Astranyx Dark Fae Guide | Raid Shadow Legends

Astranyx the Dark Fae Guide | Raid Shadow Legends Doom Tower Boss
Astranyx the Dark Fae is the new Fairy Queen boss for Doom Tower Rotation 3 in Raid Shadow Legends, where she has a unique ability to banish your champions and create a mirror copy of them to fight against you! You can only retrieve your banished champions upon slaying their double. Check out the guide below to learn more about teh boss game mechanics!

Doom Tower Index

Table of Content

Dark Fae Skills
Dark Fae Stats
Dark Fae Guide
Dark Fae Forging Materials
Dark Fae Video Guides
Dark Fae Champion Tier List

Doom Tower Boss Guides

Celestial Griffin
Dark Fae
Eternal Dragon
Frost Spider
Magma Dragon
Nether Spider
Scarab King

Astraynx the Dark Fae Skills

  • A1 Darklight Beams Attacks all enemies. Has a 100% chance of placing a [Leech] debuff on each enemy for 2 turns.
  • A2 Dark Tendrils (Cooldown: 3 turns) Attacks all enemies. Steals 1 random buff from each enemy according to the number of Magic Champions on the enemy team (1 buff for each Magic Champion). Steals Turn Meter from each enemy according to the number of Force Champions on the enemy team (10% Turn Meter for each Force Champion). Has a 25% chance of placing a [True Fear] debuff on each enemy for 1 turn. The chance increases by 25% for each Void Champion on the enemy team. Heals Astranyx by 10% of her MAX HP for each Spirit Champion on the enemy team.
  • A3 Faerie Storm (Cooldown: 3) Attacks all enemies. All living allies will team up and join this attack. Damage increases by 25% for each living ally.
  • A4 Dark Abduction (Cooldown: 4) Banishes 1 enemy Champion and spawns a Mirror Copy of them onto Astranyx’s team. Places a [Fear] debuff on all enemies for 1 turn. Increases Astranyx’s [Dark Energy] counter by 1.
  • Fae Mirror [Passive] Places a [Perfect Veil] buff on Astranyx for 3 turns and spawns Mirror Copies of all enemies onto Astranyx’s team at the start of the battle. Summons Mirror Copies of all enemies onto Astranyx’s team every time her [Dark Energy] counter reaches 5. Also, places [Perfect Veil] buff on Astranyx for 3 turns every time her [Dark Energy] counter reaches 5. Astranyx’s [Dark Energy] counter resets after it reaches 5.
  • Almighty Immunity [Passive] Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Block Passive Skills], [Fear] and [True Fear] debuffs. Also imune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, and cooldown increasing effects.
  • Almighty Strength [Passive] Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the Boss’s MAX HP when attacking the Boss.
  • Almighty Persistence [Passive] All Turn Meter reduction effects are decreased by 50% when used against the Boss.

Astranyx the Dark Fae Stats

Stats of Astranyx the Dark Fae based on Doom Tower floors and difficulty.
Tower Rotation 3 (Void): Floors 40, 80, 120
Borgoth the Scarab King Guide Stats in Doom Tower Rotation 3 (Normal and Hard) - Raid Shadow Legends

Astranyx the Dark Fae Guide

You will need to be cautious on building your team, as your strengths could become hers. Banished champions will not take any turns nor damage as they are out of battle, and will re-join your team once again upon defeating their clones. In addition, Astranyx the Dark Fae will gain additional advantages depending on the affinity setup of your champions, which makes it an arduous battle!

Accuracy and Resistance

How much Accuracy required to apply debuff on Dark Fae?

To apply debuff on Astranyx the Dark Fae, your champions will need to have a minimum of 100 Accuracy for Doom Tower Normal or 330 Accuracy for Doom Tower Hard for all floor stages! However, these minimum requirements can be halved if you have champions who can consistently provide your champions with Increase Accuracy buff! In addition, you can also use Accuracy Aura champions in the Leader position to fill in the missing Accuracy gap if you do not have sufficient Accuracy substats on your equipment nor having an Accuracy banner.

