Thief can advanced as a Shadower or Night Lord. This specific job route is determined when you reach Level 30. For this job, you will undergo as Bandit (2nd Job Advancement), Chief Bandit (3rd Job Advancement) and Shadower (4th Job Advancement). Shadowers are dagger wielding, shield toting 4th job of the Thief job lineup. Possessing extremely unique skills themed around meso use, shadow abuse, and flashy dagger acrobatics, Shadowers enjoy high damage and very high defense, second to only Paladins. Shadowers are excellent mobbers come 4th job and somewhat niche but effective bossers. However, our early jobs are painful leveling due to the lack of a decent mobbing skill until 3rd job. Our damage is high, but it is somewhat tricky to maximize the damage Shads can deal due to expensive equips, slow rebuffs, and having clunky, delayed skills. Despite these shortcomings, Shads are fantastic class.
Thief Overview
CLASS: Adventurer/Explorer
MAPLE UNION EFFECT: LUK +10/20/40/80/100
BEST INNER ABILITY: Attack +30, Boss Damage +20%
JOB SKILLS: I: Rogue → II: Bandit → III: Chief Bandit → IV: Shadower → Hyper Skills → V: Shadower
Shadower Pros and Cons
- *Share your pros on this job!*
- High damage and defense.
- *Share your cons on this job!*
- Difficult to get good shields for best damage.
- Less mobility compared to other thieves. Example: Night Lord has Shadow Web, DB has Ascension Blade to jump further/ avoid 1hko skill.
Thief 1st Job Skills
Please refer to Thief 1st Job Skill Build Guide as it is shared by Shadower and Night Lord.
Bandit – Thief 2nd Job Skills
Savage Blow
Deals very quick consecutive attacks to a monster.
Level 1: MP Cost: 25, attack 8 enemies with 135% damage 3 times.
Level 20: MP Cost: 30, attack 8 enemies with 192% damage 3 times.
Savage Blow used for 2nd job primary attacking/training skill for Bandits.
Critical Growth | Critical Growing
Your Critical Rate and Critical Damage increase per internal or attack. Critical Rate boost resetse when it reaches 100%. Critical Damage boost resets when Critical Rate reaches 100% after Critical Damage reaches cap.
Level 1: Per interval/attack – Critical Rate: +3%, Critical Damage: +1% (capped at 10%)
Quickly attack many enemies, with a set chance to steal an item and/or produce a potion from them. The potion can only be stolen from an enemy once, but it can be repeated until it is successful. When used against regular monsters, the potion heals random HP and MP. When used against bosses, the potion heals all your HP and MP and gives you 30 attack for 3 minutes.
Level 1: MP Cost: 12, Steal Chance: 31%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 294%, Stun Duration: 2 sec. When consuming a potion that was stolen from a boss, it recovers HP/MP and activates Weapon ATT +30 buff for 3 minutes
Level 10: MP Cost: 24, Steal Chance: 49%, Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 330%, Stun Duration: 5 sec. When consuming a potion that was stolen from a boss, it recovers HP/MP and activates Weapon ATT +30 buff for 3 minutes
Steal not suitable for training purposes.
Dagger Booster
Required Skill: Dagger Mastery (5)
Doubles the attack speed of your weapon. Must have a dagger equipped.
Level 1: MP Cost: 28, Duration: 20 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 10, Duration: 200 sec
Mesoguard | Meso Guard
Uses Mesos to absorb up to 50% of the damage taken. Amount of Mesos consumed is based on Skill Level and damage reduction rate.
Level 1: MP Cost: 12, Duration: 127 sec, defend 77% of Guarded Damage.
Level 10: MP Cost: 27, Duration: 190 sec, defend 50% of Guarded Damage.
Meso Guard halves the damage inflicted by enemies regardless its level (Level 1 or Max Level). The difference is the buff duration and the amount of mesos which meso guard consumes from your inventory for reducing the damage. The percentage (example: 77% and 50%) is the amount of meso the skill will consume upon your character getting hit. The lower the %, the less money gets taken away from you. At level 1, 77% of that halved damage was being taken away from your mesos in your inventory. At level 10 now, 50% of that halved damage is being taken away now. I’ll use an example for a better understanding. A monster hits you and does 2000 hp damage. Meso guard halves that damage so you receive 1000 hp damage. At level 1, 77% is taken away from the halved damage. So 77% of that 1000 is 770, which means 770 mesos gets taken away from your inventory for cutting 2k hit in halve. Now lets try level 10. we’ll use 2000 hp damage again. Meso guard will halve that to 1000 hp damage received. At level 10, 50% of the mesos gets taken away from the halved damage. So 50% of that 1000 is 500, which means 500 mesos gets taken away from your inventory for cutting 2k hit in halve. This saves more meso’s in the long run considering a health potion replenishes health with 1:1 ratio (1 meso to 1 HP)
Channel Karma
Increases your Attack Power.
Level 1: Weapon ATT: +11
Level 20: Weapon ATT: +30
Dagger Mastery
Note: Level 10 required to learn Dagger Expert.
Increases Dagger mastery.
Level 1: Dagger Mastery: + 14%
Level 10: Dagger Mastery: + 50%
Physical Training
Permanently improves LUK and DEX through sheer physical training.
