Dragon Dungeon Guide | Raid Shadow Legends

Dragon's Lair Dungeon Guide | Raid Shadow Legends Dungeon Bosses
Raid Shadow Legends Dragon’s Lair boss also known as Hellrazor attacks his enemies and simultaneously places Decrease Attack debuff on your champions, which prevents your team from doing sufficient damage to clear the purple bar. This gives him the opportunity to inflict a high amount of damage to your champions and stunning them in the process. He also inflicts Poison and Weaken debuff on your champions, making it difficult for them to survive in a lengthy battle unless you have a Support champion who can remove debuff or heal them in time. You can’t slow the Dragon as he is immune to Decrease Turn Meter and Decrease Speed effects. However, you can speed up your team to take more turns to recover quickly before the next Dragon attack. There are 2 difficulties for Dragon, which are Normal (Hellrazor) and Hard (Tainted Hellrazor) where Hard mode has a chance to drop Mythical rarity artifacts.

Dungeons Index

Dragon’s Lair Content

Dragon Farmable Artifacts
Dragon’s Lair Champion Tier List
Dragon’s Lair Video Guides

Hellrazor Content

Hellrazor Skills
Hellrazor Guide
Hellrazor Stats

Tainted Hellrazor Content

Tainted Hellrazor Skills
Tainted Hellrazor Guide
Tainted Hellrazor Stats

Artifact Dungeon Guides

Fire Knight
Ice Golem

Material Dungeon Guides

Iron Twins
Sand Devil
Phantom Shogun

Potion Dungeon Guides

Arcane Keep
Force Keep
Magic Keep
Spirit Keep
Void Keep

Dragon Farmable Artifacts

Accuracy, Speed, Lifesteal, Destroy, Toxic, Frost, Daze, Avenging, Stalwart

Hellrazor Content

Hellrazor Boss Skills

  • Swipe [ATK] Attacks all enemies. Places a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns.
  • Wall of Fire [ATK] (Cooldown: 3 turns) Attacks all enemies. Places a two 5% [Poison] debuff for 3 turns. Places a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
  • Inhale (Cooldown: 3 turns) Fully depletes the dragon’s Turn Meter. Unlocks a Secret Skill, Scorch. *This is where the Dragon’s purple bar is activated. You need to clear the purple bar HP (Hit Points aka Health), otherwise he will activate Scorth in his next turn!*
  • Scorch [ATK] Attacks all enemies. Places a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn. This Skill will be locked and hidden again if the Dragon takes enough damage while this Skill is unlocked.
  • Almighty Immunity [Passive] Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Fear] and [True Fear] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effets and cooldown increasing effects. In addition, the Dragon is not affected by [Decrease Turn Meter] effects.
  • Alimighty Strength [Passive] Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the Boss’ MAX HP when attacking the Boss. This skill is unlock at Dungeon Stage 21~25.
  • Almighty Persistence [Passive] All Turn Meter reduction effects are decreased by 50% when used against the Boss. This skill is unlock on Dungeon Stage 21~25.

Hellrazor Guide

There are few strategies to counter the Hellrazor’s Poison debuff and nuke attack. Apply Decrease Attack debuff to the boss to decrease the incoming damage from his nuke. Inflict a high amount of damage to cancel out the dragon’s purple bar by having multiple nuking (heavy damager) champions in the team. Include a Support champion who can apply Block Debuff buff and Remove Debuff to remove all the Poisons, Weaken and Decrease Attack debuff applied by the Dragon. To avoid your Supporter from being affected by these debuff, have her in high resist stat (e.g. 300 Resist for Dungeon 20) to resist those Stun, Poison, and Weaken. If you find your team dying easily, you can include Reviver to revive fallen allies or have a champion who can provide Ally Protection. If you manage to beat a specific Dragon stage but it takes quite a while (4 minutes and above), then you will need to speed tune your champions where the Increase Attack buffer goes first, followed by Decrease Defense debuffer and then your nuker. Once you have speed tuned, you can achieve below 2 minutes run.

Hellrazor Stats

Stats of Hellrazor the Dragon based on dungeon stages.