How much Resist should I stack on my champions to resist Dark Fae effect?

To resist Astranyx the Dark Fae’s Fear debuff and instant negative effect such as steal buff, you will need to have at least 200 Resist for Doom Tower Normal or 350 Resist for Doom Tower Hard. However, these Resist requirement can be halved by applying Decrease Accuracy on Dark Fae, which means you can allocate stats to other areas such as Health, Speed and Defense to tank the damage dealt by him! In addition, you can also gain additional Resist stat by having a Resist Aura champion in the Leader position if you do not have many Resist substats on your artifact set or not having a Resist banner.

Defeating Astranyx the Dark Fae and her Mirror Copies

How to defeat Astranyx the Dark Fae Mirror Copies?

The easiest way to defeat the mirror copies summoned by Astranyx the Dark Fae on the first turn of the battle is to set your team sufficiently squishy (medium health and defense) and have your damage dealer to nuke them. There are 2 ways of efficiently nuking the mirror copies!

Method 1: Utilizing AoE Damage Nuker

The first method is to use your Arena Offense damage dealer to perform AoE (Area of Effect) nuke damage to wipe them out. However, you will either need 2 AoE nukers or a single AoE nuker with adjusted Team AI preset to ensure they have their ultimate skill ready for the boss wave! This would be quite challenging to set up for auto farming Astranyx the Dark Fae floors.

Method 2: Utilizing Extra Turn Single-Target Nuker

The second method is to use a damage dealer who deals massive damage on his A1 (default attack) and gains Extra Turn upon killing their enemy, such as Relickeeper, Hurndig, Hordin. This results in a much consistent successful run when farming Dark Fae spheres as it does not depend on any RNG to ensure your ultimate skill is ready for the boss wave! You can achieve this by setting the Team AI preset to only use the damage dealer’s A1 default attack. However, the supporting champions must not be a strong affinity against your damage dealer, else his attack will weak hit and breaks the combo kill!

How to defeat Astranyx the Dark Fae Boss?

The most efficient way to defeat Astranyx the Dark Fae boss is to use Decrease Turn Meter and Decrease Speed to prevent her from taking any turns! The best candidates for Decrease Turn Meter role are Lyssandra, Alure and Armiger. For Decrease Speed debuff, you can use Visix the Unbowed, Psylar, Shatterbones to name a few.
If you do not have these champions mentioned above, then you would need to brute force her health down the traditional way with damage dealers while sustaining your team with healers. To counter Astranyx’s Fear debuff when you are using Void champions, use a debuff cleanser such as Doompriest or Inquisitor Shamael to remove those debuff. To prevent Astranyx from healing when you are using Spirit champions, inflict Heal Reduction debuff on her such as Ma’Shalled. It’s not recommended to bring in tanky high resist champions with Revive skill as it will be difficult for you to clear the Mirror Copies quickly. Furthermore, this buys time for Astranyx to banish your champions 1 by 1 every 4 turns!

Astranyx the Dark Fae Forge Materials

Vanquishing Astranyx the Dark Fae rewards you Fae Spheres, which are materials to craft Lethal Artifacts in the forge! Having 4-piece set of Lethal Artifact provides the ability to ignore 25% of the enemy’s Defense and grants 10% Critical Rate boost! It’s a superior version of Savage Set that players usually farm them in Fire Knight’s Dungeon!
Lethal Artifact Set crafted using Astranyx's Fae Spheres in Raid Shadow Legends

