MapleStory Thunder Breaker (GMS) aka Striker (MSEA) aka 메이플스토리 스트라이커 is one of Cygnus Knights Pirate to be the first to receive skills revamp from KMS (Korea MapleStory) with Level 120 cap removed. Strikers can now level up to Level 250 and able to utilize 4th Job Skills and Hyper Skills. They do not require any Mastery Book to unlock and most active skills can be chained/combo with another to execute them without any skill delay. MapleSEA received Knight of Cygnus Revamp on August 8th 2013 in version 1.32 patch. They get +6 AP every level, and +5 AP every level after 70.
Thunder Breaker Overview
CLASS: Cygnus Knight
PRIMARY WEAPON: Knuckles (2-handed weapon)
LINK SKILL: Cygnus Blessing – Abnormal Status and Elemental Resistance +5/10%
MAPLE UNION EFFECT: STR +10/20/40/80/100
BEST INNER ABILITY: Attack +30, Boss Damage +20%, Critical Rate +20%
JOB SKILLS: I: Striker → II: Striker → III: Striker → IV: Striker → Hyper Skills → V: Striker
Thunder Breaker Pros and Cons
- *Share your pros on this job!*
- Superb mobility and fast attack speed when using performing combo aka chain attack.
- TB’s skillchain can basically bypass stuns, as long as you keep spamming the combo.
- Can interrupt your abilities to attack AND move if needed (e.g. Ascension Thunder vs. Von Bon)
- High rate of attack, less worry about the damage cap.
- Gain stance when performing combo skills. Monster are not able to knockback you while you are at it.
- *Share your cons on this job!*
- Skills can’t be use alone effectively. Requires chaining to make most out of it.
- High MP Consumption on 2nd Job and above.
- High HP Consumption due to low defense and risk being hit in close-combat.
- Does not have decent Critical Rate compared to other classes.
Thunder Breaker Notes
Thunder Breaker aka Striker Chain Restrictions
- All active attacking skills cannot chain to itself.
- Lightning Assaulter can only be chained with Ascend.
- Lightning Anchor cannot chain with Flash.
- You may become a Thunder Breaker after completing the tutorial, accepting the job quest from Neinheart, and then talking with Hawkeye. Check the light bulb notifier for later job advancement quests: 2nd job at Lv.30, 3rd job at Lv.60, 4th job at Lv.100.
- From Lv.140-200, you will occasionally unlock special Hyper Skills. These passive and active skills will make you even more powerful.
You must have a Knuckle equipped in order to use most of your skills. - Each Cygnus Knight character has its own Cash Shop inventory, not shared with other characters.
Thunder Breaker Tips
- It’s best to stick with Rising Wave + Thunderous Dive during mobbing. The mobility, + the extra damage from static charge is more than enough.
- Make use of Bolt Anchor’s wide hit range. It’s quite a large AoE, as big as BaM’s BKB. Use it to hit mobs that are one platform directly above you if you’re grinding at high level mobs.
- Be wary of your defense. Ayumi said this before. Even though Carapace reduces damage taken, you can’t really take a lot of hits at high leveled mobs.
Thunder Breaker aka Striker Videos
Ayumilove MapleStory Striker Thunder Breaker 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Job Skills 2013
[youtube “”]
Thunder Breaker Beginner Skills
Please refer to Cygnus Beginner/Noblesse Skill Build Guide for more details as it is shared among Dawn Warrior, Wind Archer, Blaze Wizard, Night Walker and Thunder Breaker.
Thunder Breaker 1st Job Skills
Shark Jaw / Lightning Punch (Active)
Throw a lightning-infused punch at enemies. Can be linked with all skills excluding Thunder and self-skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 15, Damage: 122%, Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 4
Level 20: MP Cost: 21, Damage: 160%, Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 4
Flash (Active)
Charges into enemies to deal damage. Charges forward if there are no enemies. Can be linked with all skills excluding Thunder and self-skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 16, Max Enemies Hit: 4 Damage: 254%, Number of Attacks: 1. Teleports the distance of 300 when there are no enemies in range.
Level 15: MP Cost: 9, Max Enemies Hit: 4 Damage: 310%, Number of Attacks: 1. Teleports the distance of 300 when there are no enemies in range.
Element Infusion Lightning / Lightning Elemental (Supportive)
Summons a thunder elemental to bolster your powers.
Level 1: MP Cost: 47, Duration: 90 sec. Lightning Buff Chance: 1%, Buff Duration: 30, Monster DEF Ignored: 1%. Max Accumulation: 1 time(s).
Level 10: MP Cost: 20, Duration: 180 sec. Lightning Buff Chance: 10%, Buff Duration: 30, Monster DEF Ignored: 5%. Max Accumulation: 1 time(s).
Blitz I / Electrified (Passive)
Utilize the power of lightning to become more agile.
Level 1: Chance for Lightning Buff: +1%, Max Accumulation: +1, Speed: 2, Jump: +1, Speed Limit: +1.
Level 20: Chance for Lightning Buff: +20%, Max Accumulation: +1, Speed: 40, Jump: +20, Speed Limit: +20.
Thunder Breaker 1st Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed except Shark Jaw.
1. Shark Jaw, Flash, Element Infusion Lightning, Blitz I (1).
2. Blitz I (MAX)
3. Flash (MAX)
4. Shark Jaw (19/20)
5. Element Infusion Lightning (MAX)
Thunder Breaker 1st Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed except Lightning Punch.
1. Lightning Punch, Flash, Lightning Elemental, Electrified (1).
2. Electrified (MAX)
3. Flash (MAX)
4. Lightning Punch (19/20)
5. Lightning Elemental (MAX)
Combo Skills:
Flash + Shark Jaw
Flash will be Thunder Breaker primary training skill while Shark Jaw will be your bossing skill. Flash is very useful when monsters are located in multiple platform such as Mixed Golem area. However, it doesn’t deal much damage against monsters with high health especially mini-bosses such as Mushmom. Be careful not to max Shark Jaw as you will have insufficient SP to max all skills. If you spam Flash only, you will gain temporary invincibility (1-2 sec) where monster physical attack won’t hurt you! That is one way to save HP Potion during early leveling stage.
Thunder Breaker 2nd Job Skills
Knuckle Mastery (Passive)
Increases the weapon mastery and accuracy of Knuckles.
Level 1: Knuckle Mastery: +14%, Accuracy: +12
Level 10: Knuckle Mastery: +50%, Accuracy: +120
Knuckle Booster (Supportive)
Required Skill: Knuckle Mastery Lv. 5
Increases attack speed for a short time.
Level 1: MP Cost: 29, Knuckle Attack Speed increased for 20 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 11, Knuckle Attack Speed increased for 200 sec
Blitz II / Lightning Boost (Passive)
Learn to better command the power of lightning.
