OverviewNAME: King Garog AbilitiesRSL_AoE_IgnoreDefense Obtain fromAncient Shard Blessings RecommendationLife Harvest (Arena) |
Grinding★★★★✰ Campaign Dungeons★★★★✰ Minotaur Potion★★★✰✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★✰✰ Floors |
King Garog Skills
Gigantic Cleavers
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Has a 35% chance of placing a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn. The chance increases to 75% if the target’s Turn Meter is equal to or below 50%.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Damage Multiplier: 1.8 ATK
Hack to Bits (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks 1 enemy 4 times. Each hit will ignore 20% of the target’s DEF. Each critical hit has a 50% chance of decreasing the cooldown of Gore Maker skill by 1 turn.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 1.5 ATK
Gore Maker (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Will ignore 20% of each target’s DEF. Will ignore a further 5% of DEF for each buff on the target.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Level 6: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 4 ATK
War Machine (Passive)
Increases this Champion’s SPD by 6 (stacks up to 30) and C.DMG by 7% (stacks up to 35%) for each enemy this Champion kills in a Round. Will not reset if this Champion is killed. Whenever an enemy Champion is revived, fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 30% for each revived enemy, then places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff and a 30% [Increase C.DMG] buff on this Champion for 1 turn.
King Garog Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Bloodthirst, Lifesteal |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityATK Nuker & Debuffer: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC |
King Garog Masteries Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
King Garog Champion Lore Synopsis
Garog, an Orc from Teleria, was raised in a secluded tribe near the Sorrowlakes. His early life was turned upside down when Lizardmen raiders attacked his tribe, killing many and capturing the rest as slaves. Separated from his family, young Garog was sold into the harsh world of Velyzar’s fighting pits, where Orcs were prized for their brute strength. Here, he faced brutal battles in the slums of Vengar, armed only with a rusty axe. An older Orc gladiator, Gaxvold, took pity on him and mentored him. With Gaxvold’s guidance, Garog survived his early fights and gradually transformed into a powerful, skilled warrior.
Over time, Garog earned a reputation as a fierce competitor. With his massive strength and brutal cleaver attacks, he rose to fame in the fighting pits, eventually earning the title “King of Vengar.” Though celebrated for his fighting prowess, he secretly dreamed of freedom, longing to search for his family. He planned to escape Velyzar and, if necessary, return to the Sorrowlakes to uncover their fate. Despite his fame, Garog’s only true companion was Gaxvold, who, as he aged, hoped to be released by their master. Instead, the old Orc was forced into a brutal final showdown, a grand spectacle meant to end in his death.
Gaxvold’s death enraged Garog, who became certain that freedom would never come on its own. Determined to break free, he rallied his fellow gladiators, convincing them that their fates were sealed if they stayed. Together, they secretly acquired a key from a sympathetic guard, planning an uprising during a major event. When the games began, the gladiators launched a surprise attack, killing as many overseers as they could and escaping in the ensuing chaos. Only a few managed to survive the escape, but Garog was among them, vowing to honour Gaxvold’s memory by securing his own freedom.
After his escape, Garog was offered leadership of a new warband, but he declined, saying he was done with needless bloodshed. Though he chose a solitary path, he was often forced into violence to defend his freedom. Despite this, he remained determined to track down his parents or at least discover their fate, setting out on a long journey that would take him across Teleria and beyond. He ventured from the Sorrowlakes to the Deadlands, and finally, to Anhelt, following every lead he could find.
Garog’s legendary escape and the rebellion he sparked left a mark on Telerian history. Many viewed him as a threat to authority, while others saw him as a symbol of resistance. Yet, despite his fame, Garog cared little for his reputation or leading others. His only true mission remained a deeply personal one: to uncover the fate of his family, even if it meant battling all those who stood in his way.
King Garog Updates
- (2024-11-04) Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes V9.40
- (2021-10-05) Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes V4.70
- (2021-01-14) Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes V3.20
King Garog Videos
Raid Shadow Legends King Garog Champion guide by BGE
Raid Shadow Legends King Garog Champion guide by Skratch AK47
Raid Shadow Legends King Garog Champion guide by MurderInc
almost a year since the last review of this dude. so im guessing he still sucks. i just pulled him. but i’ll just vault him with the rest of the useless legends not worthy to book or train. RIP
@ArcticFOX Zargala is a beast. Let’s get that out of the way right now.
She’s is an absolute beast, and there really aren’t that many force affinity champions that really can go toe to toe with her, because she has a very strong kit, especially with Crack Armor and Crack Armor proc if she kills an enemy with her Devastate.
That said, my only issue with Zargala is that she is that her kit is book dependent for damage.
Until her A1 is fully booked it’s average with a 3 damage multiplier. Same with her Devastate and that’s her “trick shot” to proc Crack Armor. It hits much harder, but until she’s fully booked her performance is decent, but not the kind of top tier performance I’ve seen in the videos that showcase her.
She’s top tier, but not out of the box.
