MapleStory Cadena (메이플스토리 카데나) – Liberation of Cadena is one of the MapleStory Nova Thief who specializes in chain weapon to attack enemies and uses it to move herself to a specific location instantly. She starts in a town called Savage Terminal which is a back alley planet in Grandis. It’s the place is where the Shadow Merchants branch resides along with the bad guys. All other jobs can access this location via Pantheon’s portal. For Angelic Buster and Kaiser, they need to complete the necessary quests that allow them to travel to Maple World. Cadena is a member of the royal family and Grandis’ Nova race. She got injured when Magnus invaded and overtook the citadel. She abandoned her real name and committed to becoming stronger by joining as one of the Shadow merchants member. KMS (Korea MapleStory) released Cadena on July 7 2017, GMS (Global MapleStory) released Cadena on November 27, 2017 and MSEA (MapleStory South East Asia) released Cadena on November 22, 2017.
Cadena Overview
SECONDARY WEAPON: Warp Forge | Weapon Transmitter
LINK SKILL: Unfair Advantage | Intensive Insult – Increase your damage by 3/6% against enemies lower level than your character and additional 3/6% to enemies affected with status effects.
MAPLE UNION EFFECT: LUK +10/20/40/80/100
BEST INNER ABILITY: Attack +30, Boss Damage +20%
JOB SKILLS: I: Cadena → II: Cadena → III: Cadena → IV: Cadena → Hyper Skills → V: Cadena
Cadena Pros and Cons
- *Share your pros on this job!*
- All of her skills are AoE, and she is an excellent mobber.
- Insane mobility (due to her chains!) contributes really well to mobbing (and bossing, to some extent).
- Excellent passive evasion, as well as the amazing Dark Sight effect of Chain Arts: Chase can be extremely useful lifesavers when used properly.
- *Share your cons on this job!*
- You need to link skills together for maximum DPM (Damage Per Minute) as they have no main bossing skill
- Not beginner friendly
- Need to spam button similarly to Aran, Battle Mage and Blaster job. Quite tiring for long grinding.
- From 1 to 3rd job is weak, rises at 4th job.
- Low HP and defense. Beware being caught in between enemy attacks, especially at higher levels, or with enemies at least 4-5 levels higher than your own!
MapleStory Cadena Videos
Ayumilove MapleStory Cadena 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Job Skills Preview
[youtube “”]
Cadena Beginner Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Haggle | Make an Offer (Passive)
Utilizes the Shadow Merchant’s bargaining skills to reduce Store prices.
Level 1: 4% discount when purchasing items from shops. But, it is not applied if the sell price is above 70% of the purchase price. Prioritizes higher discount value when stacked with Guild Skill, Merchandising.
Back to HQ | Return to Merchant Hideout (Active)
Quickly returns to the Hideout by using a route only known to the Shadow Merchants.
Level 1: MP 100, Teleport to Shadow Merchant hideout, Cooldown: 600 seconds.
Unfair Advantage | Intensive Insult (Link Skill + Passive)
Performs a more efficient attacks on enemies weaker than you.
Level 1: Damage +3% against monsters below your character level. Damage +3% on monsters affected by Status Effects.
Level 2: Damage +6% against monsters below your character level. Damage +6% on monsters affected by Status Effects.
Cadena Beginner Skill Build: Everything maxed.
Explanation: These are Cadena innate abilities. No SP required.
Cadena 1st Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Chain Arts: Pursuit | Chain Arts: Chase (Active)
Fires off a chain to link and quickly approach a targeted enemy or area. Hold down the key to fire off the chain, and then release the key to establish a link. Reuse the skill to quickly move to the location while linked. Chain links can either be established horizontally to monsters, or diagonally to the ground, over a set distance. While using the skill in midair, it slows the character’s falling speed. Downward linking can only be used while in midair. You enter Dark Sight while the chain is linked, or when moving. Enemies linked to the chain are temporarily Slowed. Can be used while using a skill.
[Up + Skill Key]: Upward 45° Fire | [Down + Skill Key]: Downward 45° Fire
Level 1: MP Cost: 8. Attacks up to 1 enemies at 55% damage 1 times. 100% chance to Slow for 1 sec.
Level 10: MP Cost: 10. Attacks up to 1 enemies at 100% damage 1 times. 100% chance to Slow for 5 sec.
Chain Arts: Thrash | Chain Arts: Stroke (Active)
Push the Attack Key to deliver 2 consecutive attacks. Holds the chain like a whip to swing it around once before delivering a chain attacks to swiftly devastate enemies. Enemies hit by the second 2nd downward strike are knocked back, and enemies hit by the chain are temporarily Slowed. By using the momentum of the chain, a different attack can be chained between the 1st and the 2nd hit. The momentum enhances the chained attack skill damage. Can be used while using a skill. Lv. 10 Effect: Can learn 2nd Skill, Chain Arts: Stroke 1st Enhancement
Level 1: MP Cost: 5.
1st Hit: Attacks up to 4 enemies at 105% Damage 2 times.
2nd Hit: Attacks up to 6 enemies at 105% damage 2 times. 100% chance to Slow for 1 sec.
Final Damage of Skills used after the 1st Hit +1% except Chain Arts: Stroke.
Level 10: MP Cost: 13.
1st Hit: Attacks up to 4 enemies at 150% Damage 2 times.
2nd Hit: Attacks up to 6 enemies at 150% damage 2 times. 100% chance to Slow for 5 sec.
Final Damage of Skills used after the 1st Hit +10% except Chain Arts: Stroke.
Summon Scimitar | Weapon Arts: Blade Cut (Active)
Summons a scimitar to hold it backwards and cut through enemies horizontally. Can be used in the air, and while using a skill.
Level 1: MP Cost: 11. Attacks up to 6 enemies at 49% damage 3 times. Cooldown: 4 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost: 15. Attacks up to 6 enemies at 125% damage 5 times. Cooldown: 4 sec.
The Way of Shadows | Agent Shift (Active)
Use this skill during a jump to jump twice in the same direction. The higher this skill’s level, the farther you can jump. It can also be used by pressing the Jump key.
Level 1: MP Cost: 13. Jumps a set distance.
Level 5: MP Cost: 5. Jumps a set distance.
Shadowstep | Agent Steps (Passive)
Permanently increases Evade and Max Movement Speed through a combat maneuver only known to the Shadow Merchants.
Level 1: Evade +6%, Max Movement Speed +2
Level 10: Evade +15%, Max Movement Speed +20
Uncanny Luck | Collecting Four Leaf (Passive)
Keep a lucky four leaf clover safe to permanently increase LUK.
Level 1: Permanently increase LUK +5
Level 10: Permanently increase LUK +50
Cadena 1st Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
1. Chain Arts: Thrash, Chain Arts: Pursuit, Summon Scimitar (1)
2. The Way of Shadows (MAX)
3. Uncanny Luck (MAX)
4. Shadowsteps (MAX)
5. Chain Arts: Thrash (MAX)
6. Chain Arts: Pursuit (MAX)
7. Summon Scimitar (MAX)
Cadena 1st Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
1. Chain Arts: Stroke, Chain Arts: Chase, Weapon Arts: Blade Cut (1)
2. Agent Shift (MAX)
3. Collecting Four Leaves (MAX)
4. Agent Steps (MAX)
5. Chain Arts: Stroke (MAX)
6. Chain Arts: Chase (MAX)
7. Weapon Arts: Blade Cut (MAX)
Cadena 2nd Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Chain Arts: Thrash II | Chain Arts: Stroke 1st Enhancement (Passive)
Required Skill: Level 10 Chain Arts: Stroke
Improves Chain Arts: Stroke’s 2nd Hit damage. Level 10 required to learn Chain Arts: Stroke 2nd Enhancement
Level 1: Uses Chain Arts: Stroke’s 2nd Hit that attacks up to 6 enemies at 155% damage 3 times.
