Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes 2022

Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes

Patch Notes Overview

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2022 Patch Notes

2022-12-13 : V6.30.2
2022-12-08 : V6.30
2022-11-24 : V6.22
2022-10-27 : V6.20
2022-09-29 : V6.10
2022-09-06 : V6.00
2022-08-22 : V5.80
2022-07-07 : V5.70
2022-06-09 : V5.60
2022-05-12 : V5.50
2022-04-19 : V5.40
2022-04-08 : V5.30
2022-03-23 : V5.30
2022-02-10 : V5.20
2022-01-17 : V5.10
2022-01-13 : V5.10
2022-01-06 : V5.10

(2022-12-08) Patch Notes V6.30.2

10 New Heroes

  1. Geogrid the Breaker (KR-LAV)
  2. Gnishak Verminlord (SW-LAF)
  3. Marichka the Unbreakable (BL-LSV)
  4. Taras the Fierce (BL-LHV)
  5. Tramaria (DE-LSV)
  6. Aeshma (KR-EAM)
  7. Endalia (HE-EHM)
  8. Morag Bronzelock (DW-EDS)
  9. Trumborr (OR-EDS)
  10. Riscarm (BL-RDS)

(2022-12-08) Patch Notes V6.30

We’ve got a brand new Dungeon, a new way to make Artifacts stronger, Champion balance changes, and some other updates and fixes. Let’s dive into everything coming to Raid with version 6.30.0:

Artifact Ascension & the Sand Devil’s Necropolis

  • Artifact Ascension unlocks at Level 38, and allows you to make Artifacts even more powerful. When an Artifact is Ascended for the first time, it gets an Ascension Bonus – an extra stat that can be upgraded further with every Level of Ascension. The Ascension Bonus cannot be removed or changed, and will remain the same even after an Artifact is reworked.
  • To Ascend an Artifact, it must be at least Rank 4 and upgraded to Level 12.
  • You don’t need Silver to Ascend Artifacts. What you do need is a new resource – Oil, and the primary way of earning it is by raiding the Sand Devil’s Necropolis.
  • The Sand Devil’s Necropolis is where you’ll fight a tough new boss – Al-Naemeh the Sand Devil. He’s got skills that will ignore your defenses, and he can withstand almost any attack. Unlike Raid’s other Bosses, however, he is susceptible to Sleep, so using this debuff is crucial to defeating him.
  • In this Dungeon, you can also earn Silver, Ancient Shards, and XP.
  • You can find out more information about Artifact Ascension and Al-Naemeh by checking out the in-game Guides. Once inside the Artifact Ascension menu, just hit the “i” icon. For a full breakdown of Al-Naemeh’s skills, hit the “Boss Guide” button in the Team Selection menu inside the Sand Devil’s Necropolis.
  • We have also added a new Advanced Quest that is related to Artifact Ascension.

Doom Tower Secret Rooms reward change

  • Now, once you’ve collected all the Fragments for all the Champions on a given difficulty, the rewards from Secret Rooms will change to match the Boss Floor that’s coming up next. For instance, Secret Room 1 will drop Materials from the Boss on Floor 10; Secret Room 2 will drop Materials from the Boss on Floor 20, and so on. For example, if the Boss on Floor 10 is Agreth the Nether Spider, then Secret Room 1 will drop Nether Eggs as a reward.
  • Note: if you’ve collected all the Fragments for Champions on Normal difficulty, then you can earn Forge Materials from Secret Rooms on Normal difficulty. The rewards for Secret Rooms on Hard difficulty will remain as Champion Fragments until all the Champions for that difficulty have been collected.

Daily Login reward change

If you have collected all the Fragments for the 6 Champions available via the Daily Login Program, you’ll now receive Soulstones in the slots that previously contained those Fragments – 5 Mortal Soulstones and 1 Immortal Soulstone in total.

Auto-Climb mode in the Doom Tower

Auto-Climb will allow you to automatically ascend Floors (except Boss Floors and Secret Rooms) one by one, and thus will make progressing through the Doom Tower much smoother. To activate the Auto-Climb mode, check the “Start Auto-Climb” box in the Team Selection menu. You can stop Auto-Climb mode at any time during battle via the pause menu. Auto-Climb will also stop once you lose a battle, don’t have enough Gold Keys for the next Floor, or if the next Floor is a Boss Floor.

Personal Tiers expansion

More players will now start CvC Tournaments in Personal Tiers II and VI, and there will be less players in Tier I.

New Avatars

We have added two new Avatars to the Standard Avatars section. These belong to Taras and Marichka – two Ukrainian-themed Champions that will soon join the fight for Teleria. You can check these new Avatars out by tapping your Avatar in the Settings window.

New festive decorations in the Bastion

Winter has come to Teleria! Check out the new seasonal decoration in the Bastion and enjoy the holidays with some of your favorite Champions. Galek and Zargala are certainly getting into the spirit – you can see them facing off in a snowball fight for the ages.

Other improvements and battle fixes

  1. Added “Silver Spent” notification after instantly upgrading Artifacts.
  2. Added automatic scrolling to the highest available Stage in Dungeons, Faction Wars, and Campaign.
  3. Added information to the Referral Program & Recall Quests guide about the criteria that should be met by Referred Players.
  4. Fixed a bug that prevented Mighty Ukko from placing [Block Buffs] and [Decrease ACC] debuffs on the Hydra with their Ukko’s Fury skill, even if the Hydra had no active buffs.
  5. Fixed a visual bug that caused Ninja to become visible when a [Veil] buff they were under was replaced by a [Perfect Veil] buff.
  6. Fixed a visual bug that caused Champions to appear under the effects of a [Veil] or [Perfect Veil] buff when starting a new Round, if the previous Round was ended with Truath’s Gaze Upon Me skill.
  7. Fixed a bug that caused the Fearsome Presence Mastery not to increase the chance of placing [Sheep] debuffs.
  8. Fixed a bug that caused Champions with the Deterrence Mastery not to counterattack when enemies placed [Sheep] debuffs on allies.
  9. Fixed a bug that caused Whisper to increase their ATK after attacking when the Charged Assault skill was used.
  10. Fixed a bug that caused Myciliac Priest Orn to heal themself even if the [Poison] debuffs they tried to place were resisted.
  11. Fixed a bug that caused Chancellor Yasmin to use their Lulling Chant skill in Auto-Battle mode even if the enemy team had no active buffs.
  12. Fixed a bug that caused Demon Lord Chests to be displayed as available for claiming, when they were unable to be claimed yet.
  13. Fixed a bug that caused the Hydra to not reset properly if a Clan was created during the Hydra’s reset period.
  14. Fixed a bug that made it possible to use more than 3 Hydra Keys per week.
  15. Fixed a bug that caused the Enchanting animation and then the entire game to freeze when several Glyphs were used too quickly.
  16. Fixed a bug that caused the Clan Rankings to start from 2nd position.
  17. Fixed a bug that caused Artifact Level to not be displayed in the Artifact Upgrade window.
  18. Fixed a bug that caused an error message to appear when double-clicking or double-tapping on articles in the Guides & FAQ section.
  19. Fixed a bug that would redirect players to the wrong Artifact Set in the Forge when selecting a specific Quest in the Advanced Quest menu.
  20. Fixed a bug where players would not receive Demon Lord Chests after dealing damage to the Demon Lord as part of their new Clan, if they had previously dealt damage and received Chests as part of their old Clan.
  21. Red dot indicators will now appear on the Profile tab and your Avatar in the Settings window whenever you get a new Avatar.

4 Champions Rebalanced


  • Mistress of Glamours (Old version) Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of placing a [Perfect Veil] buff for 1 turn on the ally with the lowest HP. Cannot place the [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion.
  • Mistress of Glamours (New version) Attacks 1 enemy. Places a [Perfect Veil] buff for 1 turn on the ally with the lowest HP.
  • Icicle Barrage (Old Version) Attacks 5 times at random. Each hit has a 30% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn. Has a 100% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff on enemies that receive 2 hits.
  • Icicle Barrage (New Version) Attacks all enemies. Has an 80% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn.
  • Icicle Barrage (Damage Multiplier Increased) 2 ATK → 4.6 ATK
  • Frostweaver (Old Version) Whenever an enemy places a [Freeze] debuff on an ally, has a 50% chance of stealing the [Freeze] debuff and placing it on this Champion instead. Has a 35% chance of filling this Champion’s Turn Meter by 25% every time they receive a [Freeze] debuff. Removes any [Freeze] debuffs from this Champion at the start of every turn. If there are multiple Champions in the team with this Skill, only one will activate.
  • Frostweaver (New Version) [Passive Effect] Immune to [Freeze] debuffs. Fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 25% every time an ally receives a [Freeze] debuff. [Active Effect] At the end of each enemy or ally turn, removes all [Freeze] debuffs from all allies. If there are multiple Champions in the team with this Skill, only one will remove the [Freeze] debuffs from all allies.
  • Aura Increases Ally RES in (Arena Battles by 80 → All Battles by 60).


  • Insurmountable: Attacks (1 enemy → all enemies), then places a [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion for 2 turns. Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff and a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. (New → These debuffs cannot be resisted when Zavia is on the same team.). Also places a [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.
  • Insurmountable (Damage Multiplier Decreased) 5.7 ATK → 4.2 ATK
  • Tactical Parameter: Activates this Champion’s (Swordleader → Overkill) skill. Also activates Zavia’s Poison Rain skill when Zavia is on the same team.

Crypt Witch

  • Dismantle (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks (2 → 3) times at random. Has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns. (New → Each hit will also ignore 15% of the target’s DEF)
  • Dismantle (Damage Multiplier Decreased) 3 ATK → 2.2 ATK
  • Not So Fast (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore 50% of the target’s DEF if (the target is faster than this Champion → this Champion has higher SPD than the target).


  • Disorient (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of increasing the cooldown of all enemy skills by (1 → 2) turns.

(2022-11-24) Patch Notes V6.22

12 New Champions

  1. Ceez (OT-EAF)
  2. Corvis the Corruptor (SO-LDM)
  3. Eolfrig (BL-ESS)
  4. Harima (SK-LDF)
  5. Hoskarul (BA-EDS)
  6. Lorn the Cutter (OT-EAM)
  7. Noct the Parlyzer (DE-LHM)
  8. Ronda (BL-LAM)
  9. Samson the Masher (SW-LHS)
  10. Skeuramis (HE-EHM)
  11. Suiren (SK-EAF)
  12. Tagoar (OR-ESM)

(2022-10-27) Patch Notes V6.20

New Faction, new Buff, Champion rebalance, and more! We’ve added a new Faction, a new buff, improved some of our existing features, and rebalanced some Champions. Here’s what’s new.

New Faction – Sylvan Watchers

The Sylvan Watchers have arrived in Raid! In the tree-city of Nyresa, these mysterious peacekeepers follow the law of the Sylvan Court and watch the borders of the Mistwood. No stranger will pass unnoticed. We’re adding 11 Sylvan Watcher Champions, along with their own brand of Accessories. Please note that at this time, we are not adding a Sylvan Watcher Crypt or adding this new Faction to the pool of Quests that are connected to Factions. Keep an eye out for news – we’ll make sure to tell you well in advance of their arrival!

