OverviewNAME: Romero AbilitiesRSL_AoE_ContinuousHeal_15% Obtain fromAncient Shard Blessings RecommendationCruelty (Early Game) |
Grinding★★★★✰ Campaign Dungeons★★★★★ Minotaur Potion★★★★★ Arcane Keep Doom Tower★★✰✰✰ Floors |
Romero Skills
Bring Hope
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 7.5% [Continuous Heal] buff on the ally with the lowest HP for 1 turn.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Damage +10%
Damage Multiplier: 3.7 DEF
Succor (Cooldown: 4 turns)
Places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Steals 1 buff from each enemy.
Level 2: Cooldown -1
Divine Benefaction (Cooldown: 5 turns)
Places a [Shield] buff on all allies equal to 25% of their MAX HP for 2 turns. Places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.
Level 2: Shield +25%
Level 3: Shield +25%
Level 4: Cooldown -1
Stalwart Partner (Cooldown: 3 turns)
Attacks all enemies 3 times. [Only available when Juliana is on the same team]
Damage Multiplier: 1.4 DEF
Romero Build Guide
Arena, Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Doom Tower, Faction Wars | |
Recommended ArtifactsPvE: Bloodthirst, Impulse, Lifesteal, Reflex, Relentless |
Stats AllocationWeapon (ATK) |
Stats PriorityDEF Nuker: DEF%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD |
Romero Mastery Guide
Arena, Doom Tower, Faction Wars
Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeons
Romero Storyline
But, of course, it is not just love that is marked by divine intervention or tragedy that is worthy of the minstrel’s attention. Those are merely good for the dramatic flair that those knights of the lute do so enjoy. More often than not, love overcomes obstacles that are less grand on a cosmic scale, yet no less difficult for the mortals who find themselves entwined. The Sacred Order as a whole, while not necessarily enforcing a Vow of Chastity, does forbid its members from having families and heirs – a precaution to make certain positions of power within the Order pass on by right of virtue, not that of blood. Undue attachment is heavily frowned upon as well, outright forbidden in some of the stricter Divisions of the Order. It is no surprise then, that the Knights Romero and Juliana had never thought of themselves falling in love. Romero, ever coolheaded and pious found himself at odds with the young and brash Juliana, whose skill with the blade and fiery zeal led her to many mortal perils that she, to the young Knight’s credit, honourably overcame. But a life full of battles does tend to make emotions run wild. In time, the two warmed up to one another’s “quirks”, learned to appreciate them even. Their eventual union, though it may never be formalized by marriage, remains true and tested. Neither did that union affect their relationship as comrades-in-arms, if anything it allowed the two Knights to fight as one. Where Romero’s natural cautiousness may lead to him losing momentum, Juliana’s brazen but no less skillful tactics ensure that their forces control the initiative. And where Juliana may begin losing herself in the heat of battle, Romero is always there to serve as an anchor of reason. To this day, they remain among the Order’s prominent warriors and are ready to bring Lumaya’s light wherever it is needed most.
Romero Updates
Romero Videos
Raid Shadow Legends Romero Champion Guide by mAd Capper
Raid Shadow Legends Romero Champion Guide by LokiMagics
I have always loved Romero’s fancy armor, very chivalrous. Annoying thing is how long it actually took me to get him! I was playing for like 2 years before he finally came from a summoning event (in which I managed to get Juliana also!)
I also love his kit though I wish it was stronger. In any case, Since I like this pair so much I’m going to try and power them up as much as I can.
@Aaron: Romero does need Accuracy stat if you need his A3 ability to steal a buff from each enemy.
Does this dude need accuracy for his Succor ability that steals a buff from each enemy? That would really suck since he doesn’t have any debuffs at all
I would also recommend looking at an avenging set on Romero. It’s a 45% chance for counter attack when a debuff is placed. I would argue that, since the change in the avenging set, this would be something that would happen more often than retaliation (which requires the champ to get hit). More off turn attack and healing.
