MapleStory Personality Traits Guide

MapleStory Personality Traits System is released under the Age of Artisans Update! Traits allow you to increase certain abilities of your characters, and they can be leveled up. The traits are Ambition, Empathy, Insight, Willpower, Diligence, Charm. You can view your traits in the Character Info menu or in the Production Skill menu if you are Level 30 or above. The Production Skill menu is defaulted to the B button.

Personality Traits Content

TRAITS: AmbitionEmpathyInsightWillpowerDiligenceCharm
Personality Traits Experience Table (EXP List)

Personality Traits Changelog

GMS v.178 – MapleStory V 5th Job (2016-11-30)

Personality Traits Overview

  1. 6 Personality Traits: Ambition (Charisma), Insight, Willpower (Will), Diligence (Craft), Empathy (Sense) and Charm.
  2. Unlocked at Level 30: These are unlocked once you reach level 30.
  3. Bonus Stats and Effects: Each trait has special bonus stats and effects, leveling these traits will increase their stats.
  4. Max Level 100: The max level of each Personality Trait is 100.
  5. Specific EXP Farming Methods: There are various methods to gain specific Personality Trait EXP which are maxing Profession Level, Bossing, Party-Questing, Harvesting, Mining, Magnifying Glass, Staying Online, Crafting, wearing NX Cash Items. However, only some methods are applicable to certain Personality Traits.

1. Ambition

Level Ignore Enemy Defense (IED) EXP Lost Upon Death (Basic loss) Medal
0-4 +0% -10%
5-9 +0.5% -10%
10-14 +1% -10%
15-19 +1.5% -9%
20-24 +2% -9% Humble Honor
25-29 +2.5% -9%
30-34 +3% -9%
35-39 +3.5% -8%
40-44 +4% -8%
45-49 +4.5% -8%
50-54 +5% -8%
55-59 +5.5% -7%
60-64 +6% -7% Bearded Ambition
65-69 +6.5% -7%
70-74 +7% -7%
75-79 +7.5% -6%
80-84 +8% -6%
85-89 +8.5% -6%
90-94 +9% -6%
95-99 +9.5% -5%
100 +10% -5% King’s Dignity

Ambition Overview

  • Ambition increases by killing boss monsters. Reduces EXP death loss and ignores a percentage of defense.
  • You can level up by becoming ambitious! By killing boss monsters!
  • Every 5 levels, you ignore 0.5% of enemy’s DEF and you lose 0.25% less EXP when dying, amount shown is the Basic EXP loss.

Ambition Leveling Guide

  • Every time you defeat a boss, you receive Ambition EXP. This is the best method to train the Ambition trait.
  • By doing the Silent Crusade quests, you can use the Mystic Doors to fight bosses to get your daily Ambition EXP.
  • You are able to get more then the maximum daily Ambition EXP.
  • In order to get more then 500 Ambition EXP you will have to kill mini-bosses until you get close to 500 Ambition EXP.
  • By killing a boss that gives massive Ambition EXP, you are able to bypass the daily 500 Ambition EXP.
  • This will allow you to get 800+ daily Ambition EXP instead of 500.
  • Example: Once reaching almost 500 Ambition EXP by killing mini-bosses in the Mysric Doors, you can then kill a boss such as Von Leon, Arkarium, Pink Bean, or Cygnus. You will now gain extra Ambition EXP from killing the boss, the extra Ambition EXP will add on to your daily Ambition EXP before you killed the boss.

2. Empathy

Level Max MP Buff Duration Medal
0-4 0 0%
5-9 100 0%
10-14 200 1%
15-19 300 1%
20-24 400 2% Troubled Youth
25-29 500 2%
30-34 600 3%
35-39 700 3%
40-44 800 4%
45-49 900 4%
50-54 1000 5%
55-59 1100 5%
60-64 1200 6% Bard
65-69 1300 6%
70-74 1400 7%
75-79 1500 7%
80-84 1600 8%
85-89 1700 8%
90-94 1800 9%
95-99 1900 9%
100 2000 10% Human Enough

Empathy Overview

  • Empathy increases as you dig up herbs. Leveling up Empathy increases your max MP and duration of buffs.
  • Buff duration increased by 1% per 10 levels.
  • 100 MP increase per 5 levels.
  • Maximum effect: Buff Duration: +10%, Max MP: +2000

Empathy Leveling Guide

  • You are able to get 5 Empathy EXP each time you successfully harvest a herb.
  • It is recommended to enter the Secret Herb Patch in Ardentmill to harvest herbs.
  • In order to enter the Secret Herb Patch, you need to have an invitation ticket. You can buy invitation tickets from Nack in Ardentmill.
  • You are able to enter three times a day. Once you leave the Secret Herb Patch, you may not re-enter.

