Apothecary | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary Skill Mastery Equip Guide


NAME: Apothecary
FACTION: High Elves
ROLE: Support
USABILITY: Early-Mid-Late Game
TOMES: 10 (A2 A3)



Obtain from

Mystery Shard
Ancient Shard
Primal Shard
Rotos the Lost Groom Fusion

Blessings Recommendation

Phantom Touch (Damage Dealer)
Survival Instinct (Tank)


★★★★✰ Campaign
★★★★★ Arena Defense
★★★★★ Arena Offense
★★★★★ Clan Boss
★★✰✰✰ Hydra
★★★★★ Faction Wars


★★★★★ Minotaur
★★★★★ Spider
★★★★★ Fire Knight
★★★★★ Dragon
★★★★★ Ice Golem
★★★✰✰ Iron Twins
★✰✰✰✰ Sand Devil
★★✰✰✰ Phantom Shogun


★★★★★ Arcane Keep
★★★★★ Void Keep
★★★★✰ Force Keep
★★★★★ Spirit Keep
★★★★★ Magic Keep

Doom Tower

★★★★★ Floors
★★★★★ Magma Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Nether Spider
★★★★★ Frost Spider
★★★★✰ Scarab King
★★★★★ Celestial Griffin
★★★★✰ Eternal Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Dreadhorn
★★★★✰ Dark Fae

Apothecary Review

Apothecary is a Rare Support Magic champion from High Elves in Raid Shadow Legends. Apothecary is one of the best supporter champion who can be utilized till end-game! He can be obtained from Ancient Shards or Mystery Shards if you are lucky. Apothecary is well-known for his healing and boosting speed utilities, which allows you to use him for Clan Boss, Arena and Dungeons, as well as clearing Faction Wars and Doom Tower content (including Secret Room for both Normal and Hard difficulty).

Scatterbolt (A1 Skill) is Apothecary’s default attack that hits 3 times. This skill is useful against Fire Knight dungeon boss to quickly reduce the boss shield counter. With the shield destroyed, your team will be able to apply debuff and negative effect on him and prevent him from replenishing his health upon taking his turn. However, this random multi-hit should be used cautiously as going against enemies with Counterattack buff (e.g. Nether Spider) will enable them to retaliate!

Soothing Chant (A2 Skill) is his healing skill, which allows him to heal a single-target ally by 35% of their MAX HP or 52.5% of their MAX HP if it’s a Critical Heal. Hence, it’s recommended to gear Apothecary in high Critical Rate to consistently provide massive amount of healing! Critical Damage stat does not affect his healing potency. Having support masteries such as Lay on Hands, Healing Savior and Merciful Aid enhances the healing received by the ally.

Boon of Speed (A3 Skill) is Apothecary signature skill, which allows him to apply Increase Speed buff and Increase Turn Meter on all allies! It’s advisable to build him with a high amount of Speed, so he can enable your champions to take their turn first before the enemies begin, especially in 3 Speed Sets if you intend to use Apothecary as your primary speed booster for Arena.

Last but not least, Apothecary has Defense Aura applicable for dungeons, which is useful to reduce the damage intake from enemies when farming artifacts. Overall, Apothecary is an amazing champion who can help with your game progression in many areas of the game. I highly recommend 6 star Apothecary if you manage to get him!

Apothecary Skills

Attacks 3 times at random.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 1.4 ATK

Soothing Chant (Cooldown: 3 turns)
Heals a target ally by 35% HP. This Heal can be critical.
Level 2: Heal +5%
Level 3: Heal +5%
Level 4: Heal +5%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Healing Multiplier: 35% HP (Non-Critical), 52.5% HP (Critical)

Boon of Speed (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Places a 30% [Increase Speed] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Fills the Turn Meter of all allies by 15%.
Level 2: Cooldown -1
Level 3: Cooldown -1

Increases Ally DEF in Dungeons by 21%

Apothecary Build Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

PvE: Impulse, Reflex, Relentless
PvP: Immunity, Protection, Stoneskin, Untouchable
PvE & PvP: Divine Speed, Fortitude, Immortal, Regeneration, Resistance, Righteous, Speed, Supersonic

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (C.RATE / HP% / DEF%)
Chestplate (RES / HP% / DEF%)
Boots (SPD / HP% / DEF%)
Ring (HP / DEF)
Amulet (HP / DEF)
Banner (RES / HP / DEF)

Stats Priority

Combat Buffer: RES, SPD, C.RATE, HP%, DEF%

Apothecary Masteries Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary PvE Mastery Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Shield Breaker
  4. Single Out
  5. Bring it Down
  6. Kill Streak
  7. Giant Slayer


  1. Steadfast
  2. Lay on Hands
  3. Rapid Response
  4. Healing Savior
  5. Lore of Steel
  6. Merciful Aid
  7. Lasting Gifts
  8. Spirit Haste

Clan Boss (Speed Tuned)

Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary Clan Boss Mastery Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Heart of Glory
  4. Single Out
  5. Life Drinker
  6. Bring it Down
  7. Wrath of the Slain
  8. Kill Streak
  9. Methodical
  10. Giant Slayer