Level 10: Uses Chain Arts: Stroke’s 2nd Hit that attacks up to 6 enemies at 200% damage 3 times
Summon Claw | Weapon Arts: Talon Strike (Active)
Required Skill: Lv. 1 Weapon Variation I or above
Summons a talon claw to equip and quickly slash down, diagonally. Can only be used in the air, and can be used while using a skill.
Level 1: MP Cost: 16. Attacks up to 10 enemies at 102% damage 3 times. Cooldown: 3 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost: 20. Attacks up to 10 enemies at 235% damage 4 times. Cooldown: 3 sec.
Summon Shurike | Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb (Active)
Required Skill: Lv. 1 Weapon Variation I or above.
Summons a shuriken that explodes with a delay, and throws with a forceful spin. The shuriken pushes back enemies while attacking.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10. Attacks for 7 sec. at 115% for a total of 40 times. If all attack counts are used, or after a set period of time, the shuriken automatically explodes to attack up to 4 enemies at 270% damage 1 times. Reuse the skill to manually explode. Cooldown: 10 sec.
Level 19: MP Cost: 28. Attacks for 7 sec. at 205% for a total of 40 times. If all attack counts are used, or after a set period of time, the shuriken automatically explodes to attack up to 8 enemies at 450% damage 3 times. Reuse the skill to manually explode. Cooldown: 10 sec.
Weapon Booster (Supportive)
Required Skill: Lv. 5 Weapons Mastery or above
Temporarily increases Weapon ASPD by 2 Levels at the cost of MP. Requires Chains to be equipped.
Level 1: MP Cost: 28. Increases All Weapon Attack Speed for 20 sec.
Level 10: MP Cost: 10. Increases All Weapon Attack Speed for 200 sec.
Muscle Memory | Weapon Variation I (Passive)
Learn how to use various weapon effectively to increase damage on All Attacks. An additional attack is done every time a weapon is switched, giving a buff. The buff can be stacked up to the number of weapons except Chain Arts. Buff Duration is refreshed if switched to a weapon that was already stacked. Weapon Variation does not affect Buff Duration Bonus effects. Lv. 10 Effect: Can learn 3rd Skill, Weapon Variation II.
Level 1: All Attack Skill Damage +1% for 15 sec. per stack of buff from switching weapons. Can be stacked up to the number of weapons switched except Chain Arts.
Stacking, or refreshing the buff, performs an additional hit to attack up to 5 enemies at 55% damage 2 times. Additional Hit Cooldown: 0.5 sec. Passive Effect: Damage of Weapon Arts: Blade Cut +8%p
Level 10: All Attack Skill Damage +5% for 15 sec. per stack of buff from switching weapons. Can be stacked up to the number of weapons switched except Chain Arts.
Stacking, or refreshing the buff, performs an additional hit to attack up to 5 enemies at 100% damage 2 times. Additional Hit Cooldown: 0.5 sec. Passive Effect: Damage of Weapon Arts: Blade Cut +80%p
Weapon Mastery | Weapons Mastery (Passive)
Increases Mastery for all Weapon Arts, including Chains. Lv. 10 Effect: Can learn 4th Skill, Expert Weapons Mastery.
Level 1: All Chain and Weapon Arts Mastery +14%
Level 10: All Chain and Weapon Arts Mastery +50%
Physical Training (Passive)
Permanently increases LUK and DEX through physical training.
Level 1: Permanently LUK +6, and DEX +6
Level 5: Permanently LUK +30, and DEX +30
Wisdom of Shadows | Quick Service Mind I (Passive)
Continuously remind yourself with the Shadow Merchant’s rules to permanently increase Evade, Critical Rate, and Critical Damage. Lv. 10 Effect: Can learn 4th Skill, Quick Service Mind II.
Level 1: ATT +1, Critical Damage +1%, Critical Rate +1%, Evade +2%
Level 10: ATT +10, Critical Damage +5%, Critical Rate +10%, Evade +20%
Cadena 2nd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
1. Chain Arts: Thrash II, Summon Shuriken, Muscle Memory (1)
2. Weapon Mastery (MAX)
3. Weapon Booster (MAX)
4. Wisdom of Shadows (MAX)
5. Physical Training (MAX)
6. Chain Arts: Thrash II (MAX)
7. Summon Shuriken (MAX)
8. Muscle Memory (MAX)
9. Summon Claw (MAX)
Cadena 2nd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
1. Chain Arts: Stroke 1st Enhancement, Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb, Weapon Variation (1)
2. Weapons Mastery (MAX)
3. Weapon Booster (MAX)
4. Quick Service Mind I (MAX)
5. Physical Training (MAX)
6. Chain Arts: Stroke 1st Enhancement (MAX)
7. Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb (MAX)
8. Weapon Variation I (MAX)
9. Weapon Arts: Talon Strike (MAX)
Cadena 3rd Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Chain Arts: Thrash III | Chain Arts: Stroke 2nd Enhancement (Passive)
Required Skill: Lv. 10 Chain Arts: Stroke 1st Enhancement
Improves Chain Arts: Stroke’s 2nd Hit damage. Lv. 10 Effect: Can learn 4th Skill, Chain Arts: Stroke Final Enhancement
Level 1: Uses Chain Arts: Stroke’s 2nd Hit that attacks up to 7 enemies at 210% damage 4 times.
Level 10: Uses Chain Arts: Stroke’s 2nd Hit that attacks up to 7 enemies at 300% damage 4 times.
Summon Shotgun | Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster (Active)
Required Skill: Lv. 1 Weapon Variation II or above
Summons a shotgun to fire off a buckshot towards the front in an arc direction. Closer enemies receive more damage. Jumps backward by using the recoil when firing.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21. Attacks up to 6 enemies 7 times. Close Distance: 257% Damage. Normal Distance: 206% Damage. Far Distance: 180% Damage. Cooldown: 5 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost: 30. Attacks up to 6 enemies 7 times. Close Distance: 390% Damage. Normal Distance: 320% Damage. Far Distance: 275% Damage. Cooldown: 5 sec.
Summon Daggers | Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers (Active)
Required Skill: Lv. 1 Weapon Variation II or above
Summons 2 daggers to quickly disperse enemies in the front and back. When used in mid-air, you will remain in the air while slashing. Enemies hit with the daggers are temporarily inflicted with Fear.
Level 1: MP Cost; 26. Attacks up to 4 enemies at 125% damage 8 times. 100% chance to Fear for 10 sec. to reduce DEF -11%. Cooldown: 10 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost; 35. Attacks up to 4 enemies at 315% damage 8 times. 100% chance to Fear for 10 sec. to reduce DEF -30%. Cooldown: 10 sec.
Summon Decoy Bomb | Weapon Arts: Energy Bombs (Active)
Required Skill: Lv. 1 Weapon Variation II or above
Summons a bomb to set it down while falling backwards. When used in the air, the bomb is dropped at the spot. The bomb explodes after a delay.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21. Sets down a bomb that attacks up to 8 enemies at 187% damage 6 times. Cooldown: 8 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost: 40. Sets down a bomb that attacks up to 8 enemies at 415% damage 6 times. Cooldown: 8 sec.
Muscle Memory II | Weapon Variation II (Passive)
Required Skill: Lv. 10 Weapon Variation I
Learn the flow between weapons to increase Weapon Variation effects. Overrides Weapon Variation I’s effect. But, it does not override the Weapon Arts’s damage increasing passive effects, and are stacked. Lv. 10 Effect: Can learn 4th Skill, Weapon Variation III.
