OverviewNAME: Saurus AbilitiesRSL_AoE_HealReduction_50% Obtain fromMystery Shard |
Grinding★★★★★ Campaign Dungeons★★✰✰✰ Minotaur Potion★★✰✰✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★✰✰ Floors |
Saurus Review
Saurus is an Uncommon Spirit Attack champion from Lizardmen faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Saurus is obtainable from Mystery Shard, Market and farming in Campaign Stage 10 Godfrey’s Crossing. He is known for his Wind Cutter (A1 Skill) that has the ability to hit all enemies in the battlefield, which makes him a great candidate as a campaign speed farmer for Brimstone Brutal 12-3. In addition, his Fire Wave (A2 Skill) has the ability to inflict Heal Reduction debuff, which is useful for preventing Spirit Keep Boss from healing herself. Check out the full review guide below to learn more about Saurus!
Saurus Skills
Wind Cutter
Attacks all enemies.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 2 ATK
Fire Wave (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Has a 10% chance of placing a 50% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 1 turn. Places a 50% [Heal Reduction] if the target’s current HP is less than or equal to 40%.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 1.8 ATK
Saurus Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Bloodthirst, Impulse, Lifesteal, Reflex, Relentless |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityATK Nuker: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD |
Saurus Masteries Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
Saurus Full Review
Champion Purpose
- AoE Attacker: Saurus is great against mobs of enemies as both his primary and secondary attack skills are AoE (Area of Effect) attack. Therefore, this champion is great in clearing mobs of non-Magic Affinity enemies in Campaign stages and Spider’s Den Dungeons.
- Campaign Farmer: Saurus is an excellent Speed Farmer candidate for Campaign 12-3 Brutal because he can perform AoE (Area of Effect) Attack that could wipe out the entire enemy team in 1 hit for all 3 rounds, has quick skill animation that does not require him to move towards the target to perform the attack, and the enemies in 12-3 Brutal are neutral and weak affinities (Spirit and Force affinity).
- Campaign Farmer Setup: To guarantee a quick 1 hit kill, Saurus needs to be equipped with high amount of Attack, Critical Rate and Critical Damage stats. It is recommended to have at least 4000 Attack, 100% Critical Rate, 150% Critical Damage and 100 Speed for Campaign Speed Farming. All of these can be obtained slowly by upgrading all the gears to Level 16 and have him equipped with Amulet, Ring and Banner.
- Campaign Farmer Results: With this setup, Saurus can clear a Campaign stage under 10 seconds! This is very helpful when you are trying to create a lot of fodder (food champions) to upgrade another champion to 6 Stars. In addition, this will be very helpful during Champion Training Event where you collect points from leveling and ranking champions to earn event rewards.
- Prevent enemies from healing: Saurus has a Heal Reduction skill to prevent enemies from healing efficiently. If you intend to use Saurus for this purpose, then he would need Accuracy stats for his Healing Reduction debuff to be inflicted successfully. You will need to balance between the Attack stats and Accuracy stats to enable the Healing Reduction to work as expected.
- Conclusion: Overall, Saurus is an excellent glass cannon Campaign Speed Farmer champion but not great in Arena, Dungeons and Clan Boss.
Champion Limitation
- Saurus has a low base HP (Hit Points aka Health) and DEF (Defense), which makes it difficult for him to survive against stronger enemies as you progress further in game. Reason being, the enemies could easily knockout Saurus in just few hits. Hence, he is viable for early-mid game content.
- Once you have better champions to substitute Saurus to tackle other parts of the game content, you can specialized Saurus as your budget Campaign Speed Farmer for 12-3 Brutal.
Champion Additional Info
- Saurus AoE Attack ability is to Sister Militant (Common Champion from The Sacred Order faction). The advantages of Saurus over Sister Militant is Uncommon champions can ascend to gain additional stats on HP, Attack and Defense.
- The disadvantage of Saurus in comparison to Sister Militant is his low speed stat. Therefore, its recommended to get him at least 100 speed or just sufficient to be the first to start his turn in every battle.
