Eunwol (Shade in English) is a new pirate hero that was released in KMS on January 2, 2014 and GMS on July 8, 2014 (6 months later). Currently, very little is known about it, other than the fact that he was erased from history. This would be the final hero which represents Pirate. (Mercedes : Archer, Aran : Warrior, Phantom : Thief, Luminous : Magician, Shade : Pirate) Evan isn’t one of the five Legendary Heroes that battled the Black Mage. EunWol is not gender-restricted, but the illustrations of him are definitely the male version. The girl beside Eunwol is an Anima, a demi-human race.
Eunwol Overview
LINK SKILL: Close Call – Fatal Attack Survival Chance 5/10%
MAPLE UNION EFFECT: Critical Damage +1/2/3/5/6%
BEST INNER ABILITY: Attack Speed +1, Critical Rate +30%
JOB SKILLS: I: Shade → II: Shade → III: Shade → IV: Shade → Hyper Skills → V: Shade
Shade Eunwol Pros and Cons
- *Share your pros on this job!*
- Tanky. Has high defense.
- Strong bosser.
- No need for buffing.
- Has bind skill
- *Share your cons on this job!*
- Lacks of party buff skills.
- Little AoE skills.
MapleStory Shade Eunwol Video
Ayumilove Eunwol 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Job Skills Preview
[youtube url=]
Shared Skills
Please refer to Shared Skill Build Guide for more details as it is shared among all jobs in MapleStory.
Shade Eunwol Beginner Job Skills
Spirit Bond 1 (Passive)
Recovers HP if the the attack hits while you are bonded with the spirit. Increases Power Stance chance and reduces incoming damage.
Level 1: Recovers 1% HP on hit. Chance of permanently increasing Power Stance: 100%, Damage Taken: -30%
Close Call (Link Skill)
Grants you a chance to survive an attack that would’ve been fatal.
Level 1: Fatal Attack Survival Chance: 5%
Level 2: Fatal Attack Survival Chance: 10%
Fox Trot | Moment Step (Active)
Teleports you forward to the furthest enemy in range. When no enemies are around, you’ll be teleported forward a set distance. You can teleport while using other skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20. When no enemies are around, you’ll be teleported forward 300.
Shade Eunwol Beginner Skill Build: Everything maxed automatically.
Shade Eunwol 1st Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Swift Strike (Active)
NOTE: This skill will automatically be upgraded into Flash Fist when you receive the Fox Bead from Lang.
Swing your fist strongly, hitting enemies in front of you. This skill can be used consecutively, up to 2 times. Move or Jump to cancel during auto added attack.
Level 1: MP Cost: 5
[1st hit] Damage: 61%, Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 4
[2nd hit] Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 72%, Number of Attacks: 2
Level 25: MP Cost: 9
[1st hit] Damage: 85%, Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 4
[2nd hit] Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 120%, Number of Attacks: 2
Flash Fist (Active)
Imbued with the power of the spirits, you strike multiple enemies in front. Can be used twice in a row.
Level 1: MP Cost: 7
[1st hit] Damage: 72%, Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 4
[2nd hit] Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 83%, Number of Attacks: 2
Level 25: MP Cost: 11
[1st hit] Damage: 120%, Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 4
[2nd hit] Max Enemies Hit: 4, Damage: 155, Number of Attacks: 2
Vulpes Leap | Vulpine Leap (Active)
Jump again while in the air to move forward. Higher skill level improve jump distance.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20, Jumps a certain distance.
Level 20: MP Cost: 10, Jumps a certain distance.
Cosmic Balance (Passive)
The blessings of the heavens and earth envelope you, permanently increasing your Weapon and Magic Defense, and Max HP and MP.
Level 1: Permanently increases Defense by 25, Max HP by 1%, and Max MP by 1%.
Level 20: Permanently increases Defense by 500, Max HP by 20%, and Max MP by 20%.
Shade Eunwol 1st Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
1. Swift Strike, Cosmic Balance (1)
2. Swift Strike (MAX)
3. Vulpes Leap (MAX)
4. Cosmic Balance (MAX)
Shade Eunwol 1st Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
1. Swift Strike, Cosmic Balance (1)
2. Swift Strike (MAX)
3. Vulpine Leap (MAX)
4. Cosmic Balance (MAX)
Shade Eunwol 1st Job Advancement rewards 4 SP (Skill Points). Add 1 SP into Cosmic Blade and Swift Strike to unlock them. The remaining SP goes into maxing Swif Strike first. Swift Strike will be Eunwol primary attacking skill in 1st Job for training and light bossing. If you are making Eunwol as your first character or do not have your MapleStory Deck of Card setup for additional damage boost, you will want to max your primary attacking first since you will be kinda weak. Otherwise, you can max Vulpes Leap before Swift Strike for easier navigation through platform/maps. If you are able to adapt to Moment Step (Beginner Skill) for training and maneuvering platforms, you can max Vulpes Leap last. However, the teleport is kinda random and unpredictable. Next, max Cosmic Balance to greatly reduce damage from incoming enemy attacks especially their bumping into them.
Shade Eunwol 2nd Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Ground Pound (Active)
A nature spirit appears and punches the ground, attacking multiple enemies in front. The shockwaves it produces also slows enemies. Can be used twice in a row.
Level 1: MP Cost, 13 – [1st Hit] – Damage: 227%, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 6 – [2nd Hit] – Damage: 227, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 6 – [Shockwave] – Slows 15 enemies by 21%
Level 20: MP Cost, 18 – [1st Hit] – Damage: 360%, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 6 – [2nd Hit] – Damage: 360, Number of Hits: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 6 – [Shockwave] – Slows 15 enemies by 40%
Blade Imp – Downward Slash | Blade Imp – Downforce (Active)
Summons a blade spirit which pulls multiple enemies down in a fierce attack. Can be resisted by some monsters.
Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 64%, Number of Attacks: 4, Cooldown: 10 sec.
Level 10: MP Cost: 40, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 100%, Number of Attacks: 4, Cooldown: 1 sec.
Blade Imp – Forward Slash | Blade Imp – Dragforce (Active)
Summons a blade spirit which pulls multiple enemies towards you in a fierce attack. Can be resisted by some monsters.
Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 74%, Number of Attacks: 4, Cooldown: 10 sec.
Level 10: MP Cost: 40, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 110%, Number of Attacks: 4, Cooldown: 1 sec.
Back Step (Passive)
Glide backwards quickly. You can use skills while moving.
Level 1: MP Cost: 24, Slide Backwards a fixed distance.
Level 15: MP Cost: 10, Slide Backwards a fixed distance.
Knuckle Mastery (Passive)
Increases Knuckle mastery.
Level 1: Knuckle Mastery: +14%
Level 10: Knuckle Mastery: +50%
Spirit Bond 2 | Spirit Bond II (Passive)
Required Skill: Spirit Bond (1)
Deepens your bond with the spirits, boosting your Attack Speed and Movement Speed permanently.
Level 1: Permanently increases Attack Speed by 1 and Movement Speed by 20.
Level 10: Permanently increases Attack Speed by 1 and Movement Speed by 20.
Strength Training (Passive)
Permanently increases your STR through hard work and training.
Level 1: STR: +6
Level 10: STR: +60
Fox Spirits (Toggle On/Off)
Fox spirits may be summoned with each of your attacks. The foxes chase down and attack enemies. The attack power and summon chance of Fox Spirits are based on Fox Spirit Mastery and Fire Fox Spirit Mastery. Can be toggled On/Off
Level 1: *No Description in-game*
Fox Spirit Mastery (Passive)
Grants a chance to summon fox spirits with each of your attacks. The foxes chase down and attack enemies. Unaffected by attack reflection.
Level 1: Summon Chance: 5%, Number of Foxes: 1. Fox Damage: 64%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 1. Repeats 1 times per attack.
Level 10: Summon Chance: 10%, Number of Foxes: 1. Fox Damage: 100%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 1. Repeats 2 times per attack.
Shade Eunwol 2nd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
1. Spirit Bond 2, Back Step, Ground Pound, Blade Imp – Forward Slash, Blade Imp – Downward Slash (1)
2. Blade Imp – Forward Slash (MAX)
3. Blade Imp – Downward Slash (MAX)
4. Knuckle Mastery (MAX)
5. Strength Training (MAX)
6. Back Step (MAX)
7. Fox Spirits (MAX)
8. Ground Pound (MAX)
9. Spirit Bond 2 (MAX)
Shade Eunwol 2nd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
1. Spirit Bond II, Back Step, Ground Pound, Blade Imp – Dragforce, Blade Imp – Downforce (1)
2. Blade Imp – Dragforce (MAX)
3. Blade Imp – Downforce (MAX)
4. Knuckle Mastery (MAX)
5. Strength Training (MAX)
6. Back Step (MAX)
7. Fox Spirits (MAX)
8. Ground Pound (MAX)
9. Spirit Bond II (MAX)
Shade Eunwol 2nd Job Advancement rewards 5 SP (Skill Points). Eunwol 2nd Job primary attacking skill will be a mix of 3 skills (Blade Imp – Forward Slash, Blade Imp – Downward Slash and Ground Pound). You may max Blade Imp – Forward Slash and Blade Imp – Downward Slash first to eliminate the cooldown delay so you can train easily and conveniently in maps that is flat or has platforms above you. Blade Imp – Downward Slash is best for maps such as Sleepywood Dungeon where you jump down the platform and drag enemies down, until you reach to the bottom, and use the teleport portal to return to the top of the map. Blade Imp – Forward Slash is best with Back Step where you can pull enemies to a corner and hack and slash them. Next, max your Knuckle Mastery and Strength Training to boost your min and max damage. Finally, max the least interesting skills which are Spirit Bond 2, Fox Spirits and lastly Ground Pound.
