Defense Aura Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Defense Aura is an aura that boosts the champion’s Defense stat, so they are able to reduce a portion of the incoming damage from enemies attack. Currently, Champions who are between Rare to Legendary rarity are able to provide Aura to their allies depending on their specialized areas (e.g. All Battles, Arena, Campaign, Dungeons and Faction Wars). To benefit from Defense Aura, the champion who has this aura is required to be in the Leader position to provide his allies with additional Defense stats! The amount of Defense stats gained from Defense Aura is calculated based on each Champion’s base Defense stat, rather than the total Defense stats obtained from Artifact Set and Great Hall bonuses.

Defense Aura Champions (85)

Defense Aura (All Battles)



  1. Acelin the Stalwart (BL-LDS)
  2. Altan (BA-LDM)
  3. Aragaz Wyldking (OR-LHF)
  4. Blind Seer (DE-LSV)
  5. Corvis the Corruptor (SO-LDM)
  6. Dune Lord Greggor (BA-LDF)
  7. Freyja Fateweaver (BA-LDF)
  8. Graazur Irongut (OT-LDV)
  9. Ignatius (OT-LDM)
  10. Kyoku (SK-LDS)
  11. Marius the Gallant (SW-LDV)
  12. Martyr (SO-LDS)
  13. Michinaki (SK-LDM)
  14. Raglin (BL-LSV)
  15. Samson the Masher (SW-LHS)
  16. Staltus Dragonbane (BL-LDF)
  17. Tormin the Cold (DW-LDV)
  18. Tribune Herakletes (UH-LDS)
  19. Ultimate Deathknight (UH-LDF)
  20. Vault Keeper Wixwell (SO-LDF)


  1. Achak the Wendarin (DS-ESF)
  2. Broodlord (LZ-EDF)
  3. Demytha (DW-ESV)
  4. Djamarsa (BA-ESF)
  5. Duedan the Runic (SY-EHF)
  6. Hotatsu (SK-EDM)
  7. Mistress of Hymns (SO-ESS)
  8. Sandlashed Survivor (OR-EDS)
  9. Sepulcher Sentinel (KR-EDF)
  10. Tayrel (HE-EDM)


  1. Bulwark (DW-RDV)
  2. Corpulent Cadaver (UH-RHS)
  3. Executioner (KR-RDM)
  4. Honor Guard (DW-RDF)



Defense Aura (Arena)




  1. Marksman (HE-EAS)
  2. Rock Breaker (DW-EDS)
  3. Seeker (UH-EDM)


  1. Arcanist (KR-RSF)
  2. Deathchanter (OR-RHM)
  3. Spikehead (OR-RAM)



Defense Aura (Doom Tower)



  1. Iron Brago (OR-LDS)
  2. Sigmund the Highshield (BL-LDM)
  3. Tatura Rimehide (HE-LDS)
  4. Wurlim Frostking (KR-LDV)


  1. Magnarr (DS-EHS)
  2. Prundar (OT-EDV)




Defense Aura (Dungeons)



  1. Norog (SW-LDM)
  2. R. Nergigante Archer (BA-LDS)


  1. Frenzi the Cackler (SW-EDV)
  2. Frostbringer (SO-ESM)
  3. Knight-Errant (BL-EAS)
  4. Vergis (HE-EDS)
  5. Vrask (OR-EHS)


  1. Apothecary (HE-RSM)
  2. Fortress Goon (OT-RDM)
  3. Gnarlhorn (SW-RHS)
  4. Graybeard (SW-RDM)
  5. Longsword Torrux (KR-RDS)
  6. Myrmidon (BL-RDM)



Defense Aura (Faction)



  1. Shirimani (HE-LSF)
  2. Soulless (KR-LDV)
  3. Valkyrie (BA-LDS)
  4. Visix the Unbowed (DE-LDV)


  1. Balthus Drauglord (UH-EDS)
  2. Broadmaw (LZ-ESV)
  3. Dhukk the Pierced (OR-EDM)
  4. Duhr the Hungerer (DS-ESS)
  5. Ghrush the Mangler (OT-EDS)
  6. Giscard the Sigiled (BL-EDS)
  7. Grunch Killjoy (OT-ESF)
  8. Hoskarul (BA-EDS)
  9. Lich (UH-EDF)
  10. Pharsalas Gravedirt (KR-EDM)
  11. Shaman (OR-ESF)
  12. Steelskull (SW-ESS)


  1. Chevalier (BL-RDV)
  2. Fellhound (DS-RDV)
  3. Flailer (DW-RDM)
  4. Justiciar (SO-RDV)
  5. Marked (BA-RSM)
  6. Marquess (DS-RDS)
  7. Metalshaper (LZ-RSS)
  8. Mycolus (OT-RSV)
  9. Retainer (DE-RDV)
  10. Riscarm (BL-RDS)



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15 thoughts on “Defense Aura Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Ayumilove Post author

    @yop: Are you referring to Chevalier the Rare champion? He is now in the Defense Aura champion list under Faction Crypt/Wars.

  2. yop

    Pourquoi le chevalier suprême n’est pas dans la liste ? Super boulot Ayu.

  3. Ayumilove Post author

    @all: The Defense Aura champions have been updated with addition of Tatura Rimehide, Broodlord, Kyoku.

  4. Ayumilove Post author

    @karbinkopy: I have updated the aura location for Wurlim Frostking and Broadmaw. Thanks!

  5. Ayumilove Post author

    @YesChef: I have included Iron Brago in the Doom Tower Defense Aura section. Thanks!

  6. karbinkopy

    Need to change Broadmaw and Wurlim for Aura location. Wurlim is now doom tower and Broadmaw is now faction crypts.

  7. YesChef

    Iron Brago should be on list under doom tower

  8. Ayumilove Post author

    @Kelly: Wurlim Frostking is available in Arena category of the Defense Aura list!

  9. Ayumilove Post author

    @Turel97: I have updated Blind Seer to the correct area in the Defense Aura list!

  10. Turel97


    since last update Blind Seer has :
    Increases Ally DEF in all battles by 34%

    can you modify below ?
    cheers !

  11. Kelly

    What about Wurlim Frostking? Increases ally DEF in Arena battles by 30%

  12. BVanjee

    I understand why you have now ads on your page but god damn it I cannot read your page anymore. The sides are blocked by these ads.

  13. Geo

    can you sort these? from highest to lowest?

  14. Ayumilove Post author

    @Shaaw: Altan has been added into the Defense Aura Champion list!

  15. Shaaw

    You forgot Altan… +33% def in all battles.