Astranyx the Dark Fae Strategy

Extra Turn Kill Mobs and Decrease Boss Turn Meter

Raid Shadow Legends Extra Turn Kill Mobs and Decrease Boss Turn Meter - Astranyx the Dark Fae Guide
This strategy was shared by StewGaming, which rely on a champion who has the ability to gain Extra Turn whenever they kill their target using their default attack (A1 Skill). The team consist of Hordin, Psylar, Coldheart and 2 Armiger. Hordin plays the role of killing all mirror copies before the start of the boss turn, Armiger to decrease the boss turn meter, Psylar to apply 30% Decrease Speed debuff to allow your champions to control the boss movement easily and Coldheart to deplete the boss turn meter and deal damage based on Enemy MAX HP to speed up the run. Here are the alternative champions you can use if you do not have the ones listed above! Psylar can be replaced with Visix the Unbowed for Decrease Speed ability, Armiger can be replaced with Alure for Decrease Turn Meter ability and Hordin can be replaced with Hurndig to deal the killing blow. The key concept here is Hordin’s speed need to be first to start the battle, so he can kill the mirror copies before any of the supporting champion begins their turn! Otherwise, it will result in the Support champions crowd controlling Hordin.

Extra Turn Kill Mobs and Decrease Boss Turn Meter V2

Raid Shadow Legends Extra Turn Kill Mobs and Decrease Boss Turn Meter - Astranyx the Dark Fae Guide
This strategy was shared by Ayumilove, which relies on a Decrease Turn Meter champions to crowd control the boss and damage nukers to clear the waves quickly to achieve a full auto run for Astranyx the Dark Fae. The champions used are Big ‘Un, Lyssandra, Hurndig and 2 Alures.

Astranyx the Dark Fae Budget & Speed Farm Teams Guide by Skratch

Astranyx the Dark Fae Full Guide by MurderInc

Raid Shadow Legends Doom Tower Rotation 3 Official Video

Astranyx Dark Fae Champion Tier List

Champion by Rarity: Legendary | Epic | Rare | Uncommon | Common

Mythical Champions Ranking

5★ Dark Fae | Mythical Champion

4★ Dark Fae | Mythical Champion

3★ Dark Fae | Mythical Champion

2★ Dark Fae | Mythical Champion

1★ Dark Fae | Mythical Champion

Legendary Champions Ranking

5★ Dark Fae | Legendary Champion

4★ Dark Fae | Legendary Champion

3★ Dark Fae | Legendary Champion

2★ Dark Fae | Legendary Champion

1★ Dark Fae | Legendary Champion

Epic Champions Ranking

5★ Dark Fae | Epic Champion

4★ Dark Fae | Epic Champion

3★ Dark Fae | Epic Champion

2★ Dark Fae | Epic Champion

1★ Dark Fae | Epic Champion

Rare Champions Ranking

5★ Dark Fae | Rare Champion

4★ Dark Fae | Rare Champion

3★ Dark Fae | Rare Champion

2★ Dark Fae | Rare Champion

1★ Dark Fae | Rare Champion

Uncommon Champions Ranking

5★ Dark Fae | Uncommon Champion

4★ Dark Fae | Uncommon Champion

3★ Dark Fae | Uncommon Champion

2★ Dark Fae | Uncommon Champion

1★ Dark Fae | Uncommon Champion

Common Champions Ranking

5★ Dark Fae | Common Champion

4★ Dark Fae | Common Champion

3★ Dark Fae | Common Champion

2★ Dark Fae | Common Champion

1★ Dark Fae | Common Champion

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49 thoughts on “Astranyx Dark Fae Guide | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Bloodfall


  2. Bloodfall

    WTFFSP(wot da Fekn Fae Spheres Plarium???
    i have had several sqishy/med teams for aaaages able to get me to Doom Tower Hard…
    Now – cant beat her on Level 40 normal using reg team?!

  3. GayArthas

    This one really frustrated me, but I finally got it.
    Candraphon – 60 (built to nuke)
    Armiger – 19 (speed and crit rate build)
    Mordecai – 50 (figured HP burn might help)
    Apothecary – 50 (speed build)
    Kael – 60 (lifesteal and perception bc I was too lazy to change his equipment)

    Armiger died on Round 2 lol, but I still beat the boss (honestly, maybe having fewer heroes was easier). Apothecary builds speed for team, Mordecai decreases enemy turn meters (giving you a chance to hit them first), and Candraphon wipes. Kael died before using his attack, so in all reality, I beat the boss with Mordecai, Apothecary, and Candraphon.

