Warpriest | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Warpriest Skill Mastery Equip Guide


NAME: Warpriest
FACTION: Sacred Order
ROLE: Support
USABILITY: Early-Mid Game
TOMES: 11 (A2 A3)



Obtain from

Mystery Shard
Ancient Shard
Primal Shard
Campaign Storyline

Blessings Recommendation

Phantom Touch (Damage Dealer)


★★★★✰ Campaign
★★★✰✰ Arena Defense
★★★✰✰ Arena Offense
★★★✰✰ Clan Boss
★✰✰✰✰ Hydra
★★★★✰ Faction Wars


★★★✰✰ Minotaur
★★★✰✰ Spider
★★✰✰✰ Fire Knight
★★★✰✰ Dragon
★★★✰✰ Ice Golem
★★✰✰✰ Iron Twins
★✰✰✰✰ Sand Devil
★✰✰✰✰ Phantom Shogun


★★★★✰ Arcane Keep
★★★★✰ Void Keep
★★★✰✰ Force Keep
★★★✰✰ Spirit Keep
★★★✰✰ Magic Keep

Doom Tower

★★✰✰✰ Floors
★★✰✰✰ Magma Dragon
★★✰✰✰ Nether Spider
★★✰✰✰ Frost Spider
★✰✰✰✰ Scarab King
★★✰✰✰ Celestial Griffin
★★✰✰✰ Eternal Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Dreadhorn
★✰✰✰✰ Dark Fae

Warpriest Review

Warpriest is a Rare Spirit affinity champion from the Sacred Order faction in Raid Shadow Legends. At the beginning of your Raid journey, you receive Warpriest as one of your starting champions, and she remains a reliable companion for your initial champion until the mid game. She possesses a healing ability that becomes more effective as you ascend her to stage 3, along with an attack buff that benefits the entire team. While Warpriest’s usefulness diminishes after reaching level 50, she remains a formidable asset until that point.

Warpriest Skills

Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 15% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 6: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 5.5 ATK

Divine Light (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Heals a target by 20% of their MAX HP. Heals all allies except the target by 10% of the target’s MAX HP.
Level 2: Heal +5%
Level 3: Heal +5%
Level 4: Heal +10%
Level 5: Cooldown -1

Bless Weapons (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Places a 25% [Increase ATK] buff on all allies for 2 turns.
Level 2: Cooldown -1
Level 3: Cooldown -1

Warpriest Build Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

PvE: Impulse, Reflex, Relentless
PvP: Immunity, Protection, Stoneskin, Untouchable
PvE & PvP: Accuracy, Divine Speed, Fortitude, Immortal, Perception, Regeneration, Resistance, Righteous, Speed, Supersonic

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (HP% / DEF%)
Chestplate (ACC / RES / HP% / DEF%)
Boots (SPD / HP% / DEF%)
Ring (HP / DEF)
Amulet (HP / DEF)
Banner (ACC / RES / HP / DEF)

Stats Priority

Buffer: RES, SPD, HP%, DEF%
Buffer & Debuffer: ACC, RES, SPD, HP%, DEF%

Warpriest Mastery

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Raid Shadow Legends Warpriest Skill Mastery Equip Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Shield Breaker
  4. Single Out
  5. Bring it Down
  6. Methodical
  7. Warmaster


  1. Steadfast
  2. Lay on Hands
  3. Healing Savior
  4. Rapid Response
  5. Lore of Steel
  6. Cycle of Magic
  7. Spirit Haste
  8. Lasting Gifts

Warpriest Videos

Raid Shadow Legends Warpriest Champion Guide by MtgJedi

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35 thoughts on “Warpriest | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. RyanT

    I don’t think most people realize that increases to healing from upgrading skills is MULTIPLICATIVE. meaning her Diving Light skill heals 20% plus another 20% of that, 20+20%=24.

    Then you can add in the 20% bonus heal from the set. I would think her heal would be 28%.

    All other skills are additive when upgrading, but healing is multiplicative. Plarium has told us this. Remember this for ALL champions in the game.