Level 1: Permanently increases LUK by 6 and DEX by 6
Level 5: Permanently increases LUK by 30 and DEX by 30
Shield Mastery
Increases Weapon Defense, Magic Defense, Avoidability, and Weapon ATT when a shield is equipped.
Level 1: When shield is equipped – Weapon/Magic DEF: +11%, Avoidability: +2%, Weapon ATT: + 3
Level 10: When shield is equipped – Weapon/Magic DEF: +110%, Avoidability: +20%, Weapon ATT: + 15
Hunt a Shield for Thieves. Warrior and Mage Shields aren’t equip-able. The most basic shield of thief is dropped from Ligator. Getting it early allows you to gain Shield Mastery benefits, in particular the extra damage from Weapon Attack.
Bandit Skill Build: Everything maxed except Steal.
1. Channel Karma, Savage Blow, Meso Guard, Shield Mastery (1)
2. Dagger Mastery (5)
3. Dagger Booster (6)
4. Dagger Mastery (MAX)
5. Channel Karma (MAX)
6. Shield Mastery (MAX)
7. Savage Blow (MAX)
8. Meso Guard (MAX)
9. Dagger Booster (MAX)
10. Physical Training (MAX)
11. Steal (9/10)
Chief Bandit – Thief 3rd Job Skills
Midnight Carnival
Overwhelms enemies with supersonic slashes.
Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Number of Attacks: 8, Damage: 81%
Level 20: MP Cost: 22, Number of Attacks: 8, Damage: 138%
Phase Dash
Dashes at the enemy with blinding speed, damaging and knocking them back. Can be resisted by some monsters.
Level 1: MP Cost: 18, Damage: 325%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 2
Level 20: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 420%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 2
Meso Explosion
Required Skill: Pick Pocket (1)
Sends nearby Mesos flying to damage enemies. Mesos that belong to others cannot be moved.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 86% per meso per enemy, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Number of Projectiles: 5
Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 200% per meso per enemy, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Number of Projectiles: 15
Dark Flare
Temporarily summons the Dark Lord’s throwing star. Party members nearby will reflect enemy damage. Cannot reflect more than half of the enemy’s Max HP. You will not be damaged from hitting an enemy with attack reflection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 60, Duration: 22 sec, Inflicts 208% for the duration, Reflects 350% enemy damage when hit within the zone, Cooldown: 260 sec
Level 20: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Inflicts 360% for the duration, Reflects 1300% enemy damage when hit within the zone, Cooldown: 60 sec
1 meso will drop when you attack with your skills (besides Meso Explosion). Can be toggled On/Off.
Level 1: Meso Drop Chance: 14%, Max Mesos Created: 15. When mesos are consumed from being hit with Mesoguard up, up to 5 mesos drop. Mesos do not drop from Venom or Sudden Raid, which do damage over time.
Level 5: Meso Drop Chance: 30%, Max Mesos Created: 15. When mesos are consumed from being hit with Mesoguard up, up to 5 mesos drop. Mesos do not drop from Venom or Sudden Raid, which do damage over time.
Shadow Partner
Summons a shadow that mimics your actions for a set period. Shadows do not have HP and disappear when their summoning durations expire. The shadow cannot mimic Meso Explosion which directly moves coins.
Level 1: MP Cost: 40, summons a shadow that makes an additional hit that is 13% of the final damage for all attacks for 86 sec
Level 20: MP Cost: 64, summons a shadow that makes an additional hit that is 70% of the final damage for all attacks for 200 sec
Note: Level 10 required to learn Toxic Venom.
Permanently coats your dagger with venom, giving all your attacks the chance to Poison enemies. The Poison is not stackable, and the enemy’s HP cannot drop below 1.
Level 1: Poison Chance: 12%, 54% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec
Level 10: Poison Chance: 30%, 90% damage every 1 sec for 6 sec
Meso Mastery
Increase the amount of mesos that drop. Skills that use mesos become more efficient.
Level 1: Mesos Dropped (by monsters): 4%, Pick Pocket Meso Drop Rate: 4%, Mesoguard Damage Guard Rate: 2%, Mesos Consumed by Mesoguard: -4%, Meso Explosion Damage (per shot): +12% points. Passive Effect: Attack Power: +1
Level 5: Mesos Dropped (by monsters): 20%, Pick Pocket Meso Drop Rate: 20%, Mesoguard Damage Guard Rate: 10%, Mesos Consumed by Mesoguard: -20%, Meso Explosion Damage (per shot): +60% points. Passive Effect: Attack Power: +5
Enveloping Darkness
Through fellowship with the darkness, permanently increase your maximum HP, status effect resistance, and elemental resistance.
Level 1: MaxHP: +2%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +3%, Elemental Resistance: +3%
Level 10: MaxHP: +20%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +30%, Elemental Resistance: +30%
Advanced Dark Sight (Passive)
Required Skill: Dark Sight Lv. 10
Learning Stealth allows you to attack and use skills in Dark Sight, with a chance of not ending Dark Sight. There is a chance to automatically trigger Dark Sight on attack, and attacking from Dark Sight will increase damage. If you dodge an attack that deals damage proportional to Max HP using the Dark Sight that activates when you are hit, the cooldown does not apply.
