Kaiser is one of MapleStory Nova Warrior Hero which will be coming to KMS (Korean MapleStory) on July 26 2012. Kaiser is a human-dragon race who appears to have mini horns, wings and tail with striking cyan hair. They wield 2-handed sword and Dragon Soul. Kaiser’s primary stat is STR and secondary stat is DEX. Kaiser uses a Morph Gauge and Command system, a combination of Aran, Luminous and Demon Slayer system. It works by filling up the Morph gauge quickly by performing attack + arrow-key + command. Upon filling it completely, it provides bonus stats and able to temporarily transform into a powerful Dragon Saber during 3rd and 4th Job while significantly improving Kaiser abilities potential, more specifically to attacking skills. You can trigger Combo Skills by performing a series of (attack + arrow + command) or hotkey them. Kaiser is the only Warrior class that can equip a 2-handed Sword with its own special Shield that upgrades when you complete a job advancement.
Kaiser Overview
PRIMARY WEAPON: 2-handed Sword
LINK SKILL: Iron Will – Max HP +10/15/20%
MAPLE UNION EFFECT: STR +10/20/40/80/100
BEST INNER ABILITY: Attack Speed +1, Critical Rate +20%
JOB SKILLS: I: Kaiser → II: Kaiser → III: Kaiser → IV: Kaiser → Hyper Skills → V: Kaiser
Kaiser Pros and Cons
- *Share your pros on this job!*
- High HP and defense.
- Great character card.
- Has Link Skill.
- Good mobile. Great mobbing and bossing.
- High Survivability Rate.
- Has Semi-Drain Skill.
- Has a cool dragon transform.
- *Share your cons on this job!*
- Drain skill only works when using manual controls for skills (not a buff)
- Low MP (Insufficient for HP Washing)
- Lack party buff skills.
- All skill % damage are low so kaiser is a high fund class
- Need smashing key like Aran
- Prequest for Normal or Hard Magnus is especially long.
MapleStory Kaiser Video
Ayumilove MapleStory Kaiser 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Job Skill Preview
[youtube url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk6BQf6t4zc]
Shared Skills
Please refer to Shared Skill Build Guide for more details as it is shared among all jobs in MapleStory.
Kaiser Beginner Job Skills
Return of the Guardian
Sends the Guardian of the Novas back to Pantheon.
Level 1: MP Cost: 100. Cooldown: 600 sec.
Realign: Defender Mode (Toggle)
Switches from defensive to offensive mode. Passive enhancements increase at higher Job Advancements. Skill enhancements stack.
Level 1: Attack Power: 5, Crit Chance: +3%, Damage upon attacking Boss Monster: +3%
Realign: Attacker Mode (Toggle)
Switches from defensive to offensive mode. Passive enhancements increase at higher Job Advancements. Skill enhancements stack.
Level 1: Attack Power: 5, Crit Chance: +3%, Damage upon attacking Boss Monster: +3%
Vertical Grapple (Active)
Fires a grappling hook to a platform above you to ascend quickly.
Level 1: Press the skill key while you’re climbing to cancel.
Transfiguration (Passive)
Fill up your Morph Gauge in battle to transform into a more powerful being. The ability to enhance effects cannot be stacked.
Stage 1: Attack Speed: +1, Speed: +5, Jump: +10, Power Stance Chance: 20%
Stage 2: Attack Speed: +1, Speed: +10, Jump: +20, Power Stance Chance: +40%
Iron Will (Link Skill + Passive)
The iron will of Kaiser grants additional HP.
Level 1: Max HP: +10%
Level 2: Max HP: +15%
Level 3: Max HP: +20%
Dragon Link (Passive)
Connects Dragon Slash with other special attack skills to grant bonus effects.
Level 1: Morph Gauge fills faster, and the Dragon Link skill and the Kaiser attack skill that follows will have their final damages increased by 15%.
Exclusive Spell (Supportive)
Increases the Attack Power and Magic ATT of all nearby players. Cooldown: 2 hours.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Attack Power and Magic ATT: + 4%, Duration: 40 min
Kaiser Beginner Skill Build: Everything maxed.
Explanation: These are Kaiser’s innate abilities. No SP required.
Kaiser 1st Job Skills
Dragon Slash (Active)
Note: Level 20 required to learn Dragon Slash I.
Mash the attack key to whip enemies in front of you up to 3 times. Can be used with basic attack key while in Final Form.
Level 1:
1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 51% damage 3 times
2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 31% damage 5 times
3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 41% damage 5 times
Level 20:
1-hit: Attack up to 8 enemies for 70% damage 3 times
2-hit: Up to 6 enemies attack for 50% damage 5 times
3-hit Up to 6 enemies attacked for 60% damage 5 times
Flame Surge (Active / Dragon Link)
Dragon Link: (ATTACK) + (COMMAND)
Blast forward with warrior spirit.
Level 1: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 113%, Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Level 20: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 170%, Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Air Lift (Supportive)
Leaps once more in the air. Also permanently increases Speed and Max Speed. Cannot be used in Final Form.
Level 1: MP Cost: 24, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +6, Speed: +6
Level 15: MP Cost: 10, Set Jump Distance, Max Speed: +20, Speed: +20
Scale Skin (Passive)
Harden your skin to permanently increase Defense and have a chance to resist knock-back. Stacks with Transfiguration’s Knockback Resistance effects.
Level 1: DEF: +20, Knockback Resistance: +4%
Level 10: DEF: +200, Knockback Resistance: +40%
Kaiser 1st Job Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Dragon Slash, Flame Surge (1)
2. Air Lift (MAX)
3. Flame Surge (MAX)
4. Dragon Slash (MAX)
5. Scale Skin (MAX)
Flame Surge will be Kaiser’s primary attacking skill in 1st Job, not Dragon Slash! This is because Flame Surge has longer range and has lesser attacking animation which helps in speeding up of displaying enemy death. Plus, you save your fingers instead of spamming keys on Dragon Slash. However, you can use Dragon Slash for 1v1 especially boss solo unless there are mobs around it. Max Air Lift first as it makes travelling more convenient by jumping across large maps to reach from one end to the other. Then, max Flame Surge followed by Dragon Slash and Scale Skin. You do not need much protection in the early level as most of the mobs you will encounter during this period are weaklings.
Kaiser 2nd Job Skills
Dragon Slash I (Passive)
Required Skill: Level 20 Dragon Slash
Enhances Dragon Slash’s Attack Power.
Level 1: Additional 20% bonus to Dragon Slash damage
Level 2: Additional 40% bonus to Dragon Slash damage
Impact Wave (Active / Dragon Link)
Dragon Link: (ATTACK) + (UP + COMMAND)
Stab your sword into the ground to create an explosive shockwave that blasts multiple enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 12, Damage: 194%, Mobs Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 2
Level 20: MP Cost: 17, Damage: 270%, Mobs Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 2
Piercing Blaze (Active)
Dash forward to knock back enemies. Deals damage to multiple targets with a chance to stun.
Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 169%, Stun Chance: 26%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 20, Monsters Hit: 12, Damage: 250%, Stun Chance: 80%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
Tempest Blades (Active)
Note: Level 20 required to learn Advanced Tempest Blades.
Summons 3 swords to track and attack monsters.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 224% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Final Form: Number of Attacks: +1
Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Swords Summoned: 3. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 300% damage with 3 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Final Form: Number of Attacks: +1
Blaze On (Supportive)
Draw out inner strength to temporarily increase Attack Power and Speed.
Level 1: MP Cost: 11, Duration: 12 sec, Attack Power: +1, Attack Speed: +2
Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 240 sec, Attack Power: +20, Attack Speed: +2
Sword Mastery (Passive)
Note: Level 10 required to learn Expert Sword Mastery.
Increases two-handed sword weapon mastery and accuracy. Level 10 required to learn Expert Sword Mastery.
Level 1: Two-Hand Sword Mastery: +14%
Level 10: Two-Hand Sword Mastery: +50%
Inner Blaze (Passive)
Note: Level 10 required to learn Advanced Inner Blaze.
Increases Strength and HP.
Level 1: STR: +2, HP: +2%
Level 10: STR: +20, HP: +20%
Attacker Mode I (Passive)
Note: Level 1 required to learn Attacker Mode II.
