MapleStory Night Walker Skill Build Guide

MapleStory Night Walker Skill Build Guide V2 Night Walker is a part of Cygnus Knights Thieves who specializes in the art of assassinating enemies. Luck, a bit of dexterity, skill, and being quite cunning separates the Night Walkers from the rest. Though marked and assisted by the spirit of darkness, Umbra, Night Walkers put great importance in independence, which leads some to learn poison skills. Night Walkers serve justice in places where light does not reach, so those who are willing to serve in the shadows may become a Night Walker.

Night Walker Overview

CLASS: Cygnus Knight
PRIMARY WEAPON: Claw, Throwing Stars
LINK SKILL: Cygnus Blessing – Abnormal Status and Elemental Resistance +5/10%
MAPLE UNION EFFECT: LUK +10/20/40/80/100
BEST INNER ABILITY: Attack +30, Boss Damage +20%
JOB SKILLS: I: Night WalkerII: Night WalkerIII: Night WalkerIV: Night WalkerHyper SkillsV: Night Walker

Night Walker Pros and Cons


  • *Share your pros on this job!*
  • One of the most mobile classes in the game.
  • Easy to maintain 100% HP dodge, vampire bats and damage reduction).
  • Vampire bats make fighting Gollux a breeze as it can hit minions anywhere!
  • Dark sight is OP’d vs Magnus.
  • Has a bind skill that works on bosses.
  • Dark Servant’s damage is calculated instead of percentage from damage lines.
  • Your clone can hit cap too!
  • Can have up to 3 Dark Servants for 30 seconds with Shadow Illusion.
  • Shadow Dodge can be useful in certain situations such as Gollux battles.
  • DoT skill bypasses certain defenses.
  • Jump attack-animation canceling increases attack rate approximately 40%.
  • Less hot keys to assign due to less buffs.
  • Has 100% Knockback Resistance with Dominion skill.


  • *Share your cons on this job!*
  • The most expensive class to fund (e.g. Fafnir Risk Holder)
  • The worst mobbing classes.
  • Unable to use link skills of any other Cygnus knights (less stat resistance)
  • Dark Servant and Shadow Illusion can interfere with Dark Sight.
  • Dominion briefly masks screen, hazardous to use against certain bosses.
  • Both class-specific hyper skills have a 5 minutes cooldown.
  • Bind skill is an attack and must be charged up to have a long reach. Could be an issue if the boss casts “damage reflect” while “charging”.
  • Vampire bats can’t be controlled and will likely fly at enemies you don’t want them to, mainly an issue if you want to solo Chaos Pierre.
  • No push or pull skill, a potential issue in two floors of the Tower of Oz. Can’t stun Tin Woodsman or move the Scarecrow into the fire.
  • No focusing skill like bullseye. Pretty much leaves you shut out by normal Arkarium’s snake army.
  • Night Walker is the worst mobber.

Night Walker Video

Ayumilove MapleStory Night Walker 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Job Skill Preview Videos
[youtube url=//]

Night Walker Beginner Skills

Please refer to Cygnus Beginner/Noblesse Skill Build Guide for more details as it is shared among Dawn Warrior, Wind Archer, Blaze Wizard, Night Walker and Thunder Breaker.

Night Walker 1st Job Skills (GMS | MSEA)

Lucky Seven | Twin Toss
Thows 2 throwing stars at once.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 114%, Number of Attacks: 2
Level 20: MP Cost: 16, Damage: 190%, Number of Attacks: 2

Dark Elemental | Element Infusion I: Darkness
Summons a dark elemental that grants you its powers.
Level 1: MP Cost: 24, Hit enemies with a Throwing Stars Skill within 45 sec. for a 20% chance to create a Mark of Darkness that stacks 2 times. Marked enemies will receive 53% damage per stack every second for 5 seconds. 1% DEF Ignored. Lv. 10 Effect: Able to learn Darkness Adapting.
Level 10: MP Cost: 15, Hit enemies with a Throwing Stars Skill within 180 sec. for a 20% chance to create a Mark of Darkness that stacks 2 times. Marked enemies will receive 80% damage per stack every second for 5 seconds. 4% DEF Ignored. Lv. 10 Effect: Able to learn Darkness Adapting.

Temporarily increases Movement Speed and Jump for all party members. Increases maximum Movement Speed permanently.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Duration: 45 sec, Speed: +4, Jump: +2. Passive Effects – Max Movement Speed: +2, Avoidability +6%.
Level 10: MP Cost: 30, Duration: 180 sec, Speed: +40, Jump: +20. Passive Effects – Max Movement Speed: +20, Avoidability +15%

Dark Sight
Allows you to hide in the shadows for a short time. While Dark Sight is , you cannot hit or be hit by enemies. The cooldown will change when Dark Sight is deactivated, depending on damage dodged. Cannot be used against some monsters that attack first. Press the skill key again to deactivate Dark Sight.
Level 1: MP Cost: 28, hides in the shadows for 40 seconds. If dodged attacks that deal damage in proportion to Max HP, when Dark Sight is deactivated, cooldown increased per attack dodged: 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Level 5: MP Cost: 20, hides in the shadows for 200 seconds. If dodged attacks that deal damage in proportion to Max HP, when Dark Sight is deactivated, cooldown increased per attack dodged: 3 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.

Shadow Dodge | Shadow Feint
Requires Skill: Shadow Jump (1)
Quickly move backwards. This skill can be used with Throwing Stars skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 7, pushes you back a short distance. Cooldown: 5 sec.

Shadow Jump
Allows you to jump again in midair. This skill can be used while using Throwing Star skills.
Level 1: MP Cost: 5, jumps further. [Passive Effect – Final Damage of Throwing Star Skill in Air: +10%]

Shadow Bat
Requires Skill: Dark Elemental (1) | Note: Level 20 required to learn Bat Affinity.
Summons a Shadow Bat which sometimes attacks with you. The attack rate will double for enemies marked with Darkness. They can be toggled on/off by using the skill key.
Level 1: Summons a Shadow Bat for 60 sec for every 3 times that you hit with a Throwing Star skill. Max number of bats: 2. When using a Throwing Star skill, there is a 35% chance that the character flies towards the target and inflicts 112% damage. Also bounces off 3 enemies and inflicts the same amount of damage before disappearing. Recovers 1% of Max HP on first damage. Damage Against Normal Monsters: +10%.
Level 20: Summons a Shadow Bat for 60 sec for every 3 times that you hit with a Throwing Star skill. Max number of bats: 2. When using a Throwing Star skill, there is a 35% chance that the character flies towards the target and inflicts 150% damage. Also bounces off 3 enemies and inflicts the same amount of damage before disappearing. Recovers 1% of Max HP on first damage. Damage Against Normal Monsters: +10%.