11 New Sylvan Watchers Champions

  1. Ailil (SY-LAV)
  2. Elva Autumnborn (SY-LSM)
  3. Greenwarden Ruarc (SY-LDF)
  4. King Gallcobar (SY-LSM)
  5. Myciliac Priest Orn (SY-EHS)
  6. Duedan the Runic (SY-EHF)
  7. Cormac the Highpeak (SY-EAM)
  8. Ruella (SY-EAS)
  9. White Dryad Nia (SY-EDV)
  10. Mistrider Daithi (SY-EAF)
  11. Pathfinder Cait (SY-RAM)

New Buff – Taunt

Greenwarden Ruarc and Duedan the Runic will have skills with a new buff – [Taunt].

Here’s how it works:

  • If a Champion is under a [Taunt] buff, enemies can only target that Champion. If there are several Champions under a [Taunt] buff on the same team, enemies can target any of the Taunting Champions.
  • When using an AoE attack, only the Champion under the [Taunt] buff can be targeted, but their allies will still take damage from the AoE attack as normal.
  • The [Provoke] debuff has priority over the [Taunt] buff, meaning a Provoked Champion will still only target the Champion who placed the [Provoke] debuff on them, rather anyone under a [Taunt] buff.
  • In addition, if only one Champion on a team is under a [Taunt] buff, it will supersede any other buffs that affect targeting (like [Veil] and [Perfect Veil]), meaning a Champion under both [Taunt] and [Veil] buffs will be targeted.
  • However, if there are multiple Champions under [Taunt] buffs on a team, buffs that affect targeting (like [Veil] and [Perfect Veil]) will then take effect to decide who will be targeted. For example, in a situation where two Champions are under [Taunt] buffs, but one of them is also under a [Veil] buff, the Champion under only [Taunt] will be targeted – whereas the Champion under [Taunt] and [Veil] will not.
  • The [Taunt] buff cannot be spread, and its duration cannot be increased, but it can be stolen, removed, and its duration can be decreased.

New Artifact Set and Forge Materials

  • The Defiant Artifact Set is coming to the Forge. Collect Defiant Chunks in an upcoming Forge Pass to craft the Defiant Artifact Set.
  • Defiant (2 Set) – DEF +10%. -15% Damage taken from enemy AoE attacks. This set will be exclusive to the Forge Pass, so keep an eye on the news – we’ll reveal the details soon.
  • Instinct Artifact Set rebalance. This Set now ignores 20% of enemy DEF, instead of 15%.

Champion Rebalance

Black Knight

  • [Skill 3 – Last Breath] Skill change: Now damage is based on HP (was based on ATK).


  • [Skill 3 – Astral Terrors] Skill change: Damage multiplier increased.


  • [Skill 2 – Lethal Partner] Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 3 turns.
  • [Skill 3 – Fire of Purgation] Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.
  • [Ascended skill 3 – Fire of Purgation] Effect changed: Now removes all buffs from the target instead of just 1 random buff.


  • [Skill 2 – Succor] Effect changed: Steals 1 buff from each enemy instead of stealing 1 buff from a random enemy. Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.
  • [Skill 3 – Divine Benefaction] Effect changed: Now places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on this Champion for 2 turns, instead of 30% [Increase DEF] buff. Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.


  • [Skill 1 – Ferocity] Effect chance increased: Now has a 15% chance of granting an Extra Turn, instead of 10%.
  • [Skill 2 – Bloody Swath] Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 3 turns.
  • [Skill 3 – Overmaster] Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.
  • [Ascended skill 3 – Overmaster] Skill change: This skill now heals this Champion by 30% of the damage inflicted, instead of 10%.

Other changes and battle fixes

  1. Made a change so that Champions who reach max Level in a Saved Team Preset during Multi-Battle now swap to other Champions chosen in a queue, allowing you to farm more efficiently.
  2. Fixed a bug that resulted in not displaying the [Stun] debuff animation if it was placed on an Eternal Priest in the Doom Tower.
  3. Fixed a bug that resulted in a turn limit popup displaying in Multi-Battle mode when battling in Doom Tower with a Boss.
  4. Fixed a bug that resulted in a second Champion that was summoned during an Extra Legendary Event not appearing on the scene if both Champions were from the Shadowkin Faction.
  5. Fixed a bug that occurred when trying to upgrade a slot in the Sparring Pit when a Champion in it had reached max Level.
  6. Fixed a bug that resulted in a broken purchase button in the Market when trying to purchase a Champion if the Champion Collection was full.
  7. Fixed a bug that caused [Petrification] debuffs to block [Sleep], and the effects of skills that deflect damage, skills that decrease the damage all allies receive, skills that increase the value of [Shield] buffs, skills that restore decreased MAX HP, and skills that prevent death.
  8. Added a new background for when viewing Scyl of the Drakes in the Collection or Index with her Azure Skin chosen.
  9. Changed the color of Champions’ stars in the Rating popup when viewing Champions in the Index.
  10. Fixed an error so that the Iron Twins’ death animation is not delayed when killed with [Poison], [HP Burn], or [Hex] debuffs.
  11. Fixed a bug that caused the Block Revive text to pop up when the Demon Lord attacked Champions after Turn 50 but did not kill them.
  12. Fixed a bug that resulted in a Champion’s Aura skill not being shown after a long tap on a Champion from the Battle setup screen.
  13. Fixed an error that ended the battle when Krisk the Ageless with the Dark Resolve Blessing attacked enemies in Tag Team Arena.
  14. Fixed a bug that caused the Phantom Touch Blessing to activate when Champions dealt damage to themselves.
  15. Fixed an error that caused Hellrazor’s hidden Scorch skill to not activate when under a [Smite] debuff.
  16. Fixed a bug that resulted in Mirror Copies of all enemies taking the first turn when the Intimidating Presence Blessing was activated during battles with Astranyx the Dark Fae.
  17. Added a popup window to show where to get Immortal and Eternal Soul Coins after tapping the plus sign next to items in the Soul Collection tab of the Altar of Souls.
  18. Fixed a bug that resulted in a [Bone Armor] stack cast by the Ward of the Fallen Blessing disappearing if its duration was increased.
  19. Fixed an error that occurred when the Ward of the Fallen Blessing was activated against an enemy in a Stone Skin Artifact Set.
  20. Fixed a bug so that Harvest Jack no longer places [Poison] debuffs when stealing buffs or decreasing the duration of all buffs.
  21. Fixed a bug that caused the Indomitable Spirit and Dark Resolve Blessings to block transferred debuffs as well as placed debuffs.
  22. Fixed an error that caused the battle to freeze when Blessings with animated effects were activated in Tag Team Arena.
  23. Fixed a bug that resulted in Artifact slots disappearing in the Champion Collection.
  24. Fixed an error that occurred when opening an Event that was still loading.
  25. Removed locks from the bonus items in the Referral Program tab.
  26. Fixed a bug that meant players received an error message during CvC Tournament when the Tournament was stopped early.
  27. Fixed a visual bug that caused all Potion Keeps to look like they had all been tapped at the same time.
  28. Fixed a bug that caused the screen to flicker after purchasing a Pack from the Daily & Progression tab in the Shop.
  29. Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when opening the Shop from the Artifact Enchantment screen.
  30. Fixed a visual bug that caused an extra number to appear on the Scroll icon when selecting a Stage in the Minotaur’s Labyrinth.
  31. Fixed a bug in the Pack Builder that caused slots to become untappable if the same items were chosen.

(2022-09-29) Patch Notes V6.10

Deck of Fate Event, Forge Pass Season 4, and more!

Something suitably spooky is coming in this update! We’re hosting a frightful Deck of Fate Event, beginning Season 4 of the Forge Pass and introducing a host of Champion balance changes and bug fixes. Let’s dive into everything that’s arriving in version 6.10.0!

Halloween Deck of Fate

  • Trick or treat! The update sees a Halloween-themed Deck of Fate Event coming to Raid, with you earning Fate Pumpkins from completing various objectives. You will then use those Fate Pumpkins to flip Cards within the Deck of Fate. Any items you find hidden under a Card, you’ll keep as a Reward.
  • But that’s not all – if you manage to flip over 3 Cards of the same background color in sequence, you’ll earn a Fate Chest containing extra Rewards! Keep your eyes peeled on the News section – we’ll reveal everything you need to know about the Halloween Deck of Fate Event in a separate post in the future.

Forge Pass Season 4

  • Season 4 of the Forge Pass will be live from 09:00 UTC, Friday, September 30 – giving you another chance to earn those exclusive Bolster Artifacts and Bolster Stones! As with previous Forge Passes, Season 4 will give you access to a series of special Daily and Weekly Challenges to complete, with a whole host of great Rewards on offer – including Chaos Ore, Bolster Artifacts and Stones, as well as Silver, a new Avatar, Charms, and more.
  • For those who may have missed it – the Bolster Artifact Set places a protected Shield buff on you and your allies, meaning it cannot be stolen or removed in any way. You’ll have to get rid of the Shield by either damaging it, or waiting for it to expire. Also, Bolster Artifacts heal the wearer by 10% of their MAX HP each turn – talk about bolstering your defenses!
  • Expect more info on Forge Pass Season 4 in its own dedicated news post – so stay tuned.

Tournament Improvement

  • Now for a long-requested change! Using Skill Tomes will now earn you Points during Champion Training Tournaments. Keep in mind that this only applies to using actual Skill Tomes – you will not earn any Tournament Points if you upgrade skills using a duplicate Champion in the Tavern.
  • The number of Tournament Points earned varies on the Rarity of the Skill Tome:

    • Legendary Tomes: 200 Tournament Points
    • Epic Tomes: 75 Tournament Points
    • Rare Tomes: 25 Tournament Points

    Added Chat Rules

    To make Raid’s Global Chat a more welcoming place to communicate with your fellow players, we’ve introduced “Chat Rules” to improve the overall chat experience. Simply hit the “Chat Rules” label within the Global Chat interface, and make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules you must follow when talking with other players.

    Champion Rebalance


    • Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 90 to 100.
    • [Skill 4 – Skypiercer] Skill changed: No longer a skill that requires unlocking by using Baron’s Trample, Split Asunder or Righteous Charge skills. Effect changed: Will now ignore 50% of the target’s DEF as well. Cooldown added: 4 turns.
    • [Skill 1 – Trample] – Effect changed: No longer has a 10% chance to unlock the Skypiercer skill for 1 turn.
    • [Skill 2 – Split Asunder] Effect changed: No longer has a 20% chance to unlock the Skypiercer skill for 1 turn.
    • [Skill 3 – Righteous Charge] Effect changed: No longer has a 40% chance to unlock the Skypiercer skill for 1 turn. Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.

    Snorting Thug

    • [Skill 1 – Wanton Mugging] Effect changed: Increased chance of stealing one random buff from 20% to 30%.
    • [Skill 2 – Ruckus] Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 4 to 3 turns.