Level 1: All Attack Skill Damage +6% for 15 sec. per buff stack. Can be stacked up to the maximum number of available Weapon Arts. Stacking, or refreshing the buff, performs an additional hit to attack up to 6 enemies at 110% damage 3 times. Additional Hit Cooldown: 0.5 sec. Passive Effect: Damage of Weapon Arts: Blade Cut, Weapon Arts: Talon Strike, and Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb +10%p
Level 10: All Attack Skill Damage +10% for 15 sec. per buff stack. Can be stacked up to the maximum number of available Weapon Arts. Stacking, or refreshing the buff, performs an additional hit to attack up to 6 enemies at 200% damage 3 times. Additional Hit Cooldown: 0.5 sec. Passive Effect: Damage of Weapon Arts: Blade Cut, Weapon Arts: Talon Strike, and Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb +100%p
Determination | Temper (Passive)
Enhance your patience through regular training. Permanently increases Max HP, Status Resistance, and All Elemental Resistances.
Level 1: Increases Max HP by 2%, Status Resistance by 3, and All Elemental Resistances by 3%
Level 10: Increases Max HP by 20%, Status Resistance by 30, and All Elemental Resistances by 30%
Attack Cheap Shot | Weak Point Attack (Passive)
Strategically focuses an enemy inflicted with Status Effects. Lv. 15 Effect: Can learn 4th Skill, Weak Point Converging Attack.
Level 1: Critical Rate +1%, Critical Damage +1% when attacking enemies with Status Effects. Applies up to 5 Status Effects.
Level 15: Critical Rate +1%, Critical Damage +5% when attacking enemies with Status Effects. Applies up to 5 Status Effects.
Keen Eye | Basic Detection (Passive)
Analyzes the enemy’s core weakness to perform more efficient attacks, and permanently increase Evade.
Level 1: Ignore DEF +2%, Additional Evade +4%
Level 19: Ignore DEF +20%, Additional Evade +40%
Cadena 3rd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
1. Muscle Memory II, Summon Shotgun, Summon Decoy Bomb (1)
2. Summon Daggers, Attack Cheap Shot, Chain Arts: Thrash III (1)
3. Chain Arts: Thrash III (MAX)
4. Muscle Memory II (MAX)
5. Attack Cheap Shot (MAX)
6. Keen Eye (MAX)
7. Determination (MAX)
8. Summon Shotgun (MAX)
9. Summon Daggers (MAX)
10. Summon Decoy Bomb (MAX)
Cadena 3rd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
1. Weapon Variation II, Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster, Weapon Arts: Energy Bombs (1)
2. Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers, Weak Point Attack, Chain Arts: Stroke 2nd Enhancement (1)
3. Chain Arts: Stroke 2nd Enhancement (MAX)
4. Weapon Variation II (MAX)
5. Weak Point Attack (MAX)
6. Basic Detection (MAX)
7. Temper (MAX)
8. Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster (MAX)
9. Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers (MAX)
10. Weapon Arts: Energy Bombs (MAX)
Cadena 4th Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Chain Arts: Thrash IV | Chain Arts: Stroke Final Enhancement (Passive)
Required Skill: Lv. 10 Chain Arts: Stroke 2nd Enhancement or above
Improves Chain Arts: Stroke’s 2nd Hit damage.
Level 1: Uses Chain Arts: Stroke’s 2nd Hit that attacks up to 7 enemies at 310% damage 5 times.
Level 10: Uses Chain Arts: Stroke’s 2nd Hit that attacks up to 7 enemies at 400% damage 5 times.
Summon Brick | Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash (Active)
Required Skill: Lv. 1 Weapon Variation III or above
Summons a giant brick tied to the chain, striking down after jumping forward. Enter the Up direction key to jump further.
Level 1: MP Cost: 31. Attacks up to 7 enemies at 253% damage 7 times. Cooldown: 8 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 45. Attacks up to 7 enemies at 485% damage 7 times. Cooldown: 8 sec.
Summon Spiked Bat | Weapon Arts: Assault & Battery (Active)
Required Skill: Lv. 1 Weapon Variation III or above
Summons a spiked bat to mercilessly strike enemies headfirst. Can be used 3 times in a row, and can be used while moving forward with the directional key. Using an attack skill during the consecutive usage prevents further uses. Enemies hit with the 3rd hit are temporarily inflicted with Confusion.
Level 1: MP Cost: 40. Skill deals 5% more damage per target if the number of target is smaller than the skill’s max targets, and the 3rd Hit has 100% chance to inflict Confusion for 15 sec., decreasing target’s ATT -20%. Cooldown: 12 sec.
1st Hit: Attacks up to 8 enemies at 160% Damage 6 times.
2nd Hit: Attacks up to 8 enemies at 265% damage 7 times.
3rd Hit: Attacks up to 10 enemies at 425% damage 8 times.
Level 30: MP Cost: 40. Skill deals 5% more damage per target if the number of target is smaller than the skill’s max targets, and the 3rd Hit has 100% chance to inflict Confusion for 15 sec., decreasing target’s ATT -20%. Cooldown: 12 sec.
1st Hit: Attacks up to 8 enemies at 450% Damage 6 times.
2nd Hit: Attacks up to 8 enemies at 555% damage 7 times.
3rd Hit: Attacks up to 10 enemies at 715% damage 8 times.
Chain Arts: Reign of Chains | Chain Arts: Tough Hustle (Active)
Draws out a long chain to swing it furiously while drawing an infinity sign. Nearby enemies are sucked into the whirlwind created by the chain whip, and are destroyed. Weapon Variation stack refreshes if the attack hits.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21. Attacks up to 12 enemies at 397% damage for up to 6 sec. Can move with the #cdirectional keys# while holding the skill key. Cooldown: 45 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 25. Attacks up to 12 enemies at 600% damage for up to 6 sec. Can move with the directional keys while holding the skill key. Cooldown: 45 sec.
Chain Arts: Takedown (Active)
Instantly pulls out a long chain to ambush. Ambushed enemies are bound by the chain and are relentlessly struck. While getting hit, Weapon Variation stacks are always maxed out. This skill’s target resists Bind effects for 90 sec. and cannot be Bound by Chain Arts: Takedown or any other Binding skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 297. Attacks at 213% damage 2 times, and Binds for 10 sec. Prioritizes enemy with the highest Max HP. Before the consecutive hits, attack damage is determined by the number of times skill key entered. Entering the Skill Key Less than 15 / Less than 25 / More than 25. Deals 480% / 503% / 555% damage to each bound enemies 10 / 12 / 15 times, and finishes by attacking up to 10 enemies at 2,500% / 3,500% / 5,000% damage. Increases Bind duration by up to 100% based on the damage dealt by Chain Arts: Takedown’s 1st hit. Ignores 80% of Monster DEF on all attacks, and become invincible for 10 sec. after the hits start. A shockwave is released based on the number of hits dealt, attacking up to 10 enemies at 455% damage 4 times. Cooldown: 179 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 255. Attacks at 300% damage 2 times, and Binds for 10 sec. Prioritizes enemy with the highest Max HP. Before the consecutive hits, attack damage is determined by the number of times skill key entered. Entering the Skill Key Less than 15 / Less than 25 / More than 25. Deals 770% / 880% / 990% damage to each bound enemies 10 / 12 / 15 times, and finishes by attacking up to 10 enemies at 2,500% / 3,500% / 5,000% damage. Increases Bind duration by up to 100% based on the damage dealt by Chain Arts: Takedown’s 1st hit. Ignores 80% of Monster DEF on all attacks, and become invincible for 10 sec. after the hits start. A shockwave is released based on the number of hits dealt, attacking up to 10 enemies at 600% damage 4 times. Cooldown: 150 sec.
Using this skill will instantly provide max stack weapon boost buff!