Level 1: Maintain Dark Sight Chance: 30%. Dark Sight Trigger Chance: 20%, Dark Sight Final Damage Bonus: 5%
Into Darkness (Passive)
Melts into the darkness and teleports you behind the furthest enemy in range. You remain in Dark Sight after teleporting, and the cooldown is shared with Dark Sight.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Teleport to enemy within range and go into Dark Sight. Cooldown shared with Dark Sight.
Chief Bandit Skill Build: Everything maxed except Midnight Carnival.
0. Into Darkness, Advanced Dark Sight (Auto-MAX)
1. Midnight Carnival (1) Phase Dash (1) Shadow Partner (1)
2. Pickpocket (1) Meso Explosion (1)
3. Meso Mastery (MAX)
4. Pickpocket (MAX)
5. Shadow Partner (MAX)
6. Dark Flare (MAX)
7. Enveloping Darkness (MAX)
8. Meso Explosion (MAX)
9. Phase Dash (MAX)
10. Venom (MAX)
11. Midnight Carnival (14/20)
Dark Flare and Assassinate combo spam does much more damage compared to Midnight Carnival and Meso Explosion against bosses.
Shadower – Thief 4th Job Skills
Attacks an enemy’s vital point over and over to deal tremendous damage. Cast the Asassinate skill once more after the first three strikes to deal a finishing blow. You will no longer be hidden aftter the final blow. When used while hidden, increases Assassinate damage. Also does more damage when Body Count is 3. Will not be pushed back by any enemy attack when using Assassinate.
Level 30: MP Cost 44, Ddamage: 550%, Number of Consecutive Attacks: 3, Press the skill key once more to deal 700% damage 3 times as the final blow. When Dar Sight is used, damage increases by 150%. Final Damage increases by 100% when Body Count is 3.
Boomerang Stab
Grants a chance to stun an enemy after making two fast slashing attacks. Also enhances all attack skills permanently.
Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 568%, Number of Attacks: 2, Stun Chance: 32%, Stun Duration: 1 sec. Passive Effect: Final damage increases by 5%
Level 30: MP Cost: 40, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 742%, Number of Attacks: 2, Stun Chance: 90%, Stun Duration: 4 sec. Passive Effect: Final damage increases by 25%
Prime Critical
Enhances Critical Growth. Also increases maximum critical damage permanently.
Level 1: For every interval or attack – Critical Rate: +4%, Critical Damage: +2%, Critical Damage Increase Cap: 10%. Passive Effect – LUK +1, Critical Damage +11%
Level 10: For every interval or attack – Critical Rate: +6%, Critical Damage: +2%, Critical Damage Increase Cap: 10%. Passive Effect – LUK +10, Critical Damage +20%
Sudden Raid
Calls in a horde of friends to set the stage on fire.
Level 1: MP Cost: 290, Damage: 715%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 3, Damage Over Time: 94% damage every 1 sec for 5 sec, Cooldown: 60 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 290, Damage: 1150%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 3, Damage Over Time: 210% damage every 1 sec for 10 sec, Cooldown: 30 sec
Maple Warrior
Increases the stats of all party members. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec
Drops a Smokescreen near you. All party members within Smokescreen range will not take damage for the duration. For attacks that are based on max HP ratios, the damage will be reduced. In addition, enemies inside the Smokescreen will take more critical damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 16, Critical Damage within the Smokescreen: +2%, Damage Taken in Proportion to HP: -1%, Duration: 31 sec, Cooldown: 358 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 46, Critical Damage within the Smokescreen: +20%, Damage Taken in Proportion to HP: -10%, Duration: 60 sec, Cooldown: 300 sec
Hero’s Will
By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec
Shadower Instinct
Awakens the Shadower’s merciless instincts to increase Attack and ignore enemy DEF. As a passive effect, this skill allows you to rack up a Body Count with each attack, which can be used to further enhance your other attacks.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Duration: 28 sec, Weapon ATT: +2, additional 10 each point of Body Count (uses entire Body Count). Passive Effects: Enemy DEF Ignored: 1%, Accumulate Kill Body Count upon attack.
Level 20: MP Cost: 22, Duration: 180 sec, Weapon ATT: +40, additional 10 each point of Body Count (uses entire Body Count). Passive Effects: Enemy DEF Ignored: 20%, Accumulate Kill Body Count upon attack.
Shadow Shifter
Grants a chance to summon a wooden doll to take damage in your place.
Level 1: Additional Avoidability Chance: 16%
Level 30: Additional Avoidability Chance: 45%
Toxic Venom
Required Skill: Venom (10)
Increases Venom’s poison chance and permanently increases poison damage.
Level 1: Poison Chance: 32%, 115% damage every 1 sec for 5 sec, Can be stacked 2 times
Level 10: Poison Chance: 50%, 160% damage every 1 sec for 8 sec, Can be stacked 3 times
Dagger Expert
Required Skill: Dagger Mastery (10)
Increases Dagger Mastery, Weapon Attack, and Critical Damage.