Hellrazor Affinity by Stages

Magic Stage 1/5/9/13/17/20/22
Force Stage 2/6/10/14/18/21/25
Spirit Stage 3/7/11/15/19/24
Void Stage 4/8/12/16/23
Hellrazor the Dragon Stats in Dungeon Stage 1 to 25 - Raid Shadow Legends

Tainted Hellrazor Content

Tainted Hellrazor Boss Skills

  • Withering Swipe [ATK]: Attacks all enemies. Places a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns.
  • Mephitic Fire [ATK]: Attacks all enemies. Places four 5% [Poison] debuffs for 3 turns and a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. Also places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on Tainted Hellrazor for 2 turns.
  • Draconic Gaze: Fully dupletes the Turn Meters of all enemies. Unlocks a Secret Skill, Toxic Incineration.
  • Toxic Incineration [Enemy MAX HP]: Attacks all enemies. This attack deals pure damage. Places a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn. This debuff cannot be resisted. Instantly activates any 5% [Poison] debuffs on each target. The damage received by each target depends on how many more turns the [Poison] debuffs places on them would be active. This skill be locked and hidden again if Tainted Hellrazor takes enough damage while this skill is unlocked.
  • Tainted Immunity (Passive): Immune to Stun, Freeze, Sleep, Provoke, Block Active Skills, Fear, True Fear, and Petrification debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, and cooldown increasing effects.
  • Almighty Strength (Passive) Damage from skills that scale based on Enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the Boss’s MAX HP when attacking the boss.
  • Awakened Weakness (Passive): Decreases the damage inflicted by the boss for each Awakening Level on the target Champion (2.5% for Levels 1-2 and 5% for Leves 3-6, stacks up to 25%.) Increases the damage received by the boss for each Awakening Level on the attacking champion (5% for Levels 1-2, and 10% for Levels 3-6, stacks up to 50%).

Tainted Hellrazor Guide

  • Like on Normal Mode, the Dragon’s Lair remains mechanically pretty simple. Once you overcome the initial waves and get to Tainted Hellrazor himself, you’ll want to place [Decrease DEF] and [Weaken] debuffs on him, as well as [Decrease ATK] debuffs, since he hits really hard. Keep in mind that Tainted Hellrazor is immune to [Decrease SPD] debuffs and Turn Meter reduction effects. One of the key differences between Hellrazor and Tainted Hellrazor is that the
    latter places twice as many [Poison] debuffs — and that becomes a real problem when Tainted Hellrazor uses his Draconic Gaze skill.
  • Draconic Gaze completely empties your team’s Turn Meters and unlocks the secret Toxic Incineration skill for Tainted Hellrazor’s next attack. Toxic Incineration deals massive damage, and also places a team-wide [Stun] that can’t be resisted. Effectively, it gives Tainted Hellrazor two attacks in a row and paralyzes your whole team. As if that weren’t enough, Toxic Incineration also instantly activates any [Poison] debuffs placed by Tainted Hellrazor.
  • All hope is not lost though! Like on Normal Mode, when Tainted Hellrazor uses Draconic Gaze, a chunk of his HP bar will be marked purple. Deal that much damage before his next turn, and Toxic Incineration will lock down again. Having strong nukers in your team is therefore a must. Also make sure to boost your Champions’ Turn Meters to attack more often, but save your heavy hits for when they’re really needed.
  • It’s not enough to just deal damage; you’ve got to survive Tainted Hellrazor’s attacks too. Placing [Increase DEF] and [Shield] buffs on your Champions will help, as well as equipping them with Bolster and Defiant Artifacts Sets to mitigate the damage from Tainted Hellrazor’s AoE attacks. Also, you’ll need to bring a cleanser or [Block Debuffs] Champion to deal with the many debuffs placed by Tainted Hellrazor, or else you’ll be in trouble.

Tainted Hellrazor Stats

Tainted Hellrazor the Dragon Stats in Dungeon Stage 1 to 10 - Raid Shadow Legends