Nova’s Warrior | Nova Warrior (Supportive)
Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, President’s Orders, or Rhinne’s Protection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Increases all stats assigned APs by 1% for 30 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 60, Increases all stats assigned APs by 15% for 900 sec
Nova Hero’s Will | Nova Temperance (Active)
By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec
Muscle Memory III | Weapon Variation III (Passive)
Required Skill: Lv. 10 Weapon Variation II
Complete your understanding of flows between weapons to perfect Weapon Variation effects. Overrides Weapon Variation II’s effect. But, it does not override the Weapon Arts’s damage increasing passive effects, and are stacked. Lv. 10 Effect: Can learn Professionalism (Hyper Skill).
Level 1: All Attack Skill Damage +11% for 15 sec. per buff stack. Can be stacked up to the maximum number of available Weapon Arts. Stacking, or refreshing the buff, performs an additional hit to attack up to 7 enemies at 215% damage 4 times. Additional Hit Cooldown: 0.5 sec. Passive Effect: Damage of Weapon Arts: Blade Cut, Weapon Arts: Talon Strike, Weapon Arts:Shotgun Blaster, Weapon Arts:Dancing Daggers, Weapon Arts:Energy Bombs,and Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb +75%p
Level 10: All Attack Skill Damage +15% for 15 sec. per buff stack. Can be stacked up to the maximum number of available Weapon Arts. Stacking, or refreshing the buff, performs an additional hit to attack up to 7 enemies at 350% damage 4 times. Additional Hit Cooldown: 0.5 sec. Passive Effect: Damage of Weapon Arts: Blade Cut, Weapon Arts: Talon Strike, Weapon Arts:Shotgun Blaster, Weapon Arts:Dancing Daggers, Weapon Arts:Energy Bombs,and Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb +120%p
Cheap Shot II | Weak Point Converging Attack (Passive)
Required Skill: Lv. 15 Weak Point Attack or above
Analyzes enemies under Status Effects to perform a more deadly attack. Attacking enemies under Status Effects have a chance to inflict Bleed. Overrides Weak Point Attack’s bonus.
Level 1: Critical Rate +2%, Critical Damage +6% when attacking enemies with Status Effects. Applies up to 10 Status Effects. 31% chance to inflict Bleed with 72% Dot every 1 sec. for 10 sec.
Level 20: Critical Rate +2%, Critical Damage +10% when attacking enemies with Status Effects. Applies up to 10 Status Effects. 50% chance to inflict Bleed with 110% Dot every 1 sec. for 10 sec.
Weapon Expert | Expert Weapons Mastery (Passive)
Required Skill: Lv. 10 Weapons Mastery or above
Increases Mastery, ATT, Critical Rate, and Critical Damage for all Weapon Arts including Chains.
Level 1: All Chain and Weapon Arts Mastery +56%, ATT +1, Critical Rate +1%, Critical Damage +1%
Level 30: All Chain and Weapon Arts Mastery +70%, ATT +30, Critical Rate +30%, Critical Damage +15%
Wisdom of Shadows II | Quick Service Mind II (Passive)
Required Skill: Lv. 10 Quick Service Mind I or above
Completely understand the Shadow Merchant’s rules to enhance Quick Service Mind’s effects. Stacks with Quick Service Mind I’s bonus.
Level 1: ATT +1, Critical Damage +1%, Critical Rate +1%, Evade +1%
Level 30: ATT +30, Critical Damage +5%, Critical Rate +10%, Evade +15%
Cadena 4th Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
1. Chain Arts: Thrash IV, Chain Arts: Reign of Chains, Expert Weapons Mastery (1)
2. Muscle Memory III, Summon Brick, Summon Spiked Bat (1)
3. Chain Arts: Takedown, Wisdom of Shadows II, Cheap Shot II (1)
4. Weapon Expert (MAX)
5. Wisdom of Shadows II (MAX)
6. Chain Arts: Thrash IV (MAX)
7. Muscle Memory III (MAX)
8. Cheap Shot II (MAX)
9. Chain Arts: Reign of Chains (MAX)
10. Nova’s Warrior (MAX)
11. Chain Arts: Takedown (MAX)
12. Summon Brick (MAX)
13. Summon Spiked Bat (MAX)
14. Nova Hero’s Will (MAX)
Cadena 4th Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
1. Chain Arts: Stroke Final Enhancement, Chain Arts: Tough Hustle, Expert Weapons Mastery (1)
2. Weapon Variation III, Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash, Weapon Arts: Assault & Battery (1)
3. Chain Arts: Takedown, Quick Service Mind II, Weak Point Converging Attack (1)
4. Expert Weapons Mastery (MAX)
5. Quick Service Mind II (MAX)
6. Chain Arts: Stroke Final Enhancement (MAX)
7. Weapon Variation III (MAX)
8. Weak Point Converging Attack (MAX)
9. Chain Arts: Tough Hustle (MAX)
10. Nova Warrior (MAX)
11. Chain Arts: Takedown (MAX)
12. Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash (MAX)
13. Weapon Arts: Assault & Battery (MAX)
14. Nova Temperance (MAX)
Cadena Mastery Books 20:
1. Summon Brick | Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash
2. Summon Spiked Bat | Weapon Arts: Assault & Battery
3. Chain Arts: Reign of Chains | Chain Arts: Tough Hustle
4. Chain Arts: Takedown
5. Nova’s Warrior | Nova Warrior
6. Weapon Expert | Expert Weapons Mastery
7. Wisdom of Shadows II | Quick Service Mind II
8. Cheap Shot II | Weak Point Converging Attack
Cadena Mastery Books 30:
1. Summon Brick | Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash
2. Summon Spiked Bat | Weapon Arts: Assault & Battery
3. Chain Arts: Reign of Chains | Chain Arts: Tough Hustle
4. Chain Arts: Takedown
5. Nova’s Warrior | Nova Warrior
6. Weapon Expert | Expert Weapons Mastery
7. Wisdom of Shadows II | Quick Service Mind II
Cadena Hyper Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Chain-less Arts – Reinforce | Non-Chain Arts – Reinforce
Required Level: 143 (MSEA)
Increases damage for all attacks with Weapon Arts except Chain Arts.
Level 1: Damage +20%
Chain-less Arts – Critical Chance | Non-Chain Arts – Critical
Required Level: 162 (MSEA)
Increases Critical Rate for all attacks with Weapon Arts except Chain Arts.
Level 1: Critical Rate +20%
Chain-less Arts – Boss Rush | Non-Chain Arts: Boss Rush
Required Level: 183 (MSEA)
Increases damage on Boss Monsters for all attacks with Weapon Arts except Chain Arts.
Level 1: Damage on Boss monsters +20%
Chain Arts: Thrash – Reinforce | Chain Arts: Stroke – Reinforce
Required Level: 149 (MSEA)
Increases Chain Arts: Stroke damage.
Level 1: Damage +20%
Chain Arts: Thrash – Spread | Chain Arts: Stroke – Extra Target
Required Level: 168 (MSEA)
Increases the max number of monsters that can be attacked with Chain Arts: Stroke.
Level 1: Max Attack Targets +2
Chain Arts: Thrash – Linked Attack Reinforce | Chain Arts: Stroke – Next Attack Reinforce
Required Level: 189 (MSEA)
Chained after Chain Arts: Stroke’s 1st Hit to increase the next attack’s damage. Added to the Final Damage Bonus of the skill used after the 1st Skill, Chain Arts: Stroke’s 1st hit.
Level 1: Final Damage of skill used after Chain Arts: Stroke’s 1st hit +5%
Chain Arts: Beatdown – Reinforce | Chain Arts: Takedown – Reinforcement
Required Level: 155 (MSEA)
Increases Chain Arts: Takedown damage.
Level 1: Damage +20%
Chain Arts: Beatdown – Shockwave Reinforce | Chain Arts: Takedown – Wave Reinforcement
Required Level: 177 (MSEA)
Increases damage for the shockwaves generated by Chain Arts: Takedown’s combo attacks.
