Arcane Keep Guide | Raid Shadow Legends

Arcane Keep Guide | Raid Shadow Legends Dungeon (Arcane Potions)
Raid Shadow Legends Arcane Keep is guarded by a boss known as Sir Gallaroth. He only has 2 skills, which are Wind Slash and Last Stand. Wind Slash deals extra damage to your champions if they do not have any buff. Hence, its recommended to keep your team buffed at all times to avoid excessive damage. Last Stand applies [Increase DEF] and [Increase SPD] buff on himself and these buffs makes him receives less damage and takes his turns faster.

Dungeons Index

Table of Content

Arcane Keep Farmable Materials
Arcane Keep Guide
Arcane Keep Skills
Arcane Keep Stats
Arcane Keep Champion Tier List
Arcane Keep Video Guides

Artifact Dungeon Guides

Fire Knight
Ice Golem

Material Dungeon Guides

Iron Twins
Sand Devil
Phantom Shogun

Potion Dungeon Guides

Arcane Keep
Force Keep
Magic Keep
Spirit Keep
Void Keep

Farmable Items from Arcane Keep

Lesser Arcane, Greater Arcane and Superior Arcane.

How to beat Arcane Keep Boss?

Use champions who can apply buffs to avoid the extra damage and increase your team survivability (e.g. Increase Speed, Shield, Continuous Heal, Ally Protection) and buffs that can increase your damage (e.g. Increase Attack, Increase Defense). To defeat the boss much more easily, you can apply debuff such as Decrease Attack, Decrease Defense, Weaken and Decrease Speed. Alternatively, you can strip away the boss buffs with Remove Buff skills, so he will be much more manageable.

Arcane Keep – Sir Gallaroth Guardian Skills

  • A1 Wind Slash: Attacks all enemies. Inflicts 75% less damage against targets who have active buffs.
  • A2 Last Stand (Cooldown 4 turns): Places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff and a 30% [Increase SPD] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.
  • Almighty Immunity [Passive]: Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Fear], and [True Fear] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, and cooldown increasing effects.
  • Minions: (Left) AoE Decrease Attack, (Right) AoE Remove Buff

Arcane Keep Stats

Stats of Arcane Keep Boss and Arcane Guardian Ally Stats.
Arcane Keep Boss and Guardian Ally Stats in Raid Shadow Legends

Arcane Keep Champion Tier List

Champion by Rarity: Legendary | Epic | Rare | Uncommon | Common

Mythical Champions Ranking

5★ Arcane Keep | Mythical Champion

4★ Arcane Keep | Mythical Champion

3★ Arcane Keep | Mythical Champion

2★ Arcane Keep | Mythical Champion

1★ Arcane Keep | Mythical Champion

Legendary Champions Ranking

5★ Arcane Keep | Legendary Champion

4★ Arcane Keep | Legendary Champion

3★ Arcane Keep | Legendary Champion

2★ Arcane Keep | Legendary Champion

1★ Arcane Keep | Legendary Champion

Epic Champions Ranking

5★ Arcane Keep | Epic Champion

4★ Arcane Keep | Epic Champion

3★ Arcane Keep | Epic Champion

2★ Arcane Keep | Epic Champion

1★ Arcane Keep | Epic Champion

Rare Champions Ranking

5★ Arcane Keep | Rare Champion

4★ Arcane Keep | Rare Champion

3★ Arcane Keep | Rare Champion

2★ Arcane Keep | Rare Champion

1★ Arcane Keep | Rare Champion

Uncommon Champions Ranking

5★ Arcane Keep | Uncommon Champion

4★ Arcane Keep | Uncommon Champion

3★ Arcane Keep | Uncommon Champion

2★ Arcane Keep | Uncommon Champion

1★ Arcane Keep | Uncommon Champion

Common Champions Ranking

5★ Arcane Keep | Common Champion

4★ Arcane Keep | Common Champion

3★ Arcane Keep | Common Champion

2★ Arcane Keep | Common Champion

1★ Arcane Keep | Common Champion

Arcane Keep Videos

Raid Shadow Legends: Void Keep Guide

Edward Moore: Arcane Keep Guide

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11 thoughts on “Arcane Keep Guide | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. JameGoFast

    @Phaetherap are you low level or something? lol

  2. Ayumilove Post author

    @Cheryl: I have added Mordecai to the Arcane Keep champion list. Somehow I missed updating his ranking here. Thanks for pointing it out!

  3. cz5gifts Cheryl

    Hi Ayumi!

    I really am not following you around trying to find missing champions on the lists, it just shows you how much I rely on your expertise.

    My question, where does Mordecai belong on your list? I cannot find him. Thank you once again!

  4. Roger

    I’d like to see how you rank Romero. He can tank through for me as the last man standing in regeneration gear. Takes forever but given the Arcane Boss can’t heal its usually enough.

  5. Allen Christ - Adsterino

    As always, THANK YOU for putting all of this information together so we can be better prepared to play and win!
    I notice there are 653 campions in the game. Your Arcane guide only mentions 214. Are you suggesting the other 439 champs are ineffective against Sir Gallorath? Or is it possible that the others are simply works in progress and we will see updated rankings for them also? I am truly impressed at your ability to put this information together in a clear format that’s easy to follow. Thank you!

  6. Floyd

    Hey guys, pro tip, blood shield ring counts as a buff to ur champs so they take less damage, you don’t really need a lot of buffers, you can get blood shield from Cvc.

    Hey guys, blood-shield ring counts as having a buff in arcane keep, so you don’t have to have as many buffers and can focus on more damage, more debuffers, more cleansers, etc.

  7. Phaetherap

    @The Dame My clan boss team didn’t pass first wave…

  8. The Dame

    You don’t really need a champ list for the Arcane Dungeon. He’s Void Affinity, which means he has no Affinity bonuses or weaknesses. Use your Clan Boss team here and you will do fine 🙂

  9. Lutz Hennemann

    Vielen Dank für diese akribische Arbeit und die höhe Nützlichkeit für alle Spieler. Ich suchte zunächst nach Antworten zu “Fertigkeiten”, jetzt lese ich mir alles durch in den kommenden Monaten während die 30 Autorunden laufen.
    Ich empfehle es jedem, der ambitioniert spielen möchte und etwas Klarheit in dieser Komplexität von Raid sucht.
    “Fürst Pückler”

  10. Trilithon999

    Champs tier list?? Where is it? Where is it??

  11. Sporepuff

    Where is the champion tier list?