OverviewNAME: Royal Huntsman AbilitiesRSL_AllBattles_AttackAura Obtain fromAncient Shard Blessings RecommendationPhantom Touch (Damage Dealer) |
Grinding★★★★★ Campaign Dungeons★★★★★ Minotaur Potion★★★★★ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★★★ Floors |
Royal Huntsman Skills
Confident Shot
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on this Champion for 2 turns if this attack is critical.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 3.1 ATK
Slaughter Volley (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff on the target for 2 turns if this attack is critical.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 3.6 ATK
Dead Aim (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore DEF by 100%.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 5 ATK
Increases Spirit Ally ATK in all Battles by 38%
Royal Huntsman Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Bloodthirst, Lifesteal |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityATK Nuker: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD Supporting RolesDestroyer |
Royal Huntsman Masteries Guide
Royal Huntsman Review
Royal Huntsman, a Legendary Attack Spirit affinity champion from the High Elves faction in Raid Shadow Legends, is a sight to behold from a distance. His armor glistens like the radiant morning sun. However, it’s a mystery how he manages to aim with his headgear perched so low on his face. Perhaps it’s his intuition that guides him, or he possesses a concealed charm that always hits the mark.
Speaking of hitting hard, the Royal Huntsman is one heck of a Spirit affinity legendary! His A3 ability can take down a tank with ease, as it ignores all defense. This makes him a formidable opponent in the Arena, but you’ll need to keep an eye on the other threats. He also has an AOE ability that decreases defense with a 100% hit rate if you land a critical hit. To unleash his full potential, you’ll need to build him with speed, accuracy, and a 100% crit rate.
Now, hold your horses! In January 2021, the Royal Huntsman’s AI underwent a change that made him use his hard-hitting A3 nuke against bosses on Auto. This is a game-changer, my friend! It’s made him even more deadly and increased his viability tenfold. However, the Huntsman is most effective at wave nuking in all content, except boss encounters. Why, you may ask? It’s all thanks to his A2 ability, of course!
In a nutshell, the Royal Huntsman is a force to be reckoned with, a champion whose skills are as sharp as his appearance. If you’re lucky enough to have him in your roster, use him wisely and lead your team to glory!
Royal Huntsman Champion Lore Synopsis
In the Kingdom of Aravia, there are many skilled hunters, but only one bears the title of Royal Huntsman, a position earned through unmatched mastery in archery and stealth. The Royal Huntsman is tasked with carrying out the monarch’s most secret and dark commands, whether it be eliminating an enemy of the crown or silencing dissenters. His golden helmet and presence are enough to inspire fear throughout the palace, as he often operates in the shadows, climbing through windows or loosing arrows from the heights of the palace to strike his targets swiftly and without mercy.
Little is known about the man behind the title, though he gives the name Melatheril. He has held his role for over a century, with rumors swirling about his mysterious past. Some say he was born into poverty, and his humble origins drive him to hide his true identity. Others believe that his secrecy is a means of fully embodying the role of the Royal Huntsman, renouncing personal ties to better serve the realm. His anonymity adds to his lethal reputation, as it allows him to move unseen and unheard.
One of the most notorious tales about Melatheril dates back to his first mission under a former Aravian king. The king, who was said to possess the gift of prophecy, foresaw a rebellion led by a fair maiden. Hunters from across the kingdom were dispatched to find her, but it was Melatheril who discovered the woman living peacefully in the countryside, far removed from any royal intrigue. Nevertheless, he carried out the king’s order without question, delivering her heart as proof of his loyalty. Over time, the story took on various interpretations—some claiming the woman was the rightful heir to the throne, others calling her a victim of the king’s jealousy. Yet, all versions agree on one thing: Melatheril’s ruthless efficiency.
In recent years, Melatheril’s role has shifted, with his dark robes replaced by regal golden armor, and his duties more closely resembling those of a soldier or bodyguard. In battle, he continues to demonstrate his deadly skill, sniping enemy commanders from afar and raining arrows upon advancing forces. From the palace’s highest tower, he watches over the kingdom, ready to defend it with unmatched precision. His reputation as a peerless archer is unquestioned, and his presence is a constant reminder that no enemy is beyond his reach.
Though his role within the court appears to have changed, the underlying threat of the Royal Huntsman remains. High Elves in the kingdom are unnerved by how the crown bends the rules for Melatheril, allowing him to operate with little regard for traditional law. His missions, shrouded in secrecy, often take him away from the palace for long stretches, leaving many to wonder what dark tasks he still performs in the shadows. Despite his regal appearance, Melatheril remains the monarch’s most feared weapon—an arrow in the night that strikes without warning.
Royal Huntsman Updates
Royal Huntsman Video
Raid Shadow Legends Royal Huntsman Champion Guide by Дядя О.
Champion Name Reference
- English: Royal Huntsman
- French: Chasseur Royal
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A3 five turns cooldown .. it’s no good.. nowhere.. sorry if it was 3 turns.. Ok.. 5 turns no way.. to go somewhere.. maybe end game great hall and top gears you can hope to shoot down all enemies.. if you don’t.. shoot down at very first strike.. game over..
One of my favs. Get his Crit damage and rate up and his A3 is a KO shot.
In german his Name is: Königlicher Jäger
I’ve had this guy for a few months now and didn’t think too much of him. I got him to 50 and put some okay gear on him that no one else was using, and his performance wasn’t anything special. Then a few days ago I decided to see what kind of impact he could have with properly optimized gear, and it was a huge change.
Even though he’s still only at 50 and doesn’t have masteries, with good gear on him I was able to get past the second faction wars boss, where I’d been stuck for a few months. I’ve also tried him out in Arena a little bit – his A3 can one-shot any non-magic level 60 champion I’ve faced so far. Duchess, Wythir, Siphi, Kyoku, no problems at all. His other attacks do decent damage too, it’s not only about his A3.