Level 1: Damage +20%
Chain Arts: Beatdown – Cooldown Cutte | Chain Arts: Takedown – Reduce Cooldown
Required Level: 195 (MSEA)
Decreases Chain Arts: Takedown cooldown.
Level 1: Cooldown -20%
Veteran Shadowdealer | Professionalism
Required Level: 150 | Required Skill: Lv. 10 Weapon Variation III or above
Shows true professionalism in handling various weapons. Increases Weapon Variation effects, and attack skills have a chance of dealing additional damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 500. Weapon Variation damage bonus is applied by 2x for 30 sec. Creates an explosion that attacks up to 6 enemies at 255% damage 2 times when switching Weapon Arts or landing attacks. Cooldown: 200 sec.
Chain Arts: Crush
Required Level: 170
Throws out multiple chains at the enemy from the air to the ground at once to crush them.
Level 1: MP Cost: 300. Attacks up to 15 enemies at 950% damage 8 times. Cooldown: 30 sec.
Shadowdealer’s Elixir | Elite Serum
Required Level: 200
Drink an elixir with the secrets of the merchants guild to temporarily maximize potential.
Level 1: MP Cost: 100. Damage +10%, Critical Rate +10% for 60 sec. Cooldown: 120 sec
Cadena Hyper Skill Build (GMS)
Lv.149 – Chain Arts: Thrash – Reinforce (Passive)
Lv.162 – Chain-less Arts – Critical Chance (Passive)
Lv.177 – Chain Arts: Beatdown – Shockwave Reinforce (Passive)
Lv.183 – Chain-less Arts – Boss Rush (Passive)
Lv.195 – Chain Arts: Beatdown – Cooldown Cutter (Passive)
Lv.150 – Veteran Shadowdealer (Active)
Lv.170 – Chain Arts: Crush (Active)
Lv.200 – Shadowdealer’s Elixir (Supportive)
Cadena Hyper Skill Build (MSEA)
Lv.149 – Chain Arts: Stroke – Reinforce (Passive)
Lv.162 – Non-Chain Arts: Critical (Passive)
Lv.177 – Chain Arts: Takedown – Wave Reinforcement (Passive)
Lv.183 – Non-Chain Arts: Boss Rush (Passive)
Lv.195 – Chain Arts: Takedown – Reduce Cooldown (Passive)
Lv.150 – Professionalism (Active)
Lv.170 – Chain Arts: Crush (Active)
Lv.200 – Elite Serum (Supportive)
Check this Hyper Stats Guide for more details!
Cadena 5th Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Please refer to MapleStory 5th Job Skills Guide for more details on Skill Cores, Special Cores and Enhancement Cores!
Cadena Skill Cores
Chain Arts: Fury
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Throws out numerous chains to bind the space itself. Chain Arts: Fury is not affect enemies with the Damage Reflection effect.
Level 1: MP Cost: 1000. For 36 sec., attacking creates a giant chain that flies randomly to deal 124% damage to up to 10 enemies 6 times. Giant Chain Cooldown: 0.6 sec. Cooldown: 179 sec.
Level 25: MP Cost: 1000. For 60 sec., attacking creates a giant chain that flies randomly to deal 220% damage to up to 10 enemies 6 times. Giant Chain Cooldown: 0.6 sec. Cooldown: 155 sec.
Apocalypse Cannon | A.D Ordnance
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Calls upon the modernized cannon that was created by combining the Ancient Nova Weapon, Blue Dragon Cannon with the Shadow Merchant’s technology. After being called, the cannon gathers and concentrates energy to fire a shot. A.D Ordnance’s attacks do not affect enemies in the Damage Reflection state.
Level 1: MP Cost: 1000. Gathers energy for 10 sec. while dealing 151% damage to up to 8 nearby enemies 4 times. After gathering energy, fires off a shot that deals 764% damage to up to 15 enemies 8 times. Cooldown: 25 sec.
Level 25: MP Cost: 1000. Gathers energy for 10 sec. while dealing 295% damage to up to 8 nearby enemies 4 times. After gathering energy, fires off a shot that deals 1460% damage to up to 15 enemies 8 times. Cooldown: 25 sec.
Chain Arts: Maelstrom
Required Skill: Chain Arts: Thrash Lv.10 | Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Whip chains at high speed to create a maelstrom that will strike fear into the hearts of all your enemies. There can only be 1 maelstrom, and it is unaffected by attack reflection. Chain Arts: Can only use as a combo after using 2 Thrash hits. You can also use it by pressing the down key + Attack Key.
Level 1: MP Cost: 250, Deals damage at a certain interval. Damage: 312%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4. Upon attack, 100% chance to Slow enemies for 8 sec. Attack speed gradually decreases based on time.
Level 25: MP Cost: 250, Deals damage at a certain interval. Damage: 600%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4. Upon attack, 100% chance to Slow enemies for 8 sec. Attack speed gradually decreases based on time.
Cadena Enhancement Cores
Skill Enhancement max level is 50. Each level enhances Final Damage (+2% per level)
Skill Enhancement at Level 20: Max Target +1, Level 40: Ignore Monster DEF +20%.
Thrash, Muscle Memory & Reign of Chains Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Ignore Enemy DEF: +20%
Summon Scimitar & Claw Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Ignore Enemy DEF: +20%
Summon Daggers & Shuriken Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Ignore Enemy DEF: +20%
Summon Shotgun & Decoy Bomb Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Ignore Enemy DEF: +20%
Summon Brick Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Ignore Enemy DEF: +20%
Chain Arts: Beatdown Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Ignore Enemy DEF: +20%
Summon Spiked Bat Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Ignore Enemy DEF: +20%
Crush & Veteran Shadowdealer Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Ignore Enemy DEF: +20%
- Chain Arts: Thash / Muscle Memory / Chain Arts: Reign of Chains)
- Summon Scimitar / Summon Claw
- Summon Daggers / Summon Decoy Bomb
- Summon Shotgun / Summon Decoy Bomb
- Summon Brick
- Chain Arts: Takedown)
- Summon Spiked Bat
- Chain Arts: Crush / Veteran Shadowdealer
- Chain Arts: Stroke / Weapon Variation / Chain Arts: Tough Hustle
- Weapon Arts: Blade Cut / Weapon Arts: Talon Strike
- Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers / Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb
- Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster / Weapon Arts: Energy Bombs
- Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash
- Chain Arts: Takedown
- Weapon Arts: Assault & Battery
- Chain Arts: Crush / Professionalism
These enhancements affects multiple skills. If you get a trio core with the first three which is (Chain Arts: Stroke, Weapon Arts: Blade Cut and Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers), then it will also level up (Weapon Variation, Chain Arts: Tough Hustle, Weapon Arts: Talon Strike and Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb) simultaneously.
Cadena V Matrix Skill Build
Trio Skills: (Chain Arts: Thrash/Muscle Memory/Stroke) / (Summon Brick) / (Summon Bat) / (Summon Daggers/Shuriken) / (Summon: Shotgun/Bombs) / (Summon Skimitar/Claw)
Utilize 2 trio sets to encompass all 6 skills twice. credits to MaddixMochi
Cadena Equipment (GMS | MSEA)
Cadena Emblem
Level 60 – Silver Agent Emblem
STR +5, DEX +5, INT +5, LUK +5, Weapon Attack +1, Magic Attack +1
Cannot be sold to NPC, Untradable
Level 100 – Gold Agent Emblem
STR +10, DEX +10, INT +10, LUK +10, Weapon Attack +2, Magic Attack +2
Cannot be sold to NPC, Untradable
Cadena Medal
Level 10 – Back Alley Shadow | Shadow of Backstreet
MaxHP +50, MaxMP +50
Cannot be sold to NPC, Untradable, One-of-a-Kind
Level 30 – Big City’s Shadow | Shadow of City
MaxHP +100, MaxMP +100
Cannot be sold to NPC, Untradable, One-of-a-Kind
Level 60 – Grandis Shadow | Shadow of Grandis
MaxHP +150, MaxMP +150, STR +1, DEX +1, INT +1, LUK +1
Cannot be sold to NPC, Untradable, One-of-a-Kind
Level 100 – Shadow of Two Worlds
MaxHP +200, MaxMP +200, STR +2, DEX +2, INT +2, LUK +2
Cannot be sold to NPC, Untradable, One-of-a-Kind
Level 200 – Pioneer of Destiny | Explorer of Fate
ATK +3
Cannot be sold to NPC, Untradable, One-of-a-Kind
Cadena Secondary Weapon
Cadena secondary weapon is Warp Forge (GMS) aka Weapon Tramitter (MSEA).
