Phantom Shogun Grove Dungeons Guide | Raid Shadow Legends

Akumori the Phantom Shogun Guide - Raid Shadow Legends
Akumori the Phantom Shogun is the Raid Shadow Legends boss that can be found in the Phantom Shogun’s Grove, a dungeon that allows you to farm Lesser Extract, Greater Extract, and Superior Extract. These extracts are used to ascend your champion’s artifacts. To achieve success, players must have a well-planned strategy that accounts for the boss’s mechanics, which we will now explore in detail.

Dungeons Index

Table of Content

Phantom Shogun Farmable Resources
Phantom Shogun Champion Tier List
Phantom Shogun Video Guides

Fyro Content

Phantom Shogun Skills
Phantom Shogun Guide
Phantom Shogun Stats

Dungeon Guides

Fire Knight
Ice Golem
Iron Twins
Sand Devil
Phantom Shogun

Phantom Shogun Farmable Resources

Lesser Extract, Greater Extract, Superior Extract, Chaos Powder

Phantom Shogun Grove Skills

  • Spectral Lunge: Attacks 1 enemy. Will prioritize attacking enemies under an [Enfeeble] debuff. Then, attacks all other enemies under an [Enfeeble] debuff. Each hit fills Akumori’s Turn Meter by 20%.
  • Scourge Sword: Attacks 1 enemy. Will prioritize attacking enemies under an [Enfeeble] debuff. After attacking, removes all buffs from all enemies, except the initial target. Then applies a [Debuff Spread] efect, taking an [Enfeeble] debuff from the initial target and placing it on all enemies. Also places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff fro 2 turns on all enemies that had an [Enfeeble] debuff placed on them. Finally, if there are no enemies under [Enfeeble] debuffs at the end of this attack, places an [Enfeeble] debuff on the enemy with the higher Critical Damage for 3 turns. This [Enfeeble] debuff cannot be removed, resisted, or blocked.
  • Forest of Spears: Attacks the enemy with the highest C. DMG. Will prioritize attacking enemies not under a [Stone Skin] buff. Before attacking, places a [Block Passive Skills] debuff on all enemies for 3 turns. This debuff cannot be removed, resisted, or blocked. After attacking, places an [Enfeeble] debuff on the target enemy for 3 turns. This debuff cannot be removed, resisted, or blocked.
  • Wraith Javelin: Attacks 1 enemy. Will prioritize attacking enemies under an [lEnfeeble] debuff. If the Shade counter reaches 10, this attack will ignore [Block Damage] buffs. If the Shade counter reaches 20, will also ignore [Unkillable] buffs. If the Shade counter reaches 30, will also ignore [Ally Protection] buffs. If the Shade counter reaches 40, will also ignore [Shield] buffs.
  • Shroud of the Shogun (Passive): Activates the Shade counter at the start of the battle. Whenever an enemy lands a weak hit on Akumori, increases the Shade counter by 2 on Stages 1-10, 4 on Stages 11-20, and 6 on Stages 21-25. Whenever Akumori lands a critical hit, increases the Shade counter by 5. Whenever an [Enfeeble] debuff is removed or transferred from an enemy, or when its duration is fully decreased by an enemy Champion, increases the Shade counter by 2. Increases Akumori’s C.RATE by 1% and C.DMG by 2% for each Shade counter stack. Akumori is immune to Turn Meter reduction effects and [Enfeeble] debuffs.