I recommend ignoring the debuff on his A2 and dumping Accuracy, just go for full damage and he will be a top-tier damage dealer for you.
Why is he ranked S-tier?
I have him geared wrong, I think. I don’t find him to be that useful, I’m goint to regear and comment back 🙂
Had this guy a few days on a VERY new F2P account, here’s some pro’s/con’s
STRONG A3, especially in harder content with high defences
good AOE drop def A2
good self-atk buff a1
across the board, multipliers are lower than I believe all 4 starter rares, making him pointless for a campaign farmer.
for that one con, he’s going back in my vault for a few months until I can actually make use of him
He absolutely tears up Doom Tower. Stuck on a Siphi wave? His A3 can one-shot any champion without an issue. Since he ignores def, there is no need for savage. Very easy to build and hits harder than any champ (except seer, little miss Annie, and max hp champs on bosses). Given that he doesn’t need savage, he is an easy choice for me.
He is never an s tier champ. Yannica is better by ages amd she is only B rank by you.
This rating should be revisited.
Can we get this in English
My Royal Huntsman is real close to being great with no books, barely any mysteries and only 5 stars he still hits harder than my 6 star ninja, kael, and scyll. Just with his dead shot but he is awesome, he especially shines in the arena…
10 books not 8
This guy needs mastery maxed (800 gems) once you get that and the few books he needs he is a beast. It’s the mastery that makes him hum
why is he good in clan boss??
Wooo.. with his recent buff (not really a buff.. just finally fixed their garbage and allows use of skill vs boss) he is amazing.. aoe dec def.. ignore all armour ::D.. massive damage in arena..
Appart the AI on auto (a real disgrace) this Champ is a real killing machine. Mine have one offence set and two divine critical set (150% CRIT, 4k ATT), and with this stuff every A3 is a kill (75, 90k damages, even the target in on shield). In Arena with duchess Lithu and scyl, you can take down one by one every enemy of the opposite team (begin with the healers/revivers).
@brandon bet my huntsman can solo your entire arena comp….
@Ayumilove: did you engage Plarium on the A3 issue?
I’m thinking that if a more “visible” voice reaches out to them, they might act. The way it’s build is great: this is a true sniper which I enjoy but if they don’t fix the using of A3 on auto, this is a crap champion.
Is he better or worse then say Jingle or Apoth for endgame faction wars?
Still no fix for not using his A3 on bosses?
@Baron Mendavia
1 – placing of the decrease def debuff will still need to go through an accuracy check. So:
check 1 – the %age of chance of landing it; in this case 100%, then step:
check 2 – accuracy vs resistance. If your accuracy isn’t good enough debuff won’t land
2 – that 20% you’re seeing is probably weak hits against strong affinity champs to RH, so magic champs. The %age implies such
I don’t get it:
1) His Crit Rate is at 100%, yet after his A2 fires off the enemy team may have only 1 or 2 champions with a DecrDef debuff on them: sometimes none, and it’s not due to a BlockDebuffs.
2) He hits about 45-52k with his A3 right now, but even ignoring DEF sometimes I only barely scratch the enemy target (Silver tier). Not all the time, but WAY too often (about 20%).
What gives? Is Plarium just messing with me, hoping to frustrate me into a purchase, or am I missing something?
I pulled Royal Huntsman in January, and have tried him in Force Keep and Arcane Keep several times on auto. He will never use his A3 on the boss, but will use it on waves and side minions in the final fight. Until this is fixed, he’ll only be A- or B tier for these bosses. It’s possible this affects him in other Dungeons but I haven’t ranked him up enough to use on stage 20s due to this issue.
He’s also ranked much too strong in most fights here. He doesn’t have enough AoE for Campaign, he doesn’t have enough tools for Clan Boss, and he’s the wrong affinity for Dragon 20. He should be 3-4 stars in each of those categories.
Ok i want to make a correction to my previous posts my god this guy is an absolute BEAST!!! Mine consistantly 1 hits tanks in gold tier IV arena and i still have alot of room for growth on him.. Absolute key on him is crit rate and crit damage + you want him at least at 2500+ on top of his base attack after that you should consistantly see him breaking 100k+ hits with dead aim ive seen mine hit as hard as 140k his hit all is also quite brutal. IMO the other key is to make sure you have either his speed high enough to go first or his HPS high enough to live long enough to attack he can be kind of squishy my only complaint but then thats the trade off for his hard hits.
@Brandon F Scott Royal Huntsman NEEDS 100% critical rate, high critical damage and some spirit allies to shine. Mine hits like a truck, every dead aim shoot is a kill. period. Works like a charm in an offensive arena team, or to nuke down most content.
What’s the story with this guy? The videos provided are in Russian…. Before I go wasting any more resources, please give some info, or find an English video. Please!
2Brandon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcZ-vcBVCEc&t=10s
Man I went by your ranking system and invested a lot of resources into this Legendary and got him maxed out and he completely sucks ass. I have no idea how you came about your ratings for this guy. I have maxed out rares that make the royal huntsman look like a uncommon toon. Disappointing that I took this advice.
I meant to add that this is the only ranking ive found to be anything less than compeltely accurate. Your usually so spot on with rankings.
This guy performs worse than some “A” rank epics im not sure he’s been correctly ranked. You may want to take another look at him just a thought.
The problem with The Royal Huntsman is that he doesn’t use his Dead Aim ability on the bosses in the dungeon levels on auto. If they tweaked this his value would go up considerably.
@Arc: Royal Huntsman has no changes to its skill. The tier list will be updated occasionally based on how the champions’ performance in-game based on user’s experiences with them.
Why Royal Huntsman changed to S rank?
Have any changes in skills?