KG on the other hand is deceptively strong, and I think he doesn’t get enough credit. One look at him and he looks very lackluster. I mean look at his damage multipliers. They’re a joke, especially for a force affinity ATK-based champion.
BUT, unlike Zargala, he’s out of the box because his kit isn’t book dependent – it’s CRT% dependent. He’s not even all that mastery dependent.
IF all you did was get him in gear with CRT%/CRT and ATK%/ATK primary stats with SPD and C. DMG substats – he’d start wrecking immediately with that as he cycles Hack to Bits -> Goremaker from the jump.
Unbooked, Hack to Bits is on a 4 turn CD. With 100% CRT you can drop your Goremaker from 6 turns unbooked to 4 as well, and you can manipulate that with if you have the Relentless gear with the stats to get that 18% chance at an extra turn, then after he’s booked, put him in cruel.
I still say he’s situational BUT he’s good from early to late game.
I didn’t measure against Sinesha, because even though she does do a lot of damage, her kit, though largely ATK-powered, she is a support champion so her abilities are like old-school holy pallies or shadow priests in world of warcraft? They do damage to increase their healing, so it’s not really a fair comparison to me, if that makes sense.
Where I think KG shines is in those situations where you need to lock down and put away a tank or healer on a team that’s giving you trouble, or AOE-nuking a group?
For example, if I’m on a pvp team and I see a Scyl, or Apothecary, or somthing… Maybe a Vogoth with his super healing provoking behind standing guard… I’ll swap out Zargala and keep them locked down with the A1 because it doesn’t do that much damage so the healing is minimal, while my other team takes out the rest.
For AOE numking, I run him next to Zargala on my tag team.
It’s Zargala, Kael, KG and High Khatun (for SPD aura) on my SPD-tuned Team 2.
Crack Armor -> Goremaker -> Acid Rain -> Shamanic Lightning (with high ACC on High Khatun for the turn meter reduction) is a NASTY opener.
And I managed to get Kael in stun gear AND keep 100% CRT and high enough ACC that he stuns and drops 3-4 poisons with his Disintegrate.
Anyway, I’m ranting.
Bottom line? I don’t really think one is better than another as a “preferred” champion. I think there are some situations where Zargala is better, some where KG is better, and situations where you can team them up for massive destruction.
I hope that helps.
Let’s keep in mind here… if you put ANY champion in solid gear – you’re going to get decent results.
The point is… you’ll get much better returns throwing that kinda gear on just about any other attack champ.
@Athalos, good review, for a force affinity damage dealer is he any kind of a step up from epic options like Zargala and Sinesha? These are really solid champions, easier to book. This is my problem with KG. 14 Legendary books is a hideous cost for someone that might not offer any real value over replacement.
I’ve been playing around with him for a while now. For a bit he was guarding my vault because there was a lot of negativity around him, but I’m glad I did, and honestly, I am enjoying him.
I took a lesson from BGEs video, and put him in 6 Cruel artifacts for the 2x +15% ATK and the +15% ignore armor. Primary stats are C. RATE% gauntlets, ATK% chest, SPD boots, with secondary stats being C. RATE to 101%/ATK/SPD/C. DMG.
I do like the single target STUN chance, but I so even though there is some ACC on his set, it’s not something I stacked, but got from his masteries, which I’ll mention in a sec.
What does though is that he will always crit on Hack to Bits, to keep shortening that Goremaker turn cooldown.
I went down the support tree for the ACC and SPD bonuses, and I kept the offense tree the same, although I’m thinking about respecing and going down the left side instead for Methodical as well, then going into Kill Streak. We’ll see.
I don’t worry about his survival much. I have a crowd controller, (Angar), and a great tank (Captain Temila). KG barely gets touched at all.
I built him this way because of the cooldown manipulation of his A2 when he crit hits, reducing his Goremaker.
I don’t even have him booked and I’ve seen it drop to 3 turns when that RNG for the 50% chance turn reduction goes my way.
He is actually quite remakably destructive, and the longer the fight goes, the more and more danage he does.
Of course, for me, I built him to be played with either a tank or crowd controller, or both, so he still is situational.
Ayumilove my first comment appeared now. You can delete the second and this one to prevent me looking like a total plank. Thanks!
Great my comment I posted here vanished.
Pulled this guy the weekend they buffed him. A 15% damage boost on a single skill with a 6 turn CD does not make him exciting against the solid wall of negative comments and disappointment.
– A3 should have a multiplier over 4 to hit harder than the best Epics
– A3 base cooldown should not be 6 even if the A2 reduces it
– Why put a low chance Stun on the A1 expecting us to build Accuracy for that? Make it non resistable.
– Look at how other Legendary champs (Hurndig, Jintoro) recharge their nuke. Needs ‘grants an extra turn’ or ‘if it kills an enemy’ somewhere in the mix.
– For 15 Legendary tome requirement he should be better than this. Looks rubbish without the tomes, very bad with them. Conclusion….. stay in vault.