Night Walker 1st Job Skill Build (GMS): Everything maxed except Lucky Seven.
0. Shadow Dodge, Shadow Jump (auto-maxed)
1. Lucky Seven, Dark Elemental, Shadow Bat (1)
2. Haste (MAX)
3. Lucky Seven (19/20)
4. Shadow Bat (MAX)
5. Dark Elemental (MAX)
6. Dark Sight (MAX)

Night Walker 1st Job Skill Build (MSEA): Everything maxed except Twin Toss.
0. Shadow Feint, Shadow Jump (auto-maxed)
1. Twin Toss, Element Infusion I: Darkness, Shadow Bat (1)
2. Haste (MAX)
3. Twin Toss (19/20)
4. Shadow Bat (MAX)
5. Element Infusion I: Darkness (MAX)
6. Dark Sight (MAX)

Night Walker 1st job primary attacking skill is Lucky Seven. It’s used for both soloing bosses and training purposes. Night Walker is weak at mobbing, but deals tons of damage on single monster. Use that to your advantage against mini bosses such as Mushmom and Blue Mushmom residing in Henesys for rocket leveling. Do take note that all primary throwing-skill similar to Lucky Seven are not required to be maxed as there has been some drastic change to the pre-requisite skill which only requires 10 skill points in it instead of max. As a result, Lucky Seven is capped at Level 19. Begin with maxing Haste for additional mobility and jump height, followed by capping Lucky Seven and max Shadow Bat for mob damage. Then, proceed with maxing Dark Elemental for the added stack damage. it’s not that much use when Lucky Seven can 1HKO (1 hit kill) all monsters but definitely shines when fighting against Elite Bosses or Mini Bosses. Subsequently, max Dark Sight last as its not used often for training. Dark Sight is useful when you want to travel around without getting any physical bump damage when bypassing monster.

Night Walker 2nd Job Skills

Triple Throw
Throws 3 Throwing Stars in a row at the target. The last attack uses the power of Darkness to deal greater damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 16, Number of Attacks: 2, Damage: 164%. Number of Explosion: 1, Explosion Damage: 255%
Level 20: MP Cost: 25, Number of Attacks: 2, Damage: 240%. Number of Explosion: 1, Explosion Damage: 350%

Adaptive Darkness
Requires Skill: Dark Elemental (MAX)
Deeper darkness further enhances the Marks of Darkness.
Level 1: Chance to place Mark of Darkness: 1%, Maximum Stacking Limit: 1, DoT Per Stack: 4%, Defense Rate Ignored Per Mark: +1%.
Level 10: Chance to place Mark of Darkness: 5%, Maximum Stacking Limit: 1, DoT Per Stack: 40%, Defense Rate Ignored Per Mark: +1%

Bat Affinity
Required Skill: Shadow Bat (MAX) | Note: Level 20 required to learn Bat Affinity II.
Enhances the Shadow Bat through communion.
Level 1: Shadow Bat’s Attack Chance: 1%, Max Summon Limit: 1, Damage: 44% points, Max Enemies Hit: 1
Level 20: Shadow Bat’s Attack Chance: 5%, Max Summon Limit: 1, Damage: 120% points, Max Enemies Hit: 1

Throwing Booster
Required Skill: Throwing Mastery (5)
Temporarily increases the attack speed of your weapon. Must have a Claw equipped.
Level 1: MP Cost: 30, Claw Attack Speed increased for 45 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 21, Claw Attack Speed increased for 180 sec

Critical Throw
Required Skill: Throwing Mastery (3)
Increases Critical Rate and Critical Damage.
Level 1: Critical Rate: +5%, Critical Damage: +1%
Level 20: Critical Rate: +35%, Critical Damage: +10%

Throwing Mastery
Note: Level 10 required to learn Throwing Expert.
Increases damage, Claw Mastery, and the max number of charges of your Throwing Stars.
Level 1: Damage: +3%, Claw Mastery: +14%, Throwing Stars: +20
Level 10: Damage: +30%, Claw Mastery: +50%, Throwing Stars: +200

Physical Training
Permanently improves LUK through sheer physical training.
Level 1: Permanently increases LUK by 12
Level 5: Permanently increases LUK by 60

Night Walker 2nd Job Skill Build: Everything maxed except Triple Throw.
1. Triple Throw, Bat Affinity, Throwing Mastery, Adaptive Darkness (1)
2. Throwing Booster (6)
3. Throwing Mastery (MAX)
4. Throwing Booster (MAX)
5. Physical Training (MAX)
6. Triple Throw (19/20)
7. Adaptive Darkness (MAX)
8. Bat Affinity (MAX)
9. Critical Throw (MAX)

Night Walker 2nd Job primary attacking skill will be Triple Throw, which replaces Lucky Seven in 2nd Job. Begin with maxing Throwing Mastery to increase your minimum damage and increase the number of throwing-stars per slot. This is very handy since carrying around more throwing-stars means less slot for your potions and other consumable items. Then, max Throwing Booster to avoid the need to rebuff often. Subsequently, max Physical Training for the added base damage. Cap Triple Throw at Level 19 as the successor skill only requires 10 SP (Skill Points) in it. After that, max Adaptive Darkness for extra damage when soloing monster, Bat Affinity for more bat damage and last but not least Critical Throw. If your main damage 1HKO (1 hit kill) monsters, the extra Critical Damage isn’t much worth it especially during training period. Therefore, its positioned as the last skill.

Night Walker 3rd Job Skills

Quad Star
Throws 4 Throwing Stars in a row at the target. The last attack uses the power of darkness to deal greater damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 22, Number of Attacks: 3, Damage: 224%. Number of Explosions: 1, Damage: 305%.
Level 20: MP Cost: 41, Number of Attacks: 3, Damage: 300%. Number of Explosions: 1, Damage: 400%.

