OverviewNAME: Elva Autumnborn AbilitiesRSL_AllBattles_SpeedAura Obtain fromAncient Shard Blessings RecommendationBrimstone (Late Game) |
Grinding★★★★★ Campaign Dungeons★★★★★ Minotaur Potion★★★★★ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★★★★ Floors |
Elva Autumnborn Skills
Scepter of Thriving
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff for 2 turns on the ally with the lowest HP.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +5%
Damage Multiplier: 4.8 ATK
Nature’s Paths (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Has a 75% chance of removing all debuffs from all allies. Places a [Block Debuffs] buff and a 30% [Increase SPD] buff on all allies for 2 turns.
Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Level 4: Cooldown -1
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Sprouting Season (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Revives a target ally with 40% HP and a 50% Turn Meter, then places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff and a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on that ally for 2 turns.
Level 2: Cooldown -1
Level 3: Cooldown -1
Leaf Shroud
Heals each ally by 10% of their MAX HP at the start of their turn. Places a [Perfect Veil] buff for 1 turn on the ally with the lowest HP and the end of this Champion’s turn.
Increases Ally SPD in all Battles by 19%
Elva Autumnborn Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Impulse, Reflex, Relentless |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityBuffer: RES, SPD, HP%, DEF% |
Elva Autumnborn Masteries Guide
Arena, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
Clan Boss (Speed Tune)
Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons
Elva Autumborn Review
Elva Autumnborn, a Legendary Support Magic affinity champion from the Sylvan Watchers faction, joined Raid Shadow Legends during patch 6.20 when the faction was introduced. She sprang forth with the spark of life as her only guide from the very roots of the forest. Without any notion of her existence, she was embraced by the Sylvan Watchers, who introduced her to their ways. She pledged to safeguard them from all harm, even taking on their human form.
Elva Autumnborn stands out as one of the first legendaries in this faction, blessed with a remarkable support kit that offers a single-target revival, team speed boost, and debuff blocking, along with a powerful A1 that heals. Her passive is similar to Scyl of the Drakes or Siphi in terms of healing, leading many to compare her to the latter and praise her as a great champion! With such an exceptional kit, she can be a valuable asset in nearly any corner of Raid.
Nourish is also pretty good on her blessing wise since she is throwing out continuous heals with her A1
She is HORRIBLE!! If you don’t have her.. I can’t kill her.. can’t even harm her!!
I was gone for a while and rcvd the Rival Path which in turn gave me Elva Autumnborn. My team needed a boost in arena. Speed plays a big role in arena and I got my boost but now only in arena!
she supports the team not only with speed but by removing and blocking debuffss, a notable difference. My Clan boss team stays alive longer to do more damage. She is what my team needed.
JUST got her… and now it is my turn to be a pain in 3v3 … her teams are very hard to beat. Any build recommendations in mid 2024 ??
how do you beat her as an opponent?
Does Lay on Hands work with her continuous heal? How about her revive?
I have checked several places (i.e. reddit, plarium forums) and I am finding conflicting answers.
Has anyone tested this out?
Finally, I shall never get annoyed by Ultimate Deathknight no more! Elva Autumnborn is a beast now!
I’m going to say something weird. I have her, and I agree she is top tier …
But I don’t use her as I have Pythion which does about the same thing but better imo.
Heals are worse but he mitigates the damage so doesn’t need to be as good in healing.
I’m still looking for a place to use Elva.
Siphi is on my most wanted list. But now I wonder if I really want her if she’s so alike.
Elva is great – maybe an improved version of Siphi, because she has the 3 turn cleanse. I have both and it is a toss up which is better. Siphi has the Increase Def buff and does a bit more healing, but everything is 4 turns and she doesn’t have the aura
Terrific versatile Champion that speed buffs, speed auras, heals, blocks debuffs, revives, and cleanses all on a 3 turn.
Build her fast and she is a beast, and you don’t even need to 6* her right away.
@lauta Autumnborn is better than Wythir. Autumnborn make instant heal every turn and put debuff reduction for 2 turn. She let me go through Dt floor and boss like nether spider and griffin even Hydra that Wythir can’t do. Wythir is good, but Elva is great.
I think the best analogy is, a smaller version of wythir the crowned.
The problem with Elva is that she has no aoe, and revives only one target.
Compared to scyl of the drakes I prefer scyl. Because it heals, revives, and has a speed and cc debuf.
Compared to Wythir, although she is a pure healer, I think she is closer, and the plus is that Wythir doesn’t give you speed and doesn’t revive. That can help you if you don’t have good revivers.
But at the time of needing cures it will fall short.
I think it’s a good legendary but having any of the above I don’t know if it would motivate me to take it out in a guaranteed.
And for 20 Ancient Shards you can have one as a Guaranteed Champion. Plarium likely will nerf this Champ in the future so buyer beware.
This champion looks INSANE!
Basically is advanced version of scyl of the drakes to start off with.. then plus there’s more crazy abilities.. i get lost trying to find a way to describe how powerful the rest of her stuff is.
–most wanted champion by far–