OverviewNAME: Zelotah AbilitiesRSL_AoE_ContinuousHeal_15% Obtain fromAncient Shard Blessings RecommendationCommanding Presence (Aura Lead) |
Grinding★★★★✰ Campaign Dungeons★★★★★ Minotaur Potion★★★★✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★★✰ Floors |
Zelotah Review
Zelotah is an Epic Spirit Support champion from Undead Hordes faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Zelotah is both an offensive and defensive support champion. He can crowd control enemies with Sleep using his Hypnotic Gaze (A1 Skill) and Horrid Dreams (A3 Skill). In addition, he has Armored Scales (A2 Skill) that provides Continuous Heal buff and Shield buff to his allies to survive longer in battle. Sleep debuff is slightly inferior to Freeze and Stun, since it wears off upon whenever the enemy receives damage from skills, Poison debuff and HP Burn debuff. Zelotah also offers Resist Aura for Arena, which is useful in building a high resist defense team! Overall, Zelotah is a decent healer and crowd-control champion to be in any party build (Arena, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars) unless you have a more versatile champion who can replace him with a lower-skill cooldown.
Zelotah Skills
Hypnotic Gaze
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 15% chance of placing a [Sleep] debuff for 1 turn.
Level: 2 Damage +5%
Level: 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level: 4 Damage +5%
Level: 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level: 6 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Damage Multiplier: 4.7 ATK
Armored Scales (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Places a [Shield] buff on all allies equal to 20% of this Champion’s MAX HP for 3 turns. Places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on all allies for 2 turns.
Level: 2 Shield +5%
Level: 3 Shield +5%
Level: 4 Shield +5%
Level: 5 Shield +5%
Horrid Dreams (Cooldown: 6 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Sleep] debuff for 1 turn. Has a 75% chance against enemies under debuffs.
Level: 2 Damage +10%
Level: 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level: 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level: 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level: 6 Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 5 ATK
Increases Ally RESIST in the Arena by 70.
Zelotah Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Impulse, Reflex, Relentless |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityDebuffer: ACC, SPD, HP%, DEF% Supporting RolesAlly Tanker |
Zelotah Mastery Guide
Arena, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons
Zelotah Reference
Zelotah All-Rounder Build
Here is Zelotah artifacts and masteries by Ayumilove optimized as a support champion for Dungeon, Faction Wars and Doom Tower content! Zelotah is equipped in Guardian Set and Resilience Set. Guardian Set enables him to mitigate some damage received by allies to himself, so they can survive longer in battle. Resilience Set boost his Health and Defense stats to synergize better as a tanker champion. The stats to prioritize on Zelotah are Health, Defense, Speed and Accuracy. Accuracy is required if you are using him to crowd control enemies with his Sleep debuff. Ensure the champion who is using Guardian Set to have low Critical Damage, as the critical damage mitigated from allies via Guardian Set is calculated using his Critical Damage rather than the enemy Critical Damage stat! The Guardian Set suits Zelotah very well because it’s able to protect his allies long enough while waiting for his Armored Scales (A2 Skill) to be available again. In addition, he has a high base HP, which makes him a great candidate as a damage tanker using Guardian Set!
Zelotah Videos
Raid Shadow Legends Zelotah Champion Guide by SecondStar Right
Raid Shadow Legends Zelotah Champion Guide by PGR荷马玩游戏
Raid Shadow Legends Zelotah supports 3 Outlaw Monks in Clan Boss (Easy, Normal, Hard)
I JUST pulled this guy. How can he help me in the part of Faction Wars? I pulled him and a second Seeker today. I also have Mausoleum Mage and Dark Elhain. My Leggos here are Ultimate Death Knight and Valkanen. I also have two Husks, all the Rares, and most of the epics but no Vogoth or Anax.
Typo – previous post should say 2 turns for Muckstalker’s A2.
@Rai626: he’s not great against the Sand Devil, because even when fully booked, the A1 only places sleep 40% of the time, his A3 is on a 5 turn cooldown and in both cases the sleep only lasts one turn. Whereas, as a comparison, Muckstalker (farmable rare) has a lovely low 2 turn cooldown on his A2 and places sleep for 3 turns!
