Suzerain Katonn | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Suzerain Katonn Skill Mastery Equip Guide


NAME: Suzerain Katonn
FACTION: Undead Hordes
RARITY: Legendary
ROLE: Attack
USABILITY: Early-Mid-Late Game
TOMES: 9 (A1)



Obtain from

Ancient Shard
Sacred Shard
Primal Shard

Blessings Recommendation

Brimstone (Debuffer)
Soul Reap (Damage Dealer)


★★★★★ Campaign
★★★★★ Arena Defense
★★★★★ Arena Offense
★✰✰✰✰ Clan Boss
★★★✰✰ Hydra
★★★★★ Faction Wars


★★★★★ Minotaur
★★★★★ Spider
★★★✰✰ Fire Knight
★★★★✰ Dragon
★★★★✰ Ice Golem
★✰✰✰✰ Iron Twins
★★✰✰✰ Sand Devil
★★✰✰✰ Phantom Shogun


★★★★✰ Arcane Keep
★★★★✰ Void Keep
★★★★★ Force Keep
★★★★★ Spirit Keep
★★★★✰ Magic Keep

Doom Tower

★★★★✰ Floors
★✰✰✰✰ Magma Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Nether Spider
★★★✰✰ Frost Spider
★★★★✰ Scarab King
★★★★✰ Celestial Griffin
★★★✰✰ Eternal Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Dreadhorn
★★★✰✰ Dark Fae

Suzerain Katonn Skills

Temporal Nova
Attacks all enemies. Has a 35% chance of placing a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Damage Multiplier: 2.2 ATK

Hex of Years (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Has a 70% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. Also has a 45% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +15%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Damage Multiplier: 3.7 ATK

Banish From Time (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Removes [Shield], [Block Damage], and [Unkillable] buffs from all enemies, then attack them. Places a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns. The buff removal cannot be blocked or resisted.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 3.8 ATK

Increases Ally ATK in all Battles by 33%

Suzerain Katonn Build Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

PvE: Bloodthirst, Impulse, Lifesteal, Reflex, Relentless
PvP: Zeal
PvE & PvP: Accuracy, Critical Damage, Cruel, Divine Speed, Fatal, Instinct, Killstroke, Lethal, Merciless, Perception, Savage, Slayer, Speed, Stun, Supersonic

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (ATK% / C.RATE / C.DMG)
Chestplate (ATK% / ACC)
Boots (SPD / ATK%)
Ring (ATK)
Amulet (C.DMG / ATK)
Banner (ATK / ACC)

Stats Priority

ATK Nuker & Debuffer: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC

Supporting Roles

AoE Attacker, Stunner

Suzerain Katonn Masteries Guide

Arena, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Raid Shadow Legends Suzerain Katonn Skill Mastery Equip Guide


  1. Defiant
  2. Improved Parry
  3. Mighty Endurance
  4. Bloodthirst
  5. Resurgent
  6. Harvest Despair
  7. Delay Death
  8. Retribution
  9. Cycle of Revenge
  10. Fearsome Presence


  1. Pinpoint Accuracy
  2. Charged Focus
  3. Arcane Celerity
  4. Evil Eye
  5. Master Hexer

Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons

Raid Shadow Legends Suzerain Katonn Skill Mastery Equip Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Shield Breaker
  4. Whirlwind of Death
  5. Single Out
  6. Cycle of Violence
  7. Bring it Down
  8. Methodical
  9. Kill Streak
  10. Warmaster


  1. Defiant
  2. Improved Parry
  3. Bloodthirst
  4. Delay Death
  5. Cycle of Revenge

Suzerain Katonn Review

Suzerain Katonn is a Legendary Attack Spirit champion from Undead Hordes faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Suzerain Katonn is an Arena specialist (Classic Arena and Tag Team Arena) as he is renowned for his ability to remove shields, block damage and unkillable buffs from enemies without requiring any Accuracy stats! This makes him the perfect counter against Arena Defense teams whose champions are built in high Resist stats and equipped in Shield Artifact Set to tank any damage that your team inflicts. Apart from Arena, Suzerain Katonn is also used as a Speed Campaign Farmer and dungeon debuffer/nuker while boosting all of your allies with an amazing Attack Aura! It’s worth building Suzerain Katonn if you do not have any great debuffer champions in your team!