Further enhances Realign: Attacker Mode. Enhanced effects stack.
Level 1: Attack Power: 10, Critical Activation Chance: +2%, Damage upon attacking Boss Monster: additional +5%
Defender Mode I (Passive)
Note: Level 1 required to learn Defender Mode II.
Enhances Realign: Defender Mode. Enhanced effects stack.
Level 1: DEF: +200, HP: +10%
Kaiser 2nd Job Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Dragon Slash I, Attacker Mode I, Defender Mode I (MAX)
2. Piercing Blaze, Impact Wave (1)
3. Max Sword Mastery (MAX)
4. Blaze On (MAX)
5. Impact Wave (MAX)
6. Piercing Blaze (MAX)
7. Inner Blaze (MAX)
8. Tempest Blades (MAX)
Max Dragon Slash I and Attacker Mode I to get instant damage boost! Next add 1 SP to unlock Piercing Blaze and Impact Wave which will be frequently used for training. Improve Kaiser’s minimum and maximum damage with Inner Blaze and Sword Mastery and further boost max damage with Blaze On supportive skill. Then, start boosting Impact Wave as this will be your primary finishing skill to kill monsters after the first few Dragon Slashes.
Kaiser 3rd Job Skills
Dragon Slash II (Passive)
Required Skill: Dragon Slash I Lv.20
Enhances Dragon Slash’s Attack Power. Level 2 required to learn Dragon Slash III.
Level 1: Additional 35% bonus to Dragon Slash damage
Level 2: Additional 70% bonus to Dragon Slash damage
Wing Beat (Active / Dragon Link)
Dragon Link: (ATTACK) + (JUMP + COMMAND)
Creates a whirlwind that attacks enemies until certain targets are defeated. Dissipates after a short distance or time. Unaffected by attack reflection. Up to two can exist.
Level 1: 1 MP Cost: 16, Damage: 143%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 21%. Dissipates when certain number of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.
Level 20: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 200%, Number of Attacks: 40, Chance to Slow Attacked Monsters: 40%. Dissipates when certain number of attacks are made, set distance is traveled, or duration expires.
Pressure Chain (Active)
Releases a sword wave that penetrates and pulls enemies. Can be resisted by some monsters.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 204% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 19%
Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Penetrates then pulls 8 enemies dealing 280% damage 2 times, Stun Chance: 95%
Stone Dragon (Active)
Summons a dragon statue that pulls in enemies and attacks with a chance to Slow. Unaffected by attack reflection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Summon Duration: 18 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 316%, Slow Chance: 33%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
Level 15: MP Cost: 35, Summon Duration: 60 sec, Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 400%, Slow Chance: 75%, Slow Duration: 3 sec
Cursebite (Supportive)
Temporarily increases status effect resistance and elemental resistance. Also enables Kaiser to have a chance to boost attacking skill for 2 attacks against monsters who are under status effect such as Stun.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21. Abnormal Status Resistance +3 and All Elemental Resistances +3% for 12 sec. Final Damage +5% on monsters affected by Abnormal Status.
Level 20: MP Cost: 40. Abnormal Status Resistance +60 and All Elemental Resistances +60% for 240 sec. Final Damage +15% on monsters affected by Abnormal Status.
Final Form (Supportive)
Transforms into the true Kaiser. While in Final Form, you can deal damage to enemies with Attack Ignore or Attack Reflection effects, and you can use the Final Form skill again to use the Teleport skill. Uses all Morph Gauge when the transformation ends. Cannot use non-summoning Soul Weapon skills while in Final Form. Lv 10 required to learn the Hyper Skill ‘Final Trance’.
Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Duration: 60, Final Damage: +5%, Critical Rate: +2%, Power Stance Chance: +100%. Ignores enemies’s attack ignore and attack reflection effects. After 4th Job Advancement: Final Damage: +10%, Critical Rate: +4%
Level 10: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 60, Final Damage: +10%, Critical Rate: +20%, Power Stance Chance: +100%. Ignores enemies’s attack ignore and attack reflection effects. After 4th Job Advancement: Final Damage: +15%, Critical Rate: +40%
Catalyze (Supportive)
Maximizes Attack by using the essence of a dragon as a catalysis.
Level 1: ATT +11, Final Damage +1%.
Level 20: ATT +30, Final Damage +20%.
Self Recovery (Passive)
Continuously restore HP and MP.
Level 1: Every 12 sec 1% HP and MP restored, even in combat.
Level 5: Every 4 sec 5% HP and MP restored, even in combat.
Advanced Inner Blaze (Passive)
Required Skill: Inner Blaze Lv. 10
Permanently increases STR and HP.
Level 1: STR: +3, HP: +3%
Level 10: STR: +30, HP: +30%
Defender Mode II (Supportive)
Required Skill: Defender Mode I Lv.1+
Enhances Realign: Defender Mode. Enhanced effects stack. Level 1 required to learn Defender Mode III.
Level 1: DEF: +200, HP: +10%
Attacker Mode II (Supportive)
Required Skill: Attacker Mode I Lv.1+
Enhances Realign: Attacker Mode. Enhanced effects stack. Level 1 required to learn Attacker Mode III.
Level 1: Attack Power: 15, Critical Activation Chance: +5%, Damage upon attacking Boss Monster: additional +5%
Kaiser 3rd Job Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Dragon Slash II, Attacker Mode II, Defender Mode II (MAX)
2. Wing Beat, Pressure Chain, Final Form (1)
3. Self Recover (MAX)
4. Catalyze (MAX)
5. Advanced Inner Blaze (MAX)
6. Pressure Chain (MAX)
7. Cursebite (MAX)
8. Stone Dragon (MAX)
9. Wing Beat (MAX)
10. Final Form (MAX)
Kaiser 4th Job Skills
Dragon Slash III (Passive)
Required Skill: Level 2 Dragon Slash II
Enhances Dragon Slash damage.
Level 1: Additional 15% bonus to Dragon Slash damage
Level 6: Additional 90% bonus to Dragon Slash damage
Gigas Wave (Active / Dragon Link)
Dragon Link: (ATTACK) + (SKILL)
Blasts enemies with a powerful slash of your blade. All enemies, including bosses, will be afflicted with Slow when hit.
Level 1: 1 MP Cost: 21, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 222%, Number of Attacks: 9. Final Form: MP Cost: 31, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 272%, Number of Attacks: 11
Level 30: MP Cost: 50, Mobs Hit: 1, Damage: 280%, Number of Attacks: 9. Final Form: MP Cost: 60, Mobs Hit: 3, Damage: 330%, Number of Attacks: 11
Dragon Barrage (Active / Dragon Link)
Quickly move and attack enemies. Can deal more damage to normal monsters.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Max Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 347%, Number of Attacks: 4. Final Form: MP Cost: 31, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 347%, Number of Attacks: 5. When attacking normal monsters, Damage +40%. Cooldown: 5 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 50, Max Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 550%, Number of Attacks: 4. Final Form: MP Cost: 60, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 550%, Number of Attacks: 5. When attacking normal monsters, Damage +40%. Cooldown: 5 sec.
Blade Burst (Active / Dragon Link)
Dragon Link: (ATTACK) + (DOWN + COMMAND)
Summon multiple swords to strike the ground and explode, dealing bonus damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 25, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 148%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 111% damage 4 times.
Level 20: MP Cost: 45, Mobs Hit: 12, Damage: 300%, Number of Attacks: 5. Explosion damage hits 12 enemies for 225% damage 4 times.
Inferno Breath (Active)
Summons an ancient dragon that breathes fire, leaving a trail of fire that deals continuous damage to those on it. Ignores attack reflection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 224%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards. Cooldown: 39 sec
Level 20: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 300%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Continuous Damage Dealt Afterwards. Cooldown: 20 sec
Advanced Tempest Blades (Active)
Required Skill: Level 20 Tempest Blades
Enhances Tempest Blades. Summons 5 of your current swords. Swords will home in and attack monsters. Also permanently increases Attack Power.