    • [Skill 1 – Scar for Life] Effect changed: Now decreases the enemy’s MAX HP by 30% of the damage inflicted, instead of 10% of the damage inflicted.
    • [Skill 3 – Heavy Slam] Effect changed: Now decreases the enemy’s MAX HP by 40% of the damage inflicted, instead of 30% of the damage inflicted. Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.
    • Aura changed. Old version: Increases Force Ally C. RATE in all Battles by 23%. New version: Increases Ally C. RATE in all Battles by 19%.


    • [Skill 1 – Hunt Down] Effect changed: Increased the extra chance of inflicting a critical hit from 20% to 30%.
    • [Skill 2 – Armor Breaker] Effect changed: Increased the extra chance of inflicting a critical hit from 20% to 30%.
    • [Skill 3 – Charged Shot] Effect changed: Now decreases the target’s Turn Meter by 50%, instead of 30%. Effect changed: Increased the extra chance of inflicting a critical hit from 20% to 30%. Cooldown changed: Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.

    Iron Twins

    • [Skill 1 – Voltaic Pendulums] Effect added: The first hit of this skill will now ignore [Unkillable] buffs whenever the Iron Twins’ HP is equal to or less than 40%.
    • Attributes changed: Decreased Resistance stat when the Iron Twins’ Fortress Affinity becomes Magic.

    Other changes and battle fixes

    1. Fixed a visual bug that caused Burangiri to move enemies slightly when attacking them.
    2. Fixed a visual bug that resulted in battle text not displaying to show that a buff or a debuff had been removed by a Passive skill.
    3. Fixed a visual bug that resulted in battle text not displaying to show that a cooldown had been decreased or increased by a Passive skill.
    4. Fixed a bug that resulted in the [Sleep] debuff animation not appearing when this debuff was placed together with the [Stun] debuff.
    5. Fixed the Dhukk the Pierced’s Lunatic Outburst skill animation.
    6. Fixed the [Increase RES] buff animation of Boragar the Elder’s Rune of Energy skill.
    7. Fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze when a protected [Continuous Heal] buff was placed by Tuhanarak, equipped with the Protection Artifact Set in a battle with Harvest Jack.
    8. Switched the icons of Carlinia’s Always Watched and Penance skills.
    9. Fixed a bug that resulted in the visual effects from buffs and debuffs placed on Ultimate Deathknight’s model not displaying in battle.
    10. Fixed a bug that resulted in [Sleep] debuffs not being removed by skills that remove debuffs in certain conditions.
    11. Fixed an issue that affected how Ultimate Deathknight’s HP bar was displayed whenever his HP was increased by his Didn’t Need ‘Em Passive skill.
    12. Fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze after changing Rounds in Tag Team Arena with Champions affected by Blessing-specific VFX (Polymorph, Ward of the Fallen, Lightning Cage, Brimstone etc).
    13. Fixed a visual bug that resulted in a Champion not transforming into a Sheep under certain conditions when the Polymorph Blessing was cast.
    14. Fixed a bug that resulted in the Skills section in the Collection not displaying after changing a Champion’s Blessings.
    15. Fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze when the Dark Resolve Blessing activated under certain conditions in battle.
    16. Fixed the animation of Iron Twins’ Doomsday Machine skill if the Boss was killed during the animation.
    17. Fixed a bug that resulted in Champions not being able to resist the extension of an [Ironbrand] debuff.
    18. Added a scroll function to all Champion and Boss skill descriptions that pop up in battles after pressing on skill icons.
    19. Fixed an issue on Windows where the game would crash if the display mode was changed in a location with a scroll function and several Champion icons.
    20. Added a visible scroll bar to the Chances section in the Forge, as well as to the Event Info in Hero’s Path Events.
    21. Fixed a bug that resulted in system messages not displaying in the Global Chat when somebody received Souls under certain conditions.
    22. Fixed an issue where the number of failed Artifact upgrade attempts would not update correctly between the client and the server.

    (2022-09-06) Patch Notes V6.00

    6 New Champions

    1. Mighty Ukko (SW-LSF)
    2. Staltus Dragonbane (BL-LDF)
    3. Acrizia (DW-LAV)
    4. Dirandil (DE-EAF)
    5. Phranox (KR-EAS)
    6. Skraank (OT-EAV)

    Update Overview

    We’ve been working on this update for a while, and it’s a big one: we’ve got a brand-new Dungeon; an entirely new way to upgrade your Champions; new Champion Skins; Champion balance changes; and some smaller fixes and updates! Let’s dive into the star of this update: Awakening!

    Awakening & The Iron Twins Fortress

    • Awakening your Champions gives them access to Blessings – powerful new passive abilities that boost their stats and transform the way they perform in battle. Awakening (and everything related to it, including the new Dungeon) unlocks at Level 42.
    • To begin Awakening your Champions, you’ll first need to get some important items from a brand-new Dungeon – the Iron Twins Fortress.

    Iron Twins Fortress

    • The Iron Twins Fortress is where you’ll fight the Iron Twins, a tough new Boss that will give you access to some valuable items – Soul Coins and Soul Essence. You’ll need these to begin the process of Awakening your Champions.
    • The Fortress itself works differently to the other Dungeons – it is divided into the four Affinities, with its Affinity changing each day.
    • Each Affinity has 15 Stages, and your progression is unique to each Affinity. This means you need to unlock the Stages for each Affinity separately, by progressing through the Stages when that specific Affinity is active.
    • You need Energy and Fortress Keys to enter a Stage within the Iron Twins Fortress. You are given a maximum of 6 Fortress Keys to use per day, with your supply of Keys being restored back to 6 at 00:00 UTC every day.
    • If you manage to use all your Fortress Keys but want to keep progressing, you can get a Fortress Key Refill using Gems, which will restore your supply back to full. You can only get one Fortress Key Refill a day, so choose wisely. If you lose a Battle, you won’t lose a Fortress Key but you will lose the Energy, so keep an eye on your reserves.
    • If you manage to beat the Iron Twins, you’ll get your hands on Soul Coins and Soul Essence. From there, it’s time to start Awakening your Champions.


    • To Awaken your Champions, you’ll take the Soul Coins and Soul Essence you raided from the Iron Twins, then head to a brand-new building in your Bastion, the Altar of Souls. This is where you’ll use those items to get Souls for your Champions.
    • There are two types of Souls: Perfect Souls and Split Souls.
    • Perfect Souls let you Awaken your Champions to the exact Level of Awakening indicated by the number of red stars on the Soul – without any extra steps or requirements. The main way to get Perfect Souls is by summoning them using Soulstones, but you’ll also find 1* Perfect Souls at the Soul Merchant.
    • To get Soulstones, you’ll want to head to the Mystic Market inside the Altar of Souls and spend your Soul Coins.
    • Split Souls Awaken your Champions one level at a time, and your Champion must be at the right level of Awakening to use a specific Split Soul.
    • To get Split Souls, you’ll need to head to the Soul Merchant and exchange your Soul Essence. The Soul Merchant’s stock changes all the time, so make sure to check in regularly to find the Souls you need.
    • Each Champion needs their specific Soul to be Awakened – meaning to Awaken the Arbiter, you’ll need souls of the Arbiter.
    • It’s important to know that only Rare, Epic, and Legendary Champions can be Awakened, and Champions cannot be Awakened to a higher level than their current Level of Ascension.
    • Once you have the Souls you need, you can Awaken a Champion and choose their Blessing.


    • The reason why you want to beat the Iron Twins, summon Souls, and Awaken your Champions is Blessings.
    • Each Blessing belongs to a Divinity, and each Divinity has Rare, Epic, and Legendary Blessings. Rare Champions can only access Rare Blessings, Epic Champions can only access Epic and Rare Blessings, and Legendary Champions can access every Blessing.
    • Each Blessing has 6 Levels, and improving these Levels is directly tied to a Champion’s Awakening Level. The benefits of leveling up are unique to each Blessing, from improving stat bonuses, to unlocking new effects and abilities.
    • Blessings can be swapped at any time. Like Masteries, the first change is free – but any subsequent changes will cost Gems.
    • Check out the Raid Champion Blessings Guide for more info on the divinities and blessings available!

    Awakening Items

    • There are a few other ways to get your hands on some of these important Awakening items, as well as ways to turn surplus items back into something useful – so you can always keep progressing.
    • For example, if you get some Souls you don’t need, you can always sell them to get some more Soul Coins back. Here’s a summary of the key Awakening items.

    Soul Coins

    Used for getting Soulstones and Soul Essence. Can be earned in a number of different ways, including:

    • Beating the Iron Twins
    • Selling Souls.
    • Using Mortal and Immortal Soulstones at the Altar of Souls.
    • As Soulburn Reimbursement.

    Soul Essence

    Used for getting Souls from the Soul Merchant. Can be earned in the following ways:

    • Beating the Iron Twins.
    • Traded for Soul Coins at the Mystic Market.


    Used to summon Perfect Souls at the Altar of Souls.

    • Acquired using Soul Coins at the Mystic Market.
    • Found in Hydra Chests (Mortal Soulstones only).
    • And as always, keep an eye out to see what you can win in Events and Tournaments!

    Have Fun!

    • You can find out more information about Awakening, Blessings, and the Iron Twins by checking out the in-game Guides. Once inside the Altar of Souls, the Iron Twins Fortress, or the Blessings interface, just hit the “i” icon to find a full breakdown of everything.
    • Everyone in the game will receive a free pack of items to get started with Awakening experience once they reach Level 42 and unlock the feature. If you’re already past Level 42, you’ll get this straight after you visit the Altar of Souls – so check it out, then go explore Awakening.
    • There are a ton of different and unique Blessings to play with, and we’re excited to see all the interesting strategies and combinations you discover.

    New Champion Skins

    • We’re bringing out two new Skins that will transform the appearance of a Legendary Barbarian – Scyl of the Drakes! We’re adding the following Skins: Heroic Skin – Lavaborn & Iconic Skin – Azure.
    • Both Skins will be available in-game in the near future – so keep an eye out for Events, Tournaments, and Special Offers.
    • But, if you want to see what these Skins look like right now, just head to the Champion Index, find Scyl of the Drakes, and take a look for yourself!
    • And remember, you won’t lose a Skin if you sacrifice your only copy of a Champion you’ve collected a Skin for; and yes, you can use the same Skin on each of your duplicate copies of a Champion at the same time.

    Champion Rebalance


    • [Skill 1 – Venom Arrow] Effect changed: Increased the chance of granting an Extra Turn from 15% to 25%.
    • [Skill 2 – Impressive Shot (Ascended)] Effect changed: Increased the extra chance of inflicting a critical hit from 15% to 25%.
    • [Skill 3 – Thorns] Effect changed: Increased the chance of ignoring DEF from 25% to 35%.
    • Base stats changed: SPD increased from 92 to 98.
    • Aura changed: now increases Ally SPD in Arena battles by 20% (was Ally DEF in Arena battles by 32%).


    • [Skill 3 – Stalwart Guardian] Skill changed. Places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff and a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on the target for 2 turns. Also places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on (this Champion → all allies) for (1 → 2) turns.
    • Base stats changed: SPD increased from 89 to 98.