Suzerain Katonn underwent a buffing in patch 7.0.0 alongside his fellow champion Elegaius, resulting in improved debuff placement and amplified potency. All of his skills being AOE sets him apart from the rest, making him a viable option to equip Artefacts such as Stun and Provoke to control the crowd or excel as a top-tier Campaign farmer. Before the update, his claim to fame was the non-resistible shield removal without any accuracy required, which still holds true when facing Krisk teams but he can’t remove protected or un-removable shields. His arsenal includes the Hex Of Years which has a 100% chance to place Weaken and a 75% chance to place Decrease Defence, both of which are crucial debuffs when facing the Hydra boss, dungeons, arena, faction wars, or progressing in the demon lord. His A1 comes equipped with a 50% chance to place a Decrease Speed debuff, perfect for slowing down Hydra heads or the Iron Twins fortress.

All in all, Suzerain Katonn brings to the table a versatile and crowd-controlling champion that delivers AOE damage. It is important to note that all of his skills require accuracy, except the shield buff removal, so building him with accuracy is advised if planning to use him for more than a damage dealer and shield remover.

Suzerain Katonn Champion Lore

The Dragonkin Empire’s colonies and provinces were once governed by suzerains – officials who enforced a territory’s loyalty to the Dragon Emperor. While these provinces were expected to follow the will of the Empire in dealing with other cities, they were granted some degree of autonomy in how they handled their domestic affairs. While most suzerains were Dragonkin nobles from the heart of the Empire, the burgeoning colony of Kaerok was governed by a Human – a powerful sorcerer called Katonn.

One of the highest ranking non-Dragonkin in the Empire, Katonn was not only devoted to his duty as suzerain, but to the teachings of the Eternal Dragon, Iragoth, from which he learned the fundamentals of time magic. Through intense training and instruction, Katonn had been able to drastically prolong his life. With this, he kept a firm grip over the clans of Kaerok for several decades, allowing the region to shine as a model colony for the Dragonkin Empire under his guidance.

However, the Sin of Dragons — the Dragonkin’s opening of a portal to Siroth’s realm of Anathraad — changed everything. Hordes of Demonspawn poured out from the magical gateway and ransacked the Empire. Iragoth herself, who had been manipulated and tainted by Siroth, wreaked havoc and devastation. It was enough to nearly break Katonn, who had adored Iragoth and the empire, and now saw the former destroy the latter. He agonized in his search for a solution — surely his time magic could reverse all of this? As Katonn watched from afar as the Great Dragon Temple in the empire’s military capital of Twinrift exploded in a magical cataclysm, he felt a great surge of arcane energies, which he found bolstered his own great magical power. It was exactly what he needed. Not knowing how much longer this bounty of sorcerous energy would last, Katonn knew he had to quickly weave a great spell – one that he hoped would reverse the flow of time, and give him the opportunity to prevent the Dragonkin from committing their grievous sin.

Sealing himself in a makeshift tomb on the borders of Kaerok to isolate himself from outside distraction and interruption, Katonn channeled the unstable power that surged through him. Fighting against the great river of time, Katonn sailed upstream, hoping to reach his port of call. For what seemed like both seconds and eons, he fought against the temporal tide, until his body could take no more. He awoke inside his tomb, shuddering and exhausted from the ravages of his struggle. Within seconds he felt the weight of centuries crash down on his body, rip away his soul, and condemn him to death, only for the process to halt — stopped by an unfamiliar magic. Though he did not know it, it was Undeath. This was a sensation Katonn did not recognize, a phenomenon he did not understand. What was this power binding him?

Struggling to anchor his mind, Katonn moved his body — a broken shell halted in the process of withering to dust, for reasons he could not fathom. Desperately trying to grip onto the present, Katonn unsealed the tomb’s great stone door and stumbled out into what he expected to be the past. Time’s flow cannot be fought, however – one can only be swept along by it.

Rather than traveling to a time before the Dragonkin’s fatal sin, Katonn had advanced centuries or more into the future. The now-bustling kingdom of Kaerok lay before him, with its gleaming Bibliotheque Squire piercing the sky — far removed from the draconic colony he left behind. Questions flooded Katonn’s mind. Once he learned that he was in a time so far from both his own and the one he had sought to find, he needed to know what had happened. Now he wanders Teleria, trying to piece together how much of his world still exists, what power has taken over his body, and to piece together some kind of purpose for himself.