I pulled this guy on the weekend they buffed him. I was excited to find out the extent of the buff. Seems like a multiplier change from 3.2 to 3.7 on the A3. That’s a 15% damage increase on a single skill with a 5 turn cooldown? How is that any kind of meaningful buff at all. All the press on this champ is extremely negative, Plarium need to do a lot more than a minor tinkering to reduce the disappointment/frustration factor of pulling such champs. I am not about to invest 14 Legendary tomes and rip the best Savage gear off other nukers I know do the job. I will stick with Galek for Faction Wars… Rare books are like free compared to this. Zargala is also way better. Her A3 is almost the same damage, applies Dec DEF and is on a 4 turn cooldown NOT 6!!!
I know Garog’s A2 is supposed to recharge his A3, but that is on a 4 turn cooldown itself.
Compare this to how Hurndig’s A1 (with no books) can recharge Stasis Strike.
I like to make up my own mind and test out champs but with Legendaries there is just no room for mistakes. This buff seems to have turned him from a 3/10 Legendary champ into a 3.5/10 Legendary champ. This will not make people build him when Galek and Zargala are better!
He is staying in the vault until one day there is a serious real buff, and that should be EITHER A1/A2 ‘grants an extra turn’ or change the A3 base cooldown to 4, books to 3. And make the A3 multiplier at least 4.0 so he hits at least like Skullcrown. And why put that stupid Stun on the A1 Plarium designers???? You want us to build Accuracy just for that? Make it a ‘cannot be resisted’ Stun.
Skratch calling this guy Princess Garog. Who would risk building him after this insignificant buff.
This champ needs a Visix level buff to be relevant and throw of the stigma of being so disappointing.
@HoboBob: I have updated King Garog’s A3 Skill “Goremaker” base cooldown from 4 to 6. Thanks!
The Wiki here is wrong. His Goremaker base cooldown is 6 and it goes down after you book it to 5. I had confirmed this in game and from old videos
This guy is a total failure. He’s an attack champion that sucks at attacking.
My RARE Kael with worse gear will consistently out damage Garog in any content in the game.
Please don’t bother investing in this guy. He’s not worth the potions. He’s CERTAINLY not worth the books. And honestly… he’s not worth the energy used to level him up. There are ZERO builds where he’s worthwhile.
You’d be better off investing in Warboy. I’m exaggerating of course – but not by much.
Unfortunately – when you get stuck with this flaming piece of offal as your only lego in the orcs faction… well…
Holy crap, his multipliers are so awful. He doesn’t even compete with the better damage dealing epics.
I just pulled this guy and while checking out his abilities and checking on here, I noticed a mistake.
His A3 “Gore Maker” has an unbooked cooldown of 6 turns, not 4
Would have been a much better Lego with his A3 working every 3 turns (when booked), but his 5 turn cooldown (when booked) means this makes him less of a good champ unless his A2 hits with enough crit and manages to be lucky enough to get a couple of the 50% chances for the cooldown decrease.
Such a pity because, at first glance, his abilities look interesting.
Might play with this lego when I get my other ones sorted.
A big THANKS to Ayumilove for all the effort you put in here, it has been a great help. 🙂
Is there a way to know whether plarium plans to buff a champ and if yes where please ?
I still have him in my vault, I am sometimes tempted to ascend and full build him but we lack uograded comments.
Let us know please if any changes occur !
I am not end game. I’m close, but not comfortably at End-Game yet.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out how a non-critting teammate can hit harder than he can on his A1, and A2. Even if his Multipliers are not high at all.
Garog will Crit for 9k – 10k on Dragon, while a support champ is hitting for that high. And critting for almost 25k.
I have his gear pretty much set for what he requires. And I’ve tried 3 different builds.
1. Speed / Attack Damage
2. Crit / Speed
3. Crit / Attack
And.. Him hitting that low is NOT CONSISTENT. One fight he will hit the way he should. And the next he can never hit higher than the numbers I mentioned before.
Defence being high doesn’t change this result.
Affinity superiority doesn’t change the result.
All of his builds result in him just not dependably hitting high.
Can anyone explain a possibility I just cannot see? Is this some malfunction in his AI?
I’m actually quite sad. He has a neat kit that can flow very well.
I don’t think that he’s garbage in concept. But I do think that Plarium messed up somewhere with his settings.
I hope they commit to a fix.
Day132 and this is the only Lego I’ve pulled. Sigh…
I wasted two legendary skill tomes on this guy before i knew what garbage he was.
Just pulled this sack of crap after my last leggo was Grohak. F this game.
Currently using him with a relentless set against fire knight and he performs decently. Unfortunately his AI will not use his A2 against the divine shield. While he has potential as a nuker, he is slightly underwhelming and leaves much to be desired. At best he might be a 7-8/10 arena champ with investment.
I may regret it, but I’m not going to put money on this champion. It doesn’t seem to be good enough for me. Even with crazy stats it’s not going to be a game changer.
I will take the bonus ítems from the events, but nothing more.
I’m saving shards for the samurai faction. I’m pretty sure there will be a fusion then.