Shadow Spark
Throws penetrating Throwing Stars imbued with the power of darkness. At max range the stars explode, dealing extra damage to all enemies in range.
Level 1: MP Cost: 25, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 457%, Enemies Hit From Explosion: 6, Damage From Explosion: 557%
Level 20: MP Cost: 35, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Damage: 590%, Enemies Hit From Explosion: 6, Damage From Explosion: 690%

Dark Servant
Summons a shadow which copies your actions after a short delay. The copied actions are limited to the throwing stars skills and movement skills. Your shadow disappears when the summon time runs out. The shadow attack can activate Marks of Darkness or Shadow Bats without being affected by attack reflection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 46, Summons a shadow Duration: 47 sec, Attack Power: 22%
Level 20: MP Cost: 65, Summons a shadow Duration: 180 sec, Attack Power: 60%

Spirit Projection
Barrages enemies with multiple stars and then sends you into an infinite star-throwing frenzy for a moment.
Level 1: MP Cost: 15 and 199 throwing stars, Duration: 90 sec
Level 10: MP Cost: 20 and 100 throwing stars, Duration: 180 sec

Enveloping Darkness
Cover yourself with darkness, increasing Max HP, Abnormal Status Resistance, and Elemental Resistance are permanently.
Level 1: MaxHP: +2%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +3%, Elemental Resistance: +3%
Level 10: MaxHP: +20%, Abnormal Status Resistance: +30%, Elemental Resistance: +30%

Alchemic Adrenaline
Increases the effect of recovery items like potions. Percentage-based recovery items like Elixirs do not count. Also increases Min/Max Critical Damage.
Level 1: Recovery Amount: +116% Min/Max Critical Damage Amount: +1%
Level 10: Recovery Amount: +170% Min/Max Critical Damage Amount: +10%

Adaptive Darkness II
Required Skill: Adaptive Darkness (MAX)
Deeper darkness further enhances the Marks of Darkness. Lv. 10 Effect: Able to learn Adaptive Darkness III.
Level 1: Chance to place Mark of Darkness: 1%, Maximum Stacking Limit: 1, DoT Per Stack: 5%, Defense Rate Ignored Per Mark: +1%.
Level 10: Chance to place Mark of Darkness: 5%, Maximum Stacking Limit: 1, DoT Per Stack: 50%, Defense Rate Ignored Per Mark: +1%.

Bat Affinity II
Required Skill: Bat Affinity (MAX)
Enhances the Shadow Bat through deeper communion. Lv. 20 Effect: Able to learn Bat Affinity III.
Level 1: Shadow Bat’s Max Summon Limit: 1, Damage: 55%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, HP Recovery: +1%
Level 20: Shadow Bat’s Max Summon Limit: 1, Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, HP Recovery: +2%

Darkness Ascending
Instead of being KO’d when your HP reaches 0, the power of darkness will restore you to life.
Level 1: When your HP reaches 0, recovers 10% of Max HP per 3 sec. If Shadow Bats are summoned, it uses them to get 6% extra recovery per bat. Invincible for 2 sec during recovery and at the end of skill. Cooldown: 3240 sec.
Level 5: When your HP reaches 0, recovers 50% of Max HP per 3 sec. If Shadow Bats are summoned, it uses them to get 10% extra recovery per bat. Invincible for 2 sec during recovery and at the end of skill. Cooldown: 1800 sec.

Night Walker 3rd Job Skill Build: Everything maxed except Quad Star.
1. Quad Star, Shadow Spark, Dark Servant, Spirit Projection (1)
2. Bat Affinity II, Alchemic Adrenaline, Darkness Ascending (1)
3. Dark Servant (MAX)
4. Spirit Projection (MAX)
5. Shadow Spark (MAX)
6. Adaptive Darkness II (MAX)
7. Bat Affinity II (MAX)
8. Alchemic Adrenaline (MAX)
9. Quad Star (19/20)
10. Enveloping Darkness (MAX)
11. Darkness Ascending (MAX)

Night Walker 3rd Job primary attacking skill will be both Quad Star and Shadow Spark. Add 1 SP (Skill Point) into all of the skills to unlock them. For training purposes, use Shadow Spark on mobs of monsters and Quad Star for bossing especially Elite Bosses (twice as big compared to regular monster). Begin with maxing Dark Servant so your clone can provide an additional 50% more damage to every skill attack you dish out. Next, max Spirit Projection to cut down the number of time you need to restock on throwing-stars as 3rd Job Grinding will be much more longer compared to previous job advancement. Once these 2 supportive buff are maxed (synchronized with your 1st + 2nd job buff duration), it’s time to max Shadow Spark. This is the only mobbing skill that Night Walker has and it will be used in 4th Job Training too especially in Party Quest. Quad Star isn’t maxed because the successor skill will only require 10 skill points in it. Max Adaptive Darkness II for the added damage bonus when soloing bosses. Then, max out Bat Affinity II for more bat damage. Subsequently, max Alchemic Adrenaline to save meso on potion consumption and reduce slots used for bulking up potions. Finally, capped Quad Star at Level 19 and max the remaining under-utilize passive skills which are Enveloping Darkness and Darkness Ascending. These 2 are quite important when training in risky areas especially in boss raids where boss inflicts negative status (e.g. Stun, Seduce, Darkness) and debuff.

Night Walker 4th Job Skills

Call of Cygnus
[NOTE] Click here to learn how to unlock Call of Cygnus skill.
Grants the blessings of Cygnus’s awakening to temporarily increase all stats for you and your party members. Does not stack with Maple Warrior, Call of Cygnus, Nova Warrior, President’s Orders, or Rhinne’s Protection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 10, Increases all stats assigned APs by +1% for 30 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 70, Increases all stats assigned APs by +15% for 900 sec

Quintuple Star
Throws 5 Throwing Stars in a row at the target. The last attack uses the power of darkness to deal greater damage.
Level 1: MP Cost: 21, Number of Attacks: 4, Damage: 302%. Number of Explosion: 1, Explosion Damage: 402%
Level 30: MP Cost: 36, Number of Attacks: 4, Damage: 360%. Number of Explosion: 1, Explosion Damage: 460%

Dark Omen
Summons a pack of shadow bats to attack enemies. The number of bats will appear in proportion to the number of attacked enemies. Dark Omen cannot do critical damage. It will pass through enemy damage reflection skills without being reflected.
Level 1: MP Cost: 197, Duration: 3 sec, Max Enemies Hit per 0.3 sec: 6, Damage: 355%. Summon 1 Shadow Bat per 3 enemy(ies) hit. Cooldown: 20 sec.
Level 30: MP Cost: 110, Duration: 3 sec, Max Enemies Hit per 0.3 sec: 6, Damage: 500%. Summon 1 Shadow Bat per 3 enemy(ies) hit. Cooldown: 20 sec.