    • [Skill 2 – Final Blow] Skill changed. Attacks 1 enemy. If the target has less than (30% → 50%) HP, this attack is always critical.
    • [Skill 3 – Decimate] Skill changed. Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 50% [Decrease ACC] debuff on all enemies (except the target → REMOVED) for 2 turns if this attack is critical. Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.
    • [Skill 3 – Decimate (Ascended)] Skill changed. Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff and a 50% [Decrease ACC] debuff on all enemies (except the target → REMOVED) for 2 turns if this attack is critical. Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.
    • Aura changed: now increases Ally ATK in (Arena Battles → Faction Crypts) by 30%.


    • [Skill 2 – Mark for Death] Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 3 turns if the target (has a [Heal Reduction] → is under a [Decrease DEF]) debuff.
    • [Skill 2 – Mark for Death (Ascended)] Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 25% [Weaken] debuff on the target for 3 turns if the target has a ([Heal Reduction] → [Decrease DEF]) debuff. This debuff cannot be resisted.
    • [Skill 3 – Finisher] Attacks all enemies. Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on this Champion for 2 turns before attacking. (If the target has a [Weaken] debuff, → REMOVED) places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff on the target for 2 turns (NEW → before attacking).
    • Base stats changed: SPD increased from 91 to 98.


    • [Skill 1 – Bloodstained Swords] Increased the chance of placing a 2.5% [Poison] debuff from 30% to 50%.
    • [Skill 1 – Bloodstained Swords (Ascended)] Increased the chance of placing a 5% [Poison] debuff from 30% to 50%.
    • [Skill 2 – Fit of Rage] Attacks 1 enemy. Has an extra 15% chance of inflicting a critical hit. Damage increases (according to the amount of HP this Champion has lost → Damage increases by 50% if this Champion has more than 50% HP).
    • Damage multiplier changed: This skill’s damage multiplier is now based only on ATK, rather than ATK and HP.

    Miscellaneous changes & Battle fixes

    • Soulstones (the Forge Material) has been renamed to Willstones.
    • Champions that Astranyx the Dark Fae banishes with her Dark Abduction skill now becomes invisible.
    • The [Stun] debuff animation and icon no longer display if the debuff is removed.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Iragoth not to sacrifice one of his minions with the Consume Soul passive skill if the minion was under a [Petrification] debuff.
    • Champions in the Stone Skin Artifact Set who place [Provoke] and [HP Burn] debuffs no longer make enemy Champions under these debuffs skip their turn.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Helicath, while under a [Block Damage] buff, not to counterattack after an enemy with Warmaster or Giant Slayer Masteries attacks him.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Shemnath not to be revived correctly after she was defeated in earlier Rounds in a Battle.
    • Fixed a bug that resulted in players not receiving Rewards from Demon Lord Novice Chests under certain circumstances.

    (2022-08-22) Patch Notes V5.80


    New Champions, Referral Program overhaul, and more! This update introduces new Champions, Referral Program overhaul, new Champion Skins, a new Artifact Set, Champion balance changes, and bug fixes. That’s a lot, so let’s dive into everything coming

    Referral Program Overhaul

    • We’re adding new slots to your Referred Players List! Once the first three players in your Referred Players List reach Level 50, you can now add three more people to your List, gaining Referral Rewards based on their progress, including Fragments of a new Legendary Champion, Crohnam. If these three additional players then reach Level 50, you’ll receive another Reward – an Iconic Skin for Crohnam.
    • We’ve also changed the Level 10 Referral Reward for the players in the first three slots of your Referred Players List – you’ll now receive Djamarsa Champion Fragments, instead of Energy. The first two players on your Referred Players List to reach Level 10 will earn you 30 Champion Fragments each, with the third earning you 40 – giving you the 100 Fragments needed for you to summon Djamarsa.
    • Don’t worry about missing out on these Champion Fragments if your Referred Players have already passed Level 10; these Fragments simply replace the old Energy Referral Reward and seeing as you have achieved that milestone, they are yours to claim. Everybody wins!
    • Djamarsa is a great Epic Champion, with powerful healing abilities that also boost your allies’ Turn Meter – she’s currently only available by gaining her Fragments via the Referral Program, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to add a powerful healer to your ranks.
    • And that’s not all! You can also claim additional Referral Rewards for earning Referral Points. Referral Points are earned when:
    • People on your Referred Players List level up past Level 50
    • People on your Referred Players List make in-game purchases after Trusting your account.
    • For more information about Trusting accounts, check out our Referral Program & Recall Quests Guide.

    New Champion Skins

    • Transform the appearance of three Champions with these new Skins:
    • Madame Serris: Heroic Skin – Hellbirth, Iconic Skin – Bloodveil.
    • Crohnam: Iconic Skin – Midgard.
    • Djamarsa: Heroic Skin – Heretic.
    • You can earn Crohnam’s and Djamarsa’s Skins as Rewards from the Referral Program. If you want to get these new Skins for Madame Serris, keep an eye out for in-game activities and Special Offers.
    • To see what the Skins for Madame Serris look like, just head to the Champion Index, find Madame Serris, and take a look!

    Forge Pass Season 3

    • Season 3 of the Forge Pass will be live from 09:00 UTC, Friday, August 5 to 09:00 UTC, Friday, September 2. It will give you access to a series of special Daily and Weekly Challenges to complete, with a whole host of great Rewards on offer – including Chaos Ore, brand-new Bolster Artifacts and Bolster Stones (a new Forge Material), as well as Silver, Avatars, Charms, and more.
    • How does this new Artifact Set work? Bolster is a 4 piece Artifact Set that places a protected Shield buff on you and your allies, meaning it cannot be stolen or removed in any way. You’ll have to get rid of the Shield by either damaging it, or waiting for it to expire. Also, Bolster Artifacts heal the wearer by 10% of their MAX HP each turn – talk about bolstering your defenses!
    • More info about Season 3 of the Forge Pass is coming via a dedicated news post – so stay tuned!

    11 New Champions

    1. Lonatharil (HE-LHF)
    2. Wuji (SK-EAF)
    3. Carlinia (SO-ESS)
    4. Yelagirna (OR-EAS)
    5. Anchorite (SO-ESS)
    6. Sniktraak (SW-LHS)
    7. Teodor the Savant (KR-LSS)
    8. Rakka Viletide (OR-LSV)
    9. Ultimate Deathknight (UH-LDF)
    10. Crohnam (BA-LAM)
    11. Djamarsa (BA-ESF)

    New Champions

    Eight brand-new Champions have arrived to join the battle for Teleria! You can find out about five of them in the Lonatharil Fusion News. Let’s introduce the other three:


    Rarity: Legendary
    Type: HP
    Affinity: Spirit
    Faction: Skinwalkers

    Teodor the Savant

    Rarity: Legendary
    Type: Support
    Affinity: Spirit
    Faction: Knights Revenant

    Rakka Viletide

    Rarity: Legendary
    Type: Support
    Affinity: Void
    Faction: Orcs

    Champion Rebalance

    Lady Etessa

    • [Skill 1 – Blessed Missiles (Ascended)] Effect changed: Increased the chance of placing a [Block Buffs] debuff from 25% to 40%.
    • [Skill 2 – Whiplash] Effect changed: Increased the chance of placing a [Stun] debuff from 50% to 75%.
    • [Skill 3 – Fiend Purge] Skill changed.
    • Old Version: Damage inflicted by this Champion and any allies joining this attack will be increased by 10% if the target is under a [Stun] debuff. Allies joining the attack use their default skills.
    • New version: Attacks 1 enemy with 2 random allies. Damage inflicted by this Champion and any allies joining this attack will be increased by 20% if the target is under a [Fear], [True Fear], [Freeze], [Provoke], [Sleep], [Stun], or [Petrification] debuff. Allies joining the attack use their default skills.


    • [Skill 2 – Stunning Toss] Effect changed: Increased the chance of placing a [Stun] debuff from 50% to 75%.
    • [Skill 3 – Talons] Effect changed: Increased the chance of placing a [Decrease DEF] debuff from 50% to 75%.
    • [Skill 3 – Talons (Ascended)] Effect changed: Increased the chance of placing [Decrease ATK] and [Decrease DEF] debuffs from 50% to 75%.


    • [Skill 1 – Savage Fury] Skill changed.
    • Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on this Champion for 2 turns if this attack is critical.
    • New version: Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of placing a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.
    • Damage multiplier changed: This skill’s damage multiplier is now based only on DEF, rather than DEF and ATK.
    • [Skill 2 – Maximum Carnage] Skill changed.
    • Old version: Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 50% chance of placing a 15% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. The chance of placing the [Weaken] debuff increases to 100% on critical hits.
    • New version: Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 75% chance of placing a 15% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
    • Damage multiplier changed: This skill’s damage multiplier is now based only on DEF, rather than DEF and ATK.
    • [Skill 2 – Maximum Carnage (Ascended)] Skill changed.
    • Old version: Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 50% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. The chance of placing the [Weaken] debuff increases to 100% on critical hits.
    • New version: Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 75% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
    • Damage multiplier changed: This skill’s damage multiplier is now based only on DEF, rather than DEF and ATK.
    • [Skill 3 – Spirit Appeasement] Skill changed.
    • Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Revives a random ally with 40% HP if this attack kills the target. Only available when an ally is dead.
    • New version: Revives an ally with 40% HP and 40% Turn Meter, then heals all allies by 15% of their MAX HP.

    Other fixes

    • Fixed a bug where Yumeko’s Destiny’s Mirror skill would transfer debuffs to enemies under any debuff placed by Yumeko. Now, debuffs only transfer to enemies under a [Hex] debuff placed by Yumeko, as written in the skill description.
    • Fixed a bug that caused skills set to “Don’t Use” to be used in Multi-Battle mode.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Teumesia not to be immune to [Fear] debuffs when a Hydra Head was under a [HP Burn] debuff, and Teumesia was under a [Block Debuffs] buff.
    • Added information to the Hero’s Path Event Info window about Hero Coins not being counted as Points in Quests, Clan Quests, or Event-related Missions.
    • Fixed a bug that caused an error message to appear when players tried to use Pain Keeper’s Combat Tactics skill.

    (2022-07-07) Patch Notes V5.70

    9 New Champions

    1. Walking Tomb Dreng (KR-LHS)
    2. Nekmo Thaar (LZ-LSS)
    3. Hephraak (DS-LAM)
    4. Keeyra the Watcher (DW-LDS)
    5. Shemnath (KR-LAM)
    6. Truath (DE-LHM)
    7. Ragash (SW-LDS)
    8. Goffred Brassclad (DW-LDM)
    9. Arix (KR-LHM)

    5.70 Update Overview

    Vault overhaul, new Hex debuff mechanics, and more! This update brings new ways to store your Champions, a new Champion Skin, changes to the [Hex] debuff, some Champion balance changes, bug fixes, and more.

    Master Vault & Reserve Vault

    • We’ve added more space to store your Champions and have divided the Vault into two distinct sections.
    • The Master Vault is where you keep Champions that you use often, but that you don’t need to keep right there in your Collection. Champions in the Master Vault get to keep their Gear equipped, so they’re ready to head into battle at any time.
    • The Reserve Vault is where you can keep Champions that you don’t actively use in Battle, and therefore don’t need to stay fully equipped. To put a Champion in the Reserve Vault, you’ll need to remove all their Artifacts and Accessories.