    Warpriest is great early to mid-game. In the right gear she hits hard, takes a beating, heals decently, and makes a great support member due to her survivability. Do NOT feed her like some people have until you have other healing as healers are scarce in this game.

  2. Lirisist007

    They’re definitely a few things to say about Warpriest, she has a single target freeze on her A1, 25% Increase ATK on her A3 but more popular because of her A2 which heals a target ally by 40% of their max hp and heals other allies by 30% of the target’s max hp when fully booked, but pretty soon, y’all gonna realize that Warpriest is just a utility food champ offered to you on stage 7 of kareok Castle.

    In opinion, after i realized how useless she’d become pretty early in the game, on my new account, i don’t bother putting any book into her at all, i only used her to get passed some force affinity enemy waves in stages like hallowed halls, valdemar strait and felwin’s gate…as soon i was able to 3 star all stages in brutal (which i was able to achieve in less than 5 days because i already had deacon armstrong and wukong) Warpriest was nothing more but a piece of snack for my first level 60.

    i would rather have more ultility with free champs like Spirithost, She brings the big version of increase attack on her A2 and she’s also a cleanser with block buff on her A3, plus she doesn’t need as many books as Wapriest (11books) compared to Spirithost (Only 6 books),

    Spirithost also heals by 50% of damage inflicted on her A1, did i forget to mention that she has a 10% speed aura in all battles? speak about ultility guys i could not think of using a spirit host as food cuz she’s can really speed up your runs and help you progress in almost any aspect of the game, infact i value her just as much as Warmaiden.

    I am not saying Warpriest is total trash but because i know she’ll be a dumbass later in the game, I’ve never bothered to take her up to level 50, that’s a huge waste of XP, maybe she might be useful in the early faction wars but still she’s more like food to me!

    I ultilized lifesteal gear on many of my champs plus leech debuffs to stay alive, so maybe untill you a champ that can place a leech debuff, you might want to consider keeping her a bit longer but finding your without her is even better!!

  3. Lirisist007

    There’s definitely a few things to say about Warpriest, she’s a single target freeze on her A1, 25% Increase ATK on her A3 but more popular because of her A2 which heals an ally by 40% of their max and heals other allies by 30% of the target’s max hp when fully booked, but pretty soon, y’all gonna realize that Warpriest is just a utility food champ offered to you on stage 7 of kareok Castle.

    In opinion, after i realized how useless she’d become pretty early in the game, on my new account i don’t bother putting any book into her at all, i only used her to get passed some force affinity enemy waves in stages like hallowed halls, valdemar strait and felwin’s gate…as soon i was able to 3 star all stages in brutal (which i was able to achieve in less than 5 days because i already had deacon armstrong and wukong) Warpriest was nothing more but a piece of snack for my first level 60.

    i would rather have more ultility with free champs like spirit host, the brings the big version of increase attack on her A2 and she’s also a cleanser with block buff on her A3, plus she doesn’t need as many books as Wapriest (11books) compared to Spirithost (Only 6 books),

    Spirithost also heals by 50% of damage inflicted on her A1, did i also forget to mention that she has a 10% speed aura in all battles? speak about ultility guys i could not think of using a spirit host as food cuz she’s can really speed up your runs and help progress in almost any aspect of the game, infact i value her just as much as Warmaiden.

    I am not saying war priest is a totally trash but because i know she’ll be a dumbass later in the game, I’ve bothered to even take her up to level 50, that’s a huge waste, maybe she might be using also in the early faction wars but still she’s more like food to me!

  4. Shizukuishi

    lol @Michael A Williams, playing for 2 months. Either by luck or though purchase you got better healing champs or you lack the gear and masteries for Warpriest. She is a great way early game healer. Sure, her A1 is a joke. If we could turn it off, we would, but her A3 is great early game and if needed, her A2 isn’t too bad. Early game you can just brute force leveling, but having some heals makes it a littler more tolerable than corpse dragging.