Level 10 – Transmitter Type D
DEX +3, LUK +3
Level 30 – Transmitter Type C
DEX +4, LUK +4, Weapon Attack +1
Level 60 – Transmitter Type B
DEX +6, LUK +6, Weapon Attack +2
Level 100 – Transmitter Type A
DEX +10, LUK +10, Weapon Attack +3
Level 100 – Black Transmitter
DEX +8, LUK +8, Weapon Attack +5
Untradable upon equipped. Set Item of Black Set.
Level 140 – Princess No’s Transmitter
Weapon Attack +9, DEX +14, LUK +14, Sold for 100,000 mesos
Rewarded from Princess No’s Silver Jewel Box and Princess No’s Gold Jewel Box
Cadena Primary Weapon (GMS | MSEA)
Cadena primary weapon is Chain. Required Job: Thief, Type: One-handed, Att Speed : Fast (4)
Level 10 – De Mercurio | De Mercurio
W.Att: +28, Slot: 7, Sold for 1 mesos
Level 30 – De Venus | De Venus
W.Att: +45, Slot: 7, Sold for 3,100 mesos
Level 50 – De Tierra | De Tierra
W.Att: +65, Slot: 7, Sold for 25,000 mesos
Level 60 – De Marte | De Marti
W.Att: +75, Slot: 7, Sold for 28,000 mesos
Level 70 – De Jupiter | De Hovitere
W.Att: +80, Slot: 7, Sold for 31,000 mesos
Level 80 – De Saturno | De Satorno
W.Att: +85, Slot: 7, Sold for 34,000 mesos
Level 90 – De Urano | De Urano
W.Att: +90, Slot: 7, Sold for 37,000 mesos
Level 100 – De Neptuno | De Neptuno
W.Att: +95, Slot: 7, Sold for 43,000 mesos
Level 100 – Black Energy Chain
W.Att: +115, Slot: 8, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Unlock Boss-Tier Additional Options, Set Item of Maple Kuro Set
Level 110 – Dragon Chain | Dragon Energy Chain
W.Att: +100, Slot: 7, Sold for 48,000 mesos
Level 110 – Zakum’s Poisonic Chain | Zakum’s Poisonic Energy Chain
W.Att: +102, Boss Damage: +10%, Slot: 7, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Can be traded once if use PSOK, Unlock Boss-Tier Additional Options
Level 120 – Briser Chain | Briser Energy Chain
W.Att: +105, Slot: 7, Sold for 53,000 mesos
Level 120 – Nercomancer Chain | Necro Energy Chain
W.Att: +105, Slot: 7, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Can be traded once if use PSOK, Unlock Boss-Tier Additional Options, Set Item of Necro Rogue Set
Level 130 – Jaihin Chain | Jaihin Energy Chain
W.Att: +110, Slot: 7, Sold for 58,000 mesos
Set Item of Muspell Assassin Set (Thief)
Level 130 – Royal Von Leon Chain | Royal Von Leon Energy Chain
W.Att: +114, LUK: +6, Willpower: +30, Slot: 8, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Can be traded once if use PSOK, Unlock Boss-Tier Additional Options, Set Item of Royal Von Leon Brigand Set
Level 140 – Utgard Chain | Utgard Energy Chain
W.Att: +115, Slot: 8, Sold for 63,000 mesos
Set Item of Fensalir Erebus Set (Thief)
Level 140 – Raven Horn Chain | Raven Horn Energy Chain
W.Att: +128, DEX: +20, LUK: +35, Charm: +100, Slot: 8, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Can be traded once if use PSOK, Unlock Boss-Tier Additional Options, Set Item of Raven Horn Set
Level 145 – Meister Chain | Meister Energy Chain
W.Att: +148, DEX: +25, LUK: +40, Ignore Def: +5%, Damage: +15%, Slot: 8, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Can be traded once if use PSOK, Unlock Boss-Tier Additional Options, Set Item of Meister Set
Level 150 – Fafnir Chain | Fafnir Energy Chain
W.Att: +160, DEX: +40, LUK: +40, Ignore Def: +10%, Boss Damage: +30%, Charm: +100, Slot: 8, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Can be traded once if use PSOK, Unlock Boss-Tier Additional Options, Set Item of Root Abyss set(thief)
Level 160 – Terminus Chain | Terminus Energy Chain
W.Att: +169, DEX: +40, LUK: +64, Ignore Def: +10%, Boss Damage: +30%, Slot: 8, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Can be traded once if use PSOK
Level 160 – AbsoLab Chain | Absolabs Energy Chain
W.Att: +192, DEX: +60, LUK: +60, Ignore Def: +10%, Boss Damage: +30%, Charm: +100, Slot: 8, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Can be traded once if use PSOK, Unlock Boss-Tier Additional Options, Set Item of Absolabs Shadow Set (Thief)
Level 200 – Arcane Umbra Chain | Arcaneshade Energy Chain
W.Att: +276, DEX: +100, LUK: +100, Ignore Def: +20%, Boss Damage: +30%, Charm: +200, Slot: 8, Sold for 1 mesos
Untradable after equipped, Can be traded once if use PSOK, Unlock Boss-Tier Additional Options, Set Item of Arcaneshade Set (Thief)
Cadena Combo Skills
Cadena’s skills are NOT linked like Mercedes/Zero. You can create your own play style according to your liking. After each weapon skill is used, immediately use the cancel skill (Chain Arts: Chase) and move on to the next weapon skill to maximize your DPS! This is useful during bossing to avoid flying around or waiting for the animation to end.