Level 1: Lightning Buff Chance: +1%, Max Accumulation: +1, Attack Power: +1
Level 20: Lightning Buff Chance: +20%, Max Accumulation: +1, Attack Power: +20
Training / Gains (Passive)
Permanently increases STR through endless training.
Level 1: Permanent STR: +4
Level 15: Permanent STR: +60
Roundwave Kick /Shark Sweep (Active)
Tap the power of sharks to sweep up nearby mobs. Can be linked with all skills excluding Thunder and self-skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Damage: 117%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Level 20: MP Cost: 31, Damage: 155%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Crashing Wave / Tidal Crash (Active)
Charge forward like the ocean waves to sweep up enemies in range. Can be linked with all skills excluding Thunder and self-skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 2, Damage: 198%, moving enemies back.
Level 20: MP Cost: 20, Max Monsters Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 2, Damage: 255%, moving enemies back.
Thunder Breaker 2nd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed except Roundwave Kick.
1. Roundwave Kick, Crashing Wave, Knuckle Mastery, Blitz II (1).
2. Knuckle Mastery (5)
3. Knuckle Booster (6)
4. Knuckle Mastery (MAX)
5. Knuckle Booster (MAX)
6. Blitz II (MAX)
7. Training (MAX)
8. Crashing Wave (MAX)
9. Roundwave Kick (19/20)
Thunder Breaker 2nd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed except Shark Sweep.
1. Shark Sweep, Tidal Crash, Knuckle Mastery, Lightning Boost (1)
2. Knuckle Mastery (5)
3. Knuckle Booster (6)
4. Knuckle Mastery (MAX)
5. Knuckle Booster (MAX)
6. Lightning Boost (MAX)
7. Gains (MAX)
8. Tidal Crash (MAX)
9. Shark Sweep (19/20)
Combo Skills:
Roundwave Kick + Shark Jaw (bossing)
Crashing Wave + Flash (training 1 hit KO)
Crashing Wave + Roundwave Kick (training 2 hit KO slow)
Crashing Wave + Flash + Roundwave Kick (training 2 hit KO fast)
Crashing Wave and Roundwave Kick will be Striker 2nd Job primary attacking skill. Using Crashing Wave alone has high attack delay. Therefore, use Crashing Wave (2nd Job Skill) + Flash (1st Job Skill) on flat platform. This is the best skill combination for wiping out all enemies quickly. You can combo Crashing Wave + Roundwave Kick to clear mobs on flat platform too. However, Roundwave Kick has high MP consumption and does not move you forward. It’s best to use Roundwave Kick in out-of-reach high areas where you want to hit enemies above you (jump and kick) OR use it against bosses OR attack enemies while maintaining your position.
Thunder Breaker 3rd Job Skills
Continuous Assault / Link Mastery (Passive)
Grants mastery of linking skills, enabling you to deal more damage.
Level 1: Damage increased 5% on Linked Attack.
Level 20: Damage increased 15% on Linked Attack.
Blitz III / Lightning Lord (Passive)
Grants total command over the power of lightning.
Level 1: Lightning Buff Chance: +11%, Max Accumulation: +1, Attack Power: +11
Level 20: Lightning Buff Chance: +30%, Max Accumulation: +1, Attack Power: +30
Rising Wave / Ascension (Active)
A lightning-powered upwards somersault kick. Can be linked with Thunder afterwards.
Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Damage: 168%, Number of Attacks: 5, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Level 20: MP Cost: 41, Damage: 225%, Number of Attacks: 5, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Thunderous Dive / Thunder (Active)
Blast through the air. Can be used after jumping or after using Ascension. Can be linked with all skills, excluding self-skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 27, Damage: 113%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Level 20: MP Cost: 37, Damage: 170%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Whirlwind / Gale (Active)
Note: Level 20 required to learn Typhoon.
Unleashes the power gained from using link skills at once. Can be linked with all skills excluding Thunder and self-skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 45, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 324%, Number of Attacks: 3. Available only after 3 accumulated Lightning Buff. Damage increase for every accumulated Lightning Buff: 1%, Duration: 3 sec.This skill does not activate Lightning buff. Cooldown: 30 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost: 65, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 381%, Number of Attacks: 3. Available only after 3 accumulated Lightning Buff. Damage increase for every accumulated Lightning Buff: 4%, Duration: 60 sec.This skill does not activate Lightning buff.
Cooldown: 20 sec.
Vortex / Seawall (Passive)
Summons a torrent that protects you from all attacks.
Level 1: Abnormal Status and Elemental Resistance: +11%.
Level 20: Abnormal Status and Elemental Resistance: +30%.
Thorned Carapace / Ironclad (Passive)
Temporarily increase attack and defense.
Level 1: Damage: +0%, Damage Taken: -1%
Level 10: Damage: +5%, Damage Taken: -10%
Striker 3rd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed except Thunderous Dive.
1. Rising Wave, Thunderous Dive, Whirlwind, Blitz III (1).
2. Blitz III (MAX)
3. Continuous Assault (MAX)
4. Thorned Carapace (MAX)
5. Rising Wave (17/20)
6. Thunderous Dive (17/20)
7. Whirlwind (MAX)
8. Vortex (MAX)
Thunder Breaker 3rd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed except Thunder and Ascension.
1. Ascension, Thunder, Gale, Lightning Lord (1)
2. Lightning Lord (MAX)
3. Link Mastery (MAX)
4. Ironclad (MAX)
5. Ascension (17/20)
6. Thunder (17/20)
7. Gale (MAX)
8. Seawall (MAX)
Combo Skills:
Rising Wave + Thunderous Dive
In 3rd job, it’s best to leave both Ascension (aka Rising Wave) and Thunder (aka Thunderous Dive) at 17, because in the off-chance you use the Leafre set, combat orders or the empress set, they’ll both be (almost) maxed. If you get one of them to 20, it’ll stay 20 while the other one doesn’t increase much.
Thunder Breaker 4th Job Skills
Cygnus Knights / Call of Cygnus (Supportive)
[NOTE] Click here to learn how to unlock Call of Cygnus skill.
Grants the blessings of Cygnus’s awakening to temporarily increase all stats for you and your party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, President’s Orders, or Rhinne’s Protection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Increases all stats assigned APs by +1% for 30 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, Increases all stats assigned APs by +15% for 900 sec
Annihilation / Annihilate (Active)
Summon a massive charge of electricity to blast enemies in front of you. Can be linked with all skills excluding Thunder and self-skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 40, Max Monsters Hit: 1, Damage: 234%, Number of Attacks: 2. 1 additional attack for every 1 Lightning Buff added (Total of 7 possible attacks). This skill doesn’t activate lightning buff.