Shade Eunwol 3rd Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Shockwave Punch (Active)
Summons a nature spirit to attack multiple enmies in front of you. Can be used 3 times in a row. The shockwave it produces on the third hit deals additional damage to multiple enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20
[1st hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 155%, Number of Attacks: 2
[2nd hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 165%, Number of Attacks: 2
[3rd hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 205%, Number of Attacks: 3
[Shockwave]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 225%, Number of Attacks: 1
Level 20: MP Cost: 30
[1st hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 250%, Number of Attacks: 2
[2nd hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 260%, Number of Attacks: 2
[3rd hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 300%, Number of Attacks: 3
[Shockwave]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 320%, Number of Attacks: 1
Blade Imp – Spin Slash | Blade Imp – Spinforce (Active)
Summons a blade spirit which performs a spinning attack, pulling multiple enemies toward you. Can be resisted by some monsters.
Level 1: MP Cost, 33, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 115%, Number of Attacks: 4, Cooldown: 10 sec.
Level 10: MP Cost, 60, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 160%, Number of Attacks: 4, Cooldown: 1 sec.
Spirit Frenzy (Active)
Summons many spirits around you to attack enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 5, Damage: 124%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Cooldown: 29 sec
Level 20: MP Cost: 7, Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Cooldown: 10 sec
Spirit Trap (Active)
Summons binding spirits to immobilize enemies caught in their trap. Enemies hit by this will resist stuns for 90 seconds and won’t be stunned by other skills, like Spirit Trap.
Level 1: MP Cost: 37, Trap Duration: 5 sec, Temporarily immobilizes enemies doing 420% damage 3 times. Cooldown: 294 sec. Trap Duration: +100% depending on damage inflicted with Spirit Trap. Enemy does not receive damage if not trapped.
Level 15: MP Cost: 65, Duration: 25 sec, Enemies within the area are bound – Cooldown: 180 sec
Spirit Bond 3 | Spirit Bond III (Passive)
Required Skill: Spirit Bond 2 (MAX)
Your bond with the spirits grows deeper, boostin your Attack Power and Damage permanently.
Level 1: Damage: +1%, Attack Power: +1 permanently
Level 20: Damage: +20%, Attack Power: +20 permanently
Harmonious Defense (Passive)
Required Skill: Cosmic Balance (MAX)
The harmony of the power of the spirits is imbued within your body, permanently increasing your defense, magic defense, and resistance to statuses and elements.
Level 1: Permanently increases Defense by 150, Abnormal Status Resistance by 4%, Elemental Resistance by 4%
Level 10: Permanently increases Defense by 1500, Abnormal Status Resistance by 40%, Elemental Resistance by 40%
Summon Other Spirit (Passive)
When you fall in battle, a guardian spirit reviews you, knocking back enemies and making you temporarily invincible.
Level 1: You are not KO’d when hit by a fatal attack, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 270%, Number of Attacks: 4, Invincibility: 1 sec. Cooldown: 1800 sec.
Level 10: You are not KO’d when hit by a fatal attack, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 450%, Number of Attacks: 4, Invincibility: 3 sec. Cooldown: 1800 sec.
Weaken (Passive)
An enervating spirit may be summoned upon each of your attacks. The spirit possesses and weakens enemies.
Level 1: Summon Chance (per attack): 5%, Duration: 5 sec, Additional Damage: 1%
Level 20: Summon Chance (per attack): 10%, Duration: 15 sec, Additional Damage: 20%
Shade Eunwol 3rd Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
1. Blade Imp – Spin Slash, Shockwave Punch, Spirit Bond 3, Summon Other Spirit, Spirit Frenzy (1)
2. Blade Imp – Spin Slash (MAX)
3. Spirit Bond 3 (MAX)
4. Harmonious Defense (MAX)
5. Weaken (MAX)
6. Shockwave Punch (MAX)
7. Spirit Frenzy (MAX)
8. Spirit Trap (MAX)
9. Summon Other Spirit (MAX)
Shade Eunwol 3rd Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
1. Blade Imp – Spinforce, Shockwave Punch, Spirit Bond III, Summon Other Spirit, Spirit Frenzy (1)
2. Blade Imp – Spinforce (MAX)
3. Spirit Bond III (MAX)
4. Harmonious Defense (MAX)
5. Weaken (MAX)
6. Shockwave Punch (MAX)
7. Spirit Frenzy (MAX)
8. Spirit Trap (MAX)
9. Summon Other Spirit (MAX)
Shade Eunwol 3rd Job Advancement rewards 5 SP (Skill Points). Eunwol 3rd Job primary attacking skills will be Blade Imp – Spin Slash and Shockwave Punch. Most players would prefer to spam Blade Imp – Spin Slash since it could drag enemies above you to your location and slash them, leaving the drops at your location should you perform 2 Hits kill. Max Blade Imp – Spin Slash first to eliminate the cooldown delay. Next, max Spirit Bond 3 for the bonus damage and weapon attack and then Harmonious Defense to boost your defenses. High defense means less HP Potion consumption and resist against enemies magical debuff and enemies element attacks (fire/ice/poison/etc). Then max Weaken to gain some chance of reducing enemies defenses! Yay, less damage received from their attacks! Now, max Shockwave Punch since around this level, monsters grown pretty tough with high defenses and HP. If Blade Imp – Spin Slash does not do the trick, use Drag skills to cluster enemies and perform Shockwave Punch. Otherwise, use Spirit Frenzy against them since the MP Cost is lesser compared to both Blade Imp – Spin Slash and Shockwave Punch. Finally, max Spirit Trap and Summon Other Spirit last since both has high cooldown rate, you will seldom use them except for bosses or enemies that takes more than 5 hits to kill. Spirit Frenzy has a large attacking range and attacks multiple targets, great for bossing especially Zakum that has many arms.
Shade Eunwol 4th Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Bomb Punch (Active)
Summons a nature spirit to attack multiple enemies in front. Can be used 4 times in a row.
Level 1: MP Cost: 20
[1st hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 184%, Number of Attacks: 3
[2nd hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 194%, Number of Attacks: 3
[3rd hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 204%, Number of Attacks: 3
[4th Hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 234%, Number of Attacks: 3, Stun Chance: 42%, Stun Duration: 1 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 20
[1st hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 300%, Number of Attacks: 3
[2nd hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 310%, Number of Attacks: 3
[3rd hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 320%, Number of Attacks: 3
[4th Hit]: Max Enemies Hit: 8, Damage: 350%, Number of Attacks: 3, Stun Chance: 100%, Stun Duration: 2 sec
Spirit Claw (Active)
Summons a wind spirit to claw at multiple enemies.
Level 1: MP Cost, 51, Damage: 235%, Number of Hits: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 3
Level 30: MP Cost, 80, Damage: 380%, Number of Hits: 8, Max Enemies Hit: 3
Death Mark (Active)
Summons a grim spirit to attack enemies in front of you. Attacks become critical hits, and attacked enemies receive Death Marks which do damage over time. Death Mark is not affected by attack reflection.
Absorbs a portion of the marked damage as HP.
Level 1: MP Cost: 62, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 415%, Number of Critical Hits: 3
[Mark]: Duration: 5 sec, Damage Interval: 1 sec, Damage per Interval: 155%, HP Absorb Amount: 1% of damage dealt. Cooldown: 174 sec.
Level 20: MP Cost: 100, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 700%, Number of Critical Hits: 3
[Mark]: Duration: 15 sec, Damage Interval: 1 sec, Damage per Interval: 250%, HP Absorb Amount: 1% of damage dealt. Cooldown: 60 sec.
Soul Splitter (Active)
Summons a fire spirit to attack multiple enemies in front. Splits enemies’ souls from their bodies.
Level 1: MP Cost: 62, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 1240%, Number of Attacks: 1
Splits the souls of non-stationary enemies from their bodies. Applies a debuff to stationary enemies granting +50% damage to your next attack. [Split Soul] Creates a stationary mirror image that shares HP with the original target and receives 50% less damage. Duration: 10 sec. +43% EXP when defeating a Split Soul or the original target. Cooldown: 294 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 100, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 2000%, Number of Attacks: 1. Splits the souls of non-stationary enemies from their bodies. Applies a debuff to stationary enemies granting +50% damage to your next attack. [Split Soul] Creates a stationary mirror image that shares HP with the original target and receives 50% less damage. Duration: 20 sec. +100% EXP when defeating a Split Soul or the original target. Cooldown: 180 sec.