  5. Pain1972

    ehs fine early game take her rank 5 she sucks after that.youllstart getting epics and legendaries she wil never compete again end of story

  6. Michael A Williams

    I’m going to go against the crowd here. I’ve been playing 2 months, I’ve probably killed Warpriest at least 100 times in Classic Arena. She has NEVER posed a threat to my team. She is always the last one I kill because I don’t worry about her. She lasts a long time, she’ll be the last one standinig. But to anybody who says she hits hard, I’ll just say, I’ve never seen that. In all the battles I’ve had against her, surely I came across somebody who had her well equipped, ascended, and masteries done. Again, I’ve never seen a Warpriest that wasn’t easy to wear down and kill.
    Also, I’ve tried using her in various roles. She’s no help to me in Arena. And when I’ve been stuck on a certain level of Campaign, Dungeon, or Doom Tower, I brought her in. She’s never been any help in progressing.

  7. Kyle

    Just got a 6 star soul for Warpriest and now I am tempted to make her 6 star….

  8. Shizukuishi

    One last thought… If you go to a store advertising a 50% off sale and they tell you there is an additional 10% off all items (or +10% off all items) you expect to receive 60% off at the counter, not 50.5% off.

    Those who have paid to play the game may have a case to bring against Plarium for false advertising.

  9. Shizukuishi

    The wording on the healing and other buffs are misleading at best.
    “Heals a target by 20% of their MAX HP. Heals all allies except the target by 10% of the target’s MAX HP.”

    If this were truly the case, then to maximize the amount of healing performed, we would always need to place a heal on the target who has the greatest MAX HP, even if they were fully healed so that the remaining allies would receive 10% of the target’s MAX HP. In addition, all allies would receive the same amount of healing.

    Level 5 Devine Light: Heals target 40% of their max HP and allies for 30% of the target’s max HP
    Lay on Hands: Increases the value of healing casts by 5%
    Healing Saviour: Increases the value of healing by 10% if the target Allie has 40% HP or less.

    Thus, total heals should equal to…

    Target above 40% HP: 45% of target MAX HP
    Allies: 35% of target MAX HP

    Target at 40% HP or below: 55% of target MAX HP
    Allies: 45% of target MAX HP

    Max HP of each Champion
    Kael: 15052
    Fencer: 12503
    Sniper: 16403
    Warpriest: 16615

    So, if the wording of the buff were correct, I should always heal Warpriest as she has the greatest amount of MAX HP.

    When she is above 40%, this is how much healing should take place.
    45% of 16615 = 7476.75 heals for Warpriest
    35% of 16615 = 5815.25 heals for all allies

    When she is at or below 40% HP, this is how much healing should take place.
    55% of 16615 = 9138.25 for Warpriest
    45% of 16615 = 7476.75 heals for all allies

    In actuality, all added bonuses are unfortunately multiplicative and not additive. Thus, instead of Warpriest healing for 45% of target MAX HP when the target is above 40% HP, she only heals for 25% (the masteries and books only add 5%…) and 27% when the target is below 40% HP.

    Conclusion: Overall, I like Warpriest, but she is squishy, her attack is ultra weak, with over 100 ACC she still misses with the Freeze debuff, and her heals are very costly to maximize, though she is a keeper for now. We should form a Player’s Union and collectively bargain to force Plarium to do away with multiplicative bonuses and implement additive ones. It is like when your company changes their 401k contribution from 100% up to 4% of your salary to 4% up to 4% of your salary. HUGE DIFFERENCE!!!! We and Warpriest are being cheated by the Plarium Cabal!

    Warpriest is currently wearing Immortal (Chest-RES, Boots-DEF%), Perception (Helmet-HP, Gauntlets-ATK%) and Speed (Weapon-ATK, Shield-DEF), Sacred Order Ring-DEF. The Great Hall, Classic Arena, Masteries and Faction Guardians help boost her stats.

  10. superextra

    Why does my warpriest in the game has 92 base speed but in this file has 97 ? Did they lower her stats ?

  11. VV4FF13Z

    I just recently started playing Raid. I held on to my Warpriest and noticed her healing potential immediately. I currently have her with an Immortal/Attack set. She has huge HP, crazy heals, and does a pretty heavy amount of damage.