Shadow Stitch
Your shadow binds the enemies to the ground. Also applies to Boss Monsters.
Level 1: MP Cost: 54, Extends your shadow up to 5 seconds while you hold the key, and releasing will activate the skill. Power Stance While Key Down: 100%, Max Enemies Hit Within Shadow: 15, Damage: 470%. Bind Duration: 6 sec. Cooldown decreases by 1 sec for 1 enemies hit. Cooldown: 147 sec.
Level 20: While the skill key is held down (up to a maximum of 15 seconds), gain 100% stance and deal 850% damage on up to 15 enemies, binding them for 10 seconds. For each enemy hit, the cooldown is reduced by 1 second. Cooldown of 120 seconds.

Dark Blessing
The blessings of darkness increase your stats.
Level 1: 1 attack, 1% defense ignore.
Level 30: 30 attack, 15% defense ignore.

Adaptive Darkness III
Required Skill: Adaptive Darkness II (MAX)
Immerses you in deeper darkness to enhance your Marks of Darkness.
Level 1: Chance to place Mark of Darkness: 1%, Maximum Stacking Limit: 1, DoT Per Stack: 5%, Defense Rate Ignored Per Mark: +1%.
Level 10: Chance to place Mark of Darkness: 5%, Maximum Stacking Limit: 1, DoT Per Stack: 50%, Defense Rate Ignored Per Mark: +1%.

Bat Affinity III
Enhances the Shadow Bat is through communion.
Level 1: Shadow Bat’s Attack Chance: 1%, Max Summon Limit: 1, Damage: 54%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, HP Recovery: +1%
Level 30: Shadow Bat’s Attack Chance: 5%, Max Summon Limit: 1, Damage: 170%, Max Enemies Hit: 1, HP Recovery: +3%

Throwing Expert
Increases Claw Mastery, Weapon Attack, and Max Critical Damage.
Level 1: Claw Mastery: +56%, Weapon ATT: +1, Max Critical Damage: +1%
Level 30: Claw Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +30, Max Critical Damage: +15%

Vitality Siphon
Absorb HP from enemies while laying your Mark of Darkness.
Level 1: Duration: 10 sec, Max HP: +204, Max Stack: 5, Duration resets with each Mark of Darkness.
Level 15: Duration: 10 sec, Max HP: +400, Max Stack: 10, Duration resets with each Mark of Darkness.

Shadow Slip
Grants a chance to melt into the shadows, avoid enemy attacks, and decrease damage taken.
Level 1: Dodge Chance: 11%, Damage Absoprtion: +1%
Level 30: Dodge Chance: 40%, Damage Absoprtion: +10%

Night Walker 4th Job Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Quintuple Star, Dark Omen, Bat Affinity III, Adaptive Darkness III (1)
2. Vitality Siphon, Throwing Expert, Shadow Slip (1)
3. Throwing Expert (MAX)
4. Dark Blessing (MAX)
5. Bat Affinity III (MAX)
6. Adaptive Darkness III (MAX)
7. Shadow Slip (MAX)
8. Quintuple Star (MAX)
9. Cygnus Knights (MAX)
10. Dark Omen (MAX)
11. Vitality Siphon (MAX)
12. Shadow Stitch (MAX)

Night Walker 4th job primary attacking skill will be Quintuple Star, Dark Omen and Shadow Spark (3rd Job Skill for mobbing). Shadow Spark will be used most often in training such as Romeo and Juliet Party Quest 4th Stage, therefore Quintuple Throw can be maxed a little later. Begin with maxing Throwing Expert to boost your minimum damage with added Claw Mastery and extra weapon attack for overall damage bonus. Next, max Dark Blessing to gain additional damage boost which is very helpful for 1 hit KO with Shadow Spark. Subsequently, max Bat Affinity III for extra damage from your bat attacks, great for training in Evolution Lab and Dimension Invasion. Then, max Adaptive Darkness III for the added stack damage from Marks of Darkness especially against tougher enemies like Elite Bosses. Next, max Shadow Slip to avoid getting damage and knockback off from a platform by monster’s attack, as a result you can spam your throwing-star care free. You can swap Shadow Slip with Quintuple Star if you need the extra damage early on for bossing. Max Cyngus Knight skill for supportive buff to boost overall stat. Proceed with maxing Dark Omen for additional instant side-damage. Now, max Vitality Siphon so you can replenish HP without using health potion during training, thereby conserving some item slots in your inventory. Shadow Stitch is used less often for training purposes and boss raids, so both skills are maxed near the end.

Night Walker Hyper Skills

Quintuple Star – Reinforce
Required Level: 140
Level 1: Quintuple Star Damage: +20%

Quintuple Star – Boss Rush
Required Level: 150
Level 1: Quintuple Star Damage against Boss: +20%

Quintuple Star – Critical Chance
Required Level: 180
Level 1: Quintuple Star Critical Rate: +10%

Dark Omen – Cooldown Cutter
Required Level: 140
Level 1: Dark Omen Cooldown: -50%

Dark Omen – Spread
Required Level: 165
Level 1: Dark Omen Max Enemies Hit: +9

Dark Omen – Reinforce
Required Level: 180
Level 1: Dark Omen Damage:+20%

Vitality Siphon – Extra Point
Required Level: 150
Level 1: Vitality Siphon HP Boost per stack: +300

Vitality Siphon – Steel Skin
Required Level: 165
Level 1: Vitality Siphon Defense per stack: +100

Vitality Siphon – Preparation
Required Level: 190
Level 1: Vitality Siphon Abnormal Status Resistance per stack: +2