    [Hex] debuff update

    • Combined with the skills of some of Raid’s best Champions, the [Hex] was already good – but it’s now even better. Instead of being a simple marker or catalyst for other effects, without its own inherent effect, it now has exactly that.
    • From now on, Champions under [Hex] debuffs take damage whenever their allies do. They’ll take 2% of all AoE damage inflicted on their allies, and 10% of single-target damage inflicted on their allies. This damage ignores defense, so it can make a big difference. The original targets all take full damage, so no reductions or benefits on their side.
    • Champions under [Hex] debuffs only take extra damage from direct attacks on their allies, not from other effects or sources of damage (like buffs or debuffs). For example, Champions under [Hex] debuffs won’t take extra damage when their allies take damage from [Poison], [HP Burn], [Bomb] debuffs, [Reflect Damage] buffs, etc.
    • And before you panic, we know – this [Hex] change would make the Minotaur and Kuldath the Magma Dragon much stronger, maybe too strong – but don’t worry, we’ve changed their damage multipliers accordingly to balance it out.

    New Champion Skin

    • We’re bringing out a new Skin that will transform the appearance of another of Raid’s most historic Champions – Kael.
    • Iconic Skin – Scarlet Masquerade. The Skin will be available in-game in the near future – so keep an eye out for Events, Tournaments, and Special Offers.
    • But, if you want to see what the Skin looks like right now, just head to the Champion Index, find Kael, and take a look!

    Advanced Quest reward change

    We have changed the reward for the “Use 1 Hydra Key” Quest – now it’s 5 Silver Keys for the Doom Tower instead of 10 Gems.

    Champion rebalance

    Lord Shazar

    • [Skill 3 – Cruel Fate] Bomb damage multiplier increased.


    • [Skill 3 – Burning Passion] Effect changed: The chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff has been increased from 50% to 75%.

    Lugan the Steadfast

    • [Skill 2 – Bodyguard] Cooldown decreased from 4 to 3 turns.
    • [Skill 3 – Mark of Silence] Effect changed: The damage is now based on HP (was on ATK).


    • [Skill 4 – Exalted [P]] – Skill changed. New version: Enemies from the Undead Horde, Demonspawn, and Knights Revenant Factions killed by this Champion cannot be revived. [All enemies killed by this Champion cannot be revived when Vlad the Nightborn is on the same team.]
    • Old version: Enemies from the Undead Horde, Demonspawn, and Knights Revenant Factions killed by this Champion cannot be revived. [Only available when Vlad the Nightborn is on the same team.]


    • [Skill 2 – Flames of Passion] Skill changed. New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.
    • Old version: Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 50% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.
    • Damage multiplier increased.
    • [Skill 5 – Punishing Partner [P]] Skill changed. New version: Attacks inflict 25% more damage. Always counterattacks when attacked. [Only available when Venus is on the same team.]
    • Old version: Attacks inflict 25% more damage to targets under debuffs. [Only available when Venus is on the same team.]


    • [Skill 1 – Doom Exchange] Skill changed. New version: Attacks 1 enemy. Transfers all debuffs from this Champion to the target.
    • [Skill 1 – Doom Exchange] Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Transfers a random debuff from this Champion to the target.
    • [Skill 2 – Compound Calamity] Skill changed. New version: Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 75% chance of increasing the duration of all debuffs on the target by 1 turn. Also places a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 3 turns if the target is under a [Decrease ACC] debuff or [Decrease C. DMG] debuff.
    • [Skill 2 – Compound Calamity] Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 75% chance of increasing the duration of 2 random debuffs on the target by 1 turn. Also places a [Block Active skills] debuff for 1 turn if the target is under a [Decrease ACC] debuff or [Decrease C. DMG] debuff.
    • [Skill 4 – Unchained [P]] Skill changed. New version: [Passive Effect] This Champion is immune to [Fear], [True Fear], [Freeze], [Provoke], [Sleep], [Stun], and [Petrification] debuffs. [Active Effect] At the end of each enemy or ally turn, removes all [Fear], [True Fear], [Freeze], [Provoke], [Sleep], [Stun], and [Petrification] debuffs from all allies and places a [Block Debuffs] buff for 1 turn on allies who have debuffs removed.
    • [Skill 4 – Unchained [P]] Old version: Immune to [Fear], [True Fear], [Freeze], [Provoke], [Sleep], [Stun], and [Petrification] debuffs. Whenever a [Fear], [True Fear], [Freeze], [Provoke], [Sleep], [Stun], or [Petrification] debuff is placed on an ally, removes it and places a [Block Debuffs] buff on that ally for 2 turns.

    Other fixes

    • Hound-Spawn’s Shattering Strike skill now ignores [Block Damage] buffs as intended if the target is under a [Freeze] debuff and Hellfang is on the same team.
    • Fixed a bug that caused results in the Battle Log to be displayed incorrectly in Tag Arena.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the damage inflicted by buffs or debuffs to be affected by damage increases from skill upgrades of the skills that placed the debuffs.
    • Fixed an error that showed when claiming rewards for the CvC Tournament.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the progress in Clan Achievements not to count if the “Earn Champion XP” Achievement was at the maximum level.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the text in the “Artifacts Crafted” window in the Forge to be displayed incorrectly in German and Spanish.
    • A “Champion not included” disclaimer has been added to offers containing Champion Skins.

    (2022-06-09) Patch Notes V5.60

    Trunda Skins, Instant Upgrade, and more! This update brings a couple of new Champion Skins, Instant Artifact/Accessory upgrades, changes to Tag Team Arena Tier rules, the option to keep your Hydra Battle score or re-run your battle and try again, and a few bug fixes. Here’s everything you need to know!

    3 New Champions

    1. Helicath (DS-LDS)
    2. Lamibur (SW-RSS)
    3. Kinagashi (SK-ESS)

    New Champion Skins

    • We’re bringing out two new Skins that will transform the appearance of one of everyone’s favorite Legendary Dwarves – Trunda Giltmallet! We’re adding the following Skins: “Heroic Skin – Icedrake” and “Iconic Skin – Incinerus”
    • Both Skins will be available in-game in the near future – so keep an eye out for Events, Tournaments, and Special Offers. But, if you want to see what these Skins look like right now, just head to the Champion Index, find Trunda Giltmallet, and take a look!
    • And remember, you won’t lose a Skin if you sacrifice your only copy of a Champion you’ve collected a Skin for; and yes, you can use the same Skin on each of your duplicate copies of a Champion at the same time.

    Tag Team Arena Tier-placement system update

    • You need to fight in at least 10 Tag Team Arena Series each week to be able to either stay in your Tier or be promoted to a higher Tier. If you fail to fight in 10 Series per week, you will be automatically demoted to a lower Tier.
    • There’s still a limited number of Promotion and Demotion places between each Tag Arena Tier, and this won’t change that. Players will be demoted due to inactivity first and foremost, then the remaining players in the lowest positions in that Tier will fill the rest of the Demotion places. For example, if there are 2,000 standard Demotion places in one Tier, but 500 players fail to complete the required number of Tag Arena Series that week, those 500 players will be demoted alongside the lowest 1,500 players in the standard Demotion places.

    “Free Regroup” and “Keep Result” options after Hydra Battles

    • After a Hydra Battle ends, you can now choose to re-run the Battle for free by selecting the “Free Regroup” to try for a higher score or hit “Keep Result” to save your score if you’re happy with the result. This lets you tweak and refine your strategy without wasting Keys.

    Instant Gear Upgrades

    • A new checkbox will allow you to instantly upgrade any Artifact or Accessory to a chosen level, skipping all the animations from each upgrade attempt. Each level upgrade will still happen progressively (attempt by attempt) as usual, with the same Silver cost per attempt, and the exact same chance of success or failure as upgrading manually.
    • Silver will be instantly debited from your account as soon as you hit the “Upgrade” button, according to how many upgrades attempts it took for the process. If you don’t have enough Silver, the process will end prematurely once you run out. The option to skip all these upgrade animations unlocks at Level 40.

    A new Hydra-related Quest has been added to the pool of Advanced Quests

    • The “Use 1 Hydra Key” Quest will be added to the pool of Advanced Quests after the next reset for everyone that’s unlocked the Hydra. As always, which Quests you receive is random – so you might not have the Quest in your list straight away.

    Other changes

    • The native swipe Home Bar will now be hidden on iOS devices.

    Other bug fixes

    • Fixed an error that showed after removing a Champion from the Sparring Pit.
    • Fixed a bug that resulted in the inability to Rank up Champions in the Tavern under certain conditions.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a delay in updating CvC Tournament results.
    • Forge-related Progress Missions will now be completed without any errors after crafting x10 Artifacts in the Forge.
    • Fixed an error that occurred when restarting an unsuccessful Battle in Faction Crypts while Super Raids were enabled.

    (2022-05-12) Patch Notes V5.50

    This update brings a couple of new features, some Champion balance changes, and bug fixes. Here’s everything:

    1 New Champion

    1. Deliana (HE-LHF)

    Battle Turn Counter

    • We’ve added a Turn Counter for every Battle, so you can track how many turns you’ve taken, and how many you have left – with the current limit set to 1,500 turns. The Turn Counter tracks both your team’s and the enemy team’s turns.
    • In most Battles, the Turn Counter, along with a notification, will be shown after you reach 1,000 Turns. However, in Doom Tower Battles, you’ll see the Turn Counter from the start. In Demon Lord and Hydra Battles, not much has changed – you’ll see the Bosses’ Turn Counters from the start, then your team’s Turn Counter as a separate line after 1,000 turns.
    • In every Battle – except for Demon Lord Battles, Hydra Battles, and when using Multi-Battle mode – the game will be paused after reaching 1,450 turns. You’ll be able to choose whether to continue the Battle or to end it early. You’ll automatically lose any battles that end due to reaching the 1,500-turn limit.

    Forge improvements

    • We’ve added a button to craft a batch of 10 Artifacts in one go. You can also use Charms while crafting a batch of 10 Artifacts. You’ll still craft all 10 Artifacts even if you don’t have enough Charms to be used for every one of them. The Charms you do have will be used for as many of those 10 Artifacts as possible, depending on the number of Charms you have.
    • We’ve also added the ability to skip the crafting animations by tapping on the screen after hitting either “Craft” or “Craft x10”.
    • The “Go” button for Forge-related Advanced Quests will now jump to the relevant Sets.
    • The game will remember your chosen Artifact Ranks when you switch between different Artifact Sets (or lower it to the highest possible Rank if the original Rank is not available when jumping between different Sets).
    • Adjusted Forge Material drop balance on Faction Crypt Stages 20-21.

