Weaken Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Weaken Skill applies Weaken debuff on enemies so they will receive additional damage from your champions in battle. There are 2 versions of Weaken debuff (15% and 25%). The first Weaken debuff increases the damage received by enemy champion by 15%, while the second Weaken debuff increases the damage received by enemy champion by 25%.

Raid Shadow Legends Weaken 15%

Weaken 15%

Increases damage received by the Target Champion by 15%.

Raid Shadow Legends Weaken 25%

Weaken 25%

Increases damage received by the Target Champion by 25%.

15% Weaken Champions (22)

15% Weaken (AoE)



  1. Ithos (HE-LAV)


  1. Spider (DE-ESF)


  1. Ashwalker (KR-RAV)
  2. Marquess (DS-RDS)



15% Weaken (Random)





  1. Grappler (SW-RDS)


  1. Vigilante (SO-UHS)


15% Weaken (Target)




  1. Warden (DE-EDS)


  1. Assassin (SK-RAM)
  2. Bone Knight (UH-RAS)
  3. Bulwark (DW-RDV)
  4. Harvester (DE-RAV)
  5. Hellborn Sprite (DS-RSS)
  6. Ifrit (DS-RHV)
  7. Interceptor (HE-RDV)
  8. Loneblade Riab (SY-RAF)
  9. Tigersoul (BA-RAS)
  10. Twinclaw Disciple (OR-RAF)
  11. Wanderer (DE-RAS)


  1. Aristocrat (HE-UAM)
  2. Conscript (SK-UAS)
  3. Glenspear (SY-UAM)
  4. Sandbow (BA-UAS)


25% Weaken Champions (91)

25% Weaken (AoE)


  1. Androc the Glorious (BL-MDS)
  2. Ashnar Dragonsoul (OR-MHF)
  3. Komidus Darksmile (DS-MSM)
  4. Lady Mikage (SK-MSF)
  5. Nell Blackteeth (SY-MSM)


  1. Ailil (SY-LAV)
  2. Aleksandr the Sharpshooter (HE-LAM)
  3. Astralon (SO-LAM)
  4. Belanor (HE-LAV)
  5. Craklin the Blackened (OT-LSF)
  6. Dracomorph (LZ-LAM)
  7. Eostrid Dreamsong (SY-LSF)
  8. Gnut (DW-LDS)
  9. Gomlok Skyhide (OR-LSF)
  10. Guurda Bogbrew (OT-LSF)
  11. Hansel Witchhunter (SO-LAM)
  12. Hurndig (DW-LAM)
  13. Kantra the Cyclone (BA-LDF)
  14. Karilon the Ringer (KR-LSV)
  15. Leorius the Proud (SW-LAV)
  16. Pyxniel (HE-LSM)
  17. Roxam (LZ-LAM)
  18. Sicia Flametongue (DS-LAF)
  19. Stokk the Broken (OT-LSS)
  20. Supreme Kael (DE-LAV)
  21. Suzerain Katonn (UH-LAS)
  22. Ugir the Wyrmeater (OT-LHS)
  23. Valkanen (UH-LAV)
  24. Varl the Destroyer (OR-LAS)
  25. Venus (SO-LSV)
  26. Yncensa Grail-bearer (SY-LSV)


  1. Aeshma (KR-EAM)
  2. Arndulf (BL-EDM)
  3. Fyr-gun Isbeil (DW-EAF)
  4. Rian the Conjurer (DE-ESF)
  5. Seer (OR-ESV)
  6. Sikara (BA-ESM)
  7. Skullcrown (KR-EAV)
  8. Tallia (SO-EAM)
  9. Tarshon (DS-EDS)
  10. Wuji (SK-EAF)


  1. Candleguard (DW-RAM)



25% Weaken (Random)




  1. Exemplar (HE-EAV)
  2. Teshada (BA-EDF)




25% Weaken (Target)


  1. Aphidus the Hivelord (DE-MAM)
  2. The Calamitus (UH-MAS)


  1. Arbiter (HE-LSV)
  2. Brakus the Shifter (SW-LAF)
  3. Cleopterix (SW-LAS)
  4. Countess Lix (DS-LAM)
  5. Cruetraxa (DS-LAV)
  6. Grohak the Bloodied (OR-LAM)
  7. Hansel Witchhunter (SO-LAM)
  8. Helicath (DS-LDS)
  9. Jintoro (SK-LAM)
  10. Karato Foxhunter (SK-LAS)
  11. Kyoku (SK-LDS)
  12. Longbeard (SW-LAM)
  13. Ramantu Drakesblood (LZ-LAV)
  14. Rhazin Scarhide (LZ-LDF)
  15. Riho Bonespear (SK-LSV)
  16. Roxam (LZ-LAM)
  17. Turvold (BA-LAV)
  18. Zinogre Blademaster (SK-LAM)


  1. Aina (BA-EAM)
  2. Anax (UH-EAS)
  3. Basher (SW-EAV)
  4. Chonoru (SK-EAS)
  5. Delver (DE-EAS)
  6. Fayne (SW-EAS)
  7. Geomancer (DW-EAF)
  8. Gwynneth (DE-EAM)
  9. Haarken Greatblade (BA-EAV)
  10. Kellan the Shrike (SY-EAM)
  11. Knight-Errant (BL-EAS)
  12. Kunoichi (SK-EDF)
  13. Lady Eresh (KR-EAF)
  14. Pann the Bowhorn (SY-EAF)
  15. Ruella (SY-EAS)
  16. Rugnor Goldgleam (DW-EAV)
  17. Scabrius (SW-EAM)
  18. Skraank (OT-EAV)
  19. Suiren (SK-EAF)
  20. Suwai Firstborn (BA-EAV)
  21. Taurus (SW-EAM)
  22. Trumborr (OR-EDS)
  23. Whisper (KR-EAV)
  24. Wuji (SK-EAF)
  25. Zargala (OR-EAF)


