OverviewNAME: Suntribe AbilitiesRSL_Self_Heal Obtain fromMystery Shard |
Grinding★★✰✰✰ Campaign Dungeons★★✰✰✰ Minotaur Potion★★✰✰✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★✰✰✰✰ Floors |
Suntribe Skills
Inscribed Axes
Attack 1 enemy. Heals this Champion by 10% of the damage inflicted.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Damage Multiplier: 3.6 ATK
Spirit’s Verdict (Cooldown: 5 turn)
Sacrifices HP equal to 10% of this Champion’s MAX HP, then heals a target ally by 10% of their MAX HP. Also has a 40% chance of placing a 7.5% [Continuous Heal] buff on that ally for 1 turn. The HP sacrifice will happen even if it kills this champion.
Level 2: Buff/Debuff chance +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff chance +5%
Level 4: Cooldown -1
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 0.1 HP
Suntribe Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Impulse, Reflex, Relentless |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityCombat Buffer: RES, SPD, C.RATE, HP%, DEF% |
Suntribe Masteries Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
I’m working on this champion right now.. dragon tournament/Orcs only
Crazy she is the only Orc Healer… That I know of at least.
@Accunatsee: I have fixed the Faction from Skinwalkers to Orcs. All the stats shown on the champions are Level 60 max stats.
FACTION: ORCs(Corrected)
RARITY: Uncommon
ROLE: Support
USABILITY: Early Game – Mid Game(faction wars)
TOMES: 11 (A2)
Total Stats (6★)
Health Points (HP): 16,515 (base hp: 5040)
Attack (ATK): 782 (base atk:- 231)
Defense (DEF): 870 (263)
Speed (SPD): 95
Critical Rate (C.RATE): 15%
Critical Damage (C.DMG): 50%
Debuff Resistance (RESIST): 30
Debuff Accuracy (ACC): 0
@Tacoga Heston: Thanks for providing the info! I have added into the page above. I did slight modification to the champion stats details so it reflects a Level 60 champion stat.
initial stats
HP: 2205
ATK: 99
DEF: 114
SPD: 95
C.Rate 15%
C.DAM 50%
Resist 30
A1: Inscribed Axes Level 1
Attack 1 enemy. Heals this Champion by 10% of damage inflicted
LVL2: DAM +5%
LVL3: DAM +5%
LVL4: DAM +5%
LVL5: DAM +5%
A2: Spirit’s Verdict level 1 5 turn
Sacrifices HP equal to 10% of this Champion’s MAX HP, then heals a target ally
by 10% of their MAX HP. Also has a 40% chance of placing a 7.5% [continuous
heal] buff on that ally for 1 turn.
The HP sacrifice will happen even if it kills this champion.
LVL2: 2 Buff/Debuff chance +5%
LVL3: 2 Buff/Debuff chance +5%
LVL4: Cooldown -1
LVL5: Cooldown -1