    Whenever the Shade counter reaches 20, Akumori will not receive damage from [Poison] debuffs. Whenever the Shade counter reaches 30, Akumori will also not receive damage from [HP Burn] debuffs and [Smite] debuffs. Whenever the Shade counter reaches 40, Akumori will also not receive damage from skills or Masteries that scale based on Akumori’s MAX HP. If the Shade counter reaches 50 or higher, all of Akumori’s attacks will ignore 100% of the target’s DEF. Also whenever Akumori kills an enemy, attacks all enemies.
  • Purge The Shadow (Passive) Whenever an Awakened Champion uses a skill against Akumori, decreases the Shade counter. The Shade counter is decreased according to the Awakening Level on the Champion who uses a skill against Akumori.
    Level 6 Awakening:
    1st hit inflicted by a skill will remove 6 stacks
    2nd hit inflicted by a skill will remove 3 stacks
    3rd hit inflicted by a skill will remove 1 stack
    Any subsequent hits inflicted by a skill will remove 0 stacks
    Level 5 Awakening:
    1st hit inflicted by a skill will remove 5 stacks
    2nd hit inflicted by a skill will remove 2 stacks
    3rd hit inflicted by a skill will remove 1 stack
    Any subsequent hits inflicted by a skill will remove 0 stacks
    Level 4 Awakening:
    1st hit inflicted by a skill will remove 4 stacks
    2nd hit inflicted by a skill will remove 2 stacks
    3rd hit inflicted by a skill will remove 1 stack
    Any subsequent hits inflicted by a skill will remove 0 stacks
    Level 3 Awakening:
    1st hit inflicted by a skill will remove 3 stacks
    2nd hit inflicted by a skill will remove 1 stack
    Any subsequent hits inflicted by a skill will remove 0 stacks
    Level 2 Awakening:
    1st hit inflicted by a skill will remove 2 stacks
    2nd hit inflicted by a skill will remove 1 stack
    Any subsequent hits inflicted by a skill will remove 0 stacks
    Level 1 Awakening:
    1st hit inflicted by a skill will remove 1 stack
    Any subsequent hits inflicted by a skill will remove 0 stacks
  • Almighty Immunity (Passive) Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Block Passive Skills], [Fear],
    [True Fear], [Petrification] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, and cooldown increasing effects.
  • Almighty Strength (Passive) Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the Boss’ MAX HP when attacking the Boss.
  • Awakened Weakness (Passive) Decreases the damage inflicted by the Boss for each Awakening Level on the target Champion (2.5% for Levels 1-2 and 5% for Levels 3-6, stacks up to 25%). Increases the damage received by the Boss for each Awakening Level on the attacking Champion (5% for Levels 1-2 and 10% for Levels 3-6, stacks up to 50%).