Maple Warrior (Supportive)
Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, President’s Orders, or Rhinne’s Protection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Increases all stats assigned APs by 1% for 30 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, Increases all stats assigned APs by 15% for 900 sec.
Spirit Ward (Supportive)
Summons guardian spirits to remove magic effects and protect you from attacks.
Level 1: MP Cost: 37, Duration: 12 sec, Spirits Summoned: 1, Removes debuffs or nullifies incoming damage. Consumes one Guardian Spirit when attacked or received a debuff. Cooldown: 168 sec.
Level 10: MP Cost: 55, Duration: 30 sec, Spirits Summoned: 3, Removes debuffs or nullifies incoming damage. Consumes one Guardian Spirit when attacked or received a debuff. Cooldown: 60 sec.
Fire Fox Spirit Mastery (Passive)
Required Skill: Fox Spirits (MAX)
Grants a chance for fox spirits imbued with fire to be summoned with each of your attacks. Unaffected by attack reflection.
Level 1: Summon Chance: 10%, Number of Fire Fox Spirits: 1, Fire Fox Spirit Damage: 105%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 1, Repeats 2 times per attack.
Level 20: Summon Chance: 10%, Number of Fire Fox Spirits: 1, Fire Fox Spirit Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 1, Repeats 3 times per attack.
Hero’s Will (Supportive)
By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec
Level 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec
Spirit Bond 4 | Spirit Bond IV (Passive)
Required Skill: Spirit Bond 3 (MAX)
Deepens your bond with the spirits, allowing you to ignore Enemy Defense and increased damage when attacking Boss Monsters permanently.
Level 1: Monster DEF ignored: 1%, When attacking Boss Monster – Damage: +1% permanently
Level 30: Monster DEF ignored: 30%, When attacking Boss Monster – Damage: +30% permanently
High Quality Knuckle Mastery | Expert Knuckle Mastery (Passive)
Required Skill: Knuckle Mastery (MAX)
The power of the spirits permanently improves your mastery to the limit, as well as your minimum and maximum critical damage.
Level 1: Knuckle Mastery: +50%, Critical Damage: +2%, Final Damage: +1%
Level 30: Knuckle Mastery: +70%, Critical Damage: +20%, Final Damage: +10%
Critical Insight (Passive)
Greatly increases your critical chance on enemies below a certain threshold of HP. Also permanently increases critical chance.
Level 1: When an enemy goes below 21% HP, your Critical Rate increases by 32%. Permanently increases your Critical Rate by 1%.
Level 30: When an enemy goes below 50% HP, your Critical Rate increases by 90%. Permanently increases your Critical Rate by 15%.
Shade Eunwol 4th Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed.
1. Spirit Claw, Bomb Punch, High Quality Knuckle Mastery, Soul Splitter, Death Mark (1)
2. Bomb Punch (MAX)
3. High Quality Knuckle Mastery (MAX)
4. Critical Insight (MAX)
5. Spirit Claw (MAX)
6. Fire Fox Spirits (MAX)
7. Soul Splitter (MAX)
8. Spirit Bond 4 (MAX)
9. Death Mark (MAX)
10. Spirit Ward (MAX)
11. Maple Warrior (MAX)
12. Hero’s Will (MAX)
13. 50 Extra SP.
Shade Eunwol 4th Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed.
1. Spirit Claw, Bomb Punch, Expert Knuckle Mastery, Soul Splitter, Death Mark (1)
2. Bomb Punch (MAX)
3. Expert Knuckle Mastery (MAX)
4. Critical Insight (MAX)
5. Spirit Claw (MAX)
6. Fire Fox Spirits (MAX)
7. Soul Splitter (MAX)
8. Spirit Bond IV (MAX)
9. Death Mark (MAX)
10. Spirit Ward (MAX)
11. Maple Warrior (MAX)
12. Hero’s Will (MAX)
13. 50 Extra SP.
Shade Eunwol 4th Job Advancement rewards 5 SP (Skill Points). Eunwol 4th Job primary attacking skill will be either Spirit Claw or Bomb Punch depending on your training ground, so swap the maxing priority based on your playstyle. Bomb Punch is best used at stationary training areas like Evo Link 3 and Dimension Invasion while Spirit Claw is for bossing and has best DPS when used against 3 or less enemies especially for bossing. Spirit Claw works very well with Critical Insight as once you drop enemies HP below 50% with Spirit Claw’s high damage, the next hit will be a 100% kill as Critical Damage will finish it off. This will help you defeat elite bosses under 10 seconds for extra experience points and rewards. Next, max High Quality Knuckle Mastery to bump up your minimum base damage. This will allow you to deal a stable damage and you can easily predict x number of hits to finish your enemies before they can retaliate. Proceed to max Critical Insight to deal high damage against high HP monsters such as elite monsters, elite bosses, and normal boss monsters. Then, max Fire Fox Spirits to squeeze out very bit of raw damage from each Eunwol’s attack. The remaining skills are mostly formulated for bossing. Soul Splitter is used to gain additional bonus EXP when the boss dies and also allows you to hit the enemy twice (creates a clone of the enemy that shares the same HP as the original). Spirit Bond 4 increases your damage against bosses only. Death Mark deals somewhat like Poison damage for a period of time to enemies that are inflicted with its buff. Spirit Ward is especially useful for bosses that cast status effects on you frequently, such as Arkarium. Otherwise, if you still are into training mode, max Maple Warrior for bonus boost stats (the higher level you are, you will benefit from the additional STR bonus) before the bossing skills. Hero’s Will can be max last or before the 2 supportive skills.
Shade Eunwol Hyper Skills
Spirit Claw – Reinforce
Required Level: 143
Damage: +20%
Spirit Claw – Boss Rush
Required Level: 162
Damage: +20% when attacking Boss monsters.
Spirit Claw – Extra Strike
Required Level: 183
Number of Attacks: +1
Bomb Punch – Reinforce
Required Level: 149
Damage: +20%
Bomb Punch – Spread
Required Level: 168
Max Enemies Hit: +2
Bomb Punch – Critical Chance
Required Level: 189
Critical Rate: +20%
Fire Fox Spirits – Reinforce
Required Level: 155
Damage: +20%
Fire Fox Spirits – Repeated Attack Bonus
Required Level: 177
Repeated Attack Count: +1
Fire Fox Spirits – Enhance
Required Level: 195
Summon Chance: +10%
Spirit Bond Max (Supportive)
Required Level: 150
Your bond with the spirits has been maxed, boosting your Damage, Attack Power, Ignore DEF, Damage when Attacking Boss Monsters, and Attack Speed temporarily. Can be enhanced after Lv. 200.
Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Duration: 30 sec, Damage: +35%, Attack Power: +20, When Attacking Boss Monsters – Damage: +20%, Increases Attack Speed by 1 stage, Enemy DEF Ignored: 20%, Cooldown: 120 sec
Spirit Bond Max (Supportive)
Required Level: 200 (Enhance Spirit Bond Max)
Your bond with the spirits has been maxed. Your yearning for Moonbean summons the spirit guardian you got from her, and it takes her form. The memory of an uneaten liver nibbles away at your subconscious, appearing sometimes when you hit enemies. Pick it up to strengthen your resolve and increase the buff’s duration.
Level 1: MP Cost: 300, Duration: #time, Damage: +35%, Attack Power: +20, Boss Attack Damage: +20%, Attack speed increased by 1, Enemy DEF ignored: 20%, summons Moonbeam spirit guardian. Cooldown: 120 sec. Liver Memory Chance (on attack): 10%, Spirit Bond Max Duration: +4 sec, doesn’t increase past the Spirit Bond Max cooldown.
The summoned Spirit Guardian uses the below skills on its own: Liver Circle Dance: Attacks up to 6 enemies with 275% damage 3 times, Cooldown: 3 sec. Spirit Frenzy: Attacks up to 10 enemies with 150% damage, Duration: 4.8 sec, Shade’s Spirit Frenzy Final Damage (while Spirit Guardian is using Spirit Frenzy): +450%, Cooldown: 30 sec. Spirit Ward: Uses Spirit Frenzy regardless of Shade’s current Spirit Frenzy cooldown as long as Shade doesn’t have Spirit Frenzy active, Cooldown: 100 sec
Spirit Incarnation (Supportive)
Required Level: 170
Transforms you into an invincible spirit that attacks all nearby enemies ruthlessly.
Level 1: MP Cost: 50, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 700%, Number of Attacks: 1, Max Duration: 8 sec, Cooldown: 120 sec.
Heroic Memories (Supportive)
Required Level: 200
Remembers the oath made by the Heroes of Maple World ot achieve greater damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10%, Cooldown: 120 sec. Only Hero characters in the party are affected.