  1. Steadfast
  2. Lay on Hands
  3. Healing Savior
  4. Merciful Aid
  5. Spirit Haste

Apothecary Reference

Apothecary All-Rounder Build

Here are Apothecary artifacts and masteries optimized by Ayumilove as an all-rounder champion that is suitable for all content in the game! This end-game build is customized to handle both Faction Wars and Hard Doom Tower, including Secret Rooms. Apothecary is equipped in a Lifesteal Set, so he can heal himself quickly through Giant Slayer (Offense Tier 6 Mastery) when attacking enemies and save his healing skill for emergency whenever his team member is under critical condition. He is equipped in an Immortal Set to provide additional self healing every time he takes his turn. The stats prioritized on Apothecary are SPD, C.RATE, HP, DEF and RESIST. Resist is essential to enable him to continuously support his allies without being suppressed by enemies debuff or negative effects. You will need at least 200 Speed, 100% Critical Rate, 300 Resist, 2~3K Defense and 40~60K HP on Apothecary to have sufficient stats to survive against mobs in end-game content.
Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary in Lifesteal Artifact and Stats Reference Guide for All-Rounder Build

Apothecary Strongest End-game Build

Here are Apothecary artifacts and masteries optimized by Stewgaming as the strongest end-game build suitable for all content in the game! Apothecary is equipped in Relentless Set, Speed Set and Refresh Amulet to allow him to take multiple-turns quickly to recharge his skills that are on cooldown. Having this additional ability provided by his equipment allows him to provide close to 100% up time healing and AoE Increase Speed buff and Increase Turn Meter to all allies! The stats to prioritize on Apothecary are Speed, Health, Defense, Resist and Critical Rate. Critical Rate allows him to deal additional damage on his default attack, Health and Defense for additional survivability to tank enemy nukes, Resist is to prevent him from getting crowd controlled by enemies, so he can constantly assist allies with healing and speeding them up. Special Note: Relentless Set can only be obtained by winning the top 2 positions in Tournament and might require spending heavy amount of cash to compete with other P2W (Pay-to-Win) players.
Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary in Relentless Artifact and Stats Reference Guide for All-Rounder Build

Apothecary FAQ

How Apothecary healing is calculated?

  • All healing skill upgrades (e.g. +5% Heal) are counted as multiplicative instead of additive.
  • Assuming Apothecary stats are 50K HP, 100% Critical Rate, with his Soothing Chant (A2 Skill) full maxed (+15% Heal) and has no masteries.
  • Apothecary’s total heal skill is not (35% + 15% = 50%) but (35% x 115% = 40.25% for non-critical, and 52.5% x 115% = 60.375% for critical)
  • If Apothecary performed a Critical healing, then the HP healing results is calculated as 50K HP x 52.5% (Critical) x 115% = 30187 HP
  • If Apothecary did not perform a Critical healing, then the HP healing result would be calculated as 50K HP x 35% (Non-Critical) x 115% = 20125 HP
  • All healing masteries in the Support Mastery Tree are calculated as multiplicative too!
  • For example, if Apothecary has Lay on Hands (+5% Heal), then the healing outcome would be counted as 50K HP x 52.5% x 115% x 105% = 31696 HP critical healing!

Apothecary Videos

Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary Champion Build by ASH

Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary Champion Build by StewGaming

Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary Champion Build by Cold Brew Gaming

Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary Champion Build by Tyrauku

Raid Shadow Legends Apothecary Champion Build by Дядя О.

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120 thoughts on “Apothecary | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Herc Smash

    Has anyone tried Miracle Heal Blessing with Apothecary as it has a chance to restore max HP lost when healing himself and others? I am testing it before and after I add a 3 star blessing.

  2. Digital_Kiwi

    @trip I know this is a bit late, but just for future reference: Crit dmg has no effect on his heals, just his regular dmg. If you wanted to boost it more, you would need something like the gear set or masteries that boost the amount you heal (e.g. Curing set)

  3. Ayumilove Post author

    @MilkMade: It depends on where you want to use Apothecary and the champions to synergize with him. Identify the area that you want to progress further. If you are mainly using him for Arena, then equip Speed Set to boost his speed, so he can go first to apply Increase Turn Meter and Increase Speed buff to his allies. If you are using him for Non-Arena, such as speed farming dungeon, then gearing him with Shield/Bolster set along with Speed Set allows him to still go first in battle while providing additional buffs to Seer to nuke.

  4. MilkMade

    After more than 279 days…. I am not really sure how to hear him. I currently have him in Bolster and Fortitude. Any suggestions on gear?

  5. Trip

    Hello Ayumi,

    like everyone else here do I give you my gratitude for your site.
    IMO for any true community is this site the closest what Raid has to offer!

    Maybe someone answers following questions:

    The formula for Apothecary healing stats that his critical healing is equal to 52.5%.
    Does this mean a critical healing will always be this very percentage or does the equation only consults Raids standard value for critical damage while higher amounts of c.d. will increase the the healing even more?

    Are mastery bonuses actually calculated separately after skill bonuses
    (as HP x 35% x 115% x 105% = healing) and not in a single step with any skill bonuses (like “HP x 35% x 120%)? I mean, where do you get such detailed information?

  6. Garrett

    I have Deacon, Apothecary, Seeker for speed lead options, what would you guys recommend for comp with Kael/Warmaiden/Sun Wukong/Bystophus/Skullcrusher for arena, and most dungeons?

  7. Unknown

    Honestly, I don’t really think Apothecary is on the same tier as Coldheart…Because if this guy is S-rank, then so is Bellower…Bro should be A-tier.

  8. Ncf

    Thank you goddess Plarium for rewarding me Apothecary.