No accuracy? (:
I know people mostly use Romero for the heals, shields, and/or def-based damage (or to guard the vault as the say…); HOWEVER, his A2 (“Succor”) also steals 1 buff from a random enemy. It looks like 100% chance to procc but it would still need accuracy to land, right?
I’m trying to build him as one of a couple debuffers to deal with waves of “block damage” enemies in faction wars, nightmare campaign, dungeons, etc.
ps- I understand that stealing 1 random buff is not exactly amazing, but sadly I don’t have many champions who can do it. Even after spending on the game, my choices remain very limited :/
rating should be upped for nether spider maybe – he can steal all the counter attack buffs from spiderlings.
Romaero had been my favorite champ and first epic during my first month of play before Cardinal and Dutchess replaced him. I brought him out of mothballs, because Paragon with his unkillable had been beating me in the arena with stalemates. I am not sure why, but Romero’s A2 with steal buff has not been removing the unkillable to allow me to get wins. Is unkillable an unstealable buff?
When I was 3 starring through brutal, he was helpful as Elhain support. I rotated Romero, Apothecary and Deacon Armstrong as her #2 depending on what I needed to complete the stage without a death.
Romero is an underrated champ that can be built differently in terms of masteries depending on what you need “more” of, wheter it is support or damage output. But if you miss the key “aspect” of this champ it doesn’t matter. Build him in Retaliation set and make sure you at least run the “Defense” mastery page on him with Retribution & Deterrence. And use all the counter-attacking accessories/rings you have on him to boost his counter-attack potential. If you focus on or need more support run him with more speed, if you focus on or need more damage output and have enough support, speed is not as relevant, instead focus on c.rate & c.damage. A good amount of resistance is also important. I usually put 2 resilience pieces on him to go with the 4 retaliation pieces.
This guy just soloed Scarab King for me. Retaliation and Immortal equipment is beastly on him, with as many counterattack accessories and masteries as you can get. Focus on hp% and def% with good Resist like ayumilove says. Good speed is helpful too.
Btw I had tried using Ninja with him for Scarab King but it hit a stalemate as Scarab King could steal the healing buffs from my Ninja. By swapping to solo I found my Romero’s Resist and shields meant Scarab King could no longer steal his buffs. After that it was just a matter of time.
Romero has been the go-to healer and tank in my account and I think he’s definitely underrated- which is good as he steals arena defence wins for me while I sleep!
I’m genuinely puzzled. Okay, pairing him with Juliana, say in Faction Wars, opens up his a3. Why not use a stun set on him instead and make him a cc champ?
This guy is mediocre in most cases. With juliana he is somewhat a tad better. His partner skill should place the shield based on that dmg that would make more sense than his current kit. Very few “partners” other than siphi and rotos have a good pairing juli and rome 3/5 seducer and temptress are better pair imo just a different faction.
Romero is absolutely not a 4* Clan Boss champion, at MOST he is a 3* for Hard and below, but I do not see anyone using him above Hard difficulty.
Honestly, if his abilities were just 1 turn shorter cooldown, he’ll be a decent faction war protection champion, and dare I say have some viability elsewhere too.
But 1 continuous heal on a 4 turn CD and mediocre shield (as it only scales on allies’ HP, not his) on a 5 turn CD is very weak.
Is it worth having two Romeros? I have to but not sure if I should book him with the other one
@Grizz, unlock Resurgent first, then Shadow Heal will be available.
Hey all, running into an issue with following the campaign masteries for defense. Mighty Endurance and Improved Parry do not unlock Shadow Heal as outlined. I am receiving the notice that I must unlock one of the previous masteries in the previous tier.
@Revanus: Not worth booking due to limited usages at end game.
Are Romero’s skills worth it to book?
What are your thoughts on a stun set with Juliana?
Johannes, that shouldnt be the case. When you upgrade someones Increase Defense BUFF, it doesn’t increase the 30% by another 60, but the buff as a whole goes to 60. It’s just an assumption, but the shield buff should work the same way.