    Frustrating boss for sure, but kinda fun once you can actually do it. Let’s hope my team can beat it on auto lol

  4. Zsolt

    nothing works, you can’t progress at level 40. I don’t have level 60 champions for nothing. Ninja, Coldheart, high quamtum, sycl, geomancer, Ultimate death night, miscrated monster, elhaim, deliana,
    Rhonda, sun wukong, alure, etc. only letter 50

  5. Peter

    Floor 40: Lead Ronda 60, High Khatun 50, Warmaiden 50, Apothecary 50, Kael 40 – Minimal Gear, no skill updates. Used HellH optimizer and went for it on Auto. 2nd pass got through it. I have none of the suggested champions but do the best with what i’ve got. Just play around and try different combos. Think I’ll need to upgrade to get a higher level but happy just to beat 40.

  6. Shanew79

    Less is better on lower levels. Floor 40 can be defeated with Ninja and Hepharaak. Good luck

  7. mortgagelord

    Ursala (lead) (60)
    Kael (60)
    Coldheart (60)
    High Katun (50)
    Athel (60)

  8. JuniaDawn

    Lol! You rock! I had to manual play dark fae lvl 40 but, thanks to you, I just beat it. High khatun kael, deacon Armstrong, cold-heart, and morrigaine. All lvl 60 except for morrigaine and high khatun. They are both only lvl 50 atm .

  9. xotai

    I finally beat Dark Fae on Normal level 40 using Visix, Alure, Deacon, Armiger and Dark Elhain. Sadly it lasted only for two turns then they continued to lose after 15 more attempts.
    The RNG in this game really is pathetic.

  10. Katastrofik

    For normal doom tower, build a squishy team with one nuker and someone to increase speed. I used Athel/Apothecary. As long as your team is squishy you can nuke the mirror team easily. Bring someone with HP Burn.

  11. MelvinTheMeek

    On Dark Abduction – what determines which Champion will be mirror copied? HP, or DEF or overall Power, or is is something eles?

  12. Xotai

    @WK too bad I don’t have any of those 3 characters. I tried using a similar team to what I have on my FTP account and still couldn’t kill her. I’ll keep trying, but with limited optimism. Everyone playing, keep dropping your teams and hints into the forum. It really is helpful.

  13. WorldKillers

    I used 3 champions all dmg dealers and squeshee.
    Helicath , Anax and Roxam.
    Win with ease.

  14. Xotai

    Still stuck on Floor 40 for this rotation of DT. I just can’t find a good team, even with all the suggestions here or the RSL forums and videos. Guess I’m done with DT this time. GL everyone else.

  15. Roger Huggett Jr.

    I was scared of this boss, but my first time I took her down in 1:08. When with
    Deacon Armstrong
    Big ‘Un
    All 6 stars, but Armiger.

  16. Katastrofik (Keefygrinders)

    I just beat Doom tower floor 120

    Team: Scyl of the Drakes
    Sicia Flametongue

    Apothecary is the fastest, and he is used to increase the speed of the team. Athel is there to Nuke the mirror team, Sicia/Ninja for the HP burn (VERY EFFECTIVE), AND Scyl is there for Decrease Speed/Reduce Turn meter & Revive/Heal.

    Thought I’d repost, since my first post was for the floor 40 I think. This team I used on floor 120.

  17. Uta Plisch

    vorne Dekan, dann Apotheker, Monster, Draconia, Umbr. Zauberin

    1. Welle autom., 2. Welle manuell, 3. Welle anfangs auto, dann umgeschaltet auf manuell, um die beiden letzten spiegel umzubringen, und dann wieder auf auto
    Draconia und Apotheker hielten sich schön am Leben

  18. Dragonfire

    While building a team for my first Dark Fae run I noticed that Doompriest is rated 4* on her page, but isn’t on the list here.

