OverviewNAME: Sniper AbilitiesRSL_AoE_DecreaseSpeed_15% Obtain fromMystery Shard |
Grinding★★★★✰ Campaign Dungeons★★★★✰ Minotaur Potion★★★✰✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★✰✰ Floors |
Sniper Skills
Double Shot
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Has an extra 15% chance of inflicting a critical hit. Fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 15% if this attack is critical.
Level: 2 Damage +5%
Level: 3 Damage +5%
Level: 4 Damage +5%
Level: 5 Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 2.2 ATK
Rain of Arrows (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Has a 10% chance to place a 15% [Decrease SPD] debuff for 1 turn.
Level: 2 Damage +5%
Level: 3 Cooldown -1
Level: 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level: 5 Damage +10%
Level: 6 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level: 7 Damage +15%
Level: 8 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Damage Multiplier: 1.9 ATK
Sniper Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Bloodthirst, Impulse, Lifesteal, Reflex, Relentless |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityATK Nuker: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD |
Sniper Masteries Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
Sniper Videos
Raid Shadow Legends Sniper Champion Guide by ASH
she rates as an A for the same reason she doesn’t rate on this page as a 5 star for any part of the game: she’s a low rarity unit that can be easily farmed.
Not sure if she actually rates an A when she isn’t even 5 star in any part of the game.
@ Ayumilove Love the website and Everything you have put together to help us all learn the game! Hopefully you will be back soon!
I watched the video about hr and a bunch of other Champs and… man… why do they show them maxed to their best straight away!?? I mean… of course I like to see how far I can push a specific champ but… why not showing how to make those progresses work? I mean… this game mechanics are so complex and complicate that a little help about how to make things work would be much more interesting and relevant. I do believe Sniper is really a beast in the game and since getting a new archer instead of always the same useless ones (with only exception of Archer from Banner Lords, which i put alongside sniper because they look pretty similar in terms of kills having both Rain Of Arrows in common and even the 1st skill looks identical to me!) so there I am, on my Day 3 in the game and 4 days away from getting The Baddest Woman On (Fantasy) Earth Ronda(!), trying hard to figure out how to make the necessary improvements on Sniper and on any other champ. Just saying.
PS: Dunno what didn’t work out in sending my message so I try again. Are comments reviewed before publishing them?
I watched the video about hr and a bunch of other Champs and… man… why do they show them maxed to their best straight away!?? I mean… of course I like to see how far I can push a specific champ but… why not showing how to make those progresses work? I mean… this game mechanics are so complex and complicate that a little help about how to make things work would be much more interesting and relevant. I do believe Sniper is really a beast in the game and since getting a new archer instead of always the same useless ones (with only exception of Archer from Banner Lords, which i put alongside sniper because they look pretty similar in terms of kills having both Rain Of Arrows in common and even the 1st skill looks identical to me!) so there I am, on my Day 3 in the game and 4 days away from getting The Baddest Woman On (Fantasy) Earth Ronda(!), trying hard to figure out how to make the necessary improvements on Sniper and on any other champ. Just saying.
I think you might need to upgrade her rating on CB. I have her at level 50 in a lifesteal and speed set and about half her masteries and she does over 1 Mil damage in CB, as much as my fully booked level 60 legendary Kantra the Cyclone. Her artifacts are not all 6 star either and they are not all at level 16, so I’m wondering if someone can tell me what her ceiling is? I am wondering if I need to invest more resources into her or how much better she can be. Thanks.
So… her A1 actually has a 15% turn meter boost on EACH critical hit.
So she builds 30% turn meter per round.
Is that good?
you should break the armor down into three catagories basic midlevel and high levels and as endgame is often piece mealed for the particular stats on endgame for speed tuning etc put a note in that tells new players that your beginners choices very depending on availability etc.
@sasquatch: There’s only one set called “Offense”.
i don’t suppose you guys could actually list the name of the equipment to use instead of just labeling it a this set or that could you? i realize this makes me sound stupid but there are more attack type setes that just the one…
Sniper is still the best hero I have and I have a 2 Natural 5 star champs. She bursts out well over 100k ever battle. I put life steal and offense. Heavy substat focus on speed. Crit gloves speed boots boost survivability with accessories.
She did become suspect late game in terms of survivability. Still did more damage than the survivors. Still the best thing I’ve come across for Campaign leveling champions.
I’ve found sniper to be the most useful next to kael starting out. 6* sniper clears 12.3 brutal and does very well vs. spider up to 8 or 9. Pairing with Vergis now, even better. Does more damage vs. spider than equivalent Kael. I get enough sniper from shards to “book” her up, maybe even 2 of them. Yes, a bit “squishy”, but… in the right team, super high rate of fire… At the very least, this one is a great “stepping stone” to greater things.
Does the stat listed in parentheses after the artifact on your equipment guide have to be the stat given by that artifact to get maximum benefit? Or can I swap?
And I meant giant slayer not helmsmasher. My bad.
That makes sense. But I’m just not sure how Warmaster and kill streak are the best for her. Could you elaborate please. Neither one heals her or increases her defenses. They are both just extra damage as far as i understand. Am I wrong? Is there something I’m missing about them? I followed the reccomendation here for one of my snipers, but since she is only level 46 with 6 stars 6 ascended and I don’t have legendary equipment or enough silver to upgrade her equipment to level 16, she may not be as effective as she should be. But i’m curious why warmaster and kill streak are better if you could elaborate i would appreciate it.
@zachary: Sometimes it’s not always about damage but improves the champions overall survivability. The mastery and equipment can balance these properties.
So why not get helmsmasher since her attacks hits twice? And also why not get methodical so she gets a guaranteed extra damage amount instead of kill streak since she unfortunately does not always one hit kill? Other than that I agree, this guide is fantastic and very useful.
Ayumi, I’m really impressed by your Guide, I”m worried if your site goes down. Hopefully this site is backed up or there is also a PDF version. I honestly think they should upgrade this character and give her 4-5 skill sets. She looks great and is very effective for a 2 star beginner character.
You are Awesome!
So this one is called Sniper these days?
@mac: Sniper mastery guide and equipment guide are now available!
Could you please list the masteries for this champion? Thank you very much! 🙂