Demons Took My Daughter Envy Guide
Demons Took My Daughter Walkthrough Envy 1/4
Applies the same strategy as Greed 2/4. That strategy is like a Swift Army Knife, works best on all maps. Try it out. But this strategy is difficult to be applied on the next map: Envy 2 (ghost demons) Check below.
Demons Took My Daughter Walkthrough Envy 2/4 and 3/4
Ghost Demons requires a customized block strategy. Below we will need an Eye Block, Sleeper Block (stunner), and Dual Block. In the beginning we will place 3 Sleeper Blocks and 1 Eye Block to deal with the first Ghost Demon Invasion.
Once you have collected lots of souls, you know can build more Sleeper Block flanking left and right of the Eye Block. Usually at this moment, you would have surplus Souls, invest on Dual Block in the middle of the map to create a barrier to slow down Demons.
Demons Took My Daughter Walkthrough Envy 4/4
After completing Envy 3/4, you will unlock Booster Block, it increases the base damage by 1 for all blocks (that shoots missile) under or above it. Accompany the Sleeper Block with Booster Block and you get a powerful anti-demon block! Works best with Piercing Block too.
Hey, im just wondering when hackerstory 2 is gonna be finished, i loved the first game so im excited for the second one