Suzerain Katonn Updates

Suzerain Katonn Videos

Raid Shadow Legends Suzerain Katonn Guide by Scratch

Raid Shadow Legends Suzerain Katonn Guide by Deathwish

Raid Shadow Legends Suzerain Katonn Guide by INQUISITOR

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44 thoughts on “Suzerain Katonn | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Tyme

    @glassghost haha you are such a peasent.. cry more 🤣🤣🤣🤣 have him next to 3 of my mythics and does his job i need him to do..

  2. GlassGhost

    I don’t know why people are building this guy to be a nuker? A smelly fart would kill him. I have him as tankies I can make him with high accuracy in stun gear. Anything else in he gets one shot at every time anybody does anything. You want this guy for his debuffs and he is great in the capacity of a stun set. I don’t know what you guys are talking about anyway because I had him with about 4K offense and he still hit like a feather. He just doesn’t hit hard and he’s not meant to and he dies way too easy. Make him harder to kill. He’s not meant for damage

  3. KirbyMorph

    He’s pretty strong on hydra if pushing clash points. Speed debuff, weakness, def down and buff strip that cant be resisted. If you want a 200M NM hydra team, nekmo/uugo/shamael shell with kantra, suzy and mashallad. 204M on NM for 816M clash points. 80M from suzy boy here. Criminally underrated on this mode.

  4. Tomtom

    His A2 don’t make sense, the more you book it the worse it gets. One of the few Legos with no passive skills. Very bad set imho.

  5. Bomberman

    With the new new bolster set on sale with the forge pass he is basically useless.

  6. Omen

    Very strong for Hydra teams.

  7. Alahar

    Are you recommending fearsome presence because you are assuming a stun set?

  8. Suave_Jalepeño

    His A2 is most likely why. It’s basically a def down or weaken which both help down bosses and minions much quicker. Plus he makes getting through waves easier with his debuffs.

  9. Sconquerer

    Love this page Ayumilove! I’m using it loads, it’s so good.

    But I can’t figure out why it is that this guy is a 5* against the Minotaur? This is my only Legendary and I’m playing him against Minotaur all the time, but I can’t really figure out why he would be a 5*.
    Does it have something to do with the Minotaur’s two helpers?

  10. Ayumilove Post author

    @Xorta: If you are planning to crowd control enemies with champion who has the ability to attacks multiple enemies (AoE Attack), then Stun Set is a recommended for Suzerain Katonn.

  11. Xorta

    Hi ! It’s more viable Offense or Stun ?

  12. Ayumilove Post author

    @Wei Ying: I have added the videos that you have suggested into the page above!

  13. Ayumilove Post author

    @79bandit403: I have updated his A3 skill “Banish From Time”. Thanks!

  14. Ayumilove Post author

    @Zevinar: I have updated Suzerain Katonn’s A3 Skill “Banish From Time” description. Thanks!

  15. 79bandit403

    Hi! – not sure if 2.2 will change further, but just to also add to specifics based on a few other comments here A3 wording is currently this:

    “Removes [Shield], [Block Damage], and [Unkillable] buffs from all enemies, then attacks them. Places a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns. The buff removal cannot be blocked or resisted.

    if this helps clarify ?

  16. Zevinar

    Hey, looks like banish skill has been nerfed – no longer “can’t be resisted”
    Please update 🙂

  17. Spudd

    Pls find a updated video. He is plat arena viable

  18. Ainz

    As Mic said already his A3 no longer cannot be resisted.

    Also I would suggest upgrading his rating for fire knight to 4 stars cuz he is the right affinity for Fk 20, places decrease speed/block heal/weaken and is also very viable for a stun set with all Aoe skills getting through the waves. Fk requires a clearly different setup than dragon or ice golem so putting in Seer is difficult in most comps. Suzerain provides CC and good debuffs, so his lack of multihits is fairly irrelevant.

    I know he is seemingly hard to pull but if someone has him built in endgame gear I would really like to see a video on him in action.

  19. Bill

    Is he not worth a video?

  20. Mic

    No longer A3 skill says ‘This effect cannot be resisted.’?

  21. jimsbond



  22. ClyDeft


    I cannot say with 100 percent certainty.. But from my personal experience it has never been resisted and my Suzerain has very low Accuracy..

    I wil add that there is a bug I think, that Block Damage gets removed but Suzerain deals no damage.. The units after him wil do damage though…

    Also does anyone know the multipliers for Suzerain, he is not on the list that is going around where the multipliers of many champions are on.. I have no clue how to calculate it, or I would try and do it myself… ^^

  23. jimsbond

    Hello guys, thanks for sharing info on this champion. Recently got him from the latest 2x Ancients event.