  12. Leslie Rice

    My 5 star Warpriest, and 6 star Elhain, 3 starred brutal campaign, but mine is booked, ascended and has 36,000 HP. so far she is my best healer. better than my apothecary.

  13. AaAA

    is it really good to put her in a lifesteal set to clan boss and like that? 3/4 of her turns she’ll 1. increase ATK to all champions (not dealing any DMG) 2. healing allys (not dealing DMG) so only whe she’s attacking she’ll get to heal herself. and even thn she’s not such an attacking chamoin and her attack isn’t so big.
    I put on her the Regeneration set (heals by 15% every turn) and the immortal set that let’s her survive more time while in the clan boss and allows her to suuport my team better.

  14. Murch

    Is it me or her heal doesn’t work as advertised?

    1. She doesn’t seem to heal others according to the target’s max HP, she heals them according to their max HP.

    2. When leveled, her skill does not gain percentage points, it gains percent value of her skill, which is already a percent value, meaning when maxed, her heal increases by 20% of 20%, which is a measly 4%, turning it from 20% heal to 24% heal.

    The wording on her skill seem ambiguous at best, maybe even misleading. Anyone else is having problems with her heal?

  15. Joey

    I got tired of her dying in second wave so I have put life seal and divine life . Been really good since I did that

  16. Bokai Preston

    She serves a purpose. On my old account I used 4&5 star Life, Defense and Offense artifacts with an overall mix of boosts except accuracy(the freeze is low probability even booked out). I maxed her out in every way until she was pretty strong for support.

    Then I got Scyl of the Drakes and War Preist sat on the bench maxed out. Before I booked or ranked Scyl. She’s useful when you have no other strong supporters, and her hit isn’t bad for cleanup but she’s not worth massive investment.

  17. Brasstacks

    What are the star stats on the Doom Tower?

  18. Dargentina

    About some comments below:

    Warpriest is not a common drop.
    I never got her besides the first one you get for free (meaning, never got her from a shard).

    Apothecary is not a fairly common drop neither.
    Took me over 6 months of playing to get one (and it’s waiting on the bench now, since I have other priorities, and I can’t afford books to max him).

    Drops depend on your account.
    When you start, it gets “tied” to certain factions.
    (this is absolutely unofficial, it just comes from observing friends drops, and asking players)

    For example:
    My brother got Bad-El Kazar on his very first damned blue shard.
    Then he opened a Void one, and got Whisper.
    From then on, he was getting mostly undeads, and Revenants in a smaller ratio.

    One of my best friends started two accounts:
    First account, he was getting mostly High Elves (which he hates), and Skinwalkers.
    Second account, he gets mostly Dark Elves (which he hates even more), and Banner Lords (which he loves), but got an incredible luck with drops.

    Me, I get mostly Dwarves, and Lizardmen. I’ve lost count how many repeats I got of each, and I friggin hate them because they suck (aggravated by not getting anything really good -that is, almost no epics and zero legendaries).

    Sacred Order and Barbarians seem pretty common for everyone, but then again, some players get repeats easily while others struggle to get a single one. Nonethless, the amount is more or less the same.

    So no, there’s no “common drop”, unless talking about farmable heros.

  19. Dargentina

    I remember building her early, and never was too useful.

    The ATK boost is the small one, and at early game, it’s a very small bonus total.
    Same happens with healing, which -apparently- seems ok… but it’s way too small to save your team, or even a heavily damaged hero.

    I started to get MUCH better results when I swapped her for Valerie.
    Valerie’s shield/heal not only heals more or less the same, but also adds a shield, which indeed can save your newbie bum.
    It also has the same small attack bonus, but also reduces debuffs and increases buffs.
    Valerie can also farmed in the first level, so she can be maxed without spending books.

    Basically, Valerie (which you get for free on your very first run) does everything Warpriest do, but with several extra effects per skill, and can be maxed.

    I can’t see a single reason why Warpriest is ranked better, honestly.
    (more considering that healers are pretty common among Sacred Order, so even at that she’s quite mediocre)

    All in all, build her up only if you’re new… like REALLY new (a couple weeks playing).
    Otherwise, go for Valerie instead, who is really useful in most situations, including CB.

