OverviewNAME: Sun Wukong AbilitiesRSL_AoE_BlockBuffs Obtain fromAncient Shard Blessings RecommendationBrimstone (Debuffer) |
Grinding★★★★★ Campaign Dungeons★★★✰✰ Minotaur Potion★★★★✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★★✰ Floors |
Sun Wukong Overview
From the ancient chronicles of Yakai, whispers spread about a spiritual monk who once wandered the revered domains of the Skinwalkers. Freed from mountain captivity where Buddha had exiled him, Sun Wukong returns to Telaria anew, ready to unleash his array of mystical abilities against his adversary. As the August 2023 7-Day Login champion, Sun Wukong’s reign endures until October 23rd, 2023. Those who faithfully log in for seven days within this timeframe shall rightfully claim the mantle of this enigmatic champion. Don’t worry if you are not able to get him through Sun Wukong Chase Event, you can still summon him from shards after October 31 2023! Sun Wukong is a Legendary Attack Spirit champion from the Shadowkin faction in Raid Shadow Legends, and he can only be empowered using his duplicates.
Use Promo Code “MonkeyKing” to gain this Legendary hero! This code only works for new player accounts and after the 7-Day Login event has ended.
Sun Wukong brings a blend of damage-dealing prowess and disruptive debuffs to the battlefield. His self-revive mechanic and ability to place Sheep debuffs on enemies make him invaluable in both offensive and defensive strategies. In PvP battles, Sun Wukong shines as a disruptive force, capable of stunning enemies with his Gotcha! (A1 skill). This ability’s potency increases against opponents with active buffs, making him a formidable presence in the Arena. Additionally, his Now You See Us (A3 skill) enables him to removes buffs from enemies and place Block Buffs debuffs, effectively neutralizing buff-heavy teams.
Sun Wukong’s utility extends beyond PvP encounters, as he proves to be a valuable asset in PvE content such as the Doom Tower and Hydra Clan Boss. His Staff Of Wonder (A2 skill) allows him to bypass enemy defenses and deal significant damage, making him a reliable option for tackling tough bosses and waves of enemies. Additionally, this skill should be used strategically to target high-defense enemies to polymorph them into Sheep for increased crowd control.
Sun Wukong’s Unbeatable Wukong (passive skill) grants him a second chance at victory by self-reviving with full HP and Turn Meter three turns after being defeated. This feature not only prolongs his presence in battles but also synergizes well with with solo champions such as Burangiri and Lady Annabelle when raiding Boomal the Dreadhorn, or champions who utilize allies death such as Valkanen.
Sun Wukong Skills
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 25% chance of placing a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn. The chance increases to 50% if the target has any buffs.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Damage Multiplier: 3.5 ATK
Staff Of Wonder (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore 50% of the target’s DEF. Will attack all remaining enemies with any surplus damage if the target is killed. This attack will also ignore 50% of the target’s DEF. This attack cannot be critical. If the initial target survives, places a [Sheep] debuff on them for 1 turn. This debuff cannot be blocked.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 5 ATK
Now You See Us (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Before attacking, steals all buffs from all enemies and then places a [Block Buffs] debuff on them for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 3.8 ATK
Unbeatable Wukong (Passive)
Revives this Champion with 100% HP and 100% Turn Meter 3 turns after they were killed.
Increases Ally SPD in Arena battles by 28%
Sun Wukong Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Bloodthirst, Lifesteal |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityATK Nuker: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD |
Sun Wukong Masteries Guide
Arena (Debuffer)
Arena (Nuker)
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Faction Wars, Doom Tower
Clan Boss (Hydra)
Sun Wukong Reference
Sun Wukong Attacker & Debuffer Build
Here is Sun Wukong’s artifacts and masteries by ASH optimized as an attacker and debuffer build to be used in all areas of the game. Sun Wukong is equipped with Lethal Set and Perception Set. Lethal Set enables your damage dealer to ignore a portion of the enemy’s defense, while Perception Set provides additional accuracy stats to inflict debuff on the enemies. The stats to prioritize on Sun Wukong are Attack (ATK%), C.RATE (Critical Rate, C.DMG (Critical Damage), SPD (Speed), and ACC (Accuracy) stats. These stats allows him use his debuffs to his advantage to weaken them to make it easier to defeat his opponents.
Sun Wukong Champion Lore Synopsis
In the distant land of Yakai, hidden in the remote Zuriban Hills, stood the ancient Gadiato temple. This sacred site guarded a mysterious relic, a device of stone and brass, inscribed with mystical runes whose purpose remained unknown. Monks devoted their lives to protecting this enigmatic relic, waiting for the day its secrets would be revealed. Among them was Wukong, a monk lacking devotion. Uninterested in temple duties, Wukong was given the title ‘Sun’ as a mocking gesture, though he embraced it with pride. Armed with a diadem and staff, he saw himself as a great sage, boasting of his supposed wisdom and virtue.
