Bellower | Raid Shadow Legends

Raid Shadow Legends Bellower Skill Mastery Equip Guide


NAME: Bellower
FACTION: Ogryn Tribes
ROLE: Support
USABILITY: Early-Mid-Late Game
TOMES: 12 (A1 A2 A3)



Obtain from

Void Shard

Blessings Recommendation

Phantom Touch (Damage Dealer)


★★★★★ Campaign
★★★★★ Arena Defense
★★★★★ Arena Offense
★★★✰✰ Clan Boss
★★★✰✰ Hydra
★★★★★ Faction Wars


★★★★★ Minotaur
★★★★✰ Spider
★★★✰✰ Fire Knight
★★★★★ Dragon
★★★★★ Ice Golem
★★✰✰✰ Iron Twins
★✰✰✰✰ Sand Devil
★✰✰✰✰ Phantom Shogun


★★★★★ Arcane Keep
★★★★★ Void Keep
★★★★★ Force Keep
★★★★✰ Spirit Keep
★★★★✰ Magic Keep

Doom Tower

★★★★★ Floors
★★★★★ Magma Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Nether Spider
★★★★★ Frost Spider
★★★★★ Scarab King
★★★✰✰ Celestial Griffin
★★✰✰✰ Eternal Dragon
★✰✰✰✰ Dreadhorn
★★★✰✰ Dark Fae

Bellower Skills

Attacks all enemies. Has a 20% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 1 turn.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Damage Multiplier: 2.6 ATK

Mighty Bellow (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a 15% [Decrease SPD] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 4.2 ATK

Bowl Over (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 25% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns. Has a 75% chance of placing a 30% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Damage Multiplier: 3.6 ATK

Increases Ally SPD in Faction Crypts by 15%.

Bellower Build Guide

Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Recommended Artifacts

PvE: Bloodthirst, Lifesteal, Retaliation
PvP: Zeal
PvE & PvP: Accuracy, Critical Damage, Cruel, Divine Speed, Fatal, Instinct, Killstroke, Lethal, Merciless, Perception, Savage, Speed, Stun, Supersonic

Stats Allocation

Weapon (ATK)
Helmet (HP)
Shield (DEF)
Gauntlets (ATK% / C.RATE / C.DMG)
Chestplate (ATK% / ACC)
Boots (SPD / ATK%)
Ring (ATK)
Amulet (C.DMG / ATK)
Banner (ATK / ACC)

Stats Priority

ATK Nuker & Debuffer: ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, ACC

Supporting Roles

Attack Counter, Stunner

Bellower Masteries Guide

Arena, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Pre-requisite: Bellower to be equipped with Stun Set to benefit from Fearsome Presence (additional chance to apply Stun debuff from Stun Set). Stun Set is one of the most useful set to crowd control enemies that are too difficult to be defeated in few rounds due to their immense HP (Health aka Hit Points) and DEF (Defense) stats in higher stages of Dungeons, Faction Wars and Doom Tower.
Raid Shadow Legends Bellower PvP Mastery Guide


  1. Tough Skin
  2. Blastproof
  3. Shadow Heal
  4. Delay Death
  5. Harvest Despair
  6. Cycle of Revenge
  7. Fearsome Presence


  1. Pinpoint Accuracy
  2. Exalt in Death
  3. Charged Focus
  4. Swarm Smiter
  5. Arcane Celerity
  6. Evil Eye
  7. Master Hexer
  8. Sniper

Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower

This master setup is the all-rounder for Bellower as its the most versatile as the Offense Mastery boosts Bellower’s damage against mobs and bosses as well as increases his survivability with Defense mastery. Support mastery is not needed if you could obtain sufficient Accuracy stat from equipment upgraded with glyphs aided with Great Hall bonus stats to enable him to inflict his debuffs successfully on enemies at higher stages of Dungeons, Doom Tower and Faction Wars.
Raid Shadow Legends Bellower PvE Mastery Guide


