OverviewNAME: Blind Seer AbilitiesRSL_AllBattles_DefenseAura Obtain fromVoid Shard Blessings RecommendationBrimstone (Debuffer) |
Grinding★★★★✰ Campaign Dungeons★★★★✰ Minotaur Potion★★★★✰ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★★★ Floors |
Blind Seer Skills
Visions of Death
Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 30% chance of decreasing the Turn Meter by 15%.
Level: 2 Damage +5%
Level: 3 Damage +10%
Level: 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level: 5 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Damage Multiplier: 1.3 ATK
Dark Shroud (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Places a [Block Debuffs] buff on all allies for 2 turns, then places a [Shield] buff on all allies for equal to 30% of this Champion’s MAX HP for 2 turns.
Level: 2 Shield +5%
Level: 3 Shield +5%
Level: 4 Shield +5%
Level: 5 Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: Shield 0.3 HP
Self Sacrifice (Cooldown: 6 turns)
Revives all dead allies to 35% HP. Places a [Block Damage] buff on all allies except this Champion for 1 turn.
Level: 2 Heal +5%
Level: 3 Heal +5%
Level: 4 Heal +5%
Level: 5 Cooldown -1
Increases Ally DEF in all battles by 34%
Blind Seer Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Impulse, Reflex, Relentless |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityBuffer & Debuffer: ACC, RES, SPD, HP%, DEF% |
Blind Seer Masteries Guide
Arena, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
Clan Boss
Pre-Requisite: Blind Seer to be equipped with Lifesteal Set, so she can heal herself from Giant Slayer (Tier 6 Offense Mastery). This mastery setup excludes any Increase Turn Meter effects from mastery, which can de-sync your Speed-Tune team especially for Counter Attack team setup.
Blind Seer Champion Lore
The Blind Seers are sightless prophets who have carved a nomadic life in Durham Forest doted upon by coteries of servants who still possess their natural sight and following the migratory paths of the arknells, small birds of prey associated with powers of foresight, and considered to be harbingers of portent. Hunting these birds is a feat of great skill, only achievable by those whose foresight is so honed that it has become akin to vision itself. The soothsayers use every part of the arknell in their rituals, wearing their purple feathers in elaborate headdresses and eating their entrails to induce intense visions. The sect believes that these visions are granted by the spirits of their forebears whose souls dwell in the arknells. By killing the arknell, Blind Seers believe they free the spirit and can then commune with them to receive visions. When a Blind Seer dies, every part of them is venerated and shared with the arknells, their blood drank, their flesh consumed, and their bones crafted into ritual blades, so they are kept in the cycle of memory and tradition forever.
Many come to seek the wisdom of the Blind Seers and many are turned away. Most of the soothsayers do not covet gold or silver, silks or furs, but rather the betterment of the Dark Elf people. They see the greed and lust for power in so many their kin and despair, longing to point them on a path of compassion. Thus, only those who are deemed worthy are welcomed.
Fahari of the Blind Seers was abandoned as a child because she was blind, and was found by some of the sect’s servants and taught the ways and rites. Her skill at communing with the forebears was uncanny, and she soon ascended to a position of influence, counseling the elder on the leadership of the sect and directing the soothsayers’ servants.
One ritual Fahari took part in began as all did. She found and killed an arknell, and the petitioner came forward and asked their questions. When Fahari bit into the flesh of the arknell she knew immediately something was wrong. The stench of burning hides hit her first. The screams of the wounded and dying were next. When she opened her eyes, she was there. The tents of the Blind Seers were aflame, the screams were those of her sect. She knew the elder by his voice. He was pleading. He knelt before a fire as a shadow of an Elf flittered behind him. Fahari strained to see who slit his throat but saw only a silhouette wearing an arknell-feathered headdress. When she awoke from the vision she felt as if she had been punched in the gut. She knew she had to prevent the destruction of her group, the only family she had ever known.
The vision replayed in Fahari’s dreams. One of their own would betray their sect. Everyone became a suspect. As years wore on Fahari noticed that bone blades essential to the Blind Seers’ rites were disappearing, that those who came to beg for prophecy were increasingly not of pure heart and mind. The worm of greed was eating away at one of her fellow soothsayers, she was sure, but could trust no one bar the servants, those not privy to the rituals. They slipped between the tents of the Blind Seers, hearing and seeing much. It was from these spies that Fahari learned the elder’s secret.
Every week, strangers picked through the camp, past the guards and into the elder’s tent. One night, Fahari hid in the shadows outside and listened to their conversation. The elder and the stranger discussed the arknells, and who in the sect was willing to sell secrets. He talked openly of the Blind Seers’ ceremonies, of how the arknell was killed and how much flesh would induce visions. When the elder spoke of the bone knives the stranger asked how much it would be to buy. The price he named was high, but the stranger did not haggle. She heard the clink of gold and her rage was a white hot lance.
Fahari’s servants acted on her command after a month of careful planning. They set the tents of the named traitors aflame and killed any who moved against them. Fahari smelled the smoke from her vision, and tears streamed down her cheeks. She sought out the elder and found him. In front of all the remaining sect she held a knife at the his throat. His denials fell on deaf ears. She opened his neck with a defiant roar and the prophecy was fulfilled.
Now, Fahari works to rebuild what had to be destroyed. She seeks the stolen secrets of her sect and hunts to reclaim their ceremonial blades, to rebuild their secrets, and punish the greed of those who would steal from the Blind Seers.