Level 1: MP Cost: 31, Number of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 313% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently Increase Attack Power: +2. Final Form: Number of Attacks: +1
Level 30: MP Cost: 60, Number of Your Swords Summoned: 5. Use the skill again after summoning to send the swords at the enemy and deal 400% damage with 4 attacks. Cooldown: 10 sec. Permanently Increase Attack Power: +20. Final Form: Number of Attacks: +1
Grand Armor (Supportive)
Reduces damage taken from monsters for you and your party.
Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Duration: 12, Damage Taken: -11%, Party’s Damage Taken: -0%
Level 20: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 240, Damage Taken: -30%, Party’s Damage Taken: -10%
Unbreakable Will (Passive)
Ignores monster DEF.
Level 1: 11% monster DEF ignored
Level 30: 40% monster DEF ignored
Expert Sword Mastery (Passive)
Required Skill: Level 10 Sword Mastery
Maxes out mastery of Two-Handed Sword while increasing Critical Damage and Attack Power.
Level 1: Two-Handed Sword Mastery: +56%, Attack Power: +1, Critical Damage: +3%
Level 30: Two-Handed Sword Mastery: +70%, Attack Power: +30, Critical Damage: +8%
Nova Warrior (Supportive)
Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, President’s Orders, or Rhinne’s Protection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Increases all stats assigned APs by 1% for 30 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 60, Increases all stats assigned APs by 15% for 900 sec
Nova Temperance (Active)
By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec
Defender Mode III (Passive)
Required Skill: Level 1 Defender Mode 2nd Enhancement
Enhance Realign: Defender Mode. Enhanced effects stack.
Level 1: DEF: +100, HP: +5%
Level 2: DEF: +200, HP: +10%
Attacker Mode III (Passive)
Required Skill: Level 1 Attacker Mode 2nd Enhancement
Enhance Realign: Attacker Mode. Enhanced effects stack.
Level 1: Attack Power: 10, Critical Activation Chance: +5%, Damage upon attacking Boss Monster: additional +3%
Level 2: Attack Power: 15, Critical Activation Chance: +10%, Damage upon attacking Boss Monster: additional +5%
Kaiser 4th Job Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Blade Burst (1), Attacker Mode III (MAX), Dragon Slash III (MAX)
2. Unbreakable Will (1), Gigas Wave (1), Defender Mode III (MAX)
3. Advanced Tempest Blades, Inferno Breath, Expert Sword Mastery (1)
4. Dragon Barrage (1), Blade Burst (MAX)
5. Expert Sword Mastery (MAX)
6. Gigas Wave (MAX)
7. Unbreakable Will (MAX)
8. Advanced Tempest Blades (MAX)
9. Grand Armor (MAX)
10. Nova Warrior (MAX)
11. Inferno Breath (MAX)
12. Dragon Barrage (MAX)
13. Nova Temperance (MAX)
Kaiser Mastery Books
1. Advanced Tempest Blades: 20, 30
2. Dragon Barrage: 20, 30
3. Inferno Breath: 20
4. Blade Burst: 20
5. Gigas Wave: 20, 30
6. Grand Armor: 20
7. Expert Sword Mastery: 20, 30
8. Unbreakable Will: 20, 30
9. Nova Warrior: 20, 30
It is not possible to max the skills in the following order since you will need to purchase or hunt Kaiser Mastery Books plus having to use them with a chance to fail in the process of upgrading your skills. Therefore, you can add those SP in those skills and move on to the next in sequence. Otherwise you can save SP (Skill Points) and wait till you grab hold your Mastery Books. Firstly, maxed Sword Strike before Advanced Sword Mastery as it deals much more damage. Then proceed with maxing Gigas Wave to be used against 1-to-1 combat such as boss. Although it seems it does less damage compared to Sword Strike statistically, but do not forget that it deals additional damage with the help of Cursebite (Kaiser 3rd Job Skill) when enemy is under the effect of slow inflicted by Gigas Wave. Dealing tons of damage isn’t enough to take down enemy within 1-3 hits if they are equipped with high defense. Therefore, max Unbreakable Will to allow your damage to bypass their defense. This is particular useful against mini-bosses and epic bosses. Further pump up your damage with passive weapon attack boost by maxing Advanced Tempest Blades before focusing on Grand Armor. As they say, prevention is better than cure. By killing enemy quickly, you avoid receiving damage from their retaliation. Again, further pump up all your stats with Nova Warrior. By now, all of Kaiser essential skills are maxed for quick leveling and bossing. You can follow the max sequence of the remaining skills or depending on your preferences.
Kaiser Hyper Skills
Gigas Wave – Burden
Required Level: 143
Increases Gigas Wave’s Slow duration.
Level 1: Duration: +5 sec
Gigas Wave – Bonus Attack
Required Level: 162
Increases Gigas Wave’s attack count.
Level 1: Number of Hits: +1
Gigas Wave – Reinforce
Required Level: 183
Increases Gigas Wave’s damage.
Level 1: Damage: +20%
Inferno Breath – Blaze
Required Level: 149
Increases the damage of Inferno Breath’s flames.
Level 1: Flame Damage: +20%
Inferno Breath – Burn
Required Level: 168
Increases the duration of Inferno Breath’s flames.
Level 1: Flame duration: +10 sec
Inferno Breath – Reinforce
Required Level: 189
Increases Inferno Breath’s damage.
Level 1: Damage: +20%
Wing Beat – Pummel
Required Level: 155
Increases Wing Beat’s duration.
Level 1: Duration +5 sec
Wing Beat – Extra Attack
Required Level: 177
Increases Wing Beat’s attack count.
Level 1: Number of Hits +8
Wing Beat – Reinforce
Required Level: 195
Increases Wing Beat’s damage.
Level 1: Damage +20%
Kaiser’s Majesty
Required Level: 150
Grants you the courage and will of the former Kaiser, resetting your cooldowns, increasing Attack Speed and ATT, and negating enemy Attack Ignore and Attack Reflect effects.
Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Cooldowns Reset, Duration: 30 sec, ATT +30, Attack Speed +1. Negates enemy’s Attack Ignore and Attack Reflect effects. Cooldown: 90 sec. Hyper Skill cooldowns not reset.
Ancestral Prominence
Required Level: 170
Summons an ancient Nova to cause an explosion that covers the entire screen in flames. This is the skill used by the former Kaiser to save the Nova people.
Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Damage: 1000%, Number of Attacks: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Cooldown: 60 sec
Final Trance
Required Level: 200 | Required Skill: Level 10 Final Form
Transforms you into your Final Form immediately upon use.
Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Duration: 90 sec, Final Damage: +30%, Critical Rate +40%, Movement Speed +10. Negates enemy’s Attack Ignore and Attack Reflect effects. Cooldown: 300 sec
Kaiser Hyper Skill Build
1. Gigas Wave – Reinforce (Passive)
2. Gigas Wave – Bonus Attack (Passive)
3. Wing Beat – Pummel (Passive)
4. Wing Beat – Extra Attack (Passive)
5. Wing Beat – Reinforce (Passive)
6. Kaiser’s Majesty (Active)
7. Ancestral Prominence (Active)
8. Final Trance (Supportive)
Check this Hyper Stats Guide for more details!
Kaiser 5th Job Skills
Please refer to MapleStory 5th Job Skills Guide for more details on Skill Cores, Special Cores and Enhancement Cores!
Kaiser Skill Cores
Nova Guardians | Guardian of Nova
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Summons the Kaisers of old to fight by your side. Unaffected by attack reflection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 30 sec, summons 3 Kaisers with limited movement range. Activating the skill while Kaisers are summoned re-summons them at your location. Kaisers can be re-summoned once every 15 seconds. Cooldown: 120 sec.
Kaiser VI – Attacks up to 10 enemies for 465% damage 4 times.
Kaiser XV – Attacks up to 10 enemies for 260% damage 6 times.
Kaiser XXVII – Attacks up to 10 enemies for 935% damage 2 times.
Level 25: MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 42 sec, summons 3 Kaisers with limited movement range. Activating the skill while Kaisers are summoned re-summons them at your location. Kaisers can be re-summoned once every 15 seconds. Cooldown: 120 sec.
Kaiser VI – Attacks up to 10 enemies for 825% damage 4 times.