Extract Drops Information

  • Lesser Extract: Used to ascend accessories to Level 1 and 2 of ascension. Can be farmed from Stage 1 to 25 of Phantom Shogun’s Grove.
  • Greater Extract: Used to ascend accessories to Level 3 and 4 of ascension. Can be farmed from Stage 10 to 25 of Phantom Shogun’s Grove.
  • Superior Extract: Used to ascend accessories to Level 5 and 6 of ascension. Can be farmed from Stage 17 to 25 of Phantom Shogun’s Grove.

How to beat Akumori the Phantom Shogun?

  • Akumori the Phantom Shogun’s skills are centered on incapacitating your team through the use of the powerful [Enfeeble] debuff, applied via strong single—target attacks. As a debuff, [Enfeeble] makes it so enemies only land Weak Hits, unless otherwise specified by their individual skills. He’ll focus on disabling your Champion with the highest C. DMG (prioritizing Champions not under [Stone Skin] buffs), as well as increasing his Shade counter to boost his offensive and defensive capabilities.
  • Managing the Shade counter is the crux of the fight with Akumori. Landing a Weak Hit increases the Phantom Shogun’s Shade counter by 8 stacks, with each individual stack raising his C. RATE by 1% and C. DMG by 2%, up to a maximum of 100% for both.
  • Increasing the Shade counter also grants Akumori additional bonuses, like ignoring DEF and immunity to damage from [Poison], [HP Burn], and [Smite]
    debuffs. If the Shade counter reaches over 30 stacks, Akumori will also completely ignore damage from skills or Masteries that scale based on his MAX HP.
  • Akumori prefers to fight in single combat, with most of his skills focusing on one target. His default skill, Spectral Lunge, can become an AoE attack if you have any [Enfeeble] debuffs on your other Champions. The Phantom Shogun will also automatically attack all enemies every time he kills a target. This will be fatal for your team if the Shade counter reaches 40 stacks, as he’ll ignore 100% of your Champion’s DEF, almost guaranteeing a defeat with this strike.
  • To defeat Akumori, you will need Awakened Champions. Not only do they possess strong bonuses, but having them on your team is also the only way to reduce the Shade counter. Awakened Champions will decrease the Shade counter based on their Awakening Level whenever they use a skill against Akumori.
  • Also, Champions who can place [Taunt] buffs will be incredibly helpful. The [Taunt] buff can draw Akumori’s focus away from your frailest Champions, and to a Champion without an [Enfeeble] debuff. This means his second skill, Scourge Sword, won’t be able to spread an existing [Enfeeble] debuff to the rest of your team.
  • Don’t forget about survivability! Akumori hits hard, especially with Critical Hits, so bring Champions who can place [Decrease ATK], [Decrease C.RATE], and [Decrease C.DMG] debuffs.
  • A cleanser is another must-have for this fight. Akumori can place an unblockable, irresistible, and unremovable [Enfeeble] debuff, and he has the capability to spread it. However, the spread [Enfeeble] debuffs no longer have the unblockable, irresistible, and unremovable properties, meaning they can be cleansed, blocked, and resisted. The fewer [Enfeeble] debuffs that are placed on your Champions, the less you’re contributing to Akumori’s power increasing.
    Finally, choose and equip your Champions effectively! Akumori can place an unblockable, irresistible, and unremovable [Block Passive Skills] debuff on your
    entire team, so don’t rely on Champions with strong Passive skills. Do consider equipping your Champions with the Affinitybreaker Artifact Set, as it gives your Champions 30% C. DMG, and offers them a 50% chance to change a Weak Hit into a Critical Hit. This’ll keep the Shade counter down, and allow you to hit Akumori hard.

Akumori the Phantom Shogun Stats

Stats of Akumori the Phantom Shogun based on dungeon stages.

Phantom Shogun’s Grove Affinity by Stages

Spirit Stage 3/7/11/15/18/23
Magic Stage 1/5/9/13/17/21/25
Force Stage 4/8/12/16/20/24
Void Stage 2/6/10/14/18/22
Akumori the Phantom Shogun Stats in Dungeon Stage 1 to 25 - Raid Shadow Legends

Phantom Shogun Champion Tier List

Mythical Champions Ranking

5★ Phantom Shogun | Mythical Champion

4★ Phantom Shogun | Mythical Champion

3★ Phantom Shogun | Mythical Champion

2★ Phantom Shogun | Mythical Champion

1★ Phantom Shogun | Mythical Champion

Legendary Champions Ranking

5★ Phantom Shogun | Legendary Champion

4★ Phantom Shogun | Legendary Champion

3★ Phantom Shogun | Legendary Champion

2★ Phantom Shogun | Legendary Champion

1★ Phantom Shogun | Legendary Champion

Epic Champions Ranking

5★ Phantom Shogun | Epic Champion

4★ Phantom Shogun | Epic Champion

3★ Phantom Shogun | Epic Champion

2★ Phantom Shogun | Epic Champion

1★ Phantom Shogun | Epic Champion

Rare Champions Ranking

5★ Phantom Shogun | Rare Champion

4★ Phantom Shogun | Rare Champion

3★ Phantom Shogun | Rare Champion

2★ Phantom Shogun | Rare Champion

1★ Phantom Shogun | Rare Champion

Uncommon Champions Ranking

5★ Phantom Shogun | Uncommon Champion

4★ Phantom Shogun | Uncommon Champion

3★ Phantom Shogun | Uncommon Champion

2★ Phantom Shogun | Uncommon Champion

1★ Phantom Shogun | Uncommon Champion

Common Champions Ranking

5★ Phantom Shogun | Common Champion

4★ Phantom Shogun | Common Champion

3★ Phantom Shogun | Common Champion

2★ Phantom Shogun | Common Champion

1★ Phantom Shogun | Common Champion

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2 thoughts on “Phantom Shogun Grove Dungeons Guide | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Mike

    Did you forget about Ninja?


    I feel like Artak, Pain Keeper and Artak could be listed as well. From my experience anyway.