  9. Slayer

    @Jim – I believe that is called balance. Poor old Alejandro below average, you above average and me somewhere in the middle – LOL

  10. Jim

    Just pulled Apothecary after playing for only 2 weeks. Time to level him up!

  11. Slayer

    @Alejandro Cabral – Poor Baby, no seriously, Poor Baby!!! I don’t mean to sound sarcastic but that sucks. For a game that may work on averages someone must be below average in order to balance those who are above average. I think I must sit in the middle somewhere. Let us hope – as fellow gamers of yours – that you luck changes and you can get UDK or something on another shard.

    Don’t give up mate, games are supposed to be for fun and entertainment.

  12. Alejandro Cabral

    Just for the record, I got my Apothecary after 2 years, and yesterday got Kael (my main was Athel). I practically don’t expect to get Coldheart ever (been playing 2 years and a half).
    Go talk about how bad your RNG is for getting him after 1 or 2 months XD

    (after all these years, I only got 2 legendaries out of gold shards: Var Ghaal. Yes, the same garbage champ. Norog and Altan out of blue shards, and Hegemon from void. That’s it, as far as legos go)

  13. Charles Gilbert Miller

    what does hell Hades sites suck?

  14. Marcelo Gurgel

    Sorry, but the auto-translate from your page is really bad. I want to read it in English, but the auto-translate keep changing the page to Portuguese.

  15. Lost ?

    If you wind up with of this champ should build both?

  16. Riceaxe

    Does Crit Dmg increase his heals?

  17. Jack A Roberts II

    what does ‘multiplicative’ as opposed to ‘additive’ mean?

  18. RiotSquirrel

    If anyone is keeping track, I got my first Apothecary at day 201 F2P. I pulled Tuhunarak, Dhukk, Wythir, and Skartorsis before I got Apothecary. The RNG is real.

  19. Joseph Garrison

    Finally… Apothecary has joined my ranks. DAY 92 if you can believe it. I am still waiting for my first Coldheart. I will get much more out of these tutorial videos once I have Apothecary and Coldheart leveled up and booked. Sooo many videos have these champions as part of the team as the content creators are try to make a point.

  20. Christomir

    Guys, does it make sense to equip him with a Curing set, for bonus heal?

  21. Slayer Sue

    I’ve been lucky enough to draw 3 Apothecarys!!! Does it make sense to level up several Apothecarys to 6*. Do the speed boosts stack? If so, then it might be interesting to run an arena defense team or clan boss team with all 3 Apothecarys and a heavy hitter/nuker or perhaps a Melga.

  22. Slayer

    Apothecary can be quite annoying at times. Sometimes he is really easy to take out but if there is a resurrector on the enemy side you have to take them out first or you are wasting your time. Last weekend I was trying to remove Scyl of the Drakes but she kept getting healed at the last minute. If I took out Apothecary first I knew she would resurrect him, so I was locked into this ‘nearly there’ battle and did not quite have enough turn meter to get in the extra go to kill Scyl before she was healed again. Quite annoying when I was only one hit from killing her then – bam – healed again – grrrr.

    If there are two resurrectors on the enemy team you have to get them both down to nearly dead then take them both out in the same turn or they will pull each other back. I have done that a lot but if there is also an Apothecary on their team then no way can you do that tactic.

  23. Masaneo

    Nathan 3 minutes isn’t that much! Once i have started arena battle and then leave my PC on and went to do something else, when i came back over hour later I was still fighting against solo apothecary 😀

  24. Lanancan

    85 days into the game and still have not gotten him from shards. 🙁

    I have pulled Tyrant Ix, Bad-el-Kazar, Sicia, and Aleksandr though. /shrug

  25. Nathan

    Does his Soothing Chant self heal if going solo in Arena? Just came up against one, my team couldnt knock him out, then Soothing Chant hit and almost fully healed again…we went around for 3 minutes going nowhere…had to skip lol!

  26. .

    bro ur the one who’s p2w -_-. seriously, imagine using this, just use a good champ, that doesn’t require u to cheat in arena with it, sweat or just have no skill like one of those kids.

  27. AJ

    Coming up on my 4th month of play and kept reading about and wanting an Apoth – but alas no luck. Last month I was fortunate to get RECTOR, my first decent healer/res .. I remember thinking shortly after I made the last sacrafice to get Rector to rank 6 star “Wouldn’t it figure if the next shard used I finally pull Apoth?”

    Well guess what… yep, I pulled him. So now what? Just use him for faction? Does he have a place with Rector (or other healers) I was so excited but let down all at once. :<

  28. xRayzn187

    I have Apothecary and Rector Drath, but i dont know which Champ its better for Arena and which won for CB and or Doom Tower

  29. XtremeWous

    I just had apoth kill the first scarab king in normal doom tower on his own using his heal. He had 47000 ho, 1800 def and 300 resist. Took about half an hour.

  30. wolfsteak

    is there a reason that soothing chant would apply to a enemy instead of the ally apothecary is targeting?

  31. Slayer

    I didn’t realise I had an Apothecary!!! Reading these comments I thought, ‘wait a minute, I’ve got one of those.’ Teaches you to be more aware of what you have and don’t have. I just ignored him because I thought he looked weird. Now I understand that I need to pump him up to the top. Level 6 here we come. Thanks guys for your comments 🙂

  32. Plekto

    I used to think of Apothecary as great, but I noticed that his AI is broken. Now with the recent patch, you can manually manipulate his AI to force him to use his heal in some dungeons and so on, but the default is to watch his teammate at 10% sit there and *always* boost speed over healing them. So in those cases where you can’t set team priorities, he’s basically a useless toad.