Level 30: MP Cost: 60, Max Monsters Hit: 1, Damage: 350%, Number of Attacks: 2. 1 additional attack for every 1 Lightning Buff added (Total of 7 possible attacks). This skill doesn’t activate lightning buff.
Bolt Anchor / Thunderbolt (Active)
Call down a destructive bolt of electricity in front of you. Can be linked with all skills excluding Thunder and self-skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 57, Damage: 204%, Number of Attacks: 5, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Level 30: MP Cost: 75, Damage: 320%, Number of Attacks: 5, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Advanced Whirlwind / Typhoon (Active)
Required Skill: Gale Lv. 20
Maximizes energy collection from using linked skills, transforming it into a devastating typhoon. Passive skill that enhances Gale.
Level 1: MP Cost: 34, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 303%, Number of Attacks: 5. Available only after 2 accumulated Lightning Buff. Damage increase for every Lightning Buff: 5%, Duration: 61 sec.This skill does not activate Lightning buff. Cooldown: 20 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 49, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 390%, Number of Attacks: 5. Available only after 2 accumulated Lightning Buff. Damage increase for every Lightning Buff: 7%, Duration: 90 sec.This skill does not activate Lightning buff. Cooldown: 10 sec.
Static Charge / Arc Charger (Supportive)
Gather electricity from your surroundings to make all of your attacks deal additional hits.
Level 1: MP Cost: 44, Duration: 35 sec, 21% of Final Damage of all attacks will result in an additional hit. Cooldown: 296 sec, remaining cooldown for every Lightning Buff: -6 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 80, Duration: 180 sec, 50% of Final Damage of all attacks will result in an additional hit. Cooldown: 180 sec, remaining cooldown for every Lightning Buff: -6 sec.
Speed Infusion (Supportive)
Required Skill: Knuckle Booster (MAX)
Uses HP and MP to temporarily increase the attack speed of a weapon. This can be combined with other boosters, and everyone in the team will have their attack speed doubled.
Level 1: HP Cost: 98, MP Cost: 98, Attack Speed Increase Duration: 155 sec
Level 30: HP Cost: 40, MP Cost: 40, Attack Speed Increase Duration: 300 sec
Expert Knuckle Mastery / Knuckle Expert (Passive)
Required Skill: Knuckle Mastery Lv. 10
Increases Knuckle Mastery, Attack Power, and Minimum Critical Damage.
Level 1: Knuckle Mastery: +56%. Weapon ATT: +1, Minimum Critical Damage: +1%
Level 30: Knuckle Mastery: +70%. Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15%
Nerve Stimulation / Electrify (Passive)
Use electricity to supercharge your body.
Level 1: Max HP: 6%, Avoidability: +6%, Damage Intake: -6%
Level 15: Max HP: 20%, Avoidability: +20%, Damage Intake: -20%
Blitz IV / Thunder God (Passive)
Grants absolute control of thunder and storms.
Level 1: Chance to activate Lightning Buff: +1%, Max Accumulation: 1. Critical Rate: 1%, Critical Max Damage: +1%
Level 30: Chance to activate Lightning Buff: +30%, Max Accumulation: 1. Critical Rate: 30%, Critical Max Damage: +30%
Thunder Breaker 4th Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
1. Bolt Anchor, Advanced Whirlwind, Speed Infusion, Annihilation (1)
2. Expert Knuckle Mastery, Blitz IV (1)
3. Static Charge (MAX)
4. Expert Knuckle Mastery (MAX)
5. Blitz IV (MAX)
6. Advanced Whirlwind (MAX)
7. Nerve Stimulation (MAX)
8. Bolt Anchor (MAX)
9. Annihilation (MAX)
10. Cygnus Knights (MAX)
11. Speed Infusion (MAX)
Striker 4th Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
1. Thunderbolt, Typhoon, Speed Infusion, Annihilate (1)
2. Knuckle Expert, Thunder God (1)
3. Arc Charger (MAX)
4. Knuckle Expert (MAX)
5. Thunder God (MAX)
6. Typhoon (MAX)
7. Electrify (MAX)
8. Thunderbolt (MAX)
9. Annihilate (MAX)
10. Call of Cygnus (MAX)
11. Speed Infusion (MAX)
Combo Skills:
Annihilation + Advanced Whirlwind
Bolt Anchor + Advanced Whirlwind
Annihilation + Bolt Anchor
Early Static Charge enables you to deal extra damage at approximately 40% at max level of your original damage. It is similar to Shadow Partner from Night Lord (Thief 3rd Job Skill). Next, get Expert Knuckle Mastery to boost up your min-max damage with bonus weapon attack and also reduces the gap between these values so you will be able to inflict consistent damage to your enemies. Blitz IV improves your critical rate and critical damage while increasing the chance to gain a lightning buff that will be used for Annihilation and Advanced Whirlwind. Max Advanced Whirlwind as this will be used against mobs of enemies with tons of damage with the aid of lightning buff (more buff equals more whirlwind damage). Take note to also get Extreme Blitz (Hyper Skill) around Level 150 to allow your Striker to spam your maxed Advanced Whirlwind! Once you maxed all skills above, you will reach around Level 160 and this is where monsters are getting really tough. Nerve Stimulation helps minimize the risk of you being killed easily by increasing Max HP and Evasion Rate while reducing damage intake from enemies physical-magical attacks. Max the secondary attack skills (Bolt Anchor and Annihilation) followed by Cygnus Knights and lastly Speed Infusion.
Thunder Breaker Hyper Skills
Advanced Whirlwind – Reinforce / Gale – Reinforce
Required Level: 143
Increases the damage of Gale.
Level 1: Damage: +20%
Advanced Whirlwind – Extra Target / Gale – Spread
Required Level: 162
Increases the number of monsters attacked with Gale.
Level 1: Monsters Hit: +2
Advanced Whirlwind – Bonus Attack / Gale – Extra Strike
Required Level: 183
Increases the number of attacks for Gale.
Level 1: Number of Attacks: +1
Bolt Anchor – Reinforce / Thunderbolt – Reinforce
Required Level: 149
Increases the damage of Thunderbolt.
Level 1: Damage: +20%
Bolt Anchor – Extra Target / Thunderbolt – Spread
Required Level: 168
Increases the number of monsters attacked with Thunderbolt.
Level 1: Monsters Hit: +2
Bolt Anchor – Bonus Attack / Thunderbolt – Extra Strike
Required Level: 189
Increases the number of attacks for Thunderbolt.
Level 1: Number of Attacks: +1
Annihilation – Reinforce / Annihilate – Reinforce
Required Level: 155
Increases the damage of Annihilate.
