Torturehelm | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Torturehelm Skill Mastery Equip Guide


NAME: Torturehelm
USABILITY: Mid-Late Game
TOMES: 8 (A2 A3)



Obtain from

Ancient Shard
Sacred Shard
Primal Shard
Rhazin Scarhide Fusion

Blessings Recommendation

Cruelty (Debuffer)


★★★✰✰ Campaign
★✰✰✰✰ Arena Defense
★★★✰✰ Arena Offense
★✰✰✰✰ Clan Boss
★★✰✰✰ Hydra
★★★✰✰ Faction Wars


★★★✰✰ Minotaur
★✰✰✰✰ Spider
★✰✰✰✰ Fire Knight
★★★★✰ Dragon
★★★✰✰ Ice Golem
★★✰✰✰ Iron Twins
★★★✰✰ Sand Devil
★✰✰✰✰ Phantom Shogun


★★★✰✰ Arcane Keep
★★★✰✰ Void Keep
★★★✰✰ Force Keep
★✰✰✰✰ Spirit Keep
★★★★★ Magic Keep

Doom Tower

★★★✰✰ Floors
★✰✰✰✰ Magma Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Nether Spider
★✰✰✰✰ Frost Spider
★★✰✰✰ Scarab King
★✰✰✰✰ Celestial Griffin
★✰✰✰✰ Eternal Dragon
★★★★✰ Dreadhorn
★★✰✰✰ Dark Fae

Torturehelm Skills

Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of stealing 1 random buff from the target.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Damage Multiplier: 1.9 ATK + 3 DEF

Bloodlust (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy. Damage is proportional to this Champion’s MAX HP and increases according to the number of dead allies.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 0.3 HP * (1 + Dead Allies)

Unkillable (Passive, Cooldown: 3 turns)
Revives this Champion with 50% HP when killed.

Increases Ally HP in Dungeons by 33%.

Torturehelm Build Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

PvE: Bloodthirst, Impulse, Lifesteal, Reflex, Relentless, Retaliation
PvP: Zeal
PvE & PvP: Accuracy, Critical Damage, Divine Speed, Immortal, Instinct, Killstroke, Lethal, Merciless, Perception, Resilience, Savage, Speed, Supersonic

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (HP% / C.RATE / C.DMG)
Chestplate (HP% / ACC)
Boots (SPD / HP%)
Ring (HP)
Amulet (C.DMG / HP)
Banner (HP / ACC)

Stats Priority

HP Nuker & Debuffer: HP%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC

Supporting Roles

Attack Counter

Torturehelm Mastery Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Raid Shadow Legends Torturehelm Skill Mastery Equip Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Grim Resolve
  4. Whirlwind of Death
  5. Single Out
  6. Wrath of the Slain
  7. Bring it Down
  8. Kill Streak
  9. Methodical
  10. Warmaster


  1. Defiant
  2. Improved Parry
  3. Bloodthirst
  4. Delay Death
  5. Retribution

Torturehelm Updates

Torturehelm Videos

Raid Shadow Legends Torturehelm Champion Guide by Skratch

Raid Shadow Legends Torturehelm Champion Guide by sLyYT

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23 thoughts on “Torturehelm | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Adam Buckingham

    I find him really good

  2. Joseph Garrison

    What Blessing works best for him?

  3. Phoenix-Mask

    Somehow managed to get a second one and wonder if it would be worth it to use both xD

  4. Samantha

    this guy is KING when facing off against the magma dragon on a low floor. i put him in a team that’ll carry him comfortably until the third round, and he single-handedly kicked its ass. also in the team was coldheart and royal guard (with two fillers to use as meat shields to increase torturehelm’s bonus damage), all 3 at level 50 made short work of him on floor 10 rotation 1 (2-3 minutes).

  5. Pir

    @TexAlbinoBlues — the game IS a joke, agreed, but this isn’t a garbage Epic. He’s not only useful in niche cases, but he’s one of the few champs who is… fun is probably the best word. Solo runs that take 10 minutes are maybe not the most efficient use of one’s time even overnight, but it’s fun to build somebody who CAN do that. I fused 2 just so I had a spare after fusing Rhazin. He’s not yet built up to where his departed predecessor was, and has only rudimentary gear and no masteries, but I use him together with 3 level 1 Rangers when I get quests for single affinity wins in Tag Arena, or for beating a higher power team — I pick a single Magic opponent and just watch Torturehelm bloodlustily at work after the Rangers keel over. Fun. There is little enough fun in this sad excuse for a game, and hey, that’s how I get my jollies (I also use a Bomb team in Gold Arena, what can I say).