3. Insight

Level Ignore Enemy Element Resistance Insight Rank (Free equip Potential Reveal) Medal
0-4 0% 0%
5-9 0% 0%
10-14 0.5% 0%
15-19 0.5% 0%
20-24 1% 0% Hawk’s Eyes
25-29 1% 0%
30-34 1.5% 1 (Level 30 or less)
35-39 1.5% 100%
40-44 2% 100%
45-49 2% 100%
50-54 2.5% 100%
55-59 2.5% 100%
60-64 3% 2 (Level 70 or less) Fairy’s Pupil
65-69 3% 200%
70-74 3.5% 200%
75-79 3.5% 200%
80-84 4% 200%
85-89 4% 200%
90-94 4.5% 3 (Level 120 or less)
95-99 4.5% 300%
100 5% 300% Clairvoyant

Insight Overview

  • Insight increases as you mine. Leveling up Insight increases your ignore monsters’ Elemental Resistance rate (such as Physical resistance, Ice resistance, etc.), as well as letting you reveal equipment of higher levels for free.
  • Monsters’ elemental resistance is ignored by 0.5% every 10 insight levels.
  • Every 30 levels, allows a certain job advancement tier equipment to reveal potential free of charge.
  • Maximum effect: Free reveal of potentials for equipments up till level 120, ignores 5% of monsters’ elemental resistance.

Insight Leveling Guide

  • You are able to get 5 Insight EXP each time you successfully mine a vein.
  • It is recommended to enter the Secret Mine in Ardentmill to mine veins.
  • In order to enter the Secret Mine, you need to have an invitation ticket. You can buy invitation tickets from Nack in Ardentmill.
  • You are able to enter three times a day. Once you leave the Secret Mine, you may not re-enter.

4. Willpower

Level Max HP Defense Abnormal Status Resistance Medal
0-4 +0 0% +0
5-9 +100 500% +1
10-14 +200 1000% +2
15-19 +300 1500% +3
20-24 +400 2000% +4 No Pain, No Gain
25-29 +500 2500% +5
30-34 +600 3000% +6
35-39 +700 3500% +7
40-44 +800 4000% +8
45-49 +900 4500% +9
50-54 +1000 5000% +10
55-59 +1100 5500% +11
60-64 +1200 6000% +12 Beauty of Patience
65-69 +1300 6500% +13
70-74 +1400 7000% +14
75-79 +1500 7500% +15
80-84 +1600 8000% +16
85-89 +1700 8500% +17
90-94 +1800 9000% +18
95-99 +1900 9500% +19
100 +2000 10000% +20 Patience Incarnate

Willpower Overview

  • Willpower increases as you clear PQs. You also gain willpower by staying online. Your HP and DEF increases and your abnormal status resistance (stun, seal, weaken, slow, seduce, etc) increases, reducing duration of abnormal statuses.
  • Increase this trait by patience. You can do Party Quests, staying online, drinking snake soup.
  • Every 5 levels, your DEF increases by 5, MaxHP increases by 100 and your abnormal status resistance level increases by 1.
  • Max effect: 100 DEF, 2,000 HP, 20 Abnormal Status resistance