Kaiser XV – Attacks up to 10 enemies for 500% damage 6 times.
Kaiser XXVII – Attacks up to 10 enemies for 1775% damage 2 times.
Bladefall | Will of Sword: Strike
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Your Tempest Blades rain down upon the enemy, oozing deadly magma where they land to incinerate enemies. You can use the skill once more after all your Tempest Blades land to force deadly magma to ooze. Only usable with Tempest Blades summoned. Unaffected by attack reflection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, each blade strikes for 520% damage 4 times and creates a pool of magma where it lands after 2 sec. The magma hits up to 12 enemies dealing 364% damage 6 times and increasing Final Damage up to 2x in proportion to the time it remained after landing. Cooldown: 30 sec. Final Form: Tempest Blades and magma’s attack counts increase by 1.
Level 25: MP Cost: 1000, each blade strikes for 1000% damage 4 times and creates a pool of magma where it lands after 2 sec. The magma hits up to 12 enemies dealing 700% damage 6 times and increasing Final Damage up to 2x in proportion to the time it remained after landing. Cooldown: 30 sec. Final Form: Tempest Blades and magma’s attack counts increase by 1.
Draco Surge
Required Skill: Gigas Wave Lv. 30+ | Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Enhance Gigas Wave with the strength of an ancient dragon. The Dragon Warrant launches forward to deal additional attacks to the enemy. Requires recharging time after skill is used.
All enemies, including bosses, will be Slowed when hit by Draco Surge. The Dragon Warrant is unaffected by attack reflection. Dragon Link: During Attack + Gigas Wave
Level 1: MP Cost: 60, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 505%, Number of Attacks: 10. After that, launches the Dragon Warrant, Damage: 505%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 8. Additional Critical rate: +100%, Additional Monster DEF Ignored: +50%. Final Form: Increases Draco Wave’s attack count by 2. Activates upon using Gigas Wave. Cooldown: 7 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 60, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 650%, Number of Attacks: 10. After that, launches the Dragon Warrant, Damage: 650%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 8. Additional Critical rate: +100%, Additional Monster DEF Ignored: +50%. Final Form: Increases Draco Wave’s attack count by 2. Activates upon using Gigas Wave. Cooldown: 5 sec
Kaiser Enhancement Cores
Skill Enhancement max level is 50. Each level enhances Final Damage
Skill Enhancement at Level 20: Max Target +1, Level 40: Ignore Monster DEF +20%.
Dragon Slash Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Flame Surge Boost
Final Damage: +7% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Impact Wave Boost
Final Damage: +5% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Piercing Blaze Boost
Final Damage: +5% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Tempest Blades Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Wing Beat Boost
Final Damage: +3% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Pressure Chain Boost
Final Damage: +3% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Stone Dragon Boost
Final Damage: +3% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Gigas Wave Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Dragon Barrage Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Blade Burst Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Inferno Breath Boost
Final Damage: +3% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Ancestral Prominence Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level, Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%
Kaiser V Matrix Skill Build
Trio #1: Gigas Wave / Wingbeat / Tempest Blades
Trio #2: Infernal Breath / Stone Dragon / Blade Burst
Note: Bolded = essential skill | Non-bolded = non-essential skill.
MapleStory Old to New Skill Names
Kaiser 1st Job Skills
- Dragon Slash → Dragon Slash (SAME)
- Flame Shot → Flame Surge
- Double Leap → Air Lift
- Skin Protection → Scale Skin
Kaiser 2nd Job Skills
- Dragon Slash 1st Enhancement → Dragon Slash I
- Attack Mode 1st Enhancement → Attacker Mode I
- Defense Mode 1st Enhancement → Defender Mode I
- Sword Mastery → (SAME)
- Inner Blaze → (SAME)
- Blaze Up → Blaze On
- Impact Wave → (SAME)
- Pierce Rush → Piercing Blaze
- Will of Sword → Tempest Blades
Kaiser 3rd Job Skills
- Dragon Slash 2nd Enhancement → Dragon Slash II
- Attack Mode 2nd Enhancement → Attacker Mode II
- Defense Mode 2nd Enhancement → Defender Mode II
- Wing Beat → (SAME)
- Chain Pulling → Pressure Chain
- Petrified → Stone Dragon
- Catalyze → (SAME)
- Advanced Inner Blaze → (SAME)
- Self Recovery → (SAME)
- Regain Strength → Cursebite
- Transfiguration → Final Form
Kaiser 4th Job Skills
- Dragon Slash 3rd Enhancement → Dragon Slash III
- Attack Mode 3rd Enhancement → Attacker Mode III
- Defense Mode 3rd Enhancement → Defender Mode III
- Nova Warrior → (SAME)
- Nova Hero’s Will → Nova Temperance
- Advaned Will of Sword → Advanced Tempest Blades
- Infernal Breath → Inferno Breath
- Blow Streak → Dragon Barrage
- Sword Strike → Blade Burst
- Giga Slasher → Gigas Wave
- Final Transfiguration → Final Form
- Robust Armor → Grand Armor
- Advanced Sword Mastery → Expert Sword Mastery
- Unflinching Courage → Unbreakable Will
Kaiser 5th Job Skills
- Guardian of Nova → Nova Guardians | Guardian of Nova
- Will of Sword: Strike → ???
Additional Information
Kaiser Storyline
Long ago, the legendary Nova Warrior, Kaiser, protected Pantheon and the people of Grandis from Magnus, a power-hungry emissary of the Black Mage. The two powers collided, and in the end Magnus, along with his army of abominations, proved to be the stronger of the two. Faced with certain defeat, Kaiser unleashed an all-consuming attack, eradicating Magnus’s creatures and destroying his own physical form in the process. But his spirit lived on, waiting for the perfect host to receive his power. A young Nova Knight named Kyle with his friends Velderoth and Tear forms the Heliseum Force. It is serve to protect the people of Grandis from Magnus (Nova Betrayer) and his lackeys, just like how Kaiser protect his homeland long ago. One day, these lackeys infiltrated Pantheon by disguising themselves in Nova mage dress to steal Pantheon’s secret relic which is a cube. As the trio observe the evil men chattering away, Kyle asks Belderos to report this incident to the senior who are in town. After Belderos left, both approach the enemy. Tear touches this cube and both Kyle and herself become cursed with mystical powers but Tear faints in the process. Kyle attacks the enemy with one of Kaiser skills but faints right after. Tear awakens from her unconsciousness and finishes off the remaining enemy with her Angelic Buster attack. After the battle ends, the Novans see Kaiser symbol appears upon Kyle. Therefore, he becomes Kaiser successor.
Kaiser Notes
- Use special attacks to fill the Morph Gauge to transform into Kaiser’s ancient dragon form, which increases Kaiser’s strength and mobility. As you level your Kaiser, you’ll reach new transformation stages with distinct looks.
- The Dragon Link UI sits below the Morph Gauge and allows you to assign certain abilities to key combinations (i.e. Left, Right + Attack, or Left, Down + Attack, etc). These skills can also be added to your Quick Slot hot keys like other abilities. However, using the Dragon Link key combinations will fill your Morph Gauge faster!
You forgot the explanation at advancement 3 hehe
kaiser command key are useless, this new update kaiser giving the 5% damage need use command key GGWP
“All skill % damage are low so kaiser is a high fund class”. Why “high fund Kaiser” is stronger than other “high fund high % damage class” ?
I asked this because my guild leader said Kaiser full potentials is OP
Update on Kaiser’s two new skills?
@all: Updated Kaiser to MSEA v.176 (Ark Patch)
Catalyze (Before)
Level 1: Attack Power: +11%
Level 20: Attack Power: +30%
Catalyze (After)
Level 1: ATT +11, Final Damage +1%.
Level 20: ATT +30, Final Damage +20%.
Cursebite (Before)
Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Duration: 12 sec, Abnormal Status Resistance: +3, Elemental Resistance: +3%. Final Damage against monsters with Abnormal Status increases by 6%.
Level 20: MP Cost: 40, Duration: 240 sec, Abnormal Status Resistance: +60, Elemental Resistance: +60%. Final Damage against monsters with Abnormal Status increases by 25%.