  1. Deadly Precision
  2. Keen Strike
  3. Heart of Glory
  4. Whirlwind of Death
  5. Single Out
  6. Cycle of Violence
  7. Bring it Down
  8. Kill Streak
  9. Methodical
  10. Warmaster


  1. Defiant
  2. Improved Parry
  3. Bloodthirst
  4. Delay Death
  5. Retribution

Bellower Reference

Arena, Campaign, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars

Below is a reference of the equipment used on Bellower for Campaign Speed Farming in Campaign 12-3 Brutal under 8 seconds. This build is also suitable for Arena, Dungeons, Faction Wars and Doom Tower (Easy) as a champion to inflict debuffs on enemies. The equipment prioritizes on a balance of ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD and ACC stats. Bellower is equipped Speed Set to give him additional Speed stats to achieve at least 210 Speed to go twice before the campaign enemies can attack. My Bellower is planned to be used in multiple areas such as Dungeons, Faction Wars and Doom Tower (Easy). Hence, a decent amount of Accuracy stat is required to enable him to place debuffs on enemies without being resisted by them. Apart from that, a good amount of ATK%, Critical Rate and Critical Damage allow Bellower to deal some damage to the mobs to clear the waves quickly.
Raid Shadow Legends Bellower Campaign Equipment Reference Guide

Bellower Storyline

The ordinary ogre is not a very smart creature. In his natural state, an ogre is supremely incapable of learning magic or communing with spirits. However, once every few generations, the ogryn race is blessed with the birth of a horned shaman. Bellower may be one of the last of these living in Teleria, capable of drawing upon the power of natural spirits to give bestial strength and cunning in battles against the many enemies of his kind.

Bellower Videos

Raid Shadow Legends Bellower Champion Guide by ASH

Raid Shadow Legends Bellower Champion Guide by Tyrauku

Raid Shadow Legends Bellower Champion Guide by StewGaming

Raid Shadow Legends Bellower Champion Guide by Chofly

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73 thoughts on “Bellower | Raid Shadow Legends

  1. Gary

    My Bellower has 4125 ATK, 100% CR and only 152% CD and I’m making 1-shot 7 second runs in 12-3.
    How? I create a Team Setup to force Bellower to use A1 in round 1, A3 in Round 2 and A2 in Round 3. The required stats are based off an A1 attack in round 3, but A1 can be put to better use in Round 1 where the enemy health pool isn’t so great. A2 is way more powerful for the final round.
    It’s easy to modify the Team setup to replace the food champs

  2. Ayumilove Post author

    @Krstine: You can opt for the Offense and Support mastery tree. If your Bellower is having a difficult time surviving the boss AoE attacks, then using Offense and Defense mastery tree is the recommended approach. Rare champions have difficult time to survive in late game content as their HP and DEF stats are pretty poor.

  3. Ayumilove Post author

    @CynNex: Bellower will benefit signfinificantly from Slayer Set at 4 piece Slayer set as he increases his Turn Meter by 5% per enemy hit. This means he will be able to boost his Turn Meter really fast when hitting mobs of enemies, especially in Spider’s Den dungeon. At 6 pieces Slayer Set, he will be able to ignore 30% of enemy defenses, which makes it similar to Savage Set but even better with additional 5% ignore defense. If you are able to get the right primary stats and substats for the 9 pieces Slayer Set, then go ahead with this, otherwise it would be better to use other sets that provides him with the relevant stats to make him useful in battle (e.g. Accuracy and Speed stats)

  4. CynNex

    Is Bellower worth putting in a full 9 piece slayer set seeing as all his skills are AOE? Mine is L50 at the moment and has 8 pieces with banner waiting in the wings at the moment with 199 speed 84% crit 94% crit dmg. Banner will take speed to 208 but other stats are a minor bump in attack and some hp and Def but gets the 9 set bonus chance for extra aoe damage

  5. Krstine

    I have a bellower awakened 6 star, I want to put him in hex gear and use him for hydra. Anyone have insight into what masteries to do?

  6. HoosierCoop

    Try Bellower in a Cursed set. Total game changer on damage. Spider levels do not stand a chance.