  1. Athel (SO-RAM)
  2. Halberdier (BL-RAS)
  3. Hellfang (DS-RAS)
  4. Huntress (OR-RAV)
  5. Stitched Beast (UH-RAV)



Remove Weaken Champions (1)

Remove Weaken (AoE)



  1. Goffred Brassclad (DW-LDM)





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32 thoughts on “Weaken Champion List | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Kannibalhamster

    Candleguard is listed in the category for 25% AoE Weaken, but the skill only lists a 15% AoE Weaken.

  2. Ayumilove Post author

    @Spiggy: Yes, Geomancer has single-target Weaken 25%, which I missed out listing him here. Thanks!

  3. Spiggy

    Doe’s Geomancer have 25% weaken?

  4. Ayumilove Post author

    @Sly: I have added Hurndig to the Weaken champion list! Thanks for highlighting it.

  5. Sly

    I think Hurndig is missing from the list. He has a conditional (has to be a critical hit) AOE 25% Weaken on his A3

  6. Vanicutt

    When I came here to find info on aoe weaken I saw Candleguard (DW-RAM) listed under the 25% aoe weaken. But when I went into the game her A2 was AoE 15%. Thanks

  7. Boster281

    Ummm…. Lydia the Deathsiren.
    Queen of weaken

  8. Joya

    I miss Teodor the Savant

  9. Joseph Garrison

    Candleguard should be listed in the 15 percent weaken list.

  10. Ayumilove Post author

    @Mark Pruitt: Belanor is now moved from Target to AoE section in Weaken Champion list!
    @Joseph Garrison: Kyoku is now available in the Weaken Champion list!
    @YesChef: Kyoku is now available in the Weaken Champion list!

  11. Mark Pruitt

    Correction: Belanor has a 25% weaken AOE, not targeted.

  12. Joseph Garrison

    One-Eyed Beast
    Attacks 1 enemy. Will place 3 hits if the target is under 3 or more debuffs. Each hit has a 40% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.

  13. YesChef

    Kyoku is missing from the weaken 25% (target) list.

  14. Ayumilove Post author

    @Fusselbirne: Rugnor Goldgleam is now available in the Weaken 25% champion skill list!

  15. Fusselbirne

    Rugnor Goldgleam new Weaken 25% (Target).

  16. Ayumilove Post author

    @Fossy: Fayne has been added into the Weaken 25% Champion List

  17. Fossy

    Fayne got weaken on her A3.

  18. Polpov

    @David j Estiandan Yes it does indeed stack!

  19. Polpov

    Since I’ve way too much time to spare …

    Weaken 25% (A1)
    – Arbiter (50%)
    – Turvold (75%)
    – Basher (75%)
    – Whisper (75%)
    – Zargala (50%)
    – Athel (100%)
    – Halberdier (50%)

    Weaken 15% (A1)
    – Warden (100%)
    – Bone Knight (25%)
    – Bulwark (30%)
    – Harvester (50%)
    – Ifrit (15%)
    – Wanderer (50%)

  20. David j Estiandan

    Does a 60% decrease defense and 25% weaken stack? Both of course allow you to increase the amount of damage an enemy takes but would prefer not to overlap if one would be overridden.

  21. Ayumilove Post author

    @J Sun: Yes, Tallia does have Weaken on her A3 skill.She has been listed above.

  22. J Sun

    Doesn’t Tallia have weaken on her A3?

  23. Ayumilove Post author

    @Geo: I have updated the Champion list who has Weaken Skill to be grouped by AoE, Target and Random.

  24. Malekith

    @devourism Weaken only increase the damage during your turn. For poison there is the poison sensitivity debuff.

  25. Geo

    Separate AOE Weaken with Single target Weaken the same way you separated Decease Defense

  26. devourism

    Does this increase the damage done by poison? Or only damage done during the turn?

  27. Ayumilove Post author

    @Dave Campbell: It will not stack. The 25% Weaken debuff will override the 15% Weaken debuff.

  28. Dave Campbell

    If I place both a 25% weaken debuff and a 15% weaken debuff will they stack?

  29. Destroyer39

    Athel is missing from this list.

  30. Praetor

    Teshada isn’t on this list?
    Maximum Carnage [DEF][ATK] (Cooldown: 4 turns)
    Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 50% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
    Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
    Level 3: Damage +10%
    Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
    Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
    Level 6: Cooldown -1

  31. mirxia


    Decrease 30% DEF doesn’t result in 30% increased damage. It reduce target’s DEF score then use that score to calculate damage reduction. So it’s effectiveness depends on how much DEF your target has.

    Let’s say there’s a hypothetical target with 0 DEF. In this case Decrease DEF does literally nothing. While Weaken still gives you 25% damage boost.

  32. LazerzGoPewPew

    I understand that [Decrease DEF] also causes users who use DEF as their damage modifier to DEAL less damage, but as far as TAKING damage goes: do these two debuffs essentially work the same way? I know that [Weaken] USED to also apply to poison and HP Burn, but since that’s no longer the case since they nerfed it, doesn’t that just make [Weaken] less effective than [Decrease DEF] now? Actually, wouldn’t it be MUCH less effective since even its’ more powerful version at 25%, is less than the weaker version of [Decrease DEF] at 30%?