Remove Debuff Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Remove Debuff Skill instantly removes 1 or more debuffs from self or allies so that their survivability is not affected since it could cause them to receive additional damage from incoming attacks or preventing them from taking their turn in battle (e.g. stunned/frozen/sleep)

Remove Debuffs Champions (87)

Remove Debuffs (AoE)


  1. Night Queen Krixia (KR-MSS)
  2. Siegfrund the Nephilim (SO-MAM)
  3. Starsage Galathir (HE-MSF)


  1. Alatreon Blademaster (KR-LSS)
  2. Bad-el-Kazar (UH-LSF)
  3. Boragar the Elder (DW-LHF)
  4. Brewguard Jeroboam (OT-LDF)
  5. Cardiel (SO-LSV)
  6. Claidna (SY-LHV)
  7. Elva Autumnborn (SY-LSM)
  8. Freyja Fateweaver (BA-LDF)
  9. Fyna Blade of Aravia (HE-LSM)
  10. Guurda Bogbrew (OT-LSF)
  11. Hakkorhn Smashlord (SW-LHM)
  12. Kaja the Wry (BL-LSS)
  13. Korugar Death-Bell (OT-LHF)
  14. Marichka the Unbreakable (BL-LSV)
  15. Mithrala Lifebane (DE-LSV)
  16. Opardin Clanfather (BA-LHM)
  17. Pythion (LZ-LSF)
  18. Raglin (BL-LSV)
  19. Rakka Viletide (OR-LSV)
  20. Riho Bonespear (SK-LSV)
  21. Skartorsis (UH-LSF)
  22. Togron the Conjoined (OT-LSV)
  23. Tramaria (DE-LSV)
  24. Underpriest Brogni (DW-LSM)
  25. Vergumkaar (LZ-LSS)
  26. Wight Queen Ankora (KR-LSM)
  27. Wythir the Crowned (DS-LSF)


  1. Anchorite (SO-ESS)
  2. Battlesage (HE-ESV)
  3. Bovos Sharphorn (SW-ESS)
  4. Bowf the Rancid (SW-EHS)
  5. Duedan the Runic (SY-EHF)
  6. Grunch Killjoy (OT-ESF)
  7. Khafru the Deathkeeper (UH-EDV)
  8. Mausoleum Mage (UH-ESF)
  9. Ostrox Boneglaive (UH-ESV)
  10. Runekeeper Dazdurk (DW-ESV)
  11. Sanguinia (SO-ESM)
  12. Signy of Highshield (BL-EHM)
  13. Skathix (LZ-ESV)
  14. Skytouched Shaman (BA-ESV)
  15. Uugo (OT-ESM)
  16. Woad-Painted (BA-EHS)


  1. Acolyte (KR-RSF)
  2. Fanatic (SK-RSV)
  3. Gator (LZ-RSM)
  4. Heiress (HE-RAF)
  5. Ironclad (OR-RHF)
  6. Reliquary Tender (HE-RSV)
  7. Spirithost (DE-RSS)



Remove Debuffs (Random)




  1. Krakarth (DE-EHF)




Remove Debuffs (Self)


  1. Hierophant Lazarius (LZ-MSM)
  2. Nais the Shadowthief (SY-MAM)
  3. The Calamitus (UH-MAS)


  1. Countess Lix (DS-LAM)
  2. Errol (SO-LAF)
  3. Khoronar (SW-LHV)
  4. Packmaster Shyek (OR-LHF)
  5. Tatsu (SK-LAF)
  6. Ultan of the Shell (DE-LAS)


  1. Arwydd Quivergrass (SY-EAF)
  2. Dark Elhain (UH-EAM)
  3. Hellgazer (DS-EAS)
  4. Occult Brawler (OT-EHS)
  5. Scion (DS-EAM)
  6. Sir Artimage (BL-EAF)


  1. Daywalker (KR-RHV)
  2. Renouncer (SO-RAF)


  1. Spiritwalker (BA-USF)


Remove Debuffs (Target)


  1. Lady Mikage (SK-MSF)


  1. Authoratrix Lamasu (DS-LSV)
  2. Gurptuk Moss-Beard (OT-LSF)
  3. Lady Noelle (SO-LSV)
  4. Lady of Ireth (SY-LSS)
  5. Sethallia (BL-LSM)


  1. Lodric Falconheart (SO-EHS)
  2. Melga Steelgirdle (DW-EHS)
  3. Merouka (OR-EDM)
  4. Steelskull (SW-ESS)
  5. White Dryad Nia (SY-EDV)


  1. Chaplain (SO-RSF)
  2. Draconis (SO-RHV)
  3. Furystoker (OT-RSS)
  4. Metalshaper (LZ-RSS)



Passive Remove Debuffs Champions (9)

Passive Remove Debuffs (AoE)



  1. Tuhanarak (BA-LSV)


  1. Doompriest (KR-ESF)




Passive Remove Debuffs (Self)



  1. Foli (DE-LAM)
  2. Supreme Galek (OR-LAV)
  3. Wight Queen Ankora (KR-LSM)


  1. Hotatsu (SK-EDM)
  2. Ultimate Galek (OR-EAM)



  1. Shieldguard (BA-UDS)


Passive Remove Debuffs (Target)



  1. Siphi the Lost Bride (UH-LSV)





Special Remove Debuffs Champions (1)

Special Remove Debuffs (Passive)




  1. Dark Elhain (UH-EAM)




Specific Remove Debuffs Champions (2)

Specific Remove Debuffs (AoE)



  1. Blizaar the Howler (OT-LDS)
  2. Opardin Clanfather (BA-LHM)





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41 thoughts on “Remove Debuff Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Anissa

    Mithrala lifebane is to be included in cleansers list. Fantastic champ with AOE cleanse 3Turns cool-down. I needed a 3T CD cleanser for clanboss and seeing your list was going for Gurdaspur as I don’t have Doompriest. Stumbled upon mithralas skill set instead!