    Mid-game, yes, he’s good. But later on, he’s a liability compared to your typical resurrect/boundless life type champion, because you have to run him with another healer/res to get synergy. This means two slots for healing and only 2 slots for damage ( one obviously is damage control or de-buffs ). Running him on my team versus Spirit Host (way more recommended mid-game ) on Spider 12 resulted in nearly double the time to win, and a complete failure on Spider 13. His speed boost and his spot heals are just not enough to keep up, and Spider 13/Fire Knight 13 are critical breakpoints in the game that IMO determine if you are finally out of the mid-game and into endgame.

    Level him to 50, no use at all taking him to 60. His damage output is laughably bad, so just put tanking gear on him. Same with masteries. Drop a few basic ones on him manually. Don’t waste the 800 on a full set.

  33. Din Djarin

    So I’ve been playing RSL for a few months now (92 days to be exact, according to my Daily Login Rewards Counter), but I only recently discovered this website a couple of weeks ago (really wish it would have occurred to me to seek out an online gamer’s guide for this game when I first began playing…when I think of all the time and resources I wasted leveling characters that I only marginally cared about or that I now realize are garbage, or all the really good rare champions I’ve cannibalized to level up some of those other garbage champions, just because they were epics [and epics must be better, right?🤦‍♂️], it makes me feel sick to my stomach 🤢)

    Anyways, poor Apothecary was one such unlucky champion (you should’ve seen my face when I came on here and saw that this guy is the TITS, after I had cannibalized him I don’t know how many times 🤢🤮😡😖), and I have finally had the good fortune to receive another one from an Ancient Shard, and now that I’m gearing him up, I have a question: If I have to choose between Defense and HP as a substat on a piece of gear, which one should I prioritize?

  34. KodiakCS

    S & F rank ?

  35. RadSpin


    Thanks for the info! I’ve leveled my apothecary to five stars now

  36. TopshelfKnob


    Apoth – Dungeon Defense Aura, 30% Speed Buff, Turn Meter fill, Heal that can Crit and a 3-hit Basic. The speed buff is very high and doesn’t require an Aura slot. Benefits from building Crit and multi-hitters on a basic are huge in Boss fights because of Giant Slayer mastery, also good for gear that procs effects.

    Mother Superior – low speed aura, 1-hit basic, HoT not popular in endgame, weaker base stats than Apoth. I think she’s much better early on but weaker once you have access to masteries and good gear.

    High Khatun – is considered better support over Apoth in end-game but you’ll have to get your heal from another source. It may be a problem mid-game without access to large Champ pool to replace Apoth in certain scenarios.

  37. RadSpin

    So… the apothecary is basically a crossover between the High Katun and Sister Militant then, right? Except Sister MIlitant is a better healer and High Katun is a better turn meter manipulator. I’m still a tad confused why some people think this champion beats all others.

  38. OdinsFrostGiant

    an early to mid-game god. Arguably the best rare in the game. my CB game went bonkers once I pulled, and built out, this beast.

  39. Drackstorm

    joe aery
    You are wrong

    Lore of steel give you 5.4% speed, if you have x3 set of speed. thats ~5-6 speed-point
    i take this talent for all charters who need more speed, very usefull

  40. joe aery

    @Ayumilove why lore of steel? from what i understand, it only boost base stat on artifact that increase base stat +15%. like life set, offence set, or defense set or divine life, offence, and defense. speed set like in your recommendation is not increase 15% bonus stat. or am i wrong? XD

  41. TheTodmeister

    @newbiedoo: Apothecary is so good for so many places in the game, but you may need him geared better for different areas. For Clan Boss and dungeons you’re going to want to gear him for endurance, because you really want him to be one of the last men standing to keep the others standing.

    If he’s on your Arena team — and he’s one of the best turn boosters for that too — you will want to gear him in the best, all out speed gear you can, because him going first before another speed nuke team is usually what determines who wins.

    So I have my first, maxed Apo built for endurance with DEF% and HP% boosts as much as possible, and Crit%, because 150% heals, yes pls.

    I pulled a second, who I will save for as I get Speed or Divine Speed gear with good SPD substats as well, to ultimately, hopefully get a better edgee on my Arena nuke team.

  42. jc

    @Ninqe, when a champion counterattacks, any debuffs or buffs that attack does procs. So when a champs A1 skill has a debuff, it procs. So does any tier6 mastery. You can definitely take advantage of what you had in mind.

  43. NewbieDoo

    So I’m mid and now have a 2nd apothecary. What do I do with him? My first is fully upgraded. So what are the benefits of 2 Apothecary.

  44. Ninqe

    Does anyone knows, if giant slayer masterie can procc with a counter attack? Would be interesting for a cb mastery combining offense and defense tree.

  45. E.Nigma

    i just wanna thank you guys for putting in the time to do these. you guys are awesome.

  46. Raqi

    Thanks for your site, it’s awesome.
    I see many people struggling to get one apothecary, and I just picked a second one…
    My first is level 50, and fully booked.
    I’m wondering what to do with my second… I guess he could be nice in Faction War, as my second support (instead of Magister), maybe with a shield set? Would there be another use for him?