Shade Eunwol Hyper Skill Build
Lv.143 – Spirit Claw – Reinforce (Passive)
Lv.162 – Spirit Claw – Boss Rush (Passive)
Lv.183 – Spirit Claw – Extra Strike (Passive)
Lv.155 – Fire Fox Spirits – Reinforce (Passive)
Lv.177 – Fire Fox Spirits – Repeated Attack Bonus (Passive)
Lv.150 – Spirit Bond Max (Active)
Lv.170 – Spirit Incarnation (Active)
Lv.200 – Heroic Memories (Supportive)
Check this Hyper Stats Guide for more details!
Shade Eunwol 5th Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)
Please refer to MapleStory 5th Job Skills Guide for more details on Skill Cores, Special Cores and Enhancement Cores!
Shade Skill Cores
Spirit Flow | Spirit Concentration
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Accepts all spirits into your body and becomes one. Auto-cast attacks do not affect enemies in the Damage Reflection state.
Level 1: MP Cost 1000, resets cooldowns, Duration: 31, the spirits guiding you automatically trigger an attack skill when you perform an attack, Key-down Skill Durations: 3 sec, Final Damage +5% Spirit Attack Cooldown: 2 sec. Cooldown: 120 sec.
Level 25: MP Cost 1000, resets cooldowns, Duration: 55, the spirits guiding you automatically trigger an attack skill when you perform an attack, Key-down Skill Durations: 3 sec, Final Damage +17% Spirit Attack Cooldown: 2 sec. Cooldown: 120 sec.
Spiritgate | Spirit Summoning Circle
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Create an area where a spirit is summoned. If the spirit attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage.
Level 1: Consumes 1000 MP, creates a domain that summons 2 existing spirits every 40 sec for 8 sec. Up to 10 spirits can be summoned at once. Spirits seek out enemies in the area to deal 624% damage 3 times, and then disappear after sticking to enemies while applying a debuff that lasts 8 sec. Critical Rate +8%, Critical Damage +1% when attacking enemies with the debuff. Debuff can be stacked up to 10 times. Cooldown: 119 sec
Level 25: Consumes 1000 MP, creates a domain that summons 2 existing spirits every 40 sec for 8 sec. Up to 10 spirits can be summoned at once. Spirits seek out enemies in the area to deal 1200% damage 3 times, and then disappear after sticking to enemies while applying a debuff that lasts 8 sec. Critical Rate +8%, Critical Damage +1% when attacking enemies with the debuff. Debuff can be stacked up to 10 times. Cooldown: 95 sec
True Spirit Claw
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Deepens your bond with the spirits, allowing you to attack with a more powerful Spirit Claw. Max level: 25.
Level 1: MP Cost: 80, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Damage: 808%, Number of Attacks: 8. Activates when Spirit Claw is used. Cooldown: 6 sec
Shade Eunwol Enhancement Cores
- Flash Fist (4% per level)
- Ground Pound (4% per level)
- Blade Imp – Downward Slash (4% per level)
- Blade Imp – Forward Slash (4% per level)
- Fox Spirit (2% per level)
- Shockwave Punch (3% per level)
- Blade Imp – Spin Slash (3% per level)
- Spirit Frenzy (3% per level)
- Spirit Trap (3% per level)
- Summon Other Spirit (3% per level)
- Bomb Punch (2% per level)
- Spirit Claw (2% per level)
- Death Marker (2% per level)
- Soul Splitter (2% per level)
- Spirit Incarnation(2% per level)
Shade V-Matrix Skills Guide
Main V Skill: Spirit Flow
Trio #1: Spirit Claw / Bomb Punch / Fox Spirits
Trio #2: Soul Splitter / Spirit Frenzy / Death Mark
Trio #3: Spirit Trap / Spirit Incarnation
Note: Bolded = essential skill | Non-bolded = non-essential skill.
MapleStory Old to New Skill Names
Shade Eunwol 1st Job Skills
- Swift Strike → Mega Punch
- Flash Fist → Island Strike
- Body Trinity → Cosmic Balance
- Jump → Vulpes Leap
Shade Eunwol 2nd Job Skills
- Knuckle Mastery → Knuckle Mastery
- Spirit Bond 2 → Spirit Bond 2
- Ground Strike → Ground Pound
- Fox Spirit → Fox Spirits
- Back Step → Back Step
- Physical Training → Strength Training
- Drag Pulling – Front | Front Drag → Blade Imp – Forward Slash
- Drag Pulling – Down | Down Drag → Blade Imp – Downward Slash
Shade Eunwol 3rd Job Skills
- Spirit Bond 3 → Spirit Bond 3
- Shockwave Punch → Shockwave Punch
- Strong Body → Harmonious Defense
- Weaken → Weaken
- Drag Pulling – Turn | Turn Drag → Blade Imp – Spin Slash
- Bind Area | Area Bind → Spirit Trap
- Summon Soul Tent → Spirit Frenzy
- Summon Redemption → Summon Other Spirit
Shade Eunwol 4th Job Skills
- Maple Warrior → Maple Warrior
- Hero’s Will → Hero’s Will
- Spirit Claw → Spirit Claw
- Advanced Knuckle Mastery → High Quality Knuckle Mastery
- Weakness Insight → Critical Insight
- Bomb Punch → Bomb Punch
- Soul Division | Division Soul Attack → Soul Splitter
- Spirit Bond 4 → Spirit Bond 4
- Fire Fox Spirits → Fire Fox Spirits
- Spirit Barrier → Spirit Ward
- Death Marker → Death Mark
Shade Eunwol Hyper Skills
- Spirit Claw – Reinforce → Spirit Claw – Reinforce
- Spirit Claw – Boss Rush → Spirit Claw – Boss Rush
- Spirit Claw – Extra Strike → Spirit Claw – Extra Strike
- Bomb Punch – Reinforce → Bomb Punch – Reinforce
- Bomb Punch – Spread → Bomb Punch – Spread
- Bomb Punch – Critical Chance → Bomb Punch – Critical Chance
- Fire Fox Spirits – Reinforce → Fire Fox Spirits – Reinforce
- Fire Fox Spirits – Repeat Attack → Fire Fox Spirits – Repeated Attack Bonus
- Fire Fox Spirits – Opportunity → Fire Fox Spirits – Summon Chance
- Spirit Bond Maximum → Spirit Bond Max
- Spirit Transformation → Spirit Incarnation
- Heroic Memories → Heroic Memories
Shade Eunwol 5th Job Skills
- Spirit Focus → Spirit Flow | Spirit Concentration
- Ghost Disposition → Spiritgate | Spirit Summoning Circle
Additional Information
Shade Eunwol Storyline
Many centuries past, the sinister Black Mage left doom and destruction wherever he went. Only six brave heroes dared oppose him, including Shade, but the valiant efforts of these brave souls were not enough to defeat the Black Mage. With no options remaining, the Six Heroes sought to seal the Black Mage with powerful magic. However, a sacrifice was required to activate the seals. Shade volunteered and saved the world, but at a great cost: now the very memory of him has been forgotten. Today, Shade has been reborn in Fox Point Village, a distant land located in Grandis. Thanks to the kindness of the Pointy-Ear Foxes that live there, this forgotten hero has been brought back to the world of the living. This reawakening is bittersweet though, as Shade must come to terms with this new world, and the fact that most of his friends have been lost to time, just as he was. Shade’s main stat is Strength, and he uses Knuckles as his primary weapon – perfect for quick attacks. Shade can summon spirits to perform various attacks. Use the power of the spirits to aid you in battle! With Ground Pound, you can summon a nature spirit to punch the ground and damage multiple enemies. Using Spirit Claw will bring forth a wind spirit that can claw at enemies and pull them toward you in a fierce attack. Take control of Shade and rewrite history!
During the final battle with the Black Mage, there were 6 brave heroes fighting to protect Maple World. Of the 6, one hero stepped forward to perform the ultimate sacrifice to seal away the Black Mage. After successfully sealing away the Black Mage, he was cursed and banished to the world of Vulpes, where he has awoken centuries later. Reborn in Vulpes, he was helped by Moonbeam, a young girl of the Pointy-Ear Foxes. His name has been forgotten in the sands of time, but with the help of Moonbeam, he has been reborn as Shade. Shade starts at Lv. 10. Shade’s Character Card will increase Min/Max Critical Damage by 1% on 30, 2% on 60, 3% on 100, and 5% on 200.
MapleStory Shade Eunwol Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Do I need to max blade imp forward slash and downward slash? Are they really important? Do these skills carry on to the next job? Does it matter?
Answer by Kuraitou: They’re extremely important for efficient training. The idea is to use them to group monsters together so you can take them all down at once with your main mobbing skill. You’ll use them at minimum to 105 when you start Evo, but if you’re doing MPE you’ll use them until 140. You probably won’t use them again (except for the odd quest) until you go to SH at 165. I essentially spent all of my third job at Area C-2 training like this: Back Step + Shockwave Punch x3 repeat. At the tall stack of platforms near the right of the map, Downward Slash to pull them into range for Shockwave Punch to group monsters at the ends of the map, Forward Slash + Spin Slash. You can also do something like: Shockwave Punch x3 + Back Step + Forward Slash repeat to kill and pull monsters with you as you’re traveling across the map.