  2. Bubba King-John

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    Connection Troubleshooting:

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  3. Jason

    How do I know when my champions kan put a debuff of remove one

  4. Ayumilove Post author

    @Lou Dupont: I have corrected the list from Remove Buffs to Remove Debuffs. Thanks for highlighting it!

  5. Lou Dupont

    Looking for Removes “DEBUFF”… .all I see is Removes “BUFF”


    Wythir should be on this list. 🙂

  7. Ugh

    Mithrala is missing in this list. Also Wythir is missing.

  8. IxNOVAx

    edit: he does AOE strip 1 debuff on allies and AOE strip 1 buff from enemy’s

  9. IxNOVAx

    hey scott, yes U. Brogni has AOE strip 1 random debuff and also remove a random debuff from all allies on his A2.

    So no the website is right and doesn’t need changed.

  10. Scott

    Just FYI…your champion list for the Remove Debuff skill includes U. Brogni. Unless I’m mistaken, Brogni doesn’t have that skill (though of course he does have a Remove Buff from the enemy skill).

    I very much appreciate your site!

  11. cafcpimp

    sir artimage also removes debuffs from himself ?

  12. Solarmoon

    Time to put Wythir here . .

  13. Quan Doan

    U missed Urogrimm as remove debuff ( target)

  14. ragequitr

    The champions with actual cleanses vs finite debuff removal should really be separated.

  15. william reno

    fanatic does not have an AOE remove buff

  16. StBumLord

    Abbess fits in the “self” category I guess 🙂

  17. Eminat

    Hi. First of all… Great site! I’m sure I speak for most who visit when I say Thank You for your continued effort in keeping this site up to date & the bastion of RSL knowledge that it is to so many! I recently pulled Baroth the Bloodsoaked, an Epic Barbarian champ that has a single target 2 hit A3 with a 75% chance (100% when fully booked) of not only placing 50% Decrease ATK on the first hit but removing any Increase ATK on the same hit while his second hit will place a 60% Decrease DEF & remove any Increase DEF once Ascended.

  18. Mark Arnold

    Wythir the Crowned has an aoe remove debuff

  19. Ayumilove Post author

    @thubbles: I have updated Sethallia from AoE to Target Remove debuff. Thanks!

  20. thubbles

    you have sethallia as an aoe remove debuff, that is incorrect.

  21. Ayumilove Post author

    @Notechis, @DoctorObsidius: I have added Sethallia to the Remove Debuff skill list!

  22. Ayumilove Post author

    @Eric Hippler: I have added Iron Clad to the Remove Debuff skill list!

  23. Colleen

    I was looking up how to beat Doom Floor 90 Nether Spider, and it mostly recommends block buff champs, of which I have hardly any. Luckily I have Raglin and Sethallia, who remove buffs. Combined with Miscreated Monster, Lyssandra, and Scyl I got the job done!

  24. Eric Hippler

    Ironclad should be on this list for rares. His A2 removes 1 random debuff for the whole team.

  25. Notechis

    Just noticed you missed Sethalia as a targeted cleanser. She removes all debuffs before healing. I use your site as a reference whenever i get a new champ or when levelling up. Very handy. Reading down comments i see someone else has recently mentioned Sethalia. She was one of the first legendaries i pulled and at the time only saw her as a really great healer. Now the heal is secondary to removing enemy buffs(A3) and cleansing. HP burn on A1 is useful against Bosses

  26. DoctorObsidius

    Looks like Sethalia is missing from remove debuff skill target

  27. OrcBHandy

    First, thanks so much for this website, it is really helpful, especially because you keep it so up to date.
    Not sure if this goes here or not but what about Foli who removes stun/sleep/etc from himself and Dark Elhain who removes freezes? And Vergumkar does this with Provokes for his team too. And it says immune in his case which may require a new category.

  28. Ayumilove Post author

    @Destroyer39 and @Polpov: I have updated the Remove Debuff skill page by grouping the champions by 3 different categories (AoE, Target and Self).

  29. Ayumilove Post author

    @Destroyer39: Gurptuk Moss-Beard has been added into the list.

  30. Polpov

    @Destroyer39 So far I’ve got :
    -Hakkorhn Smashlord

    -Mausoleum Mage
    -Skytouched Shaman

    -Reliquary Tender

    *note that Doompriest & Heiress only remove 1 Debuff but it’s indeed AoE

  31. Destroyer39

    Can you make a list of those who remove Debuff from all allies.

  32. newsun

    Missing a list of Transfer Debuff champs like Lys, Arbal, Fang, etc.

  33. Destroyer39

    Gurptuk Moss-Beard has remove Debuff.

  34. Symphony2

    Please add Fang Cleric.

    Conduit Fangs [ATK]
    Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 75% chance of transfering 1 random debuff from this Champion to the target.

  35. Radical Dragon

    Sethallia has a remove debuff from target ally on her A2.

  36. Luiz


    I think HELLGAZER is missing in this list!

    Dark Awakening (Cooldown: 4 turns)
    Removes all debuffs from this Champion. Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on this Champion for 2 turns. Grants an Extra Turn.

  37. Ayumilove Post author

    @Rasmus Haahr Jørgensen: Thanks! I have added Doompriest into the champion list above!

  38. Ayumilove Post author

    @Volker Jäcklein: Thanks! I have added Raglin into the champion list above!

  39. Volker Jäcklein

    i think you forgot Raglin with her remove debuff in the skill tab… ?!
    Otherwise it´s an amazing website – keep up the good work !!

  40. Rasmus Haahr Jørgensen

    Shouldn’t Doompriest be on this list?