    Tag Team Arena update

    We’ve expanded the Tiers and increased the player limit along with the number of Promotion/Demotion places. It will now be easier to rise through the Tiers and reach the higher echelons of Tag Arena play. Here’s the new Tier breakdown:

    Bronze Tier

    • Bronze I: Promotion Places: 18K → 30K
    • Bronze II: Player Limit: 60K → 100K | Promotion Places: 13,500 → 21,000
    • Bronze III: Player Limit: 45K → 70K | Promotion Places: 9.5K → 15K
    • Bronze IV: Player Limit 30K → 50K | Promotion Places: 4.5K → 9K

    Silver Tier

    • Silver I: Player Limit: 15K → 30K | Promotion Places: 3.75K → 7.5K
    • Silver II: Player Limit: 12.5K → 25K | Promotion Places: 3K → 6K
    • Silver III: Player Limit: 10K → 20K | Promotion Places: 2.25K → 4.5K
    • Silver IV: Player Limit: 7.5K → 15K | Promotion Places: 940 → 2.1K

    Gold Tier

    • Gold I: Player Limit: 3.125K → 7K | Promotion Places: 750 → 1.35K
    • Gold II: Player Limit: 2.5K → 4.5K | Promotion Places: 565 → 900
    • Gold III: Player Limit: 1.875K → 3K | Promotion Places: 375 → 750
    • Gold IV: Player Limit: 1.25K → 2.5K | Demotion Places: 375 → 750

    Champion Rebalance


    • Gravestorm [ATK] (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks 1 enemy. (REMOVED → Has a 50% chance of attacking all enemies with an extra hit.) (NEW → Attacks all enemies 1 time if this attack is critical.)
    • Tomb Stalker [ATK] (Cooldown: 5 → 4 turns) (UPDATE → Cooldown reduced by 1 turn)
    • Aura (NEW) Increases Ally C.RATE in all Battles by 19%.


    • Superheated Hammer [Damage Multiplier]: 2.8 ATK → 3.2 ATK
    • Curse of Nullity [Damage Multiplier]: 3.5 ATK → 4 ATK
    • Flame Tempest [Damage Multiplier]: 1.6 ATK → 2 ATK
    • Curse of Nullity [ATK] (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks all enemies. Has a (50% → 75%) chance of placing a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 2 turns.
    • Flame Tempest [ATK] (Cooldown: 5 turns) Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a (60% → 100%) chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.


    • Cones of Cold [ATK] Attacks 2 times at random. Has a (15% → 30%) chance of placing a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 2 turns.
    • Snow Flurry [ATK] (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks 3 times at random. (REMOVED → Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns if the target has a [Heal Reduction] debuff.) (NEW → Each hit has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.)


    • Base Speed: 92 → 97.
    • Crossup [Damage Multiplier]: 0.8 ATK + 0.08 HP → 0.13 HP
    • Overpower [Damage Multiplier]: 2 ATK + 0.35 HP → 0.42 HP
    • Undying Fury (Cooldown: 5 turns) (REMOVED → Removes all debuffs from this Champion, then fully heals this Champion. Places a 30% [Reflect Damage] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.)
    • Undying Fury (Cooldown: 5 turns) (NEW → Removes all debuffs from this Champion and 1 random debuff from all allies, then heals this Champion by 100% of their MAX HP and heals all allies equal to 50% of the surplus heal. Afterwards, places a 30% [Reflect Damage] buff on all allies for 2 turns, then grants this Champion an Extra Turn.)
    • Overpower [HP] (Cooldown: 4 → 3 turns) (UPDATE → Cooldown reduced by 1 turn)

    Champion and battle fixes

    • Karato Foxhunter’s Stoicism passive skill no longer deals damage to Bommal’s Dreadbombs.
    • The Total Stats window is now displayed after a long tap on the Champions in your team in the team selection window.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the enemy team’s Team Power indicator to disappear from the screen after a long tap.
    • Fixed a double animation bug that affected Bommal’s Dreadbomb explosions.
    • Fixed a bug that caused some debuffs placed by Krisk the Ageless not to be displayed.
    • Fixed a sound issue that occurred when restarting a battle in Faction Wars.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze after Madame Serris placed a [Shield] buff while under a [Petrification] debuff.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Battles to stop after one Battle when using Multi-Battle mode while Super Raids were enabled.

    Other fixes

    • Red dot indicators for new Champions in the Index will not be displayed if you have already opened the interface for their Faction.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Champions with fully upgraded skills to be displayed in the “Upgrade Skills” tab in the Tavern when the “Show upgradable only” filter was selected.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the “Connect your account to Facebook” achievement to remain incomplete after connecting to Facebook.
    • The “Claim all Playtime Rewards” Forge Pass Daily Challenge will only be completed after you claim all the Playtime Rewards.

    (2022-04-19) Patch Notes V5.40

    Coldheart Skins, Champion rebalance, and more! This update brings a couple of new Champion Skins, some Champion balance changes, and some bug fixes. Oh, and a small announcement – our new Battle Pass will be going live very soon! This time around, it’s called the Forge Pass, and like its name suggests, it’s tailored towards gearing you up for some serious Artifact crafting. And we’ll even be adding a brand-new Artifact Set that will only be available through the Forge Pass – Instinct Artifacts. Keep an eye out on the News for a full Forge Pass breakdown very soon. In the meantime, here’s what’s coming in this update:

    New Champion Skins

    • After the recent release of our first-ever Champion Skins for the Arbiter, we’re now bringing out two new Skins that will transform the appearance of another of Raid’s most historic Champions – Coldheart! We’re adding the following Skins: “Heroic Skin – Necrobia” and “Iconic Skin – Pyroclast”.
    • Both Skins will be available in-game in the near future – but if you want to see what these Skins look like right now, just head to the Champion Index, find Coldheart, and take a look!
    • And remember, you won’t lose a Skin if you sacrifice your only copy of a Champion you’ve collected a Skin for; and yes, you can use the same Skin on each of your duplicate copies of a Champion at the same time.

    Gear Removal Cost Reduction Event

    • A new indicator has been added in the Bastion for when Gear Removal Cost reduction events go live.
    • These events give you a great chance to try out some new Champion builds and try out some new ideas.
    • We’ll have an event soon, so make sure you don’t miss it!

    Champion Rebalance


    • Outburst (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks all enemies 3 times. Places a (15% → 25%) [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
    • Outburst [Damage Multiplier] 1.4 ATK → 1.35 ATK

    Inithwe Bloodtwin

    • Tormenting Whispers [Damage Multiplier]: 3.3 ATK → 3.6 ATK


    • Bolts of Cold: Attacks 3 times at random. Has a (15% → 25%) chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn.
    • Rejuvenating Wave (Cooldown: 4 → 3 turns)
    • Ice Storm (Cooldown: 5 → 4 turns)

    Champion and battle fixes

    • Fixed a bug that caused the [Decrease ATK] debuff placed by Nekhret the Great’s Tomb Glaive skill not to be shown when fighting the Demon Lord.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the [Revive On Death] buff from Godseeker Aniri’s Guardian Angel passive not to be placed on allies under [Shield] buffs.
    • Fixed a bug that caused team attack skills not to work correctly when attacking Bommal’s Dreadbombs.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Kunoichi’s Blooded Grit passive skill not to place the [Block Damage] buff on her if her HP dropped below 30% due to damage from [Ally Protection] buffs or [Poison] debuffs.
    • Fixed an error that occurred when replaying Doom Tower Battles on non-Boss Stages and Secret Rooms during Super Raid Events.

    Game Experience Enhancements

    • We’ve added a Masteries Guide to the game. If you would like to know more about them, head to the Masteries interface and tap the “i” icon.
    • Added a Clan Shop icon to the popup interface that shows where you can acquire items and Materials.
    • Lower Rank Champions will no longer be displayed in the “Upgrade Rank” tab in the Tavern if the chosen Champion is the only one of that Rank in your Collection.
    • The “Show upgradable only” filter will no longer incorrectly hide Champions with un-upgraded passive skills in the “Upgrade Skills” tab in the Tavern.
    • Champion icons won’t move when scrolling through the Collection section when setting up Saved Teams.
    • That’s everything we’ve got for you! We’ll update you about the upcoming Forge Pass and the Gear Removal Cost Reduction event soon in the News, so keep your eyes peeled.

    (2022-04-08) Patch Notes V5.30

    6 New Doom Tower Champions

    1. Ginro the Stork (SK-LDV)
    2. Gronjarr (DW-LHF)
    3. Cromax Moonblood (DE-LDF)
    4. Zii Ixchi (LZ-EAF)
    5. Krakarth (DE-EHF)
    6. Liburga (OR-ESV)

    (2022-03-23) Patch Notes V5.30

    Champion Skins, updated Skill Instructions, and more!

    • As many of you may know, most of Raid’s core development team is based in Ukraine, and given the current situation, development has been impacted as many of our team found themselves unable to work. However, we’ve since made efforts to relocate as many of us as possible, and we are now returning to work as safely as we can. We thank you for all your support and patience.
    • We’re currently working on a few major features to be added in the near future and will be sure to share more details as soon as we can. In the meantime, we’ve managed to complete work on everything that we planned for the now-delayed 5.30.0 release – so, here it is.
    • In this update, we’ve added Champion Skins, made some changes to the items in the Clan Shop (like adding a brand new Artifact Set, along with Champion Fragments for Yakarl the Scourge), added new Skill Instruction functions, rebalanced a few Champions, and made some quality-of-life updates. Here’s everything:

    Champion Skins

    Skins let you alter a Champion’s appearance to something that suits your style and preference. Skins will change how a Champion looks in your Collection and in every battle they fight, but it won’t affect their stats or performance in any way – it’s purely for style points.

    There are three rarities of Skins:

    • Classic
    • Heroic
    • Iconic

    Additional Information

    • Classic Skins are the standard Skin that every Champion has when you first Summon them. It’s their classic look, and we don’t think they’ll ever go out of fashion.
    • Heroic Skins can be obtained through Events, Tournaments, the Clan Shop, and other in-game activities. Iconic Skins are the rarest in the game, and for the time being, will be able to be obtained from Special Limited Offers at the Shop.
    • And, just like with Champions, you’ll be able to collect Skin Fragments in addition to getting an entire Skin in one go.
    • Now, even receiving a new Skin in the first place is a privilege, not every Champion will receive. We’ll be adding more Skins over time, but the first lucky Champion to receive a new coat of paint will be the Arbiter, who’ll be receiving three entirely new Skins that will transform her appearance.
    • ARBITER – HEROIC SKIN: The Arbiter’s “Darkfallen” Skin will be available as Fragments from the Clan Shop starting March 29 (after the next refresh).
    • ARBITER – ICONIC SKINS: The Arbiter’s “Jade Serpent” and “Lumaya’s Prophet” Skins will be available soon from the Limited Special Offers tab in the Shop.
    • Oh, and in case you were wondering: no, you won’t lose a Skin if you sacrifice your only copy of a Champion you’ve collected a Skin for; and yes, you can use the same Skin on each of your duplicate copies of a Champion at the same time.
    • Want to see what these Skins look like right now? Just head to the Champion Index, find the Arbiter and take a look for yourself.

    Clan Shop Update

    • We added Chaos Ore, Champion Fragments for Yakarl the Scourge, and two new Chests with Killstroke Artifacts to the Item Pool. We also shuffled a few items around – including Skill Tomes.
    • Yakarl the Scourge is a Legendary Barbarian Attacker, who, conveniently enough, is receiving a significant buff in this very update.
    • You’ll get the same deal here as you have with Yannica – Champion Fragments will be available in specific Clan Shop Slots, and you’ll be able to get your hands on them for Clan Gold. And better yet, Yakarl won’t replace Yannica. Both will be available in the Clan Shop at the same time.
    • The Killstroke Artifact Set will provide your Champions with a +20% Crit DMG and +5% SPD bonus for every 2 Artifacts equipped. It’s a simple but powerful Set that any damage-dealer will love.