    I also want to add that one has to just raise 4 champs to fuse him, and they’re all fairly easy to get, so he’s a good deal. In a game that disappoints you at every step with it’s overly abundant use of RNG, I like being able to work for a known champion who has some use, even if it takes a while. I generally prefer gachas that let you grind towards long-term goals and make their money from people who get tired of grinding, over gachas like Raid who tempt you into opening thousands of shards just to maybe, maybe, maybe some day pull a really good Legendary. Whom you then can’t book without spending lots more.

  6. Phoenix-Mask

    This guy is pretty cool. Atm i only have him on lvl 50 with most gear at 5 stars except from 1 piece with 4 stars and one with 3 stars. Can’t help me on dragon but he lets me do minotaur on stage 14. That said i don’t even have masteries on him right now so i might even be able to do better once i get those filled

  7. Nick

    are his damage multipliers on his A2 viable for a Bommal 90 hard build? I know most other solo comps rely on champs to die to speed up the solo champ, but could he do it?

  8. mario_awario

    I got this guy on rank 5, not booked at all with kinda weak gear on in my Arcane keep team. I could probably set up a better team, but i absolutely love it when hes the last one standing, steals the shield and then crits with his A2 and finishes the boss by himself. Always cracks me up 🙂

  9. Cevrial

    Seven minutes on Dragon 20 solo for training champs while grinding more gear and silver than you would get in campaign is not bad. Seems like it could probably go a little faster, but seven minutes with auto battles adds up overnight.

  10. Ayumilove Post author

    @Johnner: The dead allies count does not take account of the champion died multiple times.

  11. Johnner

    Can the increases according to the number of dead allies stack, if allies are revived and dies several times ?

  12. william bradbury

    This champ can solo dragon 20. (Maybe mino 15 or arcane keep?)
    Also tank the stun on UNM clan boss.
    Also works well in orc faction wars (as a tank or with shield set)

    FTP friendly before fusing Rhazin (who can take the stun tank spot in CB)

  13. TexAlbinoBlues

    Garbage epic. Go figure. Game is a joke

  14. Xiharra

    This guy is a great early-game draw, I must say. He lets you push into content you would otherwise be unable to beat, and can practically solo many bosses if you tank him up, especially once he gets his 3rd ascension. Yes it takes a while but I just leave it running and it’s worth it to me to get better gear. I’m sure there are better champs out there, but as an early-game minnow, I’m loving him!

  15. Spam

    Thanx for young awesome work 🙂

    HellHades have a really nice video using Torturehelm in unkillable ClanBoss


  16. Thegoodman

    I run a Torturehelm + Roshcard the Tower unkillable team in nightmare that is full auto from the start.

    TH 187
    Rosh 230
    DPS 161
    DPS 160
    DPS 160

    Make sure TH has the lowest HP, lowest DEF, and is the team leader. If those are all true, he will take the stun.

    I have set bonuses on my DPS’ers (one has speed, the other two perception) so that their speed of 160 is not exact, they actually 159.88, 160.15, 160.8. I have read that exact speed dupe champs can cause problems but I have not tested it.

  17. Ayumilove Post author

    @Corin Black: I guess it would take him very long to complete the Dragon 20 with only Torturehelm (more than 10 minutes) and its not worth the time (unless the player have plenty of time or leave it on auto-clicker)

  18. Corin Black

    So, one of my clan-mates recently posted a torturehelm soloing Dragon20
    – added 4 food champs, let them die, which pumps up A2
    – apply masteries which also rely on dead allies

    HP: ~70K
    Atk: ~1600
    Def: ~2400
    speed: 152
    Crit: 75%/180
    resist: 252
    Acc: 133

    Gear: 1 lifesteal set, 1 Immortal set

  19. LonkiSolomki

    @Tester: I believe that is because he requires you to be losing to be actually useful:
    He becomes a threat only with his Bloodlust damage multiplier active – that is, with most of his team dead; so in arena, for example, he can be easily ignored until the rest of his team falls, after which one can easily kill him twice through his revive.
    Nevertheless, he can be utilized in some situations: if you make him tanky enough, he can 1v1 bosses because they are unable to kill him from half HP over 4 turns, and his revive comes off cooldown, and in Make keep his buff-stealing ability also comes in handy.

  20. Tester

    Hi, can provide some writeup on why Torturehelm is so bad? Is his bloodlust and Unkillable any good?

  21. Ayumilove Post author

    @Pranks: Thanks for notifying! I’ll be removing this champion from the Unkillable champion list 🙂

  22. Pranks

    If you look at his passive it’s called unkillable but it actually only revives him with 50% health with no unkillable buff.