[youtube “”]
Stationary Skills: Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers, Cinderblock Smash
Movement Skills: Weapon Arts: Blade Cut, Energy Bombs, Shotgun Blaster
Misc Skills: Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb, Talon Strike
Chain Arts: Stroke (+10% damage) → (Movement/Stationary Skills) → Chain Arts: Chase
1. Chain Arts: Stroke → Weapon Arts: Blade Cut → Chain Arts: Chase
2. Chain Arts: Stroke → Weapon Arts: Energy Bombs → Chain Arts: Chase
3. Chain Arts: Stroke → Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster → Chain Arts: Chase
Ayumilove Cadena Combo Skills x8 stack Weapon Arts buff (GMS):
1. Summon Shotgun → Summon Brick
2. Summon Decoy Bomb → Summon Scimitar → Summon Claw
3. Summon Daggers → Summon Spiked Bat → Summon Decoy Bomb
Ayumilove Cadena Combo Skills x8 stack Weapon Arts buff (MSEA):
1. Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster → Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash
2. Weapon Arts: Energy Bombs → Weapon Arts: Blade Cut → Weapon Arts: Weapon Arts: Talon Strike
3. Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers → Weapon Arts: Assault & Battery → Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb
MapleStory Cadena Bossing Videos
Ayumilove MapleStory Zakum vs Cadena 3rd Job Solo Normal Mode
[youtube “”]
Ayumilove MapleStory Hilla vs Cadena 5th Job Solo Normal Mode
[youtube “”]
Ayumilove MapleStory Horntail vs Cadena 4th Job Solo Normal Mode
[youtube “”]
Ayumilove MapleStory New Nova Thief Job – Cadena – Animated Video (July 6, 2017)
[youtube “”]
Ayumilove MapleStory Capture Mode (ft Cadena Chain Arts Fury)
[youtube “”]
MapleStory Unofficial to Official Skill Names (GMS | MSEA)
Cadena Beginner Skills
- Bargainer → Haggle | Make an Offer
- Merchant Return → Back to HQ | Return to Merchant Hideout
- Intensive Assault → Unfair Advantage | Intensive Insult
Cadena 1st Job Skills
- Chain Arts: Chase → Chain Arts: Pursuit | (SAME)
- Chain Arts: Stroke → Chain Arts: Thrash | (SAME)
- Summon Cutting Scimitar → Summon Scimitar | Weapon Arts: Blade Cut
- Agent Shift → The Way of Shadows | (SAME)
- Agent Step → Shadowstep | Agent Steps
- Collecting Four-Leaf → Uncanny Luck | Collecting Four Leaves
Cadena 2nd Job Skills
- Chain Arts: Stroke 1st Enhancement → Chain Arts: Thrash II | (SAME)
- Summon Scratching Claw → Summon Claw | Weapon Arts: Talon Strike
- Summon Throwing Wing Dagger → Summon Shuriken | Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb
- Weapon Booster → (SAME) | (SAME)
- Weapon Variety I → Muscle Memory | Weapon Variation I
- Weapon Mastery → (SAME) | Weapons Mastery
- Physical Training → (SAME) | (SAME)
- Quick Service Mind I → Wisdom of Shadows | (SAME)
Cadena 3rd Job Skills
- Chain Arts: Stroke 2nd Enhancement → Chain Arts: Thrash III | (SAME)
- Summon Shooting Shotgun → Summon Shotgun | Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster
- Summon Slashing Knife → Summon Daggers | Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers
- Summon Releasing Bomb → Summon Decoy Bomb | Weapon Arts: Energy Bombs
- Weapon Variety II → Muscle Memory II | Weapon Variation II
- Temper → Determination | (SAME)
- Weak Point Attack → Attack Cheap Shot | (SAME)
- Basic Detection → Keen Eye | (SAME)
Cadena 4th Job Skills
- Chain Arts: Stroke Final Enhancement → Chain Arts: Thrash IV | (SAME)
- Summon Striking Brick → Summon Brick | Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash
- Summon Beating Needle Bat → Summon Spiked Bat | Weapon Arts: Assault & Battery
- Chain Arts: Tough Hustle → Chain Arts: Reign of Chains | (SAME)
- Chain Arts: Takedown → (SAME) | (SAME)
- Nova’s Warrior → (SAME) | Nova Warrior
- Nova Hero’s Will → (SAME) | Nova Temperance
- Weapon Variety III → Muscle Memory III | Weapon Variation III
- Weak Point Converging Attack → Cheap Shot II | (SAME)
- Weapon Expert → (SAME) | Expert Weapons Mastery
- Quick Service Mind II → Wisdom of Shadows II | (SAME)
Cadena Hyper Skills
- Non-Chain Arts – Reinforce → Chain-less Arts – Reinforce | (SAME)
- Non-Chain Arts – Critical Rate → Chain-less Arts – Critical Chance | Non-Chain Arts – Critical
- Non-Chain Arts: Boss Killer → Chain-less Arts – Boss Rush | Non-Chain Arts – Boss Rush
- Chain Arts: Stroke – Reinforce → Chain Arts: Thrash – Reinforce | (SAME)
- Chain Arts: Stroke – Extra Target → Chain Arts: Thrash – Spread | (SAME)
- Chain Arts: Stroke – Next Attack Reinforce → Chain Arts: Thrash – Linked Attack Reinforce | (SAME)
- Chain Arts: Takedown – Reinforce → Chain Arts: Beatdown – Reinforce | Chain Arts: Takedown – Reinforcement
- Chain Arts: Takedown – Wave Reinforce → Chain Arts: Beatdown – Shockwave Reinforce | Chain Arts: Takedown – Wave Reinforcement
- Chain Arts: Takedown – Cooltime Reduce → Chain Arts: Beatdown – Cooldown Cutter | Chain Arts: Takedown – Reduce Cooldown
- Professional Agent → Veteran Shadowdealer | Professionalism
- Chain Arts: Crush → (SAME) | (SAME)
- Merchant’s Special Elixir → Shadowdealer’s Elixir | Elite Serum
Cadena 5th Job Skills
- Chain Arts: Fury → Chain Arts: Void Strike | (SAME)
- A.D Ordnance → Apocalypse Cannon | (SAME)
Additional Information
Cadena Storyline
Meet Cadena, daughter of royalty, who has suffered great loss and must forge a new path for herself as a scrappy fighter. Out of pain and loss, a great hero can be born. Cadena hails from Grandis, a parallel world created at the same time as Maple World, and separated from it by only a thin barrier. Grandis is home to the Nova race, hybrids who are half-human and half-dragon. All is peaceful until the Nova warrior Magnus turns on his own race, betraying them to the evil Black Mage. Magnus and his army invade the Nova city of Heliseum, destroying the city’s protective barrier and letting in shade-like Specters to terrorize the city. He leads a direct attack on the citadel, home to the Nova royal family, whom he annihilates. In the destruction and confusion of the burning city, we find Cadena. The daughter of the royal family, the princess of Grandis, Cadena is the sole survivor of the attack. She tries to get away and hide from Magnus and the marauding Specters, but is injured. At the last moment, a member of the Shadowdealers, a trade organization, saves her. While he attempts to treat her injuries, the potions he uses are powerful and put Cadena into a deep healing sleep. Years go by until one day, Cadena awakens. She vows to take revenge on Magnus, who still reigns over Heliseum from his castle. In order to become powerful enough to face him, Cadena decides to become a member of the Shadowdealers and train to become a vicious fighter. She abandons her birth name, taking the name Cadena. The Shadowdealers do business in the backwater town of Savage Terminal, where Cadena grows up and trains with them. Savage Terminal is a place where bad guys gather, and has a tendency to attract a rough crowd. This sketchy environment gives Cadena a streetwise attitude and an edge in battle.
Cadena Changelog
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Thank you for this guide, very helpful. Although do you have recommendations on ability points input per level for each job advancement? Should I just go with auto-assn? Thank you!
@Joe: Cadena link skill is very useful when you plan to train a long period of time against monsters below your level especially when you are at higher levels. Luminous link skill is primary for bossing purposes. Some bosses requires a player to have 90% Ignore Defense in order for the player to inflict their full damage. So it depends on which stage you are at. Are you planning to level till Level 250 or you already reach a stage where you do not plan to grind, just do bossing – sell drops for meso or real money on forums or social-sites to earn back the money invested on funding your character equipment? If grinding, I’ll go with Cadena. If bossing, I’ll go for Luminous.
Hi Ayumi, I was thinking to create one character for their link skill, was comparing the link skill between Cadena and Luminous. In your opinion, which one is better??
how do you attack without mana? I keep trying to attack but my basic attack requires mana so I can’t and have to wait
cadena’s best bossing combo (very minimal movement + using stroke first for every skill use + no need for animation cancel)
For the passive hyper skills, why do you take Chain Arts: Thrash – Reinforce and not Chainless Arts – Reinforce? Doesn’t most of your damage come from the summoned weapons? Also isn’t Chainless Arts – Reinforce strictly better than Chainless Arts – Boss Rush because you also get the 20% damage on normal monsters?
TYVM! <3 <3
@Denise: Thanks for your input. I have added the list of Cadena Mastery Book 20 and 30 under the Cadena 4th Job Skill section.
@J: Thanks for the notice! I’ll be correcting Cadena 3rd Job Skill Build guide to accomodate for the Muscle Memory II requirement.