Level 1: Damage: +20%
Annihilation – Ignore Defense / Annihilate – Guardbreak
Required Level: 177
Increases Annihilate’s Monster DEF debuff.
Level 1: Monster DEF ignored increased 20%
Annihilation – Boss Killer / Annihilate – Boss Rush
Required Level: 195
Damage increases when attacking Boss Monster with Annihilate.
Level 1: Increases damage increases +20% when attacking Boss Monsters.
Extreme Blitz / Primal Bolt (Level 150)
The lightning of creation that split the heavens strikes you, granting you primal strength.
A huge lightning that separated the heavens and the earth In the beginning provides the fundamental forces. The cooldown and buff requirement of Advanced Whirlwind is removed,
Level 1: MP Cost: 200, For 180 sec., Gale’s cooldown and required Lightning Buff removed and changes to Ignore Monster DEF 9% for every Lightning Buff, Damage: +25%.
Tidal Wave / Deep Rising (Level 170)
Summons the great sea god, damaging enemies on land.
Level 1: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 860%, Number of Attacks: 7, Enemies Hit: 15. Cooldown: 45 sec.
Glory of Guardians / Glory of the Guardians (Level 200)
A ceremony for Cygnus Knights to prove their devotion to the Empress.
Level 1: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10%, Max Damage: +5000000. Cooldown: 120 sec. Applies to any Cygnus class within the party.
Thunder Breaker Hyper Skill Build Guide (MSEA):
1. Annihilation – Reinforce (MAX)
2. Annihilation – Ignore Defense (MAX)
3. Annihilation – Boss Killer (MAX)
4. Bolt Anchor – Bonus Attack (MAX)
5. Bolt Anchor – Reinforce (MAX)
6. Extreme Blitz (MAX)
7. Tidal Wave (MAX)
8. Glory of Guardians (MAX)
Thunder Breaker Hyper Skill Build Guide (GMS):
1. Annihilate – Reinforce (MAX)
2. Annihilate – Guardbreak (MAX)
3. Annihilate – Boss Rush (MAX)
4. Thunderbolt – Extra Strike (MAX)
5. Thunderbolt – Reinforce (MAX)
6. Primal Bolt (MAX)
7. Deep Rising (MAX)
8. Glory of the Guardians (MAX)
Check this Hyper Stats Guide for more details!
Thunder Breaker 5th Job Skills
Please refer to MapleStory 5th Job Skills Guide for more details on Skill Cores, Special Cores and Enhancement Cores!
Thunder Breaker Skill Cores
Lightning Cascade | Lightning in Unity
Unites with Lightning and wipes out enemies. This skill Does not affect enemies in the Damage Reflection status.
Level 1: Consumes 1000 MP to cast Lightning that attacks at 360% damage 6 times for 30 sec and transfer it to up to 5 enemies. Damage gradually decreases whenever it is transferred. Up to 4 Lightning bolts can be cast at the same time. If Lightning is cast, it is strong enough to attack at 360% damage 8 times. Lightning’s Cooldown: 3 sec. Cooldown: 120 sec
Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP to cast Lightning that attacks at 600% damage 6 times for 42 sec and transfer it to up to 5 enemies. Damage gradually decreases whenever it is transferred. Up to 4 Lightning bolts can be cast at the same time. If Lightning is cast, it is strong enough to attack at 600% damage 8 times. Lightning’s Cooldown: 3 sec. Cooldown: 108 sec
Shark Wave
Shoot the energy of a shark forward, dealing damage to many enemies. This skill can be linked to all skills except Thunder. If the shark attacks enemies using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
Level 1: Consumes 500 MP. Consumes 3 Thunder buffs. Create a shark energy wave that travels forward, dealing 416% damage 8 times on up to 15 enemies continuously. Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. Consumes 3 Thunder buffs. Create a shark energy wave that travels forward, dealing 800% damage 8 times on up to 15 enemies continuously. Cooldown: 8 seconds.
Thunder Breaker Enhancement Cores
- Shark Jaw | Lightning Punch (4% per level)
- Flash (4% per level)
- Roundwave Kick | Shark Sweep (3% per level)
- Crashing Wave | Tidal Crash (3% per level)
- Rising Wave | Ascension (3% per level)
- Thunderous Dive / Thunder (3% per level)
- Whirlwind | Gale (2% per level)
- Annihilation | Annihilate (2% per level)
- Thunderbolt (2% per level)
- Tidal Wave | Deep Rising (2% per level)
Thunder Breaker V-Matrix Skills Guide
Main V Skill: Lightning Cascade
Trio #1: Shark Sweep / Annihilate / Gale + Typhoon
Trio #2: Ascension / Thunder / Thunderbolt
Trio #1 (bossing): Thunderbolt / Annihilate / Gale + Typhoon
Trio #2 (mobbing): Ascension / Shark Sweep / Thunder
Note: Bolded = essential skill | Non-bolded = non-essential skill.
MapleStory Old to New Official Skill Names (GMS | MSEA)
(Thunder Breaker | Striker) 1st Job Skills
- Shark Tooth → Lightning Punch | Shark Jaw
- Flash → (SAME)
- Lightning Elemental → Lightning Elemental | Element Infusion : Lightning
- Lightning Mastery I → Electrified | Blitz I
(Thunder Breaker | Striker) 2nd Job Skills
- Lightning Mastery II → Lightning Boost | Blitz II
- Knuckle Mastery → (SAME)
- Knuckle Booster → (SAME)
- Water Wave → Tidal Crash | Crashing Wave
- Shark Kick → Shark Sweep | Roundwave Kick
- Discipline → Gains | Training
(Thunder Breaker | Striker) 3rd Job Skills
- Chain Attack → Link Mastery | Continuous Assault
- Lightning Mastery 3 → Lightning Lord | Blitz III
- Ascend → Ascension | Rising Wave
- Lightning Assaulter → Thunder | Thunderous Dive
- Tornado → Gale | Whirlwind
- Vortex → Seawall | (SAME)
- Needle Carapace → Ironclad | Thorned Carapace
- Thunder → Thunder | Thunderous Dive
(Thunder Breaker | Striker) 4th Job Skills
- Knuckle Expert → (SAME) | Expert Knuckle Mastery
- Stimulation → Electrify | Nerve Stimulation
- Lightning Mastery 4 → Thunder God | Blitz IV
- Cygnus Knight → Call of Cygnus | (SAME)
- Annihilate → (SAME) | Annihilation
- Lightning Anchor → Thunderbolt | Bolt Anchor
- Super Tornado → Typhoon | Advanced Whirlwind
- Electric Charge → Arc Charger | Static Charge
- Speed Infusion → (SAME)
- Static Charge → Arc Charger | (SAME)
(Thunder Breaker | Striker) Hyper Skills
- Heaven and Earth → Primal Bolt | Extreme Blitz
- God of the Sea → Deep Rising | Tidal Wave
- Glory of Guardians → Glory of the Guardians | (SAME)
(Thunder Breaker | Striker) 5th Job Skills
- Lightning Union → Lightning Cascade | Lightning in Unity
- Shark Wave → ???
