OverviewNAME: Kurzad Deepheart AbilitiesRSL_AoE_DecreaseDefense_30% Obtain fromVoid Shard Blessings RecommendationPhantom Touch (Damage Dealer) |
Grinding★★★★✰ Campaign Dungeons★★★★✰ Minotaur Potion★★★★✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★★✰ Floors |
Kurzad Deepheart Skills
Attacks 1 enemy. Places an extra hit if this attack is critical. The extra hit places a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Level 6: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 2 ATK
Flailing Pick (Cooldown: 3 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Each critical hit fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 7.5%.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Level 6: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 3.3 ATK
Deep Ambush (Cooldown: 3 turns)
Places a 50% [Increase ACC] buff on all allies for 2 turns, then attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 30% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 6: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 7: Damage +5%
Level 8: Damage +10%
Level 9: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Damage Multiplier: 3 ATK
Kurzad Deepheart Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Bloodthirst, Lifesteal |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityATK Nuker: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD |
Kurzad Deepheart Masteries Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
Kurzad Deepheart Updates
Kurzad Deepheart Videos
Raid Shadow Legends Kurzad Deepheart Champion Guide by ASH
Raid Shadow Legends Kurzad Deepheart Champion Guide by MurderInc
Raid Shadow Legends Kurzad Deepheart Champion Guide by Skratch AK47
I just pulled this champion again after sacrificing him to fuse Ragnar Goldgleam the first time.
In retrospect I wish I’d have forgone the fusion and just kept this guy. Ragnar has some heavy hits, but this champion is the AoE DEF down champ you need for FW as you go deeper in the levels.
He was the ONLY AoE DEF down for the faction until the more recent epic Champ, and while its the lesser DEF down, it books to 100% with rare books. The ACC boost is huge for the faction team as they go deeper too, especially against the bosses.
I would argue this champion is 5 star in every part of the game accept campaign, reason being is that he enables low spending/FTP players easier access to end game content because they can build champs with lower accuracy but higher defence/crit damage etc.
He outright destroys high res plat teams in arena.
He is void affinity so can be used against all affinities.
I think he is outright busted.
I see the recommended stats for gear is: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC
But both his A1 and A2 gain from C.RATE. And his game changing AOE ACC buff means you need SPD to have this come up early and often. Plus his package of Decrease SPD and Decrease DEF, you’d need ACC.
I would think building him out would either go:
Also, for a rare, I think Kurzad should be considered 5 star for arena, campaign and most of the dungeons. He really changes the game and how you can completely change up your teams and their gear if you add him.
“Each critical hit fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 7.5%.” is missing from ingame description.
Wouldn’t divine critical rate be advisable for this champ as well?
@Jackwagon: I’m currently tagging all the new champions so it would be easier for me to update all the new champions in the list easily.
Hi there, there’s no link under the dwarves tab to link this champion. thanks so much. great site.
@DJ SPEEDY BEATS, no. His A2 is what upgrades when ascended. Increases his turn meter by 7.5% for each critical hit.
18 Tomes… at least it’s rare
Djspeedybeats first to comment Predicting Kurzad to be a solid rare however it says that his a3 only does 30% def down. Isn’t it a 60% def down when ascended ?