Revive on Death Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends
Raid Shadow Legends Revive on Death Skill applies a Revive on Death Buff on self and allies, so they can revive instantly upon being killed by an enemy. Some Revive skills has additional benefits, such as increasing Turn Meter of the revived Champions or gain an additional protection buff to prevent them from easily get killed again.
Revive on Death
If a Champion with this buff dies, he or she will immediately be revived with 30% HP and 0% Turn Meter.
@angkoltoper: Daywalker is listed in Self Revive in this page
daywalker – passive
@clhtjh: Master Butcher instantly revives a champion rather than placing a Revive on Death buff. See here for the a list of champions who can revive
Shouldn’t Master Butcher be on this list? When he dies an ally gets revived.
@madang94: Oboro is now available in the Revive on Death champion skill list!
Oboro – from Shadowkin (vanish {P})
Thanx for your awesome work 🙂
Torturehelm are “Revive” not “Revive on Death”. He is already correctly placed in “Revive” list.
@RaidWarrior Minaya needs to have Khoronar on the team to revive herself on death
Torturehelm has no revive on death either.
Minaya doesn’t place a revive on death buff.
@Whitebeard and @Erian Ravel: I have added Shamrock to the list above!
Shamrock missing 😀
legendary ogryn is not listet. greets
Shamrock missing from here (After rework)