Cursebite (After)
Level 1: MP Cost: 21. Abnormal Status Resistance +3 and All Elemental Resistances +3% for 12 sec. Final Damage +5% on monsters affected by Abnormal Status.
Level 20: MP Cost: 40. Abnormal Status Resistance +60 and All Elemental Resistances +60% for 240 sec. Final Damage +15% on monsters affected by Abnormal Status.
holy crap kasier dragon link thing is just bad now.. why did they even do this? damn hes useless now lol.
Con: Dragon Link. That’s all. It’s ruined. Combos are ruined. Many Kaiser’s quit.
@Lee: I have added the recommended Enhancement Core for Kaiser in the 5th Job Skills section.
Does the link skills work anymore cuz I can’t seem to be able to do it so i’m stuck on the link quest…. ;-;
Leonardo yeah in the basic skill its called dragon command but dont use it takes away lots of dps and it doesent heal anymore.
they changed the teleportation to be used with the final form hotkey instead of jump
would like to ask about the recommend enhancement core for Kaiser ?
@Jonathan: Kaiser teleportation only works during transformation form. If it does not work in Final Form, perhaps its a bug.
Hi Ayumi!
I just got one question. Why does Kaisers teleportation not work then your in final form and the vertical grapple just work sometimes. When i try to press the vertical grapple hotkey it sometimes only work. It doesn’t work more times than it does. And did nexon delete the teleportation for kaiser when in final form?
@BN: Check Kaiser Beginner Skill tab for the skill labelled as “Dragon Link”. If it’s not there, it means GMS has yet to implement it. The workaround is to place that skill icon to your keyboard button slot and activate through pressing that particular button (instead of chaining them with certain key combos).
@Leonardo: See Kaiser Beginner Skill Tab, you will notice a “Dragon Link” skill. If it’s not there, it means GMS has yet to implement that skill, and the next patch should either have it fixed OR remod Kaiser to its modded state (like how it was first introduced in GMS).
@Allen: GMS is currently using KMS patch which somehow overriden GMS modded Kaiser that does nto require the activation of “Dragon Link” skill. It’s up to GMS to either remod Kaiser to its modded state or leave it as it is now (which requires to introduce the Dragon Link skill in the Beginner Skill Tab) in the upcoming patch.
@genkaix1: I have updated the skill details with the new dragon link skills.
Hiii Ayumilove! Allen here Can you please explain the command for kaiser especially the command for gigas wave. In the screen it shows attack+skill but I have no idea how to activate it using command. Thanks in advance.
You haven’t updated the new dragon link skills.
Hi Ayumilove! Thanks for all your wonderful guides. Have definitely helped me a lot in my mapling adventure.
Just a question regarding the new kaiser command skill. It should be able to heal 5% HP with every hit using the arrow keys, attack button and the command button. Seen many videos of strong kaisers bossing and able to heal HP real quickly.
For gigas wave, the tab at the side just shows Attack + Skill to be able to activate the heal and filling of morph gauge faster. But I’ve tried and it doesn’t work? Can you give an explanation of how to do it properly?
I’ve only recently started playing Maplestory after a break, and when I started playing Maplestory, all you’d need to do is do the Dragon-Link commands [LeftRight + Attack, LeftUp + Attack, LeftDown + Attack, etc] to gain health.
After noticing that that no longer healed me, and a buff, which I now know is called “Command”, kept popping up, I’m wondering, should I have in my Kaiser Basic skills “Command”?
When you’ve explained to get the heal, for, let’s say Gigas Wave, you’d attack three times, then press “Command”. I at first didn’t understand that, since I didn’t have a skill called command.
Am I supposed to have a basic skill called command? I’m in the North American servers.
@JW: Kaiser deals around +16% damage in overall DPS (Damage Per Second) and in Kaiser’s Final Transfiguration, they deal about +36% more compared to Kinesis. Kinesis is more of a fun character to play if not solely focusing on damage against boss. The overall DPS is calculated when both characters hit their max cap damage, its more of a LPS (Lines Per Second). The more damage lines you dish out on enemies at max cap damage, you will definitely defeat boss faster.
Hmm so which one is good for bossing. Kinesis or Kaiser better?
@JW: Choose Kaiser if you want pure raw damage with lots of hack and slash. Choose Kinesis if you want to try a different playstyle of levitating-n-throwing objects at enemies.
Confuse to choose between this two class to main
Kaiser or Kinesis?
@drakoh: Kaiser deals better damage compared to Mihile.
hi ayumi , i have confuse choose a class to main,i quite like mihile and kaiser which damage is better?
Hi ayumi!
I’ve seen people with a kaiser set lvl 100 and I’m wondering how to get the set. You get, I think everything without android, heart, and something else maybe. I tried to do the (Nove laboratory) quest but it did only give me exp. Do you know how to get the set. It a dark and red set i think.
did kaiser at reboot got change anything?
In final form fighting against mobs it appears that I take more damage vs my normal self. Has anyone experienced this before?
It’s the same for thunder breaker I notice when i do slower attacks I can manage my hp better. As soon as I start to do the combo attacks my hp drains so fast.
@yichor: Thanks for sharing your pros and cons regarding Kaiser 🙂
ayumi, this is my kaiser pros and cons :
pros:high hp,high defence,good survivalrate,good mobbility and got cool dragon tranform(everyone love dragon),link skill is nice, charater card also nice
cons:all skill % damage are low so kaiser is a high fund class , low mp , somebody hate dragon link because need smashing key like aran,party buff not so useful
@ayumilove: Reboot updated!
2nd Job
Blaze On: Cast delay reduced.
3rd Job
Stone Dragon: Ignores damage reflect.
4th Job
Inferno Breath: Ignore damage reflect.
Grand Armor: Cast delay reduced.
Hyper Skills
Ancestral Prominence: Cooldown decreased from 90 sec to 60 sec.
Nvm i didnt see that you already wrote it at the top oops haha
Ayumi when do i max Final Form? I think you left it out XD luv your guides by the way
oh thx,and after you done all quest or still incomplete can list out the quest reward equip?
@drakoh: I have yet to complete my Kaiser questline. Correct me if I’m wrong, the quest usually offers a large sum of EXP for that particular level and also equips (e.g. medals/etc).
if dont do kaiser quest have anything thing i will miss?
Hello Ayumi I have a lvl 155 kaiser in gms in Renegades, my question is on the hyper skill through passive skill after lvl 140 my kaiser only have 1 sp point to distrube in the passive skill, is their a glitch in the kaiser class having just 1 sp skill pt, like you mentioned on hyper skill being maxed out will my kaiser maxed out those hyper skills?
Thank you for your input
Which is better , Aran or Kaiser ?
If you , which would you choose?
Ayumi,i have a question.Is did kaiser and demon slayer which is better damage and who is better mobbing and bossing.Last is how to i increase my kaiser damage it is lvl 160 damage range just 19k~24k i try to create knight cygnus to lvl 120 but also hard increase damage
what happens if I would throw away all the medal ?
Hihi, just curious on what equipment I should be working towards as a newly fledged kaiser. Early game and late game. 🙂
@Tumu: Kaiser is better in terms of sheer raw power damage. Dual Blade has higher focus on higher mobility and flexibility. So it all boils down to your gaming preference. Raw sheer damage vs high mobility/flexiblity.
Hi Ayumilove
I’m currently stuck between going with a kaiser or with a dual blade, so which would be better as a main? Thanks
Thanks for your detailed analysis about the two classes. I may end choosing both.
Also, I’m sure many people have said this but I really liked your explanations of the skill build guides. Keep up the good work 🙂
@Rob: Both are tanky (high HP). Kaiser is much more interesting in playstyle since it allows you to perform transformation and deal extra-ordinary damage, beautiful skill animations, etc. One major difference is that Dawn Warrior does not require purchasing Mastery Books. Therefore, you do not need to farm lots of meso to purchase mastery books to unlock Level 20 and Level 30 – 4th Job Skills. Apart from that, you can stack up Cygnus Knight Link Skills for additional resistance for other characters in the same world/account. In short, if you would like a unique playstyle, go for Kaiser. If you are unfunded, go for Dawn Warrior. Both are fairly easy to level up.