  7. ZeeChromosome

    Bellower is an excellent champion. I was using two of them in Faction Wars until I finally pulled an Ogryn legendary.


    Sorry for having to repeat Michel’s question from last year, but it was not answered.

    I am confused by what you recommended for Bellower.

    Arena, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
    Pre-requisite: Bellower to be equipped with Stun Set

    But then you state:

    Arena, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
    Recommended Artifacts
    1 Retaliation Set, 1 Speed Set
    2 Offense Set, 1 Speed Set
    3 Speed Set
    = = =

    You did not recommend a STUN Set, when you stated it was a pre-requisite.

    Did you get a mis-placed Column with :

    Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons
    Recommended Artifacts
    1 Lifesteal Set, 1 Speed Set
    1 Stun Set, 1 Speed Set?

    Thanks for your website!

  9. Brian

    This champion is Void…

    …where prohibited.


  10. J

    @Mark when people say 12-3 they are referring to campaign stage 12-3 (Brimstone Path- Stage 3) on brutal difficulty, which is widely regarded as the most optimal stage for farming xp for champions. When certain champions are built right, they can clear it quick by themselves, allowing for 3 other champs to be leveled alongside them. It is also a pretty decent silver maker from selling the shield artifacts you get from it as well. I’m relatively new myself so anyone else please feel free to correct me if I’m missing anything.

  11. Mark

    Excuse my ignorance, but what do you all mean when you mention campaign 12-3?

  12. Havan IronOak

    Tiny Typo – Though most Ogryn Tribes Champions have a designator (OT- This one has a designator (OR-

  13. heya

    @Ayumilove on Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower masteries description are different from the image, could u also update the “hybrid” guide for bellower campaign farmer and useful also for dungeon?better flawless execution or warmaster? etc etc

  14. Pale Dolphin

    Bellower can be used to 7-sec the whole 12-3 Campaign level. But talents for that are a bit wrong: e.g., you need Flawless Execution instead of Warmaster. And you definitely don’t need the Kill Streak, as Blood Shield works so much better if you’re struggling to 1-shot the whole wave.

    All in all, there are better ways to build Bellower’s talents.

  15. Michel

    The Mastery Guide for Arena, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars says Bellower needs Stun Set as a pre-requisite, but in the equipment guide for Arena, Doom Tower, Faction Wars, none of the recommended sets are Stun Set. So if I’m building him for those three (Arena, DT, FW), which should I go with?

  16. Kaleb

    Some of the Masteries named under their trees do not match up with the ones that are highlighted in the build, I.E. the second set under the offense tree.

  17. Ayumilove Post author

    @Mel: Thanks for the notice! I’ll fix the ranking for this champion 🙂

  18. Mel

    Hey just so you know on the tier ranking for champions you have Bellow in S and F tiers.

  19. Strawberry369

    she has 500 more ATK 10% more C.D.

  20. Strawberry369

    isn’t skull crown better than bellower.

  21. Ayumilove Post author

    @quickstep: I recommend ranking up Bellower rather than any starter champion if you manage to get Bellower early as he will speed up your progress termendously in all areas of the game. Bellower can solo all areas in the game with the compatible equipment properly except for the Magic Keep and Spirit Keep.

  22. Ayumilove Post author

    @Dianna Sandora: Hi, I would not recommend using Destroy Set on Bellower as it does not enhance his capabilities. Destroy Set usages is limited to helping to reduce Enemy MAX HP up to 60%, which is great for Doom Tower Scarab King and high HP tanky champions. Hence, its advisable to use Destroy Set on a champion that has a very strong damage multiplier to see greater results. Bellower would benefit more on high amount of Accuracy, Speed and balance of Critical Rate and Attack stats.

  23. quickstep

    Xiharra appreciate your opinion, thank you and that’s good to know!

    I did end up 6* Bellower and used gems to fill up his masteries in O and D. It definitely has sped up my farming a lot so far–around 45 seconds 12-3 brutal vs over a minute 12-3 hard with Elhain. Also blasted through a few more levels in Doom Tower. Low accomplishments I know, but that’s F2P haha.