  47. Harry Toeface

    I just wanted to interject, I use Allure with Evil Eye and her A1 if it happens to hit multiple targets procs the full turn meter decrease amount. So I’m not sure why this wouldn’t work on apothecary. It only procs once per target, but because it’s not an “Attacks all enemies” ability it counts as each attack as an individual hit. Not an AOE. Now this could be different for apothecary, I haven’t tried it yet. However since it states 3 random targets I’m assuming it’s the same. When I have tested it I will come back and say something. But as of right now it does work on Allure 100%.

  48. Andrei

    Hi! How about Swift Parry gear for him? Speed 18% and 50% unkillable? Paired with Speed gear?

  49. Ayumilove Post author

    @Kmo: I would go with Apothecary as he can pair with Kael to clear all Brutal 12-3 Campaign quickly. You can also pair Apothecary with Jizoh or any Spirit affinity champion to tackle Force affinity campaign to get 3 star on those stages. Having Bellower makes it much more easy to clear enemy waves for all campaign since he is neutral affinity. After 6 starring Apothecary, I would go with Bellower since he is quite useful in all areas of the game with no affinity weakness.

  50. Ayumilove Post author

    @Maris: It would depend on the location you use Apothecary. If you are not using him in Arena but mostly in PvE areas (e.g. Dungeons, Campaign, Faction Wars), then Immortal Set and Speed Set will work well with him. Apothecary can be equipped with Lifesteal Set for Clan Boss areas. For Arena, it’s recommended to go full Speed Set as he will allow your team to go first in battle to nuke all the enemies before they could start their turn.

  51. Maris

    @Ayumilove Hey Ayumilove, love your stuff. I was wondering, wouldnt be wise to add immortal set and 2 speed set? considering it would give more survivability?

  52. Mikhail

    Thanks for the content! Loving it.

    As for Apothecary, I enjoy deploying him nearly everywhere. Pretty much if he goes first then your whole team goes first. His heals are so potent that he’s unkillable for everything 10 levels below him.

    One of his great advantages in Arena is that enemies have an unnatural, unhealthy desire to hit him instead of more damaging fighters, often saving their lives.

  53. Kmo

    Hey Ayumilove, thanks for your really awesome content! It’s really helpful in making this game easier for newbies like me. One question tho, after I maxed Kael (along with buying all the masteries with gems), who’s next in line for the 6*? My next candidates are Aphotecary or Bellower, or perhaps War Maiden (?). My Epics aren’t that many nor good early, only Atur and Shatterbones besides the free ones. No Legendary. My Kael could farm 12-3 Brutal around 30-35 seconds, could auto Mino 11, Dragon 13, Ice 13, but only Spider 9 and FK 9. I am F2P tho, so I do really need some insight from you 🙂

  54. Ayumilove Post author

    @Griff: Giant Slayer deals more damage for champion who can perform multiple hits on their A1. The differences can be seen on champion with 3 or more hits.

  55. Griff

    Why giant slayer instead of warmaster with apothecary?

  56. LinePK

    I put Speed and Swift Parry set on him and so far it’s working really well, when the unkillabe procs makes Apothecary more annoying than it already is, because he can heal a lot to make the cycle start again. The set also provides speed and critical damage, that will make Apo hit hard, considering he have critical rate gloves.
    Swift Parry made him more dangerous and fun.

  57. Ayumilove Post author

    @druidsrule: 3 Speed Sets means 6 Speed Equipment where 1 Speed Set requires 2 Speed equipment combination. It’s not referring to 3 types of Speed Artifacts.

  58. druidsrule

    When you say 3 speed sets which sets are those. I currently only see two speed sets.
    1. Devine Speed
    2. Speed.

  59. TheTodmeister

    @Ziggy if you can put him in gear with crit substats, I say do it. I managed so far to get him to about 50% crit rate from substats alone, and I’m not regretting it. I see his heals close to a 50% heal when he crits.

  60. Monzu

    How can you get this champion?

  61. Ziggy

    Why no Crit Rate when he has Crit Heals? Crit Gloves?

  62. Ultravisor

    I can see that now, but I did manage to waste 150 gems on a reset before I posted the first comment. I think Plarium should update the description of the mastery to “sets that increse base stats” only; that 15% is quite misleading.

  63. Ayumilove Post author

    @Ultravisor: Lore of Steel provide some bonus stat for Speed Set.

  64. Ultravisor

    Lore of Steel mastery has no effect with your recommended gear; none of the sets give a 15% stats increase.

  65. TheTodmeister

    I finally pull Apothecary, and not only one, but I pull two in a week.

    So now my plight: should I level two of them, or use the dupe for skill up? I’m F2P, so I don’t get a lot of tomes.

  66. Ayumilove Post author

    @Cora: I have added Faction Wars rating for Apothecary.

  67. Cora

    No rating for faction wars? I’m thinking 5 star, but how about an update?

  68. Totolas Ticot

    @yamerus why not ? +6 speed is quite good. I have this mastery with relentless gear so it brings me only +20ATK (cruel set) and still think it is OK.

    I would go for Blade disciple instead of Deadly precision (+75 ATK instead of +5 crit) because 75 ATK is 8.5% of apo base ATK. I prefer 8.5% over 5% even if crit cannot be up with runes.

  69. Yamerus

    Is Lore of Steel still worth it? If you use 3 speed sets its only +6 Speed (2 speed per set).