How does Kaiser compare to Dawn Warrior? I’m having trouble deciding between the two and would like your opinion.
Best Regards,
@TickleMeDora: Dragon Slash does not require Mastery Books!
Is it possible to use mastery books on dragon slash?
Dear Ayumilove
The kaiser new patch in EMS, require dragon link (or command in GMS) skill to absorb the hp, but my skill level still 0 even I have done the quest.
is this bug?
My kaiser lvl 157
@Miaofen: Mastery Books 20 and 30 can be purchased from an NPC residing in Leafre and Henesys. You can also purchased Mastery Books from the Traveling Merchant which is obtainable from Cash Shop.
Hi! Just wanna ask the mastery book for kaiser can be bought from leafre ? or izzit must be hunt
May I know is it possible to get skillbook for kaiser in leafre by buying it from the mastery book npc?
@DREW: The Maple Saint armour set will give you considerably higher damage. The Old Kaiser set’s main purpose is allowing you to look like Kaiser from the cutscenes (which you can use NX to anvil the appearance onto other gear). If you want higher damage, and can’t afford the Empress set or better, then the Saint set is a sound investment. If you can buy Empress though, the Old Kaiser armour is nice to have due to it’s fitting aesthetic and limited availability.
Hey Ayumi, love the guides thanks for posting them for so long! I was wondering if you could help me with a gear choice regarded the 10th anniversary. Should I select the Old Kaiser armor set or the Maple Saint armor set? Thanks a bunch ^^
@OpBaka: Thanks for pointing out the mistake. I have corrected the skill name Chain Pulling skill name to Pressure Chain.
Why is the 4th job final form red and gold?
My kaiser’s final form in 4th job is black and gold.
Edit* You have to change it where you put the skill build in for 3rd job at the end
@Ayumilove The chain pulling skill was renamed to pressure chain
@Jackson: Hyper Skill Points for stats are provided not in every level but they are rewarded every 10 levels starting from Level 140 to Level 200. In short, you will gain a total of 6 Hyper Skill Points for Passive (stats) at Level 140, 150, 160, 170, 190 and 200. (180 not included).
Hi Ayumi! I always love reading your guide because it guides me since last year I started playing MapleSEA. I wonder why after adding Hyper Strength in lvl 140, why can’t I add Hyper Dexterity in lvl 141?
@RamenPanda: I have not encountered this MapleStory message before. I don’t think its referring to a Hyper Skill Point as your Kaiser is below Level 140. Does it relate to Link Skill? (Iron Will Level 2 Link Skill is achieved at Level 120).
Ayumilove, On my level 120 Kaiser I have almost maxed all my characters. Every time I level up and raise my skills it says I have a skill point boost. I’m not sure if this is supposed to happen and I don’t know what is going on.
wingbeat is still a dmg increase
you put like 1-3 of them up while bossing and they do work while you sit back and gigas wave
question. can u reupdate the proper hyper skill build? i dont use Wing Beat and its super weak to use now.
Can Kaiser do the Hog Mount Quest, and get the hog to ride on??
Can Kaiser do the Hog Mount Quest, and get the hog to ride on?
@PureDarkWhite *Final final form
Hello, does anyone notice HOW hard kaiser is? Because if you don’t put the skills on your keyboard and use commands, you’ll notice it’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE to use the skills. It will just move you and use attack :/ and I need help, Kaiser HP is pretty dangerous. My Demon Slayer was a LOT safer so plz correct that it is high hp. Or does this increase drastically in the higher levels? Please state that too.
and Dragon baggage only have 5 % KO at lv 1
Giga waves only hit 9 hit normal and 11 hit at final form
@DrKaiser: Check the Dragon Link Skill quest in the Light Bulb section or inside the Quest Window.
Can you still instantly transform in and out of Transform mode with no cooldown. I saw that in one of Kradenine’s videos. Also, what level do you have to be. Is it due to the 200 Hyper.
I forgot to do the Dragon Link Skill at lv10 now i am lv30 then how now ? Please reply me !!!!
[GMS v.154 Updates]
1. Wing Beat attack delay is set to 330ms.
2. Tempest Blades skill description has been updated.
3. Advanced Tempest Blades skill description has been updated.
@Kaiserjhd: All all AP (Ability Points) into STR (Strength) as it will boost up your damage much more than DEX (Dexterity) by approximately 5 times. Also, MapleStory will unlock the AP Cap of 999, therefore you can add more STR into it instead of distributing into other stats.
@RedHotPower: You can add 50 DEX for extra damage (its approximately equivalent to 10 STR in terms of damage), but for me I add MP so I can save more on meso and more convenient for me to reduce pot consumption with Elixirs.
you should change the hyper skill build to add 50 dex instead of MP unless you can give me a good reason why you shouldn’t
Since I’ve been playing Kaiser as main, what I can suggest for Hyper Skill is not to add Wingbeat. What I have done is to pump into Inferno Dragon as it gives a higher damage and longer burn effect on mobs.
You’ll be using Gigas Waves, Blade Burst and Dragon Barrage very often when bossing. Also, Gigas Wave does slows enemies down, thus there’s no reason to add Wingbeat hyper skill.
It’s just suggestion but I feel that this order is better.
Hi Ayumilove, just a little quick question. My Kaiser is at 60+ and has a lot of STR+, but thought ‘what would be a good status for a Kaiser?’ It has a lot of health, STR+ is amazing and would DEX+ be good to build since its God like to be fast and strong at the same time. What would be your suggestion in building a Kaiser status?
Hi ayumi. i am consider a newbie to maplestory (coz i just started play for 2 days !) and can u recommend me to play a new job? coz i am currently no mesos. and i also not interested to put real money to gaming. so can u recommend me a job to play? i am currently playing maplesea. i seek for power and mobility ( moving ability)
hi, i am lv 120my dmg is only 10k with buff pls help me ?
ayumi,after the path that xenon nerfed,kaiser or xenon better in bossing?
thx for your comment 🙂
i accidentally added gigas wave burden by mistake. is that okaY?
Thanks for the awesome guide. 🙂
hi…thx for your guide ayumi
i hav a question here
is the kaiser hav been nerfed in MS Sea? because i mention that my dmg is quite low compared to xenon and angelic buster of my fren and all of us are nt funded…is kaiser still nice at bossing? 😀
U need to do quest to get Nova Temprance? At what lvl do u get the quest?
what the minimum level for nova temperance?
Nooo. Its weird being a Kaiser without horns. Well, thanks anyway 😉
Hi Kaiserososo, you will lose your tiny horns if you change Kaiser hairstyle. It will not attach those tiny horns on the new hairstyle. If you are annoyed of that torns, hairstyle is one alternative to remove it *permanently*.
Ayumi! While browsing through Cash Shop’s hairstyle coupons, I realized that when i “try” the hairstyles, my Kaiser loses his horns!! Does this mean that if I buy a hair coupon, and change to a different hair, the horns will disappear?!
Thanks in advance 😉
Thx for your explain Ayumi
Hi kjh07, their drop rate is much more generous compared to MSEA, and multiple times more in Tespia Server (KMST).
is KMS drop rate higher than MSEA
Hi SimplyHumble, as ELLO replied, they are passive upgrade of the first attacker mode. Same applies with defender mode.
@simplyhumble: they are just an upgrade so you attacker mode just get more and more powerful
Hi Ayumi, Just curious are the upgrades to the attacker mode stack? or do they just change to the upgraded effect? Thank you in advance. :3
@ John Keyes: plz read the guide. it has been stated it will not show in 4th job skill. simply going to 4th job will enhance ur final form; no sp required at all
where do i find Kaiser’s final final form for 4th job???
What is nova temperance
Hi ace, I have added 2 videos below the guide on how to get the Nova Temperance.
Hi jeckson, check this video out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH-8DXpyyN4
Hi Wesley, when a new job such as Kaiser is released, GM NPC will reward free weapon and equipment for approximately 1 month. After that, you need to hunt those by yourself or purchase them at Free Market from other players who put them up for sale! Therefore, always play new job when they are first release to cut down the trouble of search equipment.
can’t believe so many people play maplestorysea
hi ayumi sorry to bother u how do i get my nova temperance currently lvl 154
hello ayumi,can i ask how to get the Nova Temperance ???>.<
I’m lvl 30 but I am not getting my new equipment!? help?!!