Shadow Illusion
Required Level: 140 | Required Skill: Dark Servant Lv. 20
Summons 3 shadows that copy your actions after a short delay. The copied actions are limited to throwing stars skills and movement skills. Your shadow disappears when the summon time runs out. The shadow attack can activate Marks of Darkness or Shadow Bats without being affected by attack reflection.
Level 1: MP Cost: 200, Summons 3 Shadows, Duration: #time sec. Each shadow makes an additional hit that is 70%, 50%, 30% of the final damage. Cooldown: 180 sec

Required Level: 160
Unleashes the power of darkness, creating an area of supernatural force.
Level 1: MP Cost: 350, Damage: 1000%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 10. Grants invincibility during ranged attacks. Use Throwing Stars skill within 30 sec of skill to receive Mark of Darkness at max stacks, and summon Shadow Bats that receive the following effects- [Final Damage: +20%. All attacks will be critical hits, immune to knockback.] Cooldown: 180 sec.

Glory of the Guardians
Required Level: 190
A ceremony for Cygnus Knights to prove their devotion to the Empress.
Level 1: MP Cost: 100, Duration: 60 sec, Damage: +10%, Cooldown: 120 sec. Applies to any Cygnus class within the party

Night Walker Skill Build Guide:
1. Quintuple Star – Reinforce
2. Quintuple Star – Boss Rush
3. Dark Omen – Cooldown Cutter
4. Dark Omen – Spread
5. Dark Omen – Reinforce
6. Shadow Illusion
7. Dominion
8. Glory of the Guardians

Please refer to Hyper Skill Build Guide for hyper stat build.

Night Walker 5th Job Skills

Please refer to MapleStory 5th Job Skills Guide for more details on Skill Cores, Special Cores and Enhancement Cores!

Night Walker Skill Cores

Shadow Spear
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
The shadows on the ground coalesce to form a spear that pierces enemies. Unaffected by attack reflection. Has no effect in towns.
Level 1: MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 51. 100% chance for shadows to form on the ground every time you use a dark-aspected skill (excluding Dark Omen and Shadow Spear). The shadows slowly gather into a spear dealing 104% damage 4 times on up to 8 enemies. If there are enough shadows, they coalesce into a Giant Spear that deals 416% damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies with a 3 sec cooldown. Cooldown: 180 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 80. 100% chance for shadows to form on the ground every time you use a dark-aspected skill (excluding Dark Omen and Shadow Spear). The shadows slowly gather into a spear dealing 220% damage 4 times on up to 8 enemies. If there are enough shadows, they coalesce into a Giant Spear that deals 880% damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies with a 3 sec cooldown. Cooldown: 165 sec

Greater Dark Servant | Shadow Servant Extend
Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Summons an immovable shadow. The shadow faces in the direction of the enemy with the highest Max HP and mimics throwing-star attacks. It cannot be injured, and vanishes when its duration ends. You may activate the skill again to swap places with the shadow. However, you cannot do this while in the air. Unaffected by attack reflection. Capable of triggering Mark of Darkness and Shadow Bat.
Level 1: MP Cost: 800, Summon Duration: 30 sec. Shadow attacks from a fixed location, dealing additional 21% of the Final Damage of your throwing star skills. Activate to swap places up to 3 times. Cooldown: 60 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 800, Summon Duration: 45 sec. Shadow attacks from a fixed location, dealing additional 50% of the Final Damage of your throwing star skills. Activate to swap places up to 3 times. Cooldown: 60 sec

Shadow Bite
Required Skill: Bat Affinity III Lv. 30+ | Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
Make your enemies’s shadows attack them and strip them of their power.
Level 1: MP Cost: 1500, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 416%, Number of Attacks: 14, deals 624% damage to boss monsters, creates a Shadow Bat where an enemy received an attack if a Shadow Bat can be summoned. If an enemy has been defeated by Shadow Bite, the Final Damage increases by 1% per 1 enemy for 15 sec. If you attacked a boss monster, the Final Damage increases by 8%. The Final Damage increased by Shadow Bite is applied up to 15%. Cooldown: 20 sec
Level 30: MP Cost: 1500, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Damage: 880%, Number of Attacks: 14, deals 1320% damage to boss monsters, creates a Shadow Bat where an enemy received an attack if a Shadow Bat can be summoned. If an enemy has been defeated by Shadow Bite, the Final Damage increases by 1% per 1 enemy for 18 sec. If you attacked a boss monster, the Final Damage increases by 15%. The Final Damage increased by Shadow Bite is applied up to 15%. Cooldown: 20 sec

Night Walker Enhancement Cores

Lucky Seven Boost
Final Damage: +7% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Shadow Bat Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Triple Throw Boost
Final Damage: +5% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Quad Star Boost
Final Damage: +3% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Shadow Spark Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Quintuple Star Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Dark Omen Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Max Targets: +1
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Shadow Stitch Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Dominion Boost
Final Damage: +2% per level. Max Level: 50 (60 with Matrix Points)
Level 20: Critical Rate: +5%
Level 40: Monster DEF Ignored: +20%

Night Walker V-Matrix Skills Guide

Main V Skill: Shadow Star
Trio #1: Quintuple Star / Shadow Spark / Shadow Bat
Trio #2: Dark Omen / Shadow Stitch / Dominion
Note: Bolded = essential skill | Non-bolded = non-essential skill.