Hi! I noticed that you didnt include in the mastery books for cadena. Would you be able to include that into the guide as well?
You need Muscle Memory II to unlock Summon Shotgun and Dagger
In GMS only; Summon Shotgun | Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster, and Summon Brick | Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash cannot be done on the ground the game requires that you be in the air to use them. hopefully this gets patched.
@Mitch Usually patches come with bugs. Soon they’ll patch it up so that chains can start dropping. Although it is strange enough that CRA and CPQ can drop Cadena chains.
@Mitch: They monsters do drop Energy Chain weapon if you grind on them long enough. I get 1 equip every level too unless you are leveling too fast.
Hey. How do we get weapons? Mobs dont seem to be dropping any and i dont see them in shops
@Whurim: GMS has finally released Cadena! Enjoy 🙂
Kinda sad that GMS didn’t released yesterday
The weak point attacj is 1%crit rate or 10% 1% seems kinda low
@Tsurugi: Congrats for reach Level 200! Do you use any 2x EXP items during leveling? Thanks for sharing your pros and cons on Cadena. I have added them into the guide above!
I’ve leveled my Cadena to 200 just a few hours ago, 6 days after release date (unfunded maybe except for the Fafnir weapon xD), played during afternoon to evening, after the day’s work.
Here are more things to consider:
– Insane mobility (due to her chains!) contributes really well to mobbing (and bossing, to some extent).
– Excellent passive evasion, as well as the amazing Dark Sight effect of Chain Arts: Chase can be extremely useful lifesavers when used properly.
– Low HP and defense. Beware being caught in between enemy attacks, especially at higher levels, or with enemies at least 4-5 levels higher than your own!
@Henry: Yeah, all jobs except Cygnus Knights require mastery books to unlock 4th Job Skills mastery level!
this job need buy mastery book?
@GentleScout: Slightly difficult since you need to combo the skill to bring out Cadena’s utlimate damage. If you lag in Internet connection, it will be difficult for the player to gauge on when the perform the next skill smoothly. Otherwise, the skill will not be trigger or triggered at the wrong timing which makes the character fly out from position. She is quite fun to play when you know how to combo the skills well as you will need to remember which skill will complete its cooldown/delay. All Cadena’s weapon skills has cooldown which makes it difficult for players who are not familiar in chaining but spamming 1 skill.
Is she hard to play and is she fun or not?
@all: Skill Update
1. Return → ? | Return to Merchant Hideout
2. Bargainer → ? | Make an Offer
3. Intensive Assault → ? | Intensive Insult
4. Agent Step → ? | Agen Steps
5. Collecting Four-Leaf → ? | Collecting Four Leaf
6. Summon Cutting Scimitar → ? | Weapon Arts: Blade Cut
7. Summon Scratching Claw → ? | Weapon Arts: Talon Strike
8. Summon Throwing Wing Dagger → ? | Weapon Arts: Shuriken Bomb
9. Weapon Variety I → ? | Weapon Variation I
10. Weapon Mastery → ? | Weapons Mastery
11. Summon Shooting Shotgun → ? | Weapon Arts: Shotgun Blaster
12. Summon Slashing Knife → ? | Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers
13. Summon Releasing Bomb → ? | Weapon Arts: Energy Bombs
14. Weapon Variety II → ? | Weapon Variation II
15. Summon Striking Brick → ? | Weapon Arts: Cinderblock Smash
16. Summon Beating Needle Bat → ? | Weapon Arts: Assault & Battery
17. Nova’s Warrior → ? | Nova Warrior
18. Nova Hero’s Will → ? | Nova Temperance
19. Weapon Variety III → ? | Weapon Variation III
20. Weapon Expert → ? | Expert Weapons Mastery
21. Non-Chain Arts – Critical Rate → ? | Non-Chain Arts – Critical
22. Non-Chain Arts: Boss Killer → ? | Non-Chain Arts – Boss Rush
23. Chain Arts: Takedown – Reinforce → ? | Chain Arts: Takedown – Reinforcement
24. Chain Arts: Takedown – Wave Reinforce → ? | Chain Arts: Takedown – Wave Reinforcement
25. Chain Arts: Takedown – Cooltime Reduce → ? | Chain Arts: Takedown – Reduce Cooldown
26. Professional Agent → ? | Professionalism
27. Merchant’s Special Elixir → ? | Elite Serum
@all: Equip Update
1. Back Alley’s Shadow → Shadow of Backstreet
2. City’s Shadow → Shadow of City
3. Grandis’ Shadow → Shadow of Grandis
4. Two Worlds’ Shadow → Shadow of Two Worlds
5. Destiny’s Pioneer → Explorer of Fate
6. De Marte → De Marti
7. De Jupiter → De Hovitere
8. De Saturno → De Satorno
@Tsurugi: Thanks for the pointing out! I’ll check the patch notes provided by MapleSEA 😀
Hi Ayumi,
MapleSEA Cadena’s skill names are now available through their patch notes:
Though, this makes me want to create a Cadena on both services that I play (MSEA and GMS – Reboot). But I have to wait 1 and 2 weeks to be able to do so. Haha!
I think the “Chain Arts: Stroke – Next Attack Reinforce” could potentially come in handy if one masters the class (flawlessly executing the skills that can be linked together for optimal damage)
Just a heads up, a lot of talk on KMS forums say Cadena has a very high potential damage output, like Blaster level high. However, like blaster her skill level is very high to get her maximum damage out.
@Jake: I think there would not be a need for the “Non chain arts-critical rate” if Cadena is able to achieve 100% critical rate from Link Skills and Decent Skills. Do you have any recommendations of Cadena Hyper Skills which can replace it?
@dgnunch: Nexon does not pay me though. The reason for this site existence is to help MapleStory players who are new to the game. The only time I have spare to update this site is during weekends. With the help of fellow visitors visiting the site with ads enabled helps cover the fees for website hosting and domain name.
Hey Ayumi! I was wondering if that we already have 100% critical rate from link skills, and decent skills, would we have a need for “Non chain arts-critical rate” ?
Holy shit you’re still making guides and whatnot? Pretty sure I was a child last time I visited this site. Does Nexon pay you, or a big fan of MS in general, or just habit? How do you find the time? Some things never change
@Fontana: Thanks for pointing out about the Summon Beating Needle Bat”. I have updated the skill description (removed the cooldown). Basically, the hits from this skill will need to be restarted if it was interupted by any other attacking skills.
Does the skill “summon needle bat” has a cooldown? If it does why it isnt shown in the skill description?
@Elson: Should be roughly the same timing or delay by 1-3 months after GMS releases it.
I suppose for it to be released into MSEA, it will be another 6-12 mths after GMS releases it ?
Theres a spelling error
*Share your pros on this job!*
All of his skill is AoE, and she is an excellent mobber.
his, she
@Johnathan: It would be approximately within 6~8 months after KMS (Korea MapleStory) released it to give sufficient time to translate all the Cadena content (skills/questline/etc) into English.
When will the Cadena class be released in GMS?
@Axel: Yeah, I was wondering the same thing as well about where Cadena will get the additional boost of speed and jump after increasing the max limit.
Can’t deny, being a thief without any kind of haste/movement speed/ jump boost just seems stupid.
I mean, they give you a skill that raises your maximum speed to 160 but no speed or jump boosts.
What’s the point in raising the cap without giving any in the first place?
@Surprise: Thanks for sharing your pros and cons on Cadena. I’ll add them into the guide above!
Pros: Link Skill is dope, Very mobile, Shops are cheaper
Cons: You need to link skills together for maximum Dpm as they have no main bossing skill, Not beginner friendly
Pros : All of his skill is AoE, and she is a VERY GREAT MOBBER
Cons : From 1 to 3rd job is weak, rinse at 4th job
Source : X3TheAran5 streaming cadena