Kunoichi | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Kunoichi Skill Mastery Equip Guide


NAME: Kunoichi
FACTION: Shadowkin
ROLE: Defense
USABILITY: Early-Mid-Late Game
TOMES: 12 (A2 A3 A4)



Obtain from

Ancient Shard
Sacred Shard
Primal Shard

Blessings Recommendation

Cruelty (Debuffer)


★★★✰✰ Campaign
★★★★✰ Arena Defense
★★★✰✰ Arena Offense
★★★★★ Clan Boss
★★★✰✰ Hydra
★★★★★ Faction Wars


★★★★★ Minotaur
★★★★★ Spider
★★★✰✰ Fire Knight
★★★★★ Dragon
★★★★★ Ice Golem
★★★✰✰ Iron Twins
★★✰✰✰ Sand Devil
★✰✰✰✰ Phantom Shogun


★★★★✰ Arcane Keep
★★★✰✰ Void Keep
★★★★✰ Force Keep
★★★✰✰ Spirit Keep
★★★★✰ Magic Keep

Doom Tower

★★★★★ Floors
★★★★★ Magma Dragon
★★★✰✰ Nether Spider
★★★★✰ Frost Spider
★✰✰✰✰ Scarab King
★★★✰✰ Celestial Griffin
★★★✰✰ Eternal Dragon
★★✰✰✰ Dreadhorn
★★✰✰✰ Dark Fae

Kunoichi Skills

Sever Muscle
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Damage Multiplier: 3.1 DEF

Poison Piercing (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Leech] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 3.7 DEF

Interpose (Cooldown: 6 turns)
Places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff on all allies except this Champion for 2 turns. Fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 50%
Level 2: Cooldown -1
Level 3: Cooldown -1
Level 4: Cooldown -1

Blooded Grit (Passive, Cooldown: 5 turns)
Places a [Block Damage] buff on this Champion for 1 turn whenever their HP drops below 50%.

Kunoichi Build Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

PvE: Bloodthirst, Impulse, Lifesteal, Reflex, Relentless
PvP: Zeal
PvE & PvP: Accuracy, Critical Damage, Defiant, Deflection, Divine Speed, Instinct, Killstroke, Lethal, Merciless, Perception, Resilience, Savage, Speed, Supersonic

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (DEF% / C.RATE / C.DMG)
Chestplate (DEF% / ACC)
Boots (SPD / DEF%)
Ring (DEF)
Amulet (C.DMG / DEF)
Banner (DEF / ACC)

Stats Priority

DEF Nuker & Debuffer: DEF%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC

Kunoichi Mastery Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Raid Shadow Legends Kunoichi PvE Mastery Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Heart of Glory
  4. Single Out
  5. Bring it Down
  6. Methodical
  7. Warmaster


  1. Pinpoint Accuracy
  2. Exalt in Death
  3. Rapid Response
  4. Arcane Celerity
  5. Lore of Steel
  6. Evil Eye
  7. Master Hexer
  8. Sniper

Clan Boss (Speed Tuned)

Raid Shadow Legends Kunoichi Clan Boss Mastery Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Single Out
  4. Life Drinker
  5. Bring it Down
  6. Cycle of Violence
  7. Methodical
  8. Stoked to Fury
  9. Warmaster


  1. Tough Skin
  2. Blastproof
  3. Rejuvneation
  4. Resurgent
  5. Delay Death
  6. Retribution

Kunoichi Updates

Kunoichi Videos

DeadwoodJedi: Speed Tuning Kunoichi for Clan Boss

Champion Name Reference

  • English: Kunoichi
  • French:
  • Deutsch:
  • Italian:
  • Spanish:
  • Chinese:
  • Korean:
  • Japanese:
  • Ukranian:
  • Russian:
  • Turkish:
  • Portuguese:

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12 thoughts on “Kunoichi | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Khalista Stonem

    @Cob because of affinity.. Force is strong against Magic and Neutral against Void… so shes perfect for those two dungeons

  2. thecrapper

    Nine Lives because she is a cat.

  3. Cob

    Can you add a brief explanation on why she’s considered a 5* in 4 different dungeons?

  4. Nostril Holes

    It’s a strange name. Ku-no-ichi would mean Nine of One. It doesn’t make any sense!

  5. Jackie Powers

    Tank you for all the good tips.
    Haven’t you made a little something on Iron Twins’ Tower?

  6. Ayumilove Post author

    @SharinDarkSide: I have added the cooldown to Kunoichi’s passive skill “Blooded Grit”. Thanks for highlighting it!

  7. Greg Harbrecht

    I am very appreciative of the work that you have accomplished, providing the rest of us with this comprehensive guide. My only current question, I have a few pulls, that are not on your list…any way we could get an update, of some sort…?

    My characters not listed

    Lamibur – Skinwalker – rare
    Kinogashi – Shadowkin – epic

    Any clarity would be great, and keep up the great work…!!

  8. Sammy

    Love this site 😍 truly come for all my champions and advice! Keep up the great work people like me be lost without you.

  9. SharinDarkSide

    Hello there, and thanks for all the efforts! Just wanted to comment on this champion as it is important to add the passive cooldown (of 5 turns if I am not mistaken), as it may be misleading the way it is presented now.

  10. Ayumilove Post author

    @Drauku: I have added DeadwoodJedi’s video to this guide. Thanks for sharing the video!

  11. Drauku

    Thanks for your awesome work, AyumiLove. This website continues to be an amazing resource for Raid players!

    DeadwoodJedi has a really comprehensive Clan Boss guide for Kunoichi, if you could post his video here: https://youtu.be/aKpa1s298T4