Willpower Leveling Guide

  • When completing the Moon Bunny PQ, you will gain 5 Willpower EXP.
  • When completing the First Time Together PQ, you will gain 8 Willpower EXP.
  • When completing the Dimensional Crack PQ, you will gain 35 Willpower EXP.
  • When completing the Forest of the Poison Haze PQ, you will gain 30 Willpower EXP.
  • When completing the Lord Pirate PQ, you will gain 15 Willpower EXP.
  • When completing the Hob King PQ, you will gain 15 Willpower EXP.
  • When completing the Remnant of the Goddess PQ, you will gain 20 Willpower EXP.
  • When completing the Romeo and Juliet PQ, you will gain 25 Willpower EXP.
  • When completing the Kenta in Danger PQ, you will gain 26 Willpower EXP.
  • When completing the Dragon Rider PQ, you will gain 40 Willpower EXP.
  • Be online for one hour, and you will get 2 Willpower EXP.
  • Be online for two hours, and you will get 4 Willpower EXP.
  • Be online for three hours, and you will get 6 Willpower EXP.
  • Be online for four hours, and you will get 8 Willpower EXP.
  • Be online for every hour after fourth hour, and you will get 10 Willpower EXP.

5. Diligence

Level Double Mastery Rate Scroll success rate (excluding special scrolls) Medals obtained through quest
0-4 0% 0%
5-9 1% 1%
10-14 2% 1%
15-19 3% 2%
20-24 4% 2% Hand of the Family
25-29 5% 3%
30-34 6% 3%
35-39 7% 4%
40-44 8% 4%
45-49 9% 5%
50-54 10% 5%
55-59 11% 6%
60-64 12% 6% Expert’s Heart
65-69 13% 7%
70-74 14% 7%
75-79 15% 8%
80-84 16% 8%
85-89 17% 9%
90-94 18% 9%
95-99 19% 10%
100 20% 10% Midas’ Touch

Diligence Overview

  • Diligence increases as you craft (create something through Accessory Crafting, Alchemy, or Smithing) or as you smelt ores/ turn seeds into oils. Leveling up Diligence increases your chances of having bonuses when using scrolls as well as receiving double craft mastery when you craft at a chance (excluding Level 10, Master Craftsman and Meister level mastery).
  • You can increase this trait by crafting.
  • Every 5 levels, scrolling success rates for regular scroll increases by 0.5% per 5 diligence level.
  • You gain 1% additional chance of getting double craft mastery EXP up till level 10 (basically 2x EXP on profession up till level 10) per 5 levels.

Diligence Leveling Guide


  • In order to get unlimited amounts of Diligence EXP, you will have to learn the Blacksmithing profession through the Mining profession.
  • Although, you are able to get profession EXP for Diligence from being an Accessory Maker, Alchemist, or a Blacksmith.
  • However, it is recommended to be a Blacksmith as it is the most space and cost efficient.
  • You will be crafting Arrows either made by Opals or Silver Plates.
  • You will be leveling your profession from level 1 to level 10.
  • You will repeat this repeatedly by unlearning and learning the profession, until you reach level 100 on your Diligence trait.


  • You will be getting 10 Diligence EXP each time you craft with Herbalism.
  • You will be getting 10 Diligence EXP each time you craft with Mining.
  • You will be getting 30 Diligence EXP when a crafting result is So-so.
  • You will be getting 40 Diligence EXP when a crafting result is Good.
  • You will be getting 50 Diligence EXP when a crafting result is Cool.

Extra Notes

Special Scrolls that do NOT work with the Diligence extra scroll success rate:

  • Epic Potential Scroll
  • Potential Scroll
  • Advanced Potential Scroll
  • Equipment Enhancement
  • Advanced Equipment Enhancement
  • Legendary Black Dragon Chaos Scroll
  • Chaos Scroll
  • Miraculous Chaos Scroll
  • Positive Chaos Scroll
  • Clean Slate Scroll 1%
  • Clean Slate Scroll 3%
  • Clean Slate Scroll 5%
  • Clean Slate Scroll 10%
  • Clean Slate Scroll 20%
  • Cursed Clean Slate Scroll 1%
  • Cursed Clean Slate Scroll 3%
  • Cursed Clean Slate Scroll 5%
  • Innocence Scroll 20%
  • Innocence Scroll 60%
  • Innocence Scroll 70%
  • All 50% Scrolls