One fateful day, Wukong spotted a fire monkey near the monastery, believing it to be a thief. He shot it with an arrow, disregarding his faith’s call for compassion towards all creatures. Unknown to him, this was no ordinary monkey but a Fae, a shapeshifting spirit from the wild. As the Fae lay dying, it cursed Wukong, merging its essence with his soul. The once-arrogant monk was transformed into a Skinwalker, cursed to live in a simian form. Unlike others of his kind, Wukong inherited the Fae’s capricious nature, its beastly strength, and a binding curse that attached his diadem to his flesh and tied his existence to the Gadiato, ensuring he could never leave.
Wukong languished in his rage until a mysterious pilgrim arrived at the temple. Revealing herself as the Arbiter, she acknowledged Wukong’s punishment as just but offered him redemption. She could temporarily lift the curse, allowing him to leave the temple, if he joined her on a journey of atonement. Skeptical, Wukong demanded proof of her power. The Arbiter demonstrated her might by activating the ancient relic of the Gadiato, which floated before her, proving her claims. With little choice, Wukong agreed, eager for freedom and a chance to undo his past mistakes.
Their journey took them across the land, facing countless dangers, from demonic creatures to bandits and harsh natural elements. As Wukong protected the Arbiter, he gradually softened, learning humility and grace. His mischievous side, however, remained, and the Arbiter grew fond of him as they bonded along the way. Over time, Wukong began to recognise the errors of his arrogance and vanity, slowly embracing the wisdom he once falsely claimed to possess.
Upon reaching the Skyiron Dominion, the Arbiter revealed the relic’s true purpose. It contained the wisdom of ancient Dwarves, and its rediscovery prompted the Dwarves to end their isolation, contributing to a significant political alliance. Finally, the Arbiter disclosed that Wukong’s journey was a test all along—she had the power to lift his curse from the start. Yet Wukong, now wiser and humbled, accepted this revelation without resentment. Freed from his curse, he chose to wear the diadem as a reminder of his past and returned to the Gadiato, determined to share his newfound wisdom with the world.
Sun Wukong Updates
Sun Wukong Videos
Official Raid Shadow Legends: Sun Wukong Champion Spotlight
His A2 makes everyone take the surplus. So doing 100 DMG vs a 1hp target, the others ALL take 99. It’s godlike
I’m trying to understand his A2, the wording seems ambiguous to me. If the primary target is killed, does the remaining damage get divided between the remaining champs, or does it get applied to every remaining champ?
If the surplus damage gets applied to every remaining champ, then the best strategy would definitely be to target the champ with the lowest HP. Surplus dmg would then be duplicated across the team.
Otherwise, i’d be more inclined to target the champ with the *highest* HP who I think i can 1 shot.
I put Sun Wukong in 6 pieces of Merciless Gear.
I made his final Mastery Helmsmasher
I gave him Heavencast as his Gift.
He steals all the buffs with A3, boosting damage.
Then his A2 destroys all Arena Opponents, 85% to 100% DEF Ignored plus the Heavencast Dam Boost.
I see 200k on opponents sometimes.
4995 ATK, 99% Crit Rate, +161% Crit Dam.
“Use Promo Code “MonkeyKing” to gain this Legendary hero! This code only works for new player accounts and after the 7-Day Login event has ended.”
this is not true.
I got Sun Wukong on the first day of my new account.
Tomes: 11
THOMAS L: Yes, it’s counting enemy turns too.
He is easy to counter with Ronda, just block his passive skill and he stays dead.
In Arena, I see Sun revive not after what would be 3 of Sun’s turns, but after 3 of his opponents have taken their turn. Anybody else see that?
@Donna Sterner: I have fixed the 3rd mastery image, so it is in sync with the text below it. Thanks for highlighting the issue!
Your 3rd Mastery Guide has discrepancies.
The photo does not match the list below it.
(For the Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Faction Wars, Doom Tower)
Which are the correct ones to choose?
Spider should be at least 4, if not 5 star as he “shields” the other legends for alot of damage when re-spawns and gets targeted once up again every round. While Artak and mordecai can do their thing.
I’ve tuned him in Divine offense, cruel and Perception set. The guy is a beast. Re-spawning nuker
Wow, he was doing just about average, then I changed his gear to Savage. His whole demeanour has changed and he is now a living nightmare to his opponents – well – not including any dead bits in between the living bits – if you know what I mean.