Level 1: Dagger Mastery: +56%, Weapon ATT: +11, Critical Damage: +1%
Level 30: Dagger Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +40, Critical Damage: +15%
Shadower Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Boomerang Stab, Shadow Shifter, Assassinate (1)
2. Sudden Raid, Smokescreen, Shadower Instinct (1)
3. Prime Critical (MAX)
4. Dagger Expert (MAX)
5. Boomerang Stab (MAX)
6. Shadower Instinct (MAX)
7. Maple Warrior (MAX)
8. Shadow Shifter (MAX)
9. Assassinate (MAX)
10. Toxic Venom (MAX)
11. Smokescreen (MAX)
12. Sudden Raid (MAX)
13. Hero’s Will (MAX)
Shadower Hyper Skills
Boomerang Stab – Extra Strike | Boomerang Step – Bonus Attack
Required Level: 149
Level 1: Number of Attacks: +1
Boomerang Stab – Reinforce | Boomerang Step – Reinforce
Required Level: 168
Level 1: Damage: +20%
Boomerang Stab – Spread | Boomerang Step – Extra Target
Required Level: 189
Level 1: Monsters Hit: +2
Meso Explosion – Enhance
Required Level: 143
Level 1: Max number of mesos used at a time and dropped from Pickpocket is 5. Chance for mesos to drop from Pickpocket: +10%
Meso Explosion – Guardbreak
Required Level: 162
Level 1: Monster DEF Ignored: 10%
Meso Explosion – Reinforce
Required Level: 183
Level 1: Damage: +20%
Assassinate – Reinforce
Required Level: 155
Level 1: Damage: +20%
Assassinate – Boss Rush
Required Level: 177
Level 1: Boss ATT Damage: +20%
Assassinate – Guardbreak
Required Level: 195
Level 1: Monster DEF Ignored: 10%
Flip of the Coin
Required Level: 150
Flips a lucky coin to conjure up a blessing of awesomeness.
Level 1: Can only use when you land a critical attack. MP Cost: 50, Duration: 120 sec, Damage: 5%, Critical Chance: 10%, Max Stacks: 5
Shadow Veil
Required Level: 170
Summons a dark ally to deal damage over time. Cannot use Dark Sight while attack is in effect.
Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 800%, Duration: 12 sec. Cooldown: 60 sec
Epic Adventure
Required Level: 200
Call upon the bravery deep within to increase damage output and max damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10%, Cooldown: 120 sec. Applies to any Explorer class within the party
Shadower Hyper Skill Build Guide:
1. Assassinate – Reinforce (MAX)
2. Assassinate – Boss Rush (MAX)
3. Boomerang Stab – Reinforce (MAX)
4. Boomerang Stab – Extra Strike (MAX)
5. Meso Explosion – Reinforce (MAX)
6. Flip of the Coin (MAX)
7. Shadow Veil (MAX)
8. Epic Adventure (MAX)
Check this Hyper Stats Guide for more details!
Shadower 5th Job Skills
Please refer to MapleStory 5th Job Skills Guide for more details on Skill Cores, Special Cores and Enhancement Cores!
Shadower Skill Cores
Shadow Assault
Instantly approach and cut down enemies.
Level 1: Consumes 300 MP. Instantly rush to an enemy and deal 740% damage 6 times on up to 10 nearby enemies with an additional 25% critical rate. You can use this skill with the arrow keys to choose the direction of your first attack, you can use this skill up to 4 times. Cooldown after 1st attack has been used: 60 seconds (during which you can use the 2nd~4th attacks).
Level 25: Consumes 300 MP. Charges forward and attacks up to 10 monsters at 1220% 6 times. Critical Rate +25%, Ignore +100% Monster DEF. Advances toward the direction of the pressed direction key. Can attack enemies up to 4 times. Cooldown after the first attack: 60 sec, but 2-4 attacks can be made.
Enables you to move behind a wounded assassination target and inflict fatal damage. Attacks chained to Assassinate penetrate enemies in Ignore Attacks or Damage Reflection mode.
Level 1: Consumes 650 MP to summon hiding comrades and make them attack up to 10 enemies at 572% Damage 5 times. If there is an enemy with the Wound debuff max-stacked on it, this skill can be chained to the last attack of Assassinate, enabling you to move behind the enemy and attack it at 1976% Damage 7 times. Critical Rate +100% and Ignore Monster DEF +100%. Leaves you Invincible for 1 seconds. Cooldown: 10 sec. Passive Effects: Leaves the Wound debuff on the last target of Assassinate that stacks up to 3 times in 10 seconds. This debuff can only be cast on 1 enemy at a time. Casting it on a new enemy cancels its effects on the previous target.
Level 25: Consumes 650 MP to summon hiding comrades and make them attack up to 10 enemies at 1100% Damage 5 times. If there is an enemy with the Wound debuff max-stacked on it, this skill can be chained to the last attack of Assassinate, enabling you to move behind the enemy and attack it at 3800% Damage 7 times. Critical Rate +100% and Ignore Monster DEF +100%. Leaves you Invincible for 1 seconds. Cooldown: 10 sec. Passive Effects: Leaves the Wound debuff on the last target of Assassinate that stacks up to 3 times in 10 seconds. This debuff can only be cast on 1 enemy at a time. Casting it on a new enemy cancels its effects on the previous target.
