Raid Shadow Legends Block Revive Skill applies Block Revive on enemies to prevent them from being resurrected by their allies. This is very effective against Ice Golem Dungeon Boss who resurrects his fallen allies whenever his HP falls below a specific threshold. The Block Revive debuff will not expire and cannot be removed on dead enemies. Therefore, Arcane Celerity mastery will not be triggered from Block Revive debuff. However, there is a champion known as Lydia the Deathsiren who is able to bypass this condition using her unique passive skill.
Block Revive Types
Block ReviveBlocks revive. Valid throughout the battle. |
Block Revive Champions (24)
Block Revive (AoE)
- Foli (DE-LAM)
- Inithwe Bloodtwin (DS-LAV)
- Konstantin The Dayborn (SO-LAV)
- Legate Teox (LZ-LAS)
- Zavia (DE-LAF)
Block Revive (Passive)
Block Revive (Target)
- Bloodgorged (UH-LAF)
- Gamuran (SK-LSS)
- Inithwe Bloodtwin (DS-LAV)
- Konstantin The Dayborn (SO-LAV)
- Mortu-Macaab (DS-LHS)
- Onryo Ieyasu (SK-LAV)
- Queen Eva (DE-LAS)
- Rotos the Lost Groom (UH-LAM)
- Valkanen (UH-LAV)
@Lord Dman Doom, @Urbanmusashi, @Nalred Kael, @Zathras: Luria Block Revive changed from Target to AoE. Thanks!
@Seth Gunn: Gamuran is present in the Block Revive champion list!
Hi thanks for the lists, its a great help. For the block revive list it seems to be missing Gamuran, His A3 can target a dead champ to block revive.
I was going to inform you, but already see it’s been mentioned…
Luria Block revive is an AOE “Mark of Fear” which actually has a chance freeze of any target,
those killed under freeze (that turn or any turn) their revival is blocked. Still. It’s an AOE attack.
You have her listed under a Block Revive target, not AOE. Maybe that’s why everyone keeps mentioning it!
Luria (Epic) has an AOE block revive
so which champions have a block revive ability that can target a dead opponent
add luria to aoe bloc rev pls
Add luria AOE block Revive
Luria should be in the AOE list for its A2 with block revive.
@4Ca: I have updated the Block Revive debuff description to include Lydia the Deathsiren as a special note.
I think you will need to modify the block revive description on this section “Block Revive debuff will not expire and cannot be removed on dead enemies” for Lydia. Reason is that Lydia’s block revive has a cooldown and only blocks it when a reviver tries to revive a dead enemy champion when the skill is not on cooldown. If the skill is on cooldown, another revive attempt will still revive the dead champion.
You can see this happen when you pit Lydia in arena or doom tower against teams with multiple revivers. The first revive will be blocked, but the next immediate attempt by another reviver will not because the skill is on cooldown.
@Antonius_Hubertus: I have added Lydia the Deathsiren into the Block Revive champion list!
I believe you’re missing Lydia the Deathsiren from this list
Death Hold [Passive] (Cooldown: 9 turns)
Denies enemy revive attempts. This works even if this Champion is dead. If this Champion is alive when an enemy revives is denied, revives all dead allies with 50% HP and 50% Turn Meter. Grants an Extra Turn instead if there are no dead allies. If this Champion is dead when enemy revive is denied, revives this Champion with 50% HP and 50% Turn Meter. This skill will ignore [Block Revive].
Occult Brawlers A2: Curse Eater [ATK] (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy. If this Champion is under 1 or more debuffs, this attacks ignores 30% of enemy DEF.
If this Champion is under 2 or more debuffs, enemies killed by this Skill cannot be revived.
If this Champion is under 3 or more debuffs, this attacks is always critical. If this Champion is under 4 or more debuffs, this Champion heals by 30% of the damage inflicted. If this Champion is under 5 or more debuffs, grants an Extra Turn. Removes all debuffs from this Champion after the attack.
come si attiva block revive brawler occult
Why is Occult Brawler on this list?
@ShalokShalom and @ray: Thanks. I have added Excruciator into the Block Revive champion list above!
@Gouda: Thanks. I have added Mortu Macaab into the Block Revive champion list above!
@Michael and @Endjinn: Thanks. I have added Foli into the Block Revive champion list above!
It looks like Foli is missing from the block revive legendary list
Foli also does this.
Excrutiator has this since 1.12
Her turn meter steal and the heal is also new
Does Mortu Macaab’s Peril count?
i thought excruciator has a block revive?
@Snydewytch: Thanks! I have added Zavia into the Block Revive champion list.
Forgot Zavia