MapleStory Old to New Skill Names

Night Walker 1st Job Skills

  • Lucky Seven → (SAME)
  • Rapid Evasion → Shadow Dodge
  • Shadow Jump → (SAME)
  • Element: Darkness → Dark Elemental
  • Shadow Bats → Shadow Bat
  • Haste → (SAME)
  • Dark Sight → (SAME)

Night Walker 2nd Job Skills

  • Triple Throw → (SAME)
  • Darkness Adapting → Adaptive Darkness
  • Bat Communion → Bat Affinity
  • Throwing Booster → (SAME)
  • Critical Throw → (SAME)
  • Throwing Mastery → (SAME)
  • Physical Training → (SAME)

Night Walker 3rd Job Skills

  • Quadruple Throw → Quad Star
  • Stardust → Shadow Spark
  • Shadow Servant → Dark Servant
  • Spirit Throwing → Spirit Projection
  • Radical Darkness → Enveloping Darkness
  • Adrenaline → Alchemic Adrenaline
  • Darkness Adapting II → Adaptive Darkness II
  • Bat Communion II → Bat Affinity II
  • Darkness Acension → Darkness Ascending

Night Walker 4th Job Skills

  • Cygnus Knights → Call of Cygnus
  • Quintuple Throw → Quintuple Star
  • Darkness Omen → Dark Omen
  • Shadow Stitch → (SAME)
  • Darkness Blessing → Dark Blessing
  • Darkness Adapting III → Adaptive Darkness III
  • Bat Communion III → Bat Affinity III
  • Throwing Expert → (SAME)
  • Siphon Vitality → Vitality Siphon
  • Shadow Assimilation → Shadow Slip

Night Walker Hyper Skills

  • Quintuple Throw – Reinforce → Quintuple Star – Reinforce
  • Quintuple Throw – Boss Killer → Quintuple Star – Boss Rush
  • Quintuple Throw – Critical Rate → Quintuple Star – Critical Chance
  • Darkness Omen – Cooltime Reduce → Dark Omen – Cooldown Cutter
  • Darkness Omen – Extra Target → Dark Omen – Spread
  • Darkness Omen – Reinforce → Dark Omen – Reinforce
  • Siphon Vitality – Extra Point → Vitality Siphon – Extra Point
  • Siphon Vitality – Iron Skin → Vitality Siphon – Steel Skin
  • Siphon Vitality – Imbue Body → Vitality Siphon – Preparation
  • Shadow Illusion → (SAME)
  • Dominion → (SAME)
  • Glory of Guardians → Glory of the Guardians

Night Walker 5th Job Skills

  • Shadow Spear → (SAME)
  • Shadow Servant Extend → Greater Dark Servant
  • Shadow Bite → (SAME)

Additional Information

Night Walker Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the ideal inner ability for a night walker? Unique line, attack speed/legendary is too hard to get/too expensive to try.

  • Attack Speed +1 is godly on NW for bossing, but near impossible. Definitely aim for Legendary, doesn’t take that much time, mot likely you will get by 140, sometimes I get it by level 100 on some characters.
  • %buff duration to be the most useful for most practical uses but it will not affect the duration of our Hyper Buffs, meaning Shadow Illusion aka “Triple Shadow Partners” does not benefit from it.
  • Critical Rate is also great as it helps with 100% crit rate for NW. 30% critical chance is the best of all of them. It frees up so many potential lines you would otherwise need dedicated to critical so that you can go for boss, pdr or %atk instead.

Q: Which totem for Night Walker? I’ve been doing maple leaf high and I was wondering which totem would be better for me. Pointy Captain Finger totem (7 atk 22 all stats) or Schrodinger DEX totem (12 atk 28 dex)
A: Seeing as how Schrodinger Totems aren’t All Stat: go for Captain Finger over Schrodinger.

Night Walker Related Guides

MapleStory Cygnus Knights Quests

Night Walker Changelog

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74 thoughts on “MapleStory Night Walker Skill Build Guide

  1. EvanTrinity

    hey ayumilove

    in kms adventures update they changed the vitality siphon skill to a shield buff and they also changed their hyper skills passive boosts
    so after gms getting the update in the summer it will be better to put 2 sp into vitality siphon boosts(+60 att on shield for sure and 1 more els) instead of dark omen hyper skills passive boosts?

  2. Ayumilove Post author

    @all: The following items have been updated:
    1. Updated GMS and MSEA to dynamic changelogs
    2. Added Night Walker Enhancement Cores
    3. Updated Night Walker Hyper Skills level requirements
    4. Added Night Walker 5th Job Skill (Shadow Bite)

  3. Qriox

    @GAry see the 2nd hyper skill he has, the 170 one.

  4. GAry

    Are u sure night walker has 100% stance?
    I’m playing night walker now, and the details there shows me 0% stance

  5. beeplance

    I think Nightwalker basically becomes boring and repetitive from Lvl 60 onward (3rd job) where players will find themselves just spamming Avenger (Shadow Spark) + normal throwing skills together with the usual Shadow Partner buffs and everything all the way until max level. Not much alternative to these skills because they’re the only ones you can rely on consistently.

    Mobbing is pretty bad like the others mentioned, but I guess the super easy mobility, great attack speed and decent Avenger range slightly makes up for it.

    Lower levelling is a breeze thanks to Shadow Bats. Watch your EXP bar grow as the bats zoom around the map taking down enemies beyond your range for free, plus giving you HP back!

  6. Ayumilove Post author

    @Bruce: I have added your Night Walker pros and cons into the list above.

  7. bruce

    The Pro and cons needs a update.
    for example the: “The best 1v1 damage dealers in the game.” Is no longer true. A lot of classes just out damages him when it comes to burst and damage per second while standing still.

    The con update
    NW is the worst mobber period.

  8. Moosh

    I created a Nightwalker for the Cygnus Blessing link skill on my main and levelled it to 52 in a single night. Will play more for the link skill when I have time but here are my thoughts so far.

    …. It definitely needs a reboot. The mobbing is just plain awful and inconvenient (I only hit 1-2 mobs [er attack, so MP drains like mad), the buffs run out quickly and I feel pretty useless when grinding and questing. The mobility, while incredible, is also slightly inconvenient as I often jump off platforms I don’t want to jump off and miss ropes.

    It is definitely not for new players, but I guess the challenge of the class is what makes it fun/unique.

  9. NinjaBear

    Why the best way to get legend inner ability for nightwalker
    since i had no chance at all from unique to legend

  10. Ninja

    Why the best way to get legend inner ability for nightwalker
    since i had no chance at all from unique to legend

  11. l0rdpepe

    What are the best hyper skills for NW?

  12. NightWalker2017

    Thank you so much for reopening the commnt section for NWs.

    Nightwalkers are greatly nerfed with reduced bat bonuce and recently, also the ability to regain health through bats. Our douge ability are not as great as NL and Shadower as our jump range are greatly limited horizontally and there aint any much bosses that needed to jump vertically to give us an edge. However despite with the -1 bat bounce from 2, our mobbing ability are still comparable to those of I/L and Luminious.