Would this be a good option for the new dungeon? How would you build him for that purpose?
Zelotah allowed me to complete FW 21 (and get Lydia). I didn’t have any lego undeads, so Zelotah’s shields were the key to winning. I built it up to 80K HP since the A2 shield is based on this champ’s max HP.
Hey I am pretty happy with this champion overall. He was instrumental in finishing FW 21 along with grinner (I did not have another reviver). I am currently using him as a defense champion in arena with high resistance and speed, and also works great in arena offense and Doom Tower as a buffer for Seer. I am currently in Gold IV and doing 2 keys in UNM but have not tried him in the Clan Boss yet.
Why a shield set? Surely there must be some other sets that are great for this champ.
He’s great in the Scarab King normal. He doesn’t just shield but heals at the same time. Make sure you have a ton of HP on him so he can give you a massive shield. If you have both him and Miscreated Monster you’ll breeze through Scarab King.
how is he with the scarab king?
He seems like Miscreated Monster’s younger brother. Skill for skill, Zelotah is pretty poor in comparison. But if you don’t have Miscreated Monster, man–Zelotah could really help a LOT. His A3 is also great if you have Robar, whose A3 is an AoE that does TONS of damage to enemies under Sleep debuffs.
Wouldn’t Merciful Aid be a better tier 4 mastery than cycle of magic?
This champion is amazing in some tough floor.
One defence team, such like Zelotah , Black Knight, Souless Knight, Miscreated Monster and one speed champion makes all common floor much easier. Zelotah is also a decent member in arena defence team, especially you don’t have excellent speed artifects.
@Ayumilove: Thank you Ayumi! Gonna start working on zelotah so i can try him instead of temila, also for arena defense!
@Bolg3r: Zelotah is a pretty good champion for early-mid game since he provides Shield that mitigate some of the damage taken by the individual’s health. It’s much better than healer because the direct damage is mitigated instantly rather than taking damage first followed by healing. This increases the overall survivability of the team members especially squishy ones (less health) like Outlaw Monk. I used Zelotah to provide additional survivability to 3 Outlaw Monks for Easy, Normal and Hard Clan Boss. I have geared Zelotah with 3 Immortal Sets, so he can heal himself and also provide a large shield capacity. Zelotah is also a great asset for Faction Wars too, because enemies at higher level stages deal much more damage. Zelotah’s Shield and Continous Heal will allow them to survive long before requiring a Resurection/Revive from Gorgorab. Personally, I would go with Zelotah instead of Captain Temila. If you are using Captain Temila, you will need to sync up the team member speed to not go overly faster than her, otherwise they will lose the Increase Defense and also the Ally Protection buff (e.g. champions with Extra Turn like Athel will benefit less from her).
I just got him but i don’t know how much better (if any) he is than my healer for CB. I have been using Captain Temila for my Clan boss Team (Stag,Frozen Banshee, Kael and High Katun). Would you recommend shield and continuos heal over the buffs from captain temila for CB?
Thankyou Ayumi! Been using your page since i started 2 months ago, really easy to search things and direct.
@Arc: Currently Oppressor is worthless right now after my extensive testing with it. You will only benefit the extra Turn Meter when the enemy takes their turn. If you have an end-game team whose champions have speed above 170~300, while enemy speed is 90~100 (Dungeon/Campaign/Faction Wars), you won’t get much out of it. With a Speed Buffer champion in your team, you won’t see the Turn Meter ticking on your debuffer champions. It’s good for Arena, but Arena would be quite difficult at Gold IV and Platinum as those players would have faster champions that can nuke your team first, or have very high resist. Eagle-Eye is commonly used to counter high resist teams.
Would it be worth unlocking oppressor, for an almost constant +10% to the turn meter rate?
Faction Wars?
just got him but and excited to build him up, dont think he is the best on dungeons since his debuffs doesnt work against bosses but i like him so far
Zelotah is fairly highly rated in both arena and dungeons but the builds are significantly different. Where do you think he’s strongest?