Shadower Enhancement Cores
- Steal (4% per level)
- Savage Blow (4% per level)
- Muspelheim (3% per level)
- Meso Explosion (3% per level)
- Edge Carnival (3% per level)
- Dark Flare (3% per level)
- Assassinate (2% per level)
- Boomerang Step (2% per level)
- Sudden Raid (2% per level)
- Shadow Veil (2% per level)
Shadower V-Matrix Skills Guide
Main V Skill: Shadow Assault
Trio #1: Assassinate / Shadow Veil / Sudden Raid
Trio #2: Boomerang Stab / Dark Flare / Meso Explosion
Trio #3: Savage Blow / Midnight Carnival / Phase Dash
Note: Bolded = essential skill | Non-bolded = non-essential skill.
MapleStory Old to New Skill Names
Shadower 2nd Job Skills
- →
Shadower 3rd Job Skills
- →
Shadower 4th Job Skills
- Sudden Raid → Sudden Raid (SAME)
- Shadower Instinct → Shadower Instinct (SAME)
- Assassinte → Assassinate (SAME)
Shadower Hyper Skills
- Veil of Shadows → Shadow Veil
Shadower 5th Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
- Shadow Assault → Shadow Assault (SAME)
- Eviscerate → (SAME)
Additional Information
Shadower Changelog
[listx tags=”gms+shadower” title=”
[listx tags=”msea+shadower” title=”
Phase Dash does decent enough to damage to grind with. You may have to adjust your training location.
Great guide. I’m confused though. Should I be using Phase Dash or Savage Blow as a level 80 Chief Bandit in GMS Reboot?
Phase Dash = more damage, but clunky movement
Savage Blow = less damage, but easier to use
Or, should I be using both?
@Venishua: Shield Mastery skill works with both Shield and non-Shield (aka Secondary Weapon) for Shadower. For end-game, players will use a Shield since it can be Star Forced and it can have more stats too once its upgraded/scrolled. You will see the effects in your stat window under defense, not on the secondary/shield window stat itself.
For the shield mastery skill do I have to have a shield or the secondary weapon from the shop does the job and gets me its effects?
@Ayumilove : Thanks for the recommendation~~ =D
@Kent: I would recommend getting Utgard equipment but if you have the funding you can try getting Fafnir equipment set as they boost up the stats signifacantly. I used Fafnir sets from Level 150 to 210.
@all: MapleStory MSEA v179 Updates:
Meso Explosion (Before)
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 181% per meso per enemy, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Number of Projectiles: 5
Level 5: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 200% per meso per enemy, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Number of Projectiles: 15
Meso Explosion (After)
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 86% per meso per enemy, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Number of Projectiles: 5
Level 20: MP Cost: 30, Damage: 200% per meso per enemy, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Max Number of Projectiles: 15
Ayumi, can suggest the gear for me? I return to play Maplestory recently, many things not so sure already. can suggust low cost gear and end game gear for shadower?
Eviscerate is called Trickblade (or at least in GMS), just wanted to point that out!
@makeshadsgreatagain: Thanks for the skill icons and description! I’ll update the Shadower guide based on the provided info.
alot of outdated info here so i just compiled a bunch of recent changes with screenshots and notes here;
@Spiritbolt: Thanks for pointing it out. I’ll be removing the outdated remark on Meso Explosion having 5 second cooldown.
Meso Explosion seems to not have a 5 second cooldown anymore.
@dansgame: Thanks for the update! I have replaced Assassinate – Limit Break with Assassinate – Guardbreak.
Old: Assassinate – Limit Break, Required Level: 195, Level 1: Max damage increased to 70,000,000
New: Assassinate – Guardbreak, Required Level: 195, Level 1: Monster DEF Ignored: 10%
Assassinate – Limit Break is not more, now it is Ignore monster def 10% i think
@DojoKillaz: Thanks for the notice! I have updated Eviscerate skill description.
Please update the skill description and CD for eviscerate. The skill has been revamped in further updates, thanks
Maplesea does not have CD for meso explosion anymore. Is the build still valid?
Thanks in advance!
@beeplance: Zakum do drop shield but its quite rare though. I used about 10 characters to perform solo Zakum and only 1 character had a chance to get the shield.
@HawkWard: Thanks for your feedbac! Shadower 3rd Job Skills and 4th Job Skills has been updated.
Update 3rd job and assassinate in 4th job
Anyone has any advice on what low level monsters to hunt for shields for Bandits? Thanks in advance!
@Im-The-One: Yes, you can change to different job for Explorer Thief. It’s called “Open Advancement”. There are a few pre-requisites to change job:
1. You must be at least Level 101 and have completed the 4th job advancement.
2. Can change jobs once per day.
3. Can only change within the same class (e.g. Thief -> change to any Thief other than Warrior/Pirate/Magician/Bowman)
4. All skill points are reset. You will need to repurchase Mastery Books 20 and 30!
5. Your primary stat will be switched depending on job (e.g. Buccaneer = STR -> Corsair = DEX)
6. Link skill for the previous class will be lost.
7. You will gain a Level 100 weapon box for that class.
It will cost Job Advancement Coins or paying a certain amount of mesos.
It will cost more meso if your character level is very high and also the number of times the job has switched to different job.