Saurus Reference
Saurus Campaign Speed Farmer Build
Here is Saurus artifacts and masteries optimized by Ayumilove for campaign speed farming Brimstone Stage 12-3 Brutal in 7 seconds. I have 1 Critical Rate Set, 1 Offense Set and mismatch/broken/miscellaneous Set pieces. The glove is Critical Damage (%), while the Chestplate and Boots are Attack (%). The ring and banner are Attack stats while the Amulet is Critical Damage (%). All the substats focussed on achieving high Critical Rate and Critical Damage. The total stats for Saurus is 4800 Attack, 100% Critical Rate, 220% Critical Damage and 114 Speed. You will need to have at least 100 Speed, so you can go first in all battles against the enemies in the campaign!
Saurus Videos
Raid Shadow Legends Saurus Champion Guide by ASH
Raid Shadow Legends Saurus Champion Guide by Tenzion
Raid Shadow Legends Saurus Champion Guide by Дядя О.
Raid Shadow Legends Saurus farming Campaign Stage 12-3 Brutal
why do people not have full sets? wtf is the point of having one frost armor?
Gotta ask…
I notice that most heroes with 0 stars for the Arcane Keep don’t have it listed at all. Is there a special reason this guy does have it?
I keep a spreadsheet of all my guy’s attributes so that I can sort them up however I want to find the best team. While inputting the data into my spreadsheet this was the first one of my team that has this listed but showing a zero
@Ayumi: To make precise, attack must be more than 101 as one enemy in last round is Lord Shazar with 101 base speed.
@MrKinG: I’m at mid-endgame, but still farm with Athel, just about to make Saurus working, but for that you need 4-5* accessories too, which can be farmed at Spider10 only. Now Athel makes 40sec rounds, so I just use own software to keep her running overnight. Saurus will need every tiny bit of attack (level60 plus ascensions), and good set distribution to max out crit damage while having 100% rate.
@Dirk: Saurus has AoE on both A1 and A2, animations are faster, so in general it’s quicker and don’t have to bother with auto setup (good if you setup long multibattle with food replacement). If both can provide the sufficient damage with proper gearing, then Saurus is simply faster.
Dear Folks,
i just compared Saurus/Basilisk just relying to use in FW.
As Basilisk has +LP +ATK + SPD and its same A1 with makes
Stun-Set use possible i have no idea why Saurus is rated better
then Basilisk?
(sure – more cheap to book but i only care about max damage/use
in Faction wars..)
@Mr.King, Athel is great farmer but you have to forget for any different under 20sec. Her primal attack is strong but is one hit and the rest opponents will take several seconds to hit the foods/chickens. Saurus looks good for farmer but if you are early or mid game player it will struggle to reach 3-4K attack, 100% Cr. rate and 170-200 cr.dmg.
@Ayumilove hello dear
I really love you site guides!!
I have 1 question :
I have Athel and Saurus both 4 star and level 40.
I want to make 1 of them fast farmer , should i first make saurus 6 star to level up my other champ faster too?
Im currently on stage 11-5 trying to unlock 12-3 ( normal )
A1 Wind Cutter
A2 Fire Wave
Wait, is his A1 breaking wind? Cutting a fart?
And his A2 lighting it on fire?
Well, at least it doesn’t have a lump in it. Or is that the Heal Reduction?
Ewww, Plarium, what’s going on here?!? Expiring minds want to know.
@ASilva There are 2 ways to run Saurus as a campaign farmer: 2x speed or straight damage. Which way you go depends on your account. For the 2x version, you need over 200 speed. For the damage version, you need more damage and enough damage to go faster than the fastest opponent (106 I think although it might be a bit lower). You would go with speed boots to do the fast version and attack boots to go the high damage version. With my gear it was much easier to do the high damage version. My initial build had 100% crit chance, 196% crit damage, 3,990 attack, and 107 speed. The main thing you need to do is build up enough damage to 1-shot the second wave with your A1. I’ve upgraded a few pieces and now have 100% crit chance, 198% crit damage, 4,653 attack, and 132 speed (because my best pieces ended up making a speed set). You need masteries down through Cycle of violence. My current build is 100% and is 6-9 seconds depending on a cycle of violence proc. The vast majority of runs are 6 seconds or 8 seconds.