    I had 40 ancient shards saved up for the 2x event and just rolled Apothecary, Skullcrusher, Vogoth, Gravechill, Husk. Also just fused Falconheart. Quite an embarassments of riches for an F2P now. So many 6-* worthy and so much grinding…

  24. Xiharra

    @quickstep I also started with Elhain and got lucky with an early Bellower (2 actually). I chose to 6-star Bellower first and have been happy with the results…

  25. quickstep

    Ash, appreciate your site and your youtube channel!

    Just curious if you think this hero is worth 6-* for a F2P over Elhaine? Unfortunately I did not select Kael as my starting hero, but with some reasonably lucky rolls I have among the 6* candidates: Elhaine, Bellower, Frozen Banshee (fully booked), Steelskull, Zargala + Warmaiden. Also have Jinglehunter, Towering Titan, and and Hexia but understood they’re quite expendable. Only farming 12-3 hard right now and getting about 3M/key in Normal CB. Slightly behind your current F2P progression in dungeons (but much farther in faction wars 🙂 ) otherwise.

  26. SatelliteJedi

    @Wild Devil no offense, but is this your first time using this site to check champs?

    The gear sets recommended are kind of an either/or situation

  27. Wild Devil

    I don’t understand your recommendation list for artifacts?? You can only put on 6 items and have three full sets at most!?!?!

  28. Dianna Sandora

    What are your thoughts on using Destroy/Devine Speed?

  29. Mikhail

    If you are specifically uplifting him for Spider 12+, like I did, do not try to go for Retaliation set. It makes a very unreliable tool to fight Spiderlings; go for Stun instead. The reason is that either he’s weakest in your team and will likely die / not do enough damage, or he’s not and then his counterattack won’t really trigger. Stun, on the other hand, works well, plus it’s mega-useful in Faction Crypts.

    Alternatively you can go for Lifesteal, if you want to omit healing in favor of, say, boosted speed.

  30. 20Twenty

    @oXLukeXo: It’s obtained from Void shards.

  31. oXLukeXo

    can you plz be spesific about the obtain

  32. Kmo

    Hey Ayumilove, thanks for your really awesome content! It’s really helpful in making this game easier for newbies like me. One question tho, after I maxed Kael (along with buying all the masteries with gems), who’s next in line for the 6*? My next candidates are Aphotecary or Bellower, or perhaps War Maiden (?). My Epics aren’t that many nor good early, only Atur and Shatterbones besides the free ones. No Legendary. My Kael could farm 12-3 Brutal around 30-35 seconds, could auto Mino 11, Dragon 13, Ice 13, but only Spider 9 and FK 9. I am F2P tho, so I do really need some insight from you 🙂

  33. Ayumilove Post author

    @Jerec: I would keep 2 Bellowers (2 of them in Stun Sets) for Faction Wars. You can have another Bellower in Speed Set (+210 Speed) for Speed Farming in Campaign 12-3 if you do not have any reliable speed farmer under 8 seconds.

  34. Ayumilove Post author

    @0909: Yes, he is good. If you have duplicate of this champion, keep him as he will be very useful in Faction Wars (equipped with Stun sets to stun the enemies).

  35. 0909

    i just got bellower in a void shard im a new player so is he awesome

  36. Jerec

    I just got my third Bellower.

    Do I need a third or shall I stick in as an upgrade for one of the others?

  37. Ayumilove Post author

    @Harris: You will need to have the mastery called “Whirlwind of Death” to increase your Campaign Farmer speed. You will need to achieve at least 210 total speed to go double turns on any waves in the Campaign 12-3 Brutal.

  38. Ayumilove Post author

    @Aquadrion: Those are basically the stats from Saurus. I guess Saurus has a lower damage multiplier compared to Bellower, hence it requires more stats to make up for the missing damage to 1 hit KO the enemies.