Sun Wukong is the only reason I got passed the 2 Doompriest stage in the Nightmare version of Hallowed Halls 11-5 . It may be that I do not have the best account or be the most game-savvy, but the DUDE is definitely 5* Campaign in my book…
Hi Sir Lochinvar
I’ve got him paired very effectively with Vergis who can take a butt tonne of damage which is great in Force keep and a good few levels of Fire Knight.
Anyone who can help me would be appreciated, I’m struggling to decide what blessing to go for Sun plus it doesn’t help if I’ve forgotten Intimidating Presence on any other Skinwalker.
Thanks in advance 💕
Pairing with Lady Annabelle for Dreadhorn is amazing
I’d have to agree that a “B” rating is a bit low. His three turn revival makes him invaluable on teams that have a tank. He’s usually the first one attacked, but that allows the other Champs to get some healing done. Put him with a damage sponge and he will be your own personal tubthumper for a while. That alone will keep you in the fight. I wouldn’t be surprised if the revive got nerfed in future releases.
He should be 5* on the Magic keep. Stealing the shield and blocking future shield on a 4 rotation makes it super easy on Keep level 20.
From my earlier post, I just realized the Sheep debuff itself enforces the 50% HP on return, and that the sheep is unkillable.
I’ve been levelling him up in Campaign 12-3 and noticed that, when he turns an opponent into a sheep (A2 doesn’t kill) the sheep has 100% HP. When the sheep reverts back they will have 50% HP regardless of what HP they had remaining from the original hit or from hits on the sheep. So, if the A2 doesn’t kill the opponent it may well end up increasing their HP.
A tactic I have used so far is not to waste time killing him if you can manage that. Save him until last then kill him. Depends how he has been build by your enemy and how much damage he can do or not do to your own team. Focus on killng others first to reduce his team and thus your incoming attacks, then get the critter.
The third Masteries map is a duplicate of the second one and needs to match the labels
The All-rounder masteries chart does not match the description below. at least 2 are wrong.
B seems really low. idk about S yet because we haven’t really explored everything he can do but he’s definitely an A.
Not a game-changer at five stars, but an easy replacement for some others of the same rank.
I think the revive in 3 turns was miss typed because im sure the mechanics were ment to revive after three rounds not three turns.. because as is if my Sun W dies then its my turn by the time I get to my last capable turn (without extra turn proc) Sun W revives alrdy making it so you damn near have to one hit someones entire team after killing Sun or he just revives again.. Now for PvP with the mechanics the way they are and turn meter skills not working like they do in PvE you’re pretty well screwed against Sun. Only thing I could think of in order to counter this would be stop revive debuffs or Stun/freeze/sleep/sheep making your champion choices limited against him.
I think they rates on the dungeon stars are too low.
IDK If it’s late game ratings or what not because I think I’m still mid game but my Sun Wukong can solo Ice Golem (23 normal), Minotaur (15), paired with my ultimate deathknight just them two can duo spider 25, and dragon 25, (normal), i get great use out of him in clan bosses because of his ability to regenerate after 3 turns he gets about 5 hits per round (dying, coming back, hit, repeat) and solo farms a few levels for me on nightmare. so idk. he’s done a great job for me
Likewise, been dead for way longer than 3 turns an no revival yet???
Every time I’ve run him today, his passive hasn’t happened. Bug?
I find it kinda weird how Plarium releases a champion who hard-counters UDK… on UDK’s birthday. Really ironic, don’t you think?
Boy this guys is a lot of fun to use, love his style. It is really nice when they come up with something completely new for a champion like this.
I don’t have great gear for him but he is still doing pretty good everywhere I use him.
Looks like Raid goofed, they were originally listing him as Shadowkin and then release him as Skinwalker. Hope they fix that and put him in the right faction.
He is a lot of fun either way and I can’t wait to get him leveled up.
In the masteries that cover almost everything, the top 3 mysteries in defense tree are not listed the same as what you highlighted. (The first one showed tough skin but you wrote defiant, etc.). I wondered which was correct in those 3 instances.
i think wukong atleast A rank. i won 10/10 arena battle since i got him. he is very good in arena, even in campaign. and my wukong is just 5*.
he is Skinwalker not Shadowkin. Just thought you might want to fix that
Howdy! Love your work! Thank you!
Sun Wukong is Skinwalker not Shadowkin.
It’s good for beginning players. All knows that we tried at Arena first, but there is no Arbiter yet. This is such situation.
Looks promising so far. Just have to remember that when up against him, and you kill him, you need to win the whole fight in under three turns. Otherwise he pops up again fully restored and ready to go. Sounds like fun.