Shade Eunwol Changelog
[listx tags=”gms+shade” title=”
[listx tags=”msea+shade” title=”
Also, if you care about your Monster Collection, you may want to be sure to collect all the Fox Point Village monsters before you leave the world. There’s no portal back, and aside from Sparrow, they can’t be collected anywhere else.
If Shade isn’t your first character, I suggest tossing a Jr Boogie familiar into storage for level 10 Shade to take out from the storage box in Fox Point Village. It’ll make MP potions unnecessary throughout the Fox Point beginning arc, and even fight with you a little.
Spiritgate summons 2 spirits every 8 sec for 40 sec, not other way around.
Critical Insight permanently increases critical rate by 25%.
Critical Insight increases critical rate by 75% for mobs under 50% HP.
Critical Insight increases critical damage by 20% for mobs under 50% HP.
Just a few changes that need to be fixed ^^ Thank you.
I think 4th job only rewards 3 sp now. Just leveled mine to 100 and I only received 3? Don’t know if it a bug or not.
-no buffs
-simple playstyle
-good bosser? (i dont believe he is at all actually – he gets a long CD bind he gets a spam move that hits 6 times and heals him for 1%)
-immune to knockback – not super knockback though
-His animations are flashier.
-Long CD’s with short duration of effects- even before the silly Hyper and V Matrix ones everyone gets
-Boring to play – 2 moves basically the whole game and your ‘fury swipe’ being your boss move and spirit tornado being literallyuseless
-His story is the most depressing story in this game – at at 70 hes basically ready to call it quits hes so sad
-Uses a VAST amount of MP – even early on in the game
-lack of a cool V Skill – the main one basically just summons ur moves in an area…but its the same abilities you had from 1-200 which are mainly different color punching spirits that look the same
-Healing is only 1% per hit making it good for just farming not bossing
-lack of true mobility – he can double jump forward or shift back or use a very picky forward teleport – no vertical though and like many double jumpers he then misses his platforms
– Relies on Pulling mobs towards him for farming – probably due to his lack of vertical movement
– Has one of the WORST bind skills in this game – almost a 5 min CD
– not a single viable AoE until 200, then he gets 2 with massive CDs(120secs+)
– Relies on getting a massive range to even remotely compete with other classes on the DPM charts – they’re 25th atm on KMS with ARK and it feels like it!
-His heal passive is basically none existant when bossing due to it being such a neglegible amount (1% a hit and only heals 1% off the entire 6 line bossing move [fury swipe])
– No heals past his 1% per hit
-No personal hideout
This is a great guide and I’ve been smoothly sailing through the content of the game until I hit level 120. I’m currently farming the level 130 moon bunnies and I’ve noticed that I am doing no damage what so ever. Is there anyway to fix this problem?
I know a good con. His sad/depressing story while leveling.
I find that the bomb punch is better for bossing as it heals the player for 4% hp due to 4 hits instead of spirit claw which is considered as one hit 8 attacks=1% hp healed, for the same time. Bomb punch also gives higher rate of fox spirits, adding to the dps
Maybe a tip for players who just reached 5th job. Use a SP reset and only put points into the spirit attack abilities you’d like to have in your spirit pool (5th job attacks). This way you can proc some skills a lot more which are a lot stronger
@Chimmy: It’s recommended to put AP (Ability Points) into STR (Strength) to greatly increase your damage range.
Hi, what’s the STAT distribution for Shade? First time playing… What kind of gear do i look for?
Are Shades worth playing to 200 on reboot and need alot of gear to help it top over 1.5m range ?
@Artour: Shade Eunwol 4th Job skills requires Mastery Book 20 and/or Mastery Book 30 to unlock the skill level from 10 to 20 or 20 to 30. These Mastery Books can be purchased from the NPC at Leafre. Drop by there and visit the NPC to see what books you need! The books are quite costly ranging from 3 ~ 5 million meso (GMS pricing). I’m not sure about MapleSEA Mastery Book pricing.
Shade-Eunwol 4th Job Skill Build Guide: (MSEA) Everything maxed
Is that Mean Skill Lv30 Or LV 10? And After All Skill Maxed Lvl And Still have 50 Extra SP?
What is the best combination for matrix
hi Best v matrix for shade?
@2nd Hand Slipper: Thanks for the notice! I have corrected the Cosmic Balance. Copy paste issue 🙂
Hi something wrong with the 1st job skill Cosmic Balance (Passive)~
@all: Shade/Eunwol Job Skills has been updated based on GMS v.178 patch.
1. 5th Job Skill Max Mastery updated from Level 20 to 25.
2. Hyper Skill details has been updated.
3. Accuracy and Avoidability stat has been removed.
@Persistent: Thanks for your feedback! I have updated “Critical Insight” skill. If you have found any other discrepancy, post the new skill details here and I’ll update the guide. This will make updating much quicker!
GMS skill description of 4th skill ‘Critical Insight’ also states it increases %crit chance, just thought to let you know. Other than that great guide!
Nooooo, I love it!, Its so epic!!!
@Wolfang: I couldn’t recall the music name as the video was made 2 years ago.
Ayumi, Do us a big favor!!! What is the name of the song of the video, is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Is eunwol good in unfunded and reboot?
Is there any way an Eunwol can get from Maple world to Fox Point Village?
Is there any way a Eunwol can move from Maple World back to Fox Point Village?
@NewBie: The purchasing order for Mastery Books will be based on the priority of skills to be maxed in 4th job for Eunwol/Shade as recommended in the guide above. You might want to try your own SP distribution if you find it that it does not help with you training/play style.
what should be the order of buying/lvling a skill using a mastery book like the other classess you did 😀 thnx
do i need a skill mastery book for critical insight? it wont like me upgrade it with points
what would be smarter to wash for this class mana or hp? cause this class drains mana like nothing ive seen before but its primary stat is str…so would it be hp and the mana will naturally be big enough to compensate?
Never mind I actually decided to read the comments and saw this was already pointed out. I feel dumb now.
I don’t know if this was just me or something but I only got 3 points when I got my fourth job not 5 points.
@yichor: Thanks for sharing your pros and cons about Shade/Eunwol, I’ll add your points into the guide above! Happy Chinese New Year 2016 🙂
hi ayumi this is my pros and cons for eunwol
Pros:tanky,good bosser(but not the best),mobbing not so bad ,less spamming skill, no need buff when training can save many times to train and bind skill
Cons:a boring class like demon avenger, a little AoE
@tarp: You’re welcome 🙂
thanks for the guide really helping me out on reboot.
@:O Yeah, basically that is what I meant as pointed by Anonymous. It’s not about the SP you gained upon 4th Job Advancement but towards which skills to unlock first with SP (Skill Points) before begin to maxing the 4th job skill based on priority 🙂
think she meant those are the 5 skills you should add when advancing to 4th job, not necessarily meaning you will be getting 5 sp, also kms only gets 3 sp when advancing too
For MSEA, why my Eunwol 4th Job Advancement rewards 3 SP only but not 5?
@-3-: Thanks for your confirmation on Shade/Eunwol 3rd Job Skills all maxed for MapleSEA.
I’m a Maplesea player. And yea, 3rd job skills can be maxed
@LavaExplorer: Thanks for your prompt reply. I’ll re-correct Shade’s 3rd Job Guide again for GMS side. I’m not sure if MapleSEA has the same changes like GMS.
@Ayumilove I’m sorry i wasn’t very specific before but the “Everything Maxed” is correct and the Shockwave Punch 19/20 was the wrong part you can max everything 3rd job i just got my shade 102 as of yesterday so I’m 100% sure.
hi i m playing msea, eunwol and demon slayer which better at bossing or mobbing?
@Jacky: That was the previous Shade skill “Blade Imp + Back Slash Combo” without cooldown. MapleStory Nexon decided to nerf it by increasing from 0 cooldown to 1 sec cooldown at max level.
@Noalm: Thanks for your Shade Pros and Cons! I’ll add them into the guide above.
@SpiritGuard: For Reboot MapleStory, you can assign those HSP (Hyper Skill Points) into the stats (e.g. boss damage). Visit this link for the guide:
@victor: You will need to reach Level 140 and from there you can access the Hyper Skills from the Skill Window. Open Skill Window and find for the “Hyper Skill” button. It will be in orange instead of grayed/greyed when you are Level 140 or higher.
@LavaExplorer: I have corrected the description from “Everything Maxed” to “Everything maxed except Shockwave Punch”! Thanks for the notice.
Why does 3rd job say “Everything Maxed” but Shockwave Punch is 19/20?
Can someone tell me how to get hyper skills?
Currently 178 Shade maxed out all the regular skills 4th job etc and got both hyper skills at 150 and 170.
@Canin there should be a quest available on top of your head in the light bulb that teleports you back to fox point for a quest.