6. Charm

Level Expression Unlock Pocket Slot Medal
0-19 N/A No
20-29 N/A No Eyes on Me
30-34 Constant sigh Yes
35-39 Whoa Whoa Yes
40-44 Panicky Yes
45-49 Queasy Yes
50-54 Drool Yes
55-59 Bleh Yes
60-64 Ouch Yes The Hotness
65-69 Dragon Breath Yes
70-74 Sweetness Yes
75-79 Wink Yes
80-84 Flaming Yes
85-89 Smooching Yes
90-94 Sparkling Yes
95-99 Ray Yes
100 Goo Goo Yes Epitome of Beauty

Charm Overview

  • Charm gained by getting increased fame level or wearing special items or cash items. Also obtained through hair changing. Gives you pocket slot at level 30 and new facial expressions every 5 levels thereafter.
  • You can level up this trait by becoming charming! (Gaining fame, using specific equipments, wearing cash equipment, changing character looks, spraying Cologne.)
  • At level 30, pass to Big Headward 1 Rose Clipping for pocket slot.
  • Every 5 levels starting from level 30, quest is activated for facial expressions after unlocking pocket slot.
  • Maximum effect: 1 Pocket slot, 15 facial expressions unlocked.

Charm Leveling Guide

Equip NX Items

  • Cape +30 Charm EXP
  • Top +30 Charm EXP
  • Bottom +30 Charm EXP
  • Gloves +40 Charm EXP
  • Shoes +40 Charm EXP
  • Face +40 Charm EXP
  • Eye +40 Charm EXP
  • Hat +50 Charm EXP
  • Overall +60 Charm EXP
  • Weapon +60 Charm EXP
  • Face Change +140 Charm EXP
  • Hair Change +180 Charm EXP

Mu Lung Dojo

  • Mu Lung Dojo is the best way to get Charm EXP, and this method works for everyone; even the unfunded.
  • There is no daily limit on Ranked Mu Lung Dojo. Meaning you are able to do as many runs as you want.
  • By collecting the Mu Gong’s Emblems the fifth bosses drop, you can trade them for belts (yellow, blue, red, black) that give you 100 Charm EXP.
  • By doing this method, you are able to get 5 Mu Gong’s Emblems every minute.
  • You can get 1,000 ~ 1,200 Charm EXP every one hour, and maximum daily Charm EXP in four to five hours.
  • Also, by completing the Ranked mode, you are able to get a Mu Lung Dojo glove which also gives +100~150 Charm EXP.

Personality Trait EXP Table

All 6 personality traits require the same experience to reach the next level.

Level EXP Required To Next Level
0 20
1 26
2 34
3 44
4 57
5 74
6 96
7 125
8 163
9 212
10 233
11 256
12 282
13 310
14 341
15 375
16 413
17 454
18 499
19 549
20 565
21 582
22 599
23 617
24 636
25 655
26 675
27 695
28 716
29 737
30 748
31 759
32 770
33 782
34 794
35 806
36 818
37 830
38 842
39 855
40 868
41 881
42 894
43 907
44 921
45 935
46 949
47 963
48 977
49 992
50 1007
51 1022
52 1037
53 1053
54 1069
55 1085
56 1101
57 1118
58 1135
59 1152
60 1169
61 1187
62 1205
63 1223
64 1241
65 1260
66 1279
67 1298
68 1317
69 1337
70 1341
71 1345
72 1349
73 1353
74 1357
75 1361
76 1365
77 1369
78 1373
79 1377
80 1381
81 1385
82 1389
83 1393
84 1397
85 1401
86 1405
87 1409
88 1413
89 1417
90 1421
91 1425
92 1429
93 1433
94 1437
95 1441
96 1445
97 1449
98 1453
99 1457

Source/Credits: StrategyWiki

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14 thoughts on “MapleStory Personality Traits Guide

  1. Beezwax

    My lord, always making mistakes, Horntail Necklaces are 60 Charm EXP not 100 sorry for spamming so much, but there’s not edit option xP

  2. Beezwax

    Okay so Mu Lung isn’t as bad as I thought, but it’s still not as good as Normal Zakum

    Basically, buy the “random glove/belt” option in the dojo, nets you about 100 Charm EXP per equip, and it’s likely you’ll get 4, maybe 5 a week. Not bad to supplement Zakum

    Also another that I’ve “found” can be done if you can beat Normal Horntail – Horntail Necklaces give 100 Charm EXP, and usually you get 1 or 2 (3 if you’re lucky) per NHorntail run. Alchemy, that’s potentially 500 Charm EXP per day – realistically you’re looking at 300, though.