Can i change from a shadower to a night lord?
@KelvinTHM: Create a Kanna mule, set First/Second/Third Inner Ability to Obtain Meso +% and Drop +%. Then farm all the way!
@knight: Thanks for the notice regarding MapleSEA Beyond patch. I’m currently looking at the details and will be performing the necessary updates. 🙂
Beyond patch is out for mapleSEA pls update guide if necessary 😀
@join @Panthaero
I do play the class of course. Welp I got your point, shadower has omnidirectional teleport skill, but you need a mob to be there, unlike DB and NL, they can easily avoid banban’s 1hko jump attack, hmag spinning attack and etc.
any idea how to earn mesos? im just coming back to maplesea after quitting for a long time, new account new characters no mesos even to buy pots and basic equips…
You misspelled nice in description. xD
Assassinate damage 1.5x when bodycount 5? But I can get body count 3 only.
@ subi
do you even play the class? double flash jump, a rush, and two omnidirectional teleport skills is less mobility? mobility is defo not a con of shad
Subi, I can see what you mean about them lacking direct upward mobility, but I feel the point is moot with double flash jump and “into darkness” as well. You’re entitled to your opinion of course.
Bengus extra meso is always good in reboot, but the meso dropped from the skills, arrnt useable :c
Ayumi, if you get a chance could you modify assassinate? I think at max the second portion does two hits of 700%
would extra meso drop be a pro if on reboot type server? 😮
@SuBi: Thanks for sharing your cons’s on Shadower. It has been added into the Shadower’s Pros and Cons section 🙂
Cons: Less mobility compared to other thieves.
Example: Night Lord has Shadow Web, DB has Ascension Blade to jump further/ avoid 1hko skill.
Assassinate hyper “limit break” should be changed to “guard break” I believe 10%.
There is a new skill for 3rd job called into dark and advance dark sight. I not sure for 4th job because my shad just reach 3rd job. Thanks! 🙂
+meso explosion can hit pass super weapon defense (it is now a magic attack) so little downtime when bossing (combined with midnight carnival and pickpocket)
+excels on massive maps (‘dark flare’, ‘shadow veil’ and now ‘into darkness’ – an amazing tele skill)
+attacking skills from second, third, fourth, hyper and fifth job are all used end game frequently providing a varied training and bossing experience.
-main bossing skill assassinate has inconsistent output due to dark sight mechanic and shadower instinct count. not to mention critical damage as well as critical rate fluctuates constantly for all skills.
Shield mastery also works, having a secondary equipped.
You can get them at lvl 30,60 and 100, so there’s no need to farm a shield.
Although Khanjar and DKanjars are better, because they can be scrolled (not neccesarry in reboot) and have higher base att then the secondaries.
So if u have no meso with you, will mesoguard not work or will it cost nothing?
Hi Ayumi! With GMS 1.77 Meso Explosion got buffed (no more cooldown, can be used mid-combo(?)) among other things for shadower. In your 3rd job Explanation, you did not max Midnight Carnival due to the ME cd and said Dark Flare + Assassinate is a better combo.
Is that still the case? To not max MC and use Dark Flare + Assassinate instead for bossing?
@Visitor12345: Thanks for sharing your pros and cons for Shadower! I have added them into the Pros and Vons section list above.
anyone playing maplesea can add my shadower “SteaIthCreed”,
anyway Ayumi you’re great man! thanks for all the hard work I think most of the players follow your guides 🙂
Pros for shadower: high damage and defence
Cons: hard to get good shields for best damage
@TacoSeller: I would personally choose Hero because of its tankiness and simple attack mode.
Hey Ayumi,shadower or hero?
@Hwotospell: Thanks for your feedback! I’ll get to it as soon as possible to update the outdated content. Thanks again for stopping by! Do check out the new 5th job skill section as MapleStory will be releasing this new skills soon for Level 200+ players.
Ayumi, there is a rework In shadowers skills already. Do you mind updating this guide. Im a returning mapler and holy you are still around. I remember I read and watched all of your stuff a few years back. Can’t believe you are still active. Keep up the good work
No because midnight carnival has such a low %dmg, it won’t make much of a difference maxing it out, since you probably won’t hit damage cap anyway.
With the return of meso explosion coming soon should I max midnight carnival then?
@ShogunDr4gon also, if you want to compare damage, DBs are more focused on attack speed while Shadowers are more of a damage dealer. Dual blades are better mobbers imo. but shadowers are great bossers. if we talk about popularity, db are way more popular, on the other hand, shadower’s main are starting to reduce over time.
This is late-ish, and I may not be Ayumi but I think I can answer this mostly easily. Both in their own ways are very tanky. Shadower is tanky just by having High Defense, Meso Guard, and a shield as a secondary. Dual blades on the other hand, aren’t tanky, BUT, they have a sweet 90% dodge, which goes a LONG way.. So its basically:
If you want to be tanky through the use of RNG/Dodge – Dual Blade is for you
If you want to be tanky through the use of a shield/Defensive skills, and less Dodge- Go Shadower.