@Justin i dont think thats how Raid works, when Romeo shield upgraded it says 25% and you can do that 2 times, that does not mean it will stack like it goes up to 75% that means that it will be 25% OF the 25% stronger, so really if you fully book him his shield would be only 50% stronger which gives him a 37,5% shield, and not a 75% shield if that makes sense
Does this rating include having julianna on his team?
I also had the same question about his team shield.starts out it 10,% and increase by 25 and 25 but sounds to good to be true.Thay 25% is 25% of the 10,?so he winds up with abour a 15%only shield.Doesnt sound that great.The rare Valerie I think might do that.Of I spell her name right.
got him booked and ascended but the shield does not seem to be 75%
or there is a visual bug
So if I book his shield skill, will it give 75% of full health to all other heroes? Would you say it’s worth it for a F2P player?
Hey! Im thinking about using my Romero as support in my defense team. What do you think about this? I mean, since i dont have Juliana and feel like my other champions can put out more damage at this point. Tho i like the heals and shields he give my champions like valla, lightsworn and aothar.
would it be worthwhile to put relentless gear on him? or should i just stick to Retaliation kit ?
Romero was one of the very first champions I got. Honestly, I wasn’t impressed with him and after seeing only 2 stars given for Minotaur’s Labyrinth here, I was going to use him as the food. Now when he can hit with over 100K and survive hurricane attack – he is my one of the top guys in my team. He has still a few areas to be upgraded, but works perfect with his the best team mite – Tayrel.
@Warkurus: Yeah, Romero is good with Retaliation Set too, provided he is the one getting hit all the time. Thanks for bringing it up! I have added the Retaliation Set into the Equipment Guide.
I am not in the end-game yet, but I play Romero (w/o Juliana, since I don’t have her) with a retaliation set (25% chance for a counterattack). I think it synergizes well with his A1 and lets you deal damage, while spending turns on his defensive skills. It works well in arena and campaign. Could you give your opinion?
I respect the wealth of knowledge you bestow upon me! Is there a discord you have or anything to speak a bit more so we don’t flood this page of Romero for additional questions I have? haha
@Frankx: It’s based on cumulative of player’s experiences with Romero. The more turns that Romero can get (with the aid of Speed Set or Turn Meter increase), the more buffs he can apply to his allies to increase their survivability in battle especially against enemies that can deal high amount of damage such as Nightmare Clan Boss. Some Champions in RAID Shadow Legends excels when they are geared around their skills. One great example is Relickeeper (The Sacred Order Epic Champion) where he can take multiple turns as long as he can perform a kill and to achieve this is by stacking him with Offense Set with some Speed substats and with the aid of Speed Buff champion, so he doesn’t lag too far behind his team. Another example would be Saurus (Lizard Uncommon Champion) where his basic attack is an AoE (Area of Effect), and this is especially great in clearing mobs in Campaign Stage 12-3 Brutal. Using the same technique which is building around the character skill, fully equip Saurus with Offense Set and have just enough Speed stat to be always the first to start in battle (at least 102 Speed) to one-shot defeat all enemies in each round. This speeds up farming Champion fodder considerably which takes approximately 8 seconds.
Hell yeah, thank you so much! Interesting that he should use full speed sets with no Defense set at all. I figured he would be played more like Tayrel but seems I am incorrect! Where do you derive your builds from? Is it extensive play testing with all different variations or just simply theory crafting?
Thanks for the response! 😀
@Frankx: Hi Frank, I have added the Romero mastery based on Arena and Campaign, Clan Boss, Dungeon mode, along with their current ranking and equipment guide.
Will you be updating Romero with some recommendations of Gear and Masteries? I recently pulled Juliana and want to see if they can be devastating together whether that is in Clan Boss, Dungeons, or Arena. Thank you for taking the time to read this and answering back 🙂