Dragon Champion Tier List

Champion by Rarity: Legendary | Epic | Rare | Uncommon | Common

Mythical Champions Ranking

5★ Dragon’s Lair | Mythical Champion

4★ Dragon’s Lair | Mythical Champion

3★ Dragon’s Lair | Mythical Champion

2★ Dragon’s Lair | Mythical Champion

1★ Dragon’s Lair | Mythical Champion

Legendary Champions Ranking

5★ Dragon’s Lair | Legendary Champion

4★ Dragon’s Lair | Legendary Champion

3★ Dragon’s Lair | Legendary Champion

2★ Dragon’s Lair | Legendary Champion

1★ Dragon’s Lair | Legendary Champion

Epic Champions Ranking

5★ Dragon’s Lair | Epic Champion

4★ Dragon’s Lair | Epic Champion

3★ Dragon’s Lair | Epic Champion

2★ Dragon’s Lair | Epic Champion

1★ Dragon’s Lair | Epic Champion

Rare Champions Ranking

5★ Dragon’s Lair | Rare Champion

4★ Dragon’s Lair | Rare Champion

3★ Dragon’s Lair | Rare Champion

2★ Dragon’s Lair | Rare Champion

1★ Dragon’s Lair | Rare Champion

Uncommon Champions Ranking

5★ Dragon’s Lair | Uncommon Champion

4★ Dragon’s Lair | Uncommon Champion

3★ Dragon’s Lair | Uncommon Champion

2★ Dragon’s Lair | Uncommon Champion

1★ Dragon’s Lair | Uncommon Champion

Common Champions Ranking

5★ Dragon’s Lair | Common Champion

4★ Dragon’s Lair | Common Champion

3★ Dragon’s Lair | Common Champion

2★ Dragon’s Lair | Common Champion

1★ Dragon’s Lair | Common Champion

Dragon’s Lair Guide Videos

Raid Shadow Legends Dragon’s Lair Playthrough Stage 20~25 by Ayumilove

Raid Shadow Legends Dragon’s Lair Guide by Official Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Dragon’s Lair Guide by Chofly

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28 thoughts on “Dragon Dungeon Guide | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Tamara Anushaka Jonas

    advice for hard dungeon-

    Heals and defence up,

    a way to get through the waves

    Dec atk on the boss and cleansing helps alot,

    Rector Drath, Doompriest, Duchess, Siphi, Pythion arre good champs to have

    ally protect is a good way to stay alive

    poison, burn are good ways to deal good damage against the boss

  2. SexyButCool

    hey, whats going onto your mind?

    …”However, you can speed up your team to take more turns to recover quickly before the next Dragon attack. There are 2 difficulties for Ice Golem, which are Normal (Hellrazor) and Hard (Tainted Hellrazor) where Hard mode has a chance to drop Mythical rarity artifacts.”

    But there is no Ice Golem in the dragons lair! Would be cool if there would though!

  3. Joe Blow

    It is well past time to add hard mode dungeon info to your guides.

  4. ForeSh0ck

    200 resist from stage 19 and above cant be right. Im getting resisted more at 25 than than 22 with 280 accuracy .Increasing accuracy to 300 at stage 25 significantly reduced the number of resists. 280 accuracy at stage 22 there were no resists at all.

  5. Ayumilove Post author

    @Larry: The Dragon is immune to both Decrease Turn Meter and Steal Turn Meter effects. The Dragon’s Turn Meter cannot be reduced, similarly to Eternal Dragon in Doom Tower.

  6. NESecretWeapon

    @Strawberry369 – LMFAO – that is a lot of words and math for nothing! In fact, you used the word speed more in that rant than she did in this entire guide! LOL especially since NOWHERE in this guide does it say to get the best speed gear possible!

  7. Dooney420

    No Ninja on list.

  8. vincent

    Great site , i cant thank you enough! just wanted to point out that under dragons liar, Saito is listed under both 5* and 4* rating … lol cant have them both

  9. Strawberry369

    There is a 1/256 or .0039 or .3906% chance every time you max lvl a leggo piece of gear you will get all sub stat boosts to land on the same one. There is a 1/8 or .125 or 12.5% chance of getting a speed substat on a piece of gear. There is a 1/9 or .11111 or 11.11111% chance of getting a speed piece of gear from the dragon lair. On stage 20 of the dragon lair assuming that you have a 3/10 or .3 or 30% chance of getting a 6* piece of gear (please correct me if i’m wrong idk if some has run a test on chances getting certain pieces of gear). On stage 20 of the dragon lair assuming there is a 2/10 or .2 or 20% chance of getting a leggo piece of gear (again correct me if i’m wrong). And there are 26 different possibilities for main stats and only 10 of which are desirable so 10/26 or .384615 or 38.4615% chance of getting a good main stat. now if we take all of the probabilities and put them together.003906 x .125 x .111111 x .3 x .2 x .384615 = .00000125192057 so you have a .000125192057% chance of getting a perfect piece of speed gear from stage 20 of the dragon lair. meaning it will take 798773 stage twenty dragon lair battles to get a perfect piece of speed gear and it will take 4792638 battles to get 3 sets of perfect speed gear. if one battle takes on average takes 2 min 30 sec it will take 22 years, 290 days, 13 hours, and 15 minutes of pure grinding. if it only takes you 1 minute to beat stage twenty of the dragon lair it will take you 9 years, 43 days, 5 hours, and 18 minutes. and if it takes you half a minute per battle it will take you 4 years, 205 days, 2 hours, and 39 minutes of pure grinding. say you don’t have the time for pure grinding and you don’t have a membership and you only set multi battles with no manual grinding it would take you 4 centuries, 3 decades, 7 years, and 250 days. now lets say you do have a membership it would only take 1 centurie, 3 decades, 1 year, and 112 days and cost you 13939 dollars including tax (yes there is tax) to keep up a membership that long.