    A question regarding his A3: Does it require Accuracy to remove the enemy buffs mentioned? I am asking this because it says ‘This effect cannot be resisted.’

    Maybe that last sentence in the skill description only pertains to the Heal Reduction part?

    If someone can confirm this, that would be awesome!


  24. ClyDeft

    I have built my Suze to be more pure nuke.. He can do Campaign Brutal 12-3 and 12-6 in 9 seconds, his fastest time was 8 seconds btw.. But his animations are slow, thus cannot go faster than that as far as I have seen..

    My Suzerain as reference has: 4,995 Atk, 100% Crit Rate and 239% Crit Dmg..
    He does about 60k DMG on the first waves on auto (assume its his a3)

  25. Gringolandia

    Thanks, cheers to you both!

  26. Ayumilove Post author

    @Bluecore: I have added your video into the guide above.

  27. Bluecore


    The link doesn’t show up, i most likely failed the Ctrl+v.
    Here it is again :

    (Sorry for the spam, if ayumilove doesn’t mind, he can take off my message from : May 18, 2020 at 4:15 PM.
    If the link doesn’t show up again, same goes for this message.)

  28. Bluecore

    @gringolandia :
    Hello there!
    I didn’t aim for bonus sets as I don’t have that luxury yet.
    I just took my highest ranking available stuff with crit/speed and atk%. (I had luck on rolls upgrading crit Which allowed me to use crit damage gloves)
    Currently 3613 atk, 98%cr, +188% cd, 181 speed, 129 acc.
    Full masteries but no books.
    He isn’t built to survive, but for 12-3 it’s not an issue.

  29. Gringolandia

    @Bluecore what do you have him equipped with? Lifesteal and Speed?

    I have mine level 50, going to 6 star him later today (hopefully).

    Currently he is pretty squishy even with the lifesteal armor. Do you have him booked for defense and hp or attack?

    9 sec clean of brutal seems insanely fast, so I assume attack.

  30. Bluecore

    Hi Ayumilove!
    Thank you for this guide.
    I decided to build mine as a offense+support which works well (9sec clean of 12-3 brutal).
    He also performs well in arena in a fast offense team setup.

    I am posting to note that I chose not to book him, as his A2 becomes weaker.
    Also, all you gain is damage, and not cooldown reduction.
    What is your opinion on this?
    Thanks in advance for your answer 🙂

  31. Ayumilove Post author

    @FenrisVargr: Thanks! I have added Suzerain Katonn’s aura into this guide.

  32. Lybe21

    I just finished my challenge in which I had to clear stage 13 of fire knight’s castle. The boss heals everytime he puts his shield so Suzerain Katonn is a very good champion because he has the 100% heal reduction. He should have more than 1 star IMO

  33. Herr Otter

    How are his multipliers compared to Kael?

  34. FenrisVargr

    His aura seems to be missing from the description.

  35. Ayumilove Post author

    @ClyDeft: I have re-evaluated Suzerain Katonn’s rating based on his skill potential in all fields, bumping his rank to A Rank in the tier list.

  36. ClyDeft

    As an owner of this legendary i think A rank is a fair assesment. He is not a real game changer in any way, shape or form. Definitely good almost everywhere, but not on the level of a Martyr for example.

    Can add pictures of my results with him, but dont know where or how i could add a fair assesment. Cause screens of stats might not say much. And since i play on a phone i cannot make a video unfortunately.

  37. Ayumilove Post author

    @Marek: Thanks for your comment! Do you have a video of Suzerain Katonn in action where he battles in Dungeons, Campaign, Arena, Clan Boss? From the video, I could evaluate better on how he performs in battle.

  38. Marek

    Hello. I would like to add some potencial recommendations about Suzerain Katonn. First, in my opinion he should be in God Tier. He is very rare and incredible strong almost in every segment of the game. Second I recommend masteries similar to Kael. Third – recommend to add lifesteal/divine speed. Results are more than great! Ty for making such a great Site!

  39. Ayumilove Post author

    @Rufus Shinra: Thanks for sharing your Suzerain Katonn mastery build!

  40. Ayumilove Post author

    @Kenobi: Suzerain Katonn mastery guide and equipment guide are now available!

  41. Kenobi

    Mastery recommendations for Katonn? Also gearing?