  39. Aquadorian

    @Ayumilove, Regarding the nuke strategy, as I say in my post below, my main account’s Bellower achieves 1-hit waves in a total of 7 seconds with 3795 ATK, 245% CDMG (including great hall bonus etc.), so I don’t want to labour the point but – for the sake of other people trying to build him – on that basis I should point out that your minimum figures of 4500 ATK and 250% CMDG% can surely not be correct. Maybe it makes a difference that you’re talking about Saurus there rather than Bellower? [Already agreed that it’s easier to build for the 200+ speed strategy and 8 seconds total of course.]

  40. Harris

    @Ayumilove are you sure the required stats for speed farm is correct? Upon reading your passage below, I got my bellower to 2974 ATK, 96% crit and 215% crit damage at 204 speed, but sometimes the lord shazar or the other champ seem to still get their turn off before I can get my second turn. Do I need the speed buff mastery for killed enemies for it to work?

  41. Ayumilove Post author

    @Aquadorian: 1 hit KO for all waves requires 4500 Attack, 100% Critical Rate, 250% Critical Damage and 110 Speed, along with the masteries that help boost the damage such as Ruthless Ambush, Heart of Glory, Keen Strike, Cycle of Violence, Deadly Precision, Kill Streak and Flawless Execution. This 1 it takes 7 seconds with Saurus.

    However, I much prefered the Speed method as its relatively easier to achieve: 200 Speed, 3000 Attack, 100% Critical Rate, 150% Critical Damage with the masteries that boost damage. The last wave is always a double-hit/double-attack to clear. It takes 8 seconds to clear the entire run.

  42. Aquadorian

    In case it helps readers, or a least so that you know there are options, to add to Ayumilove’s note, if your Bellower goes for the 200+ speed approach then it’s 10 seconds total if it takes 2 hits to kill each of the campaign (Brutal 12,3) waves 1, 2 and 3; 8 seconds like he says if you kill waves 1 & 2 in one hit while the 3rd wave takes two hits. My main account’s Bellower has 3795 ATK and 245% CMDG (instead of the SPD approach) and does it in 7 seconds (all three waves killed in one hit each) but that’s harder to gear so my F2P account goes for the SPD option. For the nuke options I think rather less ATK than that might be fine – 3200 perhaps? – but I don’t know what the bare minimum is as such.

  43. Ayumilove Post author

    @cdubb2: I use Bellower as my primary speed farmer (8 seconds). Skullcrown is geared to deal high damage while sustaining for long battles, so she is slightly slower than Bellower by 3 seconds (11 seconds). It is still worth ranking Bellower to 6 stars since you can use him in Faction Wars. Also, using both of them will be beneficial in speed farming Dungeon regardless of the Dungeon Affinity since Bellower can inflict Decrease Defense debuff while Skullcrown can inflict Weaken debuff for more damage.

  44. Darkeasterbunny

    @cdubb2 I don’t think so. He’s a support and while all his attacks are AOA attacks, they seem pretty weak. I got him very early one, but despite being properly geared stopped using him after a very short while because of the low damage and all his debuffs are the weak variations

  45. cdubb2

    @Ayumilove I currently use Skullcrown for farming, would it be worth ranking Bellower up to 6 stars? Is he substantially better?

  46. Maitre Chang

    @Ayumilove What about Sniper AND Retribution instead of Master Hexer? If you are speed built, I assume that you will land debuffs before or right after they disappear. Is the 30% chance of extend debuff that important (considering also that Master Hexer does not extend stun anymore)?
    Note: I am planning to use my Bellower only for FW with a stun set

    Thanks for all your work here!

  47. Ayumilove Post author

    @vincecoffee: It depends on how you want to build your Bellower and the champions you want him to team up with to solve a particular scenario in-game. For example, I build my Bellower for high speed (200+ Speed), so he can do Speed farming in Campaign Brutal. For Arena, he will initiate the attack by placing those Decrease Defense and Decrease Attack debuff, followed by other champions that can do Crowd Control skill, so he does not take damage (which in return triggers retribution). If all of your team members are built for speed nuking strategy, Retribution is not necessary here. Also, if you have a tank bait to take the hit, then Retribution mastery is not necessary. If you feel that your Bellower will be the one who is taking the hits, then you can swap Sniper with Retribution. If I’m solely building a Stun geared Bellower for Arena, then I would use Retribution instead of Sniper. Reason being, he will be in the chance of getting hit by enemy high critical damage AoE Attacks, or perhaps you want to retaliate boss high damage attack, Retribution can provide some extra damage. Sniper increases the chance of blocking enemy’s skill, so they are forced to use their A1. Also, increases the success rate of slowing enemies too.