Additional Information
Thunder Breaker Related Guides
MapleStory Thunder Breaker aka Striker Skill Build Guide V1
MapleStory Cygnus Knights Quests
Thunder Breaker Changelog
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For MSEA, “Striker 3rd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed except Thunderous Dive”
I just want to point out that if we were to follow this:
1. Rising Wave, Thunderous Dive, Whirlwind, Blitz III (1).
2. Blitz III (MAX)
3. Continuous Assault (MAX)
4. Thorned Carapace (MAX)
5. Rising Wave (17/20)
6. Thunderous Dive (17/20)
7. Whirlwind (MAX)
8. Vortex (MAX)
There will not be enough skill points to max everything
Thunderbolt, Thunder and annihilate is a good trio, right ?
@ShadowHadow, on yet for GMS
For Extreme Blitz / Primal Bolt, it doesn’t have a cooldown?
Ahh, I see. Hopefully that gets fixed along with DRPQ, but as of right now, the combo still doesn’t work.
As of right now, Flash is bugged, it cannot be chained into and will only finish a chain. You can macro the flash by itself to be faster(and a more reliable backstep/dash), but then it cannot start a chain.
erm can i ask still gt ultimate aventurer???
Hi Ayumi, this is a bit small, but I’d like to point out something that might be a mistake/wrong in your guide. At second job, the three skill combo of Flash, Crashing wave, Kick works, but has a lot of lag. I’d like to point out that Flash appears to have a bit of lag when chaining off of other abilities, and is only effective at the start of a chain or to re-position to start a new chain. Rather than Wave>Flash>Kick(Optional) for your three/two skill combo for training, the chain should be Flash>Wave>Kick, as Flash also allows you to re-position for the whole chain on maps with multiple platforms.
Ayumi may I know which are the best link skills for striker (I am new btw).
Ayumi may I know which are the best link skills for striker (I am new btw)
For the Thunder Breaker’s 1st job you will not be able to max everything except the Sharkjaw skill in MapleSEA u will not have enough Skill Points to be able to use for the buffing skill.
Are TBs worth playing on REBOOT?
@all: Added Thunder Breaker 5th Job Skill details.
@Ayumilove: all good, as one of the few TBs out there I was curious as to why you thought gale was better. and if the video you linked is anything to go by, it is better if every line hits cap. Its just that its something that will probably apply to like three people in the world maximum
@StevenMcEven: Thanks for your explanation regarding these 2 skills (Gale vs Annihilate). I’ll update the guide accordingly based on your analysis. Cheers 🙂
So just to sum up, the faster animation of gale compensates for:
the 7%x5 damage increase and 9%x5 defense ignore increase from gale’s damage bonus based on charges used up(if you use gale more than once then it uses your next amount of charges, 0 for the buff and so you get nothing)
the 110% difference in total damage(gale does 2340%, annihilate does 2450%)
the extra 20% boss and 20% ignore defense that annihilate gets from hypers
the 2 less lines capable of reaching damage cap (arc charger doubles the difference in lines)
it does seem entirely possible that gale is better at damage cap purely because of its speed, but I don’t think this’ll be the case for 99.98% of the people reading this guide and so there should be a distinction made between what’s good for bossing for a normal player and someone who strives to actually hit cap with TB
@StevenMcEven: I believe there are other aspects other than the Hyper Skills that adds damage such as less delay animation combined with the combo of (Gale + Thunderbolt) vs (Thunderbolt + Annihilation). There was a test video on that but I could not remember the video title of it on Youtube. When the damage cap is reached, the Gale + Thunderbolt deals more damage as a whole (damage lines per second vs damage hit per second). Check out this video:
@Ayumilove: can you go through the math on why you think gale and thunderbolt is better than annihilation and thunderbolt? The way I see it, annihilation is a 7 x 350% attack while gale is 5 x 390% attack, both can be combo’d with thunderbolt but gale also resets your ignore defense buff% based on your charges upon usage, unlike if you use it once and then use the annihilation and thunderbolt combo
annihilation also has more hyper skills that increase its damage, with 20% damage, 20% boss damage, and 20% PDR ignore, while gale only has 20% damage and 1 extra hit
@FanboyBreaker: Gale and Thunderbolt is much better for bossing compared to Annihilation and Thunderbolt combo skills.
@BlueXeno: The Hyper Skill icons for Thunder Breaker has been updated!
@V3Vincent: Sorry for the late reply. I have updated Thunder Break 4th job skills.
@Chumpstick: Thanks for your feedback! I have updated Thunder Breaker job skills with the data from GMS v.174!
This guide is outdated, Annihilate now does 350% instead of 250%, making it superior to typhoon for bossing, especially with all its hyper skills that increase damage further
based off your hyper skill placements, is annihilate not worth using?
Speed Infusion
[REQUIRE] Max Knuckle Booster.
Temporarily reduce attack and skill delay. Stacks with Weapon Booster.
LV1: 78 HP MP, Lasts 110 sec.
LV30: 40 HP MP, Lasts 300 sec.
The level 1 description for Speed Infusion is wrong. It’s giving 155 sec now.
Hey, the Hyper Reinforce skill icon has the skill icon of Buccaneer. Might wanna change?
i cant find Link Mastery in 3rd job GMS
The third job skill Link Mastery missing is a bug that nexon is looking into. No estimate on when the fix will be but hopefully soon.
My Thunder Breaker also has 17 extra SP in 3rd job, I think Link Mastery is now a passive. Which is weird because Seawall and Ironclad is now a passive, too.
I’m at the third job advancement and I appear to be missing Link Mastery. Is this skill unlocked or is something wrong?
Did they remove Link Mastery(GMS) from 3rd job, because I dont have it in my skills? Or am I missing a quest?
What would the combo for bossing be in 3rd job? Would Shark sweep and Ascension be ok?
Hi, I have a question…
Does Typhoon still consume lightning buffs during the Primal Bolt buff??
Hey,the conclusion for third job skill build has a little mistake if i havent seen it wrongly(the msea one),it says that everything max except thunderous dive but it missed rising wave……
@Kaiv I think you are not the only one who still uses striker… but the only one who still playing in Delphinus.