Had a question regarding the hyper stat points, not the active/passive ones but where you can add extra points str, dmg, boss dmg etc.. What would you recommend maximizing first regular str or damage or even leveling boss damage.
how to go back fox point village?
Hi, isit me or does eunwol has lower damage compare to the other class using the same set eqp. (Fully scrolled Fensalir with 12 star each)
Why max Fire Fox Spirits – Reinforce instead of Fire Fox Spirits – Enhance?
Let do a math here:
with Reinforce + Repeat Att + 1: you have 20% chance of dealing 960% damage.
let multiply active rate with % damage: 960 x 0.2 = 192
now with Enhance + Repeat Att +1: You have 30% chance of dealing 800% damage.
800 x 0.3 = 240.
So you will deal more damage if you get extra activation rate.
Thanks for the guide. But I am curious how you can cut off the Blade Imp cooldown in your video to make the Blade Imp + Back Slash combo.
Hey Ayumi, for pros and cons you can write: pros – tanky, strong bosser, no need for buffing and cons- no party buff, little aoe
Any new leveling guide ?
Do you have any new leveling guide for Shade ? Since Star Force patch, I can’t train well on certain map because I don’t require enough Star Force, it seems like the mob are buffed, and some mob I hit just damage 1 . Any idea on the new patch ?
Ayumilove I Got Question about Shade stats i know i need max str first what about dex dont i need hit mobs too and as for cons pros is there dexless one out yet or do i go normol
@IamNewbie: Yes, some of the 4th job skills requires Mastery Books 20 and 30 to unlock/uncap the skill level 10.
4th jobs other skill nid buy like MW10?
Why do you say not to get Fire fox – enhance? I calculated it, and it looks like a 10% higher activation rate increases the damage by the most, followed by repeated attack.
Hey Ayumi thanks so much for your guide. My curiosity got to me and I thought why not try a Shade? I DO NOT. REGRET IT. I love my Shade. His damage is awesome due to the fact his skills plus star forcing my stuff. I’m so pumped for 150. All in all I’ll have 55% boss attack damage. (Zakum Knuckle, Demon Slayer 120 link skill) = 25% when I reach 150 I’ll have 85% for 30 seconds. I LOOOOOOVE MY SHADE. Hopefully I’ll have the energy to level a kanna and demon avenger so I could up my damage much much more xD
Hi, you’re missing Fox Spirit Mastery for the 2nd job in GMS.
@TheMerylyn: Max means leveling the skills to their ultimate level. So for forth job, it would be Level 30 with the skill caps unlocked with Mastery Book of 20 and 30. These mastery books can be purchased from Leafre NPC, or Shopping Assistant (purchased via CashShop with NX Cash) if you do not wish to travel back to town to purchase them for your 4th job skills.
Just a question. When you say max at forth job, does it refer to levelling the skills to 30?
@embroy: Could you elaborate more on the question you’re posting on the Meso with Shinning Star? Regarding the 2nd question, you will deal less damage if you did not master those 4th job skills.
@damianwu: It only increases the min of base damage. For instance: your damage range is 100-1000. With a max skill of High Quality Knuckle Mastery, your new damage range is 700-1000 (70% minimum damage). It does not only make your damage much more stable, but also increases the Critical Damage min-max too! Take note that Shade aka Eunwol High Quality Knuckle Mastery does not include any additional weapon attack increment per level compared to other Adventurer jobs.
does the high quality knuckle mastery in the 4th job using mastery books to buy increases your damage?? or just the min and max critical damage
What is it meso with shining star path how can we get it ? What will happen if I dint master those 4th job skills?
@Damian: I believe Shade/Eunwol Fox Marble is similar to other jobs secondary item which potential stats are added through Potential Cubing/Scrolling.
@EunWoluser: As LethalKoala mentioned, you will need to level up until Level 140 to unlock your very first Hyper Skill! Some hyper skills are unlocked at certain character level.
@LethalKoala: Thanks for your feedback! I’ll be correcting the Spirit Bond description and skill details now.
You unlock Hyper skills once you reach level 140
You may want to update this page because on GMS, the Shade class no longer gains mana from any of the Spirit Bond skills.
Hi Ayumi.
How do you get the hyper skills? I have maxed my 4th job skills and when i look at your guide i have no idea how to acquire the hyper skills.
Hi ayumi,
so are the fox marbles for Eunwol able to have potential stats? Thanks.
Okay, thanks! 😀
Sorry for troubling you if I did ;D
@Melynt: Nope. I have not play in EMS. If you see someone using my name in EMS, probably its a coincidence or perhaps a fan of mine 🙂
@bowbandit: The (MAX) means adding SP (Skill Points) to a 4th Job Skill until it reaches the maximum mastery level. For instance, if the skill has mastery level 30 but currently its capped/locked at Level 10, you will need to purchase Mastery Books to unlock that cap/limiter. One time for Level 20 and the second time for Level 30. If the particular skill has a mastery level of 20, you will only need to purchase the Level 20 Mastery Book from the NPC located in Leafre and use it on that skill once. The second Level 30 Mastery Book is not required.
Ayumi have u play on EMS on shade ? 😀 if yea whats ure char name ? 😀
I mean in your skill build, by MAX do you mean putting skill points until 10 only or until 20 or 30 depending on the skill?
Is the 4th job skill build maxed out (max level 30) or are they just normal (max level 10) ?
@ihack280: Thanks for the compliment 🙂
@bowbandit: All jobs including Eunwol will have their 4th job skills locked at Level 10 if they have master level of 20 and 30. TO unlock this cap, you will need to purchase Level 20 Mastery Book (costs 3 million meso with Shinning Star Patch, 7 million meso originally) and Level 30 Mastery Book (costs 5 million meso with Shinning Star Patch, 10 million meso originally). These books can be purchased from an NPC located in Leafre. Just click purchase and the Mastery Book will be dropped into your “Use” Item Inventory. Double-click on it. It will display a list of skills which are able to unlock. If the skill has not met its preliminary requirements (e.g. You have Level 1 4th job skill) it will not show up in the upgrade list. It needs to have at least 5 SP to unlock Level 20 cap, and 15 SP to unlock Level 30 cap. Some skills only has Level 20 max mastery level, and some other 4th job skills has Level 30 max mastery level.
Is the skill build for the 4th job skills mastered? Or are they just max level 10?
If they are at max level 10, When do we add skill points after we used mastery books?
ayumi please make more games on kongregate ;-;
also nice job on the guide xD
this or the canner better??
@LostOne: Most players would opt for Spirit Claw for boss raiding as it outputs higher damage with smaller cluster of enemies. Unless you are planning to train all the way to Level 200 with mobbing instead of bossing, then you can add Hyper Skills into Fire Bomb.
As of Shinning Patch (GMS v.157), prices of mastery books have been reduced.
Mastery Book 20 costs 3m instead of 7m.
Mastery Book 30 costs 5m instead of 10m.
Maple Warrior 20 (3m)
Maple Warrior 30 (5m)
Soul Splitter 20 (3m)
Death Mark 20 (3m)
Bomb Punch 20 (3m)
Bomb Punch 30 (5m)
Spirit Claw 20 (3m)
Spirit Claw 30 (5m)
Fire Fox Spirits 20 (3m)
High Quality Knuckle Mastery 20 (3m)
High Quality Knuckle Mastery 30 (5m)
Spirit Bond 4 20 (3m)
Spirit Bond 4 30 (5m)
Total Cost of All Eunwol Mastery Books: 49 million meso
hello ayumi-chan
you know shade need how many mastery book for 4th job @@
i need to prepare it so can you list down for me @@
Why is Bomb Punch hyper skills are ignored? They should be able to both bossing and mobbing efficiently
Back Step is passive? How do you trigger it then?
Hi there Ayumi,
Do you have any ideas what knuckles Eunwol should use past 100? Kuro equipment? Timeless/Reverse? Would appreciate the insight
I wanted to ask that can viper change job to eunwol ??
If u know pls tell me can or not 😉
Hey, Ayumilove.
Thanks for the skillbuild.
Question, where do you get the Shade Fox Marbles?
You know, the secondary weapon?
My character is level 100+
Hello! Thanks for this awesome skillbuild. I was wondering if you know where to get shade weapons and clothing once you hit level 60+
You know, there are things called mastery books that increase your skill cap level?
If you hover over your skill that’s at level 10, it will display the information for level 11 if it can be upgraded.
Mastery books are found via quests or bought from the mastery book npcs.
Any Idea of when Shade will be released in ems???
HI, i’m at the 4th job. however, according to your guide, skills such as bomb punch, spirit claw, knuckle mastery etc… has a maximum master level of 30. however mine only shows 10 =( so they are no where near as powerful as described in your guide. HELPPPP
btw i’m on GMS
Thank you, Ayumilove.