  70. Totolas Ticot

    Unpopular opinion :

    – Ring ATK
    – Amulet DC% or ATK with proc on DC%
    – Banner ATK
    – Gauntlets DC% or TC% if not able to reach at least 80%

    Why ?
    – High base defensive stats, it might not be the target in donjons, arena, CB so you dont need to have a monster tank.
    – His heal can crit –> the more crit the better
    – Because you gave him crit… then it doesnt cost much to gave him ATK/DC as he has a not so bad ratio on his A1 (x4.2)

    I personally like my Apothecary 2.8K ATK, 3K DEF, 80% TC, 120% DC.

    Do not push the concept too far with a chest ATK%, his base ATK is lower than DEF/HP

  71. Ayumilove Post author

    @Leonhartt: Stag Knight and Apothecary are the best candidates from the list as they can be used till end-game for Speed Run Dungeons.

  72. Leonhartt

    Hi, for whom should i buy masteries for Clan Boss: Apothecary, Aothar, Stag knight, High Khatun, Steelskull, Lugan the Steadfast, Cillian the Lucky. i’m currently using Athel, Tayrel and Bad-el-Kazar with full masteries so i would like to complete my team.
    i have around 30 epic champions so i hope i suggested good ones for Clan boss.

  73. Urtoroth Lobopálido

    I don’t quite get the Merciful Aid Mastery, unless… Apo doesn’t place any [Shield] buff. The first part of the statement refers to the healing by itself, not any healing coming from a [Shield] buff. Am I correct?

  74. WiredDPS

    @Garkhon First 3 times 30% (for Giantslayer) chances means you have 70% changes to miss each time. So the total chance of no proc. with 3 strikes is (.7x.7x.7)x100%= 34.3% which means 65.7% chance you get a proc.
    With Warmaster you one get 1 chance of 60%. That was the problem with your math.
    Yust remeber that if you have a 3 hit or more A1 Giantslayer is better.

  75. reinhart

    Rotem, the reason that lore of steel is better is twofold.

    Cycle of magic only has 5% proc chance which makes it mostly useless for Apoth and can mess up 3 turn rotations on the Clan Boss for some champs who cleanse or cast defensive buffs, but not really for Apoth.

    The bigger reason is that in dungeons and arena, faster is almost always better and if you have 3 speed sets, lore of steel’s bonus can be another 10-20 points of speed.

  76. Rotem

    can someone explain to me why lore of steel is better than cycle of magic for him?

  77. Sadboys

    My apothecary is way too squishy. Meanwhile there are apoths in arena that’ll forever keep healing in a 1v1 against my miscreated monster.

  78. Garkhon

    @lilzoomer: thanks, correct. I checked the chance on my valk, and it’s really between 50% and 70%. (I was sure it’s around the 84% chance of the double calculation.)

  79. lilzoomer

    @Garkhon: warmaster tooltip does not say anything about per hit. it is one proc only per skill use

  80. Garkhon

    I wonder why all suggest giantslayer for a 3 hit a1. According to the descriptions, warmaster has 60% on each hit, but only once per turn, and giantslayer has 30% on all hits, added. Now this means giantslayer has 3 times 30% equal 90% chance for apothecary, and warmaster has 100% -40%˄3=93.6% chance which is better. Even is the 4% and the 3% are capped to the same amount. If the 4% has a bigger cap then it’s even better. What is the problem with this maths? Did I understand something wrong? Or is it buggish?

  81. Ayumilove Post author

    @Partha Mohanty: Apothecary is a multi-hit champion. If you do more than 1 hit or perform AoE (Area of Effect) attack, Evil Eye will only decrease the enemy Turn Meter by 5% and that value is insignificant when it comes to battle. If the champion does 3 hits only 1 single enemy (such as Apothecary), the total amount of Turn Meter decreased is still 5%. Therefore, it’s a waste of mastery. It would be better to unlock a mastery that allows Apothecary to achieve his full potential (e.g. Lasting Gifts).

  82. Partha Mohanty

    Why aren’t we using Evil Eye on him ?

  83. Morgan

    I’ve just picked up Apothecary on a shard and Divine Speed (4arts 5*) off daily log in. Would you use two sets of DS on him? (I’m one short of putting three on but thinking Divine Life for the other).
    Im thinking either 2sets of DS or one and lifesteal or shield. Thanks people

    Class site btw

  84. Gob

    @Lamborg: Relentless set usually best on champs that have “extra turn” abilities, but feel free to put on Apo if its all you have. However, Apo really, really wants speed so even a mediocre speed set might be better than a decked out relentless. Do NOT NOT use epic tomes on rares. Tomes are one of the biggest bottlenecks in this game full of bottlenecks.

  85. Lamborg

    Would a relentless set work for him I’m decently new to the game and it’s the only 6* set I have. Also is using epic skill tomes a stupid idea I don’t have many rare skill tomes so would using a few epics be a waste or is using a couple not the worst idea ever thanks.

  86. Ayumilove Post author

    @Kuppz: See my reply to graihmler for the reasoning not using Defense Mastery.

  87. Ayumilove Post author

    @graihmler: Apothecary is commonly used till end-game. As a Support Champion, he deals very little damage compared to Attack Champions. However, when he has Giant Slayer (Tier 6 Offense Mastery), he is able to inflict high amount of damage to enemies with high HP. This allows you to clear dungeons much more quickly. Apart from that, Apothecary is pretty tanky if you gear him right. Equipping him with high HP% and DEF% substats, with HP% chest plate and DEF Ring and Necklace, he can survive against heavy damage attacks from enemies. This makes Defense Mastery not so appealing for Apothecary.