#3 striker ems here! best job ever c: demn sharks everywhere xD
Wah. I’m currently playing in Delphinus and i felt like i was the only one who still uses striker. nice meeting you guys.! 😀
I realised that as well. I hope it is just a bug.
Hi Ayumi,
I’ve been playing Striker for a really long time in MapleSEA. Ever since Black Heaven, our stance got removed, so we no longer have stance while chaining our skills. Do you know if this only applies to Strikers in MapleSEA, or are other servers affected too? I spoke with a GM and he said it was a skill change. Kinda disappointed with it.
@Great Gamer: All Cygnus Knight jobs which includes Thunder Breaker does not require any Mastery Books to unlock its 4th job skills.
Does Thunder Breaker need any Mastery book?
Use 3rd job skill gale, has a cooldown until you get the lvl 150 hyper Primal Bolt which lets u spam gale
How do i use gale??? its not working. Can you give me the buffs i can use to make it work
I was wondering what class I should make , Thunder Breaker or Dawn Warrior?
Sorry I accidentally messed up some of the math, it would actually be around 97%, 81% would be on a 90% defense ignore boss, not a 10% defense ignore normal monster.
defense ignore doesn’t work that way, it’s not additive. Also, the wording on that hyper skill’s active is a little tricky. It doesn’t change the % Defense ignore of the original buff, that remains at 10% per stack, it changes advanced whirlwind/typhoon’s buff to 9% per stack and puts a flat 25% damage increase where there used to be 7% per stack.
The current formula is
1-PDR (most normal monsters have 10%)* (1-Defense Ignore) for each DI ability
So on thunderbreaker with the buffs you are talking about it would be (for a normal monster)
1 – .9 * .5 * .55 * .85 * .9
which comes out to 81%. If you simply added the values, it would be 120% defense ignore. (50 + 45 + 15 + 10)
Considering Primal Bolt gives you 45% defense ignore if you have 5 lightning buffs, as well as it has no cooldown.. Plus if you had, say, a level two Luminous link skill, as well as Zero’s link skill.. Could you have 70% defense ignore permanently? Sounds a little strong to me.
@Rashid Wouldn’t overall be better to put 18 Ascension and 16 on thunder, because it does one more hit.
Hmm Ayumi, so there’s no status effect removal like Hero’s Will? I’d recommend adding this to the video list, since 1) It’s currently one of the hardest bosses (to my knowledge), 2) displays how TBs can use their skill arsenal when bossing (because lots of people think they can’t, for some reason).
@Rashid: Thanks for the feedback on Ascension and Thunder at 17. I have amended the skill build guide.
@Rashid: I have updated the pros and cons for Striker 🙂
@justice: Extreme Blitz / Primal Bolt doesn’t impose any cooldown. The skill description mentions that it removes the cooldown from Whirlwind.
It has no cooldown. (Ayumi, if you’re reading this, please read my last few comments and update the pros/cons!)
Please tell me that Extreme Blitz/Primal Bolt has no cooldown, PLEASE?!@!@@!
Also, one thing that’s VERY important to mention: In 3rd job, it’s best to leave both Ascension and Thunder at 17, because in the off-chance you use the Leafre set, combat orders or the empress set, they’ll both be (almost) maxed. If you get one of them to 20, it’ll stay 20 while the other one doesn’t increase much.
I agree. For example, they can combo through stuns (as long as you don’t stop), you can interrupt your abilities to attack AND move if needed (e.g. Ascension + Thunder vs. Von Bon), and with the very high rate of attack, you don’t have to worry about the damage cap. Plus you get stance when comboing. But ye, the most important pro is: SHARKS. OF LIGHTNING.
I think there is more pros than one for Thunder Breaker. For example, combo shouldn’t be a con, it can be a pro. And maybe another pro is shark attack.
Ayumi, I noticed TBs don’t have a decent critical rate like other classes. Any recommendations? I only have a BT skill link to help. Event items aside, any other suggestions?
Joshy, UAs were removed a long time ago. <_<
Am i still able to make a UA @ Lv 120 During this V2 ? Currently am a lv 105 Striker hoping i could make a UA Spearman :DDD Please reply me ASAP
thanks for your website, i probably would have wasted money on sp reset scrolls without your guide!
hi ayumi, im trying to do the mount quest but dont know where to get 10,000,000 mesos. ive heard of marketting but i dont wanna do that. hav any ideas?
Hi Junior, I prefer Dawn Warrior for bossing though since they have 100% anti-knockback skill + similar damage with 4th Job Skill + fast HP recovery + high defenses + many attack lines (distribute your damage from easily cap at max damage + moderate critical rate).
Hi dannycmc, you do not need scroll HP on equipment. To improve your maxHP significantly, create a set of deck cards with good combination. See for more information. Next, get all the link skills especially Kaiser and Cannoneer. They improve your HP alot. Then equip yourself a set of gears such as Empress Set. This will easily rack up 2000-5000 HP for regular jobs.
Needed scroll Hp on equipment ? Since look like in low hp for bosses ><
hi ayumi,
so is tb btr thn wa in bossing now?
@jtb: As OppaDen replied, Striker AP (Ability Points) are all distributed in STR (Strength).
@jtb: as of tempest, all jobs go pure except xenon which has a slightly different AP distribution.
Juz Auto-Assign, it will worked out just fine
so if i make a striker ap should be all on str. ? how much dex should i have i heard dex equal lvl. should i cap it? i havnt play in years and just now interested in checking ms again 😀 and with these revamping thunderbreak im confused
Thanks Snap for the feedback! I’ll update the description so it will be clear for everyone 😀
Ayumi, doesn’t annihilate only hit 7 times at max stacks and 2 times without stacks? If so you gotta edit that part. 😐 it says “hits 1 enemy 7 times and receives additional hits per lightning stack.
Hi arcnova, Primal Bolt removes the lightning buffs that you have stacked. You can use Gale with or without lightning buffs when Primal Bolt buff is still active. If you have stacked (5) lightning buffs, you will gain the maximum damage buff Gale offers. If you cast Primal Bolt again with no buffs, it will reset Gale and you will have lost the damage buff you previously used with the stacked lightning buffs you had. There are times when comboing Gale + Bolt Anchor is ideal for mobbing (assuming you have reached level 150 for the no cooldown hyper)
Hi RealLifeDeal, thanks for the correction on the 3rd job Shadow Partner 🙂
hey Ayumilove, isn’t shadow partner a 3rd job skill for night lord/shadower? It was mentioned in the description of static charge.
i thought primal bolt was supposed to remove gales lightning buff requirement, but everytime i use gale my lightning buffs disappear, whats the point of having 9% def ignore for each lightning buff and no gale cooldown if gale STILL removes the lightning buffs after every use
Thanks Ayumilove i just started my Striker and i am having a blast
hI Ayumilovefan, Striker is the best for mobbing. Soul Master is kinda overall-ish (it mobs lesser than Striker but packs a punch).