  3. Beezwax

    Whoops I meant 25/50/100 Charm EXP per glove my bad (it also gives the same amount of Ambition and Willpower)

    Otherwise, you can gamble your points on the Trait Box, which gives you a 1/6 chance to get 30 Charm EXP for 1,500 points

  4. Beezwax

    @kevin Mu Lung Dojo got reworked, it’s not longer a truly viable option for Charm (too many people probably abused it) because it takes days if not weeks to get enough points to buy a glove – you can only enter like 3 times a day, and it nets you 3,000-18,000 points per week depending on your level and your dojo ranking (the higher your level and ranking, the more points, naturally)

    For reference, it costs 40,000/60,000/75,000 points per glove, which each give you 25/50/75 Charm EXP upon being equipped

    It’s not BAD, per se, and it’s certainly helpful in addition to doing other activities, but it’s not the best

    Right now the best I can think of (that you can do daily) is Normal Zakum – gets you 4 zak helms, equip for 50 Charm EXP each. Fuse the helms 3 times to get another 150 EXP, for a total of 350 Charm EXP per day

  5. kevin

    hey, how does the mu lung charm method work?
    I killed the fifth boss but it dropped nothing.
    Also, i can only 3 times a day I think

  6. Ayumilove Post author

    @all: Personal Trait for Ambition, Charm, Diligence, Empathy, Insight and Willpower has been updated!
    1. Included medals into the all 6 personal traits table.
    2. Ambition: Replaced PVP and Battle Power with Defense and Reduce Abnormal Statuses Duration.
    3. Empathy: Added Buff Duration.
    5. Insight: Removed Accuracy and Avoidability.

  7. Ayumilove Post author

    @Ivan Lim Chuang Yi: I have not tested this yet, but I believe you will not lose EXP with both combined (Level 100 Ambition for -5% EXP upon death & SS Cannon Shooter a.k.a Cannoneer -5% EXP upon death.) Great observation you have there 🙂

  8. Ayumilove Post author

    @Ikeaboss: Thanks for the notice! I have added Buff Duration into Empathy Table.

  9. Ikeaboss

    I thought that empathy also gave buff duration, or am I mistaken?

  10. Esculentu

    as of now, buying von leon equips are the best way to earn 90 charms / equips/2 coins/50 purification totem. you can get the totems easily @ Ani. since there’s no daily limit for Ani.

  11. Ivan Lim Chuang Yi

    Is it possible to not lose any exp if you have level 100 ambition and an SS rank cannon shooter character card?

  12. TanukiCutie

    As far as charm, I believe they limit the Dojo runs now, however 2 good alternatives is either running Kenta PQ because you get charm for each run, or better, completing Romeo and Juliet for the pendants. 2 Romeo completions and 2 Juliet completions get you the Romeo pendant and Juliet pendant, which when worn give 60 charm each, and then you combine the two pendants to the Everlasting Love pendant, which earns another 80 charm. If you’re willing to grind some in Lionheart Castle, getting tokens from Von Leon, then using purification totems to buy something cheap like the boots can garner some charm, as can running Speiglemann Monster Park, using the coins there to buy moustaches, gaining 100 charm for each.

  13. Ayumilove Post author

    @Anymouse: Diligence double mastery means doubling the mastery points obtained from performing a profession job. Example: If your Diligence Level is 5, you have 1% chance of successfully doubling the EXP earned from performing a Profession job (e.g. mining an ore that rewards 13 Mastery Points). In short, 1% chance to gain 26 Mastery Points (13 x 2 = 26).

    So whats the benefit of getting Diligence Personality Trait? It allows players to max out a Profession very quickly with the bonus Mastery Points gained from that success rate. Each time you increase a Profession Level, you will also be rewarded with additional Personality Trait EXP! As a result, faster leveling/maxing Profession Level → huge sum of Personality Trait EXP Reward → faster leveling/maxing Personality Trait → Enjoy greater bonus stats from Personality Trait!

  14. Anymouse

    For the diligence, what does it mean of “double mastery?”