OverviewNAME: Hurler AbilitiesRSL_Dungeons_AttackAura Blessings RecommendationPhantom Touch (Damage Dealer) Obtain fromMystery Shard |
Grinding★✰✰✰✰ Campaign Dungeons★★✰✰✰ Minotaur Potion★★★✰✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★✰✰✰✰ Floors |
Hurler Skills
Spin Throw
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit has a 25% chance to ignore DEF by 50%.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Level 6: Damage +5%
Damage Multiplier: 1.7 ATK
Firebolt (Cooldown: 3 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy. Removes 1 random buff from the target. Fill this Champion’s Turn Meter by 30%.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 5 ATK
Pin Down (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy. Puts the target’s skills on cooldown.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 5.5 ATK
Increases Ally ATK in Dungeons by 21%.
Hurler Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Bloodthirst, Impulse, Lifesteal, Reflex, Relentless |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityATK Nuker: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD |
Hurler Mastery Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but why are Hurler’s ratings so low when his A2 has good multipliers AND fills his turn meter AND removes enemy buff ? Also his A3 s & aura seem very useful.
I used to have him snd ran him in my Faction Wars team, but I had tons of Lizardmen so after reading on multiple sites how bad Hurler is, I used him as food.
Now I got a four-star soul for him and I kinda wish I had kept him.
Tastes like chicken but be sure to go extra on the seasoning.
This guy is pretty much food? No?
“His skills doesn’t require accuracy?”
Yes it does, these equipment recommendations ASSuME you have them 6* lvl 60 with full ascension. So, you get it from the banner until then you have to figure it out likr ACC set of armor instead of speed, or get enough from substats
His skills doesn’t require accuracy?
@Panagos: Hurler mastery guide and equipment guide are now available!
@Jeebus: The previous ratings were extracted from in-game but were inaccurate. Therefore, I have updated Hurler ratings to reflect his ranking based on the Champion’s Rating Matrix.
make a mastery guide for this champion please!
How can this champ be in the bad section when he’s rated 5 or 4 star for most modes?