  19. Ayumilove Post author

    @Typhus: Elfguard can work similarly to Armiger but you will need to wait for 2 turns before being able to use it again. Dark Fae turn meter fills up really fast and to control her Turn Meter effectively, it’s recommended to decrease her turn meter in every turn consistently in small chunks rather than 1 big chunk in 2 turns. For instance, if her Turn Meter was at 20% and Elfguard uses her A2 skill to decrease by 50%, 30% of it is wasted/forfeited. The next turn, the boss gains back her ground and could takeover the lead (even with Decrease Speed buff). I tested with 2 Alure and with a Decrease Speed debuff on Dark Fae, it was just sufficient to contain her including the risk of their Decrease Turn Meter being resisted at Doom Tower Floor 120. With Elfguard, it will be quite a challenge.

  20. Typhus

    Why is Elfguard rated one star in the tier list? With her A2 reducing the turn meter by 50% on a three turn cooldown (2 turn if booked, which is quite easy to accomplish).
    Doesn’t that serve the same purpose as the Armiger A1? Clearly Armiger is the better option because of the hard hitting, revive blocking A2, but am I missing something? Elfguard could work, correct?

  21. Raabensohn

    Full auto setup 50 sec 28 turn run:

    Big-Un lead (just to not get the notification message).

    Resist banners, no hp% or def% above 5% on any items. Removed several pieces of gear. Focused on damage only.

  22. Vlenikios

    Floor 40: Dark Fae
    Time: 02:05 – Turns: 29
    Royal Guard

  23. Jinn James

    I beat floor 40 with Zargala in the lead for acc aura, Ninja, Pain Keeper, Kael and Apothecary. I manually fought first and second waves with mostly default skills so I could keep most skills off cooldown. For Dark Fae mirror copies Kael hit them first with his A2 then Apothecary with speed buff then Pain keeper with her A3 to decrease ally skills on cooldown by 1 turn then hit them with Ninja’s A3 then Zargala’s A2 on the enemy with the lowest HP which activates her A3 if it kills the enemy to finish them off. Then its a breeze from there……at least for this floor.. So far I can’t beat it on auto yet because Pain Keeper always uses her A3 first. Her A3 has a long cool down if not completely booked.

  24. Davin Newcomb

    i had good luck using Basher to increase the mirror’s cooldown at the start of the fight. gave my other troops a chance to use their skills to wipe out the mirror team

  25. Eaglecaster

    Woot! I finally beat Floor 80 Dark Fae…
    Lead Rugnor lvl 50
    Alure 60
    Kael 60
    Cold Heart 60
    Apothecary 60

  26. x333

    Floor 80 normal


    All 6×60
    All mastered
    Auto 2,37 min


  27. x333

    Suzerain Katon

    All 6×60
    All mastered
    2,37 min


  28. Lord Osis

    Floor 120 normal on manual for first half of fight.

    Lyssandra (L)
    Lydia (replaced stag knight)

    With stag night, Candraphon’s AOE was not killing all of the enemy team in 1 shot.
    Swapped in Lydia and that was enough to one shot the clones.
    But then my choices for manual after that must of not be optimal. She cloned Candraphon and he ended up taking everyone out.
    After a few failures, I just turned on auto after Candraphon 1 shotted the clones and we won.

  29. Katastrofik (Keefygrinders)

    Beat Dark Fae floor 40 normal. Manual.

    Kymar- lead (speed)

    Athels aoe then Sicias aoe’s back to back
    Kymar’s sleep aoe, apothecary speed buff

    Ninja died, sicia got banished. Attacked dark fae head on and used kymar’s reset skill ability to finish her off

  30. Interzett

    Floor 40 normal and manual (no other way imo), 25 turns, time 03:50
    Cillian the Lucky (lvl5o)
    Ninja (lvl50)
    Royal Guardian

    wouldn’t have made it without this guide, so thanks a lot.

  31. NORULF

    Floor 40 normal on manual

  32. Norulf

    Floor 40 on manual

  33. Lord Osis

    Floor 80 normal on manual.
    Lyssandra (L)
    Stag knight

    Time: 7:54
    Turns: 66

  34. MageDanille

    Fae 80 Normal
    Golden Reaper

  35. Lord Osis

    I’ve been struggling to do Hordin + TM heroes for Normal mode floor 40. To be fair I took him out of the vault and only leveled to 50 for this one boss. I tried multiple gearings to adjust speed and damage. if I got him fast enough then he would only do 90ish% of the needed damage. I might take him to 60 later to see if he can then 1-shot everyone as needed.