I forgot to check out your training area recommendation guide. ^.^
Also, and unfortunately, I currently play Kradia server because that’s where people I know plays. So, the population for Kradia (including the world that merged with Kradia) is rather low despite the merge. I used to play Bera, but that’s because Bera and Scania were the only world back then. xD
@DuhSwag: Do you mean the Mastery Books? Level 20 and Level 30 books?
@Reihane: Hi there, have you checked out the training area recommendation guide here? For me I train at White Fang in El Nath in a map where I simply jump down from the cliffs, and once I reach the bottom, I used the teleportation portal to teleport back up to the highest cliff. Other than that, PQ (party quest) really speeds up your training immensely! To get lots of players, find for a server that has higher population. That way, it would be easier to get people to party with. Else, for solo players who owns a few laptops/PC around, they could create their own characters just to party up (to fulfill the minimum party members requirements).
@Juan: I like Shade since I do not need to spam the button to activate different attacking skills. Plus their travel mode is kinda slow. But Aran do attack really fast, and equipped with Snowboards (Polearm Fast Attack Speed), its makes it as if you are on hyper mode swinging polearm like a hurricane, dealing multiple hits rapidly, much faster than Shade.
@iSTANDouti: You could just reserve it there and wait until GMS unlocks the capacity for STR (Strength), as KMS (Korea MapleStory) has already unlocked it. If you could not wait for the patch, you could add them into DEX (Dexterity), and once the patch has arrive, spend some NX Cash to transfer those AP (Ability Points) out of DEX and put into STR. Hope that helps 🙂
Love you, Ayumilove!~ <3
Although that's what I like to say…
I recently return to play Maplestory after skipping a few months. I got interested in the character Eunwol/Shade. Retrospectively, I would know where to train at, but since the recent patch has change pretty much most or all the monster level, I'm not sure where to train anymore. Despite that Maplestory does provide "Maple Guide" that leads you to place where you can begin quest or to train, still, I believe your insights could help me level a bit faster than Maplestory Guide, themselves. Of course, I tried to do PQ, and such, but rarely anyone does pq anymore so that's out. So, I suppose my main reason to be here is to ask you a question, Where can I train Eunwol at level 70 – 100?
I will be awaiting for your reply. I really love your guide for every job and characters. Me and my nephew uses your guide only. xD
What skills should skill books be used on?
I just maxed out str on my shade, what do you suggest I put the rest of my AP on?
Hi Ayumilove, thanks for the blog its a great help i have a question, between aran and shade whos better? =)
Hi Ayumilove, why didn’t you update Ayumilove Idle Story? I feel many peoples are waiting… Soooo, I have a problem. When I go play my monster seem to be invisible. Is the flash player screwed up or something?
Hi Orihime, personally I would go for Xenon because its easier to level up, has higher mobility in terms of movement and attacks (far range attacks and has different modes to choose from).
Hi Ayumi please let me just say I loveeeeeeee your blog. It has helped me soo much. <3 .. Right now I haven't played maplestory in two years and I now that Im back all these classes are so cool and its like a class overload for me. For the most part I train these classes for their link skills but I dont know who to main. Im thinking between Xenon and Shade.. I funded my shade but Xenon seems so fun.. Any advice. Whats the major difference. Who does more damage and is better at bossing and etc? Who do you think would win a fight .. Please help me :3
@PubeStylist: Most high level players will raid bosses and rarely training because it gives better drop (high rate for equipment, and rare items) and high EXP amount. Therefore, the skill that does this job is the Spirit Claw. Maxing out all the Hyper Skills related to Spirit Claw will allow you to defeat boss faster. Depending on your playstyle, if you do not see yourself bossing much but more on mobbing, I’ll recommend you to go with Bomb Punch. We have limited Hyper Skill Points (about 5 for Active Hyper Skills), so choose wisely 🙂
Hey Ayumilove, why no hyper skill points put into the 3 Bomb Punch passives?
This class is so stupid and boring. I wish i could get the time i wasted playing this class back.
Hi A, it depends on your playstyle. Where do you usually train at? Do you frequently train at Dimension Invasion and Evolution Lab? If yes, Bomb Punch is a skill you can unlock first. But take into account that this party quest has a certain limit you can repeat/do per day (e.g. 5 times per day), then you will need to train somewhere else where they aren’t many places with many mobs clustered together. For me, I’ll personally go for Spirit Claw first since it does very high damage without the constant need of tapping the button frequently like Bomb Punch (reminds me of Aran smashing key attacks) so you can defeat Elite Bosses under 10 seconds and eliminate enemies at your level in 2 hits or higher leveled enemies in 3-4 hits.
I was wondering what skill for 4th job we should use the mastery books on? Because I got 2 books where I can choose what skill to max (10+) but I don’t know which one to choose.
after 3rd advancement when shade returned to find out the foxes forgotten him does he ever come back? does moonbeam remember in the end?
The bonds in gms are just mixed around guys, ayumi has them all correct, but in KMS they are worded/set up differently then inthe gms version. Put it this way, at Max level spirit bond 4 you will have everything in all the job lists, main difference is that you have 100% stance from the beginning
hello ayumi,
i just got my 3rd job (it take some time cause i dont play a lot) and there is different in the soul bond too. in GMS it gives only DMG & weapon attack while in your guide it gives also acc, avs, stance rate and DMG taken reduction. do you have any idea why? maybe he is too strong they nerf him
Hey Ayumi
Spirit bond 4 only gives enemy DEF ignored and boss ATT +1 for each level
so far its fun. yeah the supportives were well Nerfed somewhat in my Opinion. but hes got a great storyline. HP and back step skill is good. i dont like the downcool early skills thats lame. so far i hear 4th job is fun. i havent tryed the bossing yet but hopefully it meets up with my liking. i love his look too.
just wished they added the idea from Xenon Stat build over to Shade or use those Bonuses as better Passives. MORE WDEF. MORE HP , MORE CRIT, and MORE DAMAGE%. thats all i need and maybe just a 30% Boss % as a nice Passive XD
@all: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th job skill builds for Eunwol has been corrected. Feel free to point out if there are other corrections needed 🙂
@TFTWst3a1thyy: Thanks for your financial analysis on Shade’s mastery book expenses. Would be helpful for non-funded and funded players to accumulate the necessary meso for the purchase 😀
@MrSneakyFox: I have added Spirit Bond 4 which is missing from Eunwol 4th Job Skill Build. Thanks for the heads-up. Spirit Bond 4 is maxed after Fire Fox Spirits. As ClawsForever commented, its useful for bossing since its adds some stats on ignoring boss defense.
For anyone wondering, it’s a total of 103 million mesos to upgrade all skills to Max assuming your buying the 20 and 30 books, less if you do some of the theme dungeons that give them out. Hope that helps
@MrSneakyFox: You should start adding points into it about ten levels before you start bossing; it’s nearly useless for training.
4th job doesn’t include spirit bond 4… when do we max that?
@RenAnex: Thanks for your feedback. I’ll update Eunwol Skill Build accordingly 🙂
@Nova: They are 4 aspects that boost their damage significantly: (1) They have linked characters pointing towards it, (2) They have 3 full deck cards with at least S ranking, (3) They temporarily buff themselves with weapon-magic attack potions, (4) They equipment they are using are scrolled, cube and potentialed, giving them better stats. Other than that, you might yet to improve your gear on your character or any of the following above 😀
Thanks sung90! I’ll update Shade skill build once more 🙂
Just repeating what sung90 said, just got to level 60 and all of my skills are maxed. If I recall correctly, I believe I got 5 SP when I did my 2nd job advancement.
hi Ayumi
it says that not all skillz are maxed but every skill is maxed in the GMs version
Hey ayumi i made my shade today and got it to level 100. The thing is all the people around me are doing 90k to 100k and i am doing 9 to 15k. I am so confused by the significant damage difference. If you know why could you please help me. Thanks.
Tengo Una pregunta el personaje cuenta con una hp alta?
@Ayumi can you update the skill build because all of shade’s skills can be fully maxed level
@Chaot1c: Yeah, will replace the non-official English names with GMS ones 🙂
@TeaKey: KMS’s version of Spirit Bond recovers 1% HP and MP. Could you help test it out on your side (GMS) whether it recovers MP?
what about pros and cons
Hey Ayumi,
Will you be putting the GMS names for the skills like you did with other classes so that it’s easier to follow? Like the KMS skill build and then the GMS skill build on the bottom like some other skill builds you have made? It’s easier for me to use that way, thanks for these skill builds as well!
hello ayumi
i just opened shade and there is something strange. In your guide is written that spirit bond recover 1% HP & 1% MP, but in game skill description is written that is only recover 1% HP.
there is any reason?
This class seems interesting and fun. I might try it. ^^
The Effect of Spirit Bond 3, “Damage Taken Reduction: 20%” is different on Spirit Bond (1,2 and 4), because have “Damage Taken Reduction 30%” .-.
Here is the guide:
all ur guides shows which skills need a mastery book in order to max
but eunwol just shows no restrictions…
that is the question #1
and question #2
is can you make a guide on which quest/pq/ anything that gives free mastery book
hopefully this clears up the questions im trying to ask
well it doesnt list which mastery books are needed for eunwol……..
so….. does eunwol need mastery book?