What is the best defensive line up for Arena?
why does it say that boots are recommended to have speed main stat yet everyone keeps saying atack % boots ??
Im confused
Which is better to build for primary campaign farmer – Shieldguard or Saurus? I saw Ash video and he did it with Shieldguard and because Def based he isn’t as much a glass cannon as Saurus so he could solo NM 12-3 and also could be used in dungeons and FW (for a while). I was thinking to go Shieldguard but have both fully booked so was trying to decide which way to go. I’ve been struggling with taking either one to 6* when I need to improve Arena, CB, and dungeon teams and have a 6* waiting list (Ghostborn, Apoth, Aox, Armiger, Kantra, Suzerain, Norog, Dark Elhain, Gnarlhorn, etc.) but I also need to spend less then 40 seconds a farm run (Elhain).
I have mine in stun set. It helps me a lot in faction Wars (once I don’t have a Fu-Shan). The masteries, then, should go for fearsome presence.
@Aletheia M: Yes, Saurus is still viable as an excellent Campaign speed farmer. I’m still using Saurus for Campaign 12-3 Brutal Farming to quickly level up champions for fodder especially during Champion Training Events.
Thank you for the update on Saurus. I’m a new player and was wondering if Saurus was still a viable speed farmer today. The additions to your guide are a great help!
@Rais: Gearing plays an essential role in boosting the champion’s full potential or compensate the champion’s weaknesses or both simultaneously in Raid Shadow Legends.
@all: I have added a screenshot of my Saurus for your reference in building a Campaign 12-3 Brutal Speed Farmer. Also, I have expanded on Saurus Review section with additional information based on my experiences working with him.
@Badger Ken
My guess would be because of the 50% Heal Reduction on his A2 good sir.
Why is Saurus rated so high in Spirit dungeon? The main boss doesn’t have mobs,it’s more about debuffing and DPS. Thanks!
Is there a printable guide for champs and Raid Shadow Legend in general?
It should be clear that he’s not a good champ in early game and even mid, because he’s S RANK only if geared. I honestly don’t think he deserve that S because of gear dependancy
it is EITHER get 3x Offense OR 1x of each listed (C.Dmg, Speed and Offense).
So you gotta decide what fits you better 😉
How does the gear section work? It says 3 off, sets then lists 3 more sets. But I can only equip 6 pieces of gear.
very helpful guide! thank you!
Estupendo juego pero de cuelga un montón
@Dante Wolfe: Thannks for your input! I have added that note in the Review section on where the Lizardmen champion Saurus can be obtained.
Hi! I want to say, thanks for everything you do and love the website. In your Review section I noticed that you didn’t have mentioned that Saurus is also farm-able. He can be found in Godfrey’s Crossing.
@Erin: Thanks for spotting the error. I have corrected Saurus review on the affinity type!
You write that he is good against non force champtions, but he is spirit so he has advantage over force. I think you mean magic.
dude thank you for adding the rankings for dungeons/bosses!
@Lusafin: Thanks for sharing your equipment build with us! I’ll add it into this guide.
this is how Alan Ostendorf build his saurus in the linked video and i have to say its far more affective than having a 3 offence sets, masteries are the same as u have it though lol
Equipment: Crit Dmg,Speed,Offense
Stat Priority: Attack%, Crit Rate, Critical Dmg
Weapon (Attack): Crit Dmg Set
Helmet (HP): Crit Dmg Set
Shield (Defense): Speed set
Gauntlets (Critical Rate%): Offence set
Chestplate (Attack%): Speed Set
Boots (Attack %): Offence set
Ring (Attack)
Amulet (Critical Damage)
Banner (Attack)
@Kelmore: Thanks for your input on Saurus Mastery. Kill Streak looks much better than Methodical as it provides additional 2% damage. I’ll update the guide to replace Methodical with Kill Streak 🙂
Would think Kill Streak would be better than Methodical for Saurus. Kill streak would be capped at 12% after the 1st round of farming whereas Methodical only caps at 10% and he wouldn’t hit that till the 3rd round most times if at all.