rockroot (DS-RAM)
  34. Preserver (BL-RDF)
  35. Prosecutor (HE-RAS)
  36. Purgator (SO-RAM)
  37. Renouncer (SO-RAF)
  38. Ripperfist (OR-RAV)
  39. Runic Warder (DW-RHM)
  40. Siegebreaker (OT-RAS)
  41. Skirmisher (BA-RAV)
  42. Skullsworn (LZ-RAF)
  43. Spikehead (OR-RAM)
  44. Steel Bowyer (DE-RAF)
  45. Stitched Beast (UH-RAV)


  1. Archer (BL-UAM)
  2. Chemist (DW-UAM)
  3. Conscript (SK-UAS)
  4. Crusader (SO-UAF)
  5. Ritualist (BA-UAM)
  6. Sergeant (SO-UAF)
  7. Sniper (DE-UAM)
  8. Spiritwalker (BA-USF)
  9. Vigilante (SO-UHS)


  1. Swordsman (BL-CAM)
  2. Troglodyte (LZ-CDS)

3Hits Basic Attack Champions (52)

3Hits Basic Attack (Random)



  1. Blind Seer (DE-LSV)
  2. Blizaar the Howler (OT-LDS)
  3. Gnishak Verminlord (SW-LAF)
  4. Shirimani (HE-LSF)


  1. Alure (DS-EAM)
  2. Neldor Rimeblade (HE-EAF)


  1. Apothecary (HE-RSM)
  2. Crimson Slayer (KR-RAS)



3Hits Basic Attack (Target)


  1. Ashnar Dragonsoul (OR-MHF)


  1. Drexthar Bloodtwin (DS-LDF)
  2. Genzin (SK-LAS)
  3. Gnut (DW-LDS)
  4. Gwyndolin The Silent (SW-LAF)
  5. Harvest Jack (UH-LHS)
  6. Karato Foxhunter (SK-LAS)
  7. Kyoku (SK-LDS)
  8. Little Miss Annie (UH-LAV)
  9. Lord Shazar (DS-LAS)
  10. Mathias Blackflail (SO-LHF)
  11. Nekhret the Great (UH-LDV)
  12. Nethril (UH-LAS)
  13. Raglin (BL-LSV)
  14. Razelvarg (SW-LAM)
  15. Rhazin Scarhide (LZ-LDF)
  16. Ronda (BL-LAM)
  17. Searsha the Charred (SY-LSF)
  18. Sicia Flametongue (DS-LAF)
  19. Tomb Lord (KR-LSS)
  20. Vizier Ovelis (DE-LAF)
  21. Warchief (SW-LDF)
  22. Zavia (DE-LAF)
  23. Zinogre Blademaster (SK-LAM)


  1. Akemtum (SW-EAV)
  2. Criodan the Blue (SY-ESM)
  3. Dark Kael (DE-EAM)
  4. Fenshi (SK-EAF)
  5. Fodbor the Bard (DW-EAS)
  6. Lightsworn (SO-EDV)
  7. Lorn the Cutter (OT-EAM)
  8. Old Ghrukkus (OT-ESF)
  9. Ruella (SY-EAS)
  10. Sanguinia (SO-ESM)
  11. Tallia (SO-EAM)
  12. Vogoth (UH-EHS)


  1. Anointed (BA-RSF)
  2. Athel (SO-RAM)
  3. Coffin Smasher (KR-RHM)
  4. Fleshmonger (SW-RAM)
  5. Grandmaster (BL-RHM)
  6. Panthera (SW-RAV)
  7. Treeshield Knott (SY-RSV)


  1. Skinner (LZ-UAM)


4Hits Basic Attack Champions (5)

4Hits Basic Attack (Random)





  1. Coldheart (DE-RAV)



4Hits Basic Attack (Target)


  1. Nell Blackteeth (SY-MSM)


  1. Cruetraxa (DS-LAV)
  2. Foli (DE-LAM)


  1. Wuzgar (OT-EHS)




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59 thoughts on “Multiple Attack Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. JiNMu_TeNNo

    @Ayumilove, why is Stout Axeman listed under Multiple Attack?

    His A1: “Go No Further, Attacks 1 enemy.” That’s it. Nothing about attacks multiple times.

    Appreciate your site!

  2. JiNMu_TeNNo

    @Ayumilove – Ninja’s A2 “Haliburn” attacks 3 times at random.


    Yeoman (Common) 3Hits

  4. Ayumilove Post author

    @WileyMan: Razelvarg is available in the multi-hit champion list!