What is the best Cygnus knight for mobbing?
Hi Nutz, both are good in their own ways. For me, Strikers are godlike for bossing with their Typhoon + Annihilate. On the other hand, Soul Master has more *variety* in their attacking skills with Soluna’s Harmony.
Hi arcnova, its kinda smooth as Annihilate + Shark Sweep.
how fluid is the
tyhpoon + annhilation combo?
this is of course after using primal bolt to remove the cool down from typhoon
Heyyyy~ currently i got a old soul master parking there and also have a 15x striker im not sure which one is better Striker or Soul master better??
Hi MSEAPlayer, it is replace with 45% defense instead of 35% damage buff. Getting both is simply overpowered (OP) 😀
Hi Skygazer, MapleStory developers did not add Annihilate Hyper Skills.
Hey ayumi,
Can you explain why you don’t get any of annihilation’s hyperskills? Thanks.
Erm, will the lvl 150 Hyper Skill remove the 35% Dmg buff you get from tornado and replace it with 45% defense instead? Or will both stay?
Thanks Mr. Questions for the “Gale” skill name. I missed that out 😀
Hi arcnova, it depends on whether you want smooth or more damage along the way.
Hi Melvin, I have account in different MapleStory region which includes GMS and MSEA 🙂
hey ayumi im back but this time without a question XD the 3rd job attack skill “whirlwind” is called gale in gms. small detail i probably would have missed too but ty for skill builds! your da best:)
man annihilation + thunderbolt is a TERRIBLE combo
thunderbolt + shark sweep is infinitely better
smother, faster, and more consistent
Hmm ayumi, I can’t help but notice your striker AyumiStrikes has a SG flag balloon. I didn’t knew you play MSea, I thought you were from GMS all along o.O
Wow someone be stealing my name -.-
omg so cannot wait for this class to be released… just a few more days. this is the only new CK that really catches my eye… wind archer looks great in terms of damage, i like how 3rd job skills will still be used fourth job on for this class… hate classes that just replace every job… have you played this class extensively as well as the other CK? which did you enjoy most???
hey ayumilove why my 4th job striker dont have cygnus knight skill?
Hi Helkrolon, Advanced Whirlwind is a passive skill that boost Whirlwind (3rd Job Skill) stats.
Hey Ayumilove, for advanced whirlwind, is it active or passive skill? Because I try to drag on that skill icon but nothing happens. If its passive means that the advanced whirlwind is connected to normal whirlwind? In other words, I have to activate using normal whirlwind only?
You can’t macro it. Not sure in KMS, but in MSEA, chaining with a macro is a no-go. Like for example when you chain Annhil + Anchor on a macro, only annhil will be used.
Can you macro your attack skills to make it easier to combo, or do you have to enter each command separately?
Oh, and Extreme Blitz is worth having. 25% increase in range, Gale’s buff requirement and cooldown negated, 45% def ignore if you have 5 lightning buffs.
Hi DEmi, there is no cooldown for Hyper Skill Extreme Blitz.
コロンビア ウィンドブレーカー
dose the hyper skill extreme blitz have cooldown?
Thanks John Baker for the Evan Character Card tip on saving MP!
Thanks for the feedback SoR0XaS!
A tip on TB.
1. TB’s skillchain can basically bypass stuns, as long as you keep spamming the combo.
2. It’s best to stick with Rising Wave + Thunderous Dive during mobbing. The mobility, + the extra damage from static charge is more than enough.
3. Make use of Bolt Anchor’s wide hit range. It’s quite a large AoE, as big as BaM’s BKB. Use it to hit mobs that are one platform directly above you if you’re grinding at high level mobs.
4. Be wary of your defense. Ayumi said this before. Even though Carapace reduces damage taken, you can’t really take a lot of hits at high levelled mobs.
Hope this helps ^^
Guys, if you have mana issues, i strongly recomment an Evan Character Card. It is really good for mana, you barely have to consume mana potions during training.
Hi y is MSEA’s Cygnus Knight dun have ‘Cygnus Knight’ < Buff
Ahhh, if only TB/Striker had the regen of Viper/Bucc or Jett/Zen, we wouldn’t be spamming potions too much.
Hi It’s Me, Thunder Breaker (TB) is better since you can alternate skills. Wind Breaker (WB) for strong solo boss and Soul Master (SM) pretty much a balance high-armored guy which does not receive much damage compared to WB and TB. I played TB and SM , TB really eats up lots of MP and HP (if bump into monster alot)
LOL ok….but my ‘everything’ stuff is in that server =( Since its like that, Imma just leave it 😐 Thx!! 🙂
WB, TB or SM? (funnest job) :-O <3
Hi Its Me, you could create a new character in a different server without having to delete your hardwork trained Mihile 🙂 Or purchase some NX Cash or do Nexon Advertisement to earn NX Cash to purchase extra character slot. I really like Mihile since it has the awesome Dragon-ball Kamehameha (Ima Shooting My Lazer)
Hey ayumilove, itsme. Erm, sorry for asking this question here due to I can’t write any comments in the SoulMaster’s guide webpage. So here it is, isit worth to delete my lvl 94 mihile that has been a long time since I used it to create a SoulMaster char?? Thx for replying ^^ have a nice day!
In my experience, 4th job combos starting with Bolt Anchor are more feasible, as it initially casts slowly, for starters. Thunderous Dive would be an ideal follow-up after that, and any other chain next.
Ayumi.. May i know either Hero Will / Awakening SKill Available for KOc Class?
Which is the strongest? Wind breaker, soul master or striker?
Hi!I was wondering why I don’t the Cygnus Knights skill that add 15% to all stat when the skill is at level 30 at the 4th job skill tab,since you ignored Demisahz’s question so I’m asking here again…Sorry…
Hi SoR0XaS, I was kinda busy during the afternoon, will check out during the night 🙂
I sent you a message in your FB page. Check it please.
Go ahead if you want, but I prefer if you recorded the skills at night, GMT +8. Is there any way for me to contact you?
Hi Tsurugi, I agree with the MP Drain. Experience it with the Roundwave Kick or the primary attacking skill. Yeah, they are really fast with their combo!
Hi SoR0Xas, its been awhile not seeing you on your LokiDAvenger 😀 Later could I record your Striker? Which 4th Job Combo Skills have you tested out? You can use Roundwave Kick + Annihilation or Annihilation + Bolt Anchor or Bolt Anchor + Advanced Whirlwind (reach Level 150 to gain Extreme Blitz to remove Advanced Whirlwind Cooldown). You can also chain perform a long chain : Rising Wave + Thunderous Dive + Crashing Wave + Bolt Anchor?