  20. Strawberry369

    Warpriest is better for team healing than apothecary because if every one in your team is healed to a maximum by warpriest they will in total be healed by 50% of the targets hp. But apothecary is better for 2 player battles in the campaign because it will only have one champion to heal.

    Also equipping warpriest with regeneration and immortality makes it really good against the clan boss.

  21. Elsdragon


    Apothecary. Cardinal is also just as good if not better, though not as popular.

    Warpriest is worth upranking to atleast 5/50. She is also a pretty common drop from blue stones, so have her eat her sisters but probably not any books.

  22. AnotherRaidPlayer

    Is it ok if I use divine speed and normal speed with immortal?

  23. Taranizs

    As others have pointed out she’s maybe not worth going to 6 with, but at 5/50 she’s still good mid game for being able to both increase attack and heal the group. I’ve currently got her with a 1 Shield and 1 Speed set, and the only real change I’d like to make is to swap the Speed for a Divine Speed, giving her an additional 15% shield on top of the 30% shield would make her pretty rock solid for the 3 turns those shields endure.

  24. gabriel

    I built her to rank 5 level 50 good early game but I think getting into mid-late she is looking more tempting as food!

  25. TheReapersToll

    She is super tanky and a life set works well on her.

  26. doro626

    I put a frozen set on her and did not regret it.

  27. ThBluceIsLoose

    @lolerko and @idktho:
    In that vein, I’m running her with Blade Disciple instead of Deadly Precision. I understand that, depending on various factors, Deadly Precision tends to be better once a champion reaches about 2500 attack, but I also expect to leave her at rank 5, and I’m not sure if I’d get her to 2500 attack even if I did invest fully in her. If she does get anywhere near 2500 attack, I’ll look more closely at the math. There is always that free reset.

  28. idktho

    Do we not care much about her chance to inflict 𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘻𝘦? I know health tends to be a priority on supports (and if she ever heals herself, that would increase the party heal), but I thought the consensus was that 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘵 is fairly unexciting, and usually the worse choice for almost any champion with any debuffs (let alone a sweet A1 debuff).

    Also, I concur with lolerko: She’ll probably be one of my first few 5s if I don’t get Apothecary before then, and I’ll probably get her to 5 eventually even if I do get Apothecary, but she might never be worth getting to 6 (unless she’s good for faction crypts? I assume we’ll need 60s for the later crypt levels, but I’m nowhere near there, and I suspect she won’t be in many people’s top five Sacred Order by the time they get there).

  29. lolerko

    @lk Apothecary is a rare and prob best dedicated healer in game bcs of high heals and speed, since he is a rare he is fairly easy to get. If you are new and you dont have any other healer for dungeons go for her to rank 5 its not that expensive but only after you get your first rank 6 farmer.

  30. lk

    Everyone says she’s not good and i shouldn’t uprank her, but i don’t get why. Who’s a healer for the later stages of the game?

  31. Murderwolf

    I went against a team in the arena with like 25K power that had a 6* Warpriest. My team had 45K power. I killed everybody in that crew except Warpriest. Not only would she not die, she didn’t even lose any energy. That battle lasted over five minutes. I don’t know what that was about. It was bizarre.

  32. CaptHammer

    I know this would likely be lots of work, but a little write up on the best champs would be great! something like “This champ is great, and here are 2-3 reasons why!”

  33. FlshKb

    Thanks for the great work I have been playing for 7 days and my CB team is “HP BURN” = Steelskull 5 *, apoth 5 *, athel 6 *, ultimate garlek 5 * and warpriest 4 *. I have got 3M + dmg CB HARD.
    My question is: Is it worth it to improve warpriest or trade for another hero? Garlek needs the “% ATK” buff for “hp burn”. Would you help me?

  34. Ayumilove Post author

    @Trevor Seale: Thanks for pointing out the missing equipment guide! Warpriest equipment guide is now available.

  35. Trevor Seale

    Looks like it’s missing the equipment guide