Hi Hans, I recommend that you do not add any AP into MP as this will degrade your damage output. Just dump all AP into STR (Strength – primary stat for warrior). Currently my Kaiser is approximately level 100+ and my MP is more than sufficient for multiple trips of airlifts 🙂 It did not occur to me about having little MP or the need to conserve MP for these flying trips. During my newbie Kaiser levels, I stick to training areas which is packed with mobs like a can of sardines and this training spots would be quite close to town area, probably 3-4 maps away which I just walk while killing enemies on the way.
Hi, thanks for this awesome guide. I know kaiser has really low MP and with airlift maxed, was wondering if you adivce pumping in some ap points to mp. Or should i hold out? Im in maplesea btw.
Hi Phoong Zan Yip, previously I train in Stronghold and monsters there just drop mysterious mastery book. It will randomly give a Mastery Book which isn’t just Kaiser. Then trade those book for meso and purchase the one you need from Free Market.
Err, Ayumilove, your guide is great. I am currently lv 110 in maplestorySEA. Can i know which monster drop mastery skill book for kaiser?
Hi Sean, the information should be based on GMS patch.
Uhm, is this infomation based on latest patch in kms? which is already post nerf on kaiser…kinda confuse with other guide though
Hi Howlongdiduplaymaplestory, I could not find the error you are pointing out o__o Could you copy a snippet of the sentence?
Hi GlowinSmiles, do you have a graphic card with shaders? If not, you will not be able to see your Final Form. This happens to me with my Mechanic. After changing the color of my tank/mecha, I could not see my robot but only left the visible part of my character in a sitting position on top of an invisible robot. To solve this, you will need a 3rd party grapic card though.
Kaiser Equipment , INT – intelligent , u have a mistake there 🙂
Hi Ayumi, I’m 152 right now but why i don’t have Kaiser’s Majesty skill. Can u tell me how to get it
hi ayumi i am now lv 113 with kaiser and i was just wondering where or how do u get mastery books? please answer im lost on where to get them
Ermm ayumilove Help? i recently used the main colour change coupon and after i used it i can no longer see me in my final form! i only used the coupon when i was the 4th job.
so why cant i see myself in the final form after using the main colour changing coupon?
Friend, how can i master blade burst? any skill book available?
Hey Ayumi just wondering what armor set should i get as i’m extremely(a bit ridiculously) well funded
Hi Bob craver, most of my equips are obtain from looting monster drops instead of purchasing from shops. Drop rate from monsters has increased compared to previous MapleStory versions.
Hey Ayumi i was just wondering for a kaiser are there any special swords, hats, clothes, etc. you can get or just buy them from the shop in different cities.
You’re welcome NovaBoy.
can I know , why the attack base at lv 1 to 70 is so low ?
Hi Ayumilove, your informations are always the best! Thanks!
Uh ayumi,my kaiser transformation turned black at 4th job,is there a reason for this? Cos my friend had the same problem too…
Hi It’s Me, you can grab Expert Sword Mastery. Then purchase Blade Burst Mastery Book and maxed that first before Expert Sword Mastery.
Hey AyumiLove, what sb shud i choose? :Gigas Wave, Dragon Barrage, Advanced Tempest Blades, Unbreakable Will and Expert Sword Mastery.
The price also depends on the server as the price is not the same in every server. In Aquila, kaiser books arn’t that expensive, ranging from 20-50m.
Hi LeeKwangSoo, I’ve heard from a friend who does mechanting that nova warrior mastery book can go for about 200m++. And besides that, expert sword mastery is probably the most useful/recommended from what I’ve searched 🙂
Someone correct me if I’m wrong ><
who know kaiser which mastery book is most expensive or useful in maple sea ?????????
Ayumi can u post a video on how to do Kaiser quest Dragon Link Practice? I dont know how to do the quest
Hi Eric, thanks for the update 🙂 Hopefully we can get to Xenon soon!
Thanks John for the Advance Tempest Blades Skill Update, I’ll be correcting it right away and also tweak the skill build guide to take advantage of the passive weapon attack it provides 🙂
Hi Ayumi, MapleSEA is now available of Kaiser and Luminous 2 new class too. Thanks
Hey ayumi, I just find it weird that u maxed the Advance Tempest Blades at 4th job, the last, cause when i see it on MSEA, it has a passive, that adds 1 WA per skill level. Please reply ;D
Hi KaiserNub try using right + down + attack to activate the skill.
Hello I just started a kaiser and trying to learn about the dragon link combo. It says to use left and down plus attack so use a skill but i can only use that skill in the left direction but not the right. Is that supposed to happen?
Hi JR, sorry I do not have any advice on better set/upgrade gear. Normally, I just use regular equips 🙂 Perhaps some other veteran MapleStory players can share their opinion on this.
Thanks Cloudspell for answering Justin’s query regarding the attacker mode II which could not be assigned to the key slot 🙂
Hi Justin, as Cloudspell said, you can only drag and drop the attacker mode I. The rest of the attacker mode receive on different job advancement is a passive improvement of the first.
Hi Blazeman22, sorry for the late reply. Petrified skill was the unofficial skill name for Stone Dragon.
Hi Eddie, thanks for pointing it out. I will be changing the name Petrified to Stone Dragon.
Hi Ayumilove
I want to ask you about the Petrified skill. I don’t see any from my 3rd Job window. Appreciate if you can explain it to me? Thanks.
Hi Jason, thanks for the compliment 🙂
ayumi sogood
Hi Benjamin, you can get the skillbooks based on the order of the skills to be maxed first.
Hey ayumi,can u list a complete order of which skillbooks to get 1st?
um ayumi, in the 3rd job skills when u say petrified skill do u mean stone dragon?
Hi Justin, attacker mode II is just a skill that adds on to the normal attacker mode skill. Once you have that, the attacker mode skill will be improved but you still use the first attacker mode skill.
Hi ayumi, I was wondering why I can drag and drop attacker mode but not attacker mode II. Please help~
Hey, when is a good time to upgrade gear? I’m almost level 110 and right now I’m just using the Grand Maple Leaf set (all 8 items). What gear would you recommend once i get higher in levels? Oh and I have low funds 😛 Thanks!
SRY AYUMI~jus ignore the equipment thing, didnt read the post correctly~
Hi there Ayumilove~can i ask that why u are not adding the inner blaze(and advance) in the first place?
cause i thought it will increase more HP when we enter higher level.
and if all AP of kaiser goes to STR, how bout the equipment?
and thanks for this webpage u hav done~this is awesome!!! >.<
Hi Ayumi, it’s me.. pau. I’d like to ask for your advice on what profession would be best for kaiser? I know that STR is his main stat.. and the most logical choice might be mining.. but I was thinking.. would herb and alchemy be good too? Considering that it would improve his max mp?
Hi Aaron, the one you should get is the one that boost your weapon mastery at 4th Job.
Ayumilove, if got free mastery skill book to get, which one is the most worthy to get?
Hi Blazeman22, sorry for the confusion. I’ll update the explanation since Kaiser 2nd Job can max out all skills without worries 🙂
Thanks Light for the correction! I have updated Kaiser Grand Armor Max Level from 30 to 20.
Grand Armor maxes at lvl 20
um, for the second job is piercing blaze the only skill u cap at lv 8 or doo u also cap another skill too?
Yes I suppose so, but that would be a little slow right? :/
Hi DeSnowy, using Blade Burst would take down those 8 arms simultaneously and quickly compared to using pure Gigas Wave in Final Form, right?
Hi Phan, use Blade Burst since its max monster hits is 12. Zakum has 8 arms (4 left arms, 4 right arms) that would suffice. Then for the main body, use Giga Wave in Final Form. Hope that helps 🙂
Use gigas wave in final form. If are lv 170, use that hyper skill 1st.
Hey ayumi, lets say im fighting zakum arms which skill should i use
Hi Grimmjow4644, just use the auto-assign to allocate all AP (Ability Points) into STR (Strength)!
Hi Ayumi, do i need to increase dex point or just use auto-assign and put all in str?