  48. vincecoffee

    why not use retribution in the defense tree? does it not increase the chances to land the stun?
    Bowl howler (A3) is 100% (if booked) and does not need the sniper in support tree aniway..

  49. Ayumilove Post author

    @Zargblatt: One of the reasons that Plarium gave in the early days was for players to explore/experiment for themselves to find out on the damage multiplier. I couldn’t remember where it was mentioned, either in the forum or official RAID Shadow Legends Discord channel. I found this reason unjustified as many other mobile games indicates the damage multiplier upfront.

  50. Zargblatt

    The A2 attack does about 60% more damage than the A1.
    A3 does about 40% more damage. However A3 is used first on auto.

    Why isn’t there such info ingame?
    (Data gatherd by analysing size of damagebars. Not an exact sience)

  51. SunnY

    if i do mastery of Offense & Defense , does it work well on Arena, Campaign, Faction Wars & Clan Boss, Dungeons as well ?

  52. Alkahalik

    @Zackery Brinkley

    Stun set for him far out weighs Frost set, because with the Frost set, enemies have to hit him for the freeze to work, vs. stuns happen when bellower hits enemies. Frost set is a NO GO for mr. Bellower.

  53. Zackery Brinkley

    Would you use the stun set or Frost set? i have a really good Crit % and att % frost set,

    but would i need high acc for this? he also suffer from a little speed with this set do i run 4 Forst and 2 Speed?

  54. BlazinBayou

    Would stun set work well for him in arena since all his attacks are aoe? I’d have him paired with a skullcrusher so the counter attack will proc his a1 often.

    Or do you think its better to build speed/offense?

  55. Ayumilove Post author

    @GoldenFire4: Harvest Despair mastery is used when you equip Bellower with Stun Set gear. At late game, you can use him to control the crowd enemies with Stun via Stun Set which bypasses enemies Resist stat. Otherwise, you can use him as a Speed farmer by equipping lots of Speed Set.

  56. Ayumilove Post author

    @Gary: Bellower has much more usage compared to Fellhound. Both can be Campaign farmer but I would recommend Bellower since all of his Attacks are AoE (Area of Effect). Bellower can be used to speed up Dungeon runs (e.g. Minotaur’s Labyrinth paired with Relickeeper to clear the first 2 waves within 30 seconds) and also weaken strong enemies in Arena (e.g. Skullcrown, Rotos the Lost Groom) and as a Campaign Farmer. Equip Bellower with 3 Speed Set (at least 220 Speed) so he could perform 2 hit attack on enemies without needing to stack high amount of Critical Damage. Bellower is still quite useful up to Arena Gold IV against powerful opponents. Fellhound mainly for Fire Knight and Campaign farming (1 hit KO strategy instead of Double-hit Speed Nuke)

  57. Gary

    I drew Bellower and Fellhound from my shard pulls. Who is more valuable as a campaign farmer or are they about the same?

  58. Simon Philippssohn

    @GoldenFire This masters is for case, if you are equipping him with a stun set, so he is hirtin the stunts more often. When you dont equip him with that, you can take only three other masteries. Solidarity, Cycle of Magic, Lore of Steel. Dont know what there are doing. Choose what is the best for you.

  59. GoldenFire4

    In the defensive mastery tree, the fifth mastery listed is “Harvest Despair”. However, none of Bellower’s skills can give a stun, sleep, or freeze debuff. Therefore this mastery is useless for Bellower. What should we equip instead

  60. Ayumilove Post author

    @Viktor Spasimirov Borisov: Nightmare Campaign will be much more tougher as the enemies have more than double the HP and Defense stats. You will need to Crowd Control the enemies such as Stun, and have at least 200 Speed to take 2 turns before the enemy does. The mastery for a Nightmare farmer would require some healing masteries such as Lifedrinker, Exalt in Death or Bloodthirst. A great champion for this dungeon is Big Un, who has A2 skill as a AoE Stun.