    My question is, Nightwalker, similar to zen and other abundon classes, are quite “broken” but unlike those classes, we are still greatly playable. The doubts are as follows:

    *Mainly on hyper skills.

    1. Is Dark Omen worth using or existing?

    a) it is usless in mobbing as the summoned bats are way more efficent due to casting delay of dark omen. (Only can cast while on ground and cannot jump away immediately after casting).

    b)unless the bosses use damage reflect, there isnt any use for dark omen once again due to casting delays.

    2. Due to the above dislike of dark omen, I find it difficult to make up my mind in pumping hyper skill.

    a) with link skill and character cards, it is not difficult to get critical rate up to 90%, is it still worth it to pump critical chance quintruple throw?

    b) with the change made towards status resistance, aint it more beneficial to pump vitiality preparation?

    c) As end game bosses now do percentage health damage, there is no need for vitiality steel skin. Is it beneficial to pump vitiality extra point as pots have cooldown got end game bosses?

    d) If dark Omen is still important, with the new V Patch and Beyond Patch, what to sacrifice to pump the important vitiality skills?

    I hope the doubts i had above are clear. 🙁

  13. Flighty

    So: With Bat Communion III Max Lvl, Shadow Bats would have the following Stats?:
    Every 3 Skills 1 Bat will be summoned, Maximum of 5 Bats can be summoned, 45% Attack Chance, 640% Damage, Bouncing up to 8 Targets and heal 15% of the Damage as HP?

    And for Mark of Darkness with Darkness Adapting III Max Lvl it would be: 35% Activation Chance on attack while doing 220% Damage and 7% Def Ignored per stack, Maximum Stack Number: 5, Duration 5 seconds

    So at 5 Stacks it would be: 1100% Damage per second for 5 seconds with 35% Def ignore?

  14. Ayumilove Post author

    @Don’t trust me on this – Thanks for your feedback! I’ll re-update this page when the official skill details are released in GMS v.156 on October 29th 2014 🙂

  15. sochi54321

    GMS v156 on october 29th has the nightwalker revamp got to front page of maplestory global web page

  16. Don't trust me on this

    Uh… I’m not quite sure on this, but im sure they removed the “additional hit” Quint-throw hyper and replaced it with a 20% crit rate on Quint throw.

    Just wanted to bring attention to it as the crit is in Kms version 1.2.214 where as the Additional hit was during MksT 1.2.501.

  17. john

    man i remember playing a nightwalker when they got first released. total was great. monster carnival. MC 2. the PQ in ahhh Ariant. this was back in 2009-2010 XD. so im going to have fun playing this one again.

  18. KThxBaiNao

    Oh, never mind. I just found the patch where they nerfed their ciritical throw. Sorry! =X

  19. KThxBaiNao

    Ayumi, I just wanted to let you know that “Critical Throw” for Night Walkers actually gives 50% Critical Chance and is max level 30.

  20. l

    could you also add the total SP used on each job advancement

  21. l

    i have a lvl 104 nw in GMS and i can see some of these skills and with ones like Rapid Evasion, Shadow Jump i can use the skills already. but i cant seem to make this build however because it goes “you haven’t used all the SP from 1st and 2nd job.” 🙁 do i just wait for the update??

  22. Ayumilove Post author

    @I: Yes, once GMS released the new Night Walker Revamp.

  23. l

    can this build be used of GMS

  24. Parsifal

    I have a night walker from the old GMS , he is lvl 36, since the revamp is not released yet, what eould happen with his AP and SP? It is worth to lvl up til 100 ~ 120 or not?

  25. Ayumilove Post author

    @Meepling: Hmm, I would prefer Assassins though since its more variety abit. Night Walkers seems to be like passive skill overload, more focus on damage.

  26. Meepling

    Based on this update, would you prefer Assassins or Night Walkers for the long run?

  27. Stan

    Hey i had a question how is the mobbing on NW compared to NL

    and how is the dps of 4th job bossing NW compared to NL

  28. Ayumilove Post author

    Updated Night Walker skills to kMS ver. 1.2.214 patch. (Most skills are nerfed)

  29. Ayumilove Post author

    @Yokai: Will be updating the Night Walker soon 🙂

  30. Yokai

    Hey Ayumi,can you please give me the Night Walker visual update? For some reason,links regarding those don’t work.

  31. Pikalahv

    Hey Ayumi, Based on your own preferences, do you prefer Night Lord or Night Walker? I want one of the two, but I just don’t know which.

  32. Game

    ayumi did you notice that night walker shadow is weaker than any other shadow?

  33. Cake

    When using shadow servant + shadow illusion, does darkness omen get summoned 5 times, or just once?

  34. Ayumilove Post author

    @Game: It depends on your playstyle though. Try out Night Lord first. It’s pretty similar to Night Walker but less active skills and more passive skills stacked one another.

  35. Ayumilove Post author

    @Thyme: This class is already available in KMST (Korea MapleStory Tespia). Once its available in KMS (Korea MapleStory Official Servers), it would take another 2-3 months before its available in MSEA/GMS. But this also depends the remaining pending patches that these regions has. For example, if GMS has yet to release Eunwol (the new Hero job), then it will take additional time (another few more months perhaps?) before its released.

  36. Game

    ayumi will you open night walker i am sure i will opening a blaze wizard but my friend opening blaze wizard and i will open with him or night walker or dawn warior what do you think is better with him and for me as a player

  37. Thyme

    When it come out ?

  38. Ayumilove Post author

    @Game: Night Walker is kinda bland. Only utilize 1-3 skills when attacking, lack of mob skills. Dawn Warrior have no bug on my side. Tested with Soluna Harmony to combine both night and day. It works on my side.

  39. Game

    aymi what do you think on night walker and i had dawn warior but his night day dont combain bug on my acc and they dont fix it 🙁

  40. Ayumilove Post author

    @Game: I have added the Night Walker Skill Build Guide V2 🙂

  41. Ayumilove Post author

    @Game: I still prefer DW (Dawn Warrior) though. It has high multi-hit and mobbing attack, high defense, higher mobility than most warriors and stance. All these are basic ingredients for survivability and easy training+raiding boss. A few 4th Job Blaze Wizard skills is a let down since it has high cooldown.

