What I have for you today is yet another twist to answer why should I hire you. I swear I must have five or 10 posts on why I should hire you up here already but and there’s just so many different ways to answer the question. Below are some tips to show you how to do it.
The key here is restate your unique skills that you have related to the requirements for the position instead of talking about stuff that you’re good at. What I mean is you talk about skills that you have acquired in your last job that are related to the job that you are aiming for.
You want to use their language (the language that was in the job description) for this original position. Take those same words in those phrases out and stick them in your answer. When you use their own language back to them, it’s gonna make it easy for them to visualize you working for them because those words and phrases are hard-wired in their brain as they wrote them. By repeating the same words, it makes the interviewer feels that you know what you are talking about and exactly what he wants. This solidifies your candidacy and make them want to hire you.
In addition, talk about your experiences at your last job that is totally relevant to this job. For example: “because I did **** at my last job, here’s how I can do **** for you in this job. You connect the dots and make it easy for them to see you working there. Show the transition of your thoughts and when the can follow what you’re saying, that will really put you on the spotlight as a solid candidate in front of them and they’re gonna wanna hear more from you.
That’s all I have for you today. Please check out the other blog posts here for more insight and tips to boost your confidence in your upcoming job interview.
Take Away:
1. Restate unique skills relevant to the selected job.
2. Use their language found in the job ads.
3. Connect dots by describing previous job experiences and how it helps them.
@Cleemo: Sorry for the late reply! If you are starting your first job, perhaps you can share about the activities you have taken in school/college/university and relate those experience you have gain in helping you to perform on that job better. For instance, if the job is about cooking burger or some sort, I could mention that I have partake in Food for the Poor by cooking~preparing burger/etc in morning/evening and feeding the poor for poor people around the city. Also mention what challenges you have faced and how you overcome it (e.g. cooking multiple burgers at the same time teaches you on timing perfectly well-made/medium-rare burger and able to cook 5 burger at once with a small BBQ stove.) All of this will help the interviewer to get a feel of the candidate potential and ability to work in their company. If they can sense that this candidate is a person who is a self-learner, independent + xxx attributes in their list, you will be the one likely chosen to work with them!
Hey ayumi thank you for the information, I am currently preparing to look for my first job, any tips on how to face your first job (no prior work experience), like for eg. what should i fill in for past work history/experiences, if i was wanting to work at a restaurant type #mosburger lol >-<