  61. Viktor Spasimirov Borisov

    Mine is full equiped 2 offense 1 speed set 40k power i farm under 10 seconds brutal stage 3 i was asking about if he could farm nightmare ?

  62. Hornswaggled1245

    @viktor Yep, he can definitely farm 12-4 brutal. He can solo 12-3 and 12-6 no problem on my setup. Just be sure he has 100% crit, 200+% crit damage and enough attack and you can one shot all waves and clear in 7 seconds. I have him in 1 crit damage set, 1 offense set, 1 speed set.

  63. Viktor Spasimirov Borisov

    I wonder if bellower can farm 12-4 ?

  64. Andrew

    Hi Tuzah,

    I’d recommend spd/acc with a Lifesteal set once you get the counterattack mastery on the defense tree.

  65. Tuzah

    Je débute et je je sais vraiment pas comment équiper mon Bellower.
    Il s’agit d’un soutien pouvant debuff les ennemis donc j’étais partis sur un ensemble vitesse précision ou vitesse vie.
    Cependant les guides mentionnent souvent des sets d’attaques et de taux critiques.
    Pouvez vous m’éclairer svp?

  66. Ayumilove Post author

    @kaylep: I will level up Kael to Level 60 since he can be used almost everywhere (Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Arena). Always focus on champions that help you in multiple areas during your early game progression because it takes a lot of resources and effort to get 1 Level 60 champion. Once you have at least 5 champions that caters for all scenario/fields, you can now start training champions that are specialized for a specific task /dungeon to save time (Example: Level a Level 60 Saurus/Bellower to speed farm Campaign 12-3 Brutal under 12 seconds).

  67. kaylep

    Would you level him as your first 60? I have Kael, Bellower and Coldheart to choose from.

  68. Ayumilove Post author

    @Daniel: Thanks for pointing out the error! I have updated Bellower’s Bowl Over skill.

  69. Daniel

    The first level up for the Bowl Over ability is a damage +10%, not buff/debuff chance. Love your work btw, these pages are awesomely helpful 🙂

  70. Ayumilove Post author

    @D Woods: Thanks for pointing it out! I have corrected Bellower mastery guide 🙂

  71. Ayumilove Post author

    @Squink: Thanks for highlighting the equipment set! I have updated the Taunt set to Stun set. Bellower’s Dungeons and Faction Wars masteries are tuned for Stun set. At higher levels of Dungeons and Faction Wars (Level 12 and above), those enemies hit like a truck. Therefore, it’s best to perform crowd control through stun, freeze, Provoke and Sleep. Provoke is not that great since enemy can still hit you with their A1 (first ability) and they still have the ability to reduce their skill cooldown. However, its easier to land that debuff compared to Stun Set. Taunt Set synergizes with teams which has good healers. Freeze is not particular great as it will reduce 25% of the damage inflicted by you towards the enemy. Sleep is the worse since this debuff gets removed instantly if your ally hits the enemy with this debuff active on the enemy. Stun is the best overall since it does not have all these weaknesses but at a lower chance to trigger. If you want Bellower to tank and be targeted at all times, he will need to be equip with Lifesteal Set so he can recover quickly, has high defense and resistance, lower his HP below all of your allies so enemies will target him, and all of your allies must be stronger affinity than the enemy. These requirements makes it inconvenient/difficult to make Bellower as a tanker since you may not have the sufficient champions that are stronger affinity and geared up. In short, both Taunt set and Stun set are the easiest to get through higher dungeon level unless you have other champion that can perform crowd control 100% all the time.

  72. Squink

    Why the taunt gear for spider? Is it really more effective for bellower to tank hits than maybe stun (honest question)?
    Also the description under the dungeons masteries are incorrect.

  73. D Woods

    Masteries is a cut and paste from arena/campaign