Raid Shadow Legends Intercept skill grants an Intercept buff to oneself or allies, providing robust protection against incoming debuffs. Functioning akin to Block Debuff, Intercept serves as a tactical response to the widespread Sheep meta (e.g. Polymorph Blessing, Sheep ability) in the Arena. Moreover, it shields against various crowd-control debuffs like Stun, Freeze, Petrification, Sleep, Fear, True Fear, and the notorious Sheep debuff.
Intercept FAQ
How does Intercept works?
Intercept functions as a formidable shield against debuffs through various mechanics: each stack of Intercept blocks one debuff attempt, vanishing upon successful block; it maintains an indefinite duration until thwarting a debuff. When a weaker Intercept is applied, the stronger stack prevails, ensuring sustained protection against debuffs.
How does Intercept complement Block Debuff or immunity against specific debuffs?
When both Intercept and Block Debuffs are active, a stack is only lost to unblockable debuffs. If a Champion is immune to specific debuffs, Intercept depletes only when faced with an unblockable threat. For example, when Head of Torment (Hydra Clan Boss) inflicts an unblockable/unstoppable Fear debuff on your champion who has Intercept buff, both the Fear debuff and 1 stack of Intercept buff is removed. It’s recommended to have Intercept buff on your damage dealer champion (e.g. AoE attacker) so they are not interrupted by crowd control abilities.
Can Intercept be dispelled or removed by specific abilities or effects?
Intercept can be removed using Remove Buff or Steal Buff ability, or apply multiple variant debuffs simultaneously to remove all the Intercept stacks instantly.
What debuffs that Intercept cannot block?
Intercept buff cannot block protected debuffs such as the Enfeeble debuff from Phantom Shogun, or protected Brimstone debuff blessing.
Intercept Buff Types
InterceptPrevents an ally from receiving debuff from enemy with Intercept buff. |
@David Fortin: I check in-game on Loki the Deceiver skills and I could not find anything related to Intercept buff. However, he has a unique passive skill known as Mist Step that provides Evade ability, which means he can evade any debuffs inflicted to him. It does work similarly to Intercept but without taking damage and debuffs simultaneously from the enemy attack. Perhaps you are referring to this ability that Loki has.
Loki has Intercept skill
I noticed today that the Intercept buff does NOT block the Weaken debuff applied by the Head of Suffering (A1 attack). The description for Suffering says that the Weaken debuff “cannot be Resisted” but it does not say anything about being “blocked”.
@Spotz: I have included your example into the Intercept FAQ section. Thanks!
Just as a handy note, this buff will “intercept” the unstoppable/unblockable Fear debuff that the Head of Torment places, which is really good to place on an AOE attacker when this head pops up.
@John Doe: I have updated the sentence on based on your correction. Thanks!
just a grammar note: “Intercept buff cannot block protected debuffs such as the Enfeeble debuff from Phantom Shogun, or protected Brimstone debuff blessing”