    Skill Instructions Update

    • We know many of you asked for more control over your Champions through Skill Instructions, and we’re giving you just that. You’ll now be able to set different Skill Instructions for each Round of a Battle.
    • That should open up a great deal of flexibility in Campaign Battles, Dungeons, Faction Wars, and the Doom Tower. All you have to do is select Rounds 1, 2, or 3 in Skill Instructions, then set everything up however you want.

    Super Raids in Faction Wars

    • We’re going to be enabling Super Raids in Faction Wars. Super Raids let you save time farming and massively speed up your progress.
    • Super Raids use twice the Crypt Keys in one go, but give double Rewards in the time it takes to run just one raid. Super Raids are completely optional: to enable them, you have to hit the checkbox in the Team Selection interface.
    • Super Raids will be enabled in Faction Wars for a whole month starting March 24 at 11:30 UTC.

    Multi-Battle mode in Faction Wars

    • Save even more time looting Faction Crypts by using Multi-Battle. We’ve also made it so that you can collect up to 18 Crypt Keys at once so you can collect your 6 Keys from Advanced Quests (in addition to your 12 daily Keys) before digging into Super Raids in Multi-Battle mode. However, you’ll still only start each day with 12 Crypt Keys after every reset.

    Champion rebalance

    Yakarl the Scourge

    • Axe of Allwinter: Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit has a (20% → 40%) chance of placing [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn. Will now ignore (30% → 25%) of the target’s DEF against targets (only if there were 3 or more enemies frozen → under [Freeze] debuffs.)
    • Blizzard Rider NEW → Will ignore 50% of the target’s DEF against targets under [Freeze] debuffs.
    • Glaciate: (Skill Revamp) New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn. This chance increases to 100% against targets with 75% or more Turn Meter. This debuff cannot be resisted by targets with 75% or more Turn Meter. Old version: Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. If the target is under a [Freeze] debuff, removes the debuff after attacking and places it on all enemies except the initial target. Will also attack all enemies except the initial target after the third hit. The [Freeze] debuff will be placed on all other enemies even if the initial target dies before their [Freeze] debuff is removed.
    • Lord of Ice (Cooldown: 5 → 3 turns). Skill changed.
    • Lord of Ice – New version: [Passive Effect] Increases the damage this Champion inflicts by 10% for each Champion in battle under a [Freeze] debuff. Also decreases the damage this Champion receives by 10% for each Champion in battle under a [Freeze] debuff. [Active Effect] Places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 1 turn whenever they kill an enemy under a [Freeze] debuff.
    • Lord of Ice – Old version: [Passive Effect] Decreases the damage this Champion receives by 10% and increases the damage this Champion inflicts by 10% if there are 1 or more enemies under [Freeze] debuffs. Increases this Champion’s SPD by 15 and RES by 50 if there are 2 or more enemies under [Freeze] debuffs. [Active Effect] Places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 2 turns whenever there are 3 enemies under [Freeze] debuffs.
    • Aura changed New Aura: Increases Ally ATK by 33% in All Battles. Old Aura: Increases Ally ATK in Doom Tower battles by 43%.


    • Feather Barrage [Damage multiplier] 3.9 ATK → 4.5 ATK
    • Feather Barrage [Effect added] Will place a 30% [Increase C.DMG] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.
    • Sky Punishment [Damage multiplier] 3.7 ATK → 4.7 ATK

    Samar Gemcursed

    • Crystal Flesh [Damage multiplier] 0.23 HP → 0.25 HP
    • Emerald Curse [Damage multiplier] 0.3 HP → 0.35 HP
    • Boon Subversion [Damage multiplier] 0.15 HP → 0.2 HP


    • Rebirth (Cooldown: 5 → 4 turns) Changed the order of actions in the skill where Skartorsis will remove debuffs first, then heal his allies. The skill description remains the same!


    • Base Speed: 92 → 98.
    • Dismay: EAttacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of decreasing each enemy’s Turn Meter by (20% → 50%). If there are any enemies under [Fear] or [True Fear] debuffs, will also fill this Champion’s Turn Meter by the amount those enemies lose.
    • Desolation: Whenever an enemy’s Turn Meter is fully depleted by any Champion’s, has a (50% → 75%) chance of placing a [True Fear] debuff on that enemy for 1 turn.

    Game Experience Enhancements

    • Multi-Battle attempt bundles are now added to your Inbox separately after you obtain them. This means you will be able to pick them up one-by-one rather than being forced to collect them all at once.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Arbiter not to use her Skills according to her Skill Instructions when battling against Skullcrown.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Urost the Soulcage to run in circles after attacking enemies with his default Skill (Jagged Knuckles).
    • The blue lightning VFX around Sir Nicholas is now center-aligned.
    • Fixed a bug that resulted that the Dreadhorn’s Dreadbombs staying in the battle after exploding.
    • The AI now correctly heals allies when Conellia uses her Revitalizing Rest skill.
    • Ascension no longer counts in “Get 5 Epic Champions” and “Get 10 Rare Champions” Clan Quests.
    • Fixed an error that occurred when collecting Versus Rewards in CvC Tournaments.

    (2022-02-10) Patch Notes V5.20

    12 New Champions

    1. Karato Foxhunter (SK-LAS)
    2. Yumeko (SK-LSV)
    3. Boragar the Elder (DW-LHF)
    4. Archbishop Pinthroy (SO-LSS)
    5. Andryssia (HE-EDV)
    6. Fylja (DW-EAM)
    7. Theresc (DE-EAF)
    8. Sir Artimage (BL-EAF)
    9. Cagebound (LZ-RDV)
    10. Trugorr (BA-RAM)
    11. Medicus (HE-RSS)
    12. Spymaster (BL-RHF)

    Game Updates

    • Hey, Raiders! We hope you are ready to start your February with a fresh Raid Update! 5.20 will focus entirely on a number of quality of life improvements, but we think you’re going to love them. Those of you who watched the 4th episode of What’s Next In Raid? will immediately recognize these features as well.
    • We’ll be adding new filters to the Tavern and making a few other renovations, adding more options for Team Presets, expanding the Classic Arena with a new Gold V Tier and increasing the number of positions in the Platinum Tier, and working on decreasing the amount of time farming the Doom Tower takes. We’ll also buff a couple of Champions for the sake of balance.
    • Oh, and speaking of Champions. We’ll add a bunch of new ones as well, including a very special lovebird couple for Valentine’s Day and a few Champions with the brand new Increase RESIST/Decrease RESIST Skills! Read on if you want to find out more.

    Tavern Improvements

    • We know the Tavern can get quite crowded after you’ve spent a few months adventuring in Teleria and summoning Champions to aid your cause. The cellar where XP Brews are kept can get very messy as well. But we’re on the case! As promised, we’ll add a handy filter and sort the XP Brews in a more convenient way.
    • The new “Show Upgradable Only” filter will hide all Champions who are ineligible for a specific upgrade. For example:
    • The Upgrade Level tab will only show Champions who have not yet reached max Level for their Rank
    • Upgrade Rank will do the opposite and only show Champions of max Level for their Rank
    • Upgrade Skills will hide Champions who have entirely upgraded their Skills
    • Ascend will not display Champions whose Ascension equals their Rank
    • Just don’t forget to flick the filter off after you’ve chosen the Champion you want if you are looking to upgrade their Rank using other Champions. Also, you’ll be able to switch between Ascending and Descending order of Champions to ease navigation.
    • All XP Brews will be grouped into a single slot according to their Affinity, so you won’t have to scroll through dozens of them to get the kind you want. When they are selected to upgrade a Champion’s Level, you’ll see a neat little slider to regulate the number of Brews you wish to consume. Cranking it up to “MAX” will add as many XP Brews as are needed to increase the lucky Champion’s level to whatever limit their current Rank allows.

    Team Setup

    • Here’s another change we’ve mentioned a few times already. Update 5.20 will expand the existing PvE Saved Teams into 3 distinct categories: General (Campaign, Dungeons, Demon Lord), Faction Wars, and Doom Tower. Hydra Battles and PvP will retain their own Saved Teams, of course.
    • To make things even better, each of those 5 categories will have 15 Saved Team slots (up from 10)! And we’ll also make a tiny change to the selection mechanics. Now, whenever you remove a Champion from a Slot in a Saved Team, the Slot will remain empty without the rest of the team shifting – we know it can be quite annoying to re-select the entire team if you only wanted to give it a new Leader.

    Classic Arena Upgrade

    • The Platinum Tier is going to see a significant expansion in Update 5.20. Where it could only allow 300 players before, now it will grow to 500. We’ve also increased the number of Magisteel ingots in Platinum Tier Battle rewards to 7-8.
    • Furthermore, we’re adding a whole new Tier – Gold V – that will occupy the position between 3500 and 3800 Arena Points. Those who managed to earn more than 3500 in the Gold IV Tier will be promoted to Gold V, while those in the Platinum Tier below 3800 Points will be demoted to Gold V instead. The changes will take effect immediately with the Update, so don’t forget to restart your game to see your new position in the Classic Arena Tiers correctly.

    Super Raids in Doom Tower

    • We know that the volume of content in Raid has grown a great deal with all the new game modes and Bosses that we’ve released. We also know that you guys can’t spend your entire day saving Teleria, so we’re taking steps to decrease the amount of time you need to farm the content you’ve already beaten. To that end, we are going to run a few tests and make Super Raids available for the Doom Tower.
    • There won’t be many changes as far as the mode itself is concerned. Super Raids will be available for the duration of one Doom Tower rotation and will only affect Boss floors after they’ve been beaten the first time in that rotation. As with Super Raids in the Dungeons, they will consume double the resources required, but also provide double the rewards!
    • Note that this feature may not be available for each and every rotation!

    Champion Balance Changes

    Thea the Tomb Angel

    • Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 85 to 95.
    • Aura Skill added: Increases Ally ATK in all Battles by 30%.
    • [Skill 2 – Hexreaper] Effect changed: Now doesn’t remove [Hex] debuffs from enemies after attacking. Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.
    • [Skill 3 – Not Of This World] Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.


    • Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 94 to 100.
    • [Skill 3 – Crumble] (Un-Ascended) Skill changed. New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. (Old version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns.)
    • [Skill 3 – Crumble] (Ascended) Skill changed. New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. Also has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns. (Old version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. Also has a 50% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.)