Hi Kirito, I’m not sure what you mean about Kaiser changing color, but by default, its red (3rd job) and black (4th job). But you can use tickets to change the strips color. For instance, 4th job can have purple, gold, blue, green, red, etc color stripes on the black armor.
Hi Anything, Kaiser isn’t gender lock 🙂
dear ayumi with the kaiser colour will i retain my 3rd jobs main colour scheme when i reach 4th job or will it reset?
Does kaiser have a gender lock?
When I reached 4th job my final form became black. Does everyone get the same color or do you get a random one when u advance?
Thanks ayumi your sites the best.
Hi Benjamin, Kaiser skills can be activated in 2 manners, one is similar to Aran where you execute a chain of keys OR just assign the skill key to a keyboard button like how we use to play the normal jobs. I prefer the later since I hate spamming the keyboard. Tires my fingers 😀
Oh yeah im playing sea n i dont have kaiser yet thats y im asking 2 b sure
Hey ayumi, i just wanted 2 ask if command is n active key or do we have 2 do something else?
Hi XxslayerxX, you can only choose 1 mode, either Attack or Defense. If you are on Defense Mode, and you activate Attack Mode, it will cancel the previous mode. Also, you could only activate 1 type of mode (Example: If you activate Level 3 Attack Mode, your current mode such as Level 2 Attack Mode will be replaced). For me, I opt for Attack Mode since its better to kill the monster faster than having it retaliating, thus losing health. Usually Attack Mode helps a lot in 1 hit kills – based from my experience training my Kaiser around Level 100+ at Herb Town: Red-Nose Pirate Den 2/3 😀
Ayumi can we actually use attacker mode one,two and three at the same time?and another question,can we use both defenser mode and attacker mode at the same time?
Hi Demonzen, Kaiser is really strong! Stronger than Hayato even with basic equips (weapon and armor from quests).
So strong…..
Hi Dark_Wizzie, for me, I just plugin the keys itself into the keyboard as like how you do with other jobs. Drag/Click the skill icon and place it into the Keyboard Config. That way, you don’t need to spam-clicking the keyboard-arrows to get the skill activated. However, if you find it hard to memorize the keys, key combination is the way to go 🙂
Sorry for spam (can’t edit posts). I see I can attack either direction, the best way is to press down, left, attack at the same time. It’s still hard to get it every time though…
I’m having trouble activating linked-UI skills. The Linked-UI is basically a Kaiser attack skill assigned to a key comination, right? So I need need to attack a few times before using link it seems. Sometimes I get it activated, sometimes I don’t. I can activate left/down/attack, but not left/up/attack. And why left? I can’t activate if I attack on the right hand side?
Considering the high cooldown of Kaiser’s hyper, it’s actually quite weak compared to the new hypers coming in.
Could you make a Hyper Skill guide for Kaiser? I don’t know what to put the SP into for the Stat and Passive ones.
hmm… can kaiser hold two handed axe?? (curious)
Hi 1337h4x0rz, there is (Tempest Blades) skill on Kaiser 2nd Job and (Advanced Tempest Blades) skill on Kaiser 4th Job. You need to max the (Tempest Blades) on 2nd Job in order to unlock (Advanced Tempest Blades). Hope that clarifies your doubt!
Hi Ayumi. How can u max Advanced Tempest Blade, when it requires max lvl Tempest blade?
Hi Melia, probably next month Asiasoft releases another patch but it might not be kaiser but something else. They are enjoying their Chinese New Year break hahaha. Based on Asiasoft patching update history, it seems they will be releasing updates every 20-30 days (max 1 month) such as the Phantom, Liberation of Azwan and finally Dual Blade Reorganization + Hilla.
Will Kaiser Come To MSEA?T_T
question, I play on GMS. I want to know how to use my dragon link skills from the UI slot rather than the hot key in my final form. I dont know how since when i go to final form, the commands are gone but the skills are there. Please help.
Added Kaiser storyline!
Kaiser 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th Job Skill Build have been revamped for better leveling.
Hi GDlyFlashXCc, what is happening to mapleesa economy?
sos maple sea economy crisis
Hi Sang, thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. 🙂
Hi VizardLord, the 4th Job Skill Build Guide maxes Advanced Tempest Blades first (higher priority). But you will need to have 1 SP (Skill Points) into some of the 4th Job Active Skills first to allow you to try and see which skills fits your playing style. Some skills works better in certain area (use Dragon Barrage for flat lands, Blade Burst for multiple platforms ) depending on your training area.
Hi Evictoria, it is through experience with playing multiple jobs 🙂
How do you know which skill to max out first? What’s the secret to building skills?
Shouldn’t Advanced tempest blades have higher priority due to the passive attack bonus?
I had no idea you were still around. I used to use your guides back when GMS was new. I thought you disappeared sometime after pirates came out. xD Thanks for the help
I heard kaiser is coming out in dec and also I was wondering if anyone who played kms knew if the empress gear has had the dex removed with them now only requiring you to lvl your main stat.
@joel thank for the help
@matthew When it comes out.
I’d guess in early/mid 2013 though.
do u know when this job will be out in gms
well,i think GMS will get Nova class,after all,i saw luminous story line got magnus,so i think got nova class in GMS
lol agree
@Khor Yu King: Hmm, I hope the job and skill art created by MapleSEA looks as good as KMS generated. By the appearances of the monsters in Malaysia Map Park, it looks too simple and a bit awkward.
I hope that MapleSea will cr8 it own job same like the others
@Deity: We will have to wait and see 🙂
Ok, thanks! And what other nova classes are out there?
@Deity: KMS might be distributing this new content to USA probably 6-12 months as seen by previous release of Phantom Thief Job (took approximately 6 months) from KMS to GMS. Nova classes does not seem to be an exclusive job like Hayato/Kanna (JMS Jobs)
Ayumilove, will Kaiser be available in the USA soon? Because I think this might be my favorite out of the new classes to come.
@Maplerxsszz, since there are 5 Nova Classes, and each one is connected to each other by storyline, Kaiser and the other 4 jobs are most likely going to be realeased for all versions of Maplestory , so don’t worry. MapleSEA will get them eventually.
It might but we wouldn’t know for sure unless a public announcement is made by the official MapleSEA Developers/Administrators on their site.
Is the Kaiser job available for MapleSEA(Singapore/Malaysia/Phillipines) version in the future?
@Jonas I think MapleSea isn’t going to get this class in years.
I’m just more concerned about Kaiser being gender restricted. Though Angelic Burster looks like a female restricted class, because MEN can’t be Mahou Shoujo.
Is this an exclusive character? or will it be available in the future for all countries? Because im playing maplesea
You are correct, it is changing to golden/yellow armor, but I need to check if it is autmatically level 20 or raises from level to level.
But I don’t think it is really cretain, you are doing a great job, thank you. 🙂
I have re-updated the Kaiser skill build guide.
Hi Mano, if you can’t find the Final Transfiguration in 4th Job, I think its a skill hidden from players skill window. (The skill is an enhancement to that Final Transfiguration in 3rd Job but does not require any SP, automatically sync level to it)
I assume that when Final Transfiguration is used in 3rd Job, you will be in silver armor whereas in 4th Job, you transform with golden/yellow armor, am I correct?
If yes, I have to amend the guide above 🙂
(I think the 20 SP points needed for Golden Final Transfiguration that got removed as been added to the cap of Sword Strike and Infernal Breath to 30, but I am not really sure, that’s just my opinion.)
Moreover, there is no such a skill as Golden Final Transfiguration at the 4th job from what I have seen.
Kaiser Skill Information has been updated to KMS 1.2.167 (25-July-2012)
Thanks Mano for the notice. I guess JMS/KMS is planning to reward 5 SP for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Job Advancement just to fill up those gaps 🙂
I leveld my kaiser to 100, and from what I know so far, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd job you max every single skill. Just wanted to correct you.
On each job advance excluding the 1st one you get 4 SP to fill up the reshuffles and the dragon slash buff.
Ayumi i downloaded the hackshield update that u told me to download, i launched the game and then i got this error 0x3000ffff(805371903) This is an error that occurs when there is an unknwon porblem.