Blind Seer Updates
- (2023-11-09) Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes V7.70
- (2020-09-16) Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes V2.20
Blind Seer Videos
Raid Shadow Legends Blind Seer Champion Guide by StewGaming
Raid Shadow Legends Blind Seer Champion Guide by LokiMagics
Champion Name Reference
- English: Blind Seer
- French: Prophétesse Aveugle
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This champ is vastly over-rated on here, very weak for a void lego.
I pulled my 2nd Blind Seer. I’d love to know if anyone would recommend building out a team with two? Or focus two different roles? Or would most people just vault her away? Seems sad to do that to her, being a void legendary. Any feedback on this topic is most welcome!
what a shame. a void champion beat by ukko
@sin I’d say her aoe block debuffs + shield, decrease tm and aoe revive are excellent abilities for a high speed champion in any area of the game. the only lack is heal, which is compensated by regeneration or similar set.
she needs a major buff. for a void legendary she is very underwhelming. her best quality is her high base speed. which is useless because her abilities dint match with it.
You can actually use her to raise 4x food in FK20… but it comes with a bit of an astericks.
Thus far, they need to be Armigers, and they need a bit of gear to get rolling. Right now my trials on it have put it at 22 minutes, but I’m hoping that experimenting with different sets might yield faster results.
Dark shroud is at 4 turns (3 when fully booked)
suggerimento manufatti blind seer. kael
Wanted to ask if I should focus on getting her HP and speed as highest as possible or, do mix with defense. I want to use her mainly for her shield and block debuff in dungeons, no CB no arena
@Tom Chapman Barros-Wing: Siper (Tier 5 Support Mastery) only affects Debuff. Blind Seer does not apply any debuff, so it would not be useful for her. The mastery recommended for Clan Boss is “Lore of Steel” instead of “Cycle of Magic”. If you are using Blind Seer in a speed tune team, you can swap “Rapid Response” (Tier 3 Support Mastery) with “Single Out” (Tier 3 Offense Mastery).
@Drahkas: Blind Seer’s rating for Clan Boss has been reduced from 5 stars to 4 stars. She is a good support champion who can revive dead allies and helps to apply Block Debuff to allies to prevent the Stun on your champions. In addition, her massive shield could help mitigate some of the AoE damage from Clan Boss.
@Drahkas: If you do not have a good reviver to revive squishy champions (champions with low base health/defense to tank damage), then she is a good option for Faction Wars to sustain in a long battle.
The text says “Cycle of Magic,” but your graphic shows “Lore of Steel.” Which mastery do you actually recommend?
I’m considering doing Cycle of Magic so that I can get Sniper instead of Spirit Haste … I wonder if her A1 would benefit more from Sniper than the only occasional Spirit Haste situation … it’s not like Blind Seer is going to be spending a lot of rounds with dead allies, whereas she will be using her A1 a lot, and turn meter reduction is fantastic in so many contexts. But I just pulled her yesterday and haven’t fully explored her whole functionality, so I’m curious what you and others think.
How she can be 5* in clan boss???? I thought Blind Seer is tresh. Its my only void legendary and her skill kit doesnt seem to be that impressive. I cant find any sinergy with her.
I would like to ask if its worth to upgrade Blind seer? I can use her in dungeons and faction crypt but I am wondering if its worth.
@Scott: Thanks for highlighting the error! I have re-updated Blind Seer’s mastery for Clan Boss and Dungeons section.
@Shaaw: Thanks for your enlightenment! I have updated Blind Seer’s mastery guide from Unshakeable to Timely Intervention based on your suggestion.
@Ayumilove: In your arena build I think there is a strong case for Timely Intervention instead of unshakeable. In the arena meta, most kills are one shot high damage kills using champions like mountain king, rotos, turvold or one the various aoe nukers… Ideally, when you champs get killed, you would want blind seer to be able to revive them asap, and the increased turn meter on allies HP dropping below 25% makes that happen immidiately very often.
IMHO, the high resists thing only really works best if the entire team is a high resist tank team, and they aren’t as likely to need the revive in the first place which is kinda the point. Plus, in that high resist team Meta, the point of the high resists is to not need a debuff blocker like Blind Seer, so she really doesn’t fit those high resist roles.
Just food for thought. I don’t think you are “wrong” per se, I just think Timely Intervention is the better option there.
FYI…your Offense Masteries graphic for Blind Seer (for Clan Boss/Dungeons) does not match the text list below it for T3, T5 and T6. Seems like the text list is probably in error, since Giant Slayer (as shown in the graphic) does seem a better fit for the 3-hit A1.
But your info is generally incredibly helpful. Thanks!
You have the right idea but the values are not correct.
Actually, we don’t know exactly how much Max HP translate to shield HP, but it is not 1:1.
Judging from what i’ve seen, it’s more like 4:1 or 5:1 (i.e. if you Max HP is 50k, the shield is 12.5k or 10k)
” The shield is proportional to this Champion’s MAX HP.” does it mean if she has 50k HP the shield will be 50k too? + 15% skilled = shield will be 57,5K?
@Frank: Hi, the previous comment I mentioned earlier is prior to the released of Champions with Fear debuff. Plarium released Fear debuff champions after a few months after Faction Wars where the boss inside uses Fear Debuff skills.
Comment about fear not quite true. the dwarf Perforator has a passive 35% change to fear someone. it’s called “scare off”. on a 2 turn cool down, upgrade-able to 1 turn.
@Roy Cooper: Thanks for your comment! The information regarding Fear debuff is already listed in https://ayumilove.net/raid-shadow-legends-guide/ – Currently there are no champions that inflicts Fear debuff except for the Faction Wars bosses who can apply them.
Where is fear debuff explained? I can’t find it in the list of debuffs