@baller98578: All jobs except Cygnus Knight jobs require Mastery Books for their 4th job skills. This can be purchased from NPC in Leafre for 7 million meso (Level 10-20) and 10 million meso (Unlock Level 20-30)
Wat Jason said (thanks for clarifying for me)
But u still have answered my question about eunwol
Whether he/she needs mastery books for 4th job or not
Thx ayumi!
@ayumilove I think he means he wants you to make a guide on how to get the few free Mastery Books that the game gives us.
@baller9857: What do you mean by get easy mastery page? Most of the mastery books are purchased from the NPC in Leafre.
Hey ayumi
Great guide
I was wondering if eunwol need any mastery books
I’m sure like most classes besides koc needs mastery books but if eunwol was a special case??
And I would like you too make a guide to get easy mastery page
Having trouble buying the mastery book 30 cuz it cost a lot
@Issac: Probably next patch GMS v.150 as they are Eunwol data in patch GMS v.149
When will eunwol be in GMS?
Spirit Bond 4 seems to be missing from the 4th job skill build guide. If we were to have that inputed, would we max it first? Thanks
…The heroes spell out M A P L E…
So sly…
I wish they made a hero that uses throwing stars though haha. Sounds magical.
Sorry if you already answered this, im lazy to read all the comments to check. I was just wondering if soul division attack is 50% deceased damage or 50% increased damage. I ask because orangemushroom and this one guy on youtube both stated that its a 50% damage increase.
ayymi your aran skill build dosent good for gms
@SomePolitePerson: I don’t think most of them are nerfed, its the opposite. I have updated all the skill details 🙂 Extra speed always helps. You can try having Eunwol and ask a Battle Mage to buff you up with his yellow aura, you can feel your attacking speed change drastically.
Thanks for correcting that , but looking at your list and orange’s one I can tell that yours is outdated, many of the skills were nerfed and some others rised, hope you can upgrade it soon because i always use your website for skill builds and such.
ON the other hand, do you think Eunwol needs decent Speed infusion? or it won’t affect his actual speed? thank you.
@SomePolitePerson: Currently the stats here represents the one from KMST Spirit Claw 360% (Dec 23 2013), whereas KMS is 380% (Jan 1 2014). I’ll update the stats above 🙂
One question Miss Ayumi, I see that here in your website Spirit claw is 360% but in orange mushroom is 380%…. Who is right and who is wrong?
Thank you
Db or Eunwol :3?
oh is that w/o the buffs from the passive skills?
havent really grasped this character yet… but seems like it could be overpowered…. i mean 50% boss damage is a lot to be handing out in a fourth job skill… shrugs…
@Magickarp: Spirit Claw is 810 ms.
@Bread: Spirit Claw is 810 ms.
Do u know the delay on spirit claw :D?
Whats the delay on spirit claw?
Eunwolf is male, canonically. He just happen to have long hair
Hi SoulG, currently KMST (Korea MapleStory Tespia) released this new job Eunwol.
So which maplestory has this character came out?
When will we get a new class with mages the zero story said a transcendent of life had been picked and so we must have a necromancer or a life mage
I can’t post my question on the Zero page so i decided to post it here. Anyways if I’m patient enough and decide too, is it a good idea to max the attacking skills that have advanced versions so i can instantly max the advanced versions or no? Thanks love your guides.
Ayumi just so you know, EunWol is a guy. It was announced was website. If i’m wrong, please alert me because I only found this on a normal fan of maplestory’s website so…yeah.
Actually it was obvious that we will get Pirate Hero and Evan doesn’t count as one of them because this is Nexon politic – all group of… Hmmm… Class have all classes. I know how it sounds but… Cygnuses have all 5 like Adventures, Resistance and now Heroes. Nova are more like special group, but they probably get Mage/Thief/Archer in the future or we will get new group with this Classes. Zero is unique. Imo we will get one class in all group and all 5 classes in Special Class (Nova – Pirate and Warrior + New group or simply 3 new Nova class).
actually under technical terms Evan isnt one of the heros both him and mir are decendants of frued and the dragons that served with frued therefore only making them holders of the abilities not the title
To be honest no one will use Mega Punch even if 1st job will be revamp as I said UNLESS it’s faster skill or something. Maybe additional use in combo?
Anyway I really want this job – Eunwol has normal dmg (or it looks like) and nice look of skills. Godly def is good too especially with good drain skill. And his companion/familiar – I am not fun of Anthro but… U know…
What’s more this Update is perfect. Only wait ~6-9 months for this in eMS \o/
@Mix: yea but then again both skills are very similar and that island strike is stronger than mega punch, why need mega punch anw
Eh… Now we have to wait for 1st job revamp for class which isnt even released yet \o/
Probably Jump Max lvl will be decreased with this 2 attacking skills.
Skills had been release
It’s actually been a while since I said anything but Eunwol is a male. The girl is an Anima, a demi-human race pointed out in RED’s Explorer questline. I rather not chose if he was a letter in the MAPLE team. The real problem is that when GMS translates the name, if at all. What would it become.
Just little fix – Eunwol is a man.
Hi, ayumi, some of the pages said Eunwol also has a name called Yunnel, is that true? And the girl behind Eunwol is look like Beast Tamer-an exclusive class of JMS, Can you make a page about her for us?
@Nhat Ngo: Chillz, we are still discussing, no need for Ayumi to change yet
it still said HERO – Evan
Oh and you said evan’s not a hero. Update your guide pl0x :3
Wait i do after i read it again xD. But i’m not talking about Evan. I’m talking about FREUD. Freud fought the Black Mage along the other legendary heroes Right???So if Freud was the hero. That mean Eunwol is the SIXTH Hero. Because obviously Evan is not the legendary. Freud is like the “ancestor” of the Evan. SO freud fought the black mage. That count as 1 hero and the other 4 being released is 5. and Eunwol is soon-to-be-released so that’s 6. Eunwol the 6th legendary hero
Ayumi, can you please explain the things about evan and the black mage again? I kinda dont understand you xD
I was going to comment about the anima as well, but there are cases of same-gender guiders (Kaiser (the previous Kaiser), Luminous (Vieran), Aran (Lilin), etc.). Admittedly, it seems they had originally planned for Aran to be male up until probably Luminous’s story or close to there. So just because Lang is female, I don’t know if it’s really enough to be a conclusive point.
Another point I was tempted to put was based on the idea that the developers could be sexist, which would prompt them to want to make the character male to promote a sense of strength.
I’m tempted to conclude that Eunwol is actually a ‘he’.
Upon inspection of other official artwork, female characters have an eye lash that points out at the top corner. Eunwol does have this, but it doesn’t appear to point out far enough to suggest that it is a girl. The length seems closer to the RED rendition of the male thief.
Another thing is Eunwol’s eye lashes are fairly thick, something that isn’t seen in any of their female character artwork.
Excuse me.. but i assume that Eunwol will likely be male. He’s just a man with long hair, and by the fact that his guider, lang is female..he will probably be male.
BUT according to the other heroes backstory, eg Merc, Freud was there with her and saved her(i meant the dragon)(silent crusade quest has this) and also Lumi, where it was the Freud/dragon that freeze the time for him to prepare the seal… Inconsistencies?
Hi Nhat Ngo, Nexon basically said was that the original Evan was NOT one of the five hero’s that the Black Mage fought. This is further confirmed in the backstory posted by Hime on the Nexon Forum (GMS). Evan himself is not one of the heroes that fought the Black Mage personally, he is part of an ancient line of dragon masters that was nearly wiped out by the Black Mage when he fought the legendary heroes.
and maybe what you said about Eunwol being “Silver Moon”. That’s the first letter for STORY, there are 4 more to go and this game will have no more heroes 😀
That means Freud is still a hero, which was out b4 eunwol is, WAAAYY b4 eunwol. So that makes Eunwol the 6th hero. BOOM change your discription pl0x
Why cant it be…….
Silver moon
So that means…….
evan – eunwol
If Evan’s not the hero then Freud is, which is still one of the legendary heroes, so Eunwol have to be the 6th hero. :/
I’m still confuse. If freud’s still a hero, why did ayumi said Eunwols the 5th hero isnt she suppose to be the 6th?
@Nhat Ngo: Evan is actually a betrayer, a spy from the black mage. He was the one that change all the memory…. Juz kidding. Freud was the original dragon master with his onyx dargon (whoose name i forgotten) while Evan is the next generation who inherited the will, so Evan didnt participate in the battle at all:)
I think you have something wrong here. Evan’s a hero too, but you didn’t include it in the description and only said Aran, Mercedes, Phantom, and Luminous. Is there something we should know about Evan?
whats spirit doing beside her. and so it is a she. ( i feel bad about not working on a knuckle type character i always quit on those. T_T but im sure when we get her ill keep this one around at lvl 131. she looks awesome to play too. hopefully her HP is high
oh and FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a “she”
..that was fast.