  88. Kuppz

    Just curious, if Apoth is supposed to be a vital support champ in most team builds, why is it that we don’t want to give him Defense masteries? Isn’t the whole purpose of building the Defense/Support branches to give that support champ a longer life?

    Apoth can’t really hit that hard nor is he meant to so why do we want to build his Offense tree?

  89. graihmler

    hi, i watched all videos of apothecary and i cant seem to find someone to build him def/sup in masteries? why is that?

  90. Sash

    @Player J – just gotta say I loved your comment – especially:
    “At the end of the day, Apothecary is just trying to be your Friend.
    He is trying to help you every way he can.”
    Should be the catch phrase for Apoth!

  91. DBZforce

    Of all the characters. I got this guy from a mystery shard today. Already have 1 Apothecary fully booked and mastered. Will try to max this one too.

  92. Ryan

    Could you imagine having a arena defense with 4 apothecarys, fulling booked, 6 stars, fully ascended and masteries, and Crit rate, speed, def%. You would never have anyone face you and if they did they would end up quitting the match.

  93. Randal Savage

    @Logan Mcintosh

    HAHAHAHA Raid allowing something that is free?!
    Never happen.

  94. Mujaheedin

    I nearly sacrificed apothecary but now I m working on him. Already put the divine speed gear on him. He is 4 star will be 5 star once he reaches level 40. Thanks for all the update.

  95. Pamant

    Re: Kedvarius
    Thank you for your inputs. I don’t have those champions and my Kael mastery is at lvl 4. I only played for 3 months and I completely ignored this part.
    I will try Apothecary and I will search in my list maybe I can find 2 other heroes with the dec atk and dev.
    Thanks again and sorry if I used this site for another purpose.

    Thanks for the amazing work with this site!

  96. Kedvarius

    Re: Pamant, you’re team is lacking survivability because you don’t have anyone with dec atk debuff which is a crucial debuff to keep the fight going longer. Secondly you don’t have any defense role champs that you can scale with %def to raise their toughness and skill damage. Since the boss doesn’t break defense, so %def is one of the best stats to raise. Frostbringer at least adds decrease def, but I would say trade HK for Apo, and possibility Yaga for a defense champ. You wouldn’t happen to have Stag Knight, Tayrel (for dec atk), or Skullcrusher (all counter buff) by any chance? Does your Kael have warmaster as well?
    Re: Wiley, Crit rate helps Apo but not worth stacking up in the main gear stat like having %def, %hp, and Speed. The magic number for speed seems to be +200

  97. Pamant

    I have a strong Thenasil but my team(Thenasil(60), Kael(60), Yaga(60), High Khatun(60) and Frostbringer(50)) doesn’t survive to long in CB. On CB brutal average damage is between 3.5 to 5 mil. I was thinking to replace Frostbringer with Apothecary(50). Do you think it will add any improvements as i already have Thenasil?

  98. WileyMan

    What does it mean that “This Heal cab be critical”? Is there a way to increase the value of the heal? Critical Rate Stats?

  99. Pwam

    If lore of steel applies to sets that give a 15% bonus, and the speed set only gives 12%, is there a more appropriate pick for that tier for running 3 speed sets?

  100. Logan Mcintosh

    I got apitacary 21 times already I am so angry I wish you can trade characters to other people but it has to be for the same rarity so someone does not scam people with commons and they get a free legendary

  101. Nero

    Apothecary has a d*** face BUT he is a real LEGENDARY and way better than 80%-90% of all legendaries. My Apothecary does section 14 of faction wars ALONE!


    I would 6 star them all, get all scrolls and upgrade their skills and troll everybody in Arena cause nobody can beat you xD.

  102. Heisenberg55

    In the Support tree, wouldn’t Cycle of Magic be better than Lore of Steel? I am kind of new, but I just unlocked Lore of Steel and with 3 speed sets and 174 speed, I only gained 6 more speed. I would think getting a chance of lowering skills would be more useful. Thoughts?

  103. RastalRahl

    Ok, so I’ve got 3 Apothecarys. One of them is already fully maxed, so what to do with other 2? Is there any point in maxing them too? How can I use them? If I go with 2+ Apothecarys in battle, they’ll just rebuff their buffs, right, so no point in that?


    Player J….do you have a Youtube channel…Your explanation is the best most thought out explanation of all I’ve seen.

    Great job.

  105. HighLordSteven

    Available from Summon Rush, Feb 14-16, 2020.

  106. RastalRahl

    Does the “This Heal can be critical” mean that it may be empowered according to this champs crit. rate and crit. damage? If so, wouldn’t it be good to have C. Rate Gauntlet?

  107. Ayumilove Post author

    @OZzeT: The best person to ask is the Plarium Developers for RAID Shadow Legends. The other way is to test it out by ourselves. I do not have the sufficient gems and free reset on Apothecary to test it out.

  108. OZzeT

    Hello. Does masteries like Heart of Glory increase damage from Giant Slayer? Otherwise i would prefer Exalt in Death instead.