    So I made a team from the suggestions below(without regearing) and came up with: Lyssandra(L), Visix, Ninja, Candraphon, Allure.

    I was a bit unsure about what skills to lock. For the runs below I locked Visix A3 and Alures A2 and A3. Everyone else I ran on default.

    I ran it successfully (no deaths) first try manually in 4:08 and 51 turns.
    Ran it on auto in 1:22 with 40 turns. (No deaths)

    Everything went smooth except the clone candraphon got off 1 A2 that would be a wipe at a higher level. I tried turning on Visix A3 to block Candraphons A2 and wiped but I’m not sure if that was due to that change or just randomness.

  36. Robert Oliver

    Further to previous: In turn order i had 1,2,3 Buffers 4 Seer 5 WaveClearer

  37. Robert Oliver

    As a mid game ftp this was tough. Not on Auto but I managed to defeat manually using Septimus, Doompriest, Skullcrusher, Seer and randomly Grizzled Yarl. Tactic everyone A1s for the first to waves to preserve cool diwn skills, with Septimus taking everyone out. Then on wave 3 everyone puts all their buffs out including the shadows. Except Seer of course who A3s. Then Mop up

  38. tawabawa

    This made my brain hurt. Managed it with Aothar, Doompriest, Bellower, Ninja, and Hordin…all 60’s, relatively tricked out. Im mid level, and this sucked. Ninja(new to me) was pretty effective against the boss. DP kept cleansing. Bellower in relentless was handy for the decrease speed, the block active, and the AOE

  39. PhysicsFeri

    I was able to take her down using Kael, Elhain, Rae, Saito, and Apothecary. Basically, the plan is go first and hit HARD. Knock out those clones before they can do any damage. I tried taking @Chris’s advice, but my Miscreated Monster was too beefy and the clone would NOT die. Likewise when I took in any of my heavy duty defense champs. Scyl, Harvest Jack, Minaya, and Visix all just stayed around haunting me. Don’t take in a reviver, they will revive the clones. I took in who my best most developed fighters were with emphasis on crit and speed, but I think who it is is less important than the build type.

  40. Nando

    Speed Team plus AOE worked for me:
    Kael (Lead), Skullcrown, Apotheracy, Lyssandry and Elhain

  41. Not the dark fae

    That was really tough for level 40 on normal. Managed to get through, but you need to have a spped boost aura to ensure your team get in before the shadow team, and hit with AOE stun and TM reduction, then increase speed. If you have block skills, or increase cooldown that would help as well. But I hate to think how hard it will be if she’s on a higher level, or on hard!

  42. Bone-crusher

    I managed to get through using a speed team: Arbiter, Maneater, Rae, Lua and Stag Knight.

  43. DARK

    FYI this boss is bugged. Your champs do not go before their counterparts except for your fastest.

  44. VentralFinn

    In the section on the spreadsheet, Astranyx is incorrectly listed as appearing on stage 10 of normal, rather than stage 40.

  45. tuordiel

    @Martz Doom Tower is not supposed to be possible for new players. Doom Tower is endgame content.

  46. SiJebat

    It gave the ‘few years’ player like me a headache also……. Not able to kill it yet!
    Put in allure, coldheart, seer, royal guard, zargala, peydma. keep getting banished and cloned faster than I can attacked them….

  47. Chris

    I managed to beat it by nuking and speed boost using apo. My team was Kael (lead), Stag Knight, Apothecary, Rae and MM. It took me a while to figure out the right team I tried lots of different teams but speed boost followed by AOE attacks worked best.

  48. Martz

    This new Doom Tower is impossible for ‘few months’ players like me.

  49. jimbo

    thank you for your hard work and keep doing a great job