  5. Ayumilove Post author

    @Armaggeddon777: Treeshield Knott is available in the multi-hit champion list!

  6. Ayumilove Post author

    @Aj: I have added multi-hitter Sylvan Watchers champion to the list!

  7. Aj

    Why are there no Sylvan Watchers on this list?

  8. Armaggeddon777

    Treeshield Knott: Rare healer/ reviver with triple hit A1

  9. WileyMan

    Razelvarg has a 3 hit A1

  10. vamse

    wuzgar 4 hits

  11. Ramiro B Aranda

    Ronda should be on Leggo 3 hit list

  12. Shahein khorram

    Royal Guard has a random 4 hit attack Hamstring w/60% chance of 30% decrease speed and 60% at decreased turn meter by 25% on a2

  13. Vincent

    Please add Ruella (Epic)- Sylvan Watchers – 3 hit on 1 enemy. I was wondering if you could further sort them by affinity. So easier to pick multi-hitter for specific affinity dungeons?

  14. Lord Rand

    Ronda of the Banner Lords faction has two 3-hit and one 2-hit ability.

  15. FreePlayer1337

    Satyr is an uncommon that has a random 4-hit with 15% turn reduction on crit.

  16. Isarma

    How has no one mentioned Lamibur? As a rare, they’re easy to get, they’re easy to book (if you feel it necessary, I haven’t) and they’re pretty resilient with a continuous heal, a single heal with revive on death and their A1 is a double hitter with 2.1 ATK modifier, so even though not great, neither is Dervish, and they’re listed…

  17. ImmaRageQuit

    Epic – Old Ghrukkus hits 1 enemy 3 times.

  18. Lozan

    Runic warder dw-rhm – 2 hits A1 + 2 hits A2

  19. TravisK

    Sandlashed Survivor is missing from this list

  20. Rslplaya

    Hi. Great work Ayumi.
    Templar attacks 4 times at random

  21. Riceaxe

    dilgol snuck his way in by mistake. His A3 is a 3 hitter.
    A1 is just normal 1 hit.

  22. Dave

    Urticata has x2 on A1

  23. Dave

    Hellfreak has x 2 on its A1

  24. DC

    Kyoku as a multiple attack A1 conditionnal

  25. DarkJedi Zanidras

    Please add Multiple AoE hitters

  26. Raider

    Urogrim is a 2 hit A1 and all enemies a3 he was a 3hit but they nerfed him

  27. Jokester Shawn

    I have the printed list and noticed that Lordly Legionary is not in the list.

  28. Ayumilove Post author

    @Spiderlilly: Venomage has been added to the Multi-Attack champion list above!

  29. Spiderlilly

    A newly added champ, VenomMage, does 2x attack on her A1.

  30. Ayumilove Post author

    @Honmai: Coldheart is added to the 4 Hit Random list!

  31. Ayumilove Post author

    @TheRealRonn: I have added Gala Longbraids to the Target 2 Target Hits list!

  32. Honmai

    You’ve missed Coldheart out of the “4 Hit Rare” list, her A1 hits 4 times.
    Great resource btw, many thanks 🙂

  33. TheRealRonn

    I love the work you’ve done for this site! Thank you! Does Gala have a 2 hit A1?

  34. Ayumilove Post author

    @Howard: I have added Fleshmonger to the Multi Attack (3 hits) champion list!

  35. Howard

    Hi Ayumi,
    Fleshmonger have three target hit as his A1

  36. Ayumilove Post author

    @Alex4theGr8, @Jonahthesiamese, @Rizzen31, @Dalwik, @SilkierLemur, @Kestrel: I have added the champions into the list above! Apothecary, Tallia, Coldheart, Anointed, Crimson Slayer and Tallia.

  37. Alex4theGr8

    Like others said, this new list missing some. I can remember: Coldheart, Crimson Slayer, and Tallia should be on the list

  38. Jonahthesiamese

    Coldheart’s A1 attacks4x at random

  39. Rizzen31

    I dont see Anointed. his A1 is attack 1 enemy 3x with chance of freeze

  40. Dalwik

    Alure isn’t a target hitter, her first attack is 3 Time random attack

  41. SilkierLemur

    One more I don’t see…I might be overlooking (maybe she accidentally got left off on the rearrangement, I feel like I saw her before). Coldheart has a 4 random hit A1 that’s not so random on a single target Fire Knight. It also includes a 100% heal reduction!