Hope this helped
Hi ayumi, i’m a casual mapler, always going and coming back from like 11 years now, and your website have being a humungous help whenever i decide to maple, honestly these time on keep playing for a while, sorry couldn’t help say “THANKS AYUMI”. So, something i always look in a class with good surviability, betwwen DB and shadower, wich one die less???, by the way it would be nice, if you could add a pro and cons section here and in your few guides that doesn’t have them, the are a terrific guideline to know what they can or can’t do certain jobs
Can you add shadower pros and cons?
where is the 2nd job skill critical growing?
Level 1: For every certain period or for ever attack, increase critical rate 2%
maxed on job adv.
@Matezz: Thanks for your compliment 🙂
@J: Thanks for your feedback! I have removed the SP requirements for Shadower 3rd Job Pickpocket.
for 3rd job Pickpocket don’t require any SP to be unlock.
Ayumilove you are great <3
May I ask why dark flare maxed and midnight carnival is not? I’ve always been told to leave dark flare unmaxed because it’s not as useful.
Erm Does shadower need mastery skill books ?
May I know the pros and cons of shadower?
And skill description of savage blow and midnight carnival should be swapped
@hi: I have updated Shadower skill to set Midnight Carnival from 16 to 14 (max).
How come I maxed everything except Midnight Carnival but it’s at level 14?
Hey Ayumi, I noticed that there is a minor error in the skill list. In 3rd Job, Meso Explosion says required skill is Pickpocket 1, but Pickpocket says required skill is Meso Explosion 3, so just wanted to point that out if any maple beginners came to check that out. Like I said, it is only a minor error
@anonkihime it can be crafted by the crafting skill 🙂
Where can we get Thief’s Shield? Help is needed please…..
Hi Ayumi, I wanted to ask that how to get Tsukuyomi’s Execution Dagger or hunt what monster can get it.Hope u know 🙂
Yea meso explosion works with shadow partner and your crit rate. So without hyper it hits about 50 times per second. If u are extremely funded this can replace assasinate
Does shadow partner can mimic meso explosion.I try to test but so hard to tell the different when have and without Shadow partner when using meso explosion.
when is shadower in gms getting his assassinate animation change and stuff?
Does Meso explosion get used in 4th job?
Wouldn’t using the Hyper Meso Explosion – Enhance be more useful for the added drop rate and extra 5 lines?
With Shadower, what is the best training skill? Boomerang, or Assassinate?
This page is Shadower skill build, of course is Shadower la
shadower or dual blade?
To: Ayumilove
I need help! Why my 3rd job skill Midnight Carnival is 14/20 when i reach lvl 100 and yours is 16/20?
To: Ayumi
I need help! Why my 3rd job skill Midnight Carnival is 14/20 when i reach lvl 100 and yours is 16/20?
I just came back from not playing since 2010 before mechs were introduced. I’m on a 101 CB that’s still on 3rd job. Do I get 4th job before I allocate any SP and what about AP? I’m currently at 100+31 dex (low dex somewhat). Since there isn’t a dex requirement what should I do now?
@toothlessthief: You gain SP when you reach 1st job (level 10), 2nd job (level 30), 3rd job (level 60) and 4th job (level 100) in RED/Rising Heroes patch.
When I turned to lvl 71, I didn’t get any sp, is that right or should I have gotten some?
Hi, do you have any idea which sdw “combo skills” are fastest dps against boss
pure assassinate or ds and assassinate? and whether to use meso explosion, its hard to tell because of the delays for ds and assassinate as well as meso explosion delay
Hey why is MW maxed so early?
@leo: Midnight Carnival hits 1 enemy.
Ayumi, just asking, but how many enemies does ‘Midnight Carnival’ hit?
@PinkNoodle: Thanks for your note! I believe that this was applied in RED Update where Bandit Secondary Weapon activates Shield Mastery.
Ayumilove. Just wanted to let you know that Shield Mastery now works fine with Dagger Scabbards.
I’m currently level 151 on my new Shadower and my range is 75k buffed. Which I feel is pretty weak. I think I had like 20-25k range at level 100.
What is the average damage range for a Shadower at level 100 and higher, as I only have a range of 5000~7000 and I feel like I have lower damage than others.
I wan to ply Damage and I dun knw which more better, I wan dps fas, a lot of Dmg.
@longzaiixD: It depends on your play style though. Do you like to move around while attacking? Choose Dual Blade. Do you prefer staying at 1 spot and moving a little bit while attacking, plus save some funds and do some special tricks with meso? (e.g. meso explosion), choose Shadower. Shadower is great for first timer too, since Meso Guard help save lots of meso. Just to take note that Shadower Shield is a little bit difficult to obtain since there are no NPC stores selling it, whereas Katara has more availability.
In red dual blade can change to shadower and which job better during red shadower or dual blade??
@Bacon: Thanks for the corrections. I’ll apply them now 🙂
Meso Explosion – Reinforce should be at level 183
Meso Explosion – Enhance should be at level 143
Assassinate – Reinforce should be at level 195
Assassinate – Limit Break should be at level 155
Boomerang Stab – Reinforce should be at level 168
@Icky: I have added my Meso Guard explanation (just below the Meso Guard official details) if you want more clarification on how it works. 🙂
@Jon: It’s differs for different players though. 50m seems a small amount when its in a populated server, where things are cheap.