@ayumi: I think you misunderstood my question. I was asking about combos that are viable in 4th job.
@Tsurugi : we have the sports event on the 18th anyway. New content usually have a 2 week gap as per S2.
why went i advance to 4th job there is no cygnus knights skill? is there a bug? i’m from msea
Ayumi did all cygnus knight no need any Skill Book at 4th job?
@SoR0XaS: that’s sad… Even though the latest patch already contains the Root Abyss map and stuff (as per checking of the .wz file – w/c I recommend nobody will do) it’ll be another wait.
@All: Beware, Striker combos drain MP really quick — faster than most mage classes we know, if not THE fastest MP-draining class in the game (in my experience). Especially in 3rd Job when we gain Chain Attack, watch that MP meter! But heck, they got the fastest combos (Merc and DB come second) in game!
Updated Striker aka Thunder Breaker 1st and 2nd Job Skill Build Guide and Skill Descriptions!
Hi SoR0XaS, you can chain the Crashing Wave with Roundwave Kick at 2nd Job. You must tap the skill pretty fast. Once you see the first skill animation out, quickly tap the 2nd combo skill quickly. This method applies for Mercedes, Aran and Dual Blade skills.
Hi MSEAPlayer, not all HyperSkills can be max as you will be given limited Hyper Skill Points. You can’t use the 4th Job Skill Points into Hyper Skills.
Hi MJ, restart Striker or use SP reset Scroll by using A-Cash (Asiasoft Cash).
Hi ayumi, I accidentally maxed shark jaw and now I cant max blitz 1. Should I restart my striker or is it ok
Ayumi, just gonna ask. What is your style of combo for striker? I feel that some skills don’t chain with others quite smoothly.
Is there a guide for the hyper skills? Or are they all to be maxed? Thanks! 🙂
can i ask, is the lv 120 koc ark still avaible? i cant find that quest now
Hi Striker, how about strikeout? lol
Thanks Han for the screenshot! I’ll update the skill build again 🙂
2nd job your right but the name changes to roundwave kick
Please look into screen shot . job 1 skill cannot max
Tsurugi, a friend of mine has confirmed the date of RA content to be released in september.
Ayumi, give me some ign name for my striker.
Hi Tsurugi, we both share the same interest 😀 I’ll be updating Revamp KOC once I have more information on it 🙂
Hi Ayumi,
MSEA will be having Cygnus Returns (with all 3 revamped KoCs) as well as Root Abyss by August 7, 2013 (GMT+8). Bookmarking this guide by the way, since the only revamped KoC that interests me is the Striker.
Im struggling for choosing dawn warrior or striker as a main , which one do you think better?
Striker have a secondary weapon?
Hey Ayumi. I was creating my thunder breaker and noticed it is a requirement to obtain 20 base dex to acquire 1st job thunder breaker. Does the revamped thunder breaker require a 20 base dex as well? I really want to level one now, but I would not be able to deal with the base 20 dex as it will decrease my attack range. :/
will the secondary weapon that the revamped striker be the same as the previous old ones(KOC all usable secondary weapon) ?
Ayumi, is it true that all the skills except for lightning assaulter can be chained together?
hey, ayumi. when will the max lv250 for adventurers be out for maplesea? 😀
which version do you think is the 2nd to get cygnus returns?
Hi dalzayong, I’m not sure when they will reach to MapleSEA as they releases their patches in unpredictable manner compared to GMS. For GMS, I would say, within 3-8 months after the previous patch.
when is this coming out on MSEA?
Who should I make thunder breaker for the striker when they are revamped or buccaneer?
What is the skill use at 1.06 min in the 2nd last video?
Hii Ayumi.. Is It Nothing Change For Viper? =/
Ayumi, will we get to keep our shinjou mounts?
Hi Andrew, I have not keep track on MapleSEA since their progress on putting up new content (aka patch updates) is utterly slower than GMS. You could say 3-8 months after GMS implement something the new content.
Hey ayumi, rough estimation about the strikers revamp to maplesea ?
Hi Niam, Strikers Revamp only need pure STR (Strength) for damage, not DEX (Dexterity).
Hi Swift, Strikers Revamp only need pure STR (Strength) for damage, not DEX (Dexterity).
Same as Niam Which do they use?
What stats do strikers need str, luk, int, dex??
Hi Dill, there are no news on this yet for GMS. They might bundle it with another patch or in a separate patch depending on how fast they wish to reveal new content to attract players back to their server 🙂
Hi hjx, the Patch Revamp for Striker is kMSt ver. 1.2.467 (Cygnus Knight Reorganization)
what is the patch name called for the revamp
Do strikers come out in the GMS ultimate patch?
Hey Ayumilove, this question has been bothering me for a while:
What will happen to the UA skills that UAs receive? Since Shark Wave doesn’t exist anymore (after the update) will UAs keep it, or get a different move?
Hi Trifly, I do not know since I don’t possess an Ultimate Adventurer 🙁
um what would happen to my Ultimate adventurer when striker comes out?
Hi moonrobin, I predict it would be next year since GMS will need to implement other jobs such as Xenon (around October 2013) before releasing the Cygnus Knights revamps (Striker and Wind Archer).
By your predictions, when do you think this will be implemented into GMS?
Hi Cake, Strikers can now level up as high as the remaining class. This means, if an adventurer can level up to Level 250. Then the revamp Cygnus Knights can level up as high up to Level 250. The level cap update was release after Striker is released.
You say that it’s max of Lv. 250 (Strikers can now level up to Level 250 and able to utilize 4th Job Skills and Hyper Skills.). But then later say that it’s a max of 200 (1. Maximum level of Striker is now 200 and job advancements are as follows:). Which is it? 250, or 200? And I’ve been told that max level will become 250 in the future, is this true?
do you need mastery books for its skills?
look at the damage on the first job video
Hi Rick, for accounts that already has Thunder Breaker character created, they will be automatically changed to Striker, all of the SP will be reset, some related Cygnus Quest will no longer be accessible and the Level 120 cap is remove, plus Striker 4th Job Skills does not require any Mastery Books because Nexon decided it will be too much work to create Mastery Books for the other 4 more Cygnus Classes (Dawn Warrior / Wind Archer / Night Walker / Blaze Wizard) if they were to implement this revamp in the future. In short, you do not need to be Level 120 Thunder Breaker to become a Striker. The transition from Thunder Breaker to a Striker is done behind the scene. The moment you login and play, you will see different skills in your skill window.
Will we have to have a level 120 Thunder Breaker to make a Striker, and if we already have a level 120 Thunder Breaker, will it be revamped and able to continue to 200?