  42. Kestrel

    Hi. This is first time I have commented on your excellent site, so I hope I’ve got this right and not missed something. However I cannot see Apocethary on your list of Multiple Attack Champions. He hits x3 on his A1, albeit randomly.

  43. Ayumilove Post author

    @all: I have updated this page with a simpler format of listing the champions based on the number of attacks on their A1 (default skill). This champion list does not include the multi-attack on their other skills (e.g. A2/A3/A4/etc).

  44. Ayumilove Post author

    @ymirsson: I have added Kantra the Cyclone to the list above!

  45. Ayumilove Post author

    @SilkierLemur: I have added Vogoth and Sanguinia to the multi-attack champion list above!

  46. SilkierLemur

    Looking for Vogoth and Sanguinia on the Epics list. Both have 3 hit A1s, and Vogoth’s each have a chance to extend individual debuffs. I enjoy watching Coldheart’s heal reduction on the Fire Knight get extended.

  47. ymirsson

    Kantra the Cyclone has a 2hit A1.

  48. JediPony

    Uncommon Satyr has a 4 random hits on its A2

  49. halfninja2

    I don’t see Coffin Smasher listed under rare multi-hit champs. His A1 has helped me in FK (so far at least).

  50. iNK

    Do multiple hits have multiple chances to proc gear effects e.g stun?

  51. Grzesiu1206

    Coffin smasher is missing Attacks 1 enemy 3 times

  52. counslor311

    Missing Lordly Legionary from 1 Target 2 hits list

  53. DNasty

    Epic Champ named “Crimson Helm” attacks 4 times at random on her A2.

  54. Aeolwind

    Mistreated Monster missing from 2 but targeted list

  55. Ed


  56. Ayumilove Post author

    @Ed: Thanks for the compiling the champions into list categorized by hits and its preconditions! I have implemented into the page above!

  57. Ed

    Here it is!

    *-*-*-Multiple Attack Champion Breakdown-*-*-*

    Raid Shadow Legends Coldheart Skill Mastery Equip Guide

    Raid Shadow Legends Blind Seer Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Shirimani Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Alure Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Crimson Slayer Skill Mastery Equip Guide

    Raid Shadow Legends Grohak the Bloodied Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Hegemon Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Frostbringer Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Grappler Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Brute Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Dervish Skill Mastery Equip Guide

    Raid Shadow Legends Cruetraxa Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Foli Skill Mastery Equip Guide

    Raid Shadow Legends Drexthar Bloodtwin Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Harvest Jack Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Lord Shazar Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Nethril Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Raglin Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Rhazin Scarhide Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Tomb Lord Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Vizier Ovelis Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Warchief Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Zavia Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Lightsworn Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Tallia Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Anointed Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Athel Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Grandmaster Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Skinner Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Yeoman Skill Mastery Equip Guide

    2-HIT TARGETED with conditional EXTRA TURN
    Raid Shadow Legends Hordin Skill Mastery Equip Guide

    2-HIT TARGETED with conditional EXTRA HIT or REPEAT ATTACK
    Raid Shadow Legends Angar Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Gurgoh the Augur Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Exemplar Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Chevalier Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Skullsworn Skill Mastery Equip Guide

    Raid Shadow Legends Arbiter Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Bloodgorged Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Duchess Lilitu Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Shamrock Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Trunda Giltmallet Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Turvold Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Valkyrie Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Venus Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends War Mother Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Aina Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Aothar Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Azure Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Baerdal Fellhammer Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Dark Athel Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Gala Longbraids Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Galkut Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Husk Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Jinglehunter Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Jizoh Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Juliana Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Necrohunter Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Peydma Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Pitiless One Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Seeker Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Snorting Thug Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Steelskull Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Tayrel Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Woad-Painted Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Beast Wrestler Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Bloodpainter Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Bone Knight Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Bulwark Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Conquerer Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Doomscreech Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Eviscerator Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Galek Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Gladiator Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Goremask Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Haruspex Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Harvester Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Huntress Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Hurler Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Pain Keeper Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Penitent Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Preserver Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Runic Warder Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Siegebreaker Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Skirmisher Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Steel Bowyer Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Stitched Beast Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Veteran Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Wretch Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Archer Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Chemist Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Crusader Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Cultist Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Lemure Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Outlander Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Pilgrim Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Ritualist Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Sergeant Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Sniper Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Spiritwalker Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Throatcutter Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Tracker Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Vigilante Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Swordsman Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    Raid Shadow Legends Troglodyte Skill Mastery Equip Guide

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  58. Ayumilove Post author

    @Ed: That would be cool! I’ll check it out once you have completed it 🙂

  59. Ed

    It would be super cool to see a breakdown of these by number of hits & random vs. single target.

    If I put one together would you be interested in publishing it with appropriate links?