  42. Ayumilove Post author

    @WildHeartless: Yeah I agree, I was looking at Night Walker 4th Job Skill and comparing it with the 3 other previous and along with Blaze Wizard, it doesn’t seem appealing to me since I’m a fan of mobbing and multi-skill user instead of spamming 1 skill. Night Walker shines at 1 v 1 combat inflicting high damage against 1 unit, high evade plus draining enemies HP in the same time.

  43. Ayumilove Post author

    @NaturalTreex3: Thanks for spotting it. The info was directly translated from KMST patch data. Here is the raw data for your review:
    퀸터플 스로우
    New Skill
    New – Name (퀸터플 스로우)
    New – Description (대상에게 5개의 표창을 연속으로 던진다. 마지막 공격은 어둠의 힘을 담아 더 강력한 피해를 입힌다.)
    New – Level readout (MP #mpCon 소비, #damage% 데미지로 4번, #x% 데미지로 1번 공격)
    New – Max level (30)

    Google Translation:
    Throw Queen tuple
    New Skill
    New – Name ( Queen tuple Slough)
    New – Description ( target recognition and five consecutive throws to put the last attack is a more powerful force of darkness damage. )
    New – Level readout (MP # mpCon consumption , # damage% damage 4 times , # x% attack damage to 1 )

  44. NaturalTreex3

    Hello Ayumi, I think you got the “Triple Throw”, “Quadruple Throw” and “Quintuple Throw” wrongly. “Triple Throw” should hit 3 times, “Quadruple Throw” 4 times, and “Quintuple Throw” 5 times. xD

  45. WildHeartless

    Blaze looks cooler and way more fun… but NW definitely has potential… but looks so boring =(

  46. Game

    aymi from what character you would like the best blaze wizard or nw?

  47. Ayumilove Post author

    @Game: Skill icons are now added 🙂

  48. Game

    no pics?

  49. Game

    what about the new skills?

  50. weilunchen

    the dark flare after dark lord you forgot the star

  51. John Little

    Hi Ayuni, Since Cygnus revamped has come, both Night Walker and Flame Wizard are ones which do not receive the Revamp, my question is do are they able to reach beyond 120 level now? (Same as the revamped knights) and if so, will they be getting any hyper skill or any chance they will get revamp too?

  52. Ayumilove Post author

    Hi Jingw, I have not played Night Walker for a long time, so I couldn’t tell whether its good or bad. As long as I can 1 hit kill enemies during training is sufficient for me 🙂

  53. Jingw

    My damage is only around 9-11k.. I am a 114 nw. Is that bad?

  54. snowball

    ayumi where is the 4th job skills D:

  55. Ayumilove Post author

    Hi Steven! I have updated Night Walker 3rd Job Skill Build to include the missing Shadow Stars. Thanks for the notice 🙂

  56. Ayumilove Post author

    Hi TeaTime, sorry for the late reply, somehow missed your comment 🙁 I have updated Night Walker 3rd job skill build guide by including Shadow Stars!

  57. Steven

    ^^^^ Yes, what about Shadow Stars?

  58. TeaTime

    Hey ayumi
    what about the skill ”Shadow Stars” in the 3rd job?
    You didn’t mention it…

  59. Muhammad Zulhusni

    Your welcome Ayumilove

  60. Ayumilove Post author

    Hi Muhammad Zulhusni, leave Gust Charm at Level 1. This skill only use for knockbacking monsters. Use Shuriken Burst as your primary attacking skill in Night Walker 2nd Job Training. I have corrected Night Walker 2nd Job Skill Build! Thanks for spotting it 🙂

  61. Muhammad Zulhusni

    errr Ayumilove,at 2nd job, u say vampire should max last but at nombor 3, u say max flash jump,physical training and vampire.Instead, u say max last?

  62. Ayumilove Post author

    Hi elffff, thanks for your Sharp Eyes, much appreciate the correction you have pointed! Will be correcting the Bow Expert to Venom Skill.

  63. elffff

    [SKILL QUEST] Venom
    Talk to Nienheart (Nineheart) at Ereve after reaching Level 100. He instructs you to learn a new skill from Icarut Eckhart (Night Walker Job Instructor). He asks you to defeat a boss Pianus in 4th Drill Hall and retrieve an item to prove you worthiness. Upon returning the item to him, he teaches you Bow Expert skill.
    Shud be Venom skill

  64. Ayumilove Post author

    Hi Gunzero, estimated time will be more than 1 year. I’m not sure why MapleSEA is slow in releasing content unless they are still busy battling against hackers.

  65. Gunzero

    Tq. I wondering when the night walker 4th job will reach maple sea?

  66. Ayumilove Post author

    Hi Gunzero, I have updated Night Walker 1st, 2nd and 3rd Job Skill Build Guide. Some of the skill names have changed after the Justice Patch.

  67. Lightchaser

    Gunzero, Quadruple Throw is learned at lv 90. Cygnus Knights learn their last 3 skills at levels 90, 100, and 110, respectively.

  68. Ayumilove Post author

    Hi Gunzero, I guess its Level 70 and above since they are Cygnus Knights.

  69. Gunzero

    Can i know what level I can learn quad star in nightwalker?

  70. Ayumilove Post author

    Hi Yong Yu Shawn, What do you mean by prower? If you mean which one of these 2 jobs is more powerful, Thief (Assassin/Bandit) would be much more powerful as they have 4th Job Advancement skills and they can level up till Level 200 whereas Night Walker leveling stops at Level 120.

  71. Yong Yu Shawn

    which is prower? Night Walker or Thief?

  72. LeNocturne

    I wonder why you suggest to max Spider Web and Wind Talisman for Night walker, but max Shuriken Burst for Nightlord?

    Is that means Wind Talisman gd for NW, and shuriken burst gd for NL? but why?

    Sry for broken english and such many question…cuz I’m raising a NW for UE NL now, great headache about Wind Talisman&Shuriken Burst that which is better.

  73. Lightchaser

    So useful post-Justice 😀 But one thing: Nightwalkers have to earn Quadruple Throw, Dark Flare, and Venom. The order should be adjusted to fit that. Thanks!

  74. Balmunk Fezarion

    Thank youuuuuu