    Now you must truly except that in your life time you will never obtain a full set of the best speed gear possible.

  10. Kosta

    Hello and thank you for the great guide 🙂
    I was wondering if there is a chance to get some information like Boss stats for top levels so we can try to build our teams in better way.

    For example Dragon / Ice Golem / Fire Knight / Spider stats on level 20?

    Thank you in advance 🙂

  11. Groovdog

    @Eli Brute forcing him with lots of healers get harder and harder every time he inhales from what I see. You are better of with a mix of dps to burn more of the hp bar (purple) down during that phase. That reduces his damage input to be healable. I am sure there is a team that can grind it (I did that at early levels) but I find it is far easier to dps the dragon down then try and outheal the damage (def at 20). As cited above the key is your buffs/debuff situation. Gotta stick a def down on the boss to make it go faster.

  12. Kala

    Saito is rated 4 and 5 stars for Dragon on the list here.

  13. Larry

    Dragon is immune to “reduce turn meter”…but how about “steal” turn meter?

  14. Still Fo

    How come Vrask | OR-EHS | Raid Shadow Legends Skill Mastery Equip Guide
    is 5* Epic when the dragon is negative affinity and he will suffer to deliver critical hits all the time…

  15. Eli

    Anyone know if scorch damage increases with every use? I tried a team that can soak up his damage with healing, revive and speed to avoid his debuffs (stage 17), but it seems each scorch gets much stronger until at some point it just kills my whole team with one shot. It doesnt say anything about it in the description though

  16. Big Zad

    Does anyone know if the drop rate of 6* gear increases when you go from 13-19 they are all 4-6* gear but does the drop rate and the rarity and level of gear go up the higher you get or is it constant from 13-19

  17. Hando

    How is Seer not a 5* for dragon is beyond me. She literally melt the waves in around a minute.

  18. Ayumilove Post author

    @Tee: The Dragon’s Lair Dungeon description has been updated 🙂

  19. Ayumilove Post author

    @Rookles: The drop rate for 5 star and 6 star equipment increases as you go higher in Dungeon Stages. By getting to stage 20, you can consistently get 5 star equipment and occassionaly 6 star equipment. 5 star gear allows you to boost your champion’s stats to tackle dungeons much more effectively and efficiently based from my experiences. 6 star gear are meant for end-game players who are playing competitively in Platinum Tier for both Classic Arena and Tag Team Arena. In addition, better gears allows you to do Dungeon Speed Runs and easily rack up Tournament Points to earn the top 10 rewards out of the 100 players in the Tournament Group.

  20. Iunno

    @john L
    By definition .. any 5* tier champion
    Would do better than a 4* champion
    So if mistreated monster is 5* he would do better than a 4* Foli by definition.. it would make more sense to request a list comparing champions that are of the same tier .

  21. Rookles

    If you can’t do 20, is there a reason to spam higher than 13 other than exp? I’ve been looking around but get different answers.

  22. Tee

    totally wrong boss descriptions.

  23. Ayumilove Post author

    @Mighty_Pooh: Yes, 5 Star Rare champions will do a much better job compared to a 3 Star Epic champion in a specific area.

  24. Mighty_Pooh

    Im quite new and i have been wondering. I have 2 epic champions but they are not high on the leaderboards. Is the 5 star Rare champions better then lets say 3 star epic champions or is epic always better then rares how does the ranking work?

  25. fnōrd

    Time to update Ma’shalled here and everywhere, since the big improvement to Leech debuff.

  26. Jaosn

    John, I would even love a top 5 C/U/R/E list for each role (attach, support, heal).
    Then, a separate list of the top 5 Legendaries for each role.
    Something like that would be incredibly useful!

  27. John L.

    I would love to see a list that blends the tiers. For example… Is a *5 star epic like Miscreated Monster better than a *4 star legendary like Foli for Dragon runs? I know it would be tough but a straight top 100 or even 200 list would be awesome!!

  28. Rafhael

    Great addition! Thanks