    Other changes and battle fixes

    • Lydia the Deathsiren’s icon in the Faction Wars window now changes after Lydia is collected to indicate that you have added her to your Collection.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Nogdar the Headhunter to sacrifice more than 50% MAX HP whenever an upgraded Gore Feast skill was used.
    • Fixed a visual bug that caused normal, unprotected [Shield] buffs granted by Accessory sets to be displayed as protected if they were placed immediately after the [Shield] buffs placed by Underpriest Brogni’s Resilient Glow skill expired.
    • Fixed a visual bug that caused Champions revived by Old Hermit Jorrg not to be transparent after Old Hermit Jorrg places a [Perfect Veil] buff on them.
    • Fixed a visual bug: Holsring’s model will now be transparent after [Perfect Veil] buffs placed by his Witchfinder skill are replaced by [Perfect Veil] buffs placed by his Hunter’s Guile skill.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Tatura Rimehide to turn away from opponents when attacking.
    • Fixed a bug that caused info about Chaagur’s Stupor skill upgrades to be displayed in the Constant Agony skill description.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Versulf the Grim not to use his Reign of Sorrow skill when battling against the Demon Lord on Auto.
    • Changed the idle animation for Genbo the Dishonored in the Collection and Index.

    Game Experience Enhancements

    • Fixed a bug that caused the Faction Guardian labels to disappear from Champions’ icons in the Collection when the Champion Vault was expanded, or when a Champion was added to the Vault.
    • Reduced the tappable area on the Close button in the Collection.
    • Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect number of maximum Stars to be shown in the Faction Wars window.
    • Fixed a visual bug that occurred on Plarium Play when Champions were summoned from Fragments, if a high frame rate limit and a high graphic quality were set.
    • Fixed a bug that meant players would not receive Hydra Chests and would not appear in the Hydra Clan rankings after leaving and rejoining a Clan during one weekly cycle, even after dealing enough damage to earn a Chest.
    • Players who are in a Clan, whose applications to join another Clan are declined after the Clan Quest refresh, but before the end of the Hydra weekly cycle, now get Hydra Keys and can use the Champions they used in the previous weekly cycle.
    • The second Artifacts and Accessories won in the Dragon’s Lair or the Spider’s Den when Super Raids are enabled are now counted towards the “Win a total of ten Rank 5 or Rank 6 Artifacts from the Dragon’s Lair” Quest and the “Win a total of ten Rank 5 or Rank 6 Accessories from the Spider’s Den” Quest.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the “No Opponent” status text in the Clan vs Clan Tournament intro window to be displayed in English, even if another language was set.
    • Players will join only one Clan if their applications are simultaneously accepted by two different Clans.
    • Expanded Personal Tiers in CvC Tournaments.

    That’s everything we’ve got for you! We hope these Arena changes will make a big difference in higher-end Arena play, and we hope these balance changes and improvements will help you overcome some of Raid’s more common hurdles. Stop by our official Raid forums to let us know what you think!

    (2022-01-17) Patch Notes V5.10

    9 New Champions

    1. Danag Skullreap (OR-LAM)
    2. Jingwon (SK-LHV)
    3. Opardin Clanfather (BA-LHM)
    4. Holsring (SO-LAM)
    5. Kunoichi (SK-EDF)
    6. Old Ghrukkus (OT-ESF)
    7. Lady Quilen (BL-EAF)
    8. Arndulf (BL-EDM)
    9. Guurda Bogbrew (OT-LSF)

    (2022-01-13) Patch Notes V5.10

    Artifact Reworking, a new Crypt, Artifact and Accessory filters, and more! This update brings a new Faction Crypt and some new ways to filter your Gear, along with a bunch of other changes – but the real meat of this update is the Artifact Rework system. Here’s what you need to know:

    Reworking Artifacts

    Artifacts and Accessories can now be Reworked. Reworking a piece Gear will randomly change all its stats – both Primary Stat and Substats – potentially transforming a poor Artifact into a great one, while saving you time and Energy raiding for new gear. To rework a piece of Gear, you’ll need to get a new item – Chaos Ore.

    There are currently 4 types of Chaos Ore:

    • 6* Legendary Chaos Ore – Randomly changes the stats of Rank 6 Artifacts or Accessories of Legendary Rarity or lower.
    • 5* Legendary Chaos Ore – Randomly changes the stats of Rank 5 Artifacts or Accessories of Legendary Rarity or lower.
    • 6* Epic Chaos Ore – Randomly changes the stats of Rank 6 Artifacts or Accessories of Epic Rarity or lower.
    • 5* Epic Chaos Ore – Randomly changes the stats of Rank 5 Artifacts or Accessories of Epic Rarity or lower.

    Additional Info

    • The Rarity, Level, and Rank of any piece of Gear will remain the same after being reworked, along with whichever Substats (first, second, third, or fourth-position Substats) have been upgraded along the way and the number of upgrades those Substats received. However, all Stats improved by Glyphs will be lost after the rework.
    • You can get Chaos Ore from Tournaments and Events, as well as in Limited Special Offers. Each Artifact or Accessory can only be reworked once, so choose wisely when selecting which piece of Gear you want to rework.

    New filters for Gear

    We’ve added Rank & Rarity filters for Artifacts and Accessories, along with a filter letting you hide Gear you’ve fully reworked with Chaos Ore. After filtering for the Gear you want, you can now also hit “Select All” to select everything at once to make things quick and easy to sell.

    Faction Wars

    • New Faction Crypt: We are adding a new Crypt to Faction Wars for the Shadowkin Faction. The new Crypt will appear after the current Faction Wars cycle ends.
    • Final Reward Milestone Changes: The reward for earning 819 Stars – Lydia the Deathsiren – has been moved to the 882nd Star.
    • If you have already unlocked Lydia but haven’t claimed her yet, she will be automatically added to your Champion Collection. If the Collection is full, she will be moved to Inbox. And for those of you who have already unlocked her, this doesn’t mean you’ll be able to get a second Lydia when you reach 882 Stars – sorry!

    Champion rebalance

    Rotos the Lost Groom

    • Vitality Plunder [ATK][HP] (Cooldown: 3 turns) Attacks 1 enemy. Decreases the target’s MAX HP by 20%, then adds that HP to this Champion’s own MAX HP. [Cannot decrease a single Champion’s MAX HP by more than 60% in one Battle. Cannot increase this Champion’s MAX HP by more than 60,000. (Does not decrease Boss’ MAX HP. → Decreases the MAX HP of Bosses by 30% of the damage inflicted instead.) This Champion’s MAX HP will be increased by 15,000 when this Skill is used against Bosses]

    Skull Lord Var-Gall

    • Abyssal Clutch [DEF] (Cooldown: 5 → 4 turns) Cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 turns.
    • Horrific Foe [Passive] When attacked, decreases the attacker’s MAX HP by 5%. (New → Decreases the MAX HP of Bosses by 2.5% instead (except the Scarab King, whose MAX HP will be decreased by 0.5%).) Cannot decrease a single enemy’s MAX HP by more than 50%. Occurs once per enemy attack. Does not work against bosses. Has a 50% chance of placing a [True Fear] debuff on targets whose MAX HP has been decreased by 20% or more.


    • Base Speed: 90 → 98

    Other changes and battle fixes

    • Added 100 more Slots to the max size of the Champion Vault.
    • Dramatically overhauled the visual representation of shadows below Fayne’s jawline and chin region to be more in line with the true artistic vision.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Kuldath the Magma Dragon to place [Hex] debuffs on the team after a Champion under a [Hex] debuff was killed by the Overburn skill.
    • Fixed an error that occurred during battles with the Demon Lord when Belanor activated Zavia’s Poison Rain skill, if this skill was set to “Don’t use” in the Skill Instructions.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Vogoth’s Festering Dynamo skill not to activate when Vogoth receives damage from the Ice Golem’s Frigid Vengeance skill.
    • Changed the XP Brew icon to make it different from the XP Barrel icon.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Champions who have fought the Hydra from being able to be put in the Sparring Pit.
    • Fixed a bug allowing Champions to decrease the Demon Lord’s MAX HP.
    • We’ve updated the skill descriptions for the Demon Lord and all of the Hydra Heads (including Exposed Necks) to clarify that they cannot have their MAX HP reduced by skills or Artifact Sets that have that effect.

    (2022-01-06) Patch Notes V5.10 Highlights

    Greetings from Plarium! And a Happy New Year to you all! 2022 starts with an early Raid Update that will bring several great QoL adjustments and a bit of new content. You can expect to see new Champions, 100 extra slots for the Champion Vault, and the new Chaos Ore item that will allow you to change the Stats of your Artifacts and Accessories. On top of that, the Shadowkin Crypt will open its doors to all the brave warriors from the East – defeat its mighty guardians and reap the rewards. Read on to learn more!

    Chaos Ore

    • Chaos Ore is an item that allows you to rework the Stats and Substats of various Artifacts. All of us sometimes receive a cool Legendary Artefact after a Dungeon run, only to notice that its Substats are not exactly what we need. Before, we’d have to sell it and keep grinding. But with Chaos Ore, there’s a chance to reset all the Stats and get something better, thus saving time and Energy!
    • Reworking an Artefact will require Silver and a special item – Chaos Ore – that can be used on Gear of Ranks 5 and 6. You will need Chaos Ore of a Rarity equal to or greater than that of the Artifact you want to rework, while their Rank has to match precisely. Keep in mind that each Artifact can be reworked only once. You’ll be able to gather an unlimited amount of Ore, and it will be kept in your Ore Storage, accessed via the Rework tab in the Artifact Upgrade menu.
    • Note: Mythical Artifacts will not be applicable for rework for the time being.
    • The game randomizes both the main Stats and the Substats of the chosen Artifact during rework. If the main Stat is locked (Helmets, Shields, Weapons), it won’t be affected. If the Artifact has already been upgraded before, it will keep the acquired Stat bonuses, though the Substats themselves will still change – they’ll just get a bonus equivalent to the Artifact Level. However, all Glyph upgrades will be lost, so think twice before reforging Artifacts you’ve already spent a lot of resources on.
    • For the time being, your main source of Chaos Ore will be Events and Tournaments, though they will also be part of some Limited Special Offers. If something changes, we’ll mention it in the future Release Notes or Update Highlights!

    Shadowkin Crypt

    • A new Crypt will become available soon after Update 5.10 goes, and while that in itself won’t bring any groundbreaking changes, there is one thing that needs to be covered once more.
    • The addition of the Shadowkin Crypt will affect the Faction War Challenges, and you’ll need to complete the Crypt to claim Lydia the Deathsiren. However, if you already have Lydia, she won’t be affected – you won’t be able to get a duplicate, but you’ll still get the extra rewards by earning more stars for Faction Wars Challenges.
    • Since the Update is likely to go live in the middle of the Faction Wars Cycle, keep in mind that the new Crypt won’t become available until the new cycle begins. However, the requirements to get Lydia will be increased immediately, and you’ll need to wait for the Crypt to open before you can proceed with the Faction Wars Challenges.


    • 100 Extra slots will become available in the Champion Vault
    • We’ll add new Rank & Rarity filters for Artifacts and Accessories, along with a filter letting you hide the Gear you’ve fully reworked with Chaos Ore. After filtering for the Gear you want, you’ll also be able to tap “Select All” to select everything at once.

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    One thought on “Raid Shadow Legends Patch Notes 2022

    1. Bryan

      Definitely should bring this game to consoles including ps4/ps5 Xbox, Nintendo switch, making it cross platform, possibility of performance improvements and stability fixes without any crashes or bugs, Changed the XP Brew icon to make it different from the XP Barrel icon. a bug allowing Champions to decrease the Demon Lord’s MAX HP.