  109. Ayumilove Post author

    @Player J: I have made the necessary amendments to Apothecary’s mastery based on your feedback. Thanks for the thorough explanation on Apothecary mastery selection 🙂

  110. Player J

    Whirlwind of Death / Wrath of the Slain / Spirit Haste are all terrible Masteries for Apothecary.
    Exalt in Death is semi-useful for Apothecary – However, I don’t think it is best.

    1st – Whirlwind of Death is a Bad Mastery for Apothecary because it doesn’t activate, until after Apothecary kills an Enemy.

    The problem is Apothecary isn’t a killing champion.
    Apothecary is a support champion designed to help speed up your killing champions + help keep your killing champion alive by way of heals.

    The killing champions which are being speed up or healed by Apothecary are the ones which actually do the killing.

    Basically, Apothecary is never going to benefit from this Mastery.

    2nd – Wrath of the Slain & Spirit Haste are bad for a similar reason.

    The problem is Wrath of Slain & Spirit Haste are mainly used for a Campaign Apothecary build.
    Wrath of Slain & Spirit Haste make Apothecary stronger if his Allies die.
    The only time you want Allies to die is when your doing Campaign – Leveling Up Food.

    The rest of the time – You don’t want your Allies to die.
    You want them to live to increase your chances of winning!

    Most players don’t use Apothecary as there main Campaign Farmer.
    Most players use there Starter Champion or some other Damage Dealer as a Campaign Farmer.
    It makes no sense to run those Masteries on Apothecary.

    3rd – Exalt in Death is semi-useful.
    It isn’t a bad Mastery for Apothecary.
    It just depends if you want your Apothecary Well Rounded vs. Specialized

    Exalt in Death gives Apothecary a Heal for 10% the first time an enemy is killed in each round.

    The only time you are going to have several rounds of fights in the game is if you are doing Dungeons or Faction Wars.
    Exalt in Death is used on Apothecary if you plan on having your Apothecary specialized for Dungeon + Faction War content only.

    Arena & Clan Boss only have 1 round.
    In Arena, Apothecary is often on Speed Nuking teams.
    This means if Apothecary team goes first – There is a good chance the rival heroes will be dead.
    No point in giving Apothecary this Mastery in that situation

    In Clan Boss, Apothecary can’t get a heal
    There is no way to kill the Clan Boss to make use of the Exalt in Death Mastery.
    The Mastery is more or less useless in Clan Boss.


    After explaining why I think some of the above Masteries are bad or not ideal for Apothecary.
    I would like to give you some recommendations on what I would pick instead.

    My Recommendation is to use:
    – Methodical (Offense Tree)
    – Single Out (Offense Tree)
    – Heart of Glory (Offense Tree) – Optional – Exalt in Death can be valid as I explained before
    – Merciful Ad (Support Tree)

    I like the above Masteries because I feel they really capture Apothecary natural essence.

    Apothecary is a Team Player!!!!
    Apothecary tries to Speed up his team with his A3 skill.
    Apothecary tries to Heal up his team with his A2 skill

    And when both the A3 + A2 skills are on cool down.
    Apothecary uses his A1 to chip away at the enemy health to help his team.

    Once, you understand the character.
    You begin to understand the masteries selected for him.

    The Support Tree is designed to help Apothecary speed up just a little bit more for his team.
    The Support Tree is designed to help Apothecary heal up just a little bit more of his team.
    The Offense Tree is designed to help Apothecary deal little bit more damage for his team.

    This is why Apothecary is so famous for a Rare.
    This is why players considered him the best Rare in the whole game!

    At the end of the day, Apothecary is just trying to be your Friend.
    He is trying to help you every way he can.

    And that is all – Thank you for your time.

  111. Ayumilove Post author

    @SinTaxheir: Could you kindly elaborate more on how Life Drinker would benefit more for Apothecary than Whirlwind?

  112. Ayumilove Post author

    @AJ: Thanks for your input! I have added Critical Rate gloves into Apothecary’s Equipment Guide. In my Apothecary, I have him all Speed and Defense%. Majority of the Critical Rate are from the substats, which helps him trigger the Critical Heal.

  113. SinTaxheir

    Seems like life drinker or singled out would be better for Apothecary than whirlwind

  114. AJ

    Hey, great site – big help 🙂

    I’ve recently been testing Apothecary with critical rate gloves and I think it makes a noticeable difference both in the increase to his damage output and that when he heals it’s almost always a 100% heal for himself or other party members, so I think keeps him and others alive more effectively than having an extra 50% HP on his gauntlets.

    Have you tried this/what are your thoughts?

  115. Ayumilove Post author

    @Brian: Apothecary is an excellent support Rare Champion who can help Increase Speed and Increase Turn Meter of all other champions in your team. He is used almost everywhere. Get him to Level 60 once your primary champion (campaign farmer) is completed.

  116. Brian

    Hey. Having a great time with Raids, due in great part to your guide of what’s good to keep and what to feed. Thanks to your guide
    I realized that I discarded this champ and should have kept him. Thanks, a good amount of work went to this. You did a great job. I just landed Apothecary again, so I’m thinking I’ll keep it this time, lol

  117. Jesse

    Oh also, thanks for all the work you do. I use your site for any and all questions ive had while making my way through the game!

  118. Jesse

    For his t4 masteries, would he benefit more from cycle of magic under the support tree, rather than “bring it down”? Or does that 6% dmg boost show a noticeable boost once he has giantslayer? Thanks

  119. innersh4rK

    Love your equip guides man! keep up the good work!