@Salem: Assassinate skill details has been updated.
The assassinate skill got wrong details please recheck 🙂
Hey Ayumi, i was just wondering, I made a shadower during the 2x event and i have ~50m funding. Would you say that’s enough to be at least decent?
@greg: It’s possible with RED patch. All you need to do is reach advanced as 4th Job, level up once (at least Level 101), and pay a sum of meso to change from Shadower to Night Lord.
Hi Ayumi, I Have A Shadower And I Wanna Know If Have Any Kind Of Way To Change My Char To Be Another Thief Class, Is That Possible Ty.
If i plan on switching my UA shad to another thief class, will i be able to keep the vampire skill?
Which job is stronger or better.(shadower)or(bow master)?
Hi ayumi,
I just want to know which job is better shadower or dark kinght?
@ Icky on March 5, 2014 at 1:54 AM @
That’s true,
it is counter productive just to increase the duration of the skill,
this is not a rare question.
it is perfectly balance due to this skill,
it makes shadower a tanker 2nd to only paladin in maple.
Alix Chang
I have a question about Mesoguard:
So, I know it helps with def but as I’m leveling it, I noticed the percentage being blocked is going down.
I.E. lvl 9 guards 53% while using up to 10 mesos
lvl 10 guards 50% while using up to 10 mesos
isn’t this counterproductive?
is shads good with no funs onley skill bock and potion(mastey bocks)
Dear Ayumilove,
can you re-check the skill “Assassinate”?
it says the last hit is 100% crit rate, with a 1300% damage.
Alix Chang
Hey Ayumi, is shadower stronger than dual blade after red?
Hey ayumi. It says on my hyper skill list that boomerang step extra strike is unlocked at lvl149. And the last thing. In fact all of them seem flipped in GMS
Hi Stanley, Dual Blade is much more mobile compared to Shadower, so if you like mobility keep Dual Blade. If you prefer to have some change (bored being Dual Blade), you can switch to Shadower and later on switch back to Dual Blade if it isn’t your taste. I have tried many jobs, each jobs have their own advantages and disadvantages. For instance, Cannonneer lacks the mobility compared to most jobs including Adventurer Warrior, therefore even though it has powerful hit skill, its mobility makes it inconvenient for me to play, therefore I avoid training it.
i have recently returned to maple cus of red impact but i am not sure if i should change jobs from dual blade to shadower. Can you give me some advice please
Hi Christian, I have previously added my recommendation under the Shadower Hyper Skill Build. You can check that out 🙂
Hi Akin, thanks for spotting the missing skill. I have reupdated Shadower 4th Job Skill Build Guide which includes the Assassinate skill.
Hmmm, so we don’t max Assassinate? Just leave it at +1?
Which hyper skills would you max? Im struggling to find out which I should max. :/
MarsOreo… once your critical reaches 100% it reset and starts increasing again. Prima Critical just boosts the effect of critical growing, so at max level you would only gain 4% critical every 2 seconds or attack, not 6%.
btw I think this class should have gotten a new hyper skill… with critical growing/prima critical and flip of a coin… it just seems its a bit much focused on critical chance… almost to the point it is overkill… maybe swap out the critical chance in Flip of a coin, for say enemy defense ignored, would have been perfect!!!!!
Should I use the edge carnival aand boomerang step combo or not?
Hi Ayumilove! I would like to ask some skills that I do ony understand. The critical growing will rose your critical by 2%, so once it reached 100%, does the critical wears off or continual effect?
2) The prima critical is the advanced version of crtitical, so if it’s maxed, does the prima critical stacks with critical growing or separate differently? Pls reply thx. 🙂
wait what? 50% increased crit damage where did that come from, i only see 15% lol, or if u wanna count smokescreen 35 or if its multiplicative 38%, and smokescreen was present before RED.
OMG, Bommerang Step still active with a badly terrible attack speed!! And Assasinate damage decreased,sad==
Before RED Assassinate delay is 1170ms (1.17s), excluding the final hit. RED Assassinate delay is 750ms (0.75s). Which means they hit faster, so it’s still a buff. And don’t forget after the RED update Shadowers have 50% increased crit damage on both minimum and maximum crits.
I thought that was already implemented before RED..?
Look on the bright side, at least Assassinate now collects Body Count orbs!
i think the critical hit thing is quite ridiculous. since you can reach 100%Crit very easily.. theres no point in increasing Crit chance lol.
Hm Ayumi, is the last hit for assasinate is 1320%? (or 2x damage) If so, its like combining 2 hits for the last one
!! assasinate extra hit is gone also, terrible.. reduced damage and 1 less hit also
@greenarrowspark2, Yeah totally agree, cap on assasinate increased but damage reduced -.- i consider that a nerf , only thing now is if I’m reading it correctly if we wait long enough we’ll have 100% crit rate or perma crit. which makes assasinate less useful also since the last strike is 100% crit.. plus.. without any equipment, we can get 80% crit already, 5% base, 15% phantom instinct, 50% flip of the coin, 10% hyper crit.
And Shadower’s still don’t get a drain skill. -_- TBH, Shadower’s didn’t really